Asbarez: Artsakh Farmers Again Targeted by Azerbaijani Gunfire

An Artsakh farmer's truck was damaged as a result of Azerbaijani attack

Azerbaijani forces continued to target civilian farmers in Artsakh by opening fire at the Sarushen village on Wednesday.

As a result of the shooting a farmer’s vehicle was severely damaged.

“On August 9, the Shosh Precinct of the Askeran Regional Police Department received a report that around 10:50 a.m. (local time), civilians working in the wheat fields in Sarushen, Askeran came under various caliber small arms fire from Azerbaijani military outposts deployed in the administrative territory of the Sargsashen village, Martuni region. Fortunately no one was hurt,” the Artsakh police said in a statement.

All work on the field was suspended and the incident was reported to the Russian peacekeeping command, the statement adde.

In addition to blockading Artsakh through the eight-month-long closure of the Lachin Corridor, Azerbaijani forces, on a regular basis, continue to open fire at civilian targets in Artsakh.

Turkey investigates reported cancellation of Disney Plus series on Ataturk

Aug 2 2023
Turkey’s state radio and television agency has launched an investigation into reports that digital platform Disney Plus pulled an upcoming series on the country’s founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The six-part series was set to be released on the streaming service on Oct. 29 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic.

Disney confirmed to The Washington Post on Wednesday that the series will instead be released as two films, the first to air on Fox in Turkey on Oct. 29 and the second to premiere in Turkish theaters on Dec. 22. Both films will return to Fox next summer. Disney purchased 21st Century Fox in 2019 in a landmark $71 billion acquisition.

The company did not comment on why its plans had changed or on the political controversy now swirling around the project, saying only that it was part of its “revised content distribution strategy.”

Yenicag, a Turkish daily newspaper, first reported Friday that the series had been removed from Disney Plus under pressure from Armenian American advocacy groups, which feared it would obscure Ataturk’s role in the Armenian genocide.

“It’s a shame that an American-based film and TV platform succumbed to the pressure of the Armenian lobby and canceled the ‘Ataturk’ series without airing it,” tweeted Omer Celik, deputy chairman of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP. “This attitude of the platform in question is disrespectful to the values of the Republic of Turkey and our nation.”

Ataturk took power after the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, presiding over the formation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 and serving as the country’s first president until his death in 1938.

He introduced political, economic and social reforms while promoting a secular Turkish national identity. He is so widely celebrated in Turkey today that insulting his name is a criminal offense.

“Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of our Republic of Turkey, is our most important social value,” Ebubekir Sahin, chair of Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council, tweeted Tuesday. “The allegations of Armenian lobby intervention, which are reflected in the press, will be meticulously investigated.”

Historians estimate that 1.5 million Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks were killed in a campaign of forced marches and mass killings between 1915 and 1923, born out of Ottoman concerns that Christian communities would align with Russia during World War I. Armenians argue that the latter stages of the genocide were overseen by Ataturk once he took office.

The Armenian ‘genocide’: This is what happened in 1915

Turkey has acknowledged that many Armenians were killed in fighting with Ottoman forces, but disputes the larger casualty counts and denies that the events constituted genocide.

In 2021, President Biden officially recognized the Armenian genocide, making him the first U.S. president to do so since Ronald Reagan.

“Ataturk completed the last stages of the crime; he denied it and then consolidated the fruits of that atrocity and set the stage for basically a century of Turkey obstructing justice for that crime,” said Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), which lobbied for the cancellation of the series. “Turkey’s made a special effort to present Ataturk as a sort of a George Washington, when there’s just an awful lot more to the record than that.”

Disney Plus launched in Turkey in June 2022 as part of a global expansion that included new markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The launch included Disney Plus’s first Turkish-language original show, “Escape.”

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 03-08-23

 17:03, 3 August 2023

YEREVAN, 3 AUGUST, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 3 August, USD exchange rate down by 0.68 drams to 386.18 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 2.37 drams to 422.25 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate down by 0.04 drams to 4.11 drams. GBP exchange rate down by 6.05 drams to 488.32 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 79.82 drams to 24139.14 drams. Silver price down by 1.84 drams to 303.07 drams.

Cyprus condemns blockade of Lachin Corridor, expresses deep concern about humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh

 19:24, 28 July 2023

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. Cyprus has condemned the ongoing blockade of the Lachin Corridor and expressed deep concern about the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Cyprus condemns the ongoing blockade of the Lachin Corridor and is deeply concerned with the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan must urgently lift the blockade and guarantee safety and freedom of movement, in line with the 2020 ceasefire statement and ICJ decision,” the Foreign Ministry of Cyprus tweeted on July 28.

Lachin Corridor, the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and the rest of the world, has been blocked by Azerbaijan since late 2022. The Azerbaijani blockade constitutes a gross violation of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire agreement, which established that the 5km-wide Lachin Corridor shall be under the control of Russian peacekeepers. Furthermore, on February 22, 2023 the United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions.  Azerbaijan has been ignoring the order ever since. Moreover, Azerbaijan then illegally installed a checkpoint on Lachin Corridor. The blockade has led to shortages of essential products such as food and medication. Azerbaijan has also cut off gas and power supply into Nagorno-Karabakh, with officials warning that Baku seeks to commit ethnic cleansing against Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Hospitals have suspended normal operations.

Various ideas on mitigating humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh under discussion, says Pashinyan


YEREVAN, JULY 25, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has said that his administration maintains permanent contact with Nagorno Karabakh authorities in an attempt to find opportunities or approaches that could help mitigate the humanitarian crisis resulting from the Azerbaijani blockade of Lachin Corridor.

“And it is also due to our work that various international organizations are making decisions related to this issue. An attempt is made in the negotiations process to find solutions. As you know, a task force led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia has been formed for a long time now regarding the ongoing humanitarian situation in Nagorno Karabakh, which is engaged in daily discussions on what steps could be taken, what steps could be most effective. As long as the danger of a humanitarian disaster isn’t resolved, the actions aren’t sufficiently effective, therefore with every day we should think what else can be done in order to eventually be able to achieve a result, even just an interim result. There are the most various ideas, and I think you’ll see these ideas implemented at some point,” Pashinyan said.

He refused to disclose details on the ideas but clarified that all possible steps must be of humanitarian nature. What matters is the timely, accurate utilization of the ideas, and not speaking about them, he added.

Azerbaijan must ensure free movement of ill persons through Lachin Corridor, rules ECHR


YEREVAN, 17 JULY, ARMENPRESS: On July 12, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), after examining the request of the Armenian government to apply interim measures against Azerbaijan regarding the unblocking of the Lachin Corridor, decided to reaffirm the decision made on December 21, 2022, the Office of the Representative on International Legal Matters said in a statement on July 17.

The December 21 ruling ordered Azerbaijan to ‘take all measures’ to ensure safe passage through the “Lachin Corridor” of seriously ill persons in need of medical treatment in Armenia and others who were stranded on the road without shelter or means of subsistence.

With this decision, the European Court of Human Rights reaffirmed the need of implementing the decision made of December 21, 2022 in the current situation, and it must be implemented by Azerbaijan.

Lachin Corridor, the only road connecting Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia and the rest of the world, has been blocked by Azerbaijan since late 2022. The Azerbaijani blockade constitutes a gross violation of the 2020 Nagorno Karabakh ceasefire agreement, which established that the 5km-wide Lachin Corridor shall be under the control of Russian peacekeepers. Furthermore, on February 22, 2023 the United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions.  Azerbaijan has been ignoring the order ever since. Moreover, Azerbaijan then illegally installed a checkpoint on Lachin Corridor. The blockade has led to shortages of essential products such as food and medication. Azerbaijan has also cut off gas and power supply into Nagorno Karabakh, with officials warning that Baku seeks to commit ethnic cleansing against Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh. Hospitals have suspended normal operations and the Red Cross has been facilitating the medical evacuations of patients.

Liturgy at NYC’s St. Vartan Cathedral Launches Diocese’s 125th Anniversary Celebration


Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) 

630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016 

Contact: Chris Zakian 

Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558 

E-mail: [email protected] 



June 5, 2023



ATTENTION EDITOR: Three photos attached with captions below. Additional photos can be downloaded from the gallery linked here (please credit Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages):




“The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us…”:



New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral was the site of a special Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 2, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America.


On that same date in 1898, Catholicos Mkrtich Khrimian (known to the ages as “Khrimian Hayrig”) issued the encyclical that officially established the very first Armenian Diocese in the New World.


Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan celebrated the badarak at the cathedral, joined on the altar by Cathedral Vicar Fr. Davit Karamyan, St. Nersess Seminary Dean Fr. Mardiros Chevian, senior priests Fr. Karekin Kasparian and Fr. Aved Terzian, Fr. Gomidas Zohrabian from the Western Diocese, as well as a large company of deacons.


Among the crowd of worshippers was a large group of young parishioners and altar servers from around the Diocese, who were attending the St. Nersess Summer Conference programs.


During his sermon, Fr. Mesrop read a special congratulatory message for the occasion from His Holiness Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians. The message was also read in local parishes across the Eastern Diocese, as they marked the anniversary milestone.


“It was in the year 1898 that the Armenian Church’s Diocese of America began its history,” wrote Catholicos Karekin II in his letter. “This was a time that also saw the massacre of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey; the destruction of age-old monasteries and churches on our native soil; and the depopulation of Armenians from their ancestral lands. So it was an act of remarkable foresight when Catholicos Mkrtich Khrimian—Khrimian Hayrig, of blessed memory—had a vision that a bright, enduring future awaited the Armenian people on the soil of the United States, where so many faithful Armenians had lately taken refuge. And under that vision he established the Armenian Diocese of North America, to advance the ministry of our Holy Church in the New World.”



* “He Has Never Let Us Down…”


In his sermon, Fr. Parsamyan also reflected on the 125-year history of the Diocese by echoing the words of the Bible: “The Lord has done great things for us—and we are filled with joy” (Psalm 126:3).


“Those ancient words,” the Primate said, “ring with Truth for us today. And so we joyfully sing the praises of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose hand has been upon this Diocese from the very beginning. He has never let us down. He has never abandoned us. And He will always be leading us forward.”


The Primate made similar observations in a special video message, released to the public on Sunday morning. (Watch the video at the links below.)


A reception in the Diocesan Center’s Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium allowed worshippers and other visitors to greet the Primate and receive his blessing.


The Diocese’s 125th Anniversary is an ongoing series of events, involving special liturgical services, cultural and social gatherings, and charitable outreach activities among our local communities. Learn more about the celebration and its upcoming events by clicking here.


Click the following links to:


·       WATCH the Primate’s special video message in English and in Armenian.

·       WATCH a recording of the anniversary badarak on Facebook.

·       VIEW a gallery of photos by photographer Harout Barsoumian.




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Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan celebrated the badarak at New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral on Sunday, July 2, 2023, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America. (Photo: Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages)



At New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral on Sunday, July 2, 2023, Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan offered a special homily on the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Diocese. “We joyfully sing the praises of our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said, “whose hand has been upon this Diocese from the very beginning. He has never let us down. He has never abandoned us. And He will always be leading us forward.” (Photo: Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages)



A reception in the Diocesan Center’s Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium allowed worshippers and other visitors to greet the Primate and receive his blessing. Here is Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan greeting young altar servers from around the Diocese, who were attending the St. Nersess Seminary Summer Conference programs. (Photo: Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages)


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Photo Gallery (credit Harout Barsoumian, BarsImages):


Fr. Parsamyan’s Video Message (English):


Fr. Parsamyan’s Video Message (Armenian):


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Keep up the struggle for Nagorno Karabakh, Baroness Cox urges Armenians

June 20 2023
Joel Veldkamp

Warns Armenian Christian population faces the increasing possibility of ethnic and religious cleansing

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, June 20, 2023/ — Baroness Caroline Cox, a member of the UK House of Lords and long-standing friend of Armenia, has sent a video message to the Armenian people urging them to stand firm in support of their homeland despite the political powers arrayed against them.

