Be Frank, Gentlemen, Life is Short

Be Frank, Gentlemen, Life is Short

Story from News:

Published: 11:34:51 – 13/05/2011

In an interview with Radio Liberty the ex-speaker Tigran Torosyan put
forward an accusation to Robert Kocharyan. In his interview Robert
Kocharyan had noted that on March 1 he consulted the speaker and the
prime minister on imposing a state of emergency.

Tigran Torosyan admitted the fact of consultation however he denies
responsibility for deploying the army. `Of course, the army was not
discussed because a state of emergency does not suppose deployment of
the army,’ Tigran Torosyan says.

In fact, it appears that it was Robert Kocharyan’s decision to deploy
the army. At least, Tigran Torosyan denies responsibility, and he also
seems to accuse Robert Kocharyan for actions which violate the
Constitution and legislation.

In other words, Tigran Torosyan subtly tries to deny the
responsibility which Robert Kocharyan tried to share with the speaker
and the prime minister then.

However, in this situation the question occurs if Tigran Torosyan
asked Robert Kocharyan during the consultation what Kocharyan was
going to do. Was it discussed what forces he was going to use to keep
the state of emergency? After all, it is logical that when the issue
of imposing a state of emergency is discussed, the means of imposing
it also must be discussed. Wasn’t it interesting for the speaker to
know how Robert Kocharyan was going to impose a state of emergency?

If these questions were not discussed during the consultation, the
question occurs if there was a consultation at all. And if there were
questions, it is interesting to know what answers Kocharyan gave.
Because it is possible that Kocharyan told the speaker it was none of
his business or lied he was not going to deploy the army. However,
upon approval of state of emergency he deployed the army.

In other words, if Tigran Torosyan really wants to be responsible but
he wants to be held responsible only for what he was responsible on
March 1, he must reveal more details on the events of that day, the
consultation with Robert Kocharyan.

Answering the question of Radio Liberty if what Kocharyan said means
that the speaker is also responsible for the state of emergency and
its consequences, Tigran Torosyan said when something extraordinary
happens in the country, everyone, especially the authorities, are
responsible to some extent.

Tigran Torosyan is right but to some extent only. The entire
government bears political responsibility, especially the top
government. However, responsibility is a very concrete notion.
Consequently, it is necessary to clarify for what each official was
responsible on March 1. Therefore, the details are necessary. And
there is no need to wait for an opportunity to present them to the
court. First it is possible to present them to the society through
speeches, articles, interviews and press conferences. Be frank,
gentlemen, because frankness at least attenuates the crime if there is
such. If not, it raises one’s popularity, which is so necessary in the
modern world.

The Dead Received Pensions and Voted

The Dead Received Pensions and Voted

Story from News:

Published: 16:27:32 – 12/05/2011

Independent Member of Parliament Viktor Dallakyan made the following
conclusion from the report of the Control Chamber: the poor undergo
terror of placemen in the country. He said placemen chose as targets
the vulnerable groups of the society – pensioners, those, who receive
benefits and veterans.

`They stole from those who have no money for daily bread’, says
Dallakyan. Dallakyan also noted that this is a serious political
issue: like how the dead received pensions, they voted in the same

Shushi Anniv Marked: Sargisian Warns Azerbaijan Against Hostile Move

Shushi Anniversary Marked: Sargisian Warns Azerbaijan Against Hostile Moves

Posted on May 14, 2011 by Editor

Armenian President Serge Sargisian (right) and Karabagh President Bako
Sahakian and other leaders attend a liturgy in the Armenian cathedral
of Shushi.
SHUSHI, Karabagh (RFE/RL) – President Serge Sargisian warned Azerbaijan
against attempting to resolve the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict by force
on Monday as he visited the disputed territory to mark the 19th
anniversary of a key Armenian military victory.
`We silenced, and if need be will silence again all those fire spots
from where our children and our parents were shot,’ he said in a
written address to the nation. `However, I hope that it will not be
necessary: our troops, who are guarding peace of our Fatherland, hold
the greatest promise that it will not happen again.’

Sargisian issued the statement as he celebrated the anniversary of the
1992 capture by Karabagh Armenian forces of Shushi, Karabagh’s second
largest town that was mostly populated by Azerbaijanis. The military
operation led to the opening of a land corridor between the disputed
enclave and Armenia and thus proved crucial for the outcome of the
1991-1994 Karabagh war.

A native of Karabagh, Sargisian was one of the top commanders of
Karabagh Armenian troops that stormed and seized the strategically
important town overlooking Stepanakert on May 8-9, 1992.

Sargisian and the political leadership of Nagorno Karabagh laid
flowers at a war memorial in Stepanakert. They also attended on Sunday
a liturgy held at the Armenian cathedral of Shushi.

`Now and forever, we will be celebrating wholeheartedly our glorious
victory; this was a victory of good over evil and barbarity,’ read
Sargisian’s message. `Those who stepped into immortality on the
battlefield carry on with their great mission as a moral and political

Speaking at a news conference in Yerevan last week, the Armenian
president accused Baku of torpedoing peace talks mediated by the
United States, Russia and France and planning to start another war.

The accusations were in sharp contrast to statements made by both
Sargisian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev following their most
recent meeting that was hosted by their Russian counterpart, Dmitry
Medvedev, in early March. The Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders said
the summit brightened prospects for a peaceful Karabagh settlement.

Adapt and adapt anew

The Times & Transcript (New Brunswick)
May 13, 2011 Friday

Adapt and adapt anew

Bobby Fischer and others have lamented that computers take the
creativity out of chess. But their concern for the future of the game
is off the mark.

It is undeniable that excessive computer use dulls Boris’ and Bobby’s
minds, This is especially true, if the reliance on computer analysis
does not leave a place for individual, human hard-scrabble analysis
and inquiry.

The games of such top players as Norway’s Magnus Carlsen, Levon
Aronian of Armenia and Hikaru Nakamura of the US, among others,
demonstrate vividly that free-flowing, swashbuckling creative chess
may thrive even more than ever.

It is, however, no longer possible to hide behind time-tested lines of
play in which the user relies on his years of personal exploration and

Computer analysis usually can quickly tear to shreds even the best
human preparation.

New opening ideas are still precious as gold, but not as enduring in value.

A successful grandmaster thrives on versatility. He must wear many
ever-changing faces in opening play, each appropriate for the opponent
and occasion.

Chess reflects the protean nature of modern life. There are fewer and
fewer certainties or time-proven truths. One must adapt, adapt anew
and then adapt once again.

Below is a win by Vladimir Kramnik against Hikaru Nakamura from the
Amber Blindfold tournament in Monaco.

Belarus, Armenia MPs to discuss unification of trade legislation

National Legal Internet Portal , Belarus
May 14 2011

Belarus, Armenia MPs to discuss unification of trade legislation in Minsk

MINSK, 14 May (BelTA) – MPs from Belarus and Armenia will discuss the
unification of trade legislation and regional cooperation at the
session of the Inter-parliamentary Commission on Cooperation between
the National Assemblies of both countries. The session will take place
in Minsk on 16 May, BelTA learned from the press service of the House
of Representatives.

The session will be chaired by Vice Speaker of the Belarusian
Parliament Viktor Guminsky. He is also the co-chairman of the
Belarus-Armenia Inter-parliamentary Cooperation Commission.

Apart from the unification of legislation, the participants of the
session will focus on the current situation and prospects of regional
cooperation between Belarus and Armenia, bilateral cooperation within
the framework of the international parliamentary structures.

Armenia’s parliamentary delegation led by Hrayr Karapetyan, chairman
of the Permanent Commission on Defense, National Security and Internal
Affairs of the National Assembly, will arrive in Minsk on 16 May.

The visit of Armenia’s MPs will last till 18 May. They are going to
meet with Belarusian counterparts, visit Belkommunmash Company, sport
and cultural objects of the Belarusian capital.

Moreover, members of the delegation will meet with the Osipovichi
District Executive Committee officials, visit a number of business
entities. The Osipovichi District Executive Committee and Sevan City
Hall of Gegharkunik Province, Armenia, are expected to sign an
agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural

ANCA thanks legislators for their inquiries on Azerbaijan’s satellit, Armenia
May 14 2011

ANCA thanks legislators for their inquiries on Azerbaijan’s satellite

May 14, 2011 | 12:49

Legislators, citing Azerbaijan’s threats and acts of aggression
against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, continue to press for greater
scrutiny of a recent decision by the Export-Import Bank to finance a
controversial satellite purchase by the oil-rich government of Ilham
Aliyev, reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

`We want to thank Senator Kirk and Congressman Sherman for seeking to
ensure that there are safeguards in place against Azerbaijan using the
new capabilities provided by this U.S.-financed satellite to act on
their threat to shoot down Armenian civilian airliners or to re-launch
their war against Nagorno-Karabakh,’ said Aram Hamparian, Executive
Director of the ANCA.

Last week Ex-Im Bank responded in writing to questions posed by
Senator Mark Kirk and wrote a detailed letter replying to Senator Jack
Reed’s inquiries.

Iranian Embassy: NK conflict must be resolved through dialogue

Panorama, Armenia
May 14 2011

Iranian Embassy: NK conflict must be resolved through dialogue,
non-use of force and right to self-determination

`To have long-lasting peace, the conflict between the Republic of
Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan must be resolved through
dialogue, non-use of force and the right to self-determination.’
Iranian Embassy in Armenia has released a statement, which
particularly underlines that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only
country to have a common border with the conflict zone, thus expresses
its concerns about any kind of provocation and tension in the region
and doesn’t approve the provocations to give chance for foreign force
interference in the region.

