Job vacancies at Pyunic Association of the Disabled in Yerevan

Press Release:
Contact: Hakob Abrahamyan
Pyunic Association of the Disabled
16 Tsitsernakaberd Street,
Phone: 56 07 07
56 08 17

Job Announcement

Armenian Association for the Disabled `Pyunic ` announces the
following vacant positions in the project `Early Intervention’:

speech therapist
special educator

Priority will be given to young and experienced candidates.

Please send your CVs to [email protected]

or to the mailing address:

16 Tsitsernakaberd Street,

Application deadline is the 9th of June 2005.

Die armenischen Christen bleiben: Hunderttausend leben in Iran

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
7. Juni 2005

Die armenischen Christen bleiben;
Hunderttausend leben in Iran

Rainer Hermann

TEHERAN, im Juni. Hunderttausend armenische Christen leben noch in
Iran. In dem Vierteljahrhundert seit der islamischen Revolution im
Jahr 1979 wanderten 50 000 von ihnen in den Westen aus. Heute ist
dieser Aderlaß gestoppt. Nur noch wenige verlassen das Land, in das
ihre Vorfahren vor einem halben Jahrtausend aus dem Kaukasus gezogen
sind. Die armenische Gemeinde habe heute im Inneren die Freiheiten,
die sie brauche, um ihre Identität zu erhalten, sagte der Katholikos
Aram I., als er vor kurzem zum vierten Mal zu einer seelsorgerlichen
Reise in der Islamischen Republik war. Die Armenier bekundeten
selbstverständlich Respekt vor den Werten und Traditionen der
iranischen Gesellschaft. Andererseits respektierten die iranische
Gesellschaft und die Regierung die christliche Identität der

Zwei Wochen lang besuchte der seit 1995 amtierende Katholikos des
Hohen Hauses von Kilikien, Seine Heiligkeit Aram I., die drei
armenischen Diözesen Teheran, Isfahan und Tabriz. Aram I., dessen
Katholikat 1930 aus der Türkei vertrieben worden war und sich im
libanesischen Antelias niederließ, sprach mit Staatspräsident Chatami
über die Entwicklungen im Libanon. Mit Justizminister Shahrudi redete
er über Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung des zivilrechtlichen Status
der armenischen Christen. Bei allen seinen Gesprächspartnern habe er
dafür geworben, daß sich Iran in der islamischen Welt für die
Anerkennung des Genozids an den Armeniern einsetze, sagte Aram in
einem Gespräch mit dieser Zeitung. Denn der Genozid sei kein
religiöses Thema, sondern eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit und der

Chatami überbrachte Aram I. ein Schreiben des libanesischen
Staatspräsidenten Lahoud. Er habe dem Präsidenten gesagt, daß der
Libanon an einem entscheidenden Punkt seiner Geschichte angelangt
sei. “Ich weiß nicht, wie Iran dazu beitragen kann, im Libanon für
Stabilität zu sorgen, ich weiß nur, daß Iran es kann.” Der Libanon
bestehe aus vielen Gemeinschaften, die Koexistenz zwischen Muslimen
und den Christen sei daher das Wesen des Landes. Dieses Zusammenleben
schaffe eine besondere Identität und eine besondere Rolle des Landes
in der arabischen und in der islamischen Welt. Andererseits sei das
prekäre Gleichgewicht zwischen den Religionsgemeinschaften stets
durch regionale und internationale Kräfte und Ereignisse beeinflußt

“Alle arabischen Länder und Iran können daher eine konstruktive Rolle
spielen, um in diesem kleinen Land diese Koexistenz
aufrechtzuerhalten.” Chatami habe er gebeten, zu helfen, diese
Koexistenz zu bewahren und den christlich-muslimischen Dialog
voranzutreiben. Der 1947 in Beirut geborene Aram I. ist selbst ein
Befürworter des innerchristlichen Dialogs. Seit 1975 ist er im
Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen aktiv.

Äußerer Anlaß der vierten Reise Arams nach Iran waren das zehnjährige
Jubiläum seiner Wahl zum Katholikos und der 75. Jahrestag der
Gründung des theologischen Seminars von Antelias. Dieses bildet auch
die armenischen Geistlichen Irans aus. Denn seit der “Eiserne
Vorhang” Armenien von Etschmiadsin, dem spirituellen Zentrum der
armenischen Kirche, getrennt hatte, orientieren sich die armenischen
Christen Irans zum Katholikat von Kilikien. Das änderte sich mit der
Unabhängigkeit Armeniens nicht. So hat der in Etschmiadsin
residierende Katholikos aller Armenier, Seine Heiligkeit Karekin II.,
Iran noch nie besucht, obwohl die iranischen Armenier – wie die im
Kaukasus – Ostarmenisch sprechen, die Armenier in Antelias und allen
anderen Regionen der Diaspora aber Westarmenisch.

Aufgegriffen habe Justizminister Sharudi seinen Vorschlag, eine
Kommission, bestehend aus Beamten des Justizministeriums und
Mitgliedern der armenischen Kirche, einzusetzen, Fragen des
zivilrechtlichen Status der Mitglieder der armenischen Gemeinde zu
klären, sagt Aram I. Unsicherheiten gebe es etwa bei Fragen der
Heirat und der Scheidung. In vielen Ländern erfreuten sich die
Armenier in zivilrechtlichen Fragen einer eigenen Gerichtsbarkeit. In
Iran sei aber unklar, ob ein Gericht des Staats oder eines der Kirche
das letzte Wort habe. Ändern wollen die Armenier die
diskriminierenden Praktiken von Erbschaftsregelungen bei – den sehr
seltenen – gemischtreligiösen Ehen. Unumstritten sind jedoch die
Schulen der armenischen Gemeinde. Vom kommenden Schuljahr an erkennt
der iranische Staat erstmals armenische Sprache und armenischen
Religionsunterricht als offizielle Fächer an.

Besonders unmittelbar nach der Revolution von 1979 sei die Gemeinde
mit Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert gewesen. Das gelte für die religiöse
Erziehung, die Schulen und andere Institutionen der Gemeinde, sagt
Aram I. In der Phase des Übergangs sei man danach dank gegenseitigen
Vertrauens in der Lage gewesen, einige dieser Probleme zu lösen.
Heute vertreten sogar zwei armenische Parlamentsabgeordnete – Gevorg
Vartan aus Teheran und Robert Beglarian – die Interessen der Gemeinde
im iranischen Parlament.

Kritisch äußert sich Ruben Karapetyan, Vorstandsmitglied der
armenischen Gemeindeleitung in Teheran, über westliche Versuche,
Christen aus dem Nahen Osten dazu zu bewegen, ihre Heimat zu
verlassen. Dahinter verberge sich eine gezielte Politik, den Nahen
Osten von Christen zu entleeren, sagt Karapetyan, der die Reise Arams
I. vorbereitet hatte. Zumindest aus Iran wandern nun aber kaum mehr
Christen ab.

Katholikos ARAM I.

Foto epd

Part of Armament of Russian Military Bases To be xfer’d to Armenia


ST.PETERSBURG. JUNE 6. ARMINFO. Part of the armament of the Russian
bases in Georgia will be transferred to the Russian base in Armenia,
Interfax reports Russian Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov as saying at
a press-conference Monday.

There is no question of giving the armament to Armenia. It will
simply be redeployed to another Russian base, says Ivanov noting that
Russia will comply with the CAFE Treaty arms quotas over one or
another territory.

To remind, the withdrawal of the Russian bases from Georgia will
start this year and end in 2008.

BAKU: Summary of Azeri ANS TV programme “Otan Hafta” at 1600 gmt 5

Summary of Azeri ANS TV programme “Otan Hafta” at 1600 gmt 5 June 05

ANS TV, Baku
6 Jun 05

Presenter Qanira Pasayeva

1. 0014 Headlines.

2. 0103 President Ilham Aliyev has signed an anti-inflation
decree. Details of the decree.

3. 1125 Discussions between the Azerbaijani government and the Council
of Europe Venice Commission on changing the country’s Electoral Code
have come to an end. The Azerbaijani government has turned down a
Venice Commission suggestion on forming electoral commissions on the
basis of parity. Safa Mirzayev, head of the Milli Maclis (parliament)
executive staff, said in the ANS studio that Azerbaijan cannot change
the composition of electoral commissions just five months ahead of the
elections. He said free and fair elections can be held with the
current electoral commissions as well.

4. 1909 The Azerbaijani opposition staged first authorized rally in 20
months on 4 June. Video showed the rally by the bloc of three
opposition parties. The ANS reporter said among the organizers of the
rally the People’s Front of Azerbaijan Party seemed more active. The
bloc is expected to stage its next rally on 18 June.

5. 2328 An interview with Mats Lindberg, representative of the Council
of Europe secretary-general. Lindberg said trust in electoral
commissions is important in holding free and fair elections.

6. 3115 The Council of Europe Monitoring Committee discussed the issue
of Azerbaijan’s political prisoners and democratic institutions this
week. Asim Mollazada, a member of Azerbaijan’s parliamentary
delegation at PACE, said in the ANS studio that a struggle is under
way between progressive and regressive forces within the Azerbaijani

7. 4002 Prime Minister Artur Rasizada has said in Tbilisi that
Azerbaijan will draw some conclusions from Russia relocating its
military bases from Georgia to Armenia. No details. The presenter says
Tbilisi is not happy with the relocation either, because it has a
restive Armenian minority on its border with Armenia.

8. 4204 Commercials.

9. 4648 Report on problems in Azerbaijan’s education system.

10. 5412 The presenter says businesses in Azerbaijan’s most lucrative
sectors – the construction industry, wedding houses and transportation
– are evading taxes. The reporter says although the construction
industry makes up 13.5 per cent of the GDP, it accounts for only 4.4
per cent of all taxes collected in the country.

11. 1:0100 Commercials.

12. 1:0401 An interview with Salim Muslumov, head of the state social
security fund. Muslumov says the country’s unemployment figures are

13. 1:1508 The management of the Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping
does not permit Audit Chamber officials to inspect the company,
presenter says. The company also behaves as a monopolist. It does not
allow the Hazi Aslanov vessel of the Palmali Shipping company to enter
the Baku port. Aydin Basirov, head of the Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea
Shipping says the vessel is not allowed to enter the Baku port because
it is sailing under the Russian flag.

14. 1:2301 Presenter signs off.

Day Of Open Doors To Be Organized For Deaf People and People WithHea


YEREVAN, JUNE 2, NOYAN TAPAN. On June 14, RA Ministry of Health
will organize a day of open doors at nose, throat and otological
departments of leading Yerevan and regional medical centers. Noyan
Tapan’s correspondent was informed from the Ministry that free medical
services will be rendered to people with hearing defects and people
suffering from different kinds of deafness on June 14.

BAKU: Azeri soldier killed in Armenian cease-fire violation – TV

Azeri soldier killed in Armenian cease-fire violation – TV

Lider TV, Baku
5 Jun 05

The cease-fire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been
violated again.

Armenian armed forces in Agdam’s occupied Bas Qarvand village fired on
the villages of Ciraqli and Miraselli of the same district from 0100
[2000 gmt on 4 June] till the morning [of 5 June]. Armenians in the
occupied village of Sixlar also fired on Azerbaijani positions in
Orta Qislaq village from assault rifles and machine guns.

Vusal Mammadov, an Azerbaijani soldier conscripted into the army from
Ganca, was killed in an exchange of fire.

British Publishing Company to Revise Scandalous Travel Guide

Zaman, Turkey
June 3 2005

British Publishing Company to Revise Scandalous Travel Guide
By Bahtiyar Kucuk, Tugba Sasanlar
Published: Friday 03, 2005

The publishers of “Eyewitness Travel Guide”, which gives misleading
images of Turkish history, has promised to revise the book in
response to an article in Zaman.

About an illustration of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamit II with blood
dripping from his hands, the publishing company Dorling Kindersley
(DK) said passages in the booklet that caused controversy would be
revised. The main contributor of the book Suzanne Swan also noted she
would ask the company to change the illustrations of Abdulhamit II
and Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha, Admiral of the Ottoman fleet. Canan
Silay, a Turkish citizen who is among the authors of the book, said
that she saw the said illustrations for the first time and was
astonished. Meanwhile, Istanbul Attorney General Nazmi Okumus said
there would be a thorough examination of both books and an
investigation into the guide to Istanbul by MasterCard.

On Thursday, June 2, in a headline titled “Istanbul City Guides
Become Source of Scandals” Zaman announced that travel guides written
and published abroad for tourists to Turkey include information that
slanders Turkey and some of its historical figures. The news article
noted that the “Turkey-Blue Guide” wrote that Mehmet the Conqueror
had committed “slaughter” when he captured Istanbul and the other
guidebook named “Eyewitness Travel Guides” illustrated Abdulhamit II
with blood dripping from his hands.

London-based publishing company DK’s Travel Department Office Manager
Caroline Evans said that the book’s parts about Abdulhamit II and
Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha will be revised by editors, who will
double-check the sources on the Ottoman Sultan and Admiral. Susan
Swan, main contributor of the Eyewitness Travel Guides Turkey also
said that she would personally ask the publishing company in London
to change the illustrations of Abdulhamit II and Barbaros Hayreddin
Pasha. She has been living in Turkey for 15 years and very well
understands Turkey’s sensitivity about these illustrations, Swan
emphasized, and that she did not know that these illustrations were
to be included. The two illustrations on pages 55 and 57 of the book
were taken from the Mary Evans Picture Library in London she said: “I
was responsible only for writing the text for this book, as the
author. Photographs, prints and drawings were not my responsibility
and I had no decisions in which prints were used. I have been in
Turkey for 15 years as a foreign journalist and am always careful to
portray Turkey in the correct and proper way.” Swan continued that
she has also received letters from readers about some erroneous
information in the book and added these would be amended in 2006
edition. Swan, who has been living in Turkey since 1990, still works
for British Leather International Media Company in Antalya.

Canan Ener Silay, a Turkish author, was also among the contributors
of the Eyewitness Travel Guides. Silay expressed that she saw the
scandalous illustrations for the first time in Zaman, that each
author contributed parts in their own specific area of interest and
she wrote information about hotels, restaurants and transportation.
She said of the illustrations: “These are political issues that
should be taken seriously. The presence of these parts is unnecessary
and nonsense. It might have been done to attract attention.”

Saying that the articles she wrote for the Eyewitness Travel Guides
were published in 1998, Silay says: “Information that I wrote for the
issue on Istanbul then was used again by the publishing company in
Eyewitness Travel Guides-Turkey in 2003. I am learning from you that
my name was also printed in the 2003 edition. I will call the
publishing company in London and receive information about this.”
Silay makes translations to foreign-based books.

Meanwhile, Istanbul Attorney General Nazmi Okumus announced that they
are considering enlarging the investigation they launched into
literature produced by MasterCard. Okumus said that they would take
the other travel books mentioned in Zaman newspaper into the
framework of the investigation as well. Attorney General Okumus had
launched an investigation on erroneous expressions such as “Armenians
were massacred” and “Ataturk banned any expression of Kurdishness as
part of an assimilation plan in 1924” that were included in the
Istanbul guidebook distributed by the MasterCard for the UEFA
Champions League final match in Istanbul on May 25.

‘Vodka limon’, un retrato del agridulce sabor de la pobreza y el amo

‘Vodka limon’, un retrato del agridulce sabor de la pobreza y el amor

El Tiempo, Colombia
Jueves 2 Junio 2005

Una pareja de viudos se encuentra en medio del helado paisaje del
Caucaso kurdo. En Colombia se vera el proximo 3 de junio.

Él, Hamo de mas de 60 años, le cuenta a su esposa, en su tumba, las
cosas nuevas de cada día.

Ella, Nina de 50 años, tambien le relata a su fallecido esposo que ha
sido de su vida últimamente.

Los dos terminaran en una callida relacion en medio de la nieve y el
cruento invierno que azota la villa donde viven, en medio de las

El director Hiner Saleem (‘Passeurs de Reves’, de 1999, cuyo nombre
en español fue ‘Mas alla de nuestros sueños’) rodo su filme justo en
una zona similar a su país natal, Kurdistan (Irak), de donde tuvo que
salir como refugiado político, luego de la persecucion que emprendio
Saddam Hussein contra los kurdos.

Ese sitio es en Armenia, donde miles de personas sobreviven como
refugiados y desplazados, en medio de la miseria.

Actualmente, Saleem, de 41 años, reside en París.

‘Vodka limon’ obtuvo el Premio San Marco por Mejor Película, en la
seccion Contracorriente del Festival de Venecia en el 2003.


ATV-12 and Parvana to carry daily news bulletins

ATV-12 and Parvana to carry daily news bulletins

01.06.2005 14:57

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Beginning June 1, ATV-12 and Parvana TV stations
based in Georgia’s Armenian-populated towns of Akhalkalak and
Ninotsminda respectively, will broadcast daily news bulletins,
A-INFO reported.

The project is funded by Internews, which has been working with these
TV stations for years and has held a number of training courses for
the stations’ employees.

The news bulletins will be broadcast in Armenian, Russian and Georgian.

Russia to use transport aviation for troops pullout from Georgia

Russia to use transport aviation for troops pullout from Georgia
By Alexander Konovalov

ITAR-TASS News Agency
May 31, 2005 Tuesday

MOSCOW, May 31 — Russia will certainly use its military transport
aviation to pull out troops from Georgia, commander of the 61st army of
Russia’s Air Force, Lieutenant-General Viktor Denisov said on Tuesday.

“We used it to withdraw our military bases from Germany, the Czech
Republic and Hungary. Of course, we cannot do without it during the
troops pullout from Georgia,” Denisov said.

He pointed out that all the airfields in Transcaucasia will be used
for the withdrawal of Russian bases after coordination with Georgia.
“We’ll be using in the first place the airfields to which we fly now,
foremost Gyumri in Armenia,” Denisov said.