Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia
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Լիբանան առաջին անգամ ըլլալով կը հիւրընկալէ
Թեզէի երիտասարդական հաւաքը, որուն իր մասնակցութիւնը
կը բերէ նաեւ Մեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ Կաթողիկոսութիւնը։ Այս ծիրէն
ներս, կազմակերպութեամբ Միջին Արեւելքի Եկեղեցիներու Խորհուրդի եւ Լիբանանի
եկեղեցիներուն, տեղի կ՚ունենան միջեկեղեցական


այդ, Ուրբաթ, 22 Փետրուար 2019-ին, Կաթողիկոսարանի
միջեկեղեցական յարաբերութիւններու բաժանմունքը սոյն աղօթքը կազմակերպեց Անթիլիասի Մայրավանքին մէջ, ուր
հաւաքուած էին Լիբանանի
տարբեր եկեղեցիներէ ժամանած հաւատացեալներ, ինչպէս նաեւ Թեզէի միաբանութենէն Լիբանան ժամանած հոգեւորականներ։ Արարողութիւնը սկիզբ առաւ Ս. Գրիգոր
Լուսաւորիչ Մայր Տաճարին մէջ եւ
իր աւարտին հասաւ Նահատակաց յուշարձանին առջեւ։


որ Թեզէ միաբանութիւնը հաստատուած է Ֆրանսայի
նոյն անունով գիւղի մը մէջ՝
Եղբայր Ռոժէ Շութզի ձեռամբ, 1940 թուականին, եւ իւրայատուկ
է իր էքիւմէնիք
բնոյթով, որուն շնորհիւ բոլոր յարանուանութիւններէ հոգեւորականներ կրնան անդամակցիլ միաբանութեան։



Communication & Information Department

En Arménie existe un potentiel viticole inestimable

Le Figaro-France
20 févr. 2019
Publié le 20/02/19 par Jean-Baptiste Ancelot – WINE Explorers
Photo : Brice Garcin
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S’appuyant sur une histoire viticole plurimillénaire – en témoignent les plus vieilles amphores au monde retrouvées à ce jour dans les caves d’Areni, datant de 4000 ans av. J.C. – les nouvelles générations de vignerons arméniens insufflent ces dernières années un dynamisme sans limite, tout en cultivant la singularité de leur vignoble.

Sous le charme de la région d'Armavir

Bordée au sud-ouest par la Turquie, et à l’est par Erevan (la capitale arménienne), Armavir est la plus petite et la plus densément peuplée des régions d'Arménie.

C’est là que les Eurnekian, une famille argentino-arménien dont les arrières grands-parents avaient dû fuir le régime Ottoman à la fin du 20e siècle, décidèrent d’y établir le domaine Karas Wines en 2010.

"Les sols d’argile et de tuf de la région (des roches volcaniques calcaires), offraient un terroir très intéressant pour la production de vin", raconte Juliana Del Aguila Eurnekian, la quatrième génération, présidente de Karas Wines.

Bienvenue dans la vallée d'Ararat – entre le Mont Aragats et le Mont Ararat – où ce domaine de 370 hectares (le plus grand vignoble d’Arménie en superficie), s’étend majestueusement, à 1100 mètres d'altitude.

Planté avec une trentaine de cépages internationaux (dont la syrah, le cabernet franc, le tannat, le petit verdot et le montepulciano), on y retrouve également deux cépages rouges autochtones : l’areni noir (1) et le khndoghni (2).

Le climat y est continental, avec des étés secs et chauds. Seul le froid hivernal extrême (atteignant parfois -30°C) oblige à enterrer les pieds de vigne pendant quelques mois, afin de les protéger. "Un travail de titan, certes, mais obligatoire", explique Gabriel Rogel, l’œnologue du domaine.

Karas Wines aide aussi à revitaliser la région en employant plus de 300 personnes des villages alentours, fournissant ainsi du travail à de nombreuses familles de la région. Une démarche fondamentale pour les Eurnekian.

L'Arménie, terre d'autodidactes nostalgiques

L’apogée de la diaspora arménienne fut tragiquement marquée par le génocide arménien (1915-1916). Aujourd’hui, sur une population arménienne mondiale estimée à 11 millions de personnes, à peine 3,3 millions résident en Arménie.

Pour autant, l’attachement des arméniens à leur pays, à leurs racines et à leurs origines n’a jamais cessé de croître. Bien au contraire. C’est le cas de Varuzhan Mouradian, fondateur du domaine Van Ardi Wines, qui après avoir habité 15 ans en Californie (où il faisait de l'audit comptable), a eu le mal du pays. 

