Ankara Is In A State Of Panic, Turkey Has Lost In "The Genocide Batt


17:15, 21 April, 2015

The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is only a couple of
days away, and Ankara is in a state of crisis since Turkey has lost
“the genocide battle” in Europe.

As “Armenpress” reports, this is what analyst for Radikal Serkan
DemirtaÃ…~_in his article, analyzing the commotion that the more active
process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide has
caused in Ankara.

Touching upon Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s message of
condolence issued yesterday, Demirtash emphasized that his statement is
apparently different from former Prime Minister and current President
of Turkey Recep Tayyib Erdogan’s message in that it wasn’t issued on
April 24th, but four days in advance.

Mentioning the fact that the Turkish government is strictly concerned
about the fact that on April 24th Germany might also recognize the
Armenian Genocide with a resolution submitted to the Bundestag and
will join European and other countries having recognized the Armenian
Genocide, the Turkish commentator noted: “It’s safe to say that Turkey
has already lost “the genocide battle” in Europe, which will have a
negative impact on the process of Turkey’s EU accession.”

NKR Defense Army Denies Disinformation About Shooting At Azerbaijani


18:57 21/04/2015 >> POLITICS

The Azerbaijani media once again spread disinformation about allegedly
the servicemen of the Defense Army of Nagorno Karabakh Republic
shooting at the Azerbaijani border villages. This time they report
about shells falling in the courtyard of a house and on the territory
of the cemetery.

The head of the press service of the Defense Army of Nagorno Karabakh
Republic, Senor Hasratyan, told that the information
was false.

“This is nothing more than another fantasy of the Azerbaijani
propaganda. I take all the responsibility to state that NKR Defense
Army does not shoot at civilians of the adversary side, they have
never been and are not our targets. We fight solely against the
subdivisions of the armed forces of Azerbaijan which violate the
ceasefire,” he stressed.

In March of the current year, Azerbaijani media spread disinformation
about Armenian subdivisions shooting Azerbaijani civilians claiming
that allegedly ‘the Armenian armed subdivisions in Aghdam district
opened fire on civilians when they went to the cemetery.’ The
disinformation was also operatively denied.


Armenian Defense Ministry spokesperson denies Azerbaijani media
disinformation about ‘floating shells down river’

Artsrun Hovhannisyan: Azerbaijani side embarks on a new and lower
level of obvious falsifications

Armenian Defense Ministry refutes reports of Azerbaijani media about
new casualties from Armenian side

Azerbaijan opens fire at Armenian border villages

Russian Alrosa Diamond Company Posts 6% Rise In 1st Quarter Producti


YEREVAN, April 21. / ARKA /. Russian Alrosa, the world’s top producer
by output in carats, said production rose 6 percent year on year to
8.4 million carats in the first quarter that ended on March 31.

The increase was driven by expanded production at the company’s Mir
underground mine, the Botuobinskaya pipe and the Arkhangelskaya and
Karpinskogo-1 pipes at the Lomonosov deposit, Prime reports.

Alrosa said it sold 9 million carats during the quarter, which was 29
percent less than one year earlier. Sales included 7 million carats
of gem-quality diamonds at an average price of $161 per carat and 2
million carats of industrial diamonds with an average price of only
$8 per carat. The company expects that its first-quarter revenue
from rough sales will reach $1.1 billion, compared with $1.5 billion
reported in the first quarter of 2014.

Alrosa noted that rough diamond prices during the quarter dropped
by 3 percent, impacted by weaker diamond demand. Still, the company
expects market conditions to improve as key diamond jewelry markets
in the U.S., China and India pick up.

Alrosa reported also that it processed 5.5 million tons of ore during
the quarter, 2 percent more than the same period one year ago, while
the average grade achieved rose 3 percent to 1.52 carats per ton.

