Plane Fault ‘Caused Iran Crash’


2009/07/16 17:26:03 GMT

The crash of a Caspian Airlines flight that left 168 people dead was
probably caused by technical problems, an Iranian official has said.

Deputy Transport Minister Ahmad Majidi was quoted as saying that the
plane’s pilot was probably not to blame.

The Russian-built Tupolev plane crashed on Wednesday in farmland
in Qazvin province, 120km (75 miles) north-west of Tehran, killing
everyone on board.

Flight data recorders have been recovered but are badly damaged.

The plane, which was flying from the Iranian capital to Yerevan in
Armenia, crashed 16 minutes after take-off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini
International Airport.

Witnesses said the 22-year-old Tu-154, which had 153 passengers and
15 crew, nose-dived from the sky with its tail on fire.

Wreckage was scattered over a large area.

On Thursday, state television said the cause of the crash was still

But Mr Majidi was quoted by the semi-official Mehr news agency as
saying that the pilot was experienced and the crash was "likely due
to technical problems".

He added that the flight data recorders, or "black boxes", might be
sent to Russia for analysis.

"Because of the severity of the crash, the two black box recorders
found are badly damaged, even though they are made of steel," Mr
Majidi said.

"The tapes were out on the ground. We might send the black box to
the country where it was manufactured [Russia] to chase the issue
with their help."

Most of those on board the flight were Iranian, though there were
also some Armenian and Georgian citizens.


Feb 2006: Tupolev crashes in Tehran, kills 29 people Dec 2005:
C-130 military plane crashes near Tehran, kills 110 Feb 2003:
Iranian military plane crashes, kills all 276 on board Feb 2002:
Tupolev crashes in west Iran, kills all 199 on board

Mr Majidi said DNA testing would be needed to identify the remains.

Friends and relatives of the victims gathered at the crash site for
a religious ceremony on Thursday, throwing flowers into the crater
created when the plane hit the ground.

Archbishop Sebo Sarkissian of Iran’s Armenian community was among
those to take part.

It was the third deadly crash of a Tupolev Tu-154 in Iran since 2002.

Correspondents say Iran’s civil and military air fleets are made
up of elderly aircraft, in poor condition due to their age and lack
of maintenance.

Since the Islamic revolution of 1979, trade embargoes by Western
nations have forced Iran to buy mainly Russian-built planes to
supplement an existing fleet of Boeings and other American and
European models.

Kevin Carty Welcomes Cooperation Between OSCE And RA Authorities


17.07.2009 21:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Senior Police Advisor to the OSCE Secretary General
Cavin Carty discussed Armenia’s police reform with authorities during
a visit to Yerevan today.

The police are the most visible manifestation of government
authority responsible for public security, Carty stressed, welcoming
cooperation between the OSCE and Armenian authorities, in particular
the introduction of the community policing model.

During his visit, Carty met with Head of the RA Police, Maj.-Gen. Alik
Sargsyan, Advisor to RA President Gevorg Kostanyan, and the Chairman
of NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal
Affairs Hrayr Karapetyan.

During the meeting, OSCE official characterized democratic control
over police as an inseparable element of the country’s stability
and security.

Carty also visited two community police outreach stations recently
opened with OSCE support in Arabkir police district in Yerevan,
OSCE Yerevan Office says in a release.

ARPA Institute Lecture on July 30 in Merdinian

Tel: (818)881-0010
On-Line Contact: [email protected]

What: Public Lecture on `Armenia-Turkey Negotiations and
Armenia-Diaspora Relations’, by Harut Sasounian
When: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 7:30PM
Where: Merdinian Auditorium, 13330 Riverside Dr. Sherman Oaks, CA
Miscelaneous: The lecture will address the twists and turns of the
Armenia-Turkey negotiations and the influence of the U.S., Russia and
Europe in that process. The false impressions created by the Turkish
Government during the so-called border-opening talks will be analyzed.
The lecture will also cover whether President Obama was tricked by
Turkey to preclude him from saying genocide, or did he trick Armenia
and Turkey?
The Turkish attempts to pit Armenia against the Diaspora will be
highlighted and counter-moves proposed.
The most recent Turkish trick will be exposed in linking the
border-opening talks to the Artsakh negotiations.
It will be pointed out that the Turkish preconditions in these talks
are ironically having the positive effect of restraining Armenia from
making further concessions.
After the lecture, there will be ample time for questions and answers.

