Children of former Azeri security chief acquired luxury UK properties;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!7kEM6WViawcjD7Vdu6l_GFAr2BnK56OBXrCMm28goBsLbMcqh7Icg9u3x80AQQ$

Investigation into hacked bank files reveals £100m business empire
owned by family of former Azerbaijan minister Eldar Mahmudov

by Jamie Doward and Christian Eriksson
Published on Sun  02.29 EDT

 A string of luxury properties, including a £17m home near Harrods,
were acquired by the children of Azerbaijan’s former security chief,
an investigation has revealed.

Eldar Mahmudov was dismissed as national security minister by a
presidential order in 2015. No official explanation was given for his

Now, caches of customer files hacked from the Cayman National Bank
(Isle of Man) Ltd (CNBIOM) in November 2019, and subsequently
published online, reveal that Mahmudov’s family has built up an
estimated €100m business and property empire.

Almost all of its assets were acquired through companies linked to
Mahmudov’s son, Anar, 36, and his daughter, Nargiz Mahmudova, 31.

The files reveal that in June 2016 a compliance manager at CNBIOM
drafted an internal memo about a network of “connected entities”
linked to Britannia Group Ltd that were all Mahmudov companies.

“I have serious concerns about this a/c [account] and overall
relationship without even looking at the transactions,” the manager

The following month, the bank filed a disclosure with the Financial
Intelligence Unit in the Isle of Man, citing the territory’s Proceeds
of Crime Act 2008.

Between October 2014 and July 2015, the bank, based in the Cayman
Islands, noted Anar Mahmudov had made deposits worth almost £14m into
Britannia Group Ltd’s accounts.

A joint investigation of the leaked data by reporters from the
Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Finance Uncovered
and Transparency International shows that, among the properties
acquired by the siblings using the “connected entities” identified by
CNBIOM, were two office blocks in Poole and Bournemouth, valued at

The investigation also reveals that Anar Mahmudov holds the deeds to a
four-storey property in Pont Street, Knightsbridge, bought for

Anar Mahmudov’s mother-in-law, Zamira Hajiyeva, was famously found to
have spent more than £16m in Harrods. Her husband, Jahangir Hajiyev,
the chairman of Azerbaijan’s state bank, was arrested for embezzlement
in 2015 and later jailed.

After Hajiyev was charged and Eldar Mahmudov dismissed, CNBIOM shut
down the Mahmudov-linked accounts. “It is now important that there is
full transparency and the source of wealth for these investments is
investigated,” said Duncan Hame, Transparency International UK’s
Director of Policy.

Lawyers for Anar and Nargiz Mahmudov told Finance Uncovered that the
family’s wealth can be traced back to an ancestor, Aslan Ashurov, who
made his fortune in the 19th century. They said the siblings’ assets
were all properly registered and accounted for and that Anar Mahmudov
was a successful businessman in his own right.

The cache of leaked documents included a letter explaining that Anar’s
wealth was derived from his aunt, Elmira Mahmudova, who established an
oil and construction firm in Baku.

The investigation found that the Mahmudovs also own properties and
companies in Majorca, Luxembourg and Lithuania.

CNBIOM said in a statement that “it is conscious at all times of its
responsibilities with regard to money laundering… and has always
cooperated fully with the authorities in relation to suspicious
transactions or criminal or regulatory investigations.”

The Mahmudovs’ lawyer was approached by the Observer but did not respond.

Additional reporting by James Dowsett and Claire Peters

Asbarez: U.S. Prepares ‘Populations for Peace’ by Funding the Spread of COVID-19 Lies

State Department-funded is spreading falsehoods about COVID-19 raising potential public health concerns


While U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Lynne Tracy was announcing last week the U.S. will halt funding for life-saving de-mining programs in Artsakh and instead shift those funds to “preparing populations for peace,” she proudly announced that the U.S. had spent millions of dollars to help Armenia grapple with the COVID-19 crisis and funded efforts to build or advance democracy in Armenia.

On Thursday, an investigation by the London-based Open Democracy revealed details of how a U.S. State Department grant, reportedly worth $50,000, went to a group whose website is spreading lies and misinformation about COVID-19 at a time when Armenia’s infection rate is at an all time high. What the Open Democracy report, and a subsequent article published by The Guardian, do not reveal is that the Armenia-based grant recipient—an organization called Armenian Association of Young Doctors—was aligned with factions and media outlets loyal to former president Serzh Sarkisian, whose apparatus has spent countless dollars funding media outlets and groups to advance an anti-government policy that aims to sow domestic unrest and possibly return the old regime to power.

Armenian Association of Young Doctors has created a website,, through which it provides daily updates on public health issues, with its opinion sections featuring pieces that have called COVID-19 a “fake pandemic” and falsely reported that a morgue offered to pay hundreds of thousands of drams to dead patient’s families if they claimed the death had been caused by the coronavirus. The op-ed pieces on are largely reprints of social media posts by individuals, whose credentials as “experts” are not provided.

