RA Minister Of Defence Receives The Secretary General Of TheCollecti


YEREVAN, June 15. /ARKA/. RA Minister of Defence, Secretary of the
National Security Council adjunct to RA President Serge Sargsyan
received the Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization (CSTO) Nikolay Bordyuzha. According to the Press Secretary
of RA Minister of Defence Seiran Shakhsuvaryan, the sides discussed
issues included in the agenda of the session of the Council of CSTO
on June 22-23 in Moscow. Also, problems of the organization, ways to
overcome them and further plans were discussed. A.H. –0-

NKR not expecting much of Oskanian-Mamedyarov meeting


Pan Armenian News
15.06.2005 04:20

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “We do not expect anything extraordinary of the
meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers Vartan
Oskanian and Elmar Mamedyarov to be held in Paris June 18”, NKR
Foreign Minister Arman Melikian stated in his interview with H2
Armenian TV Channel. In his words, Nagorno Karabakh does face the
task of re-confirming its position. “The negotiation process is under
way and we should watch the outcomes of the upcoming meeting”, NKR
Foreign Minister noted.

BAKU: Condoleezza Rice discussed NK conflict with Oskanyan

Today, Azerbaijan
June 14 2005

Condoleezza Rice discussed Upper Garabagh conflict with Vardan

14 June 2005 [09:55] – Today.Az

The foreign affairs minister of Armenia being on a visit in USA Vardan
Oskanyan met with the state minister Condoleezza Rice.

A comprehensive exchange of views related to the USA-Armenia relations
was held in the meeting. C. Rice highly appreciated Armenia’s
participation in the struggle against terror program realized in the
direction of Iraq’s restoration.

V.Oskanyan acquainted the USA state minister with the last situation in
regulating the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Besides, the sides held the
detailed exchange of views on the situation in the Southern Caucasus
and the Turkey-Armenia relations.




ANKARA: Erdogan Leaves New York For Turkey

Erdogan Leaves New York For Turkey

Turkish Press
June 11 2005

NEW YORK (AA) – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who
completed his meetings in New York, left for Turkey on Saturday.

State Minister Ali Babacan, National Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul,
deputies and prime ministry advisers who accompany Erdogan in his
visit to the US, will also return to Turkey.

Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul is
expected to leave New York for Turkey later.


Before his departure, Prime Minister Erdogan attended the dinner
hosted by Ahmet Ertegun, one of the successful Turkish businessmen
living in the US, in his honor.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and many American politicians,
journalists and artists attended the night.


Erdogan also attended a reception hosted in his honor by the Turkish
community living in the US.

Addressing the reception, Erdogan said that he held positive meetings
in the US.

“We had meetings about the investments of the big American companies
and businessmen in Turkey. Turkey is a stable country and the economic
parameters in Turkey are on the rise. Turkey stands on its feet,”
Erdogan said. Referring to employment problem in Turkey, Erdogan
said that the government worked hard to sort out this problem by the
investments made in service, agriculture and industry sectors.

Later Erdogan chatted with the Turkish people living in the US during
the reception.

Erdogan also met American businessmen on another occasion and was
interviewed by National Public Radio.


Erdogan got together with the Editorial Council of the New York Times
earlier the same day.

Prime Ministry Spokesman Akif Beki told the AA that the editors of the
New York Times criticized the postponement of the Armenian Conference
in Istanbul and Justice Minister Cemil Cicek’s remarks on this subject.

Erdogan informed the New York Times editors that Cicek’s statements
represented his own personal viewpoint and not that of the Turkish
government. “I stated that there is no legal barrier against such an
Armenian Conference in Istanbul. I support such a conference although
I do not agree with the notions that were to be expressed at the
Istanbul conference,” commented Erdogan.

Erdogan expressed that Turkey has opened its archives to all
scholars. The New York Times may look at these archives if it wishes
to, noted Erdogan.

Erdogan made a call to all the New York Times editors to visit Turkey
and study the archives.

The NY Times editors assured Erdogan that they will include Erdogan’s
statements in their upcoming articles.

Erdogan also went to Connecticut to see the factory of Skorsky
helicopters the same day.

