Armenian President To Benefit From Russian-Turkish Friendship


Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
March 18 2015

18 March 2015 – 8:17pm

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said at an international forum called
“At the root of Mount Ararat” that rapprochement of Russia and Turkey
will benefit Armenia by making the railway between Armenia and Turkey
usable. The Armenian railway is under concessional management of the
Russian Railways, News Armenia reports.

The president expects Russian companies engaged in the energy sector
of Armenia to organize transfers of electricity to Turkish regions
in need. He reminded that Armenia and Turkey had a high-voltage power
line that had been used in the Soviet times.

43% Of Armenian Area Exposed To Desertification: National Focal Poin


13:20 March 18, 2015


“43% of the Armenian area is exposed to desertification,” UN Convention
to Combat Desertification National Focal Point Ashot Vardevanyan said.

The UN Convention to Combat Desertification was adopted in 1994, which
was signed by Armenia on 14 October 1994 and ratified on 2 June 1997.

This convention together with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity
and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are classified as
global environmental conventions.

“At first sight, it seems that the combat against desertification has
no direct relation with climate change, but if soil management is
correct and sustainable, it’s force both for society and ecosystem
preservation. Correct management means establishing green zones
wherever possible and carrying out construction where establishing
green zones is difficult. 80% of cultivated agricultural land areas
in Armenia need irrigation, but currently only about 50% is irrigated.

Irrigation system shall be available for all agricultural land areas.

EcoLur: What happens with this 30%.

A. Vardevanyan: It depends on destiny: either harvest will be available
or not. In 2007-2014 both positive and negative shifts occurred: among
positive shifts we can mention the expansion of specially protected
areas by 102,400 ha and perennial planters by about 4500 ha. Among
negative shifts we can mention the expansion of land areas allotted
for mining and soil management. Meadow lands have reduced by 5,800 ha,
plough lands – 4,600 ha and pastures by 64,100 ha.

EcoLur: To what extent have the mining areas increased?

A. Vardevanyan: Mining land areas account for 36,400 ha and they
increased by about 8000 ha within 7 years. It’s known that one
ha pollutes about 10 ha of adjacent area in case open pit mines
and tailing dumps. Out of 36,400 ha of land areas around 12000 ha
was allotted for mining enterprises, out which around 1500 ha for
tailing dumps.”

The material is prepared by ‘EcoLur’ Informational NGO under UNDP
Climate Change Program, within the framework of ARM-002/2015 Contract.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations, including
UNDP, or the UN Member States.

Armenian Delegate Proposes Euronest Parliamentary Assembly To Establ


YEREVAN, March 18. /ARKA/. Artsvik Minasyan, a member of the Armenian
delegation in the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly and a member of
the National Assembly of Armenia from the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation/Dashnaktsutyun party, speaking at the Euronest Parliamentary
Assembly’s fourth session in Yerevan, proposed the Assembly to
establish ties with the Eurasian Economic Union countries.

He was quoted by Novosti-Armenia as saying that Armenia’s membership
in the Eurasian Economic Union shouldn’t be considered as an adverse

Quite the opposite – it is necessary to take advantage of Armenia’s
membership in the union and to start a dialogue with the Eurasian
Economic Union countries.

In his opinion, Armenia has all chances to develop into a model of
democracy in the Eurasian Economic Union space.

He believes Armenia is able to become a good example for other
countries forcing them to take the road of democracy. Minasyan also
thinks constitutional reforms can produce substantial effect.

The Eurasian Economic Union treaty, signed by Russia, Belarus and
Kazakhstan on May 29 in Astana, took force on January 2, 2015.

Kyrgyzstan is expected to join the union in May.

The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly’s fourth session took place in
Yerevan on March 17 and 18. It was the Assembly’s first session in
this city.

Prospects for cooperation in 2014-2020 as part of European Neighborhood
and Eastern Partnership policies as well as communications, cultural
dialogue, energy security and alternative energy sources were discussed
at the session.

The Armenian Genocide Resolution and some other documents were adopted
at the session as well. —0—-

Armenia’s Premier Receives EU Delegation


19:53 * 18.03.15

Armenia’s Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received in Wednesday
delegation led by Mr Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European
Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.

