Bako Sahakian à Pertatsor pour les cérémonies de la libération

Bako Sahakian à Pertatsor pour les cérémonies de la libération

Bako Sahakian, le Président de la République du Haut Karabagh s’est
rendu le 18 mai à Pertatsor où il a participé aux céréminies du 19ème
anniversaire de la libération de la ville et de la région du joug
azéri. Dans son discours, Bako Sahakian a insisté sur l’importance de
la victoire arméneinne à Pertatsor tant au point de vue militaire que
psychologique pour tout le peuple arménien. L’une des victoires
décisives qui s’est soldée par la libération du Haut Karabagh et de
l’indépendance. Selon B. Sahakian sans la reconquête et la libération
de la région de Kachatagh, il était impossible de fonder la République
du Haut Karabagh. Kachatagh disposant d’une position stratégique pour
l’ensemble du Haut Karabagh. A la cérémonie étaient également présents
l’Archevêque de l’Artsakh Mgr Barkev Mardirossian, des membres du
gouvernement de Stepanakert et d’Arménie.

Krikor Amirzayan

dimanche 22 mai 2011,
Krikor [email protected]

120 enfants Arméniens adoptés en 2010

120 enfants Arméniens adoptés en 2010

120 enfants furent adoptés en Arménie en 2010. Plus de la moitié (68)
des enfants adoptés sont originaires d’Erévan et 61 partirent vers
l’étranger. En Arménie 57 enfants furent adoptés par des citoyens
arméniens et 2 par des étrangers vivant en Arménie. Selon une
responsable du gouvernement arménien, Hasmig Khatchatrian, dans
l’adoption, la priorité est donnée aux citoyens d’Arménie. Puis aux
citoyens étrangers d’origine arménienne. Les étrangers qui n’ont aucun
lien avec l’Arménie et l’origine arménienne étant écartés. Pour les
enfants arméniens adoptés à l’étranger, les Ambassades d’Arménie
suivent régulièrement leur évolution.

Krikor Amirzayan

dimanche 22 mai 2011,
Krikor [email protected]

Armenian Assembly Of America Expects Rigorous Senate Confirmation Pr


Friday, May 20, 20:48

The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) expects a rigorous
Senate confirmation process in the months ahead on Barack Obama’s
nomination of John A. Heffern to serve as U.S. ambassador to Armenia,
the representatives of the Armenian Assembly of America say in their

In the mid-1990s, Heffern worked for former Congressman Doug
Bereuter (R-NE) who was consistently one of the most pro- Turkish
and anti-Armenian Representatives to serve in Congress, the statement
says. For example, in 1995-1996, when Heffern was on the Congressman’s
International Relations Committee staff, Bereuter voted against
several measures aimed to promote not only Armenia’s interests, but
human rights interests around the world. These measures included,
most notably, the Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act, which prohibits U.S.

economic assistance to any country that impedes or restricts the
transfer or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance to another
country. Heffern’s former boss also voted against an amendment to
cut $25 million in aid to Turkey, which was proposed in reference to
Turkey’s human rights violations and ongoing blockade of Armenia.

Further, the Congressman voted against an amendment to cut aid to
Turkey until it had “taken all appropriate steps to honor the memory
of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.”

To note, current U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Marie L. Yovanovitch,
nominated by former President George W. Bush, will conclude her
three-year mission in June. John A. Heffern is a career member of the
Senior Foreign Service and currently serves as the Deputy Chief of
Mission at the U.S. Mission to NATO in Brussels. Prior to his current
post, Mr. Heffern served as Executive Assistant to the Undersecretary
for Political Affairs and Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy
in Indonesia. Mr. Heffern’s career has also included overseas
assignments to Japan, Malaysia, Ivory Coast and Guangzhou, China.

Premier: Armenia Ready To Sign Free Trade Zone Agreement With CIS Co


MAY 20, 2011

YEREVAN, May 20. /ARKA/. There are no objections in Armenia to signing
a free trade zone agreement with CIS member countries, Armenian Prime
Minister Tigran Sargsyan said Thursday after a CIS prime-ministerial
meeting in Minsk, Belarus, the Armenian government’s press office

This draft agreement was the most important issue at this session.

It was chosen as a basis, since its ideology was acceptable to all
governments, but issues related to customs duties and restrictions
are waiting for further discussion.

Vice-premiers will meet as well to give a final approval to the

“We are ready to sign this agreement just now, but taking into account
that approval of the document will be based on consensus, a group of
countries proposed to discuss it once again and sign it at the next
meeting in Saint Petersburg,” the press office quoted Sargsyan as

Woman Run Over In Armenia

May 20, 2011 | 12:48

Police department was alerted from Masis hospital on May 11 that a
48-year-old woman was hospitalized with injuries.

The investigation revealed that Opel Vectra ran over the woman near
Dzorak village, the press service of Armenian Police informed Armenian

The driver of Opel Vectra Hakob S., 55 was brought to police. An
investigation is underway.

Armenian Stamp Named One Of The Best Ones In The World In 2009


20.05.2011 17:07

The most beautiful stamps of the world issued in 2009 were chosen
in Vienna. The choice was made by the organizational commission of
the WIPA philatelic exhibition of Austria. The commission comprised
postcard designers, post-office employees, publishers and media

The postcard issued by Armenia on the occasion of Christmas was named
one of the best, Press Office of HayPost CJSC informs.

Toros Roslin’s Birth of Christ miniature was pictured on the card. It
was designed by Stepan Azaryan.

Among the winners there were postcards from Finland, Lichtenstein,
the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Slovakia, Morocco
and Australia.

157 Medailles Internationales Pour D’Armenie En 2010

Krikor Amirzayan
samedi 21 mai 2011

Arthur Petrossian, le ministre armenien des Sports et de la Jeunesse
a salue les resultats des sportifs d’Armenie en 2010. Ainsi selon A.

Petrossian, les sportifs d’Armenie ont conquis dans les differentes
competitions internationales 157 medailles dont 43 en or et 51 en
argent. L’an dernier le gouvernement armenien aurait accorde au sport
4,2 milliards de drams dont un peu plus d’un milliard furent destines
aux sports de competition. L’Armenie soutient activement tant le sport
de masse que celui de la haute competition. Avec des resultats juges
” satisfaisants ” par Arthur Petrossian.

4 Hommes Perissent Noyes Dans Le Vehicule Entre Vanatsor Et Alaverdi

Krikor Amirzayan
samedi 21 mai 2011

Le 15 mai vers 6 heures du matin sur la route reliant Vanatsor a
Alaverdi, une voiture, pour une raison inconnue plongeait dans la
rivière Pampag. Le conducteur, Arsen Guiragossian (50 ans) parvenait
a s’extraire du vehicule et rejoindre la rive. Mais les quatre autres
occupants de la voiture mourraient noyes. Il s’agit d’Armen Asrian
(41 ans), Mart Chakhgoulian (43 ans), Vahan Yeritsian (54 ans) et
Haroutioun Yerzenguian (45 ans). La police enquete sur les raisons
de cet accident dont le bilan est très lourd avec 4 morts.

Ohannes Chachkal Expose

Krikor Amirzayan
samedi 21 mai 2011

au centre culturel Sahak-Mesrop

A l’occasion des manifestations marquant le 35e anniversaire du
Centre culturel Sahak-Mesrop presente une exposition de caricatures
d’Ohannès Chachkal (ou Saskal) du journal ” Agos ” d’Istanbul. La
manifestation realisee en collaboration avec l’Union culturelle des
Armeniens d’Istanbul a reuni lors du vernissage, jeudi 19 mai, un
public nombreux. Parmi les invites, un autre caricaturiste armenien
de Turquie, Sarkis Pacaci. Khatchik Yilmazian le responsable du Centre
culturel Sahak-Mesrop a presente l’~uvre d’Ohannès Cachkal qui signe
se dessins sous le nom d’Ohan. Il a ensuite remercie le public et les
personnalites presentes pour leur soutien a cette exposition. Khatchik
Yilmazian a ensuite presente et commente quelques caricatures d’Ohan
avant de donner la parole a ce dernier.

Ohannès Chachkal est ne a Istanbul en 1959. Il passe sa jeunesse
a Amasya qu’il quittera au terme du cours elementaire pour etre
scolarise a l’ecole primaire Nercessian situee a Haledje Oglou a
Istanbul. H. Chachkal poursuivra ses etudes en tant qu’interne au
lycee armenien Sainte-Croix a Uskudar. En 1982 il est diplôme de la
faculte de pharmacie d’Istanbul. H. Chachkal commence a caricaturer
en 1977. Il edite sa première caricature dans le quotidien turc
Cumhuriyet. Jusqu’en septembre 1980 ses travaux sont edites dans
quelques journaux tels que ” Cumhuriyet “, ” Dunia ” ou ” Democrat “.

De 1989 a 1990 il dessine dans l’hebdomadaire ” Sohak ” et durant une
longue periode dans le quotidien armenien ” Marmara “. Son premier
recueil de caricatures intitule BKZ sort en 1997 puis son album
” Karakutu ” paru en 2001 aux editions Aras. En janvier 2008 en
souvenir de Hrant Dink, il presente lors d’une exposition l’album
” Le Chiendent ” en collaboration avec Umit Karatoglu. Aujourd’hui
Hovhannès Chachkal dessine regulièrement dans les colonnes du ” Agos “.

L’exposition se tient du 20 au 29 mai (de 9h a 12h et de 14h a 17h) au
Centre culturel Sahak-Mesrop situe au 339 avenue du Prado a Marseille

texte et photo-reportage Krikor Amirzayan a Marseille

Ohannès Chachkal Ohannès Chachkal Khatchik Yilmazian, Ohannès Chachkal
lors de l’exposition Lors de l’exposition d’Ohannès Chachkal Au
centre Khatchik Yilmazian Sarkis Pacaci Le public Ohannès Chachkal au
centre Khatchik Yilmazian presente les caricatures d’Ohan Le public
Le publicsamedi 21 mai 2011,

ISTANBUL: Opposition Representative Expounds On Turkish-Armenian Rel


Hurriyet Daily News

‘The AKP began its Armenia initiative with an inappropriate partner
under inappropriate circumstances,’ said Koruturk.

Turkey’s main opposition’s foreign policy specialist and former
Ambassador Osman Koruturk has criticized the government’s policies
toward Armenia while reiterating his party’s election promises
following his visits to the religious leaders of Turkey’s Armenian,
Greek, Syriac and Jewish minorities this week.

“The painful [events of 1915] were reciprocal; we need to talk tete a
tete [with the Armenians.] The diaspora claims they were the only ones
to suffer; the pain of the Muslim Turks needs to also be recognized.

We can move forward if we dress our wounds and leave the past to
historians. Even the Germans and Jews have managed to overcome all
this. Why shouldn’t we?” asked Koruturk from the Republican People’s
Party, or CHP. He added that they wanted good relations with Turkey’s
neighbors and signaled the possibility of reinvigorating the issue
of Turkey’s closed border with Armenia.

Koruturk also said significant mistakes were committed in regards
to the Interior Ministry’s decision to appoint Aram AteÅ~_yan as the
acting deputy patriarch of the Armenian church. The CHP representative
said the spirit of the Lausanne Treaty should have been followed in
this regard.

Patriarch Mesrop II was diagnosed with “frontal demans” in 2007
and is no longer capable of fulfilling his duties due to health
reasons. The Interior Ministry then chose to appoint AteÅ~_yan as
his deputy despite protests from within the Armenian community.

“The AKP began its Armenia initiative with an inappropriate partner
under inappropriate circumstances. Consider the fact that anyone who
says there was no genocide gets punished in Switzerland, which is
the mediating country,” said Koruturk, who also accused the AKP of
failing in its Kurdish Initiative as well.

“The AKP failed to act in coordination. Azerbaijan was not kept
sufficiently informed … The Karabagh problem requires many years to
be resolved, just like the Cyprus problem. When they received negative
reactions from Azerbaijan, the AKP took a wrong turn and pushed forth
the issue of Karabagh, [as a result of which] the process lost its
momentum. If things were coordinated with Azerbaijan and [Azerbaijan]
was kept sufficiently informed, all this would not have happened,”
said Koruturk, referring to the protocols initialized in 2009 between
Turkey and Armenia to normalize relations.

Koruturk said if Turkey wants to be a powerful player in the region,
then it must develop consistent dialogue with its neighbors. The CHP
representative noted that Armenia conducts a significant portion of
its trade through neighboring Iran and Georgia, and added that Turkey
is still Armenia’s second largest export market despite the closed
borders. All the benefit from this trade, however, go to Iran and
Georgia, said Koruturk.

“We see everyone as equal Turkish citizens. The distance [of minority
communities] toward the CHP must be emanating from certain problems
that occurred during the single-party period,” said Koruturk, who
also urged minority communities to become more engaged in politics.

Koruturk also reiterated CHP’s election promises, including removing
the 10 percent election threshold that prevents smaller parties from
entering the parliament and the foundation of a special commission
to elucidate unresolved political murders. Koruturk also promised to
pave the way for people to be able to learn in their mother tongues,
as well as recognition of representation rights for Kurds. Koruturk
further claimed that the infamous Diyarbakır Prison, the site of
gruesome torture sessions that allegedly took place during Turkey’s
1980 coup, was going to be turned into a Human Rights Museum if the
CHP came to power.