On Friday, Armenia reported that the number of new cases of COVID-19 in reached a new record high. Since the beginning of May the reported cases in Armenia quadrupled from around 2,200 on May 2 to 8,676 on May 29, with a reported death toll of 1,100.

The State Department declined to comment to Open Democracy on the size of the grant provided to Armenian Association of Young Doctors or the review process. A post on the U.S. Embassy’s website says grants under the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program – which are worth up to $50,000 – are awarded on a competitive basis to local NGOs and are meant to focus on issues like transparency and accountability in governance, advancing human rights, eliminating corruption, and enhancing economic growth and development. Armenian Association of Young Doctors received the grant under the aforementioned program in 2019 and launched later that year.

Let’s look beyond the COVID-19 falsehoods appearing in and look at the broader context of U.S.’s funding in countries like Armenia, as well as the intentions of civic or media organizations like Open Democracy, whose report, as well as the subsequent The Guardian article, have been shared widely by Armenians who fall on varying political spectrums both in Armenia and the Diaspora.

This is where the “preparing populations for peace” concept that generally applies to Artsakh and the ongoing Karabakh settlement process comes into play. The U.S. in notorious for funding such programs, under which reporters, activists and civil society organization members from counties that are in direct conflict come together for so-called dialogue on peace and cooperation. The U.S. advanced the Turkey-Armenia Protocols through a project called the “Olive Tree Initiative” where Armenians and Turks, both from the countries of origin as well as in their respective diasporas, would come together, hold hands and sing kumbaya, all the while pretending that the historic and political context of the conflict were all but forgotten in favor of this utopian peaceful co-existence that the U.S. was advancing.

A similar effort took place in the fall when journalists from Armenia, Artsakh and Azerbaijan visited the three countries and upon their return wrote glaring reports about the commonalities that brought them together rather the crux of the Artsakh issue, which is that for almost 30 years the Karabakh conflict has been mediated based on principles that wholly favor Azerbaijan, which is claiming Artsakh—and Armenia—to be part of its “historic” country and ignoring the fact that Azerbaijan did not exist as a country until 1918.

Similar U.S.-funded projects have and are taking place in Palestine and Israel, for example, where farmers from both sides are producing olive oil as a symbol of peaceful co-existence between the two peoples, completely ignoring the on-the-ground military and political realities of that conflict.

At the same time, Open Democracy also has it own agenda. One of its largest contributors is the financier billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, which most likely is also funding some of the other supporters Open Democracy covets. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Soros has spent billions of dollars advancing an American brand of democracy in largely third-world and developing nations. Depending on who is at the White House, his policies either converge or veer away from the sitting administration. In today’s configurations, with President Trump essentially having declared all-out war on Soros, his Open Society Foundation and the U.S. State Department are funding programs in countries like Armenia that fall in opposing political spectrums causing undue civil unrest and fomenting discord within civil society.

In fact, while Armenia’s past leaders were busy looting the national wealth and lining their pockets, and while other civil society organizations were eagerly carving their own place in that landscape, under the guise of advancing democracy, the U.S. and organizations like Soros’ Open Society Foundation poured billions of dollars into Armenia and essentially reared a generation of young Western-minded democracy activists who were trained to ignore the national and historical nuances of the Armenian reality. Add to this equation similar funding by the European Union and Russia and you get a generation that has been ignored by its government and political forces and now is driven by allegiances to these opposing forces.

Civil unrest in Armenia is beneficial for the U.S., because spending American taxpayer dollars on NGO’s such as the Armenian Association of Young Doctors, enables Washington to keep Yerevan in check. Similarly, successive governments’ decisions to sell off Armenia’s critical infrastructure and important development to Russia, allows Moscow to keep Yerevan on its toes.

Despite its glaring endorsements of the Pashinyan administration and the strides in advancing democracy in Armenia, the U.S. will continue to fund efforts, such as the fake new spewing, which can have serious public health consequences in Armenia. The fact that the U.S. has opted out of funding the life-saving humanitarian de-mining program in Artsakh and instead will spend my and your taxpayer dollars on the nebulous “preparing populations for peace” agenda signals that the U.S. is neither concerned with human lives in Artsakh, nor is it frankly concerned with advancing democracy in Armenia.

The White House is upset at Yerevan for not falling in line with advancing its sanctions on Iran and Syria. So, in response, the State Department is funding groups loyal to the toppled regime, in hopes of turning the volume up on social media platforms, which have emerged as the only source of information for Armenians because of the abysmal state of the press in the country.

