Organisation D’elections Democratiques : Lancement Du Site Sur Le Co

mercredi 25 mai 2011

Organisation d’elections democratiques : Lancement du site sur le
Conseil Franco-Armenien (CFA)

Le monde change, la diaspora aussi… Pour etre mieux en phase
avec les valeurs democratiques francaises, moderniser nos moyens et
avoir plus de poids pour developper nos actions, nos valeurs et notre
specificite, le Conseil National du CCAF a mis en ligne les principaux
points de son projet d’organisation d’elections democratiques et
vous invite a vous rendre sur le site du Conseil Franco-Armenien

pour prendre connaissance de ce nouvel instrument d’union, de debat
et d’action collective.

Le Conseil Franco-Armenien est encore a l’etat de projet, mais
comme il s’adresse a l’ensemble des bonnes volontes impliquees dans
le developpement de nos interets communs et qu’il se fonde sur le
pouvoir des individus, le CCAF a decide d’en devoiler les grandes
lignes après plus de deux ans de reflexions generales. Nous vous
invitons egalement, si vous le souhaitez, a vous prononcer sur l’idee
d’elections democratiques et a conserver un contact direct sur la
suite des evenements.

Le Conseil National du CCAF a programme d’ici quelques mois plusieurs
Assemblees generales a Paris, Lyon et Marseille en vue d’adopter une
version definitive du Conseil Franco-Armenien. Nous ne manquerons
pas de vous tenir au courant des prochaines etapes. *



Post Facility In Virginia Named After U.S. Army Col. George Juskalia


May 25, 2011 – 12:11 AMT

The usually quiet Centreville Sully Station Post Office, Virginia, saw
unusual fanfare on the afternoon of Saturday, May 21. Family, friends,
comrades and elected officials gathered as the postal facility was
named posthumously in honor of U.S. Army Colonel George Juskalian,
a decorated war hero, former prisoner of war and longtime Centreville

At the age of 96, Juskalian died on July 4 last year and was buried
with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.

The Westfield High School band and chorus joined color guards from
local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8469 and American Legion Post 177
in remembering this supremely decorated war veteran’s commitment to
his country. The proud son of Armenian immigrants served in all of
his country’s modern conflicts; World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

The list of Juskalian’s decorations required nearly a full page to
list in the program. Just a few of these included the Legion of Merit,
Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Bronze Star with three Oak
Leaf Clusters. One of the most highly decorated Armenian-Americans to
ever serve the United States, Juskalian served for over three decades
in the military.

His decorations are among the highest and most rarely bestowed on
US military personnel. The Legion of Merit is one of only two neck
orders given and is awarded for exceptionally meritorious conduct
in the performance of outstanding services and achievements, reported.

Turquie: La Mort Du Soldat Armenien Est Suspecte


Publie le : 25-05-2011

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN vous
invite a lire une traduction de Gilbert Beguian d’un article en
anglais mise en ligne sur le site de NAM (Nouvelles d’Armenie Magazine)
le 17 mai 2011.

Selon sa fiancee, la mort du soldat armenien est suspecte

La mort tragique d’un soldat Armenien turc servant dans l’armee
le 24 avril – jour de la commemoration par la diaspora armenienne
des Armeniens tues par les Ottomans en 1915 – pourrait ne pas etre
accidentelle, comme il a ete pretendu officiellement, a dit la fiancee
du jeune homme.

Le soldat Sevag Sahin Balicki, 25 ans, est mort dimanche après
que, selon les rapports officiels, le fusil de son ami se soit
accidentellement decharge. Les militaires ont dit que les deux garcons
etaient en train de “plaisanter” avec leurs fusils avant l’accident.

La famille de Balicki a dit qu’elle croyait la declaration officielle,
disant seulement que c’etait une coïncidence etange que leur fils
soit mort le 24 avril, qui etait aussi le jour de Pâques.

Mais sa fiancee, Melani Kumruyan, ne croit pas que la mort de Balicki
soit accidentelle. Dans ses propos tenus devant divers journeaux hier,
elle disait : “Une enquete est ouverte. Je veux que la verite soit
etablie le plus rapidement possible. Je ne pense pas que cela soit
arrive alors qu’ils plaisantaient. Je connais Sevag vraiment bien. Il
n’etait pas de ceux qui plaisantent avec des armes a feu.”

Kumruyan et Balicki, qui tous deux vivaient dans la banlieue Kurtulus
d’Istanbul, se sont rencontres quand ils avaient dix sept ans et
s’etaient fiances avec la benediction des deux familles il y a deux
ans. Kumruyan dit que Balicki lui envoyait un message tous les matins.

Elle a fait connaître au quotidien Radikal son dernier message,
envoye le 24 avril a 7:30 du matin. On peut lire dans son message
intime : “Pariluys (bonjour) mon ange au parfum de paquerettes. Tu
ne me laisseras plus jamais seul. Ton c~ur pur est pour moi plus
important que tout. J’ai trouve le bonheur et l’amour en toi. Je n’ai
rien aime de toute ma vie comme je t’aime.”

“Ils disent que c’est arrive vers 8:00 le matin, je me suis reveillee
vers neuf heures ce matin la. Il m’avait envoye son merveilleux
message d’amour vers 7:30 heures, comme il le fait toujours. Je ne
peux exprimer l’immensite de ma douleur. Il ne lui restait que trois
semaines avant qu’il vienne chez lui,” a poursuivi Kumruyan.

Le quotidien Sabah l’a citee disant : “je ne crois pas du tout que
c’etait un accident. Le sergent-chef l’avait frappe a cause d’un
billet de 50 livres [turques] perdu .”

Bien que Kumruyan soit sceptique, la mère de Balicki, Ani Balicki, une
enseignante de maternelle retraitee, dit qu’elle croit la declaration
de l’armee. “Nous ne savons pas encore si c’etait un accident ou non.

Nous irons sur les lieux de l’evenement dimanche avec notre avocat
et parlerons aux officiels. Le rapport que nous aurons clarifiera tout.

Je lis sur l’Internet diverses declarations de personnes qui discutent
l’incident, qu’ils en aient connaissance ou non. Le soldat qui a
tire sur mon fils etait son ami le plus proche. J’avais envoye des
friandises de Pâques a la caserne le jour precedent. L’incident n’a
rien a voir avec le 24 avril ou le genocide. Je ne crains rien du
tout. J’ai perdu mon fils, que pourrais-je craindre ? Les superieurs
et les chefs nous ont rendu visite. Ils sont tout autant aneantis
que nous le sommes”, a-t-elle dit.

Le General Commandant de Gendarmerie a annonce qu’ils avaient invite
la famille Balicki sur les lieux où la fusillade s’est deroulee. La
famille sera accueillie sur les lieux pendant l’examen de la place.

Entre temps, la Cour Criminelle de Kozluk a libere le soldat qui a
tire sur Balicki, garde a vu jusqu’alors. La cour a declare ne voir
dans l’accident aucune premeditation ou acte delibere. Cependant, le
Bureau du Procureur de Kozluk a critique la liberation du soldat – dont
le nom n’est pas divulgue – et depose une requete pour son arrestation.

Traduction Gilbert Beguian

mardi 17 mai 2011, [email protected]

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L’Action De La Communaute Armenienne Permet L’Arrivee D’Un Bateau Am

mercredi 25 mai 2011

Les îles des Princes a Istanbul vont etre pourvues d’un bateau
ambulance qui sera au commencement deployee sur Kinaliada en août.