Production at the Aikhal division, which consists of the Jubilee pipe,
Aikhal underground mine and Komsomolskaya pipe, fell 13 percent
to 2.596 million carats. The Mirny division, which includes the
International and Mir underground mines and various alluvial deposits,
reported a production increase of 31 percent to 1.941 million carats.

The Udachny division, including the Udachnaya and Zarnitsa pipes and
the Udachanay underground mine, reported production grew 21 percent to
1.349 million carats, while the Nyurba division’s production declined 1
percent to 2.048 million carats. Production at the Lomonosov division
jumped 93 percent to 450,000 carats, while production at Almazy Anabara
and Nizhne-Lenskoye ceased during the period due to the seasonality
of gravel mining.-0-

Analysis By Ermenihaber.Am: What Did Davutoglu Say In His Message?


16:08 21/04/2015 >> COMMENTS

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s yesterday’s statement became
another subject of discussions.

“The Turkish side is attempting to present it as a condolence message
addressed to the children and grandchildren of the Ottoman Armenians.

However, judging by the text of Davutoglu’s statement, one might think
that it is a bill of indictment, rather than a message of condolence,”
Mkhitar Nazaryan writes in an article in

“And what did Davutoglu say in his message? He said things that exist
on paper only, but not in the Turkish reality. Let’s try to make sure
of it through a detailed consideration.”

Davutoglu spoke about a duty to “protect” the memory of Ottoman
Armenians and the Armenian cultural heritage.

“But in that very Turkey the Ottoman Armenians’ graves are desecrated
and the churches are turned into stables. The Armenian cemetery of
formerly Armenian-populated village of Stanoz, 30 km from Turkish
capital Ankara, is being desecrated and plundered now.

The headstones have been stolen, and pieces of human bones are
scattered in the surroundings. Still, this is not the only cemetery to
deserve such a destiny. The Armenian intangible cultural heritage is
even very often used as building material in Turkey: the building of
Justice of the town Mush was built with the stones of the Armenian St.

Mariam monastery in the village Suluca.

“St. Arakelots (Apostles’) church in Kars has been turned into a
mosque; the Armenian Church in Canakkale is used as a university
building; the 142-year-old Armenian protestant church in the
settlement Sur, Diyarbakir, serves as an educational center for the
Turkish women. This is how Turkey complies with the ‘historical and
humanitarian duty’ defined by Davutoglu…”

Related: Turkey PM offers condolences, denies Genocide

Livonia Church Hosts Service Recalling Armenian Genocide Victims


18:01, 21 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

Leaders of Metro Detroit’s four Armenian churches and those from
other faiths are uniting in Livonia Friday for a special Ecumenical
Service to honor and remember the victims of the Armenian Genocide, reports.

The worship service will be held at 7:30 at St. Mary’s Antiochian
Orthodox Basilica, itself home to a large contingent of oppressed
people with Middle Eastern roots. Friday, April 24, is Martyrs Day,
the day annually that honors the 1.5-million Armenians killed by
the Ottoman government in the first mass ethnic cleansing of the
20th century.

“This is an unprecedented event at a critical time in the Armenian
Genocide movement,” said Manouk Derovakimian, co-chairman of the
Armenian Churches of Greater Detroit Genocide Committee, the group
responsible for the service. “One-point-five-million Armenians didn’t
have the chance to live a normal life in this world, and we cannot
forget them.”

The committee represents St. John Armenian Apostolic Church in
Southfield, St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in Dearborn, St.

Vartan Armenian Catholic Church in Detroit, and Armenian Congregational
Church in Southfield. The evening’s principal homilist will be the Most
Reverend Allen Vigneron, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese
of Detroit.

Attendees will also be mesmerized by an outdoor digital art display on
the church’s buildings and bell tower. Projections of iconic Armenian
churches and religious symbols telling the story of the genocide and
the Armenian nation’s rich religious influence will be produced by
well-known Detroit-area photojournalist Michelle Andonian and visual
artist Gabriel Hall of New D Media Arts.