Harut Sassounian is the publisher of The California Courier
newspaper. His editorials are reprinted in scores of publications
worldwide and posted on countless websites.
He is the President of the United Armenian Fund, which has supplied
over $550 million of humanitarian assistance to Armenia since the 1988
As Senior Vice President of the Lincy Foundation, he has overseen the
implementation of over $250 million of infrastructure-related projects
in Armenia.
>From 1978 to 1982, he worked for the Procter & Gamble Company in
Geneva, Switzerland, as an international marketing executive.
He served for 10 years as a non-governmental delegate on human rights
at the United Nations, lobbying for the eventual recognition of the
Armenian Genocide by the UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of
Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in 1985. He has a Master’s
Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University, a
Certificate from the Middle East Institute, and an MBA from Pepperdine
He is the author of "The Armenian Genocide: The World Speaks Out,
1915-2005, Documents and Declarations" which has also been published
in Arabic.
He serves on the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Diaspora of
He has been decorated by the President and Prime Minister of the
Republic of Armenia, as well as the heads of the Armenian Apostolic
and Catholic churches. He is the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal
of Honor.

The Malta Documents – Continuity Between CUP And The Turkish Republi

July 15 2009

Sait Cetinoglu is a Turkish scholar. His interests include The Young
Turks, CUP and Kemalism. He has published many original articles based
on research of the National Archives in Turkey. His book Economic
and cultural genocide 1942-1944 will soon be published in Ä°stanbul.

The following is the English version of the preface of the book Malta
Documents published by Vartkes Yeghiayan in Turkish. It was forwarded
to by the author along with a copy of the photo of the
Malta Exiles. Sait Cetinoglu’s gesture is much appreciated and the
material is being posted for the general public with minor editorial

The Malta documents undoubtedly constitute one of the most revealing
records about the Armenian Genocide, which is one of the most
important episodes of our recent history; yet it is a reality,
which we do not want to look into. To reveal the truth about 1915
is, in fact, tantamount to decode the secrets of the foundation of
the Republic of Turkey. It is for this reason that the period 1915
to 1923, the date of the foundation of the Turkish Republic, is the
most difficult to research due to legal obstacles. Malta documents are
the most significant ones that shed light on this period of transition.

These documents give us the accounts of what 150 Ottoman government
authorities and civil servants did during WWI. It is also the story
of the annihilation of a people under the isolated conditions of
war and seizure of their property, the story of how a new commercial
bourgeoisie and a bureaucratic bourgeoisie flourished on the usurped
riches of this people. The accounts of the witnesses and the victims
that can be found in these documents also serve a moral lesson for
us. Here we can find the clues to the hidden truths of the foundation
of the Republic of Turkey, and this is the reason why so much effort is
made to leave the events of 1915 to oblivion. Hence, these documents
explain why Turkey would never recognize the Armenian Genocide. They
also tell the story of a continuity from the Committee of Progress
and Union Committee (CUP) to the Republic of Turkey, the historical
roots of today’s secret operations and the corruption of the state
apparatus in Turkey.

To be a Malta exile was almost a privilege, as they were never called
"prisoner" and they themselves preferred to be called "exiles". Reading
their memoirs, one can clearly see that they did not lead a life of
an inmate. The description of the daily life in Malta in the memoirs
of KuÅ~_cubaÅ~_ı EÅ~_ref is one of a luxury. Many Malta inmates were
able to escape very easily, because they were allowed to escape.

Many of the Malta exiles were appointed to key governmental positions
after their sentence was over. When we track down the family trees of
the Malta exiles in the documents we can see who the real owners of the
state apparatus were. Four of the 50 key governors whose biographies
are published by the Ministry of Interior were former Malta exiles,
in addition to many others whose children and grandchildren later
became high-level government officials.

The Malta documents provide us the story of the tragedy of a people,
the story of how the fate of the Armenian people was sacrificed to
the considerations of realpolitik. They are a manifestation of the
immorality of the great powers, a lesson demonstrating how human rights
were sacrificed for imperial interests and an unprecedented example of
a crime going unpunished. They describe how the crime of genocide was
rewarded by impunity and how the way to new genocides was paved. In
fact, Hitler in 1939 expressed very clearly the encouraging nature
of this tragedy. What happened in Algeria, Anfal, Bosnia, Rwanda,
Kosovo and the atrocities in Darfur or Iraq today are all the outcome
of such impunity.