RA FM called U.S to urge Turkey to open border


Pan Armenian News
13.06.2005 04:32

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian called the
United States to more active engagement in the process of establishing
normal relations between Armenia and Turkey and to urge Ankara to
lift Armenia’s blockade. The US is active and we would like to see
Washington engaged in the issue as well”, Vartan Oskanian said after
the meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. In his words,
the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide is still on
the agenda of the Armenian foreign policy. “Argentina, France, Poland
and Russia are among the countries to have recognized the Armenian
Genocide, however the US Administration still hesitates. Turkey in
its turn should not avoid the issue before establishing relations
with Armenia”, he added. According to the RA FM, the US should call
upon Ankara to become a bridge not only between the East and West
but also between various parts of Europe. “Armenia and Turkey are
not at war. We have no problems with the country but for historical
discrepancies. Germany and France also disagree on some historical
facts but they do not close borders”, Vartan Oskanian stressed,
RFE/RL reports.

John Evans: Allegations about U.S embarkation on revolutions….


Pan Armenian News
13.06.2005 03:47

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The allegations about the embarkation of the United
States Government on a campaign to destabilize the newly independent
states of the former Soviet Union the entirely unfounded, US Ambassador
to Armenia John Evans stated when addressing the American University
of Armenia. “One hears and reads that US embassies have been turned
into headquarters for fomenting such revolutions, that millions of
dollars have been channeled to groups plotting to seize power. I have
not yet heard it alleged that the United States has sent anyone into
this part of the world in a sealed train, but it would not surprise me
to hear such a thing”, he added. When touching upon the formation of
democratic institutes in Armenia Mr. Evans said, “The job of building
democracy in the Republic of Armenia has been well started. The main
principles of freedom and democracy have found their expression in
the Constitution and major legislation that is now on the books. But
what still needs work is the job of building and strengthening the
institutions that make a democracy function as it should. The United
States remains committed to helping Armenia — its government, courts,
parliament, political parties and citizens — build, strengthen and
refine the free institutions of which President Bush has spoken. Over
the next few years, and in particular in the time remaining before
the elections of 2007 and 2008, the United States will work actively
with our Armenian partners to help make those institutions as good
as they can be, for the good of the people of Armenia, and for the
advancement of freedom in the world.”

Armenienfrage als Schatten Uber Turkei-Besuch

SwissInfo Deutsch
10 juni 2005

Armenienfrage als Schatten über Türkei-Besuch

swissinfo 10. Juni 2005 21:05

Joseph Deiss mit dem türkischen Premier Recep Tayyip in Davos 2004.
Türkische Parlamentarier werden am Montag zu einem Schweiz-Besuch
erwartet. Eine neue Kontroverse in der Armenier-Frage überschattet
die Visite.

Türkische Zeitungen berichteten, geplante Ministerbesuche beider
Seiten seien abgesagt worden, weil in der Schweiz gegen einen
türkischen Historiker juristische Ermittlungen laufen.

Zwischen der Türkei und der Schweiz gibt es erneut Verstimmungen.
Nach Berichten der türkischen Tageszeitungen “Radikal” und “Milliyet”
sagte der türkische Handeslminister Kürsad Tüzmen seine Teilnahme am
“Swiss-Turkish-Business-Council” (STBC) ab. Die Veranstaltung hätte
vom 22. bis 24. Juni in Zürich stattfinden sollen.

Das Treffen sei bereits vor einem Monat auf unbestimmte Zeit
verschoben worden, bestätigten die STBC und der Sprecher des
türkischen Handelsministers am Freitag. Tüzmen hätte während seines
Besuchs in der Schweiz auch Bundesrat Deiss treffen sollen.

Türkischer Historiker verharmlost Völkermord

Der türkische Handelsminister Tüzmen begründete seinen Rückzug mit
den Vorermittlungen der Justiz in Winterthur gegen den türkischen
Historiker Yusuf Halacoglu. Halacoglu sei “ein guter Freund” von ihm,
zitierte “Radikal” den Politiker. Die Reise in die Schweiz habe er
aus Solidarität mit dem Historiker abgesagt.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft Winterthur hatte nach einem Vortrag Halacoglus
am 2. Mai 2004 in Winterthur eine Strafuntersuchung eingeleitet. Der
Historiker soll bei seiner Rede den Völkermord an den Armeniern
verharmlost und damit das Anti-Rassismus-Gesetz verletzt haben.

