Greek-Armenian Youth Submit Requisition To EU Representative For Arm


17:01, 27 March, 2015

ATHENS, 27 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. Members of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation-Dashnaktsutyun Armenian Youth Association in Greece held
a protest in front of the building of the EU Delegation to Greece
with the demand that EU member states put an end to their policies
of denial and recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide.

As the editors of Azad Or newspaper of Athens report to “Armenpress”,
the youth submitted a requisition to the EU representative in which
they have emphasized that Turkey continues to deny the Armenian
Genocide and is leading a worldwide campaign to distort the history
in the year marking the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

“We call on the European Union to encourage member states to recognize
the Armenian Genocide and subject deniers to criminal liability,”
as stated in the requisition.

The Greek-Armenian youth also demand that the European Union pressure
Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide and take action to compensate
for the material and non-material losses and the restoration of the
historic rights of the Armenian nation.

Spirit of innovative technology given to defense system in Armenia

Spirit of innovative technology given to defense system in Armenia

14:26, 28 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 28 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. On March 28, the Minister of Defense of
the Republic of Armenia Seyran Ohanyan has visited the Center of
Excellence of cyber security of the Institute of Computer Research and
Development, which serves as a platform for identifying of problems of
cyber security in the defense system and development of the innovative
solutions. The purpose of visit was to get acquainted with the
center’s programs, goals and problems.

To provide high-technical solutions in the defense system and skills
development programs, as well as to prepare highly qualified
specialists in the defense system to implement research projects.
Those are just a few of the priority tasks of the Center of Excellence
of cyber security, the ultimate goal of which is to give innovative
technological breath in the defense system’s reforms.

Permyakov will be tried in Armenia – Russian MP

Permyakov will be tried in Armenia – Russian MP

15:47 28/03/2015 >> LAW

The trial of Russian serviceman Valery Permyakov, who is charged with
murdering a seven-member Armenian family in Gyumri in January, will be
held in Armenia, Oleg Lebedev, deputy chairman of Russian State Duma’s
Committee for CIS Affairs and Eurasian Integration, said in Yerevan on
Saturday, according to RIA Novosti.

“Russia did everything possible for the investigation to proceed – and
it is proceeding – in Armenia. The trial is planned to take place in
Armenia, which is what the Armenian people ask for,” Lebedev said at a
joint session of the Russian State Duma and Armenian National Assembly

Six members of one family, including a two-year-old child, were shot
dead in their house in Gyumri on January 12. A six-month-old baby was
hospitalized with stab wounds. He died in hospital on January 19.
Valery Permyakov, a serviceman of the 102nd Russian military base
stationed in Gyumri, the main suspect in the murder, was detained by
Russian border guards while attempting to cross the Armenian-Turkish
border near Yerazgavors village in Armenia’s Shirak province.
Permyakov is held in custody at the Russian military base. He was
questioned and confessed to the crime. Permyakov is charged under
Article 105.2 and 338.2 of the Russian Criminal Code (murder and
desertion). Also, Armenian Investigative Committee brought a charge
against Permyakov under Article 104 part 2 point 1 (murder of two or
more persons) of the Armenian Criminal Code.

Public denials undermine efforts to fight impunity – UN council adop

Public denials undermine efforts to fight impunity – UN council adopts
genocide prevention resolution

11:36 * 28.03.15

On March 27, The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a
resolution on the prevention of genocide, which was introduced by the
Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations (UN), the Armenian
Weekly reported.

The resolution on the prevention of genocide (A/HRC/28/L.25)
recommends that the General Assembly designate December 9 as the
International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of
Genocide, “in order to raise awareness of the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and its role in
combatting and preventing the crime of genocide.”

The resolution also reiterates that the fight against impunity is key
in the prevention of genocide. It also underscores the need to
identify the root causes of genocide, and suggests that a list of
contact points be established to strengthen efforts toward genocide
prevention. It also underlines the importance of genocide education,
and expresses the need for “enhanced international cooperation.”

The resolution further “condemns the intentional public denial or
glorification of crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity as
defined by international law, and notes with concern that public
denials create a risk of further violations and undermine efforts to
prevent genocide.”

On Feb. 13, the government of Armenia approved a motion declaring
December 9 as a “Day of Remembrance of Victims of All Genocides.”

‘In 1915 the State openly declared war upon its Armenian citizens’

`In 1915 the State openly declared war upon its Armenian citizens’

Photograph: Miran Manukyan
Emre Can DaÄ?lıoÄ?lu 03.20.2015 16:31 SPECIAL REPORTS

The guest on March 5 of the Thursday Talks organized by the History
Foundation was Nevzat Onaran. Onaran presented a speech titled `The
Code of 1915: Emval-i Metruke/Abandoned Properties’ and we talked to
him about the continuity of the economic policy based on
liquidification, and the laws that enabled that continuity.

Which laws formed the basis for the economic liquidation that began with 1915?

Emval-i metruke (Abandoned properties) is a phrase that describes
goods that no longer have an owner. However, within the Ottoman
context, the owner of the properties in question was known, therefore
in the case of 1915, the phrase actually means properties that were,
in one way or another, forcibly seized from its owner by the State.
The deportation law issued on 27 May 1915, the mass migration of the
Armenians began, and this law was followed with a directive issued on
10 June 1915, on the settlement of Armenians. Of the properties left
behind by the Armenians, the movable assets were immediately sold,
whereas immovable assets were seized by the State. A part of these
were distributed to Muslim migrants to Anatolia, while in many areas,
they were literally grabbed by whoever got there first. The relevant
legislation has three bases. The first is the decree of the Meclis-i
Vükela, or Cabinet, dated 30 May 1915. The second is the directive
dated 10 June 1915. And the third is the law, which is shortly
referred to as the Liquidation Law. The first defined the assets as
abandoned properties, the second led to the pillaging of the assets,
while the third provided their new owners with legal deeds for the
properties they pillaged. The Liquidation Law is the most important of
the three.

Why is the Liquidation Law the most important?

Because this law is the final stage of the internal war front the
Ottoman Empire appended to the state of external war it was involved
in. Its enemies in this internal war where people who were affiliated
with it by bonds of citizenship. First, Armenian men between the ages
of 20 and 40 were drafted with the Mobilization Law; and then, on 24
April 1915, the leading intellectuals were imprisoned, and some were
murdered. And then, whoever was left was forced to migrate away from
their homes. In other words, the Empire openly says, regarding the
remaining folk, `They have betrayed their country, they are enemies’.
This became official with the coded telegram sent out by Talaat Pasha
in February. Therefore Armenians were openly regarded as opponents in
the internal war. In such an environment, the Liquidation Law was the
final stage in this war. After all, Article 1 of the Law clearly
states that the properties of the people who were forced into exile
are to be liquidated. With Article 2, the State seizes the properties
of these exiled people; and Article 6 regulates the establishment of a
commission for the carrying out of this task. The dispossession system
founded in 1915 is consolidated with this law.

We can say that Ankara’s main personnel against the Istanbul
government was made up of members of Union and Progress. This was why
the issue of abandoned properties appears many times on the agenda of
the Parliament in Ankara.

Can we talk about a continuity regarding these laws?

In 1918, a government decree was issued allowing the return of the
forcibly exiled. Following the Ottoman defeat in the war, on 8 January
1920, the Istanbul government issued a new decree. This decree
rendered void all actions carried out on the basis of the Liquidation
Law. The new system stated that the losses of all those whose
properties were seized or sold would be compensated. In the same
period, the movement that would carry out the National Struggle in
Anatolia gained power. The group that would later form a government in
Ankara called itself during that period Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti, the
Society for the Defence of Rights. We know that all members of Union
and Progress, which had lost power, were members of this society. In
this respect, we can say that Ankara’s main personnel against the
Istanbul government was made up of members of Union and Progress. This
was why the issue of abandoned properties appears many times on the
agenda of the Parliament in Ankara. On 20 April 1922, the first law on
this matter was issued. Decisions were taken regarding what to do with
the properties in recovered areas. However, let us pay attention to
the date. Not many areas had been recovered at that point. This law
stated that the properties of those who return would be given back.
However, that article was annotated with the condition that a court
had to determine that the property belonged to the returned person. In
other words, they made it very difficult for those who returned.

When were the laws of the Republican regime regarding property seizure issued?

The first regulation after that was made after 9 September 1922, when
Ä°zmir was captured. Only 5 days after the capture of Ä°zmir, the law
issued by the Istanbul government on 8 January 1920 was repealed,
first by a secret session, and then an open session. This paved the
way for implementations carried out in the framework of the
Liquidation Law. In the process that followed, the statute on the
formation of the Liquidation Commission was changed on 31 October
1922, and the commissions were formed mostly of local notables. Then
on 15 April 1923, a comprehensive law on abandoned properties was
issued. This law renewed the law issued in 1915 and its scope was
broadened at a very critical point. The scope of properties defined as
abandoned properties, in addition to belonging to persons who had been
forcibly exiled, was broadened to include properties of disappeared
and departed persons, those who had travelled to a foreign country,
and even those who had travelled to Istanbul and its environs. In
fact, when objections were raised to the part of that specific article
regarding Istanbul, Finance Minister Hasan Fehmi provided assurance
that the properties of Muslims would not be touched. Thus, the law was
rendered even more problematic than in 1915, and the attributes of
properties the State could seize was increased. This was how the State
first seized, then pillaged and finally issued deeds for the
properties of the Armenians.

The Treaty of Lausanne was signed on 24 July 1923; however, the
validity of Lausanne still remained problematic. In order to solve
this problem, a decree was passed on 13 June 1926, and the date for
the beginning of Lausanne’s validity was set as 6 August 1924.

Where does the Treaty of Lausanne stand in this equation?

As you know, the Treaty of Lausanne was signed before the Republic was
founded, on 24 July 1923, however, the validity of Lausanne still
remained problematic. In order to solve this problem, a decree was
passed on 13 June 1926, and the date for the beginning of Lausanne’s
validity was set as 6 August 1924. Yet the Treaty of Lausanne was
ratified in Parliament on 23 August 1923. Furthermore, the fact that
this date was set in 1926 shows that there was something amiss. On 15
April 1923, there was a debate for the rearrangement of the Law on
Abandoned Properties following the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne,
but that was not carried out either. Besides, implementations carried
out within the scope of this law until 6 August 1924 were thus

Were other laws in the same vein issued in the Republican period?

Many regulations were approved during the 1920s to encourage the
changing of hands of abandoned properties. The Settlement Law issued
in 1934 is also very important in this respect. Within the scope of
this law, a mapping of who lives where was carried out. This map was
shaped according to those who were affiliated with Turkish culture, or
those whose mother tongue was Turkish. The rationale of the law was,
after all, civilising and assimilation. Article 2 of this law
determined where Turks would live, where those to be assimilated would
live, and also, prohibited areas. The Dersim Massacre was carried out
on the basis of this mapping. The rampant Turkish nationalism of this
period infected the articles of this law as well.

Since the initial capital was formed by the violent transfer of
domestic capital, Turkey has no 100-year old brand of its own.

It is a very basic argument that the capital accumulation of the
Republican period grew on the basis of these properties. Are we able
to clearly validate this argument?

The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Industry published a book titled
`50 Years of the Chamber’ in 1931 or 1932. This book states that in
the early 1880s, Turks led 4, and non-Turks led in 27 of the 31
sectors in the economy. In the same respect, a book published in 1973
by the State Institute of Statistics on the 50th year of the Republic,
states that according to 1914 economic data, Muslim Turks controlled
15% of the economy, while Greeks controlled 50%, Armenians 20%, Jews
5%, and foreigners 10%. With the initiation of internal war in 1915,
this economic landscape was completely reversed. In 1915 the
Armenians, with the 1924 Population Exchange the Greeks and in the
1930s the Jews and foreigners are liquidated. This clears the path in
the economy for those who are religiously Muslim, and ethnically
Turkish. Newspaper articles published in the 1920s also confirm this.
They say that the war environment benefited the Turkification of the
economy. We could also link this to Turkey’s failure in
industrialization. Since the initial capital was formed by the violent
transfer of domestic capital, Turkey has no 100-year old brand of its
own, or, the number of companies with a 100 year history are very

This is true for large capital groups, but can we see documents that
would clearly prove this?

During the debate over how the Çankaya Mansion had changed hands,
Edward Çuhacı, a member of the Kasapyan family, had sent Agos a letter
in April 2007. In that letter, he stated that their estate home in
Keçiören now belonged to the Koç family. But if serious research were
to be carried out on the basis of companies, then one would have to
refer to the records of Chambers of Commerce. However, even that would
be a difficult task. In this context, the Ä°zmir Chamber of Commerce
has published its records. When you look into those records, you see
statements such as, `The abandoned property bail brought by the A
company has been accepted’. That means: since the abandoned properties
registered in the company’s name would be considered part of the
company’s capital, they show this document so that their
classification can be determined.

Does the policy of property transfer administered by the State change
with the introduction of the multi-party regime, or at any other
political turning point?

In my opinion, this policy is, from Union and Progress to the present
day, the consequence of the political economy of Turkish nationalism.
This policy is the fundamental program of the State. This program
targets every social section that is not ethnically Turkish and
religiously Sunni. And there have been no deviations from this program
during any period at all. The fact that the Abandoned Properties Law
issued in the Republican period remained in effect in 1988 is a
consequence of this. This law was abolished by Ã-zal, I believe because
the Christian community had diminished to an extent that it no longer
presented a `threat’.

Manufacturing Dissent

Manufacturing Dissent

By Paul Craig Roberts

March 27, 2015 “ICH ” –
Professor Michel Chossudovsky is the author of many important books. His
latest is The Globalization of War: America’s Long War Against Humanity.
Chossudovsky shows that Washington has globalized war while the US
president is presented as a global peace-maker, complete with the Nobel
Peace Prize. Washington has military deployed in 150 countries, has the
world divided up into six US military commands and has a global strike plan
that includes space operations. Nuclear weapons are part of the global
strike plan and have been elevated for use in a pre-emptive first strike, a
dangerous departure from their Cold War role.

America’s militarization includes military armament for local police for
use against the domestic population and military coercion of sovereign
countries in behalf of US economic imperialism.

One consequence is the likelihood of nuclear war. Another consequence is
the criminalization of US foreign policy. War crimes are the result. These
are not the war crimes of individual rogue actors but war crimes
institutionalized in established guidelines and procedures. “What
distinguishes the Bush and Obama administrations,” Chossudovsky writes, “is
that the concentration camps, targeted assassinations and torture chambers
are now openly considered as legitimate forms of intervention, which
sustain ‘the global war on terrorism’ and support the spread of ‘Western

Chossudovsky points out that the ability of US citizens to protest and
resist the transformation of their country into a militarist police state
is limited. Washington and the compliant foundations now fund the dissent
movement in order to control it. He quotes Noam Chomsky and Edward S.
Herman about manufacturing consent. He lets Paul Kivel describe how funding
of dissent by the elite results in the co-option of grassroots community
leadership. The same thing is happening to environmental organizations.
Black Americans also have lost their leaders to the elite’s money and
ability to bestow position and emoluments.

Chossudovsky notes that progressive, left-wing, and anti-war groups have
endorsed the “war on terror” and uncritically accept the official 9/11
story, which provides the basis for Washington’s wars.

Having accepted the lies, there is no basis for protest. Thus its absence.

As Professor Stephen Cohen has observed, dissent has disappeared from
American foreign policy discussion. In place of dissent there is
exhortation to more war. A good example is today’s (March 26, 2015) op-ed
in the New York Times by neoconservative John R. Bolton, US ambassador to
the UN during the George W. Bush regime.

Bolton calls for bombing Iran. Anything short of a military attack on Iran,
Bolton says, has “an air of unreality” and will guarantee that Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey will also develop nuclear weapons in order to
protect themselves from Iran. According to Bolton, the Israeli and American
nuclear arsenals are not threatening, but Iran’s would be.

Of course, there is no evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program,
but Bolton asserts it anyway. Moreover, Bolton manages to overlook that the
agreement being worked out with Iran halts the Iranian enrichment program
far below the level necessary for nuclear weapons. Bolton’s belief that
Iran would be able to hide a weapons program if permitted to have nuclear
energy is unsubstantiated. It is merely an implausible assertion.

The neoconservatives constitute a war lobby. When one war doesn’t work,
they want another. They have an ever expanding war list. Remember, the
neoconservatives are the ones who promised us a 3-week “cakewalk” Iraq war
costing $70 billion and paid for by Iraq oil revenues. After 8 years of war
costing a minimum of $3,000 billion paid for by US taxpayers, the US gave
up and withdrew. Today jihadists are carving a new country out of parts of
Syria and Iraq.

It is now a known fact that the neocon Bush regime’s Iraq war was totally
based on lies, just as is every other neocon war and the current drive for
war with Russia and Iran. Despite their record of lies and failure, the
neocons still control US foreign policy, and neocon Nuland is busy at work
fomenting “color revolutions” or coups in the former Soviet republics of
Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan.

Without the support of the New York Times, the neocons could not have got
the Iraq War going. Now the New York Times, faithful to the neocons but
faithless to the American people, is helping the neocons get a war going
with Iran and Russia.

I have friends who are college presidents who still read and believe the
New York Times. The wars with Iran and Russia that the New York Times is
encouraging will be much more dangerous than the wars with Iraq and
Afghanistan. Humanity might not survive them.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was
columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators
Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns
have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure
of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West

and How
America Was Lost

100 arbres pour commémorer le centenaire du génocide arménien

100 arbres pour commémorer le centenaire du génocide arménien

Malgré une météo maussade, de nombreuses personnes se sont rassemblées
hier sur le site du mémorial du génocide des Arméniens, situé avenue
du 24 Avril 1915 (12e). L’objectif : procéder à la plantation d’une
cinquantaine d’arbres destinés à célébrer les 100 ans d’un événement
tragique qui reste ancré dans de nombreuses mémoires.

Cette action est l’un des quatre piliers du projet “Pour Elles” , mis
en place par l’association Croix Bleue des Arméniens de France, “les
trois autres étant une exposition prévue au Chteau de la Buzine, une
ronde des femmes ainsi qu’un voyage/pèlerinage en Arménie orientale,
qui sont des terres turques aujourd’hui”, confiait Béatrice Ananian,
présidente nationale de l’association.

Au total, 100 arbres seront plantés d’ici cet été sur le site,
principalement des grenadiers, dont le fruit est l’emblème de
l’Arménie, et des amandiers.

Hier, les élus du secteur ont mis en terre le premier arbre en
compagnie de Samuel Lalayan, consul d’Arménie. Parmi les volontaires
pour s’improviser “jardiniers d’un jour”, des élèves de la classe de
CM2 de l’école Hamaskaine ont tenu à apporter leur contribution pour
faire de ce jour une commémoration qui restera dans les esprits.

samedi 28 mars 2015,
Stéphane (c)

Des élèves de la classe de CM2 de l’école Hamaskaine se sont
improvisés hier “jardiniers d’un jour”, dans le recueillement le plus
total pour leurs aînés disparus en 1915.

ANKARA: Mayor Says Being Called Armenian ‘Disgusting’


Today’s Zaman, Turkey
March 26 2015


Melih Gokcek, the mayor of Ankara and a member of the ruling Justice
and Development Party (AK Party), sent a Twitter message to Cem
Ozdemir, a German deputy of Turkish descent for the Green Party,
asking Ozdemir if he is of Armenian descent.

I do not know what prompted Gokcek to send such a message, but he is
known for his nationalist and discriminatory attitudes. Therefore,
it is no surprise seeing such a message from him.

Anyway, upon this provocative message, Hayko Baðdat, a Turkish
intellectual of Armenian descent, apparently wanted to put a mirror in
front of Gokcek. He wrote an open Twitter message to Gokcek, saying:
“It is official, they gave the capital to an Armenian. What a shame!”

Baðdat also added the hashtag “melihgokcekermeniymiþ” (Melih Gokcek
turned out to be Armenian) to this message.

What happened after all these tweets and countertweets is quite unique
to Turkey. Gokcek sued Baðdat for insulting him. In the petition he
said he was insulted by being called “Armenian.”

“Using a word in the sense of disgust toward someone so loved and
honored by the people is a serious violation of my client’s personal
rights and a great disrespect against anyone who has voted for,
supports, loves and honors my client,” the statement by Gokcek’s
attorney reads.

Is this a racist accident in which the mayor and his lawyer revealed
their mindset, or a political game in which the mayor is trying to
attract international attention and preparing to present himself as
victim to the nationalist segments of this society?

Whatever the motivation, these cheap racist remarks and this show are
hard to imagine in a democratic society. Turks, for example, should try
to imagine the mayor of Berlin or New York using the word “Turk” in the
sense the mayor’s lawyer referred to in his petition. I guess, in this
case, everyone would be keenly aware of the bitter taste of racism.

However, when such racist remarks are used against Armenians in Turkey,
we will not witness mass demonstrations nor will we see his voters
calling on the mayor to resign.

Quite historically, these racist words were uttered by the mayor
of the capital when the anniversary of Armenian genocide, April 24,
is approaching.

What would more clearly show Turkey’s need to confront its past than
these racist words? Could anyone in a country in which past atrocities
are fully faced utter such racist words? His racist remarks force us
to reflect upon the importance of facing past atrocities.

L’Armenie A Importe 2,451 Milliards De Mètres Cubes De Gaz Naturel E



En 2014, l’Armenie a importe 2,451 milliards de mètres cubes de
gaz naturel en provenance de la Russie et de l’Iran, soit de 3,8%
de plus qu’en 2013, selon le ministre de l’Energie et des Ressources
naturelles Yervand Zakaryan.

S’exprimant lors d’une conference de presse le ministre a declare que
les importations de gaz naturel en provenance de Russie l’an dernier
ont augmente de 5,4% a 2,062 milliards de mètres cubes, tandis que
les importations de gaz en provenance d’Iran ont diminue de 3% a 389
millions de mètres cubes.

Il dit que l’Armenie paie pour le gaz naturel iranien avec des
fournitures d’electricite.

vendredi 27 mars 2015, Stephane (c)

Exposition : Armenie 1915, Centenaire Du Genocide



Organisee a l’occasion du centième anniversaire du genocide des
Armeniens, cette exposition presente un etat de nos connaissances
sur cet evenement marquant de l’histoire du XXe siècle, illustrant
les violences de masse commises contre les populations civiles et
leurs consequences.


Le genocide des Armeniens montre que le contexte de la Première
Guerre mondiale et l’emergence d’un regime totalitaire, celui des
Jeunes-Turcs, ont constitue les deux conditions dont le pouvoir avait
besoin pour mettre en oeuvre son programme genocidaire.

Cette exposition produite par la Ville de Paris, avec le pret
exceptionnel de 350 documents photos et de 150 pièces provenant du
Musee-Institut du Genocide Armenien et de la bibliothèque Nubar a
Paris, vise a presenter au grand public une synthèse des savoirs
dont on dispose aujourd’hui sur ces violences extremes et leurs

Au tournant du XXe siècle, les Armeniens sont principalement concentres
dans les six provinces orientales de l’Empire ottoman, leur terroir
ancestral, ainsi qu’a Constantinople et dans les principales villes
d’Anatolie. C’est ce monde vivant qui va subir des massacres dès 1895,
puis en Cilicie en 1909, avant d’etre definitivement eradique en 1915.

De 1908 a 1918, l’Empire a ete dirige par le Comite Union et Progrès.

L’efficacite de son programme genocidaire a largement ete determinee
par l’association de l’Etat-parti avec les notables locaux, les cadres
religieux et les chefs tribaux.

Le genocide s’est opere en plusieurs phases : l’elimination des
conscrits ; l ‘elimination des elites ; l’elimination des autres
hommes adultes ; la deportation des femmes et des enfants entre mai
et septembre 1915 ; l’internement des survivants dans des camps de
concentration du desert syrien, fermes a l’automne 1916.

À la fin de la guerre, des refuges pour femmes et des orphelinats
disperses au Proche-Orient assurent la rehabilitation des rescapes qui
constitueront la base de la diaspora en formation dans les annees 1920,
trouvant en France, et notamment a Paris, un de ses points d’ancrage.

Entre 1922 et 1927, 58 000 refugies debarquent a Marseille, transitent
par des camps de fortune, puis s’installent en ville ou remontent
la vallee du Rhône. La region parisienne capte une partie de ces
refugies qui s’etablissent dans la petite couronne, a Alfortville,
Issy-les-Moulineaux, Arnouville et, a Paris, dans les quartiers de
Belleville et de Cadet.

Hôtel de Ville

Place de l’Hôtel de Ville – Esplanade de la Liberation

75001 Paris

Du 29 avril au 4 juillet 2015

Tous les jours sauf dimanche et jours feries

De 10h a 18h30

vendredi 27 mars 2015, Stephane (c)