Passionné par le vin, il dit un jour à sa femme : "Je vais me remarier avec le vin, spirituellement". Un projet de vie et un rêve : rentrer chez lui, en Arménie, sur la terre de ses ancêtres, pour cultiver la vigne, en autodidacte.

"Mes toilettes étaient ma librairie", se souvient-il en riant. Lui qui a tout appris dans les livres, achète des terres en 2006, à 20 kilomètres à l’ouest d’Erevan, sur un plateau à 1000 mètres d’altitude.

Deux ans plus tard, il y plantera 9 hectares en kangun et rkatsiteli en blanc, areni noir, kakhet, haghtanak en cépages endémiques rouge et un peu de syrah.

À l'époque, il vit dans les avions et fait des allers/retours fréquents entre les États-Unis et l'Arménie. En 2012, sa famille vient s'installer en Arménie.

"Mes enfants et ma femme y venaient chaque été depuis que j'avais acheté des terres. Ce sont eux qui ont décidé de me suivre et de me soutenir dans cette aventure folle", raconte-t-il.

Varuzhan Mouradian est un vigneron talentueux et un personnage au grand coeur. Une rencontre que nous ne sommes pas prêts d'oublier.

Vayots Dzor, région emblématique et incontournable

Une exploration du vignoble arménien dans les règles ne peut se faire sans la visite de la région de Vayots Dzor, au sud du pays. Vous y trouvez non seulement les caves d’Areni et ses vestiges archéologiques, mais également des vignerons aussi talentueux qu’accueillants.

Comme au domaine Old Bridge Winery, à Yeghegnadzor (dans la vallée d'Arpa), où Armen Khalatyan et sa femme Ashkhen font revivre les cépages locaux arméniens depuis 1998.

Un couple adorable, qui vous accueillera chez eux, vous préparera la meilleure des cuisines arméniennes et rendra votre séjour unique.

Car il faut savoir que pendant la semaine, Armen travaille à Erevan en tant que coordinateur dans l'agriculture, et qu’Ashkhen, elle, est médecin. C’est pendant leurs week-ends et leur « temps libre » qu’ils endossent la casquette de vigneron.

Leurs vignobles sont situés sur la rive droite de la rivière Arpa, à côté du petit village d'Arpi, dominant un pont de pierre du XIIIe siècle, qui faisait jadis partie de la Route de la Soie et qui a donné son nom au domaine. 

Perché entre 1250 et 1300 mètres d’altitude, le vignoble – principalement planté en voskehatareni noir et kakheti – s’épanouit sur de très beaux sols rocheux et sablonneux ; produisant des vins délicieux.

Zorah, un vignoble à la renommée planétaire 

Nous ne pouvions rêver d’une plus belle conclusion que la découverte du domaine Zorah, dans le village de Rind (région de Vayots Dzor).

Un vignoble confidentiel, avec ses 12 hectares plantés en areni noirvoskéat et garandmak (deux cépages blancs locaux). "Les cépages indigènes sont le futur de l'Arménie", explique Zorik Gharibian, fondateur du domaine Zorah, à juste titre.

Et un terroir immense : des vignes plantées à 1350 mètres d'altitude, dans une région exempte de phylloxéra, aux sols pauvres de sable et de calcaire. "L’Arménie a tout pour faire des vins incroyables, mais personne ne nous connaît !", raconte en riant Zorik Gharibian, le fondateur de Zorah.

La cave du domaine est principalement composée d'amphores que Zorik a trouvées et achetées dans les villages du pays, dans un souci de préservation du patrimoine local.

Ses vins rouges sont parmi les vins les plus passionnants et les plus intenses que nous ayons eu la chance de goûter.

Et il semblerait que nous ne soyons pas les seuls à partager cet avis : les vins de Zorah sont pré-réservés sur allocation et vendus sur certaines des plus prestigieuses tables de la planète.

Une reconnaissance incroyable pour l’Arménie et pour Zorik, un visionnaire issu du monde de la mode, qui partage son temps entre Milan et le petit village reculé de Rind.