Mr Abrahamyan welcomed the guests and emphasized further development
of Armenia-EU cooperation. Armenia is willing to promote cooperation
with the European Union (EU) by ensuring consistent reforms, expanding
trade and economic ties, improving the business environment, raising
management efficiency, protecting democracy and human rights.

On his part, Mr Hann noted that the EU is interested in deepening
and strengthening relations with Armenia. He expressed hope that his
visit will give new impetus to bilateral cooperation. Armenia has
made serious progress in human rights, democratic development and
freedom of speech. Mr Hann highlighted further relevant programs. He
is sure that Armenia and the EU will continue implementing mutually
beneficial projects.

The sides exchanged views on drafting a new agenda of the Armenia-EU
relations, development of cooperation in energy, agriculture,
infrastructures and aviation, possibility of visa facilitation.

President: Armenia Condemns Atrocities Committed By Islamic State (P


19:24, 18.03.2015

YEREVAN. – President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said the cooperation
between Armenia and EU has been marked by major achievements, which
is a result of concerted efforts, political will and mutual commitment.


Speaking about Armenia’s foreign policy, he touched upon relation s
with EU, the Arab world, China and other states.

“Being a full-fledged member of the European family and civilization
and building our development on the European principles and values,
we continue to make vigorous efforts to enhance our relations both
with individual European countries, and with the EU and our Western
partners,” he said in his address to “At the Foot of Mount Ararat”
media forum.

“The cooperation between Armenia and EU has been marked by major
achievements, which is a result of our concerted efforts, political
will and mutual commitment. Throughout these years, the large-scale
reforms in Armenia have been at the forefront of our dialogue. To raise
the effectiveness of those reforms, we have transformed the executive
structure, establishing the Ministry of International Economic
Integration and Reforms, which will coordinate those processes.

We intend to maintain these achievements and, moreover, to deepen
and buttress them with further initiatives. This is proved by the
Armenia-EU Joint Statement adopted in Vilnius in November of 2013,
in which the parties reaffirmed their mutual commitment to further
enhancing and strengthening multi-sectoral cooperation. We are taking
active steps both towards development of a new legal framework for
our relations with the EU and pushing forward our agenda with NATO.

Meanwhile, I have to note that under conditions of the boisterous pace
at which globalization has proceeded in the 21st century, when the
world is moving towards formation of a single common area, when it
seems that the economic borders between the states are losing their
importance, it is meaningless to speak about conflicting integration
models. In this respect, as I have said on numerous occasions before
by joining the EEU, Armenia could serve as a connecting link between
the business communities of EEU states and Western countries.

Our country’s foreign policy agenda has been expanding with every
passing day through embracing new partners. Our relations with the
countries of the Latin American and Asian countries have intensified,
and we continue to maintain traditionally good relations with the
Arab world. Among the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, we have
kept on promoting close cooperation with China, Japan and with a host
of other states. In a few days, I am going to pay a State Visit to
China, which I am sure will give a new impetus to the development of
our bilateral relations in various fields.

Of course, our foreign policy and security cannot remain unaffected
by events unfolding in neighboring regions and, in general, in the
international arena. By this I refer to the alarming developments
in Ukraine and the Middle East. Today, the so called Islamic State
based in the territories of Syria and Iraq poses a real threat to both
regional and international security. In the Middle East, the cradle of
ancient civilizations, those very civilizations risk being destroyed.

Armenian communities in Syria and Iraq are also affected by that
situation. The Armenian Genocide survivors, who had found shelter in
Syria and Iraq, now have to face the mentioned challenges. Armenia
has already accepted more than ten thousand refugees from Syria.

Armenia condemns the crimes and atrocities committed by the Islamic
State, the Al Nusra Front and by other terrorist groups, and calls
on the international community to take decisive steps against this
newly-emerged calamity. In this context, Armenia expresses its full
support to the complete implementation of the relevant resolutions
of the UN Security Council.”

Armenia News –

– See more at:

Putin And Erdogan Discuss Armenian Genocide Issue: Anadolu


09:51, 18 March, 2015

YEREVAN, MARCH 18, ARMENPRESS. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
had a phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin late
Tuesday. At the course of the conversation, held on the initiative of
the Turkish side, the interlocutors discussed the Armenian Genocide
issue as well. As reports “Armenpress”, the Turkish Anadolu agency
stated about this.

During the 30-minute conversation, the two leaders exchanged opinions
on finding a solution to the Ukraine crisis as well as the problems
faced by the Crimean Tatars, sources said.

The sides also briefly reflected on the Armenian Genocide issue, and
Erdogan said that “Turkey preferred that this topic and the history
be approached from a fair perspective.” Erdogan again accused Armenia
for “not heeding calls for peace, and being not keen on the Turkish
proposal to establish a joint history commission.” Notwithstanding,
there is no information on the discussion of the Armenian Genocide
issue on the official website of the President of the Russian

Both leaders also expressed their willingness to further bilateral
ties. The phone call comes ahead of the Turkish president’s visit to
Ukraine on Friday.

40 U.S. Lawmakers Introduce ‘Armenian Genocide’ Resolution


NaharNet, Lebanon
March 18 2015

by Naharnet Newsdesk

U.S. lawmakers introduced a resolution Wednesday urging President
Barack Obama to recognize mass killings of Armenians under the
Ottoman Empire as “genocide,” a move sure to anger Turkey ahead of
the tragedy’s 100th anniversary.

The bipartisan Armenian Genocide Truth and Justice resolution was
sponsored by more than 40 members of the House of Representatives.

It would urge Obama to help stabilize and improve Armenian-Turkish
ties “based upon the Republic of Turkey’s full acknowledgment of
the facts and ongoing consequences of the Armenian Genocide, and a
fair, just, and comprehensive international resolution of this crime
against humanity.”

Armenia says an estimated 1.5 million people were killed by Ottoman
forces in 1915 in what it calls a genocide.

Modern Turkey has always rejected the term, putting the toll at
500,000 and blaming their deaths on war and starvation.

Adam Schiff, a lead sponsor of the bill and the top Democrat on the
House Intelligence Committee, said the Armenians “were deliberately
murdered in the first genocide of the 20th Century — these facts
are indisputable.”

“Denial of the Armenian Genocide undermines foundations for durable
peace and security, making future atrocities more likely,” added
Congressman Robert Dold, a Republican sponsor.

“As the greatest force for human dignity in the world, the United
States has an obligation to send an unequivocal message that we will
never forget those that were lost, nor shall we tolerate any country
that hides behind bully tactics to shroud violations of human rights.”

Schiff had sponsored a similar resolution in 2007 that did not get
a vote, with then-president George W. Bush opposed to the bill.

House Speaker John Boehner has not indicated whether he will bring
the latest bill to the floor, but a person close to the process told
AFP that “we plan to continue to build support and push for a vote.”

The Armenian National Committee of America welcomed the resolution’s
introduction as a way of “promoting regional peace, protecting Armenia,
and preventing future atrocities.”

Around 20 nations, including France and Russia, recognize the killings
as genocide.

Armenia Meets Only 8.32% Of Demand With Its Own Energy Resources


15:33 March 17, 2015


Energy security in Armenia is an urgent issue on the agends, as
Armenia meets only 8.32% of its demand with its own energy resources:
natural gas ensures 54.7%, while Metsamor nuclear power plant ensures
24.5%. Oil accounts for 12.5%, hydropower – 8.3%, and solar and biogas
energy – 0.02%.

As Energy and Natural Resources Deputy Minister Hayk Harutyunyan
mentioned in his interview with EcoLur, energy security concept
paper in Armenia has four prioirities, ‘First is the maximum use of
renewable energy potential. Second, energy efficiency starting from
energy system to households. Third, ways of supplying energy carriers,
fourth – the development of nuclear energy, safe development of the
current power unit and the construction of a new power unit.’

Under Hayk Harutyunyan, all energy efficiency programs will be closely
connected with climate chnage and global processes of greenhouse
gas reduction.

Reminder: on 16 March Energy and Natural Resources Ministry and the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an
agreement on Armenia’s participation in the Eastern Europe Energy
Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P). Armenia will contribute
EURO 1 million to E5P which will enable Armenia to access grant funds
of EURO 20 million for priority energy efficiency investments in the
municipal sector.

The main objective of the initiative is to use grants to leverage
loans dedicated to municipal energy efficiency and environmental
projects, for example the rehabilitation of water and wastewater
systems, solid waste management, street lighting and the insulation
of public buildings.

The material is prepared by ‘EcoLur’ Informational NGO under UNDP
Climate Change Program, within the framework of ARM-002/2015 Contract.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations, including
UNDP, or the UN Member States.

La Comunidad Armenia De Argentina Presento Las Actividades Del Cente


Palermo Online, Argentina
18 marzo 2015

Ciudad de Buenos Aires 18 marzo, 2015 Editado por Palermonline

Se dio a conocer en una conferencia de prensa el programa de las
actividades que se llevaran a cabo en el marco del centenario
del Genocidio Armenio. La rueda de prensa se realizo en el Hotel
Intercontinental de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y fue convocada por la
Comision del Centenario del Genocidio Armenio de Argentina.

Los encargados de interactuar con los medios presentes fueron Carlos
Manoukian, Responsable de Asuntos Culturales y de Prensa del Centro
Armenio de la República Argentina, Sergio Nahabetian, Presidente
de la Asociacion Cultural Armenia “Tekeyan” y Jorge Dolmadjian,
representante de la Asociacion Cultural Armenia, quienes ante la
presencia de numerosos periodistas de radio, television, medios
graficos y digitales, detallaron el cronograma de las distintas
actividades conmemorativas programadas.

El encuentro con los periodistas comenzo con una breve reseña historica
del genocidio y, luego los panelistas respondieron preguntas acerca de
la masacre, los “intentos de negacion por parte del Estado turco”,
los reclamos de la diaspora armenia sobre este y otros puntos,
y agradecieron el reconocimiento del Gobierno de la Argentina al
genocidio a traves de la Ley 26.199.

Al respecto, Carlos Manoukian, Responsable de Asuntos Culturales y
Prensa del Centro Armenio de la República Argentina, aseguro que
“lo que se busca es hacer un llamado a toda la sociedad para que
se conozca profundamente lo que fue la matanza de 1915, porque esos
sucesos de lesa humanidad no prescriben nunca”.

Entre las actividades mencionadas se destacan una misa en memoria
de los martires en la Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, a
celebrarse mañana jueves 19 de marzo, ceremonia que sera encabezada
por el cardenal Mario Poli, Arzobispo de la Arquidiocesis capitalina
y primado de Argentina.

Al día siguiente, el viernes 20 del corriente, se realizara
un concierto al aire libre dirigido por el compositor Santiago
Chotsourian, junto a un coro sinfonico, que incluira obras del
compositor sovietico de origen armenio Aram Khatchaturian, ademas de
Wolfang A. Mozart, Guiseppe Verdi y los argentinos Alberto GInastera
y Astor Piazzola.

El 12 de abril proximo la festividad tendra uno de los puntos
culminantes cuando el Papa Francisco celebre una Misa en la Basílica
de San Pedro, en el Vaticano, en honor a las víctimas de la masacre,
oficio religioso del que participaran delegaciones y miembros de la
comunidad armenia en todo el mundo.

En este sentido, consultado por la posicion del Papa Francisco,
Manoukian subrayo que “el hecho de que haya resuelto realizar una
misa el mismo en persona, habla a las claras de su posicion actual,
que es la misma de siempre a pesar de las responsabilidades que ha
asumido, demostrando que esta alineado con los reclamos que tiene la
nacion armenia”.

En tanto, el 23 de abril en la Santa Sede de Echmiadzín, a 20
kilometros de la capital Erevan, seran beatificados por Su Santidad
Karekín II, Patriarca de la Iglesia Apostolica Armenia, el millon y
medio de armenios víctimas de este genocidio.