Lady Cox is the founder president of Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART), a strategic partner of Christian Solidarity International (CSI).

Cox says she is “deeply saddened” by reports that the Republic of Armenia is being pressured by international powers to accept Azerbaijan’s sovereignty over Nagorno Karabakh, or Artsakh.

“In return for a so-called peace treaty and trade agreement, the people of Artsakh – who have already endured so much suffering – would be expected to surrender their international right of self-determination. Over 120,000 indigenous Armenians would become citizens of an anti-Armenian authoritarian state, with an appalling track record of human rights violations.”

Since 2020, Azeri military forces have advanced into the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia, Cox says, and there are frequent reports of new military incursions.

With the blockade of the Lachin corridor in December 2022, a humanitarian catastrophe is being played out within Nagorno Karabakh, she says, and its indigenous Armenian Christian population faces the increasing possibility of ethnic and religious cleansing from their historic lands.

“…We must face the disturbing possibility that the Armenian Genocide never ended. There are those who want to complete it, and those who are unable – or unwilling – to stop it. It is quite possible that what is done to Artsakh will also, in time, be done to the Republic of Armenia,” Cox warns.

“If the treaty now being negotiated between Azerbaijan and Armenia results in the surrender of Artsakh – then lasting peace cannot be guaranteed.”

Referencing her first visit to Armenia over 30 years ago, she says that the struggle for Nagorno Karabakh became the catalyst for independence of the Republic of Armenia. “To this day, it remains an important symbol of hope and unity among all Armenians, across every part of the nation and diaspora.”

“At this critical moment in your great nation’s history, it is my hope and prayer that all Armenians – across every part of the nation and diaspora – will continue to uphold the struggle for Artsakh as a symbol of unity."

“My dear friends, thank you for holding a frontline of faith and freedom for the rest of the world.”

Baroness Caroline Cox and John Eibner, International President of CSI, are the authors of Ethnic Cleansing in Progress: War in Nagorno Karabakh. This report on the last attempt by Azerbaijan to drive the Armenian Christians of Nagorno Karabakh out of their ancient homeland as the Soviet Union collapsed is based on historical research and on-the-spot fact-finding between 1990 and 1994.

At the end of May, CSI launched a special campaign, The Cost of Silence, to highlight the growing threat of genocide facing Nagorno Karabakh’s Christian population.

Joel Veldkamp
Christian Solidarity International
+41 76 258 15 74
email us here
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A message to the people of Armenia by Baroness Caroline Cox (with Armenian subtitles)

Watch the video at


Team Telecom Armenia launches reserve cable after disruption in Georgia internet cables


YEREVAN, JUNE 23, ARMENPRESS. Team Telecom Armenia said on Friday that it has launched reserve internet cables after cables in Georgia experienced “disruptions.”

“Our Georgian colleagues are carrying our works to re-launch our primary cables. We’ve now launched a reserve cable which ensures internet access, but some limitations could happen,” the internet provider said in a statement.

UN High Commissioner emphasized the importance of free movement through the Lachin Corridor


YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS.  The 53rd session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was convened in Geneva on June 19, ARMENPRESS reports, under the second item of the agenda, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk presented a report on the current situation of human rights in the world.

Referring to the South Caucasus region, he called on Armenia and Azerbaijan, in particular, to anchor peace efforts on human rights. The commissioner emphasized the importance of free and safe movement through the Lachin Corridor and he need to avoid any humanitarian impact on civilians.  

Volker Türk noted that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has sought for years sought access to areas under the effective control of de facto authorities in the South Caucasus region. People are being made more vulnerable by the absence of regular monitoring by, and contact with, the UN's human rights machinery. Access would enable us to conduct human rights assessments and address people's needs, as well help build confidence.