Environ 3500 Travailleurs Migrants Armeniens Demandent La Levee De L



Le service de migration d’Armenie compte actuellement quelque 3500
demandes de levee de l’interdiction d’entree en Russie a annonce le
chef adjoint du service Irina Davtyan.

Selon le decret du gouvernement russe du 13 Janvier, après l’adhesion
a l’Union economique eurasienne le 2 Janvier, les citoyens de l’Armenie
jouissent de droits egaux pour un emploi en Russie.

Malheureusement, les citoyens qui ont ete interdits d’entrer dans la
Federation de Russie avant l’adhesion, ne sont toujours pas autorises
a entrer en Russie a declare Irina Davtyan.

mercredi 15 avril 2015, Stephane (c)armenews.com

Turkey "Disappointed" By Pope’s Genocide Comments


April 12, 2015 Sunday 05:55 PM GMT+4

The Turkish authorities are “disappointed” by the comments made by Pope
Francis, who used the word “genocide” in describing the mass killing
of Armenians under Ottoman rule in World War I, Reuters said on Sunday

The statement made by the Pope causes a “problem of trust” between
Turkey and the Vatican, the authorities said.

Pope Francis’ comments came at a service in Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica
attended by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

The Pope said humanity had lived through “three massive and
unprecedented tragedies” in the last century. “The first, which is
widely considered ‘the first genocide of the 20th Century’, struck
your own Armenian people,” Pope Francis said, referencing a 2001
declaration by Pope John Paul II and the head of the Armenian church.

The Pope said that “Catholic and Orthodox Syrians, Assyrians, Chaldeans
and Greeks” were also killed in the bloodshed a century ago.

–0 –sap

Hrayr Hovhanyan Fait Un Don De 500 000 $ Pour La Commemoration Du Ce



Le president du conseil de l’Assemblee Armenienne d’Amerique (AAA)
Hrayr Hovnanian a fait un don de 500 000 $ a l’Assemblee pour les
evenements commemoratifs du centenaire du genocide armenien.

L’AAA prevoit d’organiser un certain nombre d’evenements aux Etats-Unis
pour commemorer les victimes du genocide armenien et promouvoir les
interets armeniens au Congrès americain.

mercredi 15 avril 2015, Stephane (c)armenews.com

The Chamber of Deputies of Chile Condemned the Armenian Genocide and

The Chamber of Deputies of Chile Condemned the Armenian Genocide and Urged
the Government to Recognize it

Agencia Prensa Armenia

The Chamber of Deputies of Chile passed today a resolution to express
“solidarity with the Armenian nation condemning the genocide of its
people that started in 1915”. The resolution No. 324, which received
77 votes in favor, 1 against and 3 abstentions, also asks the
Government of Chile to adhere to what has already been agreed by the
UN in 1985.

The initiative was presented by Gustavo Hasbun, Joaquin Tuma, Issa
Kort, Aldo Cornejo, Marco Antonio Nuñez, Joaquin Godoy and Jorge
Tarud. Lawmakers said that “April 24 of 1915 marked the beginning of a
systematic policy of extermination of Armenians by the Ottoman
authorities after detention without trial, disappearance and death of
hundreds of intellectuals, writers, composers, artists, community
leaders and the entire leadership of the Armenian community in
Constantinople, including two Armenian deputies of the Turkish
Parliament whose parliamentary immunity was not respected”. They added
that this genocide, conducted between 1915 and 1923, meant the death
of over 1,500,000 Armenians. “This despicable action was the first
ethnic cleansing of the twentieth century.”

It also records that the Armenians and their various organizations
around the world have persevered in gaining recognition from the
international community on this genocide. “Such recognition was
granted in 1985 by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination
and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations, which described
the case as an Armenian genocide”.

The Senate of Chile, by agreement No. 531 of June 5, 2007, has already
condemned the genocide, although the Chilean Government did not
yet. “It is an ethical duty that Chile endorse the decision by the UN
in 1985.”

( Link -> )
Agencia de Noticias Prensa Armenia
Armenia 1366, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (5411) 4775-7595
[email protected]

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Pope Calls Turkey’s Armenian Slaughter ‘Genocide’


Japan Times
April 12 2015

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis on Sunday marked the 100th anniversary
of the slaughter of Armenians, calling it “the first genocide of
the 20th century,” a politically explosive pronouncement that will
certainly anger Turkey.

Francis, who has close ties to the Armenian community from his days
in Argentina, defended his pronouncement by saying it was his duty
to honor the memory of the innocent men, women, children, priests
and bishops who were “senselessly” murdered.

“Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding
without bandaging it,” he said at the start of a Mass on Sunday in the
Armenian Catholic rite at St. Peter’s Basilica honoring the centenary.

Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by
Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed
by genocide scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century.

Turkey however denies that the deaths constituted genocide, saying
that the toll has been inflated and the dead were victims of civil
war and unrest.

Turkey’s embassy to the Holy See canceled a planned press conference
for Sunday, presumably after learning that the pope would utter the
word “genocide” over its objections.

Several European countries recognize the massacres as genocide, though
Italy and the United States have avoided using the term officially
given the importance they place on Turkey as an ally.


ARTE – 28′: 100 Ans Apres, Pourquoi La Turquie Nie Le Enocide Armeni


Publié le : 15-04-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – 28′, le rendez-vous
quotidien d’actualité sur ARTE, revient sur le tabou turc du
génocide arménien. Pour en discuter, Elisabeth Quin et son équipe
ont recu Selcuk Demir, secrétaire général de l’alliance des
juristes franco-turcs, Franck Papazian, co-président du Conseil de
Coordination des organisations arméniennes et Guillaume Perrier,
journaliste et spécialiste de la Turquie. Le Collectif VAN vous
invite a revoir l’émission du 14 avril sur le plateau de 28′.


28 minutes (28′ est le rendez-vous quotidien d’actualité sur ARTE,
100% bimédia, du lundi au vendredi dès 20h05. )

Mardi 14 avril, a 20h05

100 ans après, pourquoi la Turquie nie le génocide arménien

Dans un message aux ArmeÌ~Aniens le 12 avril dernier, le pape
François eÃŒ~Avoque pour la première fois le ” premier geÃŒ~Anocide
du XXe sieÃŒ~@cle ” pour qualifier le massacre par l’armée ottomane
d’un million aÃŒ~@ un million et demi d’Arméniens il y a un siècle. A
l’occasion de ce centenaire, des commémorations publiques devraient
être organisées le 24 avril dans plusieurs villes en Turquie. Peut-on
y voir le signe d’un tabou qui s’estompe en Turquie ?

Pour en discuter, Elisabeth Quin et son équipe ont recu :

Selcuk Demir, secrétaire général de l’alliance des juristes
franco-turcs Franck Papazian, co-président du Conseil de Coordination
des organisations arméniennes et Guillaume Perrier, journaliste et
spécialiste de la Turquie.

Voir l’émission

Découvrez le passage “100 ans après, pourquoi la Turquie nie le
génocide arménien” a partir de 13:04

Source/Lien : 28 minutes


France Culture/Sur Les Docks : Une Famille Armenienne A Lyon


Publie le : 15-04-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Sur les Docks se rend
a Lyon, a Bron, a Decines traditionnellement terre d’accueil des
Armeniens depuis les annees 20, et rencontre 3 generations marquees
par le double exode de 47 : Margot Jordikian, qui a fait le voyage
sur le Rossia quand elle avait 13 ans ; Patricia Sarikouyoumdjian,
sa nièce, nee en Armenie sovietique, et Haïg, le fils de Patricia, ne
a Lyon, aujourd’hui un joueur de Duduk renomme que sa quete musicale
conduit souvent en Armenie. Le Collectif VAN vous propose d’ecouter
et de voir ces reportages mis en ligne sur France Culture.

Legende photo: Margot Jordikian Francois Teste (c) Radio France

France Culture

Sur les docks par Irène Omelianenko

14 avril 2015, de 17h a 17h55 Duree moyenne : 53 minutes

Semaine Armenie : Une famille armenienne a Lyon

Un documentaire de Marie Chartron et Francois Teste

A ecouter

Le 6 septembre 1947, dans le port de Marseille, une foule accompagne
le depart du Rossia dans un desordre de bagages et d’au revoir. Le
navire emporte a son bord quelque 3600 personnes en partance vers
la Republique Socialiste Sovietique d’Armenie. Ce sont des rescapes
du genocide et leurs familles, etablis en France depuis les annees
20 ; certains sont apatrides, d’autres naturalises francais, et au
lendemain de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, ils partent reconstruire et
repeupler un pays que bien souvent, ils n’auront de cesse de vouloir
quitter. Pour ces >, comme on les appelle, ces >,
les conditions de vie en Armenie sovietique se revèlent souvent très
dures, leur integration douloureuse. Si certaines sont restees, nombre
de ces familles sont revenues en France a partir des annees 1960.

Sur les Docks se rend a Lyon, a Bron, a Decines traditionnellement
terre d’accueil des Armeniens depuis les annees 20, et rencontre 3
generations marquees par le double exode de 47 : Margot Jordikian,
qui a fait le voyage sur le Rossia quand elle avait 13 ans ; Patricia
Sarikouyoumdjian, sa nièce, nee en Armenie sovietique, et Haïg, le
fils de Patricia, ne a Lyon, aujourd’hui un joueur de Duduk renomme
que sa quete musicale conduit souvent en Armenie.

Avec : Margot Jordikian, Patricia Sarikouyoumdjian, Haïg
Sarikouyoumdjian et Katia Boudoyan

En partenariat avec : France 5 et La Croix

Le documentaire “Genocide armenien : le spectre de 1915”, a revoir
en cliquant ici

Reportages, interviews et analyses a l’occasion du centenaire du
genocide armenien a retrouver aussi sur le site du quotidien La Croix

Une famille armenienne a Lyon

Une famille armenienne a Lyon by franceculture


Les Armeniens d’Alfortville – 1980

Source/Lien : France Culture


‘Wishing Tree’ To Honor Victims At Istanbul Armenian Genocide Commem


Monday, April 13th, 2015

People in Istanbul commemorate the Armenian Genocide

ISTANBUL–As part of an outdoor commemoration of the Centennial of the
Armenian Genocide in Istanbul’s Taksim Square, a public art ritual will
be featured on April 24, ahead of the formal commemorative ceremony,
Project 2015 and Anadolu Kultur report. Participants will festoon the
“Wishing Tree” with strips of fabric, as homage to the victims and
the survivors of the Armenian Genocide.

“After its inauguration in Taksim, we want our tree to have a life of
its own and to travel to cities where there was an Armenian presence,
as a symbol of remembrance and reunion,” said Osman Kavala of Anadolu
Kultur, an Istanbul-based institution that fosters cultural and
artistic exchange.

“The Wishing Tree,” designed for the occasion by Hale Tenger,
a well-known contemporary artist from Turkey, will be on display
for two weeks after April 24 at Depo, the exhibition center run by
Anadolu Kultur. It will then be exhibited in other locations in Turkey.

The Wishing Tree ritual is part of a series of commemoration activities
planned by civil society organizations in Turkey for the centennial
of the Armenian Genocide and in which Armenians from around the world
will be participating.

“I’ll be bringing with me from New York City a strip of fabric from
one of my grandmother’s aprons,” said Nancy Kricorian, a member of
Project 2015’s board. “My grandmother Mariam Kodjababian Kricorian
was a survivor of the 1915 Genocide, and tying this cloth to the
Wishing Tree in Istanbul will be a tribute to her life.”

Wishing Trees are an Armenian tradition dating back to pagan times
when certain trees were objects of veneration. To this day, near
many ancient churchyards and small roadside chapels, one can find a
tree that is adorned with rags. People tie a piece of cloth on these
“wishing trees;” each rag represents a wish or a prayer that the
supplicant hopes will be granted.

The wishing tree tradition is not restricted to the Armenians. In
addition to being an Anatolian practice, wish trees are found in places
as far apart as Scotland and Hong Kong. The idea of a wish tree has
been updated for contemporary practice by people such as artist Yoko
Ono, whose Wish Tree was on display in the garden of the Museum of
Modern Art in New York City in the summer of 2010. In September 2014,
The Climate Ribbon Project employed the trope of the wishing tree
during the People’s Climate March in New York City.

Project 2015, a US-based organization, is working to ensure that
a large contingent of Armenians come to Turkey for the historic
centennial commemoration.


Accord Historique Qui Cree Un Nouveau Contexte Regional



La presse armenienne rend compte de l’accord-cadre sur le dossier
nucleaire iranien, qu’elle qualifie d’>. Alors que le
Ministre des AE, Edward Nalbandian, avait salue l’accord-cadre entre
l’Iran et les six pays (cf. revue du 3.04), un vice-Ministre des AE,
Chavarche Kotcharian, a par ailleurs estime que la levee des sanctions
occidentales contre l’Iran stimulerait les echanges commerciaux
armeno-iraniens et la securite regionale. , estime M.

Chahnazarian, qui croit egalement que de vastes possibilites de
cooperation energetique peuvent s’ouvrir devant l’Armenie.

Pour le quotidien Joghovourd, si l’Armenie ne tire pas profit de

Iraq Intends To Build A Rail To Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan And China


YEREVAN, April 14. /ARKA/. Iraq and Iran are currently studying a
project to build a railway between their countries, worth 45 million
dollars, Iraq’s minister of transport Baqir Jabr al-Zubeidi said
after his meeting with the Iranian counterpart in Basra on Monday.

The project will help connect Iraq with other countries, including
China, Azerbaijan and Armenia through the “silk road” via Iran,
he said.

The railroad will span a length of 32 kilometers and will connect the
southeast of Basra province with Iran, al-Zubeidi said, as cited by
Novosti-Armenia referring to RIA Novosti.

The project is expected to be completed in 20 months. -0–