Dr. Gevorg Grigoryan, the founder of the Armenian Association of young doctors, has a disclaimer on saying that the site is funded by a grant from the U.S. State Department. He told the Guardian on Thursday that the U.S. Embassy in Armenia had contacted him with “concerns” about op-eds and articles on the site. But, he said, “I am sure I was able to answer all those questions and those concerns disappeared.”

The Administration refused Congressional and Armenian-American calls to reprogram $25 million in already earmarked aid to Armenia for combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, boasting instead the $1.2 million it has spend on providing protective gear to Armenians during the global crisis.

We are heartened that the U.S. Embassy in Armenia is “concerned” with the falsehoods being spread by one of the NGOs that it has funded. Shouldn’t the threat to public health and actual lives of Armenians propel the Embassy to be more than just “concerned” and take a more decisive step?

Today its falsehoods about COVID-19. Before it was the benefits of Turks and Armenians living in harmony. How else is the U.S. going to endanger Armenian lives in its efforts to advance democracy and “prepare populations for peace”?

PACE commends Armenia’s ratification of Lanzarote Convention

Public Radio of Armenia
May 15 2020

Falsification of historical memory demonstrate lack of sense of dignity, Armenia tells Azerbaijan

Panorama, Armenia
May 8 2020

Armenian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Anna Naghdalyan has reacted to comments of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on Armenia in an interview with TASS news agency. A statement publicised by the Foreign Ministry’s press service reads:

"The 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is a good occasion to recall and pay tribute to the sacrifices and unity of all the peoples who prevailed in the fight against the world's evil.

We are convinced that historical memory is the greatest value of human dignity, and the falsification of historical memory and its use for narrow political interests demonstrate lack of sense of history, dignity and memory.

I regret that the president of Azerbaijan once again attempted to use the 75th anniversary of the victory over Nazism in World War II in his decades-long hostile propaganda against the Armenian people.

The contribution of the Armenian people to the victory of the Allied Powers in World War II has been inscribed in gold on the pages of world history.

We proudly remember the names of all Armenian heroes, whether fighting in the Red Army and its national divisions, in the armies of Allied Powers or in the ranks of the Resistance movement and intelligence. With their devotion and courage, they deserved to be commemorated along with their proud ancestors and national heroes, including the glorified warriors of World War I.

Today, on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, about six hundred monuments dedicated to participants of the Great Patriotic War are under the state protection and care. Those are the perpetuated witnesses of the history of our common victory. We condemn every attack on the monuments, and our resolve has been manifested not merely in words, but in the fact that no monument dedicated to World War II warriors has been a subject to attack in the history of Armenia.

From this perspective, I would like to address a question to the leadership of Azerbaijan in anticipation of an answer to be translated into certain actions: when will we witness the restoration of monuments of Chardakhlu settlement, which were dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, including those dedicated to the Soviet marshals Ivan (Hovhannes) Baghramyan and Hamazasp Babajanyan, which were destroyed in the Republic of Azerbaijan?"

Armenian government approves 17th anti-crisis measure



 12:14, 7 May, 2020

YEREVAN, MAY 7, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government approved today the 17th program aimed at eliminating the economic consequences of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The 17th anti-crisis measure concerns the field of information technologies.

“The measure aims at assisting economic entities operating in high technologies to keep efficient jobs, as well as implement innovative ideas and promote commercialization”, Minister of High Technological Industry Hakob Arshakyan said at the Cabinet meeting, adding that the assistance will be in the form of grants.

The program beneficiaries are those high-tech businesses which meet the criteria mentioned in the Law on State Assistance to IT Field, do not have delays in payments to taxes and credits in the past 12 months and have not received a grant by the ministry in the past 12 months as of the date of submitting the application.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Artsakh reports 170 Azerbaijani ceasefire violations this week

Panorama, Armenia
May 2 2020

Azerbaijani military breached the ceasefire along the Artsakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact around 170 times in the past week. In the period from April 22 to May 2, the adversary fired more than 1,200 shots towards the Armenian defense positions from firearms of different calibers, the Artsakh Defense Ministry reported.

Apart from the mentioned breaches, on April 29, at around 15:00 and 17:25, the Azerbaijani armed forces applied 60mm mortars (8 shells) toward the military units located near Martuni, in the eastern section of the Line of Contact between the opposing forces.

“The frontline units of the Defense Army took response measures to suppress the activeness of the adversary and continue to confidently implementing their combat tasks,” the statement said.

Asbarez: Bland 24th , But…

May 1, 2020

Garen Yegparian


With apologies to readers for the week I took off from writing, I’m back with the COVID-instigated doldrums behind me. It has served as something of an unexpected stay-cation and has, perhaps perversely, been somewhat refreshing.

Meanwhile, April 24th, 2020 came and went. It was the most uninspiring Genocide commemoration season I have experienced (other than 1993 when, on the 24th, I was driving cross-country to store my car at my parents’ place in Toms River, NJ in preparation for a months-long organizing stint in Artsakh).

The only interesting snippets I have are from a friend who observed these two: the beginnings of a motorized gathering in Hollywood (a few dozen, each, cars and motorcycles at around 10 am on the 24th) and they were anticipating more, planning to drive around with Armenian tricolors on the vehicles; numerous police officers stationed in front of the building housing the Los Angeles Consulate General of Turkey, with no demonstrators around. I got a good chuckle out of the second one. It reminded me of when we’d hold smaller demonstrations/pickets at Turkish diplomatic facilities or, when we had political prisoners whose release we were pursuing, other establishments, and the number of police would outnumber the number of activists protesting!

I caught a little bit of the on-line programming that was presented by the joint, community-wide commemorative committee we’ve got in the Los Angeles basin. It was informative, to be sure, but hardly what one wants and expects on that singular day of the calendar for Armenians.

As I wrote before, Turkey must be thrilled with this virus and what it as accomplished in damping our efforts. It’s not just Genocide commemorative efforts, but overall organizational and political work that is also at low ebb.

But Turkey has not been idle.

I assembled a Genocide hike to maintain the tradition of the past six-seven years that Armenian hiking groups have established. Of course under the pandemic’s constraints, I just contacted a few friends, and ultimately only three of us hiked. I’d thought to have each of us relate our families’ survival and heroism stories. But the conversation took a different course. One of us had recently been to Jerusalem and was gushing about the treasures we have there as one of the three remaining Christian denominations with rights to significant tracts of the old city and its pilgrimage sites. But he also expressed concern about Ankara and what is is reputed to be doing against us on those lands. He was also perturbed by the great propaganda work Ankara is doing to further its denial and anti-Armenian propaganda. He expressed great dismay at our leadership and wondered where our talent was, perceiving that we were not producing equivalent material.

This was very interesting to me since by coincidence, just a day or two earlier another friend reported seeing a VERY slickly, strongly, and (as usual) deceptively prepared video of Turkish propaganda that could lead any reasonable person to doubt the veracity of the Genocide. The conversation resulted in an idea he put forth that I think is exceptional and necessary to add to our arsenal.

The material he had seen was clearly prepared by very competent, albeit conscience-less public relations experts or advertising folks. The idea is to make such cretins pay for the blood-money they are receiving from Turkey. If they have no qualms about blatantly lying for money, then we should have no qualms about taking the battle to their doorstep and holding them personally accountable. Whether this means picketing their homes, embarrassing them online, or whatever else that my not-too-PR-astute mind cannot invent, it should be done to call them out for their sliminess. It should become VERY personal for them, just like the murder of our families, theft of our property, and dispossession from our homeland is for us. We should go right up the very edge of the law, no holds barred. I have no doubt that woven into our communities we have the expertise needed. Let’s put together this hit squad (forgive the negative connotation since these people would be nothing short of heroes) and cut them loose.

Let them gather information on those culpable for Turkey’s anti-Armenian public relations successes. Let them produce whatever material in whatever form on whatever platform they think is effective to apply pressure upon, discomfit, and embarrass those ethical criminals.

Perhaps, with thanks and apologies to Marvel Comics, we could name them the Armenian Avengers. Then, all that remains would be for this team’s leader to call out “Avengers Assemble” and they would get busy naming and shaming the culprits!

Armenpress: PM Pashinyan offers condolences to Prime Minister of Canada

PM Pashinyan offers condolences to Prime Minister of Canada




YEREVAN, APRIL 20, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan sent a condolence message to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

“I was deeply shocked by the news of an appalling crime committed in New Scotland that killed 16 innocent people.

I hereby offer my sincere condolences to you and to the friendly people of Canada over this ruthless act of violence that shocked all Canadians amid the ongoing fight against the plague of COVID-19.

Please convey my most profound sympathy to victims’ families and friends. I wish them all fortitude and endurance,” Prime Minister Pashinyan said in his condolence message.

Disagreement with Catholicos must not turn into disgusting campaign against Armenian Church: Edmon Marukyan

Aysor, Armenia

Freedom of speech relates to all, with both spiritual servants and secular people having right to speak and express their opinion, head of Bright Armenia faction Edmon Marukyan said, commenting on the statement of Armenia’s Catholicos about necessity of changing Robert Kocharyan’s preventive measure.

“He expressed an opinion. Who must respect this opinion? The court or the prosecutor’s office. If they respect it, it’s all right, if not, it’s all right too. But to make such a big problem of it, start a campaign against the Catholicos and the Armenian church…I strictly condemn it. Finally we are going against our values our 2 thousand old church,” Marukyan said.

“Personally I do not share the opinion of the Catholicos, and if I speak about it, I will speak with respect,” he said, adding that our church is not the one to be attacked as it is being done right now.

“The disagreement with the Catholicos must not turn into disgusting campaign against the church,” he said.