Qu’il est émouvant de voir avec quelle détermination l’Arménie a su retrouver une partie (3) de son héritage au potentiel viticole inestimable. Car n’oublions pas qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps encore, les soviétiques avaient décidé que l’Arménie serait le pays du brandy (au même titre que la Géorgie serait le pays du vin). Concluons sur cette citation de Charles Aznavour, qui résume subtilement le charme du vin arménien : "Le vin arménien est si particulier ; on le ressent au plus profond de soi, mais on ne peut pas le décrire avec des mots".

WineExplorers’ment vôtre,

Merci aux domaines KarasVan ArdiZorah et Old Bridge pour leur accueil chaleureux. Et merci à Lilia Samvelyan, professeur à la National Agrarian University d’Arménie, pour ses précieux conseils.

(1) L’areni noir est un cépage rouge originaire de la ville du même nom, dans le sud de l'Arménie. Grâce à son climat de croissance rude et son isolement géographique, il n'a jamais été affecté par le phylloxéra. Il se caractérise par une peau épaisse qui le protège du soleil, donnant des vins avec une belle acidité et des tanins souples.

(2) Le nom Khndoghni est dérivé du mot arménien “khind”, qui signifie rire. Ce raisin a des tanins élevés et offre un joli potentiel de vieillissement.

(3) L’Arménie comptait plus de 300 cépages autochtones avant l’époque soviétique. On en compte désormais une quarantaine.

Armenian PM presents books to citizens

Armenian PM presents books to citizens




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 19, ARMENPRESS. On the occasion of the Book Giving Day Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan accompanied by his wife Anna Hakobyan visited “Bookinist” bookshop. ARMENPRESS reports Nikol Pashinyan and Anna Hakobyan bought a number of books, put their signatures on them and went out of the shop to present them to random citizens.

“In fact, our books finished very rapidly. I congratulate on the day of book giving and hope you have already received and presented a book”, PM Pashinyan said, addressing the citizens on a Facebook live broadcast.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Armenian programmers’ AI-based solution on display at HIMSS19

iTel.am, Armenia
Feb 14 2019

Armenia web developers are attending the international HIMSS19 Health IT Conference in Florida, USA. The event kicked off on February 11 and is due to close on February 15.

The conference gathers leading global companies that present tech innovations for the healthcare sector. The participants are healthcare, pharmaceutical enterprises and representatives of renowned medical universities, who offer innovative approaches and new technologies for healthcare.

A co-founder of National Health Operator of Armenia CJSC, Sylex SARL will have a separate booth at the conference to display its new e-health solutions including a diagnosis assistant based on artificial intelligence (AI).

The robot system developed by the Armenian experts can operate as an assistant to physician and help with precise diagnosing.

“Participation in HIMSS pursues two goals: present yourself and learn about innovations happening elsewhere in the world. As an IT company working in the healthcare sector, we follow general developments in the field. Our engineers also strive for new, bigger achievements. We attended HIMSS as guests every year, just to see the innovations. We are proud to participate this time, to have a booth next to the giants of the sector such as IBM and Oracle Corporation,” said Sylex SARL CEO Avet Manukyan.

According to him, healthcare sector has both huge interest and demand for AI-based solutions. Sylex SARL’s assistant can help physicians give more accurate diagnosis, avoid excessive tests and save the doctor’s time which can be spent on other patients.

“This solution is designed to serve as a tool for doctors. As soon as we prove its absolute efficiency through testing, we’ll be able to use our “doctor Lex” confidently. For now, we plan to test it in the universities. Senior students will try to compete with the AI-based solution,” said Sylex SARL Director of Business Development Garren Badalyan.

The company’s programmers worked on the robot assistance in cooperation with doctors and used The Merck Index and PubMed.

Azerbaijani FM hopes to see progress on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

The Korea Times, S.Korea
Feb 11 2019
Azerbaijani FM hopes to see progress on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
The following is the Q&A with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea and Azerbaijan's foreign policy this year. – ED.

Q. What are the results of the ongoing negotiations on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict? How do you see their prospects, especially against the background of recent encouraging statements?

