After joining the EEU exportation of Armenian-Iranian production wil

After joining the EEU exportation of Armenian-Iranian production will
become easier (video)

10:59 | April 4,2015 | Interview

“A1+” interviewed the President of the Union of Manufacturers and
Businessmen Arsen Ghazaryan.

Which branches of economy will benefit in case of lifting the
sanctions against Iran? Can our industrial products interest Iran and
may the membership in the EEU hinder that process?

Watch the video!

Video Of Armenian Expat Teaching Aussies How To Cook "Khorovats" Goe


15:35, 03 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

An Armenian expat who shows Australians how to cook a ‘real barbecue’
has become an internet sensation after his daughter posted his
hilarious video online, according to Daily Mail.

Yervand Garginian, a 60-year-old bus driver from South Croydon in
Melbourne, filmed himself cooking chicken on an open charcoal barbecue
using a traditional ‘khorovats’ recipe at a recent family gathering.

In the video Mr Garginian, who moved to Australia from Armenia in 1977,
dismisses the Australian-style barbecue of cooking ‘oily’ sausages.

His daughter Elizabeth Garginian, 24, posted the video to Reddit and
it has since been viewed more than five million times after it was
shared across Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

In the video Mr Garginian says: ‘Hi guys, I want to tell you what,
this is the real barbecue OK?

‘Not your barbecue with the sausage, it’s all oily thing you eating,
this is the real barbecue which is called Armenian barbecue.

‘Once you eat you’re going to eat your fingers together too, and then
you’re going feel sorry you eat your fingers.’

Ms Garginian said she never anticipated the video would be so popular
when she first posted it from her clothing business Casual Dress
Day’s YouTube account.

‘My boyfriend posted it on Reddit and within one hour it was on the
top page of videos, and within the next hour it was on the front page
of Reddit and it went to number two,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.

‘We were awake all night staring at it – it was crazy.

‘I think it’s just because it’s funny, the way my dad explains it
is funny.’

Ms Garginian said her father was enjoying his newfound internet fame.

‘He’s pretty excited, he’s happy that the whole world’s seen his

The video was filmed at her cousin Albert’s house to celebrate a new
veranda Mr Garginian had just helped to build.

Ms Garginian said the chicken was marinated in spices overnight
according to a secret family recipe.

She said her family often gathers together so her father and uncles
can cook the traditional barbecue for everyone.

‘All the uncles will gather around early and stand around the barbecue
and drink vodka,’ Ms Garginian said.

‘Whenever my dad and uncles have been out at parks doing Armenian
barbecue they always receive attention from the public, and they
always let people come over and try some to share our culture.

‘Whenever they’re doing it the smell takes over the whole street.’

Ms Garginian added that unlike her father, she also enjoys
Australian-style barbecues.

‘I like sausages on the barbecue, I like a sausage sizzle, but it’s
so different to the type of barbecue we do.’

Janet Hagopian’s Colorful Reflections Compared With Picasso


15:48, 3 April, 2015

YEREVAN, APRIL 3, ARMENPRESS. There’s a reason Pablo Picasso’s
“Guernica” is one of the best known paintings in the world. The
black-and-white oil from 1937 captures the aftermath of a bombing
carried out by German and Italian warplanes intervening in the Spanish
civil war. It captures the horror and violence of war in an image
that contrasts beauty and suffering.

One of the more powerful paintings in “A Moment Suspended in Time,”
Iranian-Armenian artist Janet Hagopian’s solo show at Art Lounge,
evokes Picasso’s masterpiece. As reports “Armenpress”, Daily Star
stated this in its recent article.

Entitled “Ethic of War 1915,” the acrylic and charcoal-on-canvas work
seemingly depicts scenes from the Armenian genocide – which is widely
held to have started 100 years ago this month.

A tangle of distorted faces, limbs and body parts in stark
black-and-white, the painting’s palette evokes Picasso’s work –
so different from the rest of Hagopian’s vibrant work.

Patches of deep blood red accent the work, emphasizing the violence,
while the head of a horse – its mouth seemingly open midscream,
as if echoing the human faces in the painting – evokes Picasso further.

As in “Guernica,” the humans and animals in “Ethic of War 1915”
suffer together.

As noted, “Ethic of War 1915” is an anomaly amid the rest of Hagopian’s
exhibition, which is characterized by rich, bold colors and geometric
designs. The paintings of the Beirut-based artist are influenced by the
experience of belonging simultaneously to three different cultures,
and aim to cast light on the social and religious influences that
shape the life of women in the Middle East.

A three-portrait series entitled “Anarchism I, II and III” hang
alongside each other on one wall of the bar-cum-gallery, glowing in
the dim thanks to well-positioned spotlights.

Executed in subtle autumnal hues, the first piece depicts a figure
facing the viewer, its head made up of what look like puzzle pieces.

Hagopian has created a clever faux-three-dimensional surface, in
which the pieces come together to form a single image while somehow
appearing to connect in impossible ways, like the components of a M.

C. Escher drawing.

The second portrait captures a head of the same size and in the same
position, but comprised of black-and-white elements – birds, shoes,
hands and abstract geometrical forms – that come together to form
human features.

The series final piece is a bright conglomeration of reds, oranges
and pinks set against a gray backdrop. Accented with touches of
vivid yellow and royal blue, the painting captures a visage made
up of irregular shapes. Evocative of architectural features, they
suggest doors, windows, pillars and balustrades.

Viewed in succession, these three portraits explore the potential of
figurative work to excite the viewer’s imagination, capturing multiple
concepts and subjects in a single layered image.

The majority of the paintings in Hagopian’s show employ this sort of
double perspective, using lots of small elements grouped together to
create a single larger composition.

“Intention,” for example, again alludes to the work of Picasso,
thanks to its bright color palette and almost cubist composition.

A complex collage of independent shapes comes together to resemble
what might be the outline of a human figure, with one elaborate eye
fringed with long, colorful lashes.

Within the overall composition, smaller images are discernable –
the outline of white-headed, colorfully winged birds, shaded archways
and what might be letters from some unknown alphabet.

In her canvas “Malak’allah” (King of God), Hagopian picks out the
form of the Arabic letters to write out the word against a black
background. Each letter is comprised of blocks of color, conveying the
impression that they are segments of a larger composition, concealed
by the black sections of the painting as a veil hides sections of
the face.

Aram I Heads Foot Washing Ceremony At Antelias


10:28, 3 April, 2015

YEREVAN, 3 APRIL, ARMENPRESS. The foot washing ceremony was held at
the Cathedral Church of Antelias, headed by the Catholicos Aram I.

Armenpress was informed from the official website of the Catholicosate
of Cilicia that His Holiness in His Pontifical message noted that
the foot washing ceremonies tangibly express the love, which is the
essence of Christian religion. In Christian understanding the Love
is considered one of the God’s attributes. But, the love is not a
usual attribute, God is love, the inexhaustible source of love.

After biblical interpretation, His Holiness conveyed his message to
the people, underscoring that love means to live the presence of God.

“Love means to be helpful to our neighbor. Love means to live, act
and service for our Church, nation and homeland”, – emphasized the
Catholicos Aram I.

Armenian Defense Ministry To Discuss Involvement Of Women In Peaceke


April 3, 2015 16:04

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Ministry of Defense of Armenia will discuss the
involvement of female servicemen in the Armenian units participating
in international peacekeeping missions.

First Deputy Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan stated it at the
meeting with NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women,
Peace and Security, Ambassador Marriet Schuurman in Yerevan today.

Davit Tonoyan said that the step by step policy the Defense Ministry
has adopted justifies itself and one of the indicators of it is
the involvement of women in shaping the defense policy as well as
the increased number of female cadets in military and educational

Equal rights for men and women in the Armed Forces, necessity of study
of NATO’s practice in this sector and strengthening of cooperation to
this end were highlighted at the meeting. Davit Tonoyan said that if
necessary, the Armenian Defense Ministry also stands ready to share
its own practice with partner states.

In her turn, Marriet Schuurman said that she was impressed by Armenian
female cadets.

“I am impressed by how Armenia tries to ensure gender equality
on political, managerial and civil society levels,” said Marriet
Schuurman at the Information Center on NATO earlier today.

April Issue Of Turkish Magazine Dedicated To Armenian Genocide


By MassisPost
Updated: April 3, 2015

ISTANBUL — The April issue of the Turkish newspaper Evrensel Kultur is
entirely dedicated to the Armenian Genocide centennial. The edition
will examine the century-old pain and shame through the scope of
culture, history and arts, reports citing Turkish
website Evrensel.

The magazine will feature articles by prominent journalists and
writers that present the emptiness caused by Armenians’ absence,
as well as articles about Armenians’ input in different fields.

Philologist Necmiye Alpay, in particular, will present the role of
Armenian scholars in the field of linguistics.

Other articles will be dedicated to Armenian masters in Turkish
cinematography, theatre, the Armenian music, the image of Armenians
in Turkish fiction and the perceptions on the Armenian Genocide.

A special feature will present the story of “The 20 Gallows” memories
by Armenian clergyman Galust Boghosian who witnessed the execution
of 20 members of Hunchakian party. The book was first printed in
Armenian in 1921, and Evrensel publishing house plans to issue the
book in Turkish.

100 Musicians From 40 Countries To Participate In Concert On April 2


14:21, 3 April, 2015

YEREVAN, 3 APRIL, ARMENPRESS: 100 musicians from 40 countries will
participate in the concert dedicated to the Armenian Genocide, which
will be held on April 24 in Republic Square. The Department of the
Public Relations of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia informed
“Armenpress”, that on April 24, at 20:15 pm the concert of will take place at the Republic Square.

Around 100 musicians will arrive to Armenia from over 40 countries
of the world and join their Armenian colleagues. The multinational
musicians by that exclusive concert will make calls on peace, love and
humanity. The concert will be conducted by Sergey Smbatyan, Hovhannes
Chekijyan, Gianluca Marciano and Michael Yurovsky. The concert will
be launched within the framework of the events of the Centennial of
the Armenian Genocide.

ATP Planning Series of Programs as Part of Global Earth Day Movement

65 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472 USA
Tel: (617) 926-TREE
Email: [email protected]

March 31, 2015

ATP Planning Series of Programs as Part of Global Earth Day Movement

YEREVAN–Earth Day marks the anniversary of what many consider to be the
birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Since spring is one of
the brightest and most productive seasons for Armenia Tree Project (ATP),
April is often referred to as “Earth Month” in Armenia.

“We call this Earth Month because there’s not a single day that we don’t
carry out activities directed to environmental protection, education, and
advocacy,” notes Country Director Lucineh Kassarjian. “Our efforts have
already started with community tree planting, preparations for
reforestation, and more actively bringing environmental education to

On Friday, April 10, ATP is organizing a public tree planting in Aragyugh, a
town in the region of Kotayk. “Our friends, followers, and guests visiting
Armenia can volunteer to have their mark on the environmental rebirth of
Armenia by planting their own tree,” explains Kassarjian.

The beautiful hilly location selected for the planting is known for its
monument to the armed forces that served during World War II. It is visited
annually by veterans and others from the general public. This year marks the
70th anniversary of the victory in World War II so the planting will carry a
special meaning. ATP plans to plant 1,500 fruit and decorative trees at the
site with volunteers.

“ATP will provide transportation for the first 50 registered volunteers.
Working gloves, shovels and most importantly, the trees, are provided by
ATP. Just bring your good will and energy,” emphasizes Kassarjian.

The deadline to register for the transportation is Wednesday, April 8.
Details are available on the ATP page on Facebook, where volunteers can
register for the event, or register by calling the ATP Yerevan Office at
(010) 44-74-01. This planting is being generously underwritten by the
Berberian Family in London.

On Saturday, April 18, ATP is coordinating a waste cleanup of the Yerevan
Children’s Railway within the framework of the global Earth Day movement.
The goal is to clean up the park around the Children’s Railway and the
adjacent territories around the river.

“Our aim is to have a cleaner and healthier city. The first beneficiaries of
our work will be the children of Armenia,” states Kassarjian. A tree
planting celebration at the park will take place after the cleanup.

The initiators of the Earth Day cleanup are ATP and the “Barev Yerevan”
municipal faction. The Yerevan Municipality has also supported the
initiative, along with dozens of organizations and volunteers.

In addition to these two events, ATP has ambitious tree planting plans for
the year. The overall goal is to plant more than 300,000 trees, including
65,000 this spring. Sites have been selected all over Armenia and Artsakh
with a focus on border villages and towns. Fruit trees have already been
planted in Chinari, Aygepar, Verin Karmraghbyur, and Movses in the Tavush

Since its inception in 1994, ATP has planted more than 4.7 million trees,
established three nurseries and two environmental education centers, and has
greened villages, churches, parks, and open spaces throughout Armenia. In
the process, the organization has provided employment for hundreds of people
and provided vital resources to thousands of villagers throughout the


Spring means tree planting in Armenia; in this photo, Byblos Bank employees
and their families joined ATP to plant trees on the campus of American
University of Armenia

ACNIS Marks 20th Birthday

Armenian Center for National and International Studies
75 Yerznkian Street
Yerevan 0033, Armenia
Tel: (+374 – 10) 52.87.80 or 27.48.18
Fax: (+374 – 10) 52.48.46
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

1 April 2015


Yerevan–Yesterday, March 31, the Armenian Center for National and
International Studies (ACNIS) celebrated the twentieth year of its
founding at the Armenia Marriott hotel here.

The solemn event organized in honor of the anniversary was attended by
current and former employees of the Center, Ambassadors of the OSCE,
United States of America, United Kingdom, Greece, Brazil, India,
Italy, Japan, and Lebanon, representatives of several other embassies
and international organizations, political analysts, public and
political figures, intellectuals, journalists, and other guests.

Father Partev Muradian of the St. Sarkis Church offered the invocation
on this special occasion.

Opening the program, ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian noted: `The
quality and quantity of today’s audience are testimony to the
long-standing respect the Center has earned from Armenian society and
the international community. ACNIS has been one of post-Soviet
Armenia’s successful projects, not least because its patrons have lent
their capital support to the development of an Armenian school of
political thought.’

Raffi K. Hovannisian, Armenia’s first foreign minister and ACNIS
founding director, next took the floor to address the participants in
the ceremony with words of welcome. “From its inception the Center was
determined not to go the route of personality-driven policymaking, so
customary in the Armenian world, but rather to realize a methodology
of strategic thinking characteristic of an institutional structure and
thus to become a primary source of independent and critical research
and analysis. That is the model of vision for tomorrow’s Armenia,
where the key objective must be actualization of the supremacy of the
citizen’s fundamental freedoms, sovereignty for the state, and vital
interests for the nation.” He added that this trinity of precepts must
come together as firm guideposts to form the foundation of Armenian
national state-building.

The showing of a documentary film depicting the first two decades of
ACNIS and its work product was followed by the keynote speech of Garo
Ghazarian, a leading lawyer from Los Angeles who serves on the
Center’s board of directors.

“ACNIS was established in order to present to the body politic
unfettered, impartial and well-measured analyses, assessments and
geopolitical predictions anchored in hard facts, to evaluate the
developmental priorities and paths to progress of the new state from
the perspectives of national and international experience, to help
Armenia find its place in the region and the transforming world, and
to stand in support of the rights of each citizen.’ Ghazarian
concluded that every Armenian has been given three important
imperatives: to remember the past, to master the present, and to build
the future.

Raffi Hovannisian then returned to the podium to deliver the surprise
of the celebration, announcing and making a special presentation to
the employee of the decade. Thanking all the ACNIS faithful, he called
upon chief editor Gevorg Lalayan to receive the award in recognition
of his long years of dedicated service.

The official part of the evening, which was moderated by ACNIS
colleague Ashkhen Musheghyan and which was enriched by songs performed
by Hasmik Harutyunyan and Vahan Artsruni, came to a close with the
audience joining in the singing of the Armenian National Anthem.

The evening continued with a festive reception accompanied by the
enchanting rhythms of the Mikayel Voskanyan and Friends band.

The Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS) is
a leading independent strategic research center located in Yerevan,
Armenia. As an institution committed to conducting professional
policy research and analysis, the Center strives to raise the level of
public debate and seeks to broaden societal engagement in the policy
process as well as to foster greater and more inclusive civic
knowledge. Founded in 1994, ACNIS is the institutional initiative of
Raffi K. Hovannisian, Armenia’s first Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Over the past 20 years, it has achieved a prominent reputation as a
primary source of multi-disciplinary studies covering a wide range of
national and international policy issues.

For further information on the Center, call (37410) 52-87-80 or
27-48-18; fax (37410) 52-48-46; email [email protected] or [email protected];
or visit

Armenia Expexts An Official Apology From Azeri Sambo Federation


20:20, 02 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

The Armenian Sambo Federation released a statement today, demanding
from the International Sambo Federation to punish Azeri athlete
Bakhtiyar Abbasov for disrespecting the Armenian national anthem
during the World Cup award ceremony in Moscow.

Abbasov demonstratively squatted as the Armenian anthem was playing
in honor of Ashot Danielian, an Artsakh-born Armenian fighter, who
won the gold at the tournament.

The Federation said it expects an official assessment of the act by
the Sambo Federation of Azerbaijan and anticipates an apology.

“Abbasov’s step was not only a violation of sports ethics, but also a
demonstration of political, national hatred and hostility, which is
unacceptable not only to us, but also the international community,”
the statement reads.

President of the European Sambo Federation Sergey Eliseev also slammed
Abbasov for his “unsportsmanlike behavior.”