AMAA’s Avedisian School in Yerevan Hosts TEDxYerevan Salon Event

Armenian Missionary Association of America
Louisa Janbazian PR/Communications Coordinator
31 West Century Road
Paramus, NJ 07652

Cell: 201.745.7496

AMAA’s Avedisian School in Yerevan Hosts TEDxYerevan Salon Event

With the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Armenia, the TEDxYerevan Team organized a salon event in Armenia on
March 7th in the auditorium of AMAA’s new Khoren and Shooshanig
Avedisian School and Community Center in Yerevan.

As the guests walked toward the School, they immediately appreciated
the modern structure and its design and layout. The Avedisian School
student volunteers eagerly awaited, to help and answer questions in
their well-spoken English, and gave the guests a quick tour of the
`green school’ and tell them of its efficiency. The solar panels
outside and the grass covered roofs all made for a fine specimen. Room
after room the guests were amazed at the high technology in the
classes and the potential to teach the upcoming generation. Chemistry
labs, smart boards, projectors, computers sat ready for the upcoming
week and the students who were ready to learn.

The theme of this first-time TEDx event was “Time and Space,” which
focused on environmental issues facing Armenia.

International and local speakers included: Diana Harutyunyan, Ph.D.,
Karen Aghababyan, Ph.D., Vardan Urutyan, Ph.D., Deputy minister for
Energy and Natural Resources, Hayk Harutyunyan and Deputy
Representative of UNDP in Armenia, Claire Medina as Host, with a
performance by the MIHR Theater group.

The AMAA was honored to have the Avedisian School host and be a part
of the world famous TEDx events. All attendees were encouraged to
bring new or used books to donate to the Avedisian School Library.

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of
short powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where
Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers
almost all topics.

TEDx is an independently run program of local, self-organized events
that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx
event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep
discussion and connection in a small group. These local,
self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently
organized TED event. To learn more about Ted programs you may visit

Founded in 1918 in Worcester, MA, the Armenian Missionary Association
of America (AMAA) serves the religious, educational and social needs
of Armenian communities around the world. AMAA is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization. For additional information, visit

Des personnalités internationales réunies pour le lancement de l’ini

PR Newswire Europe (French)
10 mars 2015 mardi 12:01 AM EST

Des personnalités internationales réunies pour le lancement de
l’initiative 100 LIVES pour la commémoration du génocide arménien

NEW YORK, le 10 mars 2015

– L’acteur George Clooney et Elie Wiesel, lauréat du prix Nobel,
co-président un Prix international pour les droits de l’homme

L’initiative 100 LIVES est lancée aujourd’hui pour remercier les
individus et les institutions dont les actes héroïques ont sauvé la
vie d’Arméniens au cours du génocide qui a eu lieu il y a de cela 100

L’objectif de l’initiative 100 LIVES est de sensibiliser l’opinion
publique sur les questions de génocide, de violations des droits de
l’homme ainsi que du bien fondé d’actions humanitaires par le biais de
trois éléments clés :

Se remémorer le passé en lançant un appel international pour raconter
les histoires oubliées des rescapés et de leurs sauveurs pendant le
génocide, afin de leur redonner vie sur le site ;
Raconter le présent à travers la création du Aurora Prize for
Awakening Humanity (prix qui récompense toute action humanitaire
entreprise par des personnes qui ont mis leur vie en danger pour aider
d’autres à survivre et à prospérer) ; Construire un avenir meilleur
grce à des projets pour remercier des organisations et des
communautés ayant joué un rôle primordial dans le sauvetage de vies
arméniennes il y a un siècle.

L’initiative 100 LIVES a été fondée par les hommes d’affaires et
philanthropes internationaux Ruben Vardanyan et Noubar Afeyan, et le
président de l’Institut Carnegie de New York Vartan Gregorian, dans le
but de parler de l’impact du génocide arménien et de raconter comment
de nombreux rescapés et leurs familles ont malgré tout continué leur
vie en contribuant de manière significative à de nombreux domaines
comme la culture, l’art, le sport, les sciences et l’économie, partout
dans le monde.

Entre 1915 et 1923, environ 1,5 millions de personnes ont péri au
cours du génocide arménien. Près de 500 000 ont survécu, la plupart
d’entre eux grce à l’intervention d’individus et d’organismes
humanitaires. Il existe aujourd’hui une diaspora arménienne éparpillée
dans le monde entier, de l’Argentine à l’Australie.

« L’humanité, la générosité, la force et le sacrifice dont ont fait
preuve celles et ceux qui ont sauvé de nombreux Arméniens, nous
obligent à raconter ces histoires, » affirme Ruben Vardanyan,
co-fondateur de 100 LIVES. « Il est temps à présent de parler de ces
vies extraordinaires afin d’en tirer des leçons et de leur exprimer
notre gratitude pour ce qu’ils ont fait. »

Outre l’hommage rendu aux rescapés et à leurs sauveurs, le programme
prévoit le lancement du Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity afin
d’honorer ces héros des temps modernes. Une subvention annuelle d’1
million de dollars sera attribuée au lauréat qui le remettra à
l’organisation qui l’aura inspiré dans son action humaniste.

Le prix Aurora rassemble au sein de son comité de sélection des grands
noms de la défense des droits de l’homme, notamment George Clooney ;
les prix Nobel de la paix Elie Wiesel et Oscar Arias ; l’ancienne haut
commissionnaire des Nations Unies pour les droits de l’homme, Mary
Robinson ; le conseiller spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations
Unies pour la prévention du génocide, Gareth Evans ; Hina Jilani, la
célèbre avocate pakistanaise et militante des droits de l’homme ;
ainsi que le président de la Carnegie Corporation de New York, Vartan
Gregorian. George Clooney remettra le prix inaugural lors d’une
cérémonie qui se tiendra à Erevan, en Arménie, le 24 avril 2016.

« Je suis honoré d’être associé à 100 LIVES qui partage une mission
commune avec ma fondation, Not On Our Watch. Notre objectif est de
mettre en lumière l’impact du génocide et de réunir des fonds pour
mettre fin aux atrocités de masse dans le monde, » annonce George
Clooney. Et d’ajouter : « le fait qu’il existe encore aujourd’hui des
génocides devrait fortement peser sur nos consciences. Nous devons
tous nous attaquer à ce problème. En tant qu’individus, mais aussi en
tant que communautés et gouvernements. »

George Clooney rejoindra l’avocat renommé des droits de l’homme et
président du musée du Mémorial de l’Holocauste des États-Unis, Elie
Wiesel, en tant que co-président du comité de sélection du prix. Issus
des quatre coins de la planète, d’autres membres seront nommés au
cours des prochains mois pour renforcer le comité et partager leur
expertise dans le domaine des droits de l’homme.

« J’ai personnellement assisté aux dévastations provoquées par un
génocide, qui est malheureusement toujours en cours aujourd’hui, »
indique Elie Wiesel. « Mais j’ai également été témoin de la résilience
de l’esprit humain. Nous devons nous souvenir et honorer les efforts
remarquables de ces héros qui sont intervenus il y a de cela un
siècle, pour empêcher que de telles atrocités ne se reproduisent. »

Le prix Aurora tient son nom d’Aurora Mardiganian, témoin lorsqu’elle
était enfant des atrocités du génocide arménien, qui emporta son père
et ses frères. Elle a survécu contre toute attente et a consacré sa
vie à l’aide humanitaire et à la sensibilisation autour du génocide
arménien. Elle joua même son propre rôle dans le célèbre film «
Ravished Armenia » tourné en 1919.

Le prix s’inspire également de milliers d’histoires ignorées de
bravoure et de survie qui se sont déroulées il y a un siècle au cours
de ces événements.

« La résilience, la force, la survie et la gratitude sont des qualités
dont ont fait preuve les Arméniens, mais pas exclusivement. On
retrouve ces mêmes qualités dans tous les peuples, » défend Noubar
Afeyan. « Nous avons développé le concept de #BeArmenian #BeAlive pour
évoquer la force de l’humanisme, non seulement pour les Arméniens,
mais pour nous tous. »

Dans le cadre de son action, 100 LIVES espère également numériser les
traces écrites du génocide arménien, afin d’aider à préserver les
archives historiques pour toujours et en garantir l’accès à tous.