Among others, Great Britain’s policy of "neutrality", first adopted
on the 16th of March 1921 – the date when GB recognized the Ankara
government as a buffer against the Soviet Union and continued since
then – was responsible for the genocide to be left to oblivion just
for the sake of imperial interests. Armenian people were thus twice
victimized, first by being subjected to genocide with the encouragement
of an imperialist country, i.e. German, and then by the fact that the
perpetrators of the genocide were rewarded instead of being punished,
thanks to the interests of another imperialist country, this time
Great Britain.

In order to track down the Malta exiles we studied the biographies of
administrative and military authorities. We couldn’t make use of any
documents published by the General Staff as the biographies of the
Liberation War commanders lacked any record about their places of
service during 1915-1917. It was observed that the life stories of
the government officials positioned in deportation areas were very
interesting as they indicated clearly that the personnel records of
kaymakams and mutasarrıfs 1 determined the future career of these
officials. Those who disapproved the practices lost their lives,
as was the case with Ali Sabit Es-Suveydi, the deputy Kaymakam in
BeÅ~_iri (a district annexed to the vilayet of Diarbekir), Nesim Bey,
the Kaymakam of Lice and the Kaymakam of Derik. It was found in the
official records of Ahmet Ferid, the Kaymakam of Foca, that he was
removed from office as punishment for saving the lives of the Greeks
of Foca by helping them to flee to the island of Lesbos. Some of
the officials who were punished by removal only from office felt so
insecure afterwards that they had to leave the country.

Our work on the personnel records of the government officials who
served in the deportation areas revealed that some of these people
fell victim to unsolved murders and no record could be found about the
details of such murders.For example, the personnel records of Mustafa
Hilmi, the Mutasarrıf of Mardin and Ali Fehmi Bey, a member of the
Transportation Committee set up within the Directorate of Immigration
and Resettlement in AkÅ~_ehir, it was stated that neither the reason
for these persons’ murder nor the murderers could be identified. There
were annotations in some of the personnel records of those officials
who were later murdered indicating that the murderers were the Armenian
"komitaci"s 2. For instance Nabi Bey, who served in the police
department of Konya and who was in hiding in Kars for two years as
a Genocide suspect was killed by the Armenian activists in 1921.

However, most of the government officials who served during the
deportations and whose names appeared in the Malta documents were
rewarded afterwards by higher positions in the state apparatus. It’s
also not surprising to find that those government officials who
were implicated in the Genocide were the ones who first joined the
"National Struggle" leading to the foundation of the Republic. Of
these, the governors of Bitlis, Mazhar Mufit (Kansu), and Van,
Haydar Hilmi (Vaner), as well as Halis Turgut, Deli Halit Pasha,
General Pertev Demirhan, Sarı Edip Efe, Ardahan deputy Hilmi are
the most common names that are known.

On the other hand, some of the government officials referred to in
the Malta Documents could not be tracked down due to lack of any
records. Genocide perpetrators such as Salih Zeki, the Kaymakam of
Develi in 1915 who was appointed as the Mutasarrıf of Deyr-Zor in
1916 and Mustafa Asım, the Kaymakam of Harput in 1914, of Akcadag
in 1915 and of Of in 1918 were the ones who used the usurped Armenian
property for escaping from prosecution successfully. The Family Name
Law, requiring every Turkish citizen to adopt a family name in a
western style, helped the criminals in covering up their identities
and thus avoiding punishment. The reappearance of Veli Necdet in
the 1930’s in Ankara as the Chairman of Ankara Chamber of Commerce
with the family name of Sunkıtay, after serving as the Head of the
Diyarbakır Post Office in 1915 and the death of Memduh Sermet, the
Governor of Musul in 1915, in a road accident while he was travelling
to Izmir to start a business, are only two of very meaningful cases
in this respect. The Bolu deputy Habip became a reputable merchandiser
in the Republican period, widely known as the "bulghur 3 tycoon". The
fact that many of these suspects later became businessmen with close
business ties with each other can also be seen as a revealing detail
of the recent history of Turkey, and the Family Name Law helped them
a lot in succeeding to cover up their identities.

Mehmet the Pharmacist, who later became to be known as Mehmet
EczacıbaÅ~_ı, the starter of the biggest holdings in today’s Turkey,
is a striking example of Turkish businessmen who owe their wealth to
usurped non-Muslim property. This is the origin of the common saying
in Turkish, the "tehcir zenginleri", or the "barons of deportation"
and marks the truth about the Anatolia being a paradise of barons
of deportation.

