Armenians’ Displacement From Turkey Caused Harm Not Only To Armenian


15.09.2009 18:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Absence of Armenians on Turkish territory is a
loss not only for Armenians but also Turks, Turkish historian, owner
of Birzamanlar publishing house Osman Koker told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter. "Turkey’s policy which resulted in 1915 events negatively
impacted the entire country. From the point of view of civilization,
Turks suffered great losses in spheres of culture and entrepreneurship
since Armenians played an inestimable role in country’s development,"
historian stressed.

Assessing current stage of Armenian-Turkish relations Koker noted that
Yerevan and Ankara follow the right course. It’s very important for
Armenian and Turkish societies to be informed of the process. Turks
need to be explained that Armenians are not so bad a nation as they
believe," said Turkish expert.

Armen Manassyan Triumphs In Paris

Jean Eckian / Paris

11:20:17 – 14/09/2009

On september 11, Invited by radio AYP FM, under the aegis of the
Ministry of Culture of RA, the young Armenian pianist Armen Manassyan
(21 years old) filled with marvel the public of Paris by his talent
and his charm.

On the occasion of the 140th birthday of the father Gomidas, Armen
Manassyan gave two concerts in cathedral Holy Cross of the Armenians
to Paris.

He played with a great sensitivity several works of Vartabed Gomidas,
Debussy, Liszt and Sayat Nova in front of admirors conquered and
enthusiastic by the playing of his gold fingers. The pianist is for
the classical music that is Tigran Hamasyan for the jazz.

Mystic Curiosity Curiously, its passage at Paris was marked by two
strong symbols. Indeed, when Armen recorded its new CD in a studio of
Paris with works of Gomidas, the piano "Pleyel" on which he played,
was manufactured in 1915… Moreover, the day of the Concert, in Holy
Cross of the Armenians, the priest revealed him, that the piano of
the parish is that on which Gomidas, in person, played in 1912… Two
incredible signs of the destiny which open, under the best auspices,
a certainly masterly career for this young man, pride of the Armenians.

Armen Manassyan is prize winner of several competitions in Armenia,
like the prestigious FLAME in Paris (2004). He also recorded ‘ The
seasons ‘ of Tchaikovski.

BAKU: Azerbaijani judoka could not qualify for Euro Championship

Trend, Azerbaijan
Sept 12 2009

Azerbaijani judoka could not qualify for European Championship
semi-final in Armenia

Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 12 /Trend News, F.Huseynli/

One Azerbaijani sportsman has joined the European Junior Judo
Championship, held in Armenia.

Azerbaijani Judoka, Ramin Gurbanov (81kg) won the British Sportsman,
Grage Stuart in the first round. In the quarter final, the Azerbaijani
sportsman lost the Georgian Judoka, Avtandil Chrikishvili, but he
still has chances to gain a medal of the junior European Championship.

A total of 5 sportsmen are representing Azerbaijan in the European
Judo Championship. Three of them gained medals, including Ilgar
Mushkiyev (55kg) – silver medal, Rasim Abdullayev (60kg) and Fagan
Eminoglu (66kg) – bronze medals. The last Azerbaijani judoka, Elmar
Gasimov (100kg) will join the contest.

IBRD to help Armenia rehabilitate irrigation systems

IBRD to help Armenia rehabilitate irrigation systems

YEREVAN, September 12. /ARKA/. Armenian parliament will consider
ratification of a loan agreement signed by Armenia and the
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) at its
autumn session that starts on September 15.

Under the agreement the IBRD will provide Armenia with a $30 million
loan for rehabilitation of the country’s irrigation systems.

The press office of the Armenian parliament said the agreement had been
discussed by the parliament committee on foreign relations.

Andranik Andreasisn, head of the State Water Committee, said the goal
of the irrigation system rehabilitation program is to improve the
effective use of irrigation water and stimulate rural employment. -0-

Armenian-Turkish relations: viewpoint from Ankara


Armenian-Turkish relations: viewpoint from Ankara

Nagorno Karabakh will serve as a condition for the realization of
Nabucco or any transnational or regional communication project.
10.09.2009 GMT+04:00

The issue of Armenian-Turkish relations has become the subject of
discussion of not only the Armenian society but also that of the world
media. And, for some reason, the focus is mainly on Armenia’s
position, though no less important is the standpoint of Turkey, which,
is hardly talked about. If we consider the situation from Ankara’s
viewpoint or generally from Turkish perspective, Armenia is an enemy
to Turkey, a country that hinders her to meet her strategic

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Even in the years of 1918-1923, when the Entente and
afterwards Greece with the support of the Entente immersed into
Continental Turkey and successfully moved to Ankara, Turkey
concentrated all the power of her army on the Caucasian front against
the Armenians. And only after solving all her problems with the
support of the Bolshevik Russia on this front, did Turkey send her
troops to the West.

This fact alone shows the great importance that Turkey attaches to the
Armenian question. It is her biggest concern and she will do
everything in her traditional manner: give only promises, sign dozens
of contracts, accomplish no single item of the agreements signed,
harass and slaughter the Christian population. It has always been
so. No need to list all the contracts and the solemn commitments given
by Turkish sultans to European leaders…

As for Turkey’s present stance, she is a country that will never do
anything for the benefit of any other state in the world, especially
for the Armenian people, their growth, prosperity and consolidation of
statehood. Transit projects like Nabucco or the `Great Silk Road’
passing through Armenia are destined to failure for the simple reason
that Turkey will never allow them.

Solving her problems – the recognition of borders defined by the Kars
Agreement and softening
ognition ` as well as strengthening the inter-state borders legally
and transferring the issue of the Armenian Genocide to the level of
historical discussion that could last for years, Turkey will abruptly
turn to the implementation of joint Turkish-Azerbaijani plans, the
return of Artsakh to Azerbaijan being a priority. Thus, Nagorno
Karabakh will serve as a condition for the realization of Nabucco or
any transnational or regional communication project, an idea that will
be (or is already) imposed on Europe.

So, in the foreseeable future we shouldn’t rely on any transit
communications from Asia to Europe, as the railroad lines of Armenia
rest on Azerbaijan in the east, thus being destined to permanent
unfeasibility, while the beginning of construction of railway
communication with Iran is on hold for another year because of
indistinctness of the status of the liberated lands and the indistinct
position of official Yerevan.

Thus, we shouldn’t expect any major economic benefits referred to by a
number of politicians and economists, who are for the opening of the
Armenian-Turkish border. Minor border trade cannot improve the
country’s economy; it simply contributes to the welfare of business
people involved in export and the local population of the
borderland. Here are all our dividends.

Politics, in essence, is the art of trading. And there is always a
place for more or less equal exchange under favorable conditions; for
example, the recognition of the status of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic in exchange for the return of part of the liberated lands of
no strategic value, or opening of the Armenian-Turkish border with
consideration of conditions of the Kars agreement in return for
recognition of the Genocide.

It is also appropriate to mention that today Turkey needs a
breakthrough, breakthrough to the latest industrial and civilization
achievements of the West and to a revised national idea. Today the
country is under the threat of militant nationalism, replenished with
the religious factor, still contr
he Turkish leadership. However, today the Turkish leadership faces new
challenges associated with the national identity of its population,
the Kurdish question and white spots of the history offered to the
advanced layer of the society. The (urban) society has already started
a cautious revision of the old ideals, which was provoked by loud
murders and scandals connected with the Armenian issue.

In the eyes of their public the Turkish leadership needs real
diplomatic victories or at least, an illusion of progressive advance
in civilization.

As for the reasons why the Administration of the President of Armenia
has intensified the dialogue with Turkey on normalization of
Armenian-Turkish relations, it must be regarded as a Russian-American
and European confrontation in the region with the aim to solve their
tactical and strategic tasks, among which there are hardly any
pro-Armenian planks.

Mikhail Balayan

Armenian Enterprises Can Reduce Energy Costs By 15% Through Better E


September 10, 2009

YEREVAN, September 10. /ARKA/. Armenian enterprises can reduce
their energy costs by 15% through better energy efficiency measures,
IFC consulting services supervision expert for ecology and social
stability in Europe and Central Asia Brian Tite said.

This conclusion was drawn as result of IFC studies, she said in
making report about energy efficiency as a new resource of sustainable

The study was carried out among leaders of 100 Armenian enterprises
in summer 2008.

Armenia is ahead of similar countries in terms of energy savings,
but the country still has room for development, Tite said.

According to study results, Armenian enterprises will make improvements
to increase energy saving if the required funds are available. These
funds can be provided by investment and financial organizations for
15% reduction in energy costs.

Armenia became a member of International Financial Corporation (IFC)
in 1995. The Corporation started implementing investments in Armenia
in 2000.

Apart from investments, IFC is implementing technical assistance
projects to improve corporate management and investment climate and
to develop small and medium business.

An International Scientific Symposium Of Archeological Institutes To


SEPTEMBER 10, 2009

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS: An international scientific season
of archeological institutes will be held September 15-18 in Yerevan
within the frameworks of jubilee events of the 50th anniversary of
the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Armenian National
Academy of Science.

Head of the institute Pavel Avetisian told Armenpress that 25
specialists from different states of the world will take part in
the symposium, 19 of which will deliver reports on modern issues of
the archeology.

On the whole 42 archeologists will deliver reports. Specialists will
arrive from USA, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Spain, Turkey,
Georgia and possibly from Russia.

During the scientific symposium works conducted by the institute,
achievements as well as prospects of development of the archeology
will be presented. During the latest years the institute has conducted
extended activity with prominent archeological centers of Europe and
America and the international cooperation had serious results.

Within the frameworks of jubilee events of establishment of the
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography other events are also intended.

Cold On Turkey


New York Times
Sept 10 2009

STOCKHOLM — Turkey’s aspiration to join the European Union motivated
it to make a series of remarkable transformations between 2000
and 2005.

Ankara amended a third of the country’s authoritarian Constitution. Its
legislators enacted human rights laws in line with international
standards. It abolished the death penalty. It provided greater legal
protections for women. It introduced new safeguards against torture
and reformed the penal system. It scrapped draconian restrictions on
freedom of expression, association and the media.

The Turkish armed forces have stepped further back from the dominant
role they had played in the country’s political life since the time of
its founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Turkish-Kurdish tensions
have eased. Turks have begun to debate the Armenian question openly.

Turkey has also made significant positive input as a regional power,
contributing troops for international peacekeeping missions and
supporting talks to settle the Cyprus conflict in 2004. Let us also
not forget the significant cooling of animosities between Greece
and Turkey.

Yet despite so promising a start, the process of Turkey’s accession to
the E.U. has lost significant momentum since 2005. Negative statements
and actions by E.U. leaders have played a key role in discouraging
Turkey. These have undermined Ankara’s will to reform and have fueled
resentment. Popular support in Turkey for E.U. membership continues to
wane. Frustrated leaders in Turkey lament that the E.U. would reject
Turkey’s accession even if Ankara implements all the prerequisite
reforms and meets all other preconditions.

Europe’s wavering on Turkey’s E.U. accession is jeopardizing the
E.U.’s credibility and threatening to tarnish its good image. How
can European leaders be trusted if they continue to go back on their
word, stalling, and perhaps scuttling, a process that began a decade
ago with so much promise, has produced so many positive effects,
and holds such potential for the future?

During my three decades in mediating conflicts around the globe,
I have learned that only rarely, perhaps once in a generation, do
the political planets align for dramatic solutions. (In the past few
years just such an alignment appeared over Northern Ireland.)

A promising alignment is now appearing over a land of key importance
for both the E.U. and Turkey: Cyprus. Ongoing talks between the
leaders of the island’s Greek and Turkish communities offer the best
and probably the last chance to avoid an indefinite partition of the
island. A settlement on Cyprus — something that both Turkey and the
E.U. can contribute to achieving — would breathe new life into the
accession negotiations between Turkey and the E.U. and hasten the
day when both sides can gain full advantage from each other.

Strengthening the relationship between Turkey and the E.U. through
accession negotiations offers a clear opportunity to serve the E.U.’s
interests in energy security and to bolster stability both in the
Middle East and the South Caucasus.

If Turkey were to meet the remaining requirements for membership, the
country would enjoy a more open society. It would be more comfortable
in its own diversity. It would demonstrate that Islam and democracy
are fully compatible. Such a Turkey would be a beacon to East and West
alike. Its integration would help galvanize the E.U. to embrace its own
diversity and enhance its position in the world as a trusted partner.

On a cold Helsinki day in December 1999, E.U. leaders declared Turkey
to be "a candidate state destined to join the Union on the basis of
the same criteria as applied to the other candidate states." Today,
almost 10 years later, Turkey’s destiny seems far less certain.

What is at stake is not just Turkey’s future, but also the credibility
of the European Union as an honest broker.

Martti Ahtisaari, a former president of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize
laureate in 2008, is chairman of the Independent Commission on Turkey.

Armenia’ Central Bank President to visit Bishkek

09.09.2009 17:04

President of the Central Bank of Armenia Arthur Javadyan will visit
Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) from 10-13 September to participate in the
22nd sitting of the Central Bank Governors Club for Central Asia,
the Black Sea Region and the Balkan Countries.

The Central Bank Governors will discuss "The monetary and credit
policy under the conditions of the global economic crisis."

Armeconombank Plans To Substantially Increase The Number Of The Issu


2009-09-08 18:08:00

ArmInfo. Armeconombank plans to substantially increase the number
of the issued plastic cards till late October, 2009, to 73000 cards
against the present 71000 ones. As Head of Armeconombank Department
for Plastic Card Operations Vardan Yeghiazaryan told ArmInfo, the
bank intends to increase the number of its cards via signing of new
payroll agreements with big companies.

"Preliminary agreements with different companies are available,
in particular, those from the state and private sector with a staff
of at least 400-500 employees", -he said. V. Yeghiazaryan also said
that besides the payroll projects, the management of these companies
expressed a desire to cooperate with Armeconombank on other projects
as well. "Some of these companies used to cooperate with us, however,
further they changed the partner-bank for different reasons. No,
they decided to return to Armeconombank again, that indicates high
level of the client service in our bank", he emphasized.

According to V. Yeghiazaryan, Armeconombank substantially activated
emission of cards in summer, 2009, unlike the summer periods of the
previous years.

So, if the total number of the bank’s active plastic cards by July 1
made up 69800 pieces (including 6666 MasterCard and 63134 – ArCa),
their number by August 1 reached 70402 pieces (6835 MasterCard and
63567 – Ar’a).

Moreover, the volume of transactions with the bank cards through
ATM increased by 15% over July to 3.4 bln drams, and the number
of transactions grew by 10% to 92631. Along with it, the volume
of cash-out by Armeconombank’s cards through POS-terminals in July
did not change as compared to June – 540 mln drams (under 7991 in
number). As of August 1, the bank had 50 ATMs and 201 POS-terminals.