Citizenship Hassle: Georgia’s New Immigration Laws Create Confusion


NEWS | 21.04.15 | 10:38

ArmeniaNow reporter

The new requirements of Georgia’s new immigration law have caused
problems for many Armenians living in that country and although the
Georgian side insists that the problem is solved, many Armenians
having dual citizenship are still in limbo.

Thirty-seven-year-old Armine, a dual Georgian-Armenian citizen who
lives in Georgia’s mostly Armenian populated Javakhk province, came
to Armenia last week together with her 10-month-old child, who has
only Armenian citizenship. The woman, who did not wish her second
name to be used in the article, says at the border she was told by
Georgian authorities that she could not go back together with her
baby during the next three months.

“But we had been told before that we would not have any problems with
the baby’s status, that’s why we did not care to take any additional
documents for the baby,” says the woman, who came to Armenia for
three days only but now has to stay in the country for three months
to be able to go back home with her child.

At the beginning of 2015, Georgia tightened its immigration laws in
view of the country’s Association Agreement with the European Union.

As part of the new law, citizens with dual citizenship may be deprived
of their Georgian nationality.

Many Georgian Armenians had taken the citizenships of Armenia or Russia
mainly because of their social and economic problems, considering
that Georgia and Russia have problems in their relations, and due
to their second citizenships they have been able to travel to Russia
for migrant work without any entry visa.

According to official sources, about 30,000 people in Georgia have
either given up or been deprived of their second citizenships since
December 1, 2014.

According to the new requirements of Georgia’s immigration laws,
non-citizens can stay in Georgia only for 90 days within every six
months, which means that every six months they have to leave the
country for three months.

Meanwhile, during a video conference on Monday Ruben Palyan, a
Georgian Justice Ministry official, said that residence status issues
for Georgian Armenians are “at the stage of being solved” and the
application of the law has been postponed till July. In the meantime,
he said, people who have been stripped of Georgian citizenship can
apply for temporary or permanent residence permit.

“Many representatives of Georgia’s Armenian community are simply not
aware of their rights and responsibilities. Many problems arise because
of legal ignorance, because people do not know what opportunities the
new law gives them,” he said, adding that more than 3,000 Armenians
who have been deprived of Georgian citizenship have applied and been
granted permanent or temporary residence permits.

According to Palyan, only 23 applications have been rejected so far,
but even if rejected, people can apply for a second or third time.

“While in the past each application required the payment of a duty in
the amount equivalent to 50,000 Armenian drams (about $100), then now,
considering people’s complaints, by the decision of the Ministry of
Justice, the duty will be levied only once. And in order to raise the
awareness of the Armenian community, we have prepared informational
brochures that present the new requirements of the law and the rights
of citizens,” the official said.

To the question that many holders of foreign passports continue to
insist that they have problems when crossing the border and that they
continue to pay fines because Georgian border guards say they are not
aware of the postponement of the data of the application of the law,
Palyan says that it also happens because of the lack of awareness
among Armenians.

“Armenians are not sufficiently aware of the new law and do not know
what is allowed and what is not, and that they are given the right
to stay not in order to cross the border, but to stay and continue to
live in Georgia. After they cross the border, the privileges granted
to them are no longer valid,” he said.

Meanwhile, Armine from Javakhk, who has had problems at the border,
says she has turned to the Georgian Embassy where she has been told
what documents she needs for the visa for her baby. Still, she says
she prefers temporarily staying in Armenia to avoid the hassle.

“I was told by an acquaintance at the embassy that I had better stay
in Armenia for three months if I have an opportunity than go through
all that red tape,” she says.

