Initiative Pour Remercier Les Individus Et Les Institutions Pour Leu



La presse armenienne rend compte du lancement de l’initiative 100
Lives (100 vies), le 11 mars a New York, en presence des fondateurs
de l’initiative Rouben Vardanian (homme d’affaires russe d’origine
armenienne), Noubar Afeyan (philanthrope) et Vartan Grigorian
(president de l’Institut Carnegie de New York), ainsi que de Georges
Clooney qui soutient cette initiative. L’objectif de celle-ci est de
sensibiliser l’opinion publique sur les questions des genocides, des
violations des droits de l’Homme ainsi que du bien fonde d’actions
humanitaires par le biais de trois elements cles : se rememorer le
passe en lancant un appel international pour raconter les histoires
oubliees des rescapes et de leurs sauveurs pendant le Genocide armenien
afin de leur redonner vie sur le site ; raconter le
present a travers la creation du Prix Aurora (prix qui recompense
toute action humanitaire entreprise par des personnes qui ont mis
leur vie en danger pour aider d’autres a survivre et a prosperer) ;
construire un avenir meilleur grâce a des projets pour remercier les
organisations et les communautes ayant joue un rôle primordial dans
le sauvetage de vies armeniennes il y a un siècle. Le prix Aurora
aura pour objectif d’honorer les heros des temps modernes et de les
recompenser pour leur action humanitaire. Une subvention annuelle
d’1 million de dollars sera attribuee au laureat. Ce prix rassemble
au sein de son comite de selection des grands noms de la defense des
droits de l’Homme, notamment George Clooney, les prix Nobel de la
paix Elie Wiesel et Oscar Arias, l’ancienne haut commissionnaire des
Nations Unies pour les droits de l’Homme, Mary Robinson, le conseiller
special du Secretaire general des Nations Unies pour la prevention
des genocides, Gareth Evans, la celèbre avocate pakistanaise et
militante des droits de l’Homme Hina Jilani, ainsi que le president
de la Carnegie Corporation de New York, Vartan Grigorian. Le prix
inaugural sera remis lors d’une ceremonie a Erevan le 24 avril 2016
par George Clooney.

Hayastani Hanrapetoutioun rend compte du message de remerciement
du Catholicos de la Grande Maison de Cilicie Aram I aux fondateurs
de l’initiative.

Extrait de la revue de presse de l’Ambassade de France en Armenie en
date du 10 mars 2015

lundi 23 mars 2015, Stephane (c)

French President Francois Hollande To Visit Tsitsernakaberd With 120


13:41, 23 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 23 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. France will be participating in the
Armenian Genocide commemoration ceremony at the level of the head of
state with three calls for remembrance, tribute to the victims and
responsibility so that such horrible events never happen again. This is
what Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Armenia
Jean-Francois Charpentier announced. In response to “Armenpress”‘s
question, the French Ambassador to Armenia said the French Embassy
in Armenia is currently working on organizing President Francois
Hollande’s visit to Armenia. “Francois Hollande will be arriving
in Yerevan with quite a large delegation consisting of nearly 120
delegates. There is still no information about the composition of
the delegation. I can simply add that the delegation will include
members of the French-Armenian community,” Charpentier said.

April 24th marks the centennial of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated
by Ottoman Turkey. Several delegations from different countries
will be visiting Armenia. President of France Francois Hollande and
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin have announced
about visiting Armenia.

Lebanese Singer Dedicated Performance Of Aznavour’s Song To 100th An


11:36, 23 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 23 MARCH, ARMENPRESS: The Lebanese singer Paskal Sakre
performed Charles Aznavour’s French song “They Fell” (“Ils Sont

The Lebanese periodical “Aztag” informed “Armenpress” about this. “On
the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
I wanted to express my sorrow, tears and indignation,” the singer
said to the Lebanese news agency.

Last year, the French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour had posted
on Facebook the song “They Fell” and had written: “Today April 24
is the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. This song was
written in 1975 by Charles Aznavour and George Garvarents on the
60th anniversary.”

Composer Michael Gandolfi’s ‘Ascending Light’ Remembers Armenian Gen


14:42, 23 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

The commission of Michael Gandolfi’s “Ascending Light,” the organ
concerto that the Boston Symphony Orchestra will premiere on March 26,
began with influences long ago and far away, according to The Artery.

The BSO had originally conceived of a new organ work back in 2004,
after the passing of Berj Zamkochian, the orchestra’s organist for
nearly four decades. In an effort to remember both Zamkochian and
his Armenian heritage, the BSO had approached the Gomidas Organ Fund,
and the idea began to take shape.

The BSO officially commissioned Gandolfi three years ago, during the
waning days of the James Levine era at the BSO. Levine, whose tenure
in Boston got derailed by health issues, “was going to conduct the
work,” says Gandolfi, “but things changed.”

And then, as the years passed, the centenary of the Armenian Genocide
was approaching, and remembering all these events became part of the
intent of the commission.

Now the work will finally be performed, with the BSO’s new music
director, Andris Nelsons, at the podium. Incorporating a historic
remembrance of the Armenian tragedy, paying tribute to Zamkochian
and the orchestra’s legacy and still finding his own voice for an
instrument that rarely receives concerto commissions–all these
factors faced Gandolfi before he had composed a single note.

“I wanted to write a solid piece, first and foremost,” Gandolfi says.

“It did not have to have any overt connection to the genocide–in
fact, it could have simply been an inscription on the cover page of
the score. I knew the tragedy was not something that I could simply
brush aside, but still, I did not want to make it a requiem.”

Gandolfi, born in Melrose, now lives in Cambridge. He chairs the
composition faculty at the New England Conservatory, and serves
on the Tanglewood Music Center faculty as well. He has had dozens
of commissions from major orchestras and ensembles, and a Grammy
nomination for the recording of his orchestral work, “The Garden of
Cosmic Speculation.”

Categorizing his music in a simple way would be risky business, but
it’s safe to say that he shares ideas with contemporary composers like
his friend Osvaldo Golijov, facilely blending musics that originate
in multiple styles. Many of his inspirations, like in “The Garden
of Cosmic Speculation,” have come from the scientific sphere. He has
also written a substantial amount of music for children.

But this commission broke new ground. “I’m not an organist, and
I hadn’t written for organ or paid much attention to the issues
involved,” Gandolfi says. “So I had to give it a lot of thought,
and go through a lot of research on the instrument, and organ works.”

“And Armenian folk music as well. I have a lot of Armenian friends
and colleagues, and have been aware of the culture. And also how
invested they are, and supportive of their own musical tradition.”

Who would sit at the console of the BSO’s restored Aeolian-Skinner
organ was another decision to make.

“It took us a while to settle on a soloist,” he says. “I relied on
Tony Fogg (BSO artistic administrator). He was prescient. He knows
what’s going on, and he’s a genius at matching people. We eventually
settled on Olivier Latry, who has great stage presence and is a
brilliant organist.”

It wasn’t until this past October that Gandolfi actually met up with
the French organist, who was on a North American tour.

“I hadn’t written any music at that point, but I had been doing some
research. I wanted to incorporate some Armenian folk music, and I was
thinking that a lullaby might be appropriate. I found this melody,
‘Lullaby of Tigranakert,’ in instrumental and vocal versions, but
I couldn’t find any printed music. So I transcribed it for organ,
and brought it with me. It was a productive meeting.”

The lullaby became the focus of the second movement of “Ascending
Light,” transformed into a set of variations that includes a scherzo.

“I had also envisioned how the piece would start,” he says, “but
I was reluctant to reveal it at that time. I work visually, and
after reading and viewing photos of all these folks who had died,
I envisioned projections of these folks on a screen.

“Suddenly I just started hearing music, powerful and defiant music,
and the piece started forming in my mind. It was full of energy. We
had this terrible event, and lost these incredible people. But the
life force is winning, and the music supports that.”

Another melody from the Armenian folk tradition found its way into
the work as well: inspiring the title and leading to a surprising
coincidence about the commission itself.

“Shortly after I found the lullaby, I heard this simple, elegant
melody. It dates back to the Renaissance. The melody is sung to a
lyric that translates as ‘Ascending Light,’ and I uncovered some
harmonizations for it as well.”

“They were done by an Armenian musicologist, and I first found his
name to be Komitas. I found a nice recording of the harmonizing, but
I couldn’t find much about the tune. Later I found out that his name
was really Gomidas–the same person that the commissioning foundation
is named after.”

“Ascending Light” gets paired with Mahler’s Sixth Symphony,
a continuation of the ambitious programs that have characterized
Nelsons’ first full season as music director. Paired with an outsized
work like the Sixth, Gandolfi tries to take advantage of the strengths
and unique quality the organ can bring to orchestral performance.

“I don’t really consider this a concerto in the Romantic sense,” he
says. “The soloist plays a lot, and he drives the piece. It’s almost
like the piece is built out of the organ, and there’s a way in which
the organ informs the orchestra.”

“But the organ also has the potential of overwhelming the orchestra,”
he says. “It’s not the virtuoso instrument that the piano is. It
has to release the notes, and it’s a wind instrument after all. It’s
like writing for a wind orchestra and an orchestra. I had to work to
mitigate too much wind sound.”

“If the harmonies get too complex, it gets too dense. It reminds me of
using distortion with electronic signal processing on the guitar. You
have to revert to simpler harmonies, or things get out of control.

Based on the feedback I’m getting from Olivier, it’s working out well.”

The Boston Symphony Orchestra performs Michael Gandolfi’s organ
concerto “Ascending Light” March 26 through 31 at Symphony Hall. The
soloist is Olivier Latry and BSO music director Andris Nelsons
conducts. Also on the program is Mahler’s Sixth Symphony.

China to give $25.3m loan to Armenia for upgrading customs system

Customs Today Newspaper
March 21 2015

China to give $25.3m loan to Armenia for upgrading customs system

Reported by: `Customs Today Report March 21, 2015

BEIJING: China will give $25.3 million (155.5 million yuans) loan to
Armenia for upgrading of customs control system.

Armenian government approved the signing of an appropriate agreement.
Pavel Safaryan, Armenian deputy finance minister, will acquire
necessary equipment from China.

An equipment supply contract will be signed with China’s Nuctech
Company, he said. It will imply portable x-ray scanner for detecting
explosives, weapons, drugs and other things with high smuggling risk.

According to the draft agreement the loan will be extended by the
Export-Import Bank of China. The loan will be repaid in the Chinese

The loan is extended for 20 years with a five-year grace period at 2%
interest rate with 0.25% service fee.

Öcalan incite de nouveau les Kurdes à la paix en Turquie

Öcalan incite de nouveau les Kurdes à la paix en Turquie

Le chef rebelle kurde Abdullah Öcalan a réitéré samedi, à l’occasion
du Nouvel an kurde, sa volonté de mettre un terme au conflit meurtrier
engagé en 1984 par son mouvement contre le gouvernement turc.

A moins de trois mois des élections législatives en Turquie, dans un
message lu devant plus de 200 000 personnes réunies à Diyarbakir
(capitale officieuse du Kurdistan turc), le fondateur du Parti des
travailleurs des Kurdistan (PKK) a appelé son mouvement à tenir
rapidement un congrès pour mettre fin à sa lutte armée, qui a fait
quelque 40 000 morts en plus de trente années.

Dans un précédent message lu le 28 février, le fondateur du PKK avait
déjà évoqué une première fois la tenue d’un congrès pour mettre fin à
la lutte armée. “Nous marchons vers un avenir où les critères
démocratiques universels et la paix s’imposent”, a poursuivi M.
Öcalan, qui a appelé à l’adoption en Turquie d’une “nouvelle
Constitution démocratique qui prenne en compte la liberté et l’égalité
des citoyens”.

“Ce message est positif à tous points de vue”, s’est immédiatement
réjoui le vice-Premier ministre turc Bülent Arinç. Le gouvernement
islamo-conservateur turc a engagé à l’automne 2012 des négociations
directes, via ses services de renseignement, avec le chef du PKK, qui
purge une peine de réclusion à perpétuité sur l’île-prison d’Imrali,
près d’Istambul.

dimanche 22 mars 2015,
Stéphane (c)

Karabagh : L’armée de défense montre les preuves matérielles de l’at

Karabagh : L’armée de défense montre les preuves matérielles de l’attaque azérie

Le ministère de la Défense du Haut-Karabagh a publié des photographies
de plusieurs lance-roquettes, d’un fusil d’assaut avec un champ de
vision de nuit et d’autres munitions dont il affirme qu’ils auraient
été laissé sur le champ de bataille par des commandos azerbaïdjanais
qui ont lancé une attaque meurtrière sur les positions de l’Armée de
Défense le 19 Mars.

