Liturgy Commemorating ‘Armenian And Turkish Heroes’ Unacceptable – R


15:00 * 25.03.15

Deputy Dean of the Department of Oriental Studies, Yerevan State
University, Ruben Melkonyan, at a meeting with reporters on Wednesday,
commented on a statement by the Patriarch of Constantinople that
bells will not be rung on the night of April 24.

According to him, the Patriarch often makes steps Turkey’s authorities
do not even demand.

“The Patriarch goes beyond the competence of the Armenian Church.

Bells will not be rung in 42 Armenian churches working in Turkey. A
service for victims of both the peoples is planned, which is in
conformity with Turkish propaganda called ‘common pain,’ Mr Melkonyan

The Turkish authorities have assigned a specific role to the Patriarch
of Constantinople, which does not meet the Armenian community’s

“This is one more attempt to involve the Armenian Church in Turkey’s
politics,” Mr Melkonyan said.

According to the information at our disposal, a liturgy commemorating
Armenian and Turkish heroes is to take place in Canakkale, on April
24. This is an unacceptable thing.”

The Patriarch of Constantinople is responsible for churches operating
in Turkey and for Armenians living there and he has no right to
consider himself to be outside the Armenians-related processes.

“It is important for both Armenia and Turkey to see commemorative
events in different parts of Armenians’ historical homeland even 100
years after the Armenian Genocide. These are actually signs of protest
that must certainly be encouraged, but in a somewhat reserved manner
not to be entrapped by Turkish propaganda.

The “dissident” members of the Armenian community will organize a
number of events outside Turkish propaganda because they have united
round the Mother See.

“The problems of Armenians in Istanbul and Western Armenia are not
resolved. Rather, they are worsening because of lack of ties with
Echmiadzin,” Mr Melkonyan said.

Revue De Presse N°2 – 24/03/15 – Collectif VAN


Publié le : 24-03-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN [Vigilance
Arménienne contre le Négationnisme] vous propose une revue de
presse des informations parues dans la presse francophone sur les
thèmes concernant le négationnisme, le racisme, l’antisémitisme,
le génocide arménien, la Shoah, le génocide des Tutsi, les
crimes perpétrés au Darfour, la Turquie, l’Union européenne,
l’occupation de Chypre, etc… Nous vous suggérons également de
prendre le temps de lire ou relire les articles mis en ligne dans la
rubrique Info Collectif VAN et les traductions regroupées dans notre
rubrique Actions VAN. Par ailleurs, certains articles en anglais,
allemand, turc, etc, ne sont disponibles que dans la newsletter Word
que nous générons chaque jour. Pour la recevoir, abonnez-vous a la
Veille-Média : c’est gratuit ! Vous recevrez le document du lundi
au vendredi dans votre boîte email. Bonne lecture.

Centenaire du génocide arménien : Le gouvernement norvégien fait
profil bas Info Collectif VAN – – ” Divers
politiciens de Norvège ont condamné la décision du gouvernement
norvégien de n’envoyer qu’un ambassadeur pour représenter le
gouvernement lors des événements commémoratifs du génocide
arménien. Selon Armenpress qui cite le site norvégien, Oslo a
décidé que seul l’ambassadeur de Norvège en Arménie, Atle Leidulv
Namtvedt (résidant a Moscou), participerait aux événements du 24
avril qui auront lieu en Arménie.

BÃ¥rd Glad Pedersen, secrétaire d’Etat norvégien, a noté qu’il
était normal que seul l’ambassadeur participe aux événements
commémoratifs qui seront lancés a Erevan. Il ne nie pas que des
massacres de masse aient été effectués contre les Arméniens en
1915, mais l’incident n’est pas appelé ‘génocide’.” Nota CVAN :
Le négationnisme d’Etat de la Turquie et de l’Azerbaïdjan fait
tache d’huile en Europe et dans le monde. Le Collectif VAN vous
invite a lire la traduction d’un article en anglais publié sur le
site Armenpress le 16 mars 2015.

Collectif VAN : l’éphéméride du 24 mars Info Collectif VAN –
– La rubrique Ephéméride est a retrouver
quotidiennement sur le site du Collectif VAN. Elle recense la
liste d’événements survenus a une date donnée, a différentes
époques de l’Histoire, sur les thématiques que l’association suit au
quotidien. L’éphéméride du Collectif VAN repose sur des informations
en ligne sur de nombreux sites (les sources sont spécifiées sous
chaque entrée). “24 mars 1918 — France : publication du N°2139 du
périodique ” Le Pélerin ”. ” Les Turcs a Trébizonde : A quoi
aboutit le pacifisme inconsidéré ?…….. On le sait maintenant a
Trébizonde, où grâce a la défection des bolchéviques pacifistes,
les Turcs viennent de rentrer en maîtres : des milliers de traînards
russes ont été fusillés, noyés ou brÔlés vifs. Des sacs pleins
d’enfants arméniens ont été jetés a la mer, les vieilles femmes
et les hommes ont été crucifiés ou mutilés, et toutes les jeunes
filles et femmes, jusqu’a des filles de dix ans, livrées a la
soldatesque. ””

FN : les dérapages racistes ont-ils un coÔt dans les urnes ?

Faire ouvertement preuve de racisme sur les réseaux sociaux a-t-il
un effet dans les isoloirs? Alors que le Front national a recueilli
un quart des suffrages exprimés au premier tour des départementales
(bien qu’une lecture nationale du scrutin soit hasardeuse), il semble
difficile d’affirmer qu’il y a eu une prime significative au racisme
dans les urnes. Comme il serait difficile de prétendre que les
dérapages des candidats les ont handicapés.

Canada : Dix particularités a connaître sur les Arméniens d’ici
L’arrondissement Ahuntsic-Cartierville a voté une motion le 9 mars,
pour souligner l’année du centième anniversaire du génocide des
Arméniens et ”pour rappeler a la population, l’importance du devoir
de mémoire”. Voici dix particularités a connaître sur la présence
arménienne dans l’arrondissement et au Canada.

Le Rwanda et les archives du génocide En amont du colloque Foccart
organisé par les Archives nationales les 26 et 27 mars a Paris, ”
Le Monde Afrique ” publie des articles autour de la question des
archives en Afrique, donc de la mémoire. Retour sur les archives du
génocide rwandais avec le chercheur Rémi Korman.

Antisémitisme : les habits neufs de la haine C’est toujours la même
histoire qui recommence. L’antisémitisme additionne, agglomère,
coagule des haines venues du fond des âges et de tous les horizons,
qui toutes convergent vers un seul et même bouc émissaire, le juif.

ONU : l’EI pourrait avoir commis des crimes de guerre, des crimes
contre l’humanité et un génocide L’Etat islamique (EI) pourrait avoir
commis les trois crimes internationaux les plus graves, c’est-a-dire
des crimes de guerre, des crimes contre l’humanité et un génocide,
selon un rapport publié jeudi par le Haut-Commissariat des Nations
Unies aux droits de l’homme (HCDH).

Des lycéens trouvent la trace d’une famille juive L’histoire est
émouvante. Ils ont réussi a retrouver la trace d’une rescapée de la
Shoah, la où les archivistes avaient échoué. Un groupe de lycéens
de Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine) vont bientôt la rencontrer. ”
Je voudrais lui demander ce qui la pousse a venir nous voir pour
raconter une histoire aussi dure. ” Meddy et six de ses camarades
de première technologique, au lycée Galilée de Gennevilliers
(Hauts-de-Seine), préparent leur rencontre avec Dina Godschalk,
une survivante de la Shoah.

L’Azerbaïdjan exige que la session ” farce ” d’Euronest déclare
l’invalidité de ses résolutions L’Azerbaïdjan a qualifié de ”
farce ” la réunion de l’Assemblée parlementaire Euronest tenue
cette semaine a Erevan (la capitale arménienne), et a exigé que ses
résolutions soient déclarées invalides. Cette demande fait suite
a un manque d’implication de la part des membres du Parlement et des
pays du partenariat oriental.

Accès a l’éducation pour les enfants réfugiés syriens en Turquie:
inauguration d’une école d’Unicef financée par le Luxembourg
Le 18 mars 2015, en présence des représentants du ministère de
l’Ã~Iducation nationale turc, de l’Agence gouvernementale de gestion
des catastrophes et de l’urgence (AFAD) ainsi que d’une foule joyeuse
d’enfants et parents syriens, l’ambassadeur du Luxembourg en Turquie,
Arlette Conzemius, et le représentant d’Unicef en Turquie, Philippe
Duamelle, ont eu le plaisir d’inaugurer une nouvelle école a Nizip
dans le Sud-Est de la Turquie qui accueille des enfants réfugiés

La 2e guerre mondiale a hauteur d’enfant Toute cette année 2015 est
scandée par les commémorations relatives au 70e anniversaire de la
fin de la seconde guerre mondiale. L’édition jeunesse n’est pas en
reste. La preuve avec ces cinq ouvrages accessibles dès l’âge de
9 ans.

Des archéologues découvrent de probables anciennes cachettes
nazies en Argentine Des scientifiques pourraient avoir découvert
un refuge destiné a des nazis en fuite, en Argentine. L’ensemble
de trois structures, situé près de la frontière nord de ce pays
avec le Paraguay, pourrait avoir été concu comme un refuge pour des
responsables nazis dans les derniers jours du Troisième Reich. Alors
que les forces alliées avancaient sur Berlin, certains responsables
nazis ont pu s’échapper et a se réfugier en Argentine, dont le
gouvernement leur était a ce moment-la plutôt favorable.

Quarante-six artistes arméniens d’Est et d’Ouest s’arrêtent a
Beyrouth Pour marquer son 60e anniversaire, l’Université Haigazian
présente l’exposition East and West, Modern to Post-Modern, en
collaboration avec la Fondation Makhzoumi et sous le patronage de
l’ambassade d’Arménie au Liban.

Londres: six personnes arrêtées pour l’attaque d’une synagogue Dans
la nuit de samedi a dimanche, la police de Londres a été appelée
pour des perturbations dans le quartier de Stamford Hill dans le nord
de la capitale britannique. Une vingtaine de personnes visiblement
éméchées ont tenté de forcer l’entrée d’une synagogue d’après
le site internet du quotidien The Telegraph. Plusieurs personnes
auraient visiblement réussi a pénétrer a l’intérieur des lieux
selon une vidéo amateur.

Italie : cycle de rencontres mêlant cinéma et édition A l’occasion
du centenaire du génocide du peuple arménien et dans le contexte
de la commémoration du centenaire de la Grande Guerre, l’ambassade
de la République d’Arménie en Italie avec l’ICSBA et l’ Association
italienne de Sociologie-religion (AIS), organisent a Rome du 23 au 28
mars, une série d’événements – débats, présentations d’initiatives
éditoriales, projection de films et concerts – pour présenter la
culture arménienne, les dangers qui la menacent et faire le point
sur la géopolitique du Caucase et les relations arméno-italiennes.

Un survivant de la Shoah, inspirateur du film ” La Rafle ”,
témoigne auprès des collégiens sottevillais Les élèves du collège
Emile-Zola a Sotteville-lès-Rouen ont rencontré Jospeh Weismann. Ce
survivant de la Shoah, ils le connaissent déja.

C’est Jo, le petit garcon du film La Rafle de Roselyne Bosch. Invité
par Bruno Vallet, professeur d’histoire-géographie, celui-ci est
venu confronter son récit a celui du film.

Les archives canadiennes de survivants de l’Holocauste seront
préservées a Los Angeles Les témoignages audio de survivants
de l’Holocauste dans l’ensemble du Canada seront préservés
aux Ã~Itats-Unis par la USC Shoah Foundation, fondée par Steven
Spielberg, et dont l’objectif est de recueillir tous les témoignages
des survivants de l’Holocauste.

Azerbaïdjan : le Conseil des Droits de l’Homme a l’ONU tire la
sonnette d’alarme L’Observatoire des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU
dénonce les atteintes croissantes a la liberté d’expression au pays
d’Aliyev, a la faveur d’un nouvel arsenal législatif limitant les
ressources financières des ONG. Il se dit également préoccupé
par la situation de santé de Leyla Yunus et Intigam Aliyev, qui ont
besoin d’un soutien médical urgent.

“Les chrétiens réfugiés d’Irak n’ont rien, et ils le donnent”
“Comme je me posais la question de ce que je pouvais faire pour les
chrétiens d’Irak, je me suis dit que je voulais être avec eux. Alors,
j’ai cherché comment y aller avec des gens qui connaissent bien
le terrain. J’ai rencontré Faradj-Benoît Camurat, qui a créé
l’association Fraternité en Irak.”

Incursion turque en Syrie pour sauver un mausolée ottoman L’armée
turque est intervenue en Syrie, sur le seul bout de territoire qui
appartient a Ankara et qui se trouve a l’extérieur des frontières
de la Turquie. Il s’agissait en effet de sauver le mausolée de
Suleyman Shah (grand-père du fondateur de la dynastie ottomane)
et les militaires qui le gardaient, écrit le quotidien turc Hurriyet.

L’attitude “munichoise” du Prince Charles, qui se rendra a Gallipoli,
selon l’Archevêque arménien d’Irak Le Primat du Diocèse de l’église
arménienne d’Irak Avak Assadourian dénonce la participation du
Prince Charles aux célébrations de Gallipoli en Turquie le 24 avril
prochain, dans une lettre ouverte adressée a ce dernier. “Un affront”
lancé a tous les descendants du Génocide.

La guerre oubliée des monts Noubas au Sud-Kordofan (Soudan)
Images anciennes du peuple Noubaâ~@~I: superbes photographies de
Leni Riefenstahl en 1975, hommes et femmes entièrement nus, corps
somptueux enduits de pigments ou de cendres, danses d’amour de jeunes
femmes graciles, luttes traditionnelles des hommes, visages ornés
de peintures rituelles, guerriers aux armes primitives, habitats de
huttes rondes au toit conique au flanc de chaos rocheux creusés de
grottes, protection naturelle contre les raids ennemis meurtriers.

La France optimiste sur le nouveau pacte UE-Arménie Jean-Francois
Charpentier, ambassadeur francais a Erevan, a parlé lundi
d’atmosphère ” assez positive ” a propos des consultations en
cours concernant un nouvel accord visant a approfondir les relations
de l’Arménie avec l’Union européenne.

Armenian Genocide Centenary Pins Worn In Australian Parliament


13:11, 25 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

The Armenian Genocide Centenary Commemorative “Forget Me Not” Pin was
ever-present in the Australian Parliament’s House of Representatives
during Question Time on Tuesday, as a result of meetings between the
Republic of Armenia’s Diaspora Minister, Hranush Hakobyan and several
Australian parliamentarians.

The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) joined
Hakobyan – who is visiting Australia as the Special Envoy of the
President of the Republic of Armenia – for high-level meetings in
Canberra on Tuesday, 24 March 2015.

Among the meetings was one with the Treasurer of the Commonwealth
of Australia, the Hon. Joe Hockey MP, who was then among a group of
MPs who wore the “Forget Me Not” Armenian Genocide Centenary pin in
Parliament for Question Time – the pins were a gift from Mrs.

Hakobyan. Minister Hakobyan was acknowledged by the Speaker of the
House of Representatives during Question Time.

Minister Hakobyan, who was sent to Australia by the President of
Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan to discuss Armenia-Australia relations and
the upcoming Centenary of the Armenian Genocide, also met with the
Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Hon. Steve
Ciobo MP, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, the Hon. David Feeney MP, Ms.

Michelle Rowland MP and Mr. John Alexander MP.

At the conclusion of Minister Hakobyan’s working visit to Canberra,
ANC Australia’s Executive Director, Vache Kahramanian, remarked:
“Minister Hakobyan’s visit to Canberra was highly productive and
fruitful. Armenia-Australia relations are on a solid footing and we
look forward to further enhancing the bi-lateral relations between
both countries.”

Kahramanian added: “It was a moving tribute to the victims of the
Armenian Genocide by the Treasurer of Australia when he, along with
others, proudly wore the Forget Me Not pin in memory of the 1.5
million victims of this crime against humanity perpetrated by the
Ottoman Turkish Empire, which Turkey continues to deny.”

Minister Hakobyan’s visit to Canberra comes after she brought her
participation to the Armenian Festival, which was held on March 22
in Sydney’s Tumbalong Park, where over 10,000 people took part in a
major event dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide.

Businessman: Force Majeure Situation In Economy (Video)


17:12 | March 25,2015 | Economy

We are witnessing a ‘force majeure’ situation in the economy, says
Republican lawmaker Alexan Petrosyan.

“Many businesses have closed down, there has been a sharp decline
in production volumes, export and import. Naturally, this will
lead to the reduction of taxes,” said Mr Petrosyan, the owner of
“MAP” Company that procures agricultural products and exports its
productions overseas. However, the products exported by MAP are no
longer competitive outside Armenia.

“The euro has depreciated by 40% in Europe and the Russian rubble
by 100%, making our productions non-competitive in foreign markets,”
he said.

The lawmaker says the Armenian Parliament cannot do anything to change
the situation. The situation can be amended by the government in 2-3
months. “The dram should reflect the production line and I think one
dollar should be traded at 800 drams. Loans should be reformulated
in the Armenian dram. Also the government is to adjust pensions and
since our import exceeds export four times,” he said.

The MP says Armenian products should be cheaper, especially for
Russian consumers. “The same product imported to Russia from other
countries is less expensive,” he said.

Chian’s President Accepts Invitation To Visit Armenia


19:02, 25 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

On a state visit to the People’s Republic of China, Armenian President
Serzh Sargsyan had a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

Upon the conclusion of a high-level meeting the leaders of the two
countries signed a joint declaration on further development and
deepening of cooperation and relations between Armenia and China.

The parties pledged to continue the relations based on mutual respect,
equality and reciprocal interests, expand the cooperation in the
political, commercial-economic, humanitarian and other spheres for
the benefit of the peoples of the two countries.

The Armenian party reiterated its support for China’s policy, and
expressed its stance against the independence of Taiwan. Armenia
reiterated it would establish no ties with Taiwan, as it sees Taiwan
as an integral part of China.

The Chinese party, in turn, expressed its support for the peaceful
settlement of the Karabakh conflict on the basis of the basic
principles of the UN Charter and the universal norms of international

Xi Jinping accepted Serzh Sargsyan’s invitation to pay a state visit
to Armenia. The date of the visit is yet to be determined.

Turquie : Erdogan S’opposera A La Paix Avec Le PKK Tant Qu’il Ne Dep



Le president turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a affirme lundi que le
gouvernement ne ferait aucun pas supplementaire sur la voie de la
paix avec les rebelles kurdes tant que le Parti des travailleurs du
Kurdistan (PKK) ne deposerait pas effectivement les armes.

“La paix n’est pas possible sous la menace des armes (…) nous
ne pouvons pas avancer dans un environnement où les promesses sont
continuellement rompues a moins qu’il y ait des decisions concrètes”,
a declare M. Erdogan lors d’un discours devant des elus locaux.

Le chef emprisonne du PKK Abdullah Ocalan a appele samedi, dans un
message lu a l’occasion du Nouvel an kurde (Newroz), son mouvement a
tenir un congrès pour mettre fin a sa rebellion contre les autorites
turques qui a fait 40 000 morts depuis 1984.

M. Ocalan, qui purge une peine de reclusion a vie, avait deja lance
un appel equivalent le 28 fevrier dernier, relancant les pourparlers
de paix engages a l’automne 2012.

Ces derniers mois, M. Erdogan a pousse dans le sens d’une paix avec
les Kurdes, avec l’espoir de rallier les voix kurdes et d’obtenir
lors des elections legislatives du 7 juin prochain la majorite des
deux tiers des deputes indispensable a une reforme de la Constitution
qui renforcerait ses pouvoirs de chef de l’Etat.

Mais, a l’approche du scrutin, il a ete contraint de durcir son
discours pour ne pas perdre la frange la plus nationaliste de son
electorat, au risque de contredire son gouvernement.

Ces derniers jours, il a publiquement critique sa gestion du dossier
kurde, suggerant l’existence de vives tensions au sein de l’executif.

Le porte-parole du gouvernement l’avait sèchement envoye dans les
cordes dimanche. “Nous aimons notre president, nos connaissons ses
forces, nous apprecions les services qu’il a rendus. Mais n’oubliez pas
qu’il y a un gouvernement dans ce pays”, avait declare le vice-Premier
ministre Bulent Arinc.

“Il est parfaitement de mon droit et de mon devoir d’exprimer mon
opinion”, lui a repondu lundi M. Erdogan, “je suis le chef de l’Etat,
a chacun sa place”.

mercredi 25 mars 2015, Stephane (c)

Turkey Mayor Considers "Armenian" Disgusting


00:04, 25.03.2015

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) member, Mayor of
Ankara Melih Gokcek, has filed a lawsuit against Istanbul-Armenian
journalist Hayko Bagdat.

Bagdat had tweeted: “They have officially given the capital city to an
Armenian. Shame on you.” Subsequently, Gokcek had issued a statement
and considered it an insult to be called Armenian, reported Hurriyet
daily of Turkey.

In addition, the mayor filed a lawsuit with the court claiming that
he was insulted by being called “Armenian.”

“Using a word in the sense of disgust towards someone so loved
and honored by the people is a serious violation of my client’s
personality rights, and a great disrespect against anyone who has
voted for, supports, loves, and honors my client,” specifically reads
the respective statement by Melih Gokcek’s attorney.

Problem With Wolves Discussed With Nature Protection Minister


14:28 March 23, 2015


Nature Protection Minister Aramayis Grigoryan received Karine Panosyan,
Coordinator of “Save Wolves” Civic Initiative, members Silva Adamyan
(Center for Bird Lovers), Karine Danielyan (For Sustainable Human
Development), Nare Armayan and Lilit Grigoryan. They wanted to find
other ways of solution in cooperation with the Nature Protection

The Nature Protection Minister outlined that the serious increase
in the number of wolves in recent years caused socio-economic, as
well as environmental problems. Aramayis Grigoryan informed that the
studies showed that killed wolves are young or old individual wolves
evicted from their packs existing in natural ecosystem, who approach
the residential areas to occupy new areas and to find food.

The minister outlined that wolf hunting is allowed only in the adjacent
residential areas.

Nature Protection Minister Aramayis Grigoryan said that they take
measures to increase forest-covered areas, particularly, at the
meeting of the council adjunct to Nature Protection Ministry it was
proposed to separate those areas with scientific substantiations,
where forestation measures will be effective.

House Of Commons Holds Debate On Armenian Genocide


15:49, 24 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

On Monday, March 23 the UK House of Commons held an adjournment debate
on the Armenian Genocide centennial. The discussion was led by Labour
MP Stephen Pound.

“The subject of this Adjournment debate is the commemoration of one
of the most appalling, heinous acts that has ever been committed on
this earth: the Armenian genocide of 23 and 24 April 1915,” Stephen
Pound said during the debate.

The full text of the speech is provided below:

What I have to say tonight is not an attack on the Government of
Turkey. I am not criticising the Government of Turkey. I realize that
these debates frequently engender much heat and very little light in
Ankara, but I am talking specifically of the actions of the Ottoman
Empire and particularly the Young Turks, whom I will mention later,
in 1915.

I make no apologies for raising this matter. Not only are we
approaching the 100th anniversary of this appalling crime against
humanity, in which 1.5 million people were killed in the most
horrendous circumstances and an attempt was made to destroy an entire
people–their culture, nationhood and very being and existence. This
is also a time when two books have just been published. The first, “An
Inconvenient Genocide” by Geoffrey Robertson, once and for all proves
to those gainsayers who are still out there that the genocide was real
and that it did happen: the dates, names and times are provided. The
other excellent book is “The Fall of the Ottomans” by Eugene Rogan,
which contains a chapter on the annihilation of the Armenians.

According to the MP, it is otiose even to ask the question, “Was there
genocide?” “Yet the question has been asked many times. People have
said there was no genocide in 1915, but to a certain extent that was
not the only genocide. The Armenians–a people of incredible, intense
culture and great sophistication–were assaulted between 1894 and
1896, when 200,000 people were killed. There was the Adana massacre
of 1909, in which 20,000 to 30,000 people were killed. In particular,
leading up to 1915, after the 1912 Balkan wars, refugees from the
Caucasus and Rumelia–they were known as muhacirs–moved from the
south Balkans and the Caucasus into Anatolia. That movement into the
traditional Armenian land, coupled with the aftermath of the battle of
Sarikamish–which took place on 24 December 1914, when the Russians
defeated the Ottoman army–led to a completely different situation
whereby the peaceful Armenian people suddenly found themselves between
different warring factions: on the one hand the Ottoman empire, and
on the other people moving into their land, so they were dispossessed.

The then War Minister, Enver Pasha, demobilised all Armenians from the
army–many of them fought in the Ottoman army–into labour battalions,
and the infamous tehcir law, which is known as the deportation law,
was passed by Talaat Pasha, the Interior Minister.”

At that particular time, the Young Turks had arrived–the Committee of
Union and Progress as they were known–and the massacre commenced in
Istanbul on the night of 23 April. It is impossible to imagine what
it must have been like. Anatolia–western Armenia–was a peaceful
country in which the Armenians had succeeded greatly. They had filled
many posts, not just in the army, but in medicine and law. They were
a peaceful and prosperous people. Just as the upper echelon of Poles
at Katyn were massacred, similarly the upper echelon of Armenians
were taken to slaughter.

Did it happen? There were so many eyewitnesses there at the time.

American Ambassador Morgenthau gave a detailed account, and Father
Grigoris Balakian, who survived and was in Istanbul when the entente
fleets finally sailed in at the end of the war, gave an incredible
amount of detail. Above all, one of the reasons why we in this House
can discuss this matter and know about it is the single, definitive
volume describing the horror of the genocide, namely the famous
“Blue Book” by Lord Bryce and Arnold Toynbee.

One and a half million people were driven to die in the burning sands
of the Syrian desert in a death march to two concentration camps, in
which the men were killed first. The then InteriorMinister said, “Kill
the men, the women and all the children up to the height of my knee.”

If that is not genocide, I really do not know what is. In Trabzon–or
Trebizond–14,000 were killed. Many of them were put into boats,
which were dragged into the Black sea and sunk. People were injected
with typhoid or morphine. Experiments took place on children in a
way that presages what happened under the Nazis. Incidentally, what
happened in Trebizond was witnessed by the Italian consul general,
Gorrini, who started out being sceptical, but ended up as horrified
as every other civilised person.

It happened: it is incontrovertible that it happened. It happened
within the memory of some people still living. Their grandparents
and their great-grandparents died: their bones are still there in the
Syrian desert, and their homes are still there in Anatolia, no longer
occupied, although their Christian churches have been destroyed. It
is within living memory, so why are we not recognising it?

One of the joys of the Freedom of Information Act is that we can get
hold of copies of confidential briefings from the south Caucasus team.

Last time this issue was raised by Baroness Cox, that indefatigable
friend of Armenia–she has visited Nagorno-Karabakh some 70 times,
not always in a combat role, but frequently under fire–she had a
debate on 29 March 2010, and I have been provided with the document,
although it is partly redacted. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office
position at the time was that “it is not appropriate for the UK
Government to use the term genocide”.

However, the briefing states: “The British Government recognizes that
terrible suffering was inflicted on Armenians living in the Ottoman
Empire…and we must ensure that the victims of that suffering are
not forgotten.”

I am torn between admiration of the honesty of the ministerial
officials and slight horror, because the middle paragraphs are entitled
“Bear Traps”–things to watch out for. It goes on to say what would
happen to Anglo-Turkish relations if the British Government agreed
to the term, and it talks about early-day motion 357 and various
other debates.

The crux of the reason why the Government would not agree to
recognition is that in one debate–I have had three debates on this
subject–the then Foreign Office Minister Geoffrey Hoon said that we
could not call it the Armenian “genocide” because Raphael Lemkin did
not invent the word until 1944 or 1945. Let us think about that for
a minute. When Cain killed Abel, there was no word for fratricide,
but Abel was just as dead as if there had been such a word. Raphael
Lemkin was present in Berlin at the trial of Soghomon Tehlirian,
one of the members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation who was
part of the Nemesis group that assassinated 10 of the 18 perpetrators
of the genocide indicted in the military tribunal in Istanbul at the
end of the first world war, in what most people think was an attempt
to minimise the impact of the treaty of Versailles. Raphael Lemkin,
who is accepted as the originator of the word, said that it was his
experience of that trial, listening to the evidence of the genocide
of the Armenian people, that made him use it. The assassination of
Talaat Pasha in Berlin in 1921 clearly precedes the use of the word
“genocide”, but the same person–the man who coined the word–was
actually at that trial and referred to it.

We are not entirely sure how many, but 20 or 22 national Parliaments
have recognised the Armenian genocide, including the devolved
Assemblies in Scotland, Wales and–I am delighted to say–Northern
Ireland. No one who visits the Genocide museum in Yerevan and sees
testimony from all around the world, photographs, cards, letters and
books can remain unmoved. No one can deny for a moment that something
horrible and terrible beyond human imagination took place in western
Armenia at that time.

Genocide is a crime that is intended to destroy a people. Genocide
denial is a crime that is intended to destroy a people’s memory. The
Armenian people will not have their memory, their culture, their
individuality, their strength or their national pride destroyed. Many
people have tried; none have ever succeeded, nor ever will they. Think
of the double agony of those people whose families were massacred,
whose culture was destroyed, whose homelands have been taken over
and who are now having that very act denied. That, for me, is the
supreme double cruelty.

The British Government will be represented in Gallipoli on 24 April.

By coincidence–I make no comment about that–that is the same day as
the international recognition of the Armenian genocide. The Gallipoli
landing is often prayed in aid by those who apologize for the Ottoman
empire of the time. They say that the Gallipoli landing somehow
stimulated the action of the Young Turks, who were terrified that some
Armenian fifth column would arise and attack Turkey with the Russians.

In reality, as we all know, the massacre that started the great
genocide took place on the night before. To suggest that moving the
commemoration of Gallipoli to the same day, 24 April, as the Turks have
done, is anything other than a provocative act is pushing credulity.

Will the British Government be present? President Putin will be there.

Francois Hollande will be there. I have heard that a distinguished
colleague of mine, although he might not be from my side of the
Chamber, will be there. I admire that, I respect that and I am proud
of that. We will hear from him later. Can we not go the extra mile?

Can we not finally give support and succour to the Armenian people
whose relatives died? Can we not say to the Armenian community in this
country–one of the most peaceful, law-abiding, hard-working, decent
communities that we are proud to have in our country–that we, along
with 22 other countries of the world, recognise the genocide that took
place? Edinburgh has recognised it. Many councils have recognised it.

Even my own little borough of Ealing has done so. We have a strong
Armenian apricot tree growing in Ealing soil–British soil–in
commemoration of that event. I would like to see a memorial garden
in Ealing.

I would like to see wider recognition. Is that not fair when a people
have suffered, as have the Armenian people? In many cases, they have
suffered in silence. We do not see huge marches through the city or
massive protests. The Armenian people are a dignified people. The
people of Armenian descent in our country concentrate on hard work, on
achievement and on preserving their dignity, but they also keep their
culture. They have integrated, but they have not been assimilated. To
be Armenian is to be a good citizen, but it is also to be different.

That unique, special Armenian quality is worthy of a little

Can we not finally say it in this House–maybe not tonight, maybe
not even before the election, but some time soon? For years it has
been our policy to deny that the Armenian genocide took place, and
yet we have the FCO briefing here that talks about the suffering of
the Armenian people. Would it hurt so much? Are we not straining at
the gnat here? Could we not go that last little bit and say, “Yes,
it happened.”? Then, hopefully, the wave of global condemnation
would wash up even across the battlements in Ankara and the Turkish
Government would admit that their predecessors, the Ottoman Government
back in 1915, did commit appalling crimes.

I was in this House, as were you, Mr Speaker, when the then Prime
Minister, Mr Blair, apologised for the Irish famine of 1848. He
apologised on behalf of this country for an appalling act that was
horrendous in its brutality and in its impact on the Irish people. He
felt justified in apologising for that. Some people said that he
should not have done so. I think that he did so because this country
was very much a part of that process. I think that Mr Blair did the
right thing in apologising.

We have an opportunity tonight to do the right thing, and not just by
our Armenian friends, our Armenian brothers and sisters, our Armenian
community, our Armenian fellow citizens–those people who have earned

the right to our respect and friendship through their contribution
to our society. We have an opportunity to do the right thing not just
for the sake of Armenia and the Armenian people, but for the sake of
humanity. Humanity really needs to recognise what happened in 1915. As
long as it is denied, it can happen again. As long as we say, “It
didn’t happen”, we echo the terrible words that everybody remembers
from Hitler in 1939, when he justified the invasion of Poland by
saying, “Who now remembers the annihilation of the Armenians?”

I think that all decent people, all human beings, recognise and
remember the annihilation of the Armenians, and I hope that we are all
determined to recognise it and ensure that it never happens again. I
say to my Armenian friends, fellow citizens and Armenian brothers
and sisters: we thank you for all you have done for this country,
and this is our small way of returning that thanks.