Citing Pope’s Sermon, Senators Introduce Armenian Genocide Centennia


11:03, 21 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

Senators Menendez, Kirk, Boxer, and Gardner Seek Improved
Armenian-Turkish Relations Based on Ankara’s “Full-Acknowledgment”
of this Crime

WASHINGTON–On the heels of Pope Francis’ historic statement
reaffirming the Armenian Genocide and the European Parliament’s
overwhelming condemnation of that crime last week, Senators Robert
Menendez (D-NJ), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Barbara Boxer (D-IL), and
Cory Gardner (R-CO) introduced legislation today seeking durable
Armenian-Turkish relations based on Turkey’s “full acknowledgment”
of the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee
of America (ANCA).

The bipartisan legislation is being launched on the eve of President
Obama’s anticipated April 24th statement, widely viewed as a watershed
moment in terms of U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide. The measure
praises the Pontiff for describing “the atrocities perpetrated by the
Ottoman Turks against the Armenians as the first genocide of the 20th
Century.” It is nearly identical to one introduced in April of 2014 –
with the addition of language regarding the Pope’s reaffirmation. A
revised version of the resolution was adopted by the U.S. Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, by a 12 to 5 vote last year.

“The Pope’s inspirational call to conscience – reflected in today’s
Armenian Genocide legislation and reinforced by calls from all corners
of American civil society – shines a welcome spotlight on the clear
choice before President Obama on April 24th. With the world watching
during this solemn Centennial, President Obama needs to decide. He
can speak the truth, and establish a legacy of principled American
leadership against genocide; or, he can cave in to Ankara’s threats,
allowing the Turkish government to tighten the gag-rule it so publicly
enforces on the U.S. government,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram

“We join with our community and all our genocide-prevention coalition
partners in supporting the principled leadership of Senators Menendez,
Kirk, Boxer and Gardner. We are particularly encouraged that this
forward-looking measure urges President Obama to seek an enduring
improvement in Armenian-Turkish relations through the only principled
and practical path, Ankara’s full acknowledgement and honest reckoning
with this still unpunished crime,” continued Hamparian.

Lead sponsors – Senators Menendez, Kirk, Boxer and Gardner – cited the
importance of a clear U.S. policy reaffirming the Armenian Genocide.

“One hundred years ago, 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children
were killed by Ottoman Turks during the Armenian Genocide,” Senator
Menendez said. “It is past time for this atrocity to be recognized for
what it was: a targeted ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population.

This Resolution makes clear that it is unacceptable to deny
the facts and history of the Armenian Genocide and continue to
silence the voices of those who perished. As the world gathers to
commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24th,
the United States must commit itself to recognizing the full meaning,
magnitude and history of this genocide in order to both honor the
innocent victims and prevent similar tragedies from happening again,”
continued Menendez.

“100 years is far too long not to call the murder of 1.5 million
Armenians what it was: genocide,” said Senator Kirk. “In April 1915
during the beginning of WWI, the Ottoman Turks systematically killed
1.5 million Armenians and forced many others to flee their homeland.

It is long past time that the United States recognize it as a genocide
and honor the victims, those who survived and ensure atrocities such
as this never happen again,” Senator Kirk said.

“This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide –
an unspeakable tragedy that has left a dark stain on the collective
conscience of the world,” Senator Boxer said. “More than 20 countries,
43 U.S. states and Pope Francis have unequivocally affirmed the
Armenian Genocide and it is time for the United States to join them,”
concluded Senator Boxer.

“This year marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of one of the
greatest crimes against humanity of the 20th century, the Armenian
Genocide,” said Senator Gardner. “The lives of as many as 1.5 million
men, women, and children were brutally ended, leaving lasting scars
on the families and communities affected. This resolution honors the
memory of those who were killed, and helps us resolve anew to never
allow such an event to occur again,” noted Senator Gardner.

A parallel measure (H.Res.154), the Armenian Genocide Truth + Justice
Resolution, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives
spearheaded by Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Robert Dold
(D-IL), Adam Schiff (D-CA), Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair
Frank Pallone (D-NJ), and David Valadao (R-CA).

The full text of the Resolution is below.

Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the 100th anniversary
of the Armenian Genocide.

Whereas the Armenian Genocide was conceived and carried out by the
Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulting in the deportation of
nearly 2,000,000 Armenians, of whom 1,500,000 men, women, and children
were killed and 500,000 survivors were expelled from their homes,
and the elimination of the over 2,500-year presence of Armenians in
their historic homeland;

Whereas, on May 24, 1915, the Allied Powers of England, France, and
Russia jointly issued a statement explicitly charging for the first
time ever another government of committing crimes “against humanity
and civilization”;

Whereas Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term “genocide”, and whose draft
resolution for a genocide convention treaty became the framework for
the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide, recognized the Armenian Genocide as the type
of crime the United Nations should prevent and punish through the
setting of international standards;

Whereas Senate Concurrent Resolution 12, 64th Congress, agreed to
February 9, 1916, resolved that “the President of the United States
be respectfully asked to designate a day on which the citizens of
this country may give expression to their sympathy by contributing
funds now being raised for the relief of the Armenians”, who at the
time were enduring “starvation, disease, and untold suffering”;

Whereas Senate Resolution 359, 66th Congress, agreed to May 11, 1920,
stated that “the testimony adduced at the hearings conducted by the
subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations have clearly
established the truth of the reported massacres and other atrocities
from which the Armenian people have suffered”;

Whereas House Joint Resolution 148, 94th Congress, agreed to April
8, 1975, resolved, “That April 24, 1975, is hereby designated as
‘National Day of Remembrance of Man’s Inhumanity to Man’, and the
President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue a
proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe
such day as a day of remembrance for all the victims of genocide,
especially those of Armenian ancestry …”;

Whereas House Joint Resolution 247, 98th Congress, agreed to September
10, 1984, resolved, “That April 24, 1985, is hereby designated
as ‘National Day of Remembrance of Man’s Inhumanity to Man’, and
the President of the United States is authorized and requested to
issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States
to observe such day as a day of remembrance for all the victims of
genocide, especially the one and one-half million people of Armenian

Whereas, on April 11, 2014, the Committee on Foreign Relations of
the Senate reported favorably Senate Resolution 410, 113th Congress,
expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide, and calling on the President to “ensure that the
foreign policy of the Unites States reflects appropriate understanding
and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights crimes
against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the
United States record relating to the Armenian Genocide”;

Whereas on April 12, 2015, Pope Francis described the atrocities
perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks against the Armenians as the first
genocide of the 20th century;

Whereas the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, an independent
Federal agency, unanimously resolved on April 30, 1981, that the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum would document the Armenian Genocide
in the Museum, and has done so through a public examination of the
historic record, including lectures and the maintenance of books,
records, and photographs about the Genocide;

Whereas the Government of the Republic of Turkey has continued its
international campaign of Armenian Genocide denial, maintained a
blockade of Armenia, and continues to pressure the small but growing
Turkish civil society movement for acknowledging the Armenian Genocide;
Whereas, in April 2011, the month of remembrance of the Armenian
Genocide, the Government of the Republic of Turkey demolished a
100-foot-high statue in the city of Kars which was erected to promote
reconciliation with Armenia;

Whereas the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the Government of
the Republic of Turkey has prevented the meaningful advancement of a
constructive political, economic, and security relationship between
Armenia and Turkey; and

Whereas the teaching, recognition, and commemoration of acts of
genocide and other crimes against humanity is essential to preventing
the re-occurrence of similar atrocities: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate–

(1) to remember and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide on April 24, 2015;

(2) that the President should work toward an equitable, constructive,
stable, and durable Armenian-Turkish relationship that includes the
full acknowledgment by the Government of the Republic of Turkey of
the facts about the Armenian Genocide; and

(3) that the President should ensure that the foreign policy of the
United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity
concerning issues related to human rights, crimes against humanity,
ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record
relating to the Armenian Genocide.

Zhamanak: Russian Cities To Ban Genocide Remembrance Events?


