Entertainment: Kim Kardashian Lays Flowers At Armenian Memorial


April 10 2015

YEREVAN, April 10

YEREVAN, April 10 (Reuters) – U.S. reality TV star Kim Kardashian,
visiting her ancestors’ homeland of Armenia, placed flowers on
Friday at a memorial to the 1915 mass killings of Armenians by
Ottoman soldiers.

Wearing a long red dress, Kardashian laid red tulips near the eternal
flame of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex on the outskirts of
the capital Yerevan.

She and her sister Khloe then stood in silence in honour of the
victims and spent about 10 minutes near the eternal flame.

Kardashian arrived with her rapper husband Kanye West, their child
North West and Khloe on Wednesday and were greeted by hundreds of fans.

Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received Kardashian and her family
in Yerevan on Thursday.

“It was an honor to meet the Prime Minister of Armenia, Hovik
Abrahamyan who expressed how proud they are that we are proud Armenians
and we have not forgotten our roots! #NeverForget,” Kardashian wrote
on her Instagram account.

The 100th anniversary of the mass killings in World War One will be
commemorated by Armenia on April 24.

Armenia, some Western historians and some foreign parliaments refer to
the mass killings as genocide. Muslim Turkey accepts many Christian
Armenians died in partisan fighting beginning in 1915, but it denies
that up to 1.5 million were killed and that it amounted to genocide.

(Reporting by Hasmik Lazarian; Writing by Polina Devitt; Editing by
Timothy Heritage and Tom Heneghan)


Russia Values Historically Close Ties With Armenia, Says Lavrov


April 8, 2015 Wednesday 12:01 PM GMT+4

MOSCOW April 8.

Russia values historically, culturally and spiritually close ties with
Armenia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after talks with
the Armenian counterpart, Edvard Nalbandyan, on Wednesday

“Armenia is our ally,” the foreign minister said. “These relations
have reached a qualitatively new level in view of Armenia’s joining
the Eurasian Economic Union,” he said.

“”We have agreed to continue updating the contractual and legal
framework,” he added. Lavrov said intergovernmental commissions
were working on trade, economic and military-technical cooperation,
emphasizing a need to boost these efforts.

Trade between Russia and Armenia develops fairly well, he said,
noting that it exceeded 1.4 billion dollars last year and kept growing.

“Cooperation develops well in the fuel-and-energy sector, in the sphere
of investment and in the banking sector,” the foreign minister said,
noting Russia’s plans of financial aid to extend the lifetime of the
operating power unit of the Armenian nuclear power station.

Nalbandyan, for his part, marked a high level of economic ties with
Russia, including military-technical cooperation. –0–zhe

Armenian Brandy – The Fuel Of Diplomacy


War on the Rocks
April 10 2015

Ruben Gzirian
April 10, 2015

On February 4, 1945 (almost exactly three months before VE Day),
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin convened
in Ukraine’s Livadia Palace to, for all intents and purposes, divvy
up soon-to-be post-war Europe. In addition to being a monumental
moment in world history, the Yalta Conference was also a bacchanalia
where three of the most powerful heads of state in history went on
a weeklong bender. True to form, the festivities were presided over
by none other than British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Of course, by 1945 Churchill’s inclination for a stiff drink was of no
surprise to anyone – Lord Richard Butler, a contemporary of Churchill,
wrote that on several occasions dinners with the prime minister were
“followed by libations of brandy so ample that I felt it prudent on
more than one occasion to tip the liquid into the side of my shoe.”

Churchill’s drinking was of such note during the conference that
Alexander Cadigan, an aide to Churchill, was quoted as saying that the
prime minister was “…drinking buckets of Caucasian champagne which
would undermine the health of any normal man.” The same report also
indicates that Churchill brought 500 cigars to a weeklong conference.

In short, this was not a man who lived mildly.

At the beginning of the Yalta Conference it was clear, based
on Stalin’s decision to serve 10-year-old Armenian Dvin brandy,
that Churchill’s predilections for booze (especially brandy) had
preceded him. Though no record of Churchill’s first sip of Dvin
brandy exists, the well-worn palette of the PM surely broke apart the
brandy’s complexity, starting with initial nuances of deep mahogany,
followed by a subtle aroma of cloves, layered notes of dried fruit,
and finished with bright tinges of spice derived from forest nuts.

Unconfirmed accounts after Yalta indicate that Churchill developed
such a taste for the elixir distilled by the Yerevan Brandy Company
that Stalin shipped the PM 400 bottles a year after WWII.

Understandably, Armenians are very proud of this story, but little
exists to suggest that it’s anything more than folklore.

However, that is not to say that Armenian brandy is not worthy of such
accolades. First distilled in Armenian in 1878 by Nerses Tairion,
Armenian brandy follows a distillation process similar to that of
Cognac’s Methode Charentaise – double pot distillation followed by
at least three years in Caucasian oak casks. Additionally, Armenian
brandy is also graded as Very Superior (VS); Very Superior Old Pale
(VSOP); and Extra Old (XO). In terms of aging requirements, Armenian
brandy has a minimum three-ageing process, whereas French cognac has
an industry average of four to five years. Although relatively similar
in terms of its distillation, Armenian brandy comes in “hotter” than
its French cousin. The brandy served at Yalta, Dvinis 100 proof (50%),
10% more alcoholic than French cognac.

The question remains: how much did Churchill actually enjoy the brandy
Stalin served at a meeting fated to partition post-war Europe? For
people of Armenian heritage, such as your author, the answer is
disappointing. Though it is true that Churchill developed a taste
for Armenian brandy during his time in Crimea, the lack of any kind
of historical record makes it highly unlikely that Churchill ordered
or received 400 bottles of Armenian Dvin brandy per year. In fact,
archival records suggest that not one bottle of brandy was ever sent
by Stalin to Churchill. Moreover, even if Churchill did secretly
acquire Armenian brandy through backchannels, it was by no means
his favorite. Actual historical accounts point to the fact that the
Prime Minister enjoyed a range of different high quality brandies,
such as l’Hertier de Jean Fremicourt and Prunier. Interestingly, the
brandy served most often at Chartwell, Churchill’s estate, was the
humble Hine VS, produced by Thomas Hine & Co., which today retails
for around $50 a bottle.

Regardless of the overwrought folklore attached to Armenian brandy, it
remains the country’s second-largest export, after the significantly
less drinkable copper concentrate. Moreover, Armenian brandy remains
at the center of European unification. In 2013, Armenia’s government
lobbied the European Union to allow it to continue marketing its
brandy as “cognac,” the name used to sell the product in many parts
of the former Soviet bloc. Unfortunately for Armenia, the European
delegation stated that “cognac” could only be used for brandies that
came from the French region of Cognac – no surprise there.

Did Armenian brandy oil the wheels at the Yalta Conference? Quite
possibly. It certainly made “the Riviera of Hades (as Churchill called
it)” more tolerable. Did Churchill become so infatuated with Dvin’s
taste (and high proof) that he ordered enormous quantities of it soon
thereafter? Most likely not. However, if you want to experience a
little bit of European history and a deep sense of bonhomie, order
a glass of Armenian brandy the next time you’re out. With glass in
hand, take a seat, close your eyes, take a sip, and imagine you’re
sitting at a Crimean bargaining table with a four-term U.S. president,
a high-functioning alcoholic, and a maniacal dictator. You’re one
step closer to solving the world’s greatest diplomatic problems.

Ruben Gzirian is a pursuer of fine whiskeys, with Michter’s US*1
American Whiskey currently his favorite. He holds an MA from the
Monterey Institute of International Studies and enjoys reading World
War II history, with a focus on the Eastern Front.


Telegraph includes Yerevan in list of Europe’s 16 oldest cities

Telegraph includes Yerevan in list of Europe’s 16 oldest cities

by Marianna Lazarian
Saturday, April 11, 15:44

Telegraph has included Yerevan in the list of Europe’s 16 oldest
continually inhabited cities.

Number 16 on the list is Yerevan, Armenia. “When did the earliest
inhabitants settle? 782 BC. Some 30 years before Rome was founded, the
city that is now Armenia’s capital was serving as an important stop
along the caravan routes from Asia to Europe. It was invaded by
Assyrians, Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Arabs, Seljuks, Mongols and
Turks, and later by the Soviet Red Army in 1920. Since the dissolution
of the Soviet Union, the capital of the Republic of Armenia has seen
the growth of cultural institutions (it is home to a bewildering
number of museums). Tourism is also developing slowly – a handful
operators currently offer guided trips to the country”, the source

Number 1 on the list is Argos, Greece (5,000 BC). The following cities
rank next: Athens, Greece (5,000 BC), Plovdiv, Bulgaria (4,000 BC),
Chania, Crete (4,000 BC), Patra, Greece (c. 3,500 BC), Trikala, Greece
(3,000 BC), Thebes, Greece (3,000 BC), Kutaisi, Georgia (2nd
millennium BC), Larnaca, Cyprus (1,300 BC), Chalcis, Greece (at
least 1,300 BC), Lisbon (1,200 BC), Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece (1,100
BC), Cadiz, Spain (1,100 BC), Mtskheta, Georgia (1,000 BC), and Zadar,
Croatia (900 BC).


Saint Grégoire de Narek, nouveau docteur de l’Eglise

Radio Vatican
11 avril 2015

Saint Grégoire de Narek, nouveau docteur de l’Eglise

(RV) Entretien – L’Eglise catholique va avoir un nouveau docteur ce
dimanche : lors d’une messe présidée par le Pape François en la
basilique Saint-Pierre en mémoire des victimes des massacres des
Arméniens en 1915, saint Grégoire de Narek sera officiellement
proclamé comme le 36e docteur de l’Eglise reconnu par Rome. Il
deviendra ainsi le second à provenir d’une Eglise orientale après
Ephrem le Syrien, élevé au doctorat en 1920 par Benoît XV.

Saint Grégoire de Narek, moine mystique arménien du Xème siècle, est
connu pour son recueil de prières de près de 20 000 vers, fréquemment
utilisé dans la liturgie arménienne.

Cette annonce arrive alors qu’est commémoré cette année le centenaire
du massacre arménien par les Turcs, le 24 avril 1915.Cette question
ultra-sensible complique les rapports entre Ankara et la vingtaine de
pays qui ont officiellement reconnu le génocide arménien.

Jean-Pierre Mahé, membre de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles
Lettres, et traducteur des oeuvres de saint Grégoire de Narek, revient
avec Anne-Sophie Saint-Martin sur cette figure de l’Eglise arménienne



Ara Khatchourian à la conquête de l’Everest

Ara Khatchourian à la conquête de l’Everest

Il ne manque peut-être plus que ce défi indémodable à Ara
Khatchadourian pour se prouver que rien ne peut lui résister. Venu au
sport il y a seulement 10 ans, cet Arménien qui a quitté son pays pour
le Liban puis la France et Marseille en 1983, n’en finit plus de
réaliser des exploits. Mais le prochain est sans commune mesure avec
les précédents puisqu’il part lundi à la conquête de l’Everest, le
plus haut sommet du monde qui culmine pour mémoire à 8848mètres !
Oubliés les marathons à travers la planète ou les épreuves ultimes
comme l’ultra-trail du Mont-Blanc ou les 100 kilomètres de Millau.
Place maintenant à la grande aventure tibétaine : “Je m’envole dès
lundi après-midi pour Katmandou où j’atterrirai à 6 heures du matin.
De là, je rejoindrai une équipe d’expédition comprenant des Allemands
et des Espagnols. Nous partirons ensuite en 4 x 4 vers le Tibet pour
gravir la face nord de l’Everest qu’on devrait atteindre en plus de 50
jours”, nous a-t-il confiés hier en toute simplicité à quelques heures
de son départ. L’homme n’est pas du genre à avoir la boule au ventre,
d’autant que sa préparation a été d’une exigence rare, entre activité
musclée quotidienne et stages en montagne . “Je me suis entraîné en
montagne. D’abord dans les Alpes à Chabanon puis à Saint-Veran et Val
Thorens. Avec tous les jours 1 200 mètres de dénivelé et 6 heures de
marche, avec uniquement des montées effectuées en condition,
c’est-à-dire avec 10 kilos sur le dos et les crampons”, narre-t-il
avec le sourire. N’oublions pas non plus les exercices quotidiens à
Marseille : 1 heure d’exercices physiques et 1 heure de vélo le matin
avant du footing et de la natation l’après-midi.

Puis une marche nocturne de 10 à 20 km avec 15 kilos sur le dos ! “Je
pense que je ne peux pas être mieux préparé. J’ai le poids de mes 20
ans avec 68 kilos pour 1,73 m !”

Un budget à compléter

Tout irait pour le meilleur dans le meilleur des mondes si Ara pouvait
boucler son budget qui n’atteint que 20 000 EURO sur les 40 000 EURO
espérés. Puisqu’il courra au nom de “Courir pour la mémoire”, une
association sportive de la Jeunesse arménienne de France, et surtout
dans le cadre du 100e anniversaire du génocide arménien, la moitié du
financement a été trouvée via la souscription auprès des entreprises
(“Votre nom au sommet du monde”) et par le réseau. Mais pour combler
le reste manquant, Ara et tous ses amis espèrent beaucoup de la
tombola qui sera organisée ce soir au centre culturel de la Jeunesse
arménienne de France (47 avenue de Toulon) où de gros lots seront en
jeu. Et où toutes les bonnes mes sont attendues avec quelques euros
pour que l’aventure d’Ara Khatchadourian soit encore plus folle.

samedi 11 avril 2015,
Stéphane (c)armenews.com


Armenian National Congress Joined SOS Mets Ayrum Campaign


17:11 April 09, 2015


National Assembly “Armenian National Congress” Faction Head Levon
Zurabyan replied to the letter addressed by Mets Ayrum community
residents, as wwwilur.am website informs. The reply particularly
says, “The Armenian National Congress together with its faction, the
Standing Committee on Economy and Environment and other field-related
specialists is studying the problem in profound and detailed manner,
and has demanded from competent governmental bodies to provide
information. Within short time limits we will inform you about measures
to be taken.

We would like to inform you that under Articles 10.1 and 33.1 of RA Law
on “Local Self-Government”, within the rights prescribed for community
residents, the head and Aldermen’s Council of the community shall
make community residents participants in decision-making process on
issues relating to environment, planned changes in living environment
and activities of the communities before starting the assessment of
environmental impact of any project. Therefore, you can full enjoy your
statutory rights in your relations with the community administration.

We will support you in your initiative and take measures to protect
agricultural land areas in Mets Ayrum Community and to find a proper
solution to this problem.”


Messe Pontificale A Saint-Pierre De Rome, Dimanche, Pour Le Centenai



Le president de la Republique d’Armenie, Serge Sarkissian, les deux
catholicos d’Etchmiadzine et d’Antelias et le patriarche Nersès Bedros
XIX des armeniens-catholiques assisteront a une ceremonie religieuse
qui promet d’etre historique.

Repondant a un voeu de l’Eglise catholique armenienne, le pape Francois
celebrera une messe pour le centenaire du genocide des Armeniens (1915)
ce dimanche 12 avril, dimanche de la Misericorde, en la basilique
Saint-Pierre de Rome. Le president de la Republique d’Armenie, Serge
Sarkissian, les deux catholicos d’Etchmiadzine et d’Antelias (Maison de
Cilicie), Karekine II et Aram Ier, et le patriarche Nersès Bedros XIX
des armeniens-catholiques seront presents a la ceremonie religieuse,
ainsi que des representants des milliers d’Armeniens attendus dans
la capitale italienne dans les prochains jours.

La double signification, nationale et oecumenique, de la celebration
est evidente. La rencontre revet egalement une dimension internationale
au regard du drame que vivent les Eglises chretiennes au Moyen-Orient
a l’heure actuelle. Elle aidera a mettre en lumière aussi bien la cause
de l’Armenie que celle, plus large, de toutes les Eglises orientales.

Du Liban, une delegation de 400 personnes

Une delegation de quelque 400 personnes est attendue a Rome venant
du Liban, dont quelques officiels. Il n’est pas exclu que des
representants de la presse armenienne locale soient egalement presents.

Lundi soir, le patriarche Nersès Bedros XIX et les membres du synode
armenien-catholique ont pris l’avion pour Rome. La delegation sera
recue par le pape aujourd’hui. La chorale patriarcale >
(la grue), du nom de l’oiseau migratoire mythique qui, selon la
tradition armenienne, >, animera dimanche un concert au Vatican.

Que dira le pape Francois durant la messe du 12 avril ?

Prononcera-t-il le mot > pour parler des massacres qui
se sont produits en 1915 ? Cela correspondait sans doute au voeu des
Eglises armeniennes. En 2006, lors de la commemoration des evenements,
alors qu’il etait encore archeveque de Buenos Aires, Francois avait
demande a la Turquie de reconnaître ces massacres comme et appele a la reconciliation. De son côte, l’Eglise apostolique
armenienne a l’intention de canoniser collectivement, le 23 avril
prochain, les victimes d’un massacre perpetre a l’initiative du
gouvernement des > d’alors, qui fit plus d’un million
et demi de morts dans les rangs de la population armenienne et d’autres
minorites chretiennes.

vendredi 10 avril 2015, Stephane (c)armenews.com


Bagrat Asatryan: Armenia’s GDP To Fall 10% Amid 8-10% Inflation In 2


YEREVAN, April 10. /ARKA/. Armenia will face a ten-percent economic
decline in 2015, and inflation in the country will range from eight
to ten percent, Bagrat Asatryan, a former head of the Central Bank
of Armenia, said on Friday.

He told journalists that his forecast was grounded on the developments
seen in late 2014 which had adverse impacts on Armenia’s economy.

He said the inflow of money transfers dwindled and the country’s
forex market became volatile, and this will lead to payment balance
and industrial output reduction.

Asatryan also pointed out the falling world copper prices, the
expected fall in the gold price, the falling demand for the processing
industry’s products and the foreign exchange rate fluctuations in the
key outlets of Armenian products as factors that deteriorate economic
situation in the country.

Armenia’s Heritage Party Proposes To Adopt Genocide Resolution Ahead


YEREVAN, April 10. /ARKA/. Armenian “Heritage” opposition party
proposed to hold a special session in the parliament and adopt the
statement on the centenary of the Armenian genocide before April 24
when it is commemorated, head of Heritage faction Ruben Hakobyan said
on Friday.

On Thursday, Armenia’s parliament discussed the draft resolution on the
genocide calling on all parliaments and international organizations to
recognize and condemn the genocide of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in
1915. But the resolution can be passed only during the next four-day
session due to start on April 27.

The Heritage faction urged the speaker to call a special session for
passing the resolution ahead of April 24, Hakobyan said, as cited
by Novosti-Armenia.

The Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the twentieth century.

According to Armenian and many other historians, up to 1.5 million
Armenians were killed starting in 1915 in a systematic campaign by
the government of Turkey. Turkey has been denying it for decades.

The Armenian genocide was recognized by tens of countries. The first
was Uruguay that did so in 1965. Other nations are Russia, France,
Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Sweden,
Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina,
42 U.S. states.

It was recognized also by the Vatican, the European Parliament, the
World Council of Churches and other international organizations. –0–