A esa ceremonia fueron invitadas diversas autoridades y líderes
políticos y espirituales de todo el mundo y ya confirmaron su presencia
el Presidente de Rusia Vladimir Putin y su homologo frances Francois
Hollande, entre otros.

A su vez, los representantes de las colectividades armenias de
Cordoba y Rosario, presentaron el cronograma de actividades en sus
respectivas ciudades, las cuales se uniran a las conmemoraciones con
actos artísticos, muestras culturales y la difusion en la vía pública.

La extensa agenda incluye otro número de actividades aún sin fecha
definida, entre ellas la visita de Karekín II, un ciclo de conferencias
en la facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), un
Congreso sobre Derechos Humanos, con juristas de nivel internacional
y un concierto de música clasica armenia en el Teatro Colon.

Azerbaidjan : La Communaute Internationale Demande De Liberer Le Res


Publie le : 17-03-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN vous
invite a lire ce communique de presse publie sur le site d’Amnesty
International le 13 mars 2015.

Legende : Ilgar Mammedov detenu par la police a Bakou le 4 Fevrier

Photo – RFE/RL

Amnesty International

13 mars 2015

Azerbaïdjan. Les autorites doivent liberer immediatement le responsable
de l’opposition

Le gouvernement d’Azerbaïdjan doit repondre favorablement aux demandes
de la communaute internationale et liberer immediatement le dirigeant
d’opposition de premier plan Ilgar Mammadov, en faveur duquel le Comite
des ministres du Conseil de l’Europe vient de lancer un deuxième
appel, a declare Amnesty International. Cet homme a ete condamne,
il y a plus d’un an, a sept ans de prison sur des accusations forgees
de toutes pièces et motivees par des considerations politiques.

Les autorites azerbaïdjanaises ont ignore plusieurs demandes du
Conseil de l’Europe appelant a sa liberation a la suite d’un arret
de la Cour europeenne des droits de l’homme, qui a conclu qu’Ilgar
Mammadov avait ete arrete sans preuve et que le veritable objectif
de son incarceration etait de le reduire au silence ou de le punir
pour avoir critique le gouvernement.

>, a declare Denis Krivosheev, directeur
adjoint du programme Europe et Asie centrale d’Amnesty International.


L’avocat d’Ilgar Mammadov a recemment declare a Amnesty International
que son client subissait une pression permanente des autorites
penitentiaires, qui veulent lui faire signer des > dans
lesquels il demanderait une grâce au president Ilham Aliyev afin d’etre
libere. Il refuse de le faire car cela reviendrait a admettre sa > L’avocat a ajoute que la sante d’Ilgar Mammadov se
degradait car il est detenu dans une cellule surpeuplee et enfumee,
avec 20 autres prisonniers.

Complement d’information

Ilgar Mammadov a ete arrete le 4 fevrier 2013 et inculpe d’incitation
a des violences de grande ampleur après s’etre rendu, pour temoigner
de la situation, sur les lieux d’emeutes qui avaient eclate la veille
dans le nord-ouest du pays.

Il a ete condamne a sept ans de prison par le tribunal de Sheki,
a Bakou, en mars 2014. En mai 2014, la Cour europeenne des droits de
l’homme a estime que son arrestation etait contraire a la Convention
europeenne des droits de l’homme. Cet arret a ete definitivement
confirme le 13 octobre 2014 lorsque la Cour de Strasbourg a rejete
le recours forme par le gouvernement azerbaïdjanais. Le 4 decembre
2014, le Comite des ministres du Conseil de l’Europe a exige qu’Ilgar
Mammadov soit libere >, mais sa demande est restee
lettre morte.

Ilgar Mammadov est l’un des 22 prisonniers d’opinion, au moins, qui
sont incarceres en Azerbaïdjan pour des raisons politiques et dont il
est question dans le dernier rapport d’Amnesty International intitule
Guilty of Defending Rights: Azerbaijan’s human rights defenders and
activists behind bars.

Lire aussi :

Dossier du Collectif VAN : L’Azerbaïdjan, une dictature nationaliste
et negationniste

Source/Lien : Amnesty International