09:00 * 21.04.15

The municipal authorities in several cities and towns of Russia are
said to have established a strict ban on local Armenian communities
plans to mark the Genocide centennial.

They have reportedly forced Armenian organizations to remove billboards
and signs put up earlier.

Speaking to the paper, Gayane Alexanyan, a representative of the
Armenian community of Vladimir said the city is one of the places
where initiatives to hold such events often meet obstacles.

Aucune Avancee Reelle



Les dernières declarations du Premier ministre turc, qui a presente
le 20 avril ses “condoleances aux descendants des victimes” et dit en
“partager les souffrances”, sans toutefois reconnaître le genocide, ne
marquent aucune avancee par rapport a celles formulees l’annee dernière
par le president Erdogan, qui a multiplie depuis les provocations
negationnistes et les menaces contre les Armeniens. Rien dans les
propos a pretention compassionnelle de M. Davutoglu n’indique un
renoncement au negationnisme d’Etat, ni une volonte de s’inscrire
dans une logique de verite, de justice et de reparations. Face a la
pression internationale pour une reconnaissance du genocide, Ankara
tente de sauver les apparences et de donner le change. Mais l’Etat
turc continue d’esquiver ses responsabilites dans l’extermination des
Armeniens, la spoliation et le recel de leurs biens, l’assassinat de
leur civilisation, cent ans de deni de justice et de negationnisme
qui n’ont fait qu’attiser les brulures des victimes et entretenir le
nationalisme et le racisme anti-armenien en Turquie. Ca suffit.

Bureau national du CCAF

mardi 21 avril 2015, Ara (c)

Obama Not To Recognize Armenian Genocide


00:38, 22 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

White House briefs Armenian American leaders about the President’s
decision to exclude “Armenian Genocide” from his April 24th Centennial

US President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Deputy
National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes confirmed to Armenian American
leaders, during a White House meeting this afternoon, that the
President has chosen against recognizing the Armenian Genocide in his
April 24th statement marking the worldwide centennial of this crime.

“President Obama’s surrender to Turkey represents a national disgrace.

It is, very simply, a betrayal of truth, a betrayal of trust,” said
ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian.

“With the world’s attention drawn this April 24th to worldwide
Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorations, President Obama will,
tragically, use the moral standing of our nation not to defend the
truth, but rather to enforce of a foreign power’s gag-rule. He has
effectively outsourced America’s policy on the Armenian Genocide to
Recep Erdogan,” said Hachikian.

“As Americans of Armenian heritage – despite the repeated surrender
of President Obama to foreign pressure – we will, with our allies,
continue to work, with increased vigor and determination, to build
American support for a truthful and just resolution of the Armenian
Genocide,” he added.

Prior to his election to the oval office, President Obama was clear
and unequivocal in promising to properly characterize Ottoman Turkey’s
murder of over 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children between
1915 and 1923 as genocide. In a January 19, 2008, statement he wrote:
“The facts are undeniable. An official policy that calls on diplomats
to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy. As a senator,
I strongly support passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution
(H.Res.106 and S.Res.106), and as President I will recognize the
Armenian Genocide.”

The U.S. first recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1951 through a
filing which was included in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Report titled: “Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.” The specific reference to the
Armenian Genocide appears on page 25 of the ICJ Report: “The Genocide
Convention resulted from the inhuman and barbarous practices which
prevailed in certain countries prior to and during World War II,
when entire religious, racial and national minority groups were
threatened with and subjected to deliberate extermination. The
practice of genocide has occurred throughout human history. The Roman
persecution of the Christians, the Turkish massacres of Armenians,
the extermination of millions of Jews and Poles by the Nazis are
outstanding examples of the crime of genocide.”

President Ronald Reagan reaffirmed the Armenian Genocide in 1981. The
U.S. House of Representatives adopted legislation on the Armenian
Genocide in 1975, 1984 and 1996.