Gemäss “Radikal” und “Milliyet” sagte Deiss im Gegenzug einen für
September geplanten Gegenbesuch in der Türkei ab. Im Eidgenössischen
Volkswirtschafts-Departement (EVD) hiess es dazu lediglich, der
Besuch von Deiss im September sei von der Türkei nicht bestätigt. Die
Türkei habe aber “Terminschwierigkeiten” signalisiert.

Die türkische Botschaft in Bern wusste am Freitag nichts von einer
Absage. Der Besuch von Deiss in der Türkei sei nach wie vor für
diesen Herbst geplant, sagte Presse-Attaché Sibel Gal.

Gegenbesuch einer Parlamentarier-Delegation

Trotz der jüngsten Spannungen wird am Montag eine türkische
Parlamentarier-Delegation für eine Woche die Schweiz besuchen. Es
handelt sich um einen Gegenbesuch, nachdem eine Delegation des
Schweizer Parlaments im letzten Jahr die Türkei besucht hatte.

Gemäss Paolo Janke, Sekretär der Aussenpolitischen Kommission (APK),
wird der Besuch wie vorgesehen stattfinden. Geplant sind unter
anderem Treffen mit den Ratspräsidenten und den Bundesräten Micheline
Calmy-Rey und Deiss.

Kontroversen seit 2003: Als Genozid anerkannt

Die Türkei und die Schweiz liegen sich wegen der Armenier-Frage seit
2003 in den Haaren. Damals entschied das Waadtländer
Kantonsparlament, den Mord an den Armeniern zu Beginn des 20.
Jahrhunderts als Genozid anzuerkennen.

Drei Monate später folgte auf Bundesebene der Nationalrat diesem

Nach der Abstimmung in der Waadt hatte Ankara eine Einladung an die
Schweizer Aussenministerin Micheline Calmy-Rey zurückgezogen. Der
Besuch in der Türkei fand dann schliesslich im letzten März statt,
nachdem sich die Situation etwas entspannt hatte.

Die offizielle Türkei bestreitet, dass es sich bei den Ereignissen
von 1915 um einen Genozid handelte, und betont, dass es auf beiden
Seiten Opfer gegeben habe. Es sei zu Deportationen gekommen, nicht
aber zu einem Völkermord.

Gemischte Historiker-Kommission als Vorschlag

Vor der jüngsten Kontroverse, noch zu Beginn dieser Woche, hatte der
türkische Botschafter in Bern, Alev Kiliç, erklärt, dass die
Armenier-Frage “einen bitteren Geschmack in den
türkisch-schweizerischen Beziehungen hinterlassen habe”.

“Wir möchten dies ein für allemal klären, indem wir eine gemischte
Historiker-Kommission einsetzen und sämtliche Archive und Dokumente
zugänglich machen.”

Laut Kiliç hatte die Schweiz während Calmy-Reys Besuch in der Türkei
an einer solchen Kommission Interesse gezeigt. Es sei nun an den
Armeniern, ihre Position klarzulegen.

“Sicher ging dieser Vorschlag auch an die Regierung Armeniens”, sagt
Kiliç. “Ohne ihre Zustimmung ist eine solche Kommission nicht
festzulegen.” Noch stehe jedoch eine positive Antwort aus.

Antelias: HH Aram1: Religion Must Act on The Basis of Values

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr. Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:

Stated His Holiness Aram I.

Addressing an international interreligious conference, His Holiness Aram I
said: “Inter-religious dialogue aimed at enhancing greater understanding of
each other’s’ theological teachings and fostering closer relations and
broader collaboration must remain a major concern for all religions”.

Speaking about the role of religions in a new world context, Aram I, the
Moderator of the WCC, said: “Religion has become a major player on the
global scene. Religion has no identifiable boundaries; it has become
omnipresent in society and integral to our public and private life. For
some, religion is in process of self-articulation and is becoming more
relevant by adapting to the new world context; while for others, the
credibility of religion itself is at stake. The historical circumstances and
tremendous changes taking place in our societies call the religions to
engage in a critical process of self-understanding. Clearly, return of
religion and return to religion are facts of life”.

His Holiness emphasized the importance of “credible and relevant”
dialogue: “Interreligious dialogues, which are organized by different
players of civil society, including political institutions, have become a
salient feature of contemporary societies. The proliferation of
inter-religious meetings may eventually undermine the pivotal importance of
inter-religious dialogue, if a solid substance and a clear orientation are
not given to these encounters. More than at any other time there is a great
awareness of the need for a credible and relevant inter-religious dialogue.
Only such a dialogue will help religions to reach a coherent and holistic
approach to crucial issues stirring the life of societies, and lead humanity
to healing and reconciliation”.

His Holiness considered “common values” essential for interreligious
co-existence and action. “Dialogue implies a common basis and common
objectives. In their search for the common truth, religions must also seek
common values that will underpin their co-existence, guide their common
reflection and enhance their common action”.

For His Holiness Aram I “religions must provide moral leadership in a world
where moral values are in decay”. He said that we must accept our
deficiencies and vulnerabilities in humility. Our theologies, our
institutions, our ways of life are strongly affected by anthropocentric and
world-oriented values and considerations. The moral authority of a religion
is questioned when it uncritically supports a political agenda and relies on
worldly power”.

Catholicos Aram I stressed the pivotal role of religion in combating
violence: “Religion is an instrument of peace-building. However, religion
has always had its own share in the emergence of the culture of violence.
The misuse and abuse of religion has often generated conflict. Religious
divergences are often exploited to create tensions. Distrust and
intolerance, fueled by extremist views and exclusivist doctrines, have
caused violence in many communities. Thus, unholy alliance of religion and
violence has become a bitter experience in many regions”.

For the Moderator of the World Council of Churches “the credibility of a
religion is determined by its firm commitment to peace and non-violence. The
religions must pro-actively articulate their vocation as peace builders.
They must combat violence by addressing those issues and situations that
generate violence; by building a culture of peace with justice; by promoting
confidence and understanding between religions, and by leading societies to
reconciliation and transformation”.

Concluding his address, His Holiness appealed to all religions: “to develop
a vision of community where hate is transformed into respect, intolerance
into acceptance, isolation into integration; to build communities where,
diversities are enriched and common values are deepened; to organize
communities so that working together on issues of common concern may become
a continuous process and a quality of being together; to seek new ways of
living together as one community, where our self-perceptions are respected,
deepened and broadened in dialogical interaction with each other”.

More than 150 people from all religions take part in this international
conference of religions organized by the World Council of Churches.

Read below the full text of the lecture of His Holiness Aram

View pictures here:





The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.


Appointing the ombudsman


| 13:46:53 | 06-06-2005 | Social |


During the previous week the readers of the A1+ internet site tried to find
out who must appoint the RA Ombudsman. The participants voted mainly for two
variants – President, and People via elections. 328 people participated in
the voting. The final results of the voting are as follows:

«Who should appoint the Ombudsman? »

People via elections – 36.6%;

President – 30.8%;

Parliament – 30.2%;

Undecided – 2.4%

This week the theme of the poll is «What possibility for RA President’s
dismissal should the Constitution provide? » You can learn information from
the materials in our «Articles» section. Wei call everyone to actively
particpate in the poll.

NKR President and Head Of State Taxation Service of Armenia Meet


STEPANAKERT, JUNE 6. ARMINFO. NKR President Arkady Ghoukassyan and
head of the State Taxation Service of Armenia Felix Tsolakyan
discussed issues of expansion of cooperation of NKR and Armenian
taxation services.

The NKR Presidential Information Department informs ARMINFO that NKR
PM Anushavan Danielyan also participated in the meeting. The parties
discussed the exchange of professional information, technical and
methodical knowledge. Arkady Ghoukassyan expressed hope for future
constructive nature of the cooperation of taxation services of
Armenia and NKR.