Armenian President Approves Amendments To Laws

May 25, 2011 | 18:23

YEREVAN. – Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan signed a number of
amendments to laws passed by the parliament, namely: amendments
to the laws “On state duty”, “On establishment of organizations or
private entrepreneurs imported list of goods, having 0 rate customs
duty and not eligible for excise tax, whose Value Added Tax is not
assessed by customs authorities”, presidential press service informed

Scandal In Armenia: Former Head Of Notary Is Blamed For Forgery

May 25, 2011 | 15:30

YEREVAN. – Scandal happened on Wednesday during the press conference
with former Head of Notary of the Ministry of Justice Mariam Gaboyan.

Several citizens blamed her for covering notary falsifications and
sponsoring illegal actions.

“You ‘resurrected’ a dead person, made a deal by his name and buried
him again,” announced one of the citizens Manya Arzumanyan.

Representatives of Armenian elite do not pay taxes for deals, stated
Gaboyan at the press conference. She mentioned no names, commenting
it a tradition from soviet times.

Obama, Medvedev and Sarkozy will adopt statement on Nagorno-Karabakh

17:21 25/05/2011

Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, Barack Obama of US and Nicolas Sarkozy of
France are intended to adopt a common statement on the conflict of
Nagorno-Karabakh on the sidelines of G8, “Ria Novosti” quotes Sergey
Prikhodoi as saying.

According to the Russian official amid other issues to be focused
by the Presidents a statement is supposed to be adopted on

Yerevan Joor To Lower Price Of Drinking Water For Yerevan Households

Yerevan Joor to lower price of drinking water for Yerevan households to 175 drams per one cubic meter

MAY 25, 2011

YEREVAN, May 25, /ARKA/. Armenia’s Public Services Regulatory
Commission (PSRC) ruled May 24 to allow Yerevan Joor (Yerevan Water)
distribution company to lower the price of one cubic meter of drinking
water for Yerevan households by 8 drams to 174.06 drams. The decision
takes effect on July 8. Last year the price was raised by Yerevan Joor
to 195 drams, but due to a Yerevan municipality subsidy households
paid 181 drams.

Garegin Baghramian, head of a PSRC department in charge of service
prices, said the price of one cubic meter of water is 147.9 drams.

Yerevan Joor charges additional 12.2 drams for waste water removal
and 13.9 drams for purification of waste water. Yerevan deputy mayor
Kamo Areyan said the subsidy ends July 8.

Yerevan Jur (Yerevan Water) is run by French Generale des Eaux that
won an international tender announced by World Bank to take up a
long-term management of the Yerevan network in 2006. It pledged to
upgrade the obsolete network and ensure 24-hour water supplies to
households. The company manages also drinking and waste water removal
systems in Ararat, Aragatsotn and Kotayk provinces.

Yerevan Jur has 339,370 customers and produces 370 million cubic meters
of drinking water a year and manages 2,120 lm long water pipelines.

14 Armenian Wrestlers To Participate In Tbilisi-Hosted Golden Grand


May 25, 2011 – 17:37 AMT

Armenia’s Musa Murtazaliyev (74kg) and Hajimurad Nurmagomedov
(84kg) won bronze at an international wrestling tournament held in
Makhachkala, Russia.

Chief Coach of Armenia’s freestyle wrestling team Araik Baghdadyan
said he is displeased with the results of Ashot Terteryan, David
Safaryan and Ruslan Basiyev.

“On May 27-June 9, Armenian wrestlers will conduct joint trainings
in Vladikavkaz, from where we will leave for Georgia to participate
in Golden Grand Prix,” Baghdadyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Besides, on July 5 the Armenian teal will start getting prepared in
Tsaghkadzor for an international tournament to be held in Kyiv on
July 23-24. And the final trainings of Armenian wrestlers prior to
the World Championships due on September 12-18 in Istanbul will be
held in Yerevan.

Bryza Opposed To Armenian Genocide House Resolution – WikiLeaks


May 26, 2011 – 10:14 AMT

On Mar. 15, 2007, a classified cable was sent from the U.S. Embassy
in Turkey to the U.S. Department of State, which was published May
24 on the whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks, Asbarez reported.

This particular cable refers to a meeting on Mar. 9, 2007, between
then U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Bryza and Istanbul
Deputy Governor for minority affairs Fikret Kasapoglu, in which the
parties discuss the Armenian Genocide Resolution (referred to as AGR
in the cable) being debated in the U.S. House of Representatives and
the Senate.

“Bryza stressed that the Administration is working hard to convince
Congress not to pass AGRs currently being contemplated in both
the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. The Administration’s
position remains that a candid discussion about Turkish-Armenian
history should take place within civil society,” he said. Kasapoglu
believes the case against AGRs should stress four points:

-Istanbul’s tradition of tolerance for different cultures dating back
to the beginning of the Ottoman Empire.

-Despite historical and present political tensions between Turkey and
Armenia, more than 40,000 economic migrants from Armenia still choose
to live in Turkey illegally (we regularly hear the number 70,000 from
GOT officials)

-The positive, spontaneous, mass public condemnation of Hrant Dink’s
assassination was a sign of the respect people have for each other
and for different cultures.

-Turkey’s mostly young population find it hard to comprehend what
happened during World War I and politicizing ‘genocide’ allegations
will only inspire hatred.”

Istanbul’s deputy governor also raised the issue of Turkish-Armenians,
saying they were “increasingly seen as part of society but that
certain events (e.g., AGRs) ‘just make things worse’.”

“The Deputy Governor agreed that arguing against congressional
Armenian ‘genocide’ resolutions by focusing on a potential increase
in ultra-nationalism and risks to the Turkish-Armenian community’s
security is not constructive. Rather, Kasapoglu suggested focusing on
Turkey’s tradition of tolerance for religious minorities and the fact
that Armenians still choose to immigrate illegally by the thousands
to Turkey,” reads the cable, in part.

Hattis-Rolef: Excuse That Armenian Genocide May Belittle Holocaust D


May 26, 2011 – 11:17 AMT

Until recently, Israel chose to ignore the Genocide in the Ottoman
empire, Susan Hattis Rolef, a former Knesset employee writes in an
article titled “The Armenians, the Jews and Israel.”

“In 1915-16, during World War I, the Turks were responsible for the
massacre of as many as 1.5 million Armenian inhabitants of the Ottoman
Empire. Among the first to warn about the nature and scope of the
atrocity was Aaron Aaronsohn – the renowned agronomist from Zichron
Ya’acov who established the Nili spy ring, which in the course of the
war collected information about Ottoman military movements and other
strategic issues and passed it on to the British authorities. Several
of Aaronsohn’s relatives and colleagues actually witnessed the bloody
manifestations of the massacre. In November 1916, Aaronsohn sent the
British authorities a memorandum entitled “Pro Armenia,” in which he
described the atrocities… And yet until recently, Israel has chosen
to ignore the event, with numerous excuses, each of which is shameful
in its own right,” the article says.

“The first is that since Turkey denies that a systematic massacre of
Armenians ever took place, as well as minimizing the numbers involved
(a number that justifies the term genocide), and since for years
Israel regarded Turkey as a strategic ally – one of the few Muslim
states it could regard as such – Israel would do well not to “let
sleeping dogs lie.” The fact that other states, including the U.S.,
adopted a similar policy seemed to justify Israel’s position.”

“The second excuse was that referring to the massacre of the Armenians
as genocide might belittle the enormity of the Holocaust – an Israeli
attitude that applies to other cases of genocide as well (and is, in my
opinion, not just unjustified, but disgraceful). The Jewish Holocaust –
in terms of both its circumstances and its manifestations – is without
doubt unique. Nevertheless, this does not justify our belittling or
ignoring the horrors that have occurred to other peoples,” it says.

“The third excuse is that since we do not like others criticizing
our treatment of the Palestinians, we should avoid criticizing other
states for the way they treat their minorities. This excuse is simply
foolish, and may easily boomerang, because no matter how problematic
our record of treating our Arab citizens (and the Palestinians in
general) might be, it bears no resemblance to the sorts of acts we are
talking about. On the contrary, given the nature of the Arab-Israeli
conflict, our record – though certainly not free of blemish – cannot
be described as involving massacres or acts of genocide at all, as
some, including the Turks, can. The Turks are the first who should
be confronted with the difference, and it is a shame that only now,
when Israel’s relations with Turkey have deteriorated to unprecedented
levels due to unbridled Turkish attacks, Israel has finally decided
to have its public say on the Armenian Genocide.”

Israeli Embassy In Ottawa Vandalized


May 26, 2011 – 11:43 AMT

The building that houses the Israeli embassy in Ottawa was vandalized
overnight, hours after a speech by Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu
to the United States Congress.

The downtown office tower where the embassy is located was
spray-painted with the words: “Embasy (sic) of war crimes” and
“Israel war crimes.” The graffiti was painted on the side of the
building and on the ground in front of the main entrance, The Edmonton
Journal reported.

Taboo Breakers: Turkish Human Rights Champion Defies Denial Of Armen

By Gayane Abrahamyan

26.05.11 | 11:50

When visiting Yerevan in February Zarakolu was awarded with Hagop
Meghabart Medal of Honour Lifetime Achievement Award from Armenia.

Turkish human rights activist Ragip Zarakolu is often referred to as
Don Quixote fighting against the denial of the Armenian Genocide;
he started publishing books and openly speaking out on the issue
still in the 1990s, but says that not much has changed since then –
Turkey continues its “indecent policy”.

“They continue poisoning the new generation with misinformation. The
Armenians generously extended a hand, but the Turkish authorities
failed us, since Turkey keeps bowing to Azerbaijan’s whims. Karabakh
is not Turkey’s concern, and if Turkey insists that it is, it only
proves that Turkey is carrying on with its pan-Turkic ideology and
policy”, Zarakolu told ArmeniaNow and reprimands his own country:

“Turkey should be the last country to talk about the Karabakh issue,
the people of Artsakh were only defending themselves. Or should they
have allowed to be massacred as well?!” he exclaims.

The founding director of the Belge publishing house, 63-year-old
fighter for human rights, is one of the rare individuals in Turkey to
whom the Armenian Genocide, the Kurdish issue are a matter of justice
and dignity rather than a dangerous but easy way of becoming known.

In 1990 Zarakolu’s late wife Ayse Nur Zarakolu, who was facing a
lawsuit for translating and publishing French writer Yves Ternon’s
book titled Armenians, history of a genocide or The Armenian Taboo,
said in court: “It is not a crime to speak about the Genocide; rather,
not admitting and denying it is the gravest crime.”

For these words she was sentenced to two years in prison, and
this wasn’t a single case: in years that followed the spouses were
repeatedly condemned and punished, but they never stopped believing
that the policy of denial has to be fought against.

“If we didn’t believe we wouldn’t have published. I think the Genocide
is not the past, but rather the future, the present day, and if we
didn’t speak about it the same would have been committed against the
Kurdish people.”

Zarakolu’s Begle publishing house founded in 1977 was the only one to
start translating into Turkish and publishing pieces of literature,
such as Franz Werfel’s Forty Days of Musa Dagh, Verzhine Svazlian’s
Armenian Genocide and Collective Memory, professor Vahagn Tatrian’s
The Armenian Genocide (in the chronicles of the triple alliance’s state
archives), United States Ambassador to Ottoman Turkey Henry Morgentau’s
memories, Peter Balakian’s Black Dog of Fate, and George Jordan’s The
Power of Truth; for the latter Zarakolu was again prosecuted in 2008
but, luckily, this time his punishment was limited to paying a penalty.

Despite the fact that bookstores take 50 percent of the income from the
sales of those publications because of the potential risk of assault
by nationalists Zarakolu, nonetheless, says that’s not important:
“We are not pursuing profit, our main goal is to raise awareness in
the society, so it doesn’t matter how much we have to pay for it.”

“The books have certainly made a difference; right from the beginning
we named the 1915 events by their proper legal term – genocide.

Without using this word we couldn’t have touched people’s minds,
there are not many today who understand the truth, but at least
there are some, and that has caused a split in the society, which,
as time goes by, will eventually force the state from the bottom up
to admit the genocide,” he says.

Zarakolu has been interested in ethnic minority issues since early age,
when his mother said while telling about the Armenians who lived in
her birthplace – Sebastia [city in Western Armenia, modern-day Turkey]:
“We cried inside, the Armenians cried outside”.

“When I was at school I, too, received the kind of nationalistic
education that is still taught in Turkey, but heard and learned
completely different things in my family,” he recalls.

Zarakolu is upset with the continued practice of not only basing school
education on the policy of denial, but also presenting Armenians as
enemies: “The Turkish people does not know either its history or its
country, since Turkish history in school textbooks covers the period
after 1923 (the creation of the Turkish Republic), when Armenians
were not massacred anymore,” he says.

The human rights activist believes that if Turkish people are taught
that “everything they have – the palaces, the Turkish theatre building,
various architectural monuments – were created by Armenians, a question
would naturally arise: and what happened to those Armenians?”

“They simply have to be prepared to give the true answer to that
question,” he says with strong belief that the answer to that question
would become the beginning of Turkey’s modern history.

“Admitting the genocide would save Turkey; those in Turkey believe
it would be humiliation, but no, on the contrary – admitting once
faults and asking for forgiveness is greatness and something that any
person or a state has to do,” says Zarakolu. Many people who know
him are worried about his safety; however he himself is convinced
that nothing threatens his life, apart from a prison cell.

“I face a lot of persecution, but they won’t kill me since after Dink’s
case they don’t want to create new heroes; they realized that it has a
greater converse effect,” he says and re-states his point with a smile.

“I am not Armenian by blood, but until Turkey admits committing the
genocide I am an Armenian, until Kurds are granted freedom I am a Kurd,
I am a universal human being to whom the establishment of human rights
comes before nationalities.”

Gayane Abrahamyan spent a month in Istanbul, Turkey, reporting from
there with the support of the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT)
and Internews Armenia

Les Organisateurs Du Genocide Des Armeniens Ont Ete Des " Patriotes

mercredi 25 mai 2011

S’exprimant a l’occasion de la Journee de la Jeunesse et des Sports,
le chef de l’Etat-Major des forces armees turques le general Isik
Kosaner a critique la condamnation des cerveaux du genocide armenien
par le gouvernement turc de l’epoque.

Le General Kosaner a souligne que de nombreux ” patriotes ” turcs ont
ete en vain punis pour negligence et mauvais traitements au cours de la
” deportation des Armeniens “. Aujourd’hui, la lutte d’Ataturk et de
ses partisans est presente differemment, dans un effort de re-ecrire
l’histoire, a-t-il ajoute.

” Pour faire plaisir aux minorites nationales, leurs representants
sont nommes sur une variete de positions sans imposer l’utilisation
obligatoire du Turc. Dans tous les cas les evenements historiques
peuvent se reproduire et nous devons tirer les lecons de notre histoire
” a declare le chef d’Etat-Major turc.

En 1919, les organisateurs du genocide armenien ont ete condamnes a
mort par contumace a Istanbul. Certains fonctionnaires turcs ont ete
condamnes a differentes peines mais ont ete liberes assez rapidement.