NKR President Says Azerbaijan’s Non-Constructive Position Unacceptab


May 23, 2011 – 16:05 AMT

NKR President Bako Sahakyan believes no peaceful settlement of Karabakh
conflict is possible without NKR’s involvement in negotiations.

According to NKR President, no serious results in negotiations
are possible without Karabakh’s participation. “We hope that the
international community and organizations will understand the necessity
of negotiation process restoration. We’re ready to compromise. However,
Azerbaijan’s idea of a compromise duffers from ours,” the President

“Azeri authorities’ military rhetoric continues on daily basis. Such an
attitude cannot promote either progress in negotiations or a peaceful
settlement of conflict. Azerbaijan’s non-constructive position is
unacceptable to us. No compromise can be discussed in such conditions,”
Ekho Moskvy cited the President as saying.

U.S. Supports Karabakh Conflict Settlement On Azeri Terms, Russian E


May 23, 2011 – 16:14 AMT

U.S. supports a rapid settlement of Karabakh conflict, yet on
Azerbaijan- suggested terms, according to the head of Caucasus
Department of the CIS Institute.As Mikhail Alexandrov told a news
conference in Yerevan, the U.S. aims to create a military and political
corridor stretching from the Black Sea to the Caspian Region.

“The U.S. has taken Georgia under its influence, it’s now Azerbaijan’s
turn,” the expert said. “Azerbaijan avoids adopting a specific
position, as joining NATO or creation of a U.S. military base in
Azerbaijan may deteriorate the latter’s relations with Russia and

“However, if the West offers Karabakh in exchange for integration
into a western military and political structure, Azerbaijan won’t be
able to decline such an offer,” he noted, adding that most probably,
certain agreements with Azerbaijani President have been reached,
which explains U.S.’ supporting Azeri position in Karabakh conflict.

Marseilles Hosts Armenian Cartoonist’s Exhibition


May 23, 2011 – 17:18 AMT

Sahak-Mesrop cultural center in Marseilles is hosting an exhibition
of Armenian cartoonist Ohannes Chachkal. The cartoons were created
for Istanbul-based Armenian-Turkish Agos newspaper.

Ohannes Chachkal was born in Istanbul in 1959. Chachkal took up
caricature in 1977 and has worked in several Istanbul-based publishing
houses since. The cartoonist created an album dedicated to the memory
of Hrant Dink in January 2008. At present, Chachkal is employed at
Agos, Nouvelles d’ Armenie reported.

The exhibit will last till May 29.

EU Deeply Concerned Over Incidents In South Caucasus


May 24, 2011 – 14:54 AMT

The European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council has discussed regional
stability and conflict resolution in the South Caucasus.

“The Council held an exchange of views on the current situation in the
South Caucasus and a possible EU role in the region,” according to a
preliminary report on the meeting published by the EU. The meeting of
the European Union’s foreign ministers focused on the need for regional
stability, conflict resolution and the importance of making full use
of the Eastern Partnership. “The discussion took place against the
background of rising tensions in the region, in particular concerning
Nagorno Karabakh and Georgia,” the meeting report said.

Summing up the meeting results, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton
said, “We have also discussed developments in the South Caucasus and
exchanged views on the situation in Karabakh and Georgia.

We are deeply concerned over the fatal incidents in Georgia last week
and Karabakh over the weekend.”

UNDP And Oxfam/Armenia To Promote Development Of Aknaghbyur Communit


/ ARKA /
May 24, 2011

YEREVAN, May 24. /ARKA/. UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident
Representative in Armenia Dafina Gercheva and Director of Oxfam/Armenia
Company Margarita Hakobyan signed an agreement in Yerevan on Tuesday
to promote development of farms in Aknaghbyur community in Tavush

Gercheva said that the UNDP would make every effort to reduce
poverty in rural areas and lessen social and economic inequality
among Armenia’s provinces.

Hakobyan, on her side, said that farmers’ cooperation has already
established in Aknaghbyur as part of the Sustainable Life Support

Ten cooperative economies are already established in Tavush and Vayots
Dzor under this program.

“The program will be expanded in the coming four years and will
support more than 4,000 farmers,” Hakobyan said.

She said that the agreement signed today implies provision of 17
up-to-date greenhouses and refrigerators with total capacity of 50
tons to Aknaghbyur, which has 32 farms.

“The parties of the agreement support small and medium private farms,
helping them develop production and the system of sales,” she said.

“Thanks to that, farmers’ profits will grow and local production
will develop. As a result, market prices for agricultural products
are expected to go down in the future.”

Oxfam, international confederation consisting of 14 organizations,
was established in 1942. It works in 98 countries trying to find
long-term solutions to poverty problem.

Oxfam/Armenia started operating in 1994. Its activity is aimed at
poverty elimination in 165 provinces of Armenia.

Armenian Ameriabank Team Wins European Banking Management Contest


/ ARKA /
May 24, 2011

The team of the Armenian Ameriabank has won the online bank management
contest: Europe 2011 “, director of the bank’s development department,
Tigran Jrbashian, told reporters today.

He said the team will represent Europe at the world competition in
New York in late August.

The Europe-2011 banking competition was organized by Dutch SimArc NV
company, New York Institute of Finance, World Institute of Savings
Banks and the European Savings Banks Group. According to Jrbashian,
similar contests are held since 1992. The Armenian bank team in New
York will compete with the winners in other four regions of North
and South America, Asia and Africa.

“The competition consisted of six stages. Our team modeled the
management of the bank in a rather severe, critical situation,
solving problems, proposed by the organizers, ” Jrbashian said.

The European phase of the global competition included the Dutch ING,
that has a 110,000 staff, Belgian Dexia, which employs about 36 000,
Czech CSOB.

Jrbashian said the victory in New York will secure for the bank
an international recognition and a place at world market, which is
important for the success and implementation of strategic programs.

“An important component is that through this competition we can
test the models and ideas, which our team has now. Possibilities of
joint work appear as well, which in our opinion is very important,
” said Jrbashian.

Ameriabank is a universal bank offering corporate, investment and
retail banking services. It is owned by Troika Dialog, one of the
largest investment companies in Russia.

Le President Sarkissian Appelle Les Deputes A Declarer Une Amnistie


lundi 24 mai 2011

Le vendredi 20 mai, le president armenien Serge Sarkissian a
solennellement appele le Parlement armenien a declarer une amnistie
generale, dans un geste visant a la liberation de tous les membres
de l’opposition encore en prison, un peu plus de 3 ans après le
mouvement de protestation qu’avait suscite son election et qui
avait ete durement reprime après les sanglants affrontements entre
policiers et manifestants le 1er mars 2008 a Erevan. Dans une brève
declaration, le cabinet du president Sarkissian a fait savoir que
cette amnistie serait dediee au 20e anniversaire de l’independance
de l’Armenie, qui doit etre celebre en septembre. Il n’a toutefois
pas precise quels prisonniers seraient eligibles a une liberation
anticipee. Selon certaines sources citees par le service armenien
de RFE/RL, en vertu d’une loi emanant de l’equipe de M.Sarkissian,
quelque 400 prisonniers pourraient beneficier integralement de la
grâce presidentielle et retrouver la liberte tandis que près de 2 000
autres verraient leurs peines de prison raccourcies. On ne connaît pas
encore les details de l’amnistie proposee, qui tend a dissiper les
tensions entre le pouvoir et le Congrès national armenien, alliance
de partis d’opposition radicale et non parlementaire conduite par
l’ancien president et candidat malheureux auxle Congrès national
armenien, alliance de partis d’opposition radicale et non parlementaire
conduite par l’ancien president et candidat malheureux aux dernières
presidentielles Levon Ter Petrossian, qui avait accepte dernièrement
la main tendue par le gouvernement a condition notamment qu’il fasse
liberer ses partisans emprisonnes. Le geste presidentiel vise aussi a
restaurer le credit du gouvernement armenien, qui avait ete une fois
encore appele par les Europeens notamment, a liberer les opposants
emprisonnes et dont le bilan en matière de respect des droits de
l’homme et de democratisation vient d’etre remis en cause. Victor
Dallakian, un parlementaire independant mais manifestement bien
informe des intentions du chef de l’Etat, a suggere que l’amnistie
s’appliquera a tous les opposants emprisonnes. La Commission des
affaires juridiques du Parlement discutait en tout cas du projet
de loi ad hoc lors de debats a huis clos, moins d’une heure après
que le president du Parlement Hovik Abrahamian en eut ete avise par
l’administration presidentielle. M. Abrahamian a indique a la presse
qu’il sera debattu en seance plenière par l’Assemblee nationale au
debut de cette semaine. ” Je pense que cette initiative montre une
fois de plus que le pays est dirige par un responsable politique qui
a un profond sens de l’Etat et des valeurs nationales et qui prend des
mesures pour restaurer la solidarite et l’unite du pays “, a declare de
son côte Edouard Charmazanov, un depute en vue, porte-parole du Parti
republicain de M. Sarkissian. L’Assemblee nationale, qui est dominee
par des deputes proches du pouvoir en place, avait deja decrete une
amnistie deux ans auparavant, qui avait entraîne la liberation de
centaines de detenus. Parmi eux se trouvaient plusieurs dizaines
d’allies et partisans de Levon Ter-Petrossian qui avaient ete
emprisonnes a la suite de l’agitation post-electorale de 2008 a Erevan.

ANKARA: Armenian, Syriac, Kurdish questions should be taken as a who

Armenian, Syriac and Kurdish questions should be taken as a whole

22 May 2011, Sunday / E. BARIÅ? ALTINTAÅ?, Ä°STANBUL

Ä°smail BeÅ?ikçi believes Turkey’s economic history should be researched
by scholars willing to investigate the fate of assets left behind by
deported Armenians.

The Kurdish question is inextricably linked to problems faced by
Turkey’s Armenian and Syriac communities in the Southeast in the past,
sociologist Ä°smail BeÅ?ikçi, an expert on the history of the Kurdish
question, has said.

BeÅ?ikçi has been researching the Kurdish question for years and,
although he is Turkish, has spent 17 years in prison after being
convicted for his writings on the subject. Speaking at a panel
discussion on the Kurdish question, where he was the guest speaker, at
an event organized by the Journalists and Writers’ Foundation on
Tuesday, BeÅ?ikçi said the Kurdish question cannot be viewed separately
from the question of Turkey’s Armenian and Syriac communities, who
were driven out of the country, leaving behind their businesses,
banks, agricultural fields and even factories. He said the transfer of
property from these communities, particularly from the Armenians, who
were victims of a forced deportation campaign when the Unionists were
in power at the end of the Ottoman era in 1915, to Kurds in the region
and the aftermath of the mass deportation had unified into a single

BeÅ?ikçi said the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), who were in
power during the last years of the Ottoman Empire, had extensive plans
to reorganize the empire so as to `Turkify’ it. This also called for
the nationalization of the Ottoman economy, which brought the problem
of what to do with Turkey’s then-sizable communities of Armenians,
Greeks and Alevis. Most of the events that took place at the turn of
the past century, such as a population exchange between Greece and
Turkey, and the deportation and killings of Armenians, which they say
amounted to genocide, took place as part of the CUP and the early
Republic of Turkey governments’ plans to nationalize the economy.
BeÅ?ikçi stressed that the international community had also been
immensely helpful in this plan, which he says still comprises the core
of the state’s official ideology.

Once the new regime did away with its Greeks and Armenians,
transferring their assets to Turkish (Sunni) Muslim and Kurdish
(Sunni) Muslim communities, they had to face the problem of the Alevi
community, which they decided could easily be converted to Sunni
Islam, BeÅ?ikçi said. A similar strategy of assimilation was assumed
for the Kurds, who were allowed to keep the capital, buildings,
livestock, fields and other assets left from the exiled, as long as
they denied their Kurdish identity.

BeÅ?ikçi said Turkey’s Kurdish policy was based on denying the Kurdish
identity and on its destruction whenever possible. The state also
exerted tremendous efforts to make sure that academia and the
political parties of Turkey steered clear of the Kurdish question. The
Turkey Workers’ Party (TÄ°P) became the first party to be shut down
because of the Kurdish problem, when it included that the Kurds should
be given their democratic rights in its party manifesto. BeÅ?ikçi said
the most important challenge for the state was to make sure that a
local Kurdish bourgeoisie could not emerge in the region. `So you can
invest in the south or the west as a Kurdish businessman, and they
will give you all the loans in the world to do that, but you will not
be allowed to open a factory in, say, Diyarbakır or Van,’ BeÅ?ikçi
explained. He said Kurdish people who owned capital were persistently
directed toward the Western provinces. This was to enable further
assimilation. `A local bourgeoisie and Kurdish investments in the
region would keep the Kurds in Kurdistan, which is in violation of the
policy of assimilation,’ he said.

`There are immovable assets left over from the Armenian and Syriac
communities that are under the control of the Kurds. When the
Armenians were forced out and weren’t allowed to return, the state
allowed Kurds to keep their assets. After 1915, Kurds started
migrating from rural areas toward the cities where the Armenians
lived. In fact, today, the source of the Turkish bourgeoisie’s wealth
is Armenian and Greek property, although books on Turkish economic
history never mention this,’ he said.

BeÅ?ikçi said he hoped Kurdish researchers and future generations will
rewrite Turkey’s economic history and investigate the real source of
the wealth in the country, asserting his belief that this would also
help Turkey solve its age-old problems, including the Kurdish and
Armenian questions.


Irates de facto: US Amb to Armenia to establish party before departu

Irates de facto: U.S. Ambassador to Armenia to establish party before departure?

May 20, 2011

YEREVAN. – Prior to departure, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Marie
Yovanovitch will come forward with another civil initiative. According
to some sources, Yovanovitch will form a party of graduates of
American universities. According to informed sources, the party will
be registered till May 26, `Irates de facto’ biweekly reports.

Marie L. Yovanovitch will complete her 3-year mission as U.S.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia in June 2011.

She will return to Washington and take up the post of Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for Northern and Central Europe.
U.S. President Barack Obama nominated John A. Heffern for the post of
US Ambassador to Armenia,

National Security Service to control graduation exam publication

Armenian national security service to control graduation exam publication

May 21, 2011 | 20:24

YEREVAN. – Opposition party member, MP Anahit Bakhshyan interested on
what is done to prevent leakage of 2011 united graduation exam tests.
Armenian minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan replied that
particularly videotaping equipment has been added in places where
tests were published and packed up.

`Representatives of National Security Service were present during the
tests publishing and packing up,’ Ashotyan added.