The position of my country regarding the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been repeatedly stated at the highest level within all platforms. The conflict must be resolved on the basis of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders. Coming to the legal basis of the settlement, it is necessary to recall that this basis consists primarily of the four resolutions of the U.N. Security Council, a body responsible for ensuring peace and security worldwide, adopted in 1993, numerous resolutions and decisions of other international organizations, including the OSCE, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Non-Aligned Movement, NATO, the European Parliament and etc, as well as joint documents adopted in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Unfortunately, negotiations held over the years haven't yielded any results. But the recent developments taking place in Armenia, the conversations that took place between the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, as well as four meetings with my Armenian counterpart create certain grounds for advancing the negotiation process. The press statement by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs released on the latest meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Paris on Jan. 16, 2019 expressed appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the sides to maintain an environment conducive to intensive results-oriented negotiations. It stated the agreement of both sides upon the necessity of taking concrete measures to prepare the populations for peace. The statement also outlines that the sides considered next steps toward a possible summit between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia in order to give a strong impulse to the dynamic of negotiations. Here I would like to be clear that Azerbaijan stands for tangible results of the negotiations, not talks for the sake of talks and this is our principled position.

In general, I would like to note that the current leadership of Armenia should demonstrate the political will to resolve the conflict and, in accordance with good-neighborly philosophy, act in the name of achieving peace, stability and sustainable development in the region.

We hope that this year certain progress will be achieved in terms of withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the normalization of relations between the two countries. Progress in the conflict resolution, creating conditions for peace, security and stability in the entire region, opens up opportunities primarily for economic growth in Armenia itself. Our country, in the same way as it ensures the safety of its citizens of different ethnic groups, in accordance with its international obligations is ready to do so with respect to its citizens of the Armenian origin in Nagorno-Karabakh and to grant them the right of high-level self-rule within the internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani Community of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of our country is ready to return to their homes, and this issue was again stressed in the recently released statement of the Community. Some time ago there were contacts between the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, but, unfortunately, due to the "efforts" of the previous leadership of Armenia, these contacts were interrupted. You know, it is impossible to take the land and move with it to another place. After the settlement of the conflict, of course, these two communities will have to live together. That is why it is important to promote and restore contacts between the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Q. What are the prospects opened by the agreement on the legal status of the Caspian Sea signed this year by the Caspian countries from the point of view of development of new oil and gas fields and the construction of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline?

The Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea, signed by the leaders of the "Caspian Five" in August of this year, opened up new, unique opportunities for cooperation among states. The Convention regulates the rights and obligations of the parties regarding the use of the Caspian Sea and its rich natural resources. It defines the delimitation parameters in the Caspian Sea.

The signing of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea was a truly historic event that marked the goodwill of the five littoral states. The main significance of this document for our country is that it defines the sovereign and exclusive rights of coastal states to use the rich natural resources of the sea. Thus, the Convention ensures the consistency and safety of the implementation of various projects in the field of oil and gas industry, as well as the implementation of other economic activities at sea. It creates conditions for freedom and safety of navigation, which plays an important role in terms of development of trade in the Caspian Sea and growth of the economies of our countries. In general, the implementation of the Convention's provisions will ensure the achievement of its announced goal – the transformation of the Caspian Sea into a zone of peace, good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation.

Azerbaijan, as a country that has historically been a pioneer in the implementation of large projects in the Caspian Sea, plans to continue and expand cooperation with coastal states here. Due to a successful energy policy, Azerbaijan has managed to guarantee its economic security, as well as to gain the image of a reliable partner, producer and transit state, contributing to the energy security of Europe. Currently, by the initiative and with the participation of Azerbaijan, the construction of the largest infrastructure and energy projects like, for instance, the Southern Gas Corridor is going on. This project plays a great role in terms of transporting natural gas from the Caspian Sea region to Europe, and we are always ready to provide our capabilities to neighboring, friendly countries wishing to use transit routes through Azerbaijan.

Q. What are the priorities of Azerbaijan's foreign policy for 2019?

As in the current year our country will continue its independent, diversified, balanced and active foreign policy based on the national interests of our country and will defend our national interests in the international arena during the upcoming year under the direct leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev. Today, Azerbaijan is the initiator and participant of large-scale projects promoting regional cooperation and an influential state in the international arena.

Today, the foreign policy achievements of our country, which is regarded as a reliable partner, are of course based on establishing balanced relations with neighboring countries and other countries of the world, as well as implementing equal dialogue and cooperation based on mutual interests. Of course, our foreign policy priorities in 2019 will include the strengthening of sovereignty and independence of our country, elimination of consequences of military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and restoration of territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders, as well as, the continuation of large-scale infrastructure projects implemented with the initiative and participation of Azerbaijan, further development of mutually beneficial cooperation with all international actors, including states, associations and international organizations.

Four Indians stranded in Armenia since Dec reach New Delhi

New Kerala, India
Feb 10 2019


New Delhi, Feb 9 : Four people from Punjab who were duped by a travel agent and got stranded in Armenia during December 2018 reached the national capital on Saturday.


Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab President Bhagwant Mann had intervened to ensure their return. He received them at Delhi airport after their return. Four people who were stuck in Armenia have reached Delhi today. I thank the Ministry of External Affairs and Sushma ji who worked hard. The Indian embassy took care of them, and provided food and tickets, said Sangrur MP Bhagwant Mann.

Police have registered against six fake travel agents. Two of them were arrested but the rest are absconding, Mann said.

According to the victims, a travel agent in Punjab had taken Rs 4 lakh from each of them and promised jobs in Armenia. The agent provided tourist visas.

We went in December with a promise of work permit, said Harman Jeet Singh who hails from Nadala in Punjab. Within four days, we got to know they didn't have work for us. We were told us if we get more people to go Armenia, we will get Rs 50,000 as a commission.

Another victim Shamsher Singh said: They lured us and promised jobs with a monthly salary of Rs 40,000. But once we reached Armenia, there was no work for us.

Mann said he raised the issue in Parliament several times. Sushma ji has also asked the state government to frame laws for travel agents. I am told the same agent sent seven more people to Armenia on January 31.

Mann said if the youth get jobs within India, they would not go elsewhere.

Armenpress: Government has strategy of not intervening in university situation – PM Pashinyan

Government has strategy of not intervening in university situation – PM Pashinyan



11:31, 6 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 6, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government aims at depoliticizing the universities, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during today’s Cabinet meeting, reports Armenpress.

“Many people blame that nothing has changed in the universities, the situation is the same like previously. We must record that the government has a strategy of not intervening in the university situation, and we put ourselves out of the interventions that are not envisaged by law. We have a work to do on the path of the universities self-government, we should urge the teaching staff and students to show constructive activeness on this path”, the PM said, adding that the task is to carry out major systematic changes.

Pashinyan stated that the scientific, research work must have a great investment in the high education.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Azerbaijani press: Prosecutor general says Azerbaijan prevented sabotage by Armenian special services

7 February 2019 20:50 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb. 7

By Samir Ali – Trend:

In 2018, Azerbaijan prevented sabotage and terrorist activities of the Armenian intelligence agencies and special services as a result of the taken operational and investigative measures, Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov said, Trend reports with reference to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan.

He was speaking at an expanded board meeting dedicated to the work implemented by the prosecution authorities in 2018 and the future objectives.

The meeting was attended by senior officials of the Central Office of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Republican Military Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Baku City Prosecutor’s Office, city and district military prosecutors.

At the meeting, it was noted that last year a criminal case was launched for high treason and under other articles of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan against a group of military personnel and civilians involved in secret cooperation with intelligence agencies and special services of the Armenian Armed Forces.

At the meeting, it was said that as a result of operational and investigative measures, sabotage and terrorist activities of the Armenian intelligence agencies and special services were prevented.

The successful investigation into a number of big criminal cases was noted.

Preventive measures were taken in the form of arrest against 29 people for committing a terror attack against the head of the Ganja City Executive Power, for attempting to change the constitutional order of Azerbaijan by using force, for terrorism and other particularly serious crimes. Eleven of these people were put on the international wanted list. Presently, operational and investigation activities continue.

The prosecutor general said more effective work was done to strengthen the law and order.

When will Horom secondary school be renovated? (video)

Horom secondary school with a total area of 3849 square meters needs a major renovation. Relevant bodies have repeatedly inquired about this issue, programs have been designed to do renovation works in school, but all of them have remained just on the paper.

By the decision of the government of September 27, 2018, this school is not included in the list of those which require immediate solution in the Shirak region.

New Ambassador of Uruguay presents copy of credentials to Armenian deputy FM

New Ambassador of Uruguay presents copy of credentials to Armenian deputy FM




YEREVAN, JANUARY 25, ARMENPRESS. New Ambassador of Uruguay to Armenia Carlos Sgarbi von Steinmann (residence in Tehran, Iran) on January 24 presented the copy of his credentials to deputy minister of foreign affairs Grigor Hovhannisyan, the Armenian foreign ministry told Armenpress.

The deputy FM congratulated the Ambassador on appointment and expressed confidence that the Armenia-Uruguay relations will record new achievements during his tenure.

The officials highlighted the fact that the General Consulate of Uruguay will soon open in Yerevan which will give new impetus to the bilateral cooperation. During the meeting they also touched upon the regional issues and the latest developments over them.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan