Glendale Armenian Community To Boost Ties With Motherland


May 18, 2011 – 14:01 AMT

Glendale Mayor Ara Najarian said with the opening of a branch of
Glendale Memorial Hospital in Armenia, the Armenian community of
Glendale intends to boost ties with the motherland.

Najarian told a press conference in Yerevan that he promised Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan during his previous visit to the country
that the relations between the parties will reach a new level.

Since Kapan and Glendale are twinned cities, a hospital will be
renovated in Kapan, said Najarian.

“Besides, Armenian filmmaker Gor Kirakosian, who resides in Glendale,
is going to create a film in Armenia,” he noted.

According to Najarian, Kirakosian could shoot his film anywhere,
but has chosen Armenia.

Najarian stressed that well-known American actors will arrive in
Armenia to star in the film. He added that the film crew arrived in
Armenia a month ago.

Le Graffito De La Cathedrale De Bourges

mercredi 18 mai 2011

( photo : Amis de la cathedrale de Bourges )

“C’est une inscription gravee en caractères armeniens sur un pilier
de la nef gauche en montant vers le choeur.”

( Ref : Extrait du bulletin du diocèse de Bourges )

“elle se compose de treize caractères formant trois mots en deux
lignes… La première ligne contient un seul mot, Sarqis (Sargis
= Serge)… la deuxième ligne contient deux mots : l’un TZARRAH,
qui veut dire serviteur, ‘autre, en abrege, AZZEDOUTZO, qui veut
dire de Dieu. L’histoire armenienne mentionne le passage de quelques
Armeniens en France, vers le XIIe siècle. Ce serait donc a cette epoque
que remonterait l’inscription dont il s’agit, et qui constaterait
le passage de Sarqis, serviteur de Dieu, alors qu’on edifiait la
cathedrale de Bourges.”

( Ref : Mosaïque orientale )

Localisation dans la cathedrale :

References :

* Bulletin du Comite d’histoire et d’archeologie du diocèse de
Bourges 1872

* Mosaïque orientale. I. Epigraphica. II. Historica -P. Geuthner
(Paris)-1907 ( page 27 ) .

* La cathedrale de Bourges ( Page 101) .

* Autour de l’armenie : 1917 : Page 45 du livre ou 73 du PDF . (
graffito du XVeme siècle ) .

* L’Armenie et le peuple armenien – Turabian – 1962 : ( Page 45 du
livre , ou 43 du pdf ) .

* La Voix de l’Armenie – 15 novembre 1918 – n°22 ( Page 756 de la
revue ou 12 du PDF ) .

* Wikipedia

* Opuscule de 1924, le Chanoine J. Villepelet

Je laisse le soin aux historiens d’appronfondir les differentes
archives afin d’en trouver de nouvelles permettant de connaitre
l’histoire de ce graffito.

Si quelqu’un peut informer wikipedia pour l’insertion de cette
inscription armenienne dans la page consacree a la cathedrale .

Merci aux Amis de la cathedrale de Bourges : Amis de la cathedrale
de Bourges .

Bonne lecture.

l’Australie declare vainqueur l’Irlande, dernier Azerbaidjan !

Jean Eckian
mercredi 18 mai 2011

l’Australie est fan de l’Eurovision. A tel point que des centaines
d’australiens font chaque annee le voyage dans la ville organisatrice
pour assister au spectacle.

A cette occasion la television australienne organise un vote parallèle
a celui des pays participants. Cette annee les telespectateurs
ce sont encore une fois distingues du resultat officiel en
toute independance, en choisissant l’Irlande avec une confortable
avance. Le plus surprenant etant la place de bon dernier obtenue par
l’Azerbaïdjan. Il est vrai qu’a Melbourne, Sydney et autres grandes
villes, on a seulement vote avec son coeur…

1 Irlande 8350 points : classement officiel – 8

2 Grèce 7120 – 7

3 Serbie 4429 – 14

4 Bosnie-Herzegovine 4150 – 6

5 Moldova 3397 – 12

6 Hongrie 2862 – 22

7 Suède 2521 – 3

8 Danemark 2097 – 5

9 Royaume-Uni 1339 -11

10 Ukraine 1338 – 4

11 Finlande 1308 – 21

12 Roumanie 1205 – 17

13 Islande 1061 – 20

14 Russie 982 – 16

15 Italie 935 – 2

16 Allemagne 922 -10

17 L’Estonie 820 – 24

18 Slovenie 757 – 13

19 France 576 -15

20 Autriche 483 – 18

21 Georgie 473 – 9

22 Espagne 456 – 23

23 Suisse 356 – 25

24 Lituanie 262 – 19

25 Azerbaïdjan 245 points – 1

mercredi 18 mai 2011, Jean [email protected]

BAKU: US Congressman Vows To Achieve Discussion Of Lachin Occupation

May 17 2011

US Congressman from Virginia Jim Moran shared his opinion over the
Nagorno-Karabakh peace negotiations with Azerbaijani Diaspora members.

In his response letter to the Diaspora’s campaign about Lachin
occupation, the Congressman noted that he believes the peace
negotiations should go through the Minsk Group.

‘The United States has actively supported the multilateral effort
to effect a resolution of all aspects of the conflict through the
Minsk Group, currently co-chaired by Russia, France, and the US with
representation from Turkey, several European nations, Armenia, and
Azerbaijan. I believe this body is the best hope for progress on all
fronts’, he said.

Congressman Moran also promised he will keep Azeri Diaspora’s opinion
in mind should the Congress consider the issue in the current session.

Christian Churches Of Complaints Against Israeli New Taxes



Arthur Hagopian from “Armenian Mirror Spectator” reports

The heads of Christian churches in Jerusalem have expressed grave
concern over renewed moves by the Israeli authorities to tax church
buildings and properties. While previous such moves have ended in
failure, the Israelis have not tried hard to mask their intention
to persist in their efforts to impose an “arnona” (property tax)
on properties owned by the various churches, including those which
have been vacant for some time. In a statement issued here this
week, a loose conglomeration of the 13 Christian churches officially
recognized by Israel, calling itself the “Heads of the Churches of
the Holy City of Jerusalem,” warned of dire consequences that would
ensue should Israel carry out its plans.

“Such imposition would constitute a radical departure from the
consistent practice of every previous state to have governed any part
of the Holy Land, including the Ottoman Empire, the British Mandate,
the Hashemite Kingdom and the State of Israel itself,” the church
leaders said. “It would represent a significant worsening of the
conditions of the churches in the Holy Land. It would also be in direct
contradiction of the mandate of the United Nations Organization in
General Assembly resolution 181, of November 29, 1947, as it applied
not only to Jerusalem but also to the two national states that it
authorizes to be established in the Holy Land,” they warned.

The churches argued the Israeli move would be in contravention of the
so-called “status quo” agreements promulgated in the 19th century,
which have governed relations between the churches and governments
since Ottoman times. Under the terms of the status quo, the Ottomans
pledged to exempt church properties from taxation, recognized their
rights and granted them special privileges, in documents termed
“firmans.” One Ottoman ruler, Sultan Chakmak, even went so far as to
damn any “accursed [person] or son of accursed” who dared impugn on the
rights and privileges of the Armenian Church, in an edict engraved in
a marble plaque that hangs at the entrance to the Convent of St James,
seat of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Subsequent administrators of the Holy Land, like the Jordanians,
expressed their support of the status quo and adhered to its tenets.

The churches warned that “any erosion of the understanding of the
status quo agreements between the State of Israel and Christian
churches threatens the well-being of the Christian churches and their
ability to continue the various ministries of pastoral care, education
and health care which they provide.” They also complained that an
“arnona” on Church properties would “contradict the solemn promises
given to the Churches by successive Israeli governments, most notably
confirmed in the wake of the June 1967 war” that saw Israel overrun
Jerusalem and most of the West Bank. The church statement minced
no words in describing the Israeli move as “aggressive,” expressing
astonishment at the timing, in a hint at the unpredictable political
disturbances spreading across the region.

“The heads of the churches cannot understand how it could be in the
interest of the state to take such aggressive action with regard to
the churches, especially at this time,” it said. It urged official
relations to remain on a correct and friendly basis, confident
that “such will indeed turn out to be the continuing choice of the
government of Israel.” “The Heads of Churches believe this respect is
essential for the ongoing health of the relationship between the three
Abrahamaic faiths which exist in Israel as well as the relationship
each has with the government of Israel,” the statement said. The
churches are particularly concerned that the “abrupt imposition of
unprecedented new taxation on the Christian Churches could only come
at the expense of their ability to maintain their presence in the Holy
Land and to continue their ministries of pastoral care, education,
welfare and health.”

The heads of Churches in Jerusalem include the Greek Orthodox
Patriarch, the Latin Patriarch, the Armenian Patriarch, the Custos of
the Holy Land, and the Armenian Catholic, Coptic Orthodox, Ethiopian
Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Maronite, Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic,
Anglican and Lutheran archbishops and bishops.

Vic Darchinyan: The Topic Of Armenian Genocide Has Been Widely Cover


May 17 2011

IBO world champion Vic Darchinyan has declared in Yerevan-hosted
news conference that April 23 is a great day for him – the day when
he defeated Yonnhi Perez. Vic Darchinyan appeared in his weighting
ceremony and pre-match conference with a poster condemning Armenian
Genocide, and during the bout he was wearing shorts with a sign –
1915. He had a perfect victory over Perez and dedicated his victory
to the victims of Armenian Genocide.

“I’m the first sportsman in the world to introduce Armenian Genocide
to the world. That was a great day for me and not only for me. I think
it was a great event for the Armenians. I had interviews with many
TV companies and I had a comprehensive speech about the Genocide. The
topic has been widely covered in the world,” Vic said.

The champion hopes to have a meeting with President Serzh Sargsyan
and to discuss the foundation of Armenian Boxing School.

Cultural Relics Are Removed

17:36 – 17.05.2011

Reconstructive works are realized in Holy Savior church of Akhaltskha.

The reason is to turn it to administrative establishment.

During the reconstructive work, crossed-stones and sculptures were found there.

Armenian clergymen have asked the local authorities to transfer them
to St Gregory the Illuminator church.

The permission was granted and it’s been few days that the findings
are being transferred to the church mentioned above.

Armenian Diplomacy Starts Speaking About Concessions, Expert Says


May 17, 2011 – 15:39 AMT

Director of Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan said the
Armenian-Turkish relations were frozen in 2010.

“And even if there is hope for their restoration, it may happen only
after the parliamentary election in Turkey,” Iskandaryan said during
an international conference, titled “Caucasus 2010.”

As for the Karabakh conflict, according to Iskandaryan, the official
military budget of Armenia has increased. “However, it is clear for
everyone that the official military budget of Armenia and the military
budget of Armenia and Artsakh are widely different. In my opinion,
rather interesting processes continue taking place in the field.

Meanwhile, snipers’ war has gained a new “impetus” or started being
covered in a new way. Unfortunately, I should note that it will
definitely continue,” said Iskandaryan.

According to him, no significant changes have been observed in the
Karabakh conflict settlement. “Trilateral meetings are held;
presidents, foreign ministers meet, then the Azerbaijani side returns
to the country and continues its threats and violations of ceasefire
at the line of contact. Yet, there are changes in the Armenian
diplomacy. 3-4 years ago statements were made that we will never yield
a millimeter of land. But for the past two years statements about
concessions were voiced at the level of serious politicians, what is
an evidence of dynamics,” concluded Iskandaryan.

Armenian Beauty, Susanna Kocharyan Wins Caucasus Contest

Tuesday,May 17

Susanna Kocharyan, 20, won the Beauty of Caucasus contest hosted by
Novosibirsk, NEWS.NGS.RU reported.

According to the source, the contest was initiated by the Children of
the Mountains Youth Organization. Beauties of 5 countries – Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of Dagestan, Georgia
participated in the contest. Aida Imanova of Azerbaijan won the title
of Vice-Miss.

International Armenian Trade Network Established

Tuesday,May 17

Recently a conference was held under the auspices of the Ministry
of Diaspora of various Armenian chambers of commerce and business
associations from all over the world. The event was inaugurated by
the Prime Minister of Armenia Mr. Tigran Sargsyan. During the two day
deliberations delegates representing twelve organizations resolved to
establish a global business association for all Armenian entrepreneurs
and called it the Armenian Trade Network, a name reminiscent of the
powerful old Armenian trade networks that linked East and West through
trade for several centuries. Towards the end of the conference,
the founding delegates were welcomed by the President of Armenia
HE Serge Sargsyan who congratulated and welcomed the initiative,
valued its significance for all Armenians and encouraged Diasporan
entrepreneurs to seek out business opportunities in Armenia. We have
asked the Secretary of the Board of the international Armenian Trade
Network about the status of the newly established organization and the
expected launch of its activities. Mr. Hrach Kaspar (representing the
Canada Armenia Business Council) replied that: “for the upcoming two
years, the founding assembly of the Armenian Trade Network entrusted
the Executive Board portfolio to the Canadian delegation, which
also received the mandate to register this new organization both in
Canada and an international jurisdiction. I am happy to report that
the registration process is already underway and will be completed
within one week, following which formal activities will commence,
especially the process of consolidating information on the various
Armenian business communities.”