The statement also reads: `The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
in Yerevan notices that IRI’s official disposition is expressed by
honorable president, foreign affairs minister and MFA spokesman, thus
any other opinion is considered personal.’

President of Armenia sends CDs to Russian counterpart-, Armenia
May 14 2011

President of Armenia sends CDs to Russian counterpart-

May 14, 2011

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan sent his Russian counterparty
Dmitry Medvedev `Who Cares’ album by Ian Gillan and Tony Iommi, 168
Zham newspaper reports.

Lead singer and lyricists of `Deep Purple’ Ian Gillan and guitarist of
`Black Sabbath’ band Tony Iommi recorded the CD to raise funds for
restoration of Gyumri N6 music school.

Medevedev is a great fan of `Deep Purple’ and `Black Sabbath’ rock bands.

The Statement of Iran’s Embassy

The Statement of Iran’s Embassy

Story from News:

Published: 13:31:22 – 14/05/2011

The Embassy of Iran to Armenia released a statement that Iran’s
official posture on all foreign policy issues is expressed by the
president, the foreign minister and the spokesman for the ministry of
foreign affairs. Any other opinion is a personal approach.

The Embassy states that Iran’s foreign policy on all the regional
conflicts supports mediation efforts to invite the sides to start
dialogue, settle the conflicts and establish peace and stability in
the region, and the steps taken toward the settlements of internal
conflicts in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iraq are evidence to this.
Iran believes that the settlement of the conflict between the Republic
of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan must be based on dialogue,
non-use of force and self-determination to establish lasting peace.
And since the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country bordering
on the conflict area, it is concerned by any effort to cause tensions
in this region and will not allow these provocations to lead to the
presence of foreign forces in the region.

Istanbul Diary: "Let the Diaspora Minister Take Some Armenians Back"

Istanbul Diary: “Let the Diaspora Minister Take Some Armenians Back”

Vahe Sarukhanyan

17:26, May 12, 2011

On Sundays, the St. Astvatzatzin Armenian Apostolic Church opposite
the Armenian Patriarchate in Kumkapi, Istanbul is usually abuzz with
people attending Sunday religious services.

Last Sunday, the crowd was particularly large due to the scheduled
visit by RA Minister of Diaspora Affairs Hranush Hakobyan. We were
told that the minister would attend services and later on, at a dinner
reception, bestow awards to prominent individuals in the community.

The service was well under way but the minister was nowhere to be
seen.Our group of reporters waited outside the church, waiting for
her arrival. Close by were some women from Armenia. I was sitting next
to one in her 50’s who listened to our conversation but said nothing.

Quite a few come to receive assistance handouts of food and clothing
periodically distributed by the Patriarchate. She finally broke down
and began to tell me her story.

Anzhela moved to Turkey four years ago from Turkey. Her husband had
passed away but she still has a married daughter there. Her two sons
have moved to Russia with their families.

When she first arrived in Istanbul, Anzhela was a home attendant to an
old Turkish woman. After the woman passed away, Anzhela got a job as a
cleaning lady at a small hotel run by a Dutch couple.

Anzhela told me she had graduated the Lomonosov University in Moscow
and worked as a teacher in Armenia.

She had tried to get a teaching job at the `underground’ school for
kids from Armenia that operates out of the basement of the Armenian
Evangelical Church in Gedikpasha. That didn’t happen.

`If there was work to be had in Armenia I wouldn’t have left. But I
couldn’t even get a cleaning job back there. They just want young
girls. I want to go back and plan to after saving up some money in
Turkey,’ Anzhela said.

It seems that the woman has saved up enough to buy a house back in
Gyumri.Despite her promising situation, Anzhela told me that she was
even thinking of applying for Georgian citizenship in September. This
would mean giving up her Armenian citizenship.

`I’d never betray Armenia but my mother’s house, where I was born, is
in Georgia. I want to keep the place,’ she said.

`They don’t give us any problems here. In fact, they assist us,’
exclaimed Anzhela, adding that for the most part, Armenians from
Armenia were all right as well. `Sure, there are some bad apples as in
all peoples but it’s not a big issue.’

Anzhela did say that most of the men from Armenia didn’t have jobs or
even the money to go back.

`The diaspora minister should take some of these guys back with her;
even the women.She should get them some work in a factory back in
Armenia. Who wants to stay in this country? They can deport us any
minute. It’s scary sometimes,’ concluded Anzhela who, like many
others, stayed on in Turkey after her visa expired.