EU Remains Committed To Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation With Arm


18:46, 25 Feb 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

“Despite Armenia’s decision in September 2013 not to sign the
Association Agreement/DCFTA with the EU but rather join the Eurasian
Economic Union (EEU), the EU remains committed to further engage
with Armenia, and to strengthen bilateral cooperation within the
Eastern Partnership, in all areas compatible with Armenia’s more
recent policy choices,” Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia Traian
Hristea at the conference on “EU-Armenia Cooperation: Perspective in
the Actual Political Environment”

“Currently, we are reflecting jointly with our Armenian counterparts
on the scope for future EU-Armenia relations. Following the Joint
Statement issued at EaP Vilnius summit November 2013 both sides have
started a joint reflection on how to revisit the legal basis for
their relations,” he said.

“On 4 November 2014, the EU and Armenia have launched in Brussels
a scoping exercise on the future legal and political framework for
EU-Armenia relations, based on information as regards to Armenia’s EEU
commitments and their possible implications on future relations with
EU. Both sides agreed to “safeguard” the negotiated but not initialled
AA/DCFTA and to use it as reference to this aim,” Hristea added.

“As long as good governance, reform of the judiciary, rule of law,
human rights do not form part of the official Eurasian integration
process, there is plenty of room for the EU to engage Armenia, and
for Armenia to demonstrate their commitment to reform. The upcoming
human rights sector budget support is in that regard a welcome step
– and at the same time a litmus test, for which the more-for-more
principle also applies,” the Head of EU Delegation said.

He also attached importance to making best use of the significant
EU assistance of 140-170 million EUR for the period of 2014-2017,
focusing on private sector development, public administration reform
and justice sector reