Indian Vice-President to visit Armenia in November

ARKA News Agency, Armenia
Sept 23 2005


YEREVAN, September 23. /ARKA/. The Indian Vice-President Mr Shekhawat
will visit Armenia in November. According to the RA MFA, the details
of the approaching visit were discussed by Mr. Shekhawat and RA
Ambassador to India Ashot Kocharyan. During the meeting also issues
related to the development of bilateral Armenian-Indian relations
were discussed. Kocharyan introduced to the Vice-President the state
of the economic development of the country, the investment field,
process of constitutional reforms, possibilities of development of
tourism. The sides expressed hope that the approaching visit of Mr.
Shekhawat to Armenia will become a stimulus for the development of
Armenian-Indian relations and their enlargement in various spheres.
A.H. –0–

Turkey confronts Armenian genocide

United Press International, US
Sept 24 2005

Turkey confronts Armenian genocide

ISTANBUL, Turkey (UPI) — University scholars in Turkey planned a
weekend ground-breaking conference on the mass killings of Armenians
under Ottoman rule.

Armenians worldwide have been campaigning for decades for the deaths,
thought to have been more than a million, to be recognized
universally as genocide, the BBC said.

Debate of the killings has been taboo in Turkey but the nation is
under outside pressure for greater freedom of speech.

An Istanbul court banned the conference from Bosphorus University
after complaints by nationalists that the historians behind it were
‘traitors.’ But the session was moved to Bilgi University.

Who Should Form NCTR?


| 16:19:06 | 24-09-2005 | Politics |


April 2, 2002 the «independent» Commission on TV and Radio deprived
independent A1+ TV Company of air. Taking into account the fact that all 9
members of the commission were appointed by the President the event could
not be rated as unexpected. How should the body regulating the activities of
broadcasting media be formed? We addressed this question to 100 Yerevan

15% of the respondents consider that the members of the NCTR should be
appointed by the President. 44% voiced opinion that NCTR members should be
appointed by the National Assembly. 32% stated that the commission should be
appointed by the President and the National Assembly. 9% found it hard to

It should be also noted that all the survey participants were unanimous in
the opinion that the formation of this regulating body should be fixed in
the Constitution.

The correspondent item of the draft constitution says: «To secure freedom,
independence and variety of the broadcasting mass media an independent body
appointed by the President and the National Assembly for a term of 6 years
should be formed. The national assembly elects the members of the above
mentioned body with the majority of votes.»

However after the referendum on the constitutional amendments the NCTR
headed by Grigor Amalyan will not be dissolved, since Article 83.2 of the
draft says, «Members of the independent body preserve their posts until the
term provided by the law expires. Afterwards the President and the National
Assembly in turns appoint the commission members.»

To note, NCTR Chairman Grigor Amalya refrained from expressing his opinion
on the issue. He refused to give interview.

Karine Asatryan

Greek Ambassador Completing Diplomatic Mission In Armenia

Pan Armenian News


22.09.2005 08:23

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian met with Greek
Ambassador to Armenia Antonios Vlavianos, who is completing his diplomatic
mission in Armenia, reported the Armenian MFA Press Service. In the course
of the meeting V. Oskanian appreciated the dynamically developing
Armenian-Greek relations in all fields. He also noted Ambassador’s personal
contribution in strengthening the friendship between the two countries. In
his turn Mr. Vlavianos said economic growth is obvious in Armenia within the
3 years of his tenure. Mentioning the growing international interest towards
Armenia, the Ambassador said he is sure Armenia can secure sustainable
development and solve major social and economic issues in near future.

Orhan Pamuk, Une Page Blanche

Par Crom Nathalie

La Croix , France
22 septembre 2005

Orhan Pamuk, une page blanche. Après notamment “Le Livre noir”,
“Mon nom est rouge”, voici “Neige”, roman politique mais aussi
profondement meditatif et poetique, qui confirme toute l’ampleur du
talent du grand ecrivain turc. NEIGE d’Orhan Pamuk, traduit du turc
par Jean-Francois Perouse, Gallimard, coll. “Du monde entier”, 482 p.,
22,50 Euro.; Orhan Pamuk, une page blanche

Sur la carte du globe, la ville de Kars n’est qu’un point minuscule,
une entite urbaine negligeable et negligee, perdue au fin fond de
l’Anatolie, aux marches du Caucase et de la grande Russie. Kars,
aujourd’hui turque, aujourd’hui pauvre et delaissee, fut autrefois une
cite active et cossue, “aux confins de deux grands empires, l’Empire
ottoman et l’Empire des tsars”, une cite où se côtoyaient Armeniens,
Georgiens, chiites d’Azerbaïdjan, Caucasiens, Kurdes, mille autres
peuples encore… Mais les empires se sont effondres, “les guerres,
les tueries, les massacres collectifs et autres revoltes sans fin”
qui se sont succede ont eu raison de la richesse comme de la belle
pluralite religieuse et ethnique. Lorsque, en cet hiver de la fin
du XXe siècle, le poète turc Kerim Alakusoglu – il se fait appeler
de ses initiales, Ka – revient a Kars, c’est avec l’impression de
toucher aux confins desoles du monde.

La neige est la, dense, patiente, pour accentuer ce sentiment de
desolation. Bourrasques, routes impraticables, architecture ensevelie
sous l’epais tapis blanc: voici Kars devenue ville fantôme et coupee
de tout, où deambule Ka, au long de rues où, sur les facades, se
dechiffre le passe tumultueux des lieux – vestiges majestueux de
l’ancienne domination russe, temoignages immobiliers de la presence
armenienne depuis longtemps decimee (1), stigmates betonnes de
l’occidentalisation volontariste des annees kemalistes.

Ka vient de descendre de l’autocar. Il est poète, et arrive
d’Allemagne, où il vit depuis douze ans, en exil politique. S’il
est ici, a Kars, c’est qu’un grand journal d’Istamboul l’a mandate
pour rendre compte des elections municipales qui se preparent, où
s’affrontent – le mot n’est pas excessif – notamment republicains
kemalistes, militants kurdes et candidats islamistes. Si le decor
est comme engourdi, les hommes qui y evoluent, eux, ne dorment pas,
loin de la. La ville est meme en pleine effervescence, fievreuse,
dechiree. D’ailleurs, l’une des raisons de la presence de Ka est aussi
d’enqueter sur une vague de suicides, touchant des jeunes filles de
Kars empechees par la loi laïque de porter le voile a l’ecole. Un
meurtre sanglant sera bientôt commis par un extremiste musulman,
tandis qu’une representation theâtrale mettra le feu aux poudres…

Cette agitation, la violence qui couve dans une societe en proie
aux tensions religieuses et ideologiques, est l’un des ingredients
puissants de Neige, grand roman politique – mais aussi, au-dela de
cela, oeuvre enigmatique, ample et envoûtante. La Turquie d’Orhan
Pamuk – il est ne en 1952 -, on le sait notamment depuis la lecture
de son magistral Livre noir, de Mon nom est rouge (2), n’a rien d’un
pays de carte postale. C’est un pays de pluie, de brouillard, de
froid. Un pays tourmente a l’heritage culturel et politique complexe,
a l’identite aujourd’hui chaotique et incer taine. Un pays frontière
tiraille, qui hesite entre Orient et Occident.

Ces conflits, ces tensions guident le trajet du poète Ka dans la ville
enneigee: lui, “l’Europeen”, “l’Occidental”, le voici harponne par les
uns et les autres, ballotte entre les differents camps qui se toisent,
pris a temoin de la validite de leurs arguments contradictoires;
le voici bientôt menace, manipule, somme de prendre parti, de se
justifier, de choisir son camp… Epineuse posture, ô combien, pour Ka,
d’autant que, profondement, s’il est venu jusqu’ici, a Kars, au bout
du monde, c’est bien moins pour s’y meler a l’agitation ambiante et
approcher “le vrai visage de la Turquie” que parce qu’y habite Ipek,
la femme qu’il aime depuis l’adolescence, mariee a son ami Muhtar,
aujourd’hui candidat du parti religieux.

Les evenements, d’ailleurs, semblent glisser sur lui: il se laisse
faire, rencontre qui le sollicite, acquiesce aux convictions de
ses interlocuteurs quelles qu’elles soient, mais garde toujours
ses distances. Lointain. Que lui importe tout cela: son esprit est
ailleurs, il respire a son rythme propre – depuis qu’il est en ville,
son inspiration poetique qu’il croyait tarie s’est remise en marche,
les mots lui viennent naturellement tandis qu’il deambule, tandis
qu’il multiplie les rencontres, tandis qu’il cherche Ipek, tandis,
surtout, qu’il se laisse happer et engourdir par le spectacle de la
neige qui tombe, blanche et drue, inlassable, metamorphosant la ville,
lui donnant un caractère onirique, la faisant ressembler aux decors des
contes de son enfance. Sur un petit cahier vert, il consigne les poèmes
ainsi nes – il y en aura dix-neuf -, il les assemble, il les ordonne.

Cette meditation poetique de Ka a partir de la neige est le socle
profond du roman d’Orhan Pamuk – sa partie immergee, vaste et
secrète. “Neige: forme solide prise par l’eau dans l’atmosphère en
tombant, en se deplacant ou en s’elevant. Elle se presente sous la
forme de beaux cristaux etoiles de forme generalement hexagonale”,
relève, dans un dictionnaire, le narrateur de l’histoire de Ka –
lequel narrateur de Neige s’avère etre un de ses amis, poète lui-meme,
prenomme Orhan… Mais l’idee que Ka se fait de la neige va au-dela de
la definition scientifique, et l’intuition qui porte sa meditation
l’entraîne dans un processus de dechiffrement essentiel. À ses
yeux, la neige est comme l’assemblage d’une infinite de flocons
rendus tous differents les uns des autres par “toute une serie de
facteurs mysterieux et incomprehensibles”. Des millions d’etoiles
a six branches, dont chacune serait la “carte de la vie interieure”
d’un individu: “En deca de la vie de chacun, il devait exister une
telle carte et un tel flocon, et chacun, en procedant a l’elucidation
de sa propre etoile de neige, pouvait prouver a quel point des gens
qui de loin se ressemblent sont en realite differents, etrangers
et inconciliables.”


(1) Ses prises de position ont valu a Orhan Pamuk des menaces et
l’ont contraint a s’eloigner temporairement de la Turquie.

(2) Les deux chez Gallimard, où on lira aussi La Maison du silence,
Le Château blanc, La Vie nouvelle.


Conference on the Genocide in the Ottoman Empire 1915/16

Conference on the Genocide in the Ottoman Empire 1915/16

90 years of denial – The atrocities against Armenians,
Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans

Date: 15th of November
Place: ABF, Sveavägen 41, Stockholm, Sweden

* 8.30 – 9.00 Registration
* 9.00 – 9.10 Introduction
(Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, Chairperson, ABF – Workers’ Educational
Association and member of The Living History Forum board)
* 9.10 – 9.50 The Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.
(Dr Tessa Hofmann, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany)
* 9. 50 – 10.20 Coffee break
* 10.20 – 11.20 The Armenian genocide
(Professor Vahakn N Dadrian, Director of Genocide Research with the Zoryan
Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
15 minutes discussion with the moderator
* 11.20 – 11.35 Short break
* 11.35 – 12.35 Atrocities against Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans
(Professor David Gaunt, Södertörn University College)
15 minutes discussion with the moderator
* 12.35 – 13.50 Lunch
* 13.50 – 14.25 Official Turkish opinion on the Armenian genocide and the
atrocities against Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans
(Prof.Dr.Kemal Cicek from the Turkish Historical Society)
10 minutes discussion with the moderator
* 14.25 – 15.20 Different opinions on the Armenian genocide and racism
against Armenians, Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans
(Ms Yelda Ozcan, Journalist and Author)
15 minutes discussion with the moderator
* 15.20 – 15.50 Coffee break
* 15.50 – 17.15 Situation for Ethnic Minorities in Turkey today and the
Concept of the 20th Century history among the General public in Turkey. Panel debate
(Professor Vahakn N Dadrian, Professor David Gaunt, Ms Yelda Ozcan,
Journalist and Author, Dr Tessa Hofmann, Representative of the Turkish Embassy
and two representatives of the Armenian, Assyrian, Syriac, Chaldean communities)

Moderator: Arne Ruth, author and former editor-in-chief

Conference language: English

Please notice: The numbers of seats are limited. The closing date for
entries is the 21st of October. Use the form below to apply.

Photographing prohibited

The Conference is arranged in cooperation between The Living History
Forum, Södertörn University College, ABF – Workers’
Educational Association, The Armenian Federation in Sweden, The
Assyrian Federation in Sweden, The Syriac Federation in Sweden, ACSA –
The Assyrian, Chaldean, Syriac Association

Free admission.

Karekin II: We Shall Nurture Each Day Of Free Armenia,In The Name Of


Noyan Tapan News Agency
Sept 21 2005

Information Services of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin submitted
to Noyan Tapan the Congratulatory Message of His Holiness Karekin II,
Catholicos of All Armenians, on the occasion of Armenian Independence

“We extend greetings and blessings from the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin to all our sons and daughters in Armenia, Artsakh and the
Diaspora, congratulating them on the festive occasion of Independence
Day of the Republic of Armenia.

A new page opened in our history on September 21, 1991 – a day blessed
by God, whose great sacred mystery will be celebrated and commemorated
by our succeeding generations.

Our people did not yield to the difficulties and sacrifices of the
liberation struggle for Artsakh, the earthquake and the blockade;
rather with one heart and one will defended the right to live free
without hesitation. We have passed through a difficult yet ascending
pathway on the journey to create our new life and new statehood,
a course which will become broader and brighter through the united
efforts, faith, devotion and love of our people.

We shall nurture each day of free Armenia, for the sake of the
development and prosperity of our Motherland, in the name of the
unified and glorious future for all Armenians.

We offer prayers and wishes to heaven, that the Lord protect the
Republic of Armenia under His Fatherly Right Hand, and keep our people
filled with grace and reinforced with faith, to live and work for
the love and glory of our homeland.

May the grace, love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us
and will all”.

CENN Weekly Digest – September 21, 2005

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network


Weekly Digest

September 21, 2005


Action On Struggle Against Poverty

Source: PrimeNews Agency, September 10, 2005

Activists of the movement “Future without Poverty” will hold an action in
Tbilisi on Saturday within the frameworks of the international day “White
belt”. <;


Source: “Sarke”, September 13, 2005

A compact on disbursing $295.3 million to Georgia as part of the Millennium
Challenge program was signed yesterday as
<; more


Source: Information Agency “Sarke”, September 14, 2005

Apart from $295.3 million, the US has disbursed to Georgia under the
Millennium Challenge program the Georgian government hopes to receive up to
$600 million in loan from international financial institutions.
<; more

Officials Laud Millennium Challenge Aid Agreement

Source: The Messenger, September 14, 2005

The signing of the Millennium Challenge agreement for USD 295.3 million in
aid to Georgia underlines the continuing and strengthening relationship
between Georgia and the United States, officials from both countries said

Speaking at the signing ceremony for the new aid agreement, U.S. Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice said the agreement, the largest so far from the
new U.S. aid program, “represents America’s long-term commitment to
Georgia’s future success.”

“Our partnership will only continue to grow stronger
<; more

NEWS FROM Azerbaijan


Source: “Azertag”, September 7, 2005

Health Ministry of the Azerbaijan Republic is rather surprised upon the
information disseminated in mass media on allegedly presentation by
Azerbaijan to the United States of the samples of bacteriological weapon,
the Ministry’s spokesman told AzerTAc.
<; more


Source: “Azertag”, September 13, 2005

Within the frameworks of the World Tourism Day, an exhibition dealing with
domestic tourism will be held in Baku October 1. Over 50 travel agencies and
hotel owners will take part in the exhibition to be held at the Baku
Business Center
<; more

news from Armenia


Source: A1plus, September 7, 2005

Today the session of the RA Forests Repair and Development Fund Trustee
Council took place which was presided over by the President of the Council,
RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan.
<; more


Source: ARMINFO, September 9, 2005

German Government has approved 2.2 million EUR to Armenia for implementation
of a program “Bio-diversity in the South-West of Armenia” and “Protection of
bio-diversity in Javakheti through transboundary cooperation.”

A relevant agreement was signed today by Ministry of Nature Protection of
Armenia Vardan Ayvazyan and Representative of German KfW bank in Armenia
Karapet Gevorgyan.
<; more


Source: Armenian News Agency “A1plus”, September 14, 2005

Today in New York UN General Assembly 60th session high-level meeting
started. Heads of Governments of more than 170 countries participate in the
summit, including the RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan.

On September 13 Andranik Margaryan met the <Millennium Challenges
Corporation> (MCC) heads temporary executive director
<; more

International News

UN agencies team up to promote eco-friendly, development-oriented tourism

Source: UN Dispatch, September 7, 2005

With massive growth in tourism predicted in the coming years, two United
Nations agencies have teamed up to produce a set of guidelines to help
governments around the world to promote a sustainable tourism that spreads
prosperity while avoiding harm to the environment and local communities.

For the first time, the UN World Tourism Organization (
<; WTO) and the UN Environment Programme (
<; UNEP) have
combined their efforts
< ly_digest_21_9_05_en.html> more

The environment matters

Source: WWF News, By Claude Martin, September 9, 2005

Many of us in the conservation world are concerned that the natural
environment – as the fundamental provider of life on this planet – seems to
have dropped off the international community’s radar screen in the lead up
to the UN-hosted World Summit.

This is an alarming realization as natural resources and the environment are
being degraded and destroyed at record pace.
<; more

Flood-Water Sampling Chemical Data Available

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, September 11, 2005

The Environmental Protection Agency in coordination with the Louisiana
Department of Environmental Quality today posted data from New Orleans flood
water chemical samples collected
<; more

Europe’s environmental future demands more action in key sectors

Source: European Environmental Agency, 11 September, 2005

Policy makers must better integrate environmental issues across EU policies

Existing policies alone will not be enough to save Europe’s environment from
extensive environmental change in the long term, according to a new report
released today by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen.
<; more

EU bio-fuel target ‘incompatible with biodiversity targets’

Source: Eco-portal news, 12 September, 2005

Delegates at last week’s European Conference on Climate Change and
Biodiversity, organized in Oxford shire by English Nature, were told that
the EU’s target of 5.75% bio-fuels for transport
<; more

New funding to sustain rivers and wetlands

Source: Environmental News Agency, September 12, 2005

The Environment Agency published (on September 9) proposals to increase the
cost of licenses to abstract water from rivers and groundwater in England
and Wales. The increase would create a fund to enable the Agency to revoke
historical rights to water which need to be revoked or limited to prevent
damage to the environment and compensate abstractors whose rights are
revoked. It will also meet the costs of new responsibilities assumed by the
Environment Agency under the Water Act 2003.
<; more

US Agency Approves Private Nuclear-Waste Facility

Source: Planet Ark, September 12, 2005

Washington – US regulators Friday approved a private firm’s plan to store
tens of thousands of tons nuclear waste above the ground on an American
Indian reservation in Utah.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission granted the license to Private Fuel
Storage to store the radioactive waste on the reservation of the Skull
Valley Band of Goshute Indians, about 50 miles southwest of Salt Lake City.
<; more

Canada Doesn’t see Breakthrough at Post-Kyoto Meet

Source: Planet Ark, September 13, 2005

Ottawa – A major Montreal meeting charged with starting to draft a successor
to the Kyoto climate change accord is unlikely to produce a breakthrough, a
senior Canadian official said on Monday.
<; more

Clean Air agreement with nation’s largest hazardous waste operator

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, September 13, 2005

The Justice Department and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today
announced a settlement with Clean Harbors Environmental Services that is
expected to enhance calculating and reporting on benzene emissions from
North America’s largest operator of hazardous waste treatment and disposal
facilities. This settlement involves ten facilities in eight states. It
confirms the proper industry standard for compliance
<; more

Environment: Why Is the Ozone Hole Growing?

Source: Inter Press Service News Agency, September 13, 2005

A huge ozone hole has developed over Antarctica for the second year running,
exposing southern Argentina and Chile to high levels of damaging ultraviolet
radiation from the Sun.
<; more

Black Sea turns cleaner

Source: Bulgarians News Network, September 13, 2005

Sofia – The Black Sea has gradually become cleaner in the past few years,
according to observations of the Oceanology Institute of the Bulgarian
Science Academy, state TV informed Tuesday.
<; more

Environmental effect on diseases could be underestimated

Source: European Environmental Agency, 13 September, 2005

The current way of analyzing connections between environment and health
attributes only 2-5% of European mortality and morbidity to environmental
factors. However, this so-called “burden of disease” approach is likely to
be flawed, according to EEA executive director Professor Jacqueline McGlade
who spoke today at the 2005 conference of the UK Health Protection Agency at
Warwick University.
<; more

Two for the price of one: save water, serve people

Source: WWF News, 13 September, 2005

Gland, Switzerland – As Heads of State meet in New York for the World
Summit, a new report from WWF shows a strong link between environmental
improvement and economic development that can no longer be ignored.

The report – Freshwater and poverty reduction: Serving people, saving nature
– analyses projects in Brazil, Colombia, China, and South Africa,
demonstrating dramatic improvements in the livelihoods of poor local
communities where WWF-supported conservation projects are in place. The
projects show that
<; more

World’s Largest Hippo Population Almost Gone – WWF

Source: Planet Ark, September 13, 2005

Johannesburg – An aerial survey shows what was once the world’s largest
hippo population in the Democratic Republic of Congo is being poached to
extinction, conservationist group WWF International said on Monday.
<; more

Two Decades of Protecting the Ozone Layer to be Marked

Source: UNEP’s press release, September 13, 2005

International Ozone Day to mark the signing of Montreal Protocol on 16

Vienna Convention to Celebrate Two Decades of Protecting the Ozone Layer on
21 September

“An extraordinary success story – but saving ozone layer an unfinished
business,” says UNEP.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and governments around the
world are preparing to celebrate two key milestones
<; more

Oil Leasing Proposed for Remote Chukchi Sea

Source: Planet Ark, September 15, 2005

Anchorage – New expressions of industry interest have prompted the US
government to propose oil and gas leasing in the Chukchi Sea, a remote but
potentially energy-rich area between northwestern Alaska and northeastern
Siberia, officials said Tuesday.

The Minerals Management Service, an agency of the Interior Department, said
it will start planning for a Chukchi lease sale to be held in late 2007 or
early 2008. It would be the first lease sale in the region since 1991.
<; more


Source: Planet Ark, September 15, 2005

Experts from a range of international agencies, meeting in Bangkok, have
agreed to set up a Regional Forum to be facilitated by UNEP ROAP to help
curb the trade of environmentally hazardous chemicals as well as natural
resources and endangered species in the region. The Forum allows access to
<; more

NGO News


Source: IISD Reporting Services, September 9, 2005

A group of NGOs has organized a week of awareness-raising activities on
waste issues. The network challenges governments to adopt and implement
policies that will prevent waste
<; more

NGOs Oppose Veterinary Department Chief

Source: The Georgian Times, September 19, 2005

Some Georgian environmentalists are concerned over the shutdown of state-run
veterinary services across Georgia. They blame Jambul Maghlakelidze,
Chairman of the Veterinary Department of Georgia, of withholding information
about the process. Maghlakelidze, who signed the order to liquidate the
services on July 1, 2005, dismisses these charges as `groundless’.

According to a protest letter from the Caucasus Environmental NGO Network
(CENN), the order to shut down state-owned veterinary bodies
<; more

Legal News

Environmental laws fall by the wayside

Source: the Daily Star: By Raed El Rafei September 14, 2005

Many companies ignore the need for EIA studies or pay lip service to their

One need only take a look at the over-urbanized slopes crunched by quarries
or take a dip in the sea where water and waste co-exist to realize
protecting the environment is not a priority in the land of the cedars. The
continuous proliferation of projects that do not respect environmental
standards makes one wonder why laws drafted for the protection of the
environment in 2002 have not yet been implemented.
<; more

New Publication

European Environment Outlook – EEA Report No 4/2005

Source: European Environmental Agency, 11 September, 2005

Protecting our environment is a key element in ensuring sustainable
livelihoods for today’s and future generations. Indeed, the most recent Euro
barometer surveys show
<; more

Fundraising Opportunity

The CEE Fundraising Achievement Award 2005

The Civil Society Development Foundation Hungary (CSDF Hungary) and
Fundraising Competence Group GmbH introduce a new award for celebrating
fundraising success stories of the recent years and promoting best practices
of the emerging nonprofit sectors in Central and Eastern Europe.
<; more


TACIS FUNDED PROJECT intends to recruit 2 experts to assist the EU

Source: “24 Saati” (“24 Hours”), September 15, 2005

“Legal Advice in Support of Reform of the Social Protection and Health Care

The recruited experts will be responsible for preparing analysis according
to the defined project objectives and criteria. (in years)
<; more

Tender Announcement – Invitation for Bids

Source: The Georgian Times, September 19, 2005

Specific Procurement Notice


Municipal Development and Decentralization Project II

Improvement of Gori Water Supply System

Loan/Credit No. 3701-GE Contract/ Bid No. GOR/201

This invitation for bids follows the general procurement notice for this
project that appeared in Development Business No. 657 of June 30, 2005.

Georgia has received a credit from the International Development Association
(IDA) toward the cost of the Municipal Development and Decentralization
Project II, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit
<; more

ANNOUNCEMENT – Partner to finance a Project

Source: The Georgian Times, September 19, 2005

LTD ‘IKATO’ seeks a partner to finance a project (G-689 Natural
Biopreparation from Georgian Plants). The project has been subject to
expertise at the ISTC.
<; more

************************************************* ***********************

Subscribing Information

CENN lists are created to maintain e-mail discussions of Caucasus
Environmental NGO Network members. CENN has been distributing information
since 1998.

All the published digests and bulletins issued in both English and Russian
languages present incredibly rich environmental information base that give
the reader the whole picture of the environmental process taking place
during the recent 5 years in the South Caucasus region as well as abroad.

To subscribe or unsubscribe from CENN mailing list service, please send an
email to <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected] and place the “subscribe” or
“unsubscribe” command as the first line of the message body.

If you would like the information about your organization and activities to
be distributed via the CENN mailing lists (the current number of CENN
mailing list members represents 11049), if you want your voice to be heard
around the world, please send your information at the following email:
<mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]

For more information about the program, please visit CENN web-page:

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 75 19 03/04
Fax: ++995 32 75 19 05
E-mail: [email protected]

Abu Dhabi: New Premises Of Armenian Embassy Will Be Inaugurated In A


Azad-Hye, United Arab Emirates
Sept 14 2005

AZAD-HYE (Dubai, 14 September 2005): Marking an important development
in the Armenian-UAE relations, Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian
visits the UAE to attend the ceremony of laying the foundation of
the new premises of the Embassy of Armenia, which will take place
in the diplomatic quarter of the capital Abu Dhabi on Saturday 1st
October 2005.

The plot has been donated by late President His Highness Sheikh Zayed
bin Sultan Al Nahyan, during Kocharian’s visit to the UAE (April 2002).

This event will mark the beginning of a donation campaign within the
Armenian Communities in the Gulf countries, aimed at concentrating
the required amount for erecting the building (which happens to be
exactly next to the new futuristic building of the US Embassy).

It is worth mentioning that the Armenian Community of the UAE supported
economically the opening of the Armenian Embassy in the UAE and had
covered most of the expenses during the period 2000-2002

The Embassy was officially opened with a flag hoisting ceremony on
24th September 2000, at its temporary premises opposite Hamdan Post
Office on Khalifa Street in Abu Dhabi. The flag was raised by visiting
Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vardan Oskanian, and the first
Charge d’Affaires, Dr Arshak Poladian, flanked by young Armenians in
traditional attire.

The ceremony was attended by UAE Foreign Ministry Undersecretary,
several diplomats, UAE officials and Armenians in the country.

Sergenian’s Covers Basics In Business

Marv Balousek
[email protected]

Wisconsin State Journal, WI
Sept 17 2005

Photo: Tom Sergenian, president of Sergenian’s Floor Coverings and
grandson of the company founder, stands in the store’s showroom.

(STEVE APPS – State Journal)

When it comes to carpets and flooring, the Sergenian family has
covered homes and businesses in Madison for 75 years.

Sergenian’s has covered the floors at the Overture Center, the Dane
County Regional Airport and University Hospital and installed the
replacement carpeting at Monona Terrace. Sergenian’s Floor Coverings
now is working on the flooring at Epic System’s new Verona offices.

Ara Sergenian, born in New York City to Armenian parents, opened
a rug store on Monroe Street in 1930. His son, Paul, and grandson,
Tom, remain involved in the business, which these days sells a lot
more than just rugs.

The business has survived two fires, several moves and changes in the
flooring business over the years that included the beginning of wall-
to-wall carpeting in the late 1940s as well as later advances in vinyl,
stone tile and hardwood flooring.

The carpeting and flooring business is very competitive in Madison,
said Roy Spencer, an account specialist who’s worked 15 years at
Coyle Carpet, 250 W. Beltline.

“They’re good competition,” Spencer said of Sergenian’s. “It’s a very
competitive business, but we have mutual respect for each other.”

James Garner, Sergenian’s chief executive, was the first non-family
employee hired in 1965. One of his first tasks, he said, was to buy
ice cream cones for members of the Sergenian family from a store
across the street.
