Sargsyan-Erdogan Meeting To Continue In Moscow: Giragosian

April 21 2010

Washington meetings gave the last chance to save Armenia-Turkey
process, but the information on the meetings seems will be kept
secret till April 24, Director of the Armenian Center for National and
International Studies Richard Giragosian told journalists on April 21.

According to him, Washington meetings are notable for Turkey’s
significant pressure by the U.S. having Azerbaijan not invited to
the nuclear security summit. "Azerbaijan is resentful at Turkey and
disappointed with the U.S.," he said.

Another crucial thing is that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
leaves for Turkey on May 11. According to him, in this regard it can
be assumed that Sargsyan-Erdogan Washington meeting was the first,
but not the last one that will continue in Moscow in the months ahead.

As for Armenia-Turkey normalization, the expert deems "Armenia
plays chess, whereas Turkey makes a show. Turkey seeks to present the
return of two regions as a compromise, as if it wants not all regions,
but these two only, which obviously cannot be a compromise."

Summing up the anniversary of Armenia-Turkey process, Giragosian
stressed that Armenia gained two strategic victories: firstly,
Azerbaijan-Turkey relations deteriorated sharply, having "One nation,
two states" principle betrayed. The second one is that U.S. and Russia
declared of Armenia-Turkey reconciliation not linked with Karabakh
peace process.

Communique De La F.R.A Nor Seround A d’Occasion Du 24 Avril


21 avril 2010

Il y a 95 ans deja, le regime " Jeune Turc " tenta d’exterminer
le peuple armenien sur ses terres historiques. Dans cette volonte
d’aneantissement planifiee, 1 500 000 Armeniens furent deportes puis
executes, soit 2/3 de la population d’Armenie occidentale.

95 ans après, les descendants des survivants du genocide portent
encore en eux les stigmates indelebiles d’un crime imprescriptible.

Imprescriptible par sa gravite, imprescriptible par la souffrance
qu’il a infligee au peuple armenien et a l’humanite tout entière,
imprescriptible donc seule la Justice pourra le depasser.

95 ans après, les Armeniens disperses a travers le monde continuent a
revendiquer leur armenite, preuve que le genocide n’a pas totalement
detruit le peuple armenien et sa culture plurimillenaire. Notre
reconstruction dans l’exil, temoigne que par la volonte de resister et
la conjugaison de toutes les forces, il est possible de renaître de
ses cendres. Le Nor Seround en appelle a l’engagement de la jeunesse
d’un peuple qui refuse de disparaître et desire faire vivre sa culture.

95 ans après, l’Etat turc persiste dans son entreprise de destruction
et signe son crime par le negationnisme. Les autorites successives
de cette Turquie moderne qui s’est bâtie sur l’extermination des
Armeniens, en elevant le deni au rang de dogme national, sont en
train de perpetuer et tentent de mettre un point final a l’entreprise
genocidaire. L’Etat turc, en alternant l’agressivite et la finesse
diplomatique, la violence et les subterfuges, tente de faire
oublier cette periode de l’histoire, pour ne jamais avoir a payer
les consequences de sa culpabilite. Mais, en imposant sa politique
negationniste dans sa societe comme dans ses relations etrangères,
l’Etat turc s’est lui-meme condamne a etre le continuateur du crime,
a ne jamais tourner cette page infamante de son histoire et a demeurer
encore et toujours, le responsable du genocide des Armeniens.

Le Nor Seround lance un appel a la mobilisation pour faire entendre
le cri d’une jeunesse qui refuse le silence que la Turquie essaye

Nous ne cherchons pas a etancher notre soif de Justice en buvant a
la coupe de l’amertume et de la vengeance. Ce combat, nous le menons
egalement pour le peuple turc, pour que sa societe soit enfin en paix
avec ce passe coupable. L’engagement de la jeunesse ne consiste pas a
supplier les Turcs de compatir a nos souffrances, mais a lutter avec
ceux qui partagent nos justes revendications.

Determines a poursuivre la quete de Justice pour notre peuple et
soucieux de l’avenir de l’Armenie, nous refusons de choisir entre la
dignite et la survie. Notre jeunesse ne peut se resoudre a accepter
un rapprochement avec la Turquie qui serait base sur le mensonge et
sur un rapport de force où l’Armenie serait soumise au successeur
de son bourreau. Pendant des decennies, nous nous sommes battus pour
la Justice, aujourd’hui nous ne pouvons nous contenter d’une simple
reconciliation. A l’heure où la cause armenienne est soumise au
danger de l’oubli, le Nor Seround en appelle a la jeunesse armenienne
afin de faire revivre l’esprit de resistance de la revolte de Van,
de la bataille de Sardarabad, de l’espoir fondateur de la première
Republique, de la victoire du Kharabagh…

Victor Hugo disait " Les souvenirs sont nos forces. Quand la nuit
essaie de revenir, il faut allumer les grandes dates, comme on
allume des flambeaux. " Ces flambeaux sont le poids de notre histoire
mais aussi la force et la vivacite de la jeunesse. Ceux qui portent
les flambeaux sont ceux qui crient, qui previennent, se revoltent,
manifestent. Ces flambeaux, portent la flamme symbolique qui nous
anime, celle de la memoire de nos morts, des rescapes, des descendants,
mais surtout la flamme du combat des vivants. Le sens de notre combat,
est de porter au plus haut, comme un etendard universel, cette flamme
inextinguible de la Justice, cette flamme de l’espoir…

Le combat continue !

FRA Nor Seround – La Nouvelle Generation Armenienne

Water For Fish, Land For Fish-Breeders


2010-04-21 14:35:00

ArmInfo. The payment for water consumed by fish farms must me charged
reckoning with the interests of both the state and business, says
Arkady Gevorgyan, Chairman of the Association of Fish Breeders of
Armenia. "In March the government raised the issue of legalizing all
the fish-farms. I support such approach. But payment for water can be
charged by different methods. For instance, our fish- breeders offer
paying for water after sale of fish. However, there is another problem
connected with drainage that needs serious repair, our fish-breeders
say," Gevorgyan says.

Another serious problem that hampers activation of fish farms are
difficulties with registration of land property. "Many fish-farms
are established on solonchak soils, where lands are cheaper and
cost nearly 50,000 drams per ha. But establishing a fish-farm on
such lands requires change of the category into industrial land,"
Gevorgyan explained. In such case, he said, the land will cost almost
20 million drams per ha, or 50,000 US dollars. "Having so big money,
a fish-breeder will develop his own business," he says. This sector in
Armenia encompasses 250-270 fish farms. In 2009 nearly 5.8 thousand
tons of fish worth a total of 8.4 billion drams were produced and

BAKU: Armenia To Liberate All Occupied Azerbaijani Territories – Erd

April 20 2010

Recep Tayyip Erdogan The Turkish Prime Minister spoke about the
problems of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh

"The resolution of the Karabakh conflict is not our prerequisite,
it is provision set by Azerbaijan. However, we are closely connected
with this case. Therefore, we wish to resolve this conflict", Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told NTV channel.

The Prime Minister stressed the need to liberate all occupied
Azerbaijani territories by the 5+2 formula.

"Armenia’s position on this is rather cold. At present, Baku and
Yerevan are discussing the issue. At the same time OSCE Minsk Group
is also working at it. If they do not take it seriously, it would be
impossible to reach effect. We have been talking about it for an hour
and a half in Washington. We were recommended not to confuse the issue
of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Turkish-Armenian border. But we answered
that we are loyal to commitment and will not violate the given word.

We stand on the same issue, which was signed in Switzerland. However,
the text of the protocol says "to ensure peace in the region".

Currently there is a problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia which
hampers peace. We must strive to achieve peace, because this is the
reason for the closure of borders. We must solve this problem. Until
this problem is solved, our Parliament will not give consent. We do
not want our parliament to take a negative decision", said Erdogan.

According to the Prime Minister, the Armenian-Turkish protocols were
signed in the hope that the issue of liberation of the occupied areas
will be resolved: "Of course, the decision seemed to be close.

Besides, the two leaders, who have never met, have met ten time. In
addition, respected Ilham Aliyev has also repeatedly shown good will
and even stated that Azerbaijan is ready to open borders with Armenia,
if it liberates the occupied territories. Therefore, the Azerbaijani
side has sufficient goodwill to resolve the conflict.

On Azerbaijan’s Attempts To Deny Armenian Genocide

April 19 2010

This week the state propaganda machine of Azerbaijan has decided to
"pay special attention" to the matter of denying the Armenian Genocide
in Ottoman Turkey. Since denying indisputable truth is the cornerstone
of the Aliyev clan’s propaganda, the clan’s "humble servants" showed
a crusading zeal.

The key role in the frenzied campaign was, as usual, assigned to the
leading government-run mass media immediately controlled by the Ilham
Aliyev administration. The public TV and radio companies of Azerbaijan
have prepared a series of films and programs trying to deny the fact
of the Armenian Genocide in the best traditions of the Aliyev fascist
propaganda. Here are the titles of some films the government-run Aztv
channel plans to televise: "Armenians: anatomy of hate. Operation
‘Outpost’", "Armenians: anatomy of hate. Political adventure of the
century", "1915: Start to falsifications by Armenians". No comments…

The Public Radio of Azerbaijan has broadcast a program informing the
public of how "Armenia is avoiding the formation of a committee of
historians." The government-run news agency of Azerbaijan "keeps pace
with" the Public Radio.

The Aliyev clan has made the policy of denying the Armenian Genocide a
means of self-affirmation, which has gradually turned into a means of
asserting itself for the entire Azerbaijani people. We can only feel
sorry for our neighbors, as the attempts are doomed to failure. Of
interest is, however, the following tendency:

Over the last three years – long before the first steps in the
Armenian-Turkish normalization process – the leading Turkish mass
media have hardly used such expressions as "the so-called genocide,"
"invented genocide" and others. Moreover, the phrase "tragic events
in 1915" has often been heard during news programs. Of course,
it is too little for the Turkish people on its way to repentance,
but it can at least be viewed as a step forward.

This tendency, however, has no effect on Turkey’s "small brother."

Foaming at the mouth, and with cynicism surpassing that of Turks,
official Baku goes on speaking of "invented genocide." But no sensible
person can understand the purpose. The only reason is their inferiority
complex, which has reached the point of pathology.

ArmInfo-STAR Dining Table March Price Index Makes Up 115,67 Points


2010-04-17 18:07:00

ArmInfo. "ArmInfo-STAR" Dining Table Price Index (DTPI), based on
the costs of the 50 most popular food products at the network of
supermarkets STAR in March 2010, as compared to basic February 2009,
made up 115,67 points. As compared to February 2010, index grew
tangibly enough – by 10,81 points. Number purchasers, as compared
to March 2009, increased by 11,9% (less regard to the stores opened
over this period of time – by 7,2%). Average purchase amount reduced
by 7,2% (less regard to the new stores – by 6,3%). The quantitative
constituent of the index, as compared to March, 2009, made up 93,84,
the price one – 105,38.

The average weighted consumption of bread reduced by 10%. The price
for all of kinds of bread, except 430-gram diet-bread, grew by 10 –
20 drams. The growing price has been conditioned by insignificant rise
in prices for wheat and flour. Approach of the price for bread in STAR
network to the prices outside of it conditioned reduction of bread
consumption (i.e. by preference to buy bread in the nearest store).

The price for dairy products, on the contrary, reduced by 10 – 20
drams. The number of dairy products in Top 50 grew again in March
as compared to February, from 5 to 7, like in 2009 (two new kinds of
sour-cream and matsoun are added). Consumption raised for almost all
the products and made up 20% on average.

Consumption of beef remained almost at the same level, its price
changed proportionally to the total rise. Fruits in the list are
presented in the category of expensive products, and dependence of
consumption on variation in prices is traced quite clearly. If the
price for banana reduced by 10% and consumption grew by 15%, reduction
of the orange price by 17% caused growth of consumption by 40%. On the
other hand, growth of the price for kiwi (kiwi is traditionally the
most expensive fruit in the basket) sharply reduced its consumption –
almost twice.

Consumption of sweets, unlike the previous month, also turned out to
be strongly dependent on price. Consumption of two out of three kinds
of yogurts in the basket, which grew in price by 10 drams as compared
to March 2009, fell almost twofold, and the third – by 10%. To note,
as compared to February 2010, the price for yogurts was higher by 30 –
40 drams, that possibly caused a necessity to "save" delicate product.

However, increase of consumption takes place, though not so quickly,
that may be connected with gradual reduction of the crisis impact on
the level of consumer’s demand.

Hundreds Protest in Sydney for Genocide Recognition

Assyria Times
April 18 2010

Hundreds Protest in Sydney for Genocide Recognition

By Raymond Elishapour

Hundreds of people had amassed outside the Turkish consulate this
morning, divided by press and Police protesting both for the
recognition of the Armenian and Assyrian Genocide and its denial.

Armenians, Assyrians and other Human Rights Activists brought signs
and their voices to the Sydney suburb of Woollahra ` protesting
against atrocities committed during the early 20th century. The issue
was the genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against (a reported)
two and a half million people made up of predominantly Armenian,
Assyrian and Greek people.

The two sides took up their place outside the consulate and there was
a bitter and heated shouting match between the two groups. There was
evident tension as the controversial and disputed genocide issue was
contested. Among their chants, the Armenian and Assyrian empathisers
asserted their desire to have justice for the atrocities committed in
1915 ` shouting that justice was yet to be done for those murdered and
that their quarrel was not with the Turkish Australian community in
Sydney but in the Ottoman perpetrators, instigators and officials that
oversaw the mass slaughter, rape and destruction that characterized
the closing phases of the Ottoman Empire in Anatolia.

The opposition to the genocide recognition included anti-Armenian
chants, jeering and attempts to provoke the demonstrators into
retaliation. Though separated by a strong police presence, Turkish,
flag-bearing deniers took to insisting that this first group was
lying, that there was no evidence and more summarily and
inflammatorily that the fathers of those that were demonstrating were
Turks (possibly alluding the rape of women and children during the
same, alleged genocide). It seemed relatively evident that there was
little substance to the Turkish denial, whose entire presence reveled
in chanting slander, inciting violent retaliation and otherwise
ridiculing the attempts at pressing the cause for recognition and
acceptance of the otherwise forgotten genocide of 1915 ` 1920,
encompassing Seyfo.

If anything this demonstration reflects a resurgence of consideration
of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocide in contemporary world
politics, as progressively there is pressure being placed upon the
Turkish state to consider its history and in a sense `come clean.’

The evidence is clear however, that Turkey both nationally and abroad
is intent on denying and avoiding liability and admission of the


Glendale: Armenian candidates split vote

Glendale News Press, CA
April 17 2010

Armenian candidates split vote

Assembly hopefuls looked too closely at 1 constituency, experts say.
By Zain Shauk
Published: Last Updated Friday, April 16, 2010 10:09 PM PDT

As the final hours ticked away for Tuesday’s special primary election,
campaign workers in Glendale and Burbank were scrambling to make
last-minute phone pitches to prospective voters.

Volunteers at Democrat Mike Gatto’s headquarters in Burbank sat at
laptop computers, using a predictive dialing system to contact voters
who were most likely to answer the phone and participate in the
election to fill a vacant seat for the 43rd Assembly District, which
includes most of Glendale, Burbank and parts of Los Angeles.

The scene at Republican Sunder Ramani’s Glendale office was similar,
with dozens of volunteers spread around a second-floor suite,
chattering into cell phones and handsets.

But at the headquarters of Democrats Nayiri Nahabedian and Chahe
Keuroghelian, the strategy was clearly different. Campaign workers
were focused on targeting one of the region’s largest voting bases ‘
Armenian Americans, who are estimated to comprise about 30% of
registered voters in the district, according to campaign workers.

Campaign workers for Nahabedian and Keuroghelian were primarily
reaching out to Armenian residents over the phone, encouraging
prospective voters to go to the polls.

Nahabedian, whose $175,529 in campaign expenditures exceeded any of
the four candidates, printed campaign materials translated into
Armenian and mailed some pieces specifically to Armenian voters.

Still, the two candidates of Armenian descent ended up at the bottom
of the polls, with Nahabedian winning 22% of votes and Keuroghelian
taking about 14%. Ramani and Gatto, who made few efforts to reach out
specifically to Armenian voters, combined to earn nearly two-thirds of
all votes cast.

The result has raised questions about relying on campaign tactics that
have repeatedly failed in local elections where multiple Armenian
candidates appear to split the vote from their own ethnic community,
political observers and experts said.

Although campaign representatives for Nahabedian and Keuroghelian say
other factors affected the election results, their emphasis on
battling for Armenian American voters through campaign mailers,
television appearances, commercials and phone calls may have hurt them
in the race, observers and experts said.

`They would have been better off had they had an even broader
approach,’ said Leonard Manoukian, co-chairman of the Armenian
National Committee’s Glendale chapter, which endorsed Nahabedian, a
Glendale school board member.

But her political consultant, Eric Hacopian, said that her campaign
actively reached out to all voters, and that it did not place too much
of a focus on one community.

`We went after everyone aggressively, and we were the only ones who
did,’ said Hacopian, citing 24 mailers the campaign sent to
non-Armenian voters. Regardless, chief among the challenges for the
two losing candidates were each other, experts, observers and campaign
workers said.

With two Armenian Americans in the race, there was rampant speculation
leading up to the primary that their ethnic voting base would be

Keuroghelian, an Armenian language television host who has failed in
his three bids for Glendale City Council, claimed he was pressured to
drop out of the race by Nahabedian’s backers because of fears that
Armenian American voters would split their support between the two
candidates and jeopardize the chances for one of them to win.

The Nahabedian campaign charged that Gatto recruited Keuroghelian to
do just that.

However it came to pass, the result helped move Ramani and Gatto into
a runoff election June 8 and left Armenian American voters somewhat
irrelevant in the primary, observers said.

`The calculus is that simple, isn’t it?’ Manoukian said. `Whenever you
split a voting bloc into two or three or four, the effectiveness is

But without the drawing power of both Keuroghelian and Nahabedian,
fewer Armenian Americans would have voted, said Doug Johnson, a
Glendale resident and a fellow with the Rose Institute of State and
Local Government at Claremont McKenna College. For example, if
Keuroghelian hadn’t run, not all of his votes would necessarily have
gone to Nahabedian.

`The only way Keuroghelian cost Nahabedian the election is if 74% of
Keuroghelian voters would have voted for Nahabedian, and 0% of them
would have voted for Gatto, and that’s just not realistic,’ Johnson
said. `A large bloc of them would have sat out the race, and even if
Nahabedian would have won a significant majority of the rest, Gatto
and Ramani would each have won their share too.’

There have been exceptions, such as Ara Najarian, who once beat nine
Armenian American candidates to get elected to the Glendale City
Council by focusing on other constituencies.

While Nahabedian may have tried to do the same thing, her campaign
could have been overshadowed by a back-and-forth with Keuroghelian to
win the favor of the Armenian community, said Larry Zarian, a former
Glendale mayor and host of `The Larry Zarian Show.’

As the Armenian American community becomes more involved in local and
state elections, candidates will likely have to avoid getting caught
up in battles with their ethnic peers for the same voter base, said
Barlow Der Mugrdechian, coordinator of the Armenian studies program at
Cal State Fresno.

Instead, winning candidates will earn support for campaigning to a
larger community with issues that happen to also resonate with
Armenian Americans, Der Mugrdechian said.

`It seems to me the longer Armenians are in America, the more their
interests tend to be shaped by what are American issues,’ he said.

BAKU: Ahmet Davutoglu: "Turkey wants to see rich Armenia in its neig


April 15 2010

Baku – APA. On April 14, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
met with the Turkish diplomats working in the North American countries
in Washington.

He called on the Turkey’s ambassadors in Washington and Ottawa, as
well as Consuls General in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston
and Toronto to launch dialogue with the Armenian Diaspora, APA reports
quoting Anatolian news agency.

Then Davutoglu addressed the US Council of Foreign Relations. He said
there was no logic in turning the Turkish-Armenian problem into a
factor in the Turkey-US relations. "Turkey and Armenia are neighbors
and live together for centuries. We can discuss the disputed issues
between ourselves". The minister said Turkey wanted to see not unstable
and poor, but rich Armenia in its neighborhood. "We want all of our
neighbors to be rich and to be in peace with us. While signing the
protocols we followed only this purpose. We are ready to hear our
Armenian friends’ ideas about the history".

Freedom Of Press In Photos


A photo exhibit titled "Freedom of Press, Right to Information" is
set to take place on May 3, the international day of Freedom of Press.

The exhibit is organized by the Freedom of Information Centre, US
Agency for International Development, OSCE Office in Yerevan and UN
Department of Public Information.

All interested candidates can partake in the exhibit by presenting
photos regardless the date they were taken. The main theme of the
exhibit is freedom of press and information.

The selection board will chose the best photos to be exhibited at the
May 3 event. They will be included also in a special photo catalogue
to be printed on the occasion of the international day of freedom
of press.

The deadline for submitting the photos is April 23. The photos can
be sent to [email protected].