Trois soldats arméniens ont été tués et quatre autres ont été blessés
dans le Haut-Karabagh ce jour-là dans un échange de coups de feu
acharné dont les autorités militaires à Stepanakert affirment qu’il
aurait fait au moins deux morts du côté azerbaïdjanais.

Selon le communiqué publié par le ministère de la Défense du
Haut-Karabagh, les forces du Karabagh ont repoussé l’attaque après un
engagement de deux heures et auraient détruit le groupe ennemi en

Les trois soldats arméniens identifiés sont Hakob Khachatryan (né en
1996), Eduard Hayrapetyan (né en 1995) et Arshak Harutyunyan (né en
1995) qui ont reçu à titre posthume par le président du Karabakh Bako
Sahakian la médaille “du Courage”.

Pendant ce temps, le ministère arménien des Affaires étrangères (MAE)
a strictement condamné l’attaque azerbaïdjanaise.

“Une fois encore Bakou affiche ouvertement son mépris pour les appels
de la communauté internationale à s’abstenir d’actions et de
déclarations susceptibles d’aggraver la situation”, a déclaré le
porte-parole du ministère Tigran Balayan dans un communiqué

“Il est évident que ce comportement aventureux est un grave danger
pour la sécurité et la stabilité de la région. La responsabilité
directe de la situation, qui a été aggravé à la suite des actions
provocatrices, incombe aux autorités de l’Azerbaïdjan “, a-t-il

Le Ministre arménien de la Défense Seyran Ohanian a également publié
une déclaration, disant que la partie arménienne est prête à tout
développement de la situation. “Mais je ne vois pas de danger
d’hostilités à grande échelle,” a-t-il souligné.

dimanche 22 mars 2015,
Stéphane (c)

Russia Under Attack

March 21 2015

Russia Under Attack

By Paul Craig Roberts
21 March, 2015

While Washington works assiduously to undermine the Minsk agreement
that German chancellor Merkel and French president Hollande achieved
in order to halt the military conflict in Ukraine, Washington has sent
Victoria Nuland to Armenia to organize a “color revolution” or coup
there, has sent Richard Miles as ambassador to Kyrgyzstan to do the
same there, and has sent Pamela Spratlen as ambassador to Uzbekistan
to purchase that government’s allegiance away from Russia. The result
would be to break up the Collective Security Treaty Organization and
present Russia and China with destabilization where they can least
afford it. For details go here:

Thus, Russia faces the renewal of conflict in Ukraine simultaneously
with three more Ukraine-type situations along its Asian border.

And this is only the beginning of the pressure that Washington is
mounting on Russia.

On March 18 the Secretary General of NATO denounced the peace
settlement between Russia and Georgia that ended Georgia’s military
assault on South Ossetia. The NATO Secretary General said that NATO
rejects the settlement because it “hampers ongoing efforts by the
international community to strengthen security and stability in the
region.” Look closely at this statement. It defines the “international
community” as Washington’s NATO puppet states, and it defines
strengthening security and stability as removing buffers between
Russia and Georgia so that Washington can position military bases in
Georgia directly on Russia’s border.

In Poland and the Baltic states Washington and NATO lies about a
pending Russian invasion are being used to justify provocative war
games on Russia’s borders and to build up US forces in NATO military
bases on Russia’s borders.

We have crazed US generals on national television calling for “killing

The EU leadership has agreed to launch a propaganda war against
Russia, broadcasting Washington’s lies inside Russia in an effort to
undermine the Russian people’s support of their government.

All of this is being done in order to coerce Russia into handing over
Crimea and its Black Sea naval base to Washington and accepting
vassalage under Washington’s suzerainty.

If Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad, and the Taliban would not fold to
Washington’s threats, why do the fools in Washington think Putin, who
holds in his hands the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, will

European governments, apparently, are incapable of any thought.
Washington has set London and the capitals of every European country,
as well as every American city, for destruction by Russian nuclear
weapons. The stupid Europeans rush to destroy themselves in service to
their Washington master.

Human intelligence has gone missing if after 14 years of US military
aggression against eight countries the world does not understand that
Washington is lost in arrogance and hubris and imagines itself the
ruler of the universe who will tolerate no dissent from its will.

We know that the American, British, and European media are whores well
paid to lie for their master. We know that the NATO commander and
secretary general, if not the member countries, are lusting for war.
We know that the American Dr. Strangeloves in the Pentagon and
armaments industry cannot wait to test their ABMs and new weapons
systems in which they always place excessive confidence. We know that
the prime minister of Britain is a total cipher. But are the
chancellor of Germany and the president of France ready for the
destruction of their countries and of Europe? If the EU is of such
value, why is the very existence of its populations put at risk in
order to bow down and accept leadership from an insane Washington
whose megalomania will destroy life on earth?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He
was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and
Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His
internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest
books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic
Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

House of Commons to discuss Armenian Genocide Centennial on 23 March

House of Commons to discuss Armenian Genocide Centennial on 23 March

17:30, 21 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 21 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. MPs of the House of Commons of the UK
Parliament will discuss the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide on
March 23rd. As “Armenpress” reports, this is mentioned in the Week
Ahead section of BBC. “On Monday, The Commons meets at 2.30pm for Home
Office questions – after which the prime minister will make a
statement on the outcome of the latest European Council. Any further
statements or urgent question will be taken when he is done. Then the
Lib Dem former health minister, Paul Burstow, will launch a ten minute
rule bill on Tobacco Manufacturers Producer Responsibility. A
consultation on a tobacco levy was announced by the Chancellor, George
Osborne, in the 2014 Autumn Statement, and this is part of a
cross-party campaign to direct the money – perhaps as much as £500m –
to pay for a programme of tobacco control measures including Stop
Smoking Services currently funded by local councils. The bill’s
supporters view it as an important way of boosting funding for
preventive health measures. MPs will move on to the final stage of the
Budget debate – where the chosen theme is jobs, pensions and savings –
which suggests the Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith,
will be facing Labour’s Rachel Reeves. And the day will end with an
adjournment debate on the centenary of the 1915 Armenian Genocide –
led by Labour MP Stephen Pound,” as BBC reports.

Visiting Professor to Explain WWI Armenian Genocide

Targeted News Service
March 20, 2015 Friday 2:44 AM EST

Visiting Professor to Explain WWI Armenian Genocide


Slippery Rock University issued the following news release:

Steven Usitalo, associate professor of history at Northern State
University, will present “The Armenian Genocide: Origins, Nature and
Consequences” at 6 p.m., March 26, in Slippery Rock University’s Smith
Student Center Ballroom.

The presentation is part of the SRU history department’s yearlong
examination of World War I at its 100th anniversary.

Usitalo, a Russian history expert, authored the 2013 “The Invention of
Mikhail Lomonosov: A Russian National Myth.” He co-edited “Russian and
Soviet History.” His doctorate degree in Russian history is from
McGill University.

The genocide, traditionally called the “great crime” by Armenians, was
the Ottoman government’s extermination of its minority Armenian
subjects living within the present-day Turkey. The total number of
people killed has been estimated at 1 and 1.5 million, according to

“During the First World War, the leadership of the Ottoman Empire
executed a series of decisions that resulted in the deaths of more
than a million Armenians-many deaths also occurred among other subject
peoples of the empire,” Usitalo said. “This was the first
state-organized genocide. It resulted directly from the rise in
organic nationalism, and population engineering that made the First
World War a watershed in ushering in a era of state sponsored,
popularly-driven and supported ethnic cleansing by regimes of targeted

Historians consider April 24, 1915, as the start date of the Armenian Genocide.

Ottoman authorities arrested 240 Armenian intellectuals in
Constantinople. According to Wikipedia, the killing of people was
carried out during World War I in two phases. Men were massacred in
forced labor camps. Women, children and the elderly were marched to
their deaths in the Syrian Desert.

At the height of its powers, in the 17th-century, the Ottoman Empire
contained 32 provinces in southeast Europe, Southwest Asia (Anatolian
peninsula), the Caucasus, the Arab Middle East, and North Africa. The
empire collapsed during World War I and its aftermath and dissolved in

Usitalo also teaches on the history of science and film.

Usitalo’s presentation is the second focusing on the political
activities of the Ottoman Empire. An earlier speaker explained how
World War I ended the empire. Other guest professors have talked about
black soldiers in the war.

World War I, centered in Europe, resulted in 10 million military
personnel deaths and seven million civilians, according to Wikipedia.

Usitalo’s lecture is made possible by the Campus Outreach Lecture
Program of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Jack, Joseph and
Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, support by the
Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation, Inc. and Arlyn S. and Stephen
H. Cypen.

Contact: K.E. Schwab, 724/738-2199, [email protected]