« Il reste peu de survivants du génocide arménien. À l’approche du
centenaire, il est devenu essentiel de s’assurer que nous pourrons
laisser une empreinte durable de ce qui s’est produit il y a un siècle
dans la conscience collective de l’humanité, » fait remarquer Vartan

Pour toute information complémentaire

100 LIVES est une nouvelle initiative mondiale qui prend sa source
dans les événements du génocide arménien, au cours duquel des
centaines de milliers d’Arméniens ont été sauvés par des actes
courageux d’individus et d’institutions. Un siècle plus tard, 100
LIVES désire exprimer sa gratitude, en partageant les histoires les
plus poignantes des rescapés et de leurs sauveurs mais aussi pour
célébrer la force de leur humanisme.

100 LIVES lance un appel mondial aux descendants des sauveurs et des
rescapés pour qu’ils partagent leurs récits. Ces histoires auront
alors l’occasion de passer à la postérité. Tout au long de l’existence
du projet, de nombreux récits seront ainsi publiés.

En témoignage de reconnaissance et de gratitude, 100 LIVES investira
dans divers projets. Nous espérons que nos actions vont inciter
d’autres personnes à prendre le temps de réfléchir à ceux qui les ont
aidées durant ces épreuves et à exprimer leur gratitude en faisant
quelque chose en retour.

L’empreinte de reconnaissance laissée par 100 LIVES s’inscrira
durablement, notamment par le biais d’une levée de fonds et de
subventions. Le financement sera investi dans des projets de gratitude
relatifs à l’Arménie, aux pays comptant une forte diaspora arménienne
ou les pays liés aux personnes, aux familles, aux institutions ou aux
communautés qui ont sauvé ou aidé des Arméniens il y a 100 ans. Le but
étant d’exprimer à la fois de la gratitude et de faire connaître les
personnes et les organisations qui ont donné aux Arméniens un nouveau
départ pour créer un meilleur futur pour la jeune

Not On Our Watch
« Not On Our Watch » a été fondé par George Clooney, Don Cheadle, Matt
Damon, Brad Pitt, Jerry Weintraub et David Pressman pour attirer
l’attention et centraliser les ressources du monde entier dans le but
d’arrêter et d’empêcher les atrocités de masse. Comptant sur des
personnalités du monde de la culture, notre mission est de protéger et
de venir en aide aux plus vulnérables, les marginalisés et les

Fondation Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel et sa femme, Marion, ont créé la fondation Elie Wiesel
pour l’humanité peu de temps après avoir reçu le prix Nobel de la paix
en 1986. La mission de la fondation, qui prend racine dans la mémoire
de l’Holocauste, est de combattre l’indifférence, l’intolérance et
l’injustice à travers un dialogue international et des programmes
visant la jeunesse afin de promouvoir la tolérance, la compréhension
et l’égalité.

Pour tout renseignement, veuillez contacter le service de presse 100 LIVES :

E-mail à l’attention des journalistes :[email protected]

Photographies, vidéos et autres ressources disponibles :ISEBOX link

Les chrétiens d’Orient dans le viseur de Daech

Les chrétiens d’Orient dans le viseur de Daech

Contraints à se convertir ou poussés à l’exode, les chrétiens sont
désormais assassinés par l’EI en raison de leur religion. Des députés
et des associations souhaiteraient un engagement plus fort de la

LA PERSÉCUTION des chrétiens d’Orient par Daech, cet été, a scandalisé
et bouleversé toute une partie du monde. Elle touchait
particulièrement les Chaldéens d’Irak, l’une des plus anciennes
communautés chrétiennes du Moyen-Orient, réduite de moitié en dix ans
puisque, d’environ un million en 2003, avant l’engagement américain,
elle se chiffre à 400 000 aujourd’hui. Dernièrement, et après un
semblant de répit cet automne, les agressions du groupe Etat islamique
ont redoublé d’intensité. Et violemment. Décapitation de 21 Egyptiens
coptes Рune autre communaut̩ chr̩tienne-par la branche libyenne de
Daech, rapt de 70 à 90 chrétiens assyriens par l’organisation
terroriste dans une zone contrôlée en Syrie par les Kurdes… Un rapt
qui a poussé cinq mille chrétiens à prendre le chemin de l’exode.

> La
vidéo de la décapitation des Egyptiens coptes en Libye semble, en
effet, demauvais augure. Lamise en scène similaire à celles des
précédents assassinats d’otages est cette fois-ci contextualisée : la
scène sanglante se déroule face à laMéditerranée et le message est
délivré à l’attention de l’Europe et au >… en Syrie
rencontrer Bachar al-Assad. Une première, controversée, depuis la
rupture des relations diplomatiques en mai 2012 par la France, la
Grande-Bretagne, l’Italie, l’Allemagne et l’Espagne. Une démarche à
laquelle le gouvernement n’a pas voulu s’associer. Il s’agit d’une > et non

ANKARA: Turkey: European Parliament’s report on human rights ‘proble

Daily Sabah, Turkey
March 14 2015

Turkey: European Parliament’s report on human rights ‘problematic’


The human rights report ‘Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy
in the World in 2013’, adopted by the European Parliament, lacks
historical reality and legal basis, the Turkish foreign ministry said
on Saturday.

The European Parliament adopted the report on Thursday. Article 77 of
the report, which was called “ahead of the 100th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide, on all the member states to legally acknowledge it,
and encourages the member states and the EU institutions to contribute
further to its recognition,” was harshly criticized by the foreign
ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgiç.

“We find the statements remarkably problematic in every aspect and
regret them,” said Bilgiç in the statement.

Bilgiç added that the report interpreted the event with a one-sided
approach, and disregarded Turkey’s realistic and constructive
initiatives relating to the matter. The report also raised “illogical
and unlawful” demands, he said.

“These steps, which were taken by those who do not know this
historical event, damage Turkey-EU relations and make it difficult for
Turks and Armenians to build their future together,” said Bilgic.

“We expect our European partners not to deepen the problem further,
but rather to find constructive contributions to the solution and
encourage the Armenian side towards dialogue and reconciliation,” he

In January, Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an sent invitation
letters to more than 100 leaders, including Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan, to participate in the commemoration of the Battle of
Çanakkale on April 24.

Sargsyan reportedly denounced ErdoÄ?an’s invitation as a
“short-sighted” attempt to overshadow the 100th anniversary of the
1915 events.

The famous battle coincides with the 1915 events that took place
during World War I. A portion of the Armenian population living in the
Ottoman Empire sided with the invading Russians and revolted against
the empire. A decision by the Ottoman Empire to relocate Armenians in
eastern Anatolia followed the revolts and there were some Armenian
casualties during the relocation process.

Armenia terms the events as “genocide” and has demanded compensation,
whereas Turkey officially refutes this description, saying that,
although Armenians died during relocations, many Turks also lost their
lives in attacks carried out by Armenian gangs in Anatolia.

Expensive European Games Anger Azerbaijani Locals

Silk Road Reporters
March 14 2015

Expensive European Games Anger Azerbaijani Locals

Published by Aydin Mammadov March 14, 2015

Having already spent a fortune on the upcoming European Games
scheduled for this June, the Azerbaijani government is facing
increasing outrage from the public after news surfaced that they would
be paying for the accommodation of every participant in the games.

Citizens are worried that the European Olympics will be a burden on
their shoulders, and analysts say the government should step back from
committing to such a costly vanity project during the current economic
crisis. Meanwhile, human rights defenders are calling for boycotting
the games due to a wide variety of violations.

Who’s paying the bill?

In recent weeks, British media outlets have reported that the
government of Azerbaijan will be paying for the participation of all
British athletes in European Olympics that will be held in Baku in
June. The UK is sending 160 athletes, three times more than were sent
to the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Following this announcement, the
government further disclosed its plans to pay for the accommodation,
airfare and other costs for all other European Olympics participants.
According to Azerbaijani state news agency Azertag, this is a normal
procedure of a hosting country, and those countries that hosted
Olympic Games and other championships have done the same in the past
as well.

The price tag figures to be hefty. At least 50 countries have
confirmed their participation in the Games, and each is sending a
large team of athletes, coaches, media, assistants, relatives, etc.
Azerbaijan will spend in total more than 1.3 billion manats for the
games, which on average is about 2500 manats per each Azerbaijani
family. As for the revenues from the Games, state media has reported
that they are expected at 2.5 millions euros.

The government rationalizes that such a difference between the paltry
revenue and extraordinary spending is justified by “creating an
opportunity for the future of sports in Azerbaijan.”