L’argent pour le bateau a ete rassemble dans le cadre d’une campagne
pour Nilufer Akbal 11 ans gravement malade. Après son decès les
residants ont decide d’employer l’argent pour transferer les patients
vers le continent

” Un poète renomme avait une crise cardiaque ici dans le passe. Nous
l’avons porte dans un chariot vers la côte et l’avons ensuite transfere
a l’hôpital par bateau puisque nous n’avions aucune ambulance en
capacite de flotter ” a dit Ali Ercument Polat, l’ancien vice-maire
de la Municipalite d’Adalar au journal Hurriyet. ” S’il y avait eu un
temps orageux et s’il n’avait pas ete chanceux, [il] aurait pu mourir

Les residants turcs, armeniens et grecs de Kinaliada, une des Îles des
Princes, ont leve 40000 Lires Turques pour le traitement de Nilufer
Akbal, 11 ans qui souffrait d’une grave maladie.

Ayant succombe a sa maladie grâce a l’argent qui avait fructifie a
90000 lires avec les interets le bureau du gouverneur local a alloue
la somme a l’achat d’une ambulance flottante pour les îles, dont la
population peut exceder 150000 personnes pendant l’ete.

” Le prix d’une ambulance flottante est de 200000 Lires Turques ; donc
le Croissant Rouge fournira le reste ” a annonce le Croissant Rouge.

L’UE Appelle a Reviser Le Proces De Deux Militants En Azerbaidjan

lundi 24 mai 2011

La diplomate en chef de l’UE, Catherine Ashton, a appele vendredi
l’Azerbaïdjan a reviser les procès de deux militants, estimant qu’ils
pourraient avoir ete condamnes pour des raisons politiques.

Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, 29 ans, a ete condamne mercredi a deux ans de
prison pour avoir echappe au service militaire, et Jabbar Savalan,
20 ans, a deux ans et demi de prison pour detention de drogue le 4 mai.

Tous les deux avaient appele a des manifestations contre le regime
sur le reseau social en ligne Facebook.

“Dans les deux cas, les circonstances donnent des raisons de penser
que des motivations politiques ont jete une ombre sur la procedure
judiciaire”, indique Mme Ashton dans un communique où elle “appelle
l’Azerbaïdjan a assurer une revision juste et rapide des verdicts”.

La haute representante de l’UE pour les affaires etrangères se dit
“de plus en plus inquiète de la situation en Azerbaïdjan pour ce qui
concerne le respect des droits de l’homme”.

Elle appelle le pays “a respecter entièrement les libertes
fondamentales et a garantir l’application de la loi selon les normes
internationales envers lesquelles l’Azerbaïdjan s’est lui-meme engage”.

L’ex-Republique du Caucase avait deja fait l’objet de vives critiques
en Occident après l’arrestation en 2009 de deux blogueurs qui ont passe
plus d’un an en prison pour avoir appele sur Facebook et le site de
partage de videos YouTube a des changements democratiques. Ils ont
ete liberes en novembre 2010.

Cette annee, plusieurs manifestations de l’opposition ont ete
dispersees par la police anti-emeutes et des dizaines de participants
a ces rassemblements ont ete interpelles. L’ONG de defense des droits
de l’homme

Amnesty International accuse les autorites de harceler les opposants
utilisant l’internet.

Armenia, The CSTO And Collective Security


May 23, 2011 – 4:24pm, by Joshua Kucera

Would the Collective Security Treaty Organization come to Armenia’s
aid in the event of a war with Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh? It’s
a question that has been the matter of speculation for some time. And
last week Armenia’s defense minister said yes, the CSTO would support
Armenia. Via AFP:

“Given Armenia’s membership in the CSTO, we can count on an appropriate
response and the support of our allies in the organization, who have
specific responsibilities to each other and the ability to react
adequately to potential aggression,” Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian
told a security conference in Yerevan.

Of course, what “an appropriate response” entails could be very much
up to interpretation. And much depends on whether the war would involve
only Karabakh — which is de jure part of Azerbaijan — or Armenia. If
the former, the CSTO would be less likely to get involved, since it
wouldn’t involve an attack on a member nation. In a piece called
“Kazakhstan dashes Armenia’s collective security hopes,”
quotes a couple of Kazakh security experts saying making that point:

“If a military conflict began in Nagorno-Karabakh, this would not be
an attack by Azerbaijan on Armenia”, [Murat] Laumulin [senior fellow
at the Kazakh president’s Strategic Research Institute] said. “This
issue is Azerbaijan’s internal affair, because Nagorno-Karabakh is
a part of Azerbaijan’s administrative territory….”

The director for analysis and consulting at Kazakhstan’s Institute
of Political Solutions, Rustam Burnashev, shares Laumulin’s view.

He said that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict was an internal Azerbaijani
affair: “What’s most important is how much Armenia itself would
raise this issue and how much Azerbaijan would bring it before the
international community.”

“The interpretation of the Karabakh conflict by Azerbaijan and Armenia
does not envisage a direct clash between them,” Burnashev said.

But both of those comments imply that an attack on Armenia could
trigger the collective security obligation of the CSTO, which
would still be a substantial advantage for Armenia should war over
Karabakh break out. It would mean that Armenia could attack targets in
Azerbaijan proper (like oil facilities in Baku, for example) without
escalating the conflict, while Azerbaijan couldn’t do the same (i.e.
attack Armenia) without getting the CSTO involved.

Then again, if a war started, legal questions might be thrown out
the window and CSTO member states — particularly Russia — would
make political/strategic decisions about whether or how much to get
involved. And then, frankly, it’s much harder to imagine Moscow
calculating in favor of intervening on behalf of Armenia against
Azerbaijan. But let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Armenian Advocacy Discussed In Joint AGBU-ARF Event

by Laura Michael

Published: Sunday May 22, 2011

Event speakers and organizers.

Watertown, Mass. – On May 12 the AGBU Young Professionals of Boston
and ARF “Sardarabad” Gomideh collaborated to co-sponsor a symposium
entitled, Genocide Recognition: The Road Ahead.

Chris Mensoian of AGBU YP Boston and Jirayr Beugekian of the ARF
“Sardarabad” Gomideh served as event chairs.

Together the groups organized a panel of four distinguished Armenians:
Aram Hamparian, ANCA executive director of the ANCA; Marc Mamigonian,
NAASR director of academic affairs; Dr. Michael G. Mensoian, Professor
Emeritus, Middle East and Political Geography, UMASS Boston; and
Khatchig Mouradian, editor of the Armenian Weekly and PhD student
in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University. Alin Gregorian,
editor of the Armenian Mirror-Spectator, served as moderator.

At the beginning of the evening, YP Boston Chairwoman Nicole Meregian
gave opening remarks and introduced the participants. It was also
noted that Massachusetts State Representative Jonathan Hecht was
in attendance.

The panelists discussed and debated a wide range of topics within
the realm of genocide recognition including but not limited to:
reparations, the role of the Diaspora in genocide recognition,
the future security of Javakhk and Karabagh, and the importance of
genocide education in U.S. academic institutions.

Moderator Alin Gregorian posed various questions to the panelists and
each had ample time to respond to the questions and to each other. The
audience was also able to write their own questions, which Gregorian
utilized for the last half hour.

Speaking of the importance of the symposium, event co-chair Chris
Mensoian stated, “Discussions like this are very important and
necessary to engage and educate the community and avoid further
apathy, which results in less participation in, and donations to,
worthy Armenian organizations and causes. It’s a small victory —
but a victory nonetheless — each time an event like this takes place
and there is discussion and awareness of Armenian issues.”

Each speaker added something to the discussion from their own
perspective, which engaged the audience on so many levels.

In the context of Turkey, Mouradian highlighted the importance of
justice for the Armenian genocide, and noted that, often, calls
to being “realistic” in the quest for justice–and other attempts
to reject demands for more than symbolic recognition–are part and
parcel of the structural violence against Armenians. Mouradian also
emphasized the importance of genocide education in U.S. schools so
that children are taught correct history from a young age and so our
country’s future leaders can learn from past mistakes. According to
Mouradian, if genocide education is a part of the curriculum across
the U.S., it will be increasingly difficult for the U.S. government
to ignore historical facts.

Dr. Mensoian expressed his deep concern for the future of Javakhk and
Karabakh and that the Diaspora organizations need to invest more into
these lands so that they do not lose them.

Hamparian stressed the importance of a truthful and just resolution
of the Armenian Genocide, autonomy for Javakhk, security for the
independent Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, and a stronger Armenia. He
outlined the ANCA’s efforts in advancing these aims, and invited
the audience to become increasingly engaged in working with Armenian
advocacy groups in realizing the community’s shared goals.

Mamigonian added to this discussion from an academic perspective,
stating that Turks donate hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to
American universities in order to establish Turkish Studies programs,
which in turn employ American professors, who in turn teach and speak
publicly that the Armenian Genocide never occurred. There is a need
for more Genocide Studies and Armenian Studies programs to counteract
the detrimental effects of genocide denial, which also demonstrates
the extreme need for funding from the Armenian Diaspora.

AYF Greater Boston “Njdeh” Chapter Chairman, Stepanos Keshishian,
was in attendance and shared his thoughts on the event as well.

“Personally, I thought it was a great initiative to bring together
Armenians of different sub-communities for a discussion. Although we
may have differing political beliefs or ideologies, the important
thing is that we all work for the health of our nation and for the
well-being and comfort of all our brothers and sisters around the
world. We are an ancient and dispersed nation, and as such, we are
unquestionably dynamic in our beliefs and approaches as a result of the
various circumstances we’ve faced. But as long as we all agree on our
right as a nation to exist and to thrive, and as long as we have the
unrelenting dedication and passion to work for our collective cause,
we will be successful.

“Success, however, isn’t an overnight and definitive accomplishment.

As Aram [Hamparian] mentioned, it will come in small accomplishments
aimed at ensuring justice. Dialogue aimed at achieving these successes
is, in itself, a step in the right direction. That’s not to say that we
should all give up our individual beliefs and adapt to a centralized
ideology. The point is that we each, as individuals or as groups,
have the ability to make accomplishments, and dialogue will certainly
not hurt.”

AGBU YP Boston and ARF “Sardarabad” Gomideh were pleased with the
success of the event and felt that it was important to collaborate on
the symposium because Armenians are united in their goal of Genocide

Russian Expert: Madrid Principles Run Counter To Armenia’s Interests


May 23, 2011 – 15:12 AMT

Madrid Principles for Karabakh conflict settlement run counter to
Armenia’s interests, according to the head of Caucasus Department of
the CIS Institute.

As Mikhail Alexandrov told a news conference in Yerevan, adoption of
Madrid Principles will spell secession of Karabakh, as the clause on
the interim status of Karabakh suggests.

As the expert noted, were the conflict settled based on Madrid
principles, Karabakh would have been given an undefined status. “As a
result, Armenian forces would be induced to leave 7 liberated regions,
which would soon be occupied by Azeri army,” he remarked.

Alexandrov noted the return of refugees as the next stage of conflict
settlement based on Madrid Principles. “This, in turn, will arise
disputes about their number. The refugees will soon outnumber Karabakh
residents, with a referendum ending in favor of Azeri side,” he noted.

Expert: Current Balance Of Forces In South Caucasus Hampers Karabakh


May 23, 2011 – 15:54 AMT

Head of Caucasus Department at the CIS Institute Mikhail Alexandrov
said that the Karabakh conflict cannot be solved under the current
balance of forces in the world and South Caucasus.

“The only variant for the conflict settlement may appear after a
considerable weakening of the West, NATO’s collapse and withdrawal of
the U.S. from Eurasia,” Alexandrov told a press conference in Yerevan,
adding that there is such prospect.

“We see that NATO is indeed in a very difficult situation, the European
Union is bulging at the seams, and even the Schengen Agreement is
endangered,” said Alexandrov.

According to him, all this is related to the global financial crisis.