It is also not a coincidence that the heads of administrative
bodies in places where deported Armenians were resettled, and
government officials serving at local branches of General Directorate
for Settlement of Immigrants and Tribes (Muhacirin ve AÅ~_airin
Umum Mudurlugu) (GDSIT), political departments of public security
directorates and food supply offices were the first to join the armed
forces of the Turkish national liberation movement. They were appointed
to these positions by the CUP on special mission. For example Ahmet
Nazif Göker from the Ministry of Food Supplies, Mustafa Maruf and
Ahmet Faik Ustun were among the first who joined the armed branches
of the liberation movement. Here are some further examples to how
the former CUP members were rewarded with reputable positions in
the society: Ahmet Faik Gunday, the Mutasarrıf of Malatya and elder
brother of Ziya HurÅ~_it was appointed as the deputy of Ordu. Ä°brahim
Zagra, the Edirne Mayor and Head of Resettlement Department and
also one of the founders of the Teceddut Party founded by former CUP
leaders, was to serve for long years as the Edirne Mayor and Chairman
of the Edirne Chamber of Commerce. Mehmet Å~^ukru YaÅ~_in who served
as the Kaymakam of Midyat, Malatya and TrablusÅ~_am between the
years 1914-17 was later appointed as the deputy of Canakkale. Ahmet
Esat Uras who was the head of the local Intelligence Service and the
deputy head of Political Affairs was first appointed as the Director
of Public Security, then as the Governor, then member of Turkish
History Institution and member of the Parliament. Ali Haydar Yulug,
the deputy head of the local branch of GDSIT, took over the position
of Ankara Mayor and Ali Rıza Ceylan, the head of Post Office in Van
and Bitlis and M. Kadri Necip Ucok, the head of the Post Office of
Sivas and the Mutasarrıf of Palu and Mardin served as governors of
various provinces. Mehmet Ata, who served in the years of deportation
at the Sivas Post Office and Mutasarrıf of Yozgat was appointed as a
member of the parliament and the Minister of Interior. There are many
more examples, such as Ä°smail Sefa Ozler, Ä°smail MuÅ~_tak Mayokam,
Mehmet Vehbi Bolak, Mehmet Fuat Carım, Omer Adil Tigrel and Mehmet
Fehmi Alta.

Those who were being sought after for implication in the Genocide were
also among the first to join the national movement. Among these the
first to remember are, Mahzar Mufit, Haydar Vaner, Arslan Toguzata
(police chief from TrablusÅ~_am), Abdurrahman Å~^eref Ulug from
Diyarbakır, Huseyin Tahir Guvendiren, Halil Rifat Å~^abanoglu, RuÅ~_tu
Bozkurt, Ali Å~^uuri, the deputy of EskiÅ~_ehir and Å~^arkikarahisar,
Mahzar Germen, Tevfik RuÅ~_tu Aras, Refik Saydam, Memduh Å~^evket
Esendal, Yenibahceli Nail, Å~^ukru Saracoglu and Huseyin Aziz
(Akyurek), a member of CUP Central Commitee and who was known to be
one of the planners of the Genocide.

It was not an irony at all when two of the Malta convicts Haci Adil Bey
was accepted to the Istanbul Faculty of Law and M. ReÅ~_at Mimaroglu,
a police chief, was appointed as the President of the Council of State,
as this is a routine in Turkey where a leader of the military coup in
1980 was later rewarded as an honourary professor in the same faculty
and a police chief was appointed as the Minister of Justice.

Furthermore, there were Malta convicts who were put on the government
payroll and were paid civil servant salaries for their "services to
the fatherland". We came accross their names in the "C Chart" of the
1955 government budget records. Among them were Nusret, the Mutasarrıf
of Urfa, who was executed for his crimes during the Genocide, Kemal,
the Kaymakam of Bogazlayan who was referred to as being a "National
Martyr", Yahya Kaptan who "fell martyr" while serving as the Commander
of the Gebze area, the former Minister of the Navy General Ahmet
Cemal, the former Sadrazam Talat, the former Governor of Diyarbakır
ReÅ~_it, Å~^eyhulislam 4 Hayri, Ziya Gökalp, the deceased artillary
major Rıza, the deputy of KırÅ~_ehir Mehmet Rıza Silsupur (Keskinli
Rıza), the deputy of Edirne Faik Kaltakıran, the deputy of Gaziantep
Ali Cenani, the deputy of Istanbul Numan Ustalar, the deputy of MuÅ~_
Ä°lyas Sami, governor of Bitlis Mazhar Mufit Kansu, the Governor and
the deputy of Van Hayder Vaner, Fevzi Pirinccioglu, Arslan Toguzata,
RuÅ~_tu Bozkurt, Hacı Bedir, Mazhar Germen, Suleyman Sırrı Ä°cöz,
Rauf Orbay, Eyup Sabri Akgöl and Bekir Sami Kunduh.

Popular historian Murat Bardakcı wrote: "As a matter of fact,
Ataturk’s position on the Armenian question is clearly manifested in
the way he gave away the [Armenian] property. He put the families
of the persons murdered by Armenians on very high salaries and
he personally signed the instructions for the transfer of seized
Armenian property to these persons. Wife of Talat Pasha was receiving
the salary for ‘services to the fatherland’ which was the highest. The
same applied to the wives of Central Commitee members and those of the
key members of the Special Organisation (TeÅ~_kilat-ı Mahsusa). The
highest level of salary was assigned to Mahpeyker Hanim, the daughter
of Enver Pasha."

The Malta exiles were rewarded with top level government
positions. Some were appointed as Prime Minister, others as
ministers or governors or members of parliament, and the like. Two
of the Malta exiles, Ali Fethi Okyar and Rauf Orbay served as Prime
Ministers. Others, Fevzi Pirincioglu, Å~^ukru Kaya, Abdulhalik Renda,
M. Å~^eref Aykut, Ali Seyit, Ali Cenani, Ali Cetinkaya were appointed
as cabinet members. Many of the Malta exiles later became governors or
generals in the army. Also, on their return to Anatolia, there were
a number of former Malta exiles who were placed in the parliament
as deputies.

Not only Malta exiles played a direct role in the foundation of the
Republic, but also their children and grandchildren continued to
serve in important government positions up to this date. Sons of two
Malta exiles sat in the Inönu’s "restoration" cabinet set up after
the military coup of 27th May 1960. Celalettin Uzer, the Minister of
Development and Housing in the Inönu Cabinet, was the son of Hasan
Tahsin Uzer, who was Enver’s nephew and Vefik Pirinccioglu, the State
Minister in the same cabinet, was the son of Fevzi Pirinccioglu,
who was Ziya Gökalp’s nephew. It’s interesting to see that the
grandfather was one of the key figures of the 1895 massacres, the
son was one of the founders of the Republic, and the grandson a
member of the "restoration" cabinet. Enver’s brother-in-law Kazım
Orbay was the Chief of General Staff between the years 1944-46 and
the Speaker at the Restoration Parliament set up after the 1960
military take-over. General Fahri Ozdilek, a member of the Special
Organisation and an assistant to the well-known Special Organisation
commander Fuat Bulca, was one of the organisers of the 27th May 1960
coup and was appointed as a Senator at the Restoration Parliament. Suat
Hayri Urguplu one of the Prime Ministers of the ‘intermediary regime"
and also a former minister, was the son of the Å~^eyhulislam Hayri
Efendi and thus one of the symbols of the continuity between the CUP
and the Republic.

We believe the reader will find many of those names referred to in the
section about Diyarbakır very familiar. As a preamble, let us only
point out that the Aksus and the Göksus are two families closely
related to each other and Hacı Bedir Aga’s grandchildren sit in
today’s parliament as deputies.

Furthermore, many Malta exiles and the founders of the Republic
had common ancestry. For Suleyman Nazif, Pirinccioglu, Gökalp
and Germens were relatives. So were Tahsin Uzer, Enver, Cevdet and
Kazım Orbay. Ubeydullah Efendi was Mahmut Esat Bozkurt’s uncle,
Huseyin Tosun was Dr. ReÅ~_it’s brother and Abdulhalik Renda was
Talat’s brother-in-law. Also many Malta exiles were classmates,
revealing the fact that they were from common social backgrounds.

In short the Malta documents offer us the evidences of the continuity
between the CUP and the Republic, where we can trace back the roots
of the Genocide.

1 In the Ottoman Empire, a mutasarrıf was the governor of a
district. This administrative unit was part of a vilayet (province),
administered by a vali, and contained nahiye (communes), each
administered by a kaymakam.

2 Komitacı – A derogatory Turkish word for a member of an armed
Armenian organisation.

3 Bulghur: a form of wheat that has been parboiled, cracked, and dried
4 Å~^eyhulislam: the supreme religious authority in the Ottoman Empire

Sarkisian Off To Junior Nationals


Skokie Review
July 14 2009

DIVING — After spending the high school season exclusively on the
one-meter diving board, Niles North senior-to-be Arsen Sarkisian
has been training heavily on the three-meter board and platform
this summer.

Perhaps it was not surprising that during the Zone C Junior
Championships held in Brown Deer, Wis., during the weekend Sarkisian
qualified for next month’s Speedo Junior Nationals in three-meter
and on platform, but narrowly missed on one-meter.

In the 16-18 Division, Sarkisian placed ninth on platform (312.8),
10th on three-meter (381.2) and 15th on one-meter (357). The top
12 finishers in each event moved on to Nationals in Moultrie, Ga.,
Aug. 1-8.

"It’s not easy to compete all three levels, but college coaches
are really looking for divers who can compete all three," said Alik
Sarkisian, who coaches his son for the Chicago Dive Club. "In high
school, in Illinois, they only have one-meter, so most of the time
(in the summer) we concentrate on three-meter and platform. Maybe he
wasn’t ready (on one-meter at Zones)."

Alik Sarkisian clearly knows what college coaches are looking for,
considering he’s also the head men’s and women’s diving coach at
Northwestern, in addition to being a former coach of the U.S. National
Team and of the national teams of the former U.S.S.R. and Armenia.

There is a chance Arsen could one day dive for his father at the
collegiate level. But his dad is hardly the only college coach
interested in Arsen, who finished fifth in the 2009 IHSA state meet
after earning ninth the previous season. Indiana, Michigan and Arizona
have also shown interest.

Arsen said he would consider Northwestern, but that he might want to,
"get away a little and not stay in one place, spread my wings."

Next month, he’ll travel to Georgia for his third straight trip to
Nationals. Sarkisian came in ninth on one-meter and 12th on three-meter
in the 16-18 Division at Nationals last summer.

Sarkisian said he has been focusing on the little things, which are
actually quite important, during his twice-daily summer training

"I’ve just been trying to generally be a better diver," he said. "I’m
trying to have more technique and put more detail into my dives,
like spins and keeping my toes pointed."

At Nationals, 30 divers compete in each event, and the top 12 reach
finals. Alik believes his son is in good form and should reach the
final dozen in his two events this year.

"He’s had a good summer and now we’ll really focus the next couple of
weeks on the areas we need to improve. We’ll go to Nationals and try
to bring good results," Alik said. "I want him to be in the finals
in three-meter and platform. If he competes in the finals, he’ll be
considered among the best divers in the country."

Armenia: Spurned By Mcc, Yerevan Looks To Iran, Russia For Road Mone

Marianna Grigoryan

July 14 2009

The Millennium Challenge Corporation’s recent decision to slash
funds for its Armenia program has prompted the Armenian government
to seek alternative financing for infrastructure improvements from
Iran and Russia.

Citing the Armenian government’s alleged inability to meet the
program’s "eligibility criteria" on civil rights, the Millennium
Challenge Corporation’s board of directors decided on June 10 to take
$64 million out of an original $235.6 million budget for rural road
reconstruction. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. MCC
Senior Executive Director Rodney Brent noted in a statement that "I do
not anticipate that the Board will revisit this issue in the future."

Hit hard by the global financial crisis — the Armenian economy could
shrink by 20 percent this year, according to Prime Minister Tigran
Sarkisian. Thus, the MCC decision is forcing the Armenian government
to scramble for ways to make up for the lost funding. The MCC program
was touted as a way to support the country’s agricultural sector and
to slash poverty rates. "Reconstruction of rural roads is highly
important and we will do our best to restart the program with the
support of other international structures," stated Eduard Sharmazanov,
spokesperson for the governing Republican Party of Armenia.

Sharmazanov said discussions had been held with Iran about providing
some part of the $64 million. But those discussions took place before
Iran’s bout of post-election unrest began in Tehran in mid-June. Iran,
which borders Armenia to the south, is an ally with whom Yerevan has
enjoyed growing energy ties. The two countries share a gas pipeline and
work has begun on a cross-border railway. Plans for an oil pipeline
have also been announced. "We were discussing the involvement of the
Iranian side [with Tehran] before the political tensions there began,"
Sharmazanov said.

Emma Hakobian, an advisor to Economy Minister Nerses Yeritsian,
whose ministry coordinates the road reconstruction project for the
government, said that the possibility of asking for funding from
Iran and Russia was debated internally as soon as the MCC made its
June 10 decision. Russia has already pledged to extend a low-interest
$500 million "stabilization" loan to Armenia this year. [For details,
see the Eurasia Insight archive].

Neither Hakobian nor Sharmazanov would elaborate about the status
of discussions to find make-up funds. Talks with "very weighty
[international] organizations" about compensatory financing had
commenced, said Hakobian, who declined to identify the organizations
by name. "We’ll announce their names shortly, as soon as everything
becomes clear," she said.

Some 25 kilometers of road had been reconstructed and put into use
before the June 10 decision hit, according to Millennium Challenge
Armenia Chief Executive Officer Ara Hovsepian. About 350 kilometers
of road were originally slotted for repair. Work has since stopped on
the project until alternative financing can be found, Hovsepian said.

Further cuts for US assistance to Armenia could be in store. On July 9,
the US Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bill that would slice
2010 aid to Armenia by $17 million compared to this year’s allocation,
according to the Armenian Reporter, a US-based weekly publication.

Meanwhile, the blame game for Armenia’s lost MCC funds has
started. Despite a recent political amnesty that scored points with
international observers, government critics charge that Yerevan
still has far to go in proving its democratic credentials. They argue
that not only was the March 1, 2008, political violence in Yerevan
responsible for the loss of MCC funding, but also the government’s
conduct during the May 31 City Council elections in the Armenian
capital – a vote that opposition leaders allege the Republican Party
stole. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

"Authorities . . . do everything just the opposite way of how they
should!" complained Hrant Bagratian, who served as prime minister
from 1993 to 1996 under former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, who
now leads Armenia’s main opposition movement.

Others blame the recent slow-down in Armenia’s diplomatic rapprochement
with Turkey. With the normalization initiative stalling, Armenia is
losing leverage as it tries to curry favor with the international
community, argued independent analyst Yervand Bozoian. [For background
see the Eurasia Insight archive]. "Armenia has drastically lost its
credits internationally due to both its foreign and domestic policies,"
Bozoian said.

It remains unclear what specific action or actions triggered the
MCC’s decision to revoke road-construction funds.

Armenia MCC Director Hovsepian told EurasiaNet that "[t]he decision
to suspend the financing of road construction programs temporarily
was made after last year’s March 1 events." [For background see the
Eurasia Insight archive]. In a March 20, 2008 letter to then-outgoing
president Robert Kocharian, MCC Chief Executive Officer John Danilovich
warned that the crackdown "could have negative effects on Armenia’s
eligibility for MCC funding."

A May 2009 letter from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, however, noted that Yerevan’s May
31 municipal elections "will definitely play an important role while
discussing Armenian issues during the session of the MCC’s board
planned for early June."

Republican Party spokesperson Sharmazanov dodged the suggestion that
the MCC took action in response to the government’s questionable
election practices. While there are "some problems" with democracy
in Armenia, he said, building a democracy is an ongoing process. "We
don’t think Armenia has regressed," he said. "[E]verything has been
done to comply with the criteria for a democratic country."

Armenia To Sign Â~B¬20-Million Credit Agreement With German Governme


July 13, 2009

Arthur Javadyan, chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia, is to fly
to Bonn on July 14 for signing a â~B¬20-million credit agreement with
German Government.

"The money will be lent though KfW bank on very favorable conditions",
he said on Monday.

Javadyan said that these funds are available also for credit

Speaking about the beginning of the Armenian National Mortgage
Company’s activity, he said that credit organizations will be
necessarily involved in the new company’s activity.

National Mortgage Company Universal Credit Organization was registered
and got license from the Central Bank of Armenia on June 16, 2009.

The key aim of the company’s activity is to spur the development of
Armenia’s mortgage market.

Therefore, the company will extend long-term credits to money-lending
financial organizations by refinancing the mortgage credits extended
by them.

The company’s capital amounts to AMD 17 billion now. Crediting limit
is set at AMD 12 million.

Those parts of credits exceeding this limit, will be refinanced at
own account. ($1 = AMD 365.3).

ARFD: Statement By Presidents Of The USA, Russia And France On Nagor


2009-07-13 17:26:00

Arminfo. Statement by presidents of the USA, Russia and France on
Nagornyy Karabakh is partly stemming from the interests of Turkey,
head of Hay Dut Central Office of ARF Dashnaktiutyun Kiro Manoyan
told ArmInfo correspondent when commenting on the statement.

‘This statement is made not from the interests and logic of the
Karabakh conflict settlement or its people. It is stemming from the
interests of Turkey which in this way got a carte-blanch allowing
it continue making the optimistic statements about the Karabakh
settlement’, – he said.

Manoyan said such circumstance will make it possible for Ankara to
strengthen its position more, according to which Turkey connects
establishment of diplomatic relations with Armenia with the
Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, in particular, the Karabakh settlement.

‘Anyway, such an approach is inadmissible for us as it requires
compromises from Armenia without the relevant compromises by
Azerbaijan. But it does not suppose strict answer and resolving of
the conflict. For this reason, the ARF Dashnaktiutyun is against the
old as well as a new option of the Madrid principles. The NKR should
participate in the talks on its destiny. It is simply necessary
to give the NKR such an opportunity. That’s why we think that the
authorities of Armenia must not sign any document on the basis of the
‘principles’, – Manoyan concluded.

BAKU: U.S senate commission not allocating money to Nagorno-Karabakh

Trend, Azerbaijan
July 10 2009

U.S senate commission not allocating money to self-declared
Nagorno-Karabakh in 2009: media

The Committee Assignment in the U.S Senate approved the bill of law on
the allocation of foreign aid for fiscal-2010 by getting 29 votes
against 1, Armenian media said. The bill proposes $30 million for
Armenia, or $18 million less than in fiscal-2008. The bill also
proposes the allocation of $22 million to Azerbaijan.

Nothing was allocated for self-declared Nagorno-Karabakh in
2009. Presently the U.S Congress continues to discuss the bill of law
on the allocation of foreign aid. The bill of law will be discussed in
the House of Representatives and the Senate. Afterwards, the bill will
be submitted for U.S president to sign.

Just for Laughs: Review of Pagagnini

The Gazette (Montreal), Canada
July 11 2009

Just for Laughs: Review of Pagagnini
By Pat Donnelly, Gazette Culture CriticJuly 10, 2009
At first glance, the opening of PaGAGnini at Maison
Théâtre as part of the Just for Laughs Festival looked
too posh for our casual attire. But the top hats handed out to the men
as we entered the theatre, turned out to be as plastic as the `pearls’
handed out to the women.

This is a comedy festival, after all.

And what a delightful way to begin. PaGAGnini is a diverting show that
appeals to all ages. There were a handful of children (the world’s
toughest critics) in the audience on opening night who were obviously

PaGAGnini satirizes one of the world’s easiest targets: classical
musicians who wear black, never crack a smile and play every piece as
if it’s a funeral dirge.

This four-man clown troupe, headed by Ara Malikian, as the Maestro,
starts out sombre, with a dash of Bizet’s Carmen but they can’t keep
it straight for long.

The amazing thing is that they’re all accomplished musicians as well
as zany, Chaplinesque clowns. Three play violins, the grumpy fourth
(Gartxot Ortiz) a viola. He glares a lot.

Each one has a distinct character. Malikian, as the maestro, pretends
to be outraged when rebellion breaks out in the form of a country
hoedown as he takes an intrusive call on his cellphone. (He blames
members of the audiences for the ringing interruption, before an
assistant appears saying the call is for him.) The Maestro wanders in
and out as he’s talking, causing the rebels to shift back and forth
from Country and Western to classical. It’s a hoot.

Actually the entire show is a hoot, best appreciated, perhaps, by
those who know their Brahms from their Paganini (to whom this show is
a kind of wacky tribute). But again, if a 3-year-old gets it, chances
are you will, too.

Violinist Eduardo Ortega, whom I nicknamed Mischief in my notebook,
seems to be the kid no teacher would want in her class. He instigates
the hoedown, and continues to stir up trouble.

Highlights include a castanette-clicking, flamenco dance solo by the
aforementioned grumpy viola player and the wooing of a member of the
audience by the sweet and innocent Fernando Clemente. He can’t take
his eyes off the blonde who struck me as a likely plant. (Too
perfectly cast.) But I could be wrong. He sings to her, tells her
repeatedly, `Je t’aime!’, hands her a rose, asks for a kiss.

Marcel Marceau would be proud of this guy’s perfect, angelic deadpan.

PaGAGnini is not a show to like, it is a show to love.

The only disturbing thing about it is the instrument abuse. Violins
are turned into bongo drums here. And by the end of the performance,
broken bow strings fly like banners in the wind.

Malikian, an Armenian born in Lebanon, was a child musical prodigy who
has a classical music resumé as long as your arm. It includes
performing (straight, not funny) in important concert halls around the
world. (Check him out at )

The company behind PaGAGnini, called Yllana, is based in Madrid.

PaGAGnini continues at Maison Théâtre, 245 Ontario
St. E., until July 19, with possible extension to July 26. Call
514-845-2322 or go to