Cereals And Flour Importers Refrain From Raising Prices


03.03.2009 19:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Whether the dollar exchange rate upsurge will have a
negative influence on flour and cereal prices is impossible to foresee.

"We’re yet refraining from any price changes" Maranik Ltd, one of the
major traders and importers flour and cereals told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter. Verfar company, specializing in the import of macaroni foods,
flour and cereals stated that they’re undecided about the price raise
for their products. "The situation is rather unstable. Perhaps tomorrow
it will become clear if the high exchange rate will stay. It’s not
the first time we witness dramatic ups and downs of dollar exchange
rate," the accountant Shushan Mosinyan said.

The dram-to-dollar exchange rate has gone up to AMD 360/$1 in few
hours today against yesterday’s 305 -310 index for sale and purchase

Dram/euro exchange rate reached AMD 440 (against 387).

The upsurge followed CB President Arthur Javadian’s statement on
cessation of control over the foreign currency market and return to
floating rate policy.

According to the Central Bank, the dollar exchange rate will fluctuate
from AMD 360 to 380 in 2009.

Tribute Paid To February Revolt Heroes


18.02.2009 18:43

Yerevan (Yerkir) – An commemoration event dedicated to the 1921
February Revolt was held today at the memorial-khachkar of those
killed on February 18, 1921 by the Bolsheviks in the Yerevan Prison.

The event was organized by the Yerevan committed of the ARF and the
authors of the memorial ARF parliamentary faction secretary Artashes
Shahbazian said that the revolt prevented a bigger massacre, and the
number of those who might have been killed would be much bigger if
not for the revolt.

Shahbazian said that the perpetrator of the killing was a
Turk. "Armenia was freed from Bolsheviks for 42 days. This was
unprecedented, and it helped prevent Armenia from being cut in pieces,"
Shahbazian said.

Yerevan regional committee member Aram Shahnazarian said that there
are values that are sacred, such as independence, self-determination
right and dignity. The Bolsheviks attacked these values after seizing
power on December 2, 1920, he added.

A separate event was also held in Garni, and its participants paid
a visit to the graves of those killed on those gloomy days.

Rep. Frank Pallone And The "Armenian Genocide Resolution"


est_blog/2009/03/ask_congressman_frank_pallone.htm l
March 2 2009

Recently, a letter seeking cosponsors for a renewed drive to secure
the adoption of an "Armenian Genocide Resolution" was circulated on
Capitol Hill. The lead authors of the proposed legislation included
four members of congress from districts with sizable Armenian
constituents. They included Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone

Rep. Pallone has turned his office in the U.S. Congress, home also
to tens of thousands of New Jerseyans of Turkish descent, into an
anti-Turkey nerve center.

Incidentally, one of the Armenian groups that showers Pallone
with praise and support, the Armenian National Committee of America
(ANCA), this week has been accused by the Citizens for Responsibility
and Ethics in Washington (CREW), an ethics watchdog, for violating
campaign finance and lobbying laws.

Among other things, CREW argues that ANCA is closely related with the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), which is part of the ruling
coalition government in the Republic of Armenia, but fails to disclose
this. A few years ago the then ANCA chairman, Mourad Topalian, was
convicted on charges relating to Armenian terrorist attacks against
Turkish diplomatic mission in the United States back in the 1970’s
and early ’80s and served three years in federal prison.

None of this seems to bother Pallone. To roaring cheers at an ANCA
rally in Times Square back in 2005, he pronounced that the United
States should not only recognize an "Armenian Genocide" but that
it should pressure modern Turkey to pay reparations for the near
century-old alleged crime. This alone should lay to rest the claims
that the perennial Armenian resolutions are pursued for emotional
reasons by its lead proponents and the Armenian lobby.

In fact, a congressional recognition is but a first step in the
Armenian lobby’s irredentist agenda against Turkey and, if Pallone
will have it his way, it will be advanced by U.S. Congressional fiat.

The so-called "Armenian Genocide Resolution" is a textbook example
of ethnic lobby pandering at the expense of America’s national
interests. Once enough members sign on, with the all too well-known
time and attention that lawmakers will be giving to sift through
its history lesson, this "non-binding" resolution will gather such
international storm that it required presidential interventions in
the past to prevent a diplomatic fall-out with Turkey.

The latest resolution will certainly be no different and pose a
significant stumbling block to President Obama’s efforts to improve
international cooperation on the many challenges he faces and foster
better U.S. standing abroad. In his zeal to please his supporters,
Pallone has and continues to undermine U.S. foreign policy, under
either Democratic or Republican administrations, toward a balanced
U.S. foreign policy in the Southern Caucasus and toward Turkey.

To add insult to injury, Pallone frequently admonishes opponents of
this resolution by pointing to a "moral obligation" of the Congress to
"pronounce" that the now-defunct Ottoman Empire, committed "genocide"
against Armenians nearly 100 years ago. In doing so, he chooses to
ignore the many well-regarded Ottoman historians who dispute the
genocide claim.

Moreover, if Congress owes such moral obligation to America and the
world, it ought to compile a list of all the crimes that appall us,
beginning here at home, and start writing commemorative resolutions
for all.

In fact, selective morality is no morality at all and Armenian
resolutions persist year after year, not on moral grounds but on the
efforts of an organized lobby that has turned hating Turkey into an
existential cause and that keeps greasing the wheels of Washington.

Singling out Turkey and its history for political expediency and
as payback for domestic election support is far from moral. Doing
so at a time when Turkey’s Prime Minister has invited Armenians
and all interested parties to form an international commission of
historians and experts to establish the facts and pave the way for
reconciliation– a proposal rejected by frontrunners of the "Armenian
Genocide Resolution" in Congress and the Armenian lobby– and when
Turkey and Armenia are actively negotiating ways to overcome their
differences, is outright hypocritical.

The U.S. faces a devastating economic crisis and two wars
abroad. Members of Congress should be held accountable for spending
time and resources on addressing a nearly century-old event with no
foreseeable policy benefits for the United States, but the potential
of a great public relations and foreign policy disaster involving
our ally Turkey.

In reality, this will remain behind closed doors in Washington
until too much damage has already been done. Members of Congress,
like Pallone, will not answer to anyone unless the larger American
public demands an answer. It is high time to demand an answer.

Lincoln McCurdy is the President of the Turkish Coalition of America.


Government Of Japan And UN Will Extend 2,484,900.00 US Dollars To Pr


02.03.2009 23:24 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On 2 March, the Government of Japan and the United
Nations (UN) decided to extend assistance totalling 2,484,900.00 US
dollars (approximately 255.94 million yen) through the United Nations
Trust Fund for Human Security to a project entitled "Sustainable
Livelihood for Socially Vulnerable Refugees, Internally Displaced
and Local Families" in Armenia, which is going to be implemented
by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the
United Nations Develop Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Due to rapidly increasing income inequalities and social uncertainties,
socially vulnerable people including groups such as refugees and
internally displaced people have been suffering from poverty and
lack of access to social services in Armenia. Through the following
activities, this project aims to reduce poverty and improve access
to social services in order to support vulnerable people, especially
women and the youth, to attain sustainable livelihood:

– Renovate old buildings to provide housing units for vulnerable

– Encourage beneficiaries to get involved in community-based
organizations such as women’s group;

– Conduct trainings on entrepreneurship and business skills

– Establishing Small and Medium Entrepreneurship (SME)-supporting
Fund and provide start up loans to 100 businesses and support
community-owned programmes;

– Organize trainings on operation and maintenance of renewable energy
(RE) systems;

– Train health care providers to build their capacity.

This project is expected to assist vulnerable people in reducing
poverty and secure their lives, livelihoods and dignity, ReliefWeb

Due to absence of control over armament, Baku has its hands untied

WPS Agency, Russia
February 25, 2009 Wednesday


by Gayane Movsesyan

MILITARY HARDWARE; After the withdrawal of Russia from the
Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty last year, the CFE
practically stopped working. This circumstance enables Azerbaijan to
rearm its army successfully.

After the withdrawal of Russia from the Conventional Forces in Europe
(CFE) treaty last year, the CFE practically stopped working.

Sergei Minasyan, director of the department of political research of
the institute of the Caucasus, remarks, "Armenia, Georgia and
Azerbaijan keep exchanging some information now but it is clear that
there are practically no serious mechanisms of regulation and the CFE
plays a formal role. The formation of some new mechanisms of control
over armament not only in the South Caucasus but also on the global
level will be possible only when Russia, European countries and the US
reach compromises regarding the general structure of European
security. Any regional or sub-regional mechanisms of control over
armament are hardly possible until then."

During all these years, Azerbaijan was successfully exceeding the
quotas set for it. According to the contract signed in 2007, in 2008
Azerbaijan had to receive several BTR-90 armored personnel carriers
and 70 BTR-80As made by the Arzamas machine building plant. In 2005,
Turkey provided military aid worth $170 million to Azerbaijan. In
2005, Azerbaijan signed a contract with Ukraine on the purchase of 12
MiG-29, two MiG-29UB and 12 L-39 airplanes. During this period
Azerbaijan bought 12 Su-25 (supposedly from the Czech Republic) and
one airplane Su-27UB from Georgia. Azerbaijan reached an agreement on
purchase of Su-27 and Su-25 from Ukraine. South African ATE Company
operating in Ukraine modernizes combat helicopters Mi-24 of
Azerbaijan. Between 2002 and 2006, Baku bought 106 tanks T-72. Of them
the country bought 45 tanks from Ukraine (2004-2006), 60 tanks from
Belarus (2005-2006) and one tank from the Czech Republic (2002). In
2005, Azerbaijan bought two combat infantry vehicles BMP-1 from
Ukraine. In 2006, it bought three BTR3U. In 2002, it bought from
Ukraine 36 130-mm towed guns M-46, in 2002 it bought from Bulgaria 72
100-mm antitank guns MT-12, between 2004 and 2005 it bought from
Ukraine 12 multiple rocket launcher systems 9RK58 Smerch, between 2005
and 2006 it bought from Ukraine 85 mortars PM-38, between 2006 and
2007 it bought from Ukraine 12 airplanes MiG-29. In 2006, it bought
from Ukraine two MiG-29UB airplanes and between 2002 and 2005 it
bought from Georgia 12 Su-25 airplanes.

Azerbaijan also buys small arms and modern military hardware from
American and Israeli companies. In August of 2008, the Military Herald
of Israel magazine reported that Azerbaijan purchased 5.56-mm
automatic rifles TAR-21 TAVOR, rocket systems PC30 Lynx of ÒÀÀÑ on the
basis of KamAZ-63502 trucks (8×8) in several versions: both with
122-mm and 160-mm rockets and eight heavy 300-mm rockets EXTRA made in
cooperation by ÒÀÀÑ and ÒÀÀ. Azerbaijan also bought two types of
unmanned aerial vehicles of Aeronautics, namely Orbiter and Aerostar.

In September of 2008, Israeli mass media reported that Tel Aviv signed
defense contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars with
Baku. According to Haarets newspaper, the contracts were signed on
supplying Azerbaijan with the newest TAR-21 automatic rifles TAR-21
and ammunition, as well as on deals for the sale of howitzers and
ammunition for them made by Soltam, rocket systems and ammunition for
them made by TAAC and communication systems made by Tadiran. Haaretz
also wrote about supplying Azerbaijan with armament of joint
Israeli-Kazakh production. For Kazakhstan Soltam developed 122-mm
self-propelled howitzer Semser mounted on KamAZ and 120-mm
self-propelled mortar Aibat.

Soltam and Elbit also developed an integrated automatic control system
uniting all three artillery systems.

The supply of armament to Azerbaijan by Ukraine and Turkey and the
plans of Baku to create its own military industrial complex are topics
of a separate conversation. Meanwhile, Turkish company Roketsan and
research and production association Iqlim of the Defense Ministry of
Azerbaijan reached an agreement on joint production of armament. In
March of 2009, Roketsan and Iqlim will start production of 107-mm and
122-mm multi-barrel rocket launcher systems.

In the near future, Azerbaijan is going to begin production of
aviation bombs and ammunition for tanks and artillery systems. In 2009
Azerbaijan plans to start the production of unmanned aerial vehicles
and helicopters.

The militarization of Azerbaijan continues.

Source: Respublika Armenia (Yerevan), February 13, 2009, p. EV

Translated by InterContact

Brucellosis Diagnosed Among 15 Residents Of Tskhuk Village Of Syunik


2009-02-27 18:00:00

ArmInfo. In February 2009, 15 cases of brucellosis were registered
among the residents of Tskhuk village of Syunik region, Armenia,
the Armenian Health Ministry press-service told ArmInfo. "The
cases of infection with brucellosis in Armenia are conditioned by
the disease outbreak among animals. Isolated cases of isease were
fixed in Vayots Dzor, Armavir and Aragatsotn regions of Armenia",-
the Health Ministry reported.

Earlier Head of the State Inspectorate for Food Veterinary and Security
at the Armenian Agriculture Ministry Grigor Baghyan told ArmInfo
that the locus of brucellosis in Tskhuk village of Syunik region,
Armenia, is completely under control. He said to all appearances,
after revealing all brucellosis-infected animals, all of them will be
killed in order to completely liquidate this disease. At the same time,
he pointed out that he possessed no information about the brucellosis
propagation among Tskhuk residents.

Armenia Announces Tender For New NPP Construction Manager


Feb 24 2009

Armenia has announced an open tender to select a managing company to
implement the program for construction of a new power unit for an
Armenian nuclear power plant, a source at the Armenian Procurement
Agency (APA), which is organizing this tender, told Interfax.

The tender started on February 11 and will end on April 13, the source
said. To obtain a package of the tender documentation and to learn
more details about its terms and conditions the participants must
pay 900 drams (around $3).

The winner of the tender will be offered to sign a contract for
purchase of managing services required for the implementation of a
contract for building a new nuclear power unit in Armenia.

Georgia Prepares To Repel Russian Aggression

Koba Liklikadze

Eurasia Daily Monitor
37February 25, 2009 04:31 PM

The Georgian army, defeated in the five-day war with Russia, is
recovering and preparing to ward off potential Russian aggression. "Our
defenses should be ready to repel potential Russian aggression. All the
military programs and priorities for 2009 will be developed based on
the experience of the Russian war," said Georgian Minister of Defense
Vasil Sikharulidze when he presented the document entitled "The Vision
of the Minister of Defense 2009" to Diplomats, Journalists, and NGOs
at the Sheraton Hotel on February 17 (Rezonansi, February 18, 2009).

Speculation over a possible military provocation by Russia against
Georgia intensified after the statement by Pavel Felgenhauer, a
well-known Russian military analyst, that Russia will try to renew
hostilities with Georgia with the arrival of spring:

While snow covers the Caucasian mountain passes until May, a renewed
war with Georgia is impossible. There is hope in Moscow that the
Georgian opposition may still overthrow Mikheil Saakashvili’s regime
or that the Obama administration will somehow remove him. However,
if by May, Saakashvili remains in power, a military push by Russia
to oust him may be seriously contemplated (EDM, February 12, 2009).

Nevertheless, President Mikheil Saakashvili neither has the intention
to step down nor to giv e in to Russia without resistance. "Russia is
the enemy, whose major, ultimate, and well-defined goal is to finally
break up Georgia and wipe it from the world map," Saakashvili told
the Georgian parliament, adding that he would "make Russia pay for
the displaced population and victims of war" (, February
12, 2009).

Saakashvili’s threat sounds less convincing considering the
country’s lost territories and severe defeat in the five-day war
last summer. Military experts in Georgia agree with this assessment,
namely, that Georgia’s defense capabilities after the August war have
greatly deteriorated and that the 2009 state budget does not adequately
respond to the current military needs. Since the Defense Ministry will
receive only 900 million GEL ($540 million) this year–500 million
GEL less than in the 2008 budget–the country will have to struggle
to replace what was destroyed and will have little left to spend on
developing its forces, analysts say.

In an interview with Jamestown, the former commander of the Georgian
National Guard, retired General Koba Kobaladze, said that "With
the reduced budget, the Defense Ministry can only partly restore the
military’s material losses, and it will require years to turn Georgian
personnel into professional officers to replace those killed in the
war" (interview with the author, February 12, 2009).

At present the Georgian army is much less battle-ready than it was
before August. As a result, "the security and the country’s level of
defense ability are in question" (Georgian Times, February 12, 2009).

Speaking about the losses suffered by the Georgian army in late August
2008, Saakashvili noted that "It will take a year and a half to restore
the military infrastructure destroyed as a result of the Russian
aggression" (Interpress News, August 26, 2008). Hence, Georgia still
places significant hope in its NATO partners, particularly the United
States, with which Georgia signed the Charter on Strategic Partnership
at the beginning of January. It remains far from clear, however, what
Barack Obama’s administration will give priority to–cooperation with
Georgia in defense and security or the development of democracy and the
media, which are perceived to have deteriorated further in 2008 (see,
for example, the Freedom House report, Freedom in the World 2009).

"In Georgia they are not trying to hide [the fact] that reforming
and re-equipping the army is now even more difficult than prior to
the Russia-Georgia war," said Irakli Sesiashvili, a Georgian military
analyst (Prime News Agency, February 16, 2009).

The August war with Russia also revealed the problem of deserters in
the Georgian military structures. The media widely covered the cases
of army deserters who were imprisoned following the August war; naming
up to 50 officers and servicemen (, February 2, 2009).

At the end of January, Georgian military police arrested Colonel David
Asabashvili, the head of Military Engineering Forces, and Colonel
Revaz Sakhvadze, the head of Air Defense of Ground Troops, who were
charged with exceeding their authority (Arsenali, February 21, 2009).

At the same time, however, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has
intensified its efforts to expose the enemies of the country and is
performing the functions of the special services as well. On January
21 two locals of Armenian nationality, Griogor Minasyan and Sarkis
Akobjanyan, were detained.

The two live in the Samtskhe-Javakheti Region of Georgia, which
is densely populated by ethnic Armenians. According to official
information released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, "they were
detained [for] forming an armed unit, its preparation, and espionage"
(, January 23, 2009). The detention of Minasyan and
Akobjanyan was the second arrest on charges of espionage in the
last two years in Georgia. In September 2006 Georgian Special Forces
detained four Russian officers of the Russian Military Headquarters
in Georgia. The detentions received widespread coverage in the media,
and an attempt to turn the arrests into a public relations show, was
soon followed by a rapid deterioration in relations between Russia
and Georgia, which ended in the massive deportation of Georgians from
Russia and the suspension of air connections between the two countries
(Arsenali, February 21, 2009).

0ANational television channels have tried to improve Georgia’s
tarnished image by providing extensive coverage of a new recruiting
drive, under which some 600 soldiers are already being trained, as
well as reporting about the formation of a new artillery brigade to
be armed with Israeli, Czech, and other modern weapons.

Otherwise, dozens of Russian tanks and artillery systems, fully ready
for attack, are located in Akhalgori district, some 35 kilometers
(22 miles) from Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. And nobody knows
who will pull the trigger first.


Greek Foreign Minister Reaffirms Support For Turkey’s EU Bid


25.02.2009 20:12 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis has reaffirmed
her country’s support for Turkey’s European Union accession bid,
while, however, stressing that this eventual membership depends on
Turkey’s performance in fulfilling certain criteria.

The Minister’s remarks came during her first visit to the United States
after new U.S. President Barack Obama took office in late January.

"We believe that Turkey’s EU membership has key importance. Greece
gives full support to this and has proven this support in the past
years," Bakoyannis said.

"All candidate countries have to meet certain criteria for membership
in the EU and Turkey is not an exception," she said, highlighting
compliance with good neighborhood relations and international law
among these criteria, the Anatolia news agency reports.

Armenia, Georgia Don’t Experience Unsolvable Problems


20.02.2009 19:03 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The talks between Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandian and his Georgian counterpart Grigol Vashadze covered the
whole scope of the Armenian-Georgian relations.

"We referred to the programs implemented and plans for the future. In
March, days of Georgian Culture will kick off in Yerevan. An Armenian
delegation is expected to pay a visit to Tbilisi in April," Minister
Nalbandian said.

For his part, Mr. Vashadze stressed the importance to promote
cooperation between the two states.

"Armenia and Georgia don’t experience unsolvable problems. There is
no problem of Armenians of Javakhk but there are economic regional
problems which should be addressed. As to recent arrests, these people
were detained not because of being Armenians but because they were
engaged in anti-state activities. If Georgians had violated laws,
they would have been arrested as well," he said.

"I would like to emphasize that Tbilisi is interested in integration
of Armenians in the Georgian society and this process should be
expedited," Vashadze added