Human rights concerns

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have appealed to the IOC
(International Olympic Committee) to discuss the human rights
situation in countries that host the games, and have noted that
Azerbaijan currently holds at least 100 political prisoners. “The IOC
is at a crucial moment to signal to would-be hosts that rights abuses,
corruption and repression have no place in the Olympic movement”,

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani president’s assistant on public-political
issues Ali Hasanov has said in a statement that such calls are part of
“a campaign against Azerbaijan.”

“Unfortunately, some local and foreign actors are trying to denigrate
the achievements of Azerbaijan in the economic, social, political,
humanitarian and other spheres, and to make the European game the main
theme of black PR against Azerbaijan. The call of Amnesty
International to boycott the games, the circulation of all those
prejudiced, biased materials in the media about the games, clearly
prove the existence of such attempts,” Hasanov said in his interview
to Azertag.

He also compared these efforts by the international community with a
“provocation” during the Eurovision-2012 song competition in Baku,
when human rights activists and watchdogs tried to attract more
attention to Azerbaijan’s poor human rights record.

Financial burden

“When this decision on financing of these games was made, the
government still did not know that soon it would face a national
currency crisis, and now it’s too just late to cancel the project,”
says president of the Center for Economic and Political Studies (FAR
CENTER) Hikmet Hajizadeh, adding that Azerbaijan could try to reduce
the costs of the games, but it had “neither the political will nor
rationalism for this step”.

When the government brought up the idea of hosting the European
Olympics, it was done in order to boost tourism and promote the PR
image of Azerbaijan, Hajizadeh says, adding that the games played an
opposite role – instead promoting Azerbaijan’s image, with over 100
political prisoners and multiple human rights violations, the games
became another reason to pay attention to the overall human rights

According to Hajizadeh, the best thing the state could do is release
the political prisoners during the traditional annual March amnesty
for Novruz holiday.

However, Arastun Orujlu, the Head of the East-West Research Center,
says Azerbaijani government is, in a way, glad human rights groups are
bringing attention to the government’s poor record. According to him,
later after the games, when the country will experience all the
negative setbacks because of expenses of the games, the government
will attribute these difficulties to “foreign campaign against

Public reaction

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani citizens are angry that the games haven’t been cancelled.

“I work at an advertisement company, and our revenues fell with the
manat devaluation. Why do we need these games,” said Elmir, an
employee at an advertising company.

“They are even paying for the Armenian participants, and I still have
to rent a shack, this is unfair,” says Karabakh war veteran Asker

Actividades que conmemoran el Genocidio Armenio

Diario Z, Argentina
13 marzo 2015

Actividades que conmemoran el Genocidio Armenio

La comunidad armenia ha empapelado la ciudad con la flor nomeolvides,
símbolo de la memoria del genocidio que comenzó hace un siglo.

Por Redacción Z

El 24 de abril marca el centenario del comienzo del Genocidio Armenio
perpetrado por el gobierno otomano entre 1915 y 1923. Para
conmemorarlo, la comunidad armenia de Buenos Aires ha empapelado la
ciudad con afiches que muestran la flor nomeolvides.

El nombre de la flor remite a la preservación de la memoria de la
masacre, que hasta el día de hoy el gobierno turco se niega a
reconocer como genocidio. El centro, en negro, simboliza la tragedia,
en la que murieron un millón y medio de personas. Los cinco pétalos
violeta representan los cinco continentes en los que se dispersó la
diáspora armenia. El círculo amarillo remite a Dzidzernagapert, el
Monumento al Genocidio, que se encuentra en Yereván.

Los afiches anuncian las actividades conmemorativas que se realizarán
en la ciudad:

-28 de marzo: Concierto sinfónico coral al aire libre dirigido por
Santiago Chotsourian, en el Monumento a los Españoles.
-25 de abril: Acto artístico cultural en el predio central de la Rural
durante la Feria del Libro.
-29 de abril: Acto Cívico Central en el estadio Luna Park.

Estos eventos se suman a la Misa en homenaje a las víctimas del
genocidio en la Catedral Metropolitana, que se realizará el 19 de
marzo, y a la marcha a la residencia del embajador turco.

La Legislatura porteña aprueba una resolución por el Genocidio Armen

ArgenPress, Argentina
14 marzi 2015

La Legislatura porteña aprueba una resolución por el Genocidio Armenio


La Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires aprobó por unanimidad una
resolución por el Genocidio Armenio en el marco del año en que se
conmemora el centenario de las masacres de 1.500.000 armenios
perpetrado por el Estado turco.

“La Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires conmemora el
Centenario ‘Del Primer Genocidio del Siglo XX’ del que fuera víctima
el pueblo armenio, a cumplirse el 24 de abril del corriente año”, dice
la declaración.

Además, la Legislatura anunció que “adhiere a todas las actividades
que se realicen”, y a la vez “se solidariza con los sobrevivientes y
descendientes de las víctimas y aboga por la memoria, verdad y
justicia de este crimen de lesa humanidad, en el marco del ‘Día de
acción por la tolerancia y Respeto entre los pueblos'”, en relación a
la Ley 26.199 que conmemora “el genocidio de que fue víctima el pueblo

“Desde hace años, la Legislatura porteña sostiene una política de
apoyo a la causa del genocidio contra el pueblo armenio”, comentó
Carolina Karagueuzian, directora del Consejo Nacional Armenio de
Sudamérica en Buenos Aires, luego de conocerse la noticia. “En el año
del centenario, las fuerzas políticas que la componen decidieron
ratificar este acompañamiento a una de las comunidades de la ciudad”,

Kapan Slaughterhouse Employees Disclosed with Brucellosis

Kapan Slaughterhouse Employees Disclosed with Brucellosis

by Karina Manukyan

Saturday, March 14, 15:36

It is said in “Aware and Protected Consumer” NGO’s statement that up
today 15 people have been disclosed with the diagnosis. It has been
stated that infection with brucellosis can take place as a result of a
direct contact with carrier animals or consuming infected products
such as unpasteurized milk or cheese made of unpasteurized milk.

Boyko Likov, the food safety expert, has mentioned that brucellosis
rate is high among people aged 60-70.

Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra To Perform At Walt Disney C


By MassisPost
Updated: March 13, 2015

LOS ANGELES — The Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra (ANPO),
one of the leading orchestras of the former Soviet Union, under
the direction of Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Eduard
Topchjan performs at Walt Disney Concert Hall, Tuesday, May 12, at
8 pm. The concert marks the first time the 90-year-old institution
has performed at Walt Disney Concert Hall.

The program featuring music by Armenian composers opens with
Khachaturian’s Spartacus Suite from his acclaimed ballet. The next
work on the program is well-known classical and film score composer
Tigran Mansurian’s Violin Concerto, featuring Ms. Anush Nikoghosyan.

The program closes with Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5.

The ANPO concert is dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide.

The Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra (ANPO) is based in
Yerevan, Armenia. Established 90 years ago by Arshak Adamian and
Alexander Spendiaryan, it is the national center of professional
orchestral music in Armenia. In October 2000, Eduard Topchjan was
appointed the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the ANPO.

Being led to the new millennium by Maestro Topchjan the ANPO
is committed to promoting cultural, musical awareness in local
audiences, regularly performing classical and operatic music in
addition to national and contemporary music. Since its foundation, the
orchestra has performed most of the classical repertoire. Many of the
world’s leading artists, such as David Oistrakh, Sviatoslav Richter,
Mstislav Rostropovitch, Emil Gilels, Renato Bruson, Steven Isserlis,
Misha Maisky, Sergei Nakariakov, Boris Berezovsky, Natalia Gutman,
Giuseppe Giacomini, Isabelle Faust, Julia Fischer, Pinchas Zukerman,
Gidon Kremer, Yuri Bashmet, Placido Domingo and many others, as well
as already established and emerging Armenian musicians, have appeared
with this orchestra. The ANPO features the works of Armenian and
international composers and is committed to supporting the performance
of new orchestral works in programs interesting not only for regular
visitors and connoisseurs, but also for tourists and young people. The
ANPO serves as Ambassador of Armenian music worldwide and tours
regularly. Since 1989, the ANPO has toured extensively throughout
the U.S., Canada, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg,
Lebanon, Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Greece, Iran, Cyprus,
Turkey, Russia, and the U.A.E. Recent tours were to Japan in 2008 with
15 concerts, and Germany and Slovakia in 2010, and additional tours
in 2014 and 2015 to Italy, Germany, France and Scandinavian countries.

More than 30 CDs have been released with the orchestra’s recordings.

The most recent ones – Armenian Rhapsody, released in 2011 by BIS
Records, Sweden and Mozart Piano Concerti and Overtures released by
Oehms Classics, Germany in 2014, were highly acclaimed by international

Eduard Topchjan began conducting in 1991. Since then, he has founded
the Serenade Chamber Orchestra and won prizes at various international
competitions, such as Valentino Bucchi and Valzolda. Topchjan made
his debut with the ANPO in 2000. In 2001, after being appointed
Artistic Director and Principal Conductor he appeared with the ANPO
in Moscow, and again in 2003 at the Bolshoi Theater. This was followed
by the ANPO tours throughout the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and
France. In 2008, the ANPO led by Topchjan made a very successful tour
in Japan with 15 concerts. More recently, the ANPO and Topchjan toured
Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Germany and Slovakia. Topchjan has also been
the principal conductor of the Yerevan International Music Festival
since 2007. Also in 2007, he was granted the title of Meritorious
Worker of Arts of Armenia. Other honors include being awarded a Gold
Medal of the Ministry of Culture of Armenia in 2011, and knighthood
awarded by the Italian Order of Merit for Labour in 2013.

Young Armenian violinist Anush Nikoghosyan was born in Yerevan. She
studied with Distinguished Teacher of Armenia Petros Haykazian
and currently studies at the Hochschule fur Musik und Theater
Munchen (class of Prof. Christoph Poppen), with parallel classes
in Yerevan with Eduard Topchjan. Since 2014, Anush has been
studying master-classes with Professor Julia Fischer. As a soloist
she has appeared with Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, the Armenian
National Philharmonic Orchestra, the Kaerntner Sinfonieorchester,
Kurpfaelzisches kammerorchester Mannheim, the Moravian Philharmonic
Orchestra, the Kaunas Chamber Orchestra, the Armenian Chamber Players,
Ural Philharmonic Orchestra, Lithuanian National Philharmonic Orchestra
and other orchestras under the baton of Eduard Topchjan, Dmitri Liss,
Leos Svarovsky, Pavel Berman, Alexander Treger, Emmanuel Siffert,
Markus Bosch, Ernest Hoetzl and other conductors. Anush has won prizes
at numerous international violin competitions, most important from
them: 1st prize in 2010 “International Kaerntner Sparkasse Woerthersee”
competition (Austria). Following this significant win, Anush received
many invitations in some of the most prominent concert halls and with
renowned orchestras, including an invitation to perform at the well
known “Pacific Music Festival Sapporo” (Japan) as a soloist under Fabio
Luisi. Anush Nikoghosyan toured Armenia, Lithuania, Russia, England,
U.A.E., France, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and Austria. She
often performs works by contemporary composers, among them: Mansurian,
Yerkanian, Dott, Penderecki, Zakaryan, Israelyan, Chaushian and others.

Latvia Understands The Sorrow Of The Armenian People


19:16, 13 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 13 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly
of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov had a meeting with
Vice-Chairs of the Saeima of Latvia Inese LĔbiÅ~Fa-Egnere and Gundars
Daudze and Secretary of the Saeima Andrey Klementev in Riga. As the
Department of Information and Public Relations of the National Assembly
reports to “Armenpress”, Eduard Sharmazanov attached importance to
further enhancement and strengthening of Armenian-Latvian relations,
particularly the partnership between the parliaments of both countries
from the perspective of supporting each other in the bilateral format
and at international parliamentary assemblies. Sharmazanov wished the
Republic of Latvia success in the chairmanship of the Council of the
European Union.

Touching upon the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, the
Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly condemned the current Turkish
authorities’ line of conduct and stated that Turkey persistently
continues its policy of denial. Eduard Sharmazanov voiced hope that
Latvia would be represented at a high level at the ceremonies for
commemoration of the Armenian Genocide and expressed his gratitude to
the Latvian parliamentarians for helping open the exhibition dedicated
to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide at the National Library of
Latvia. In her turn, Vice-Chair of the Saeima Inese LĔbiÅ~Fa-Egnere
mentioned that Latvia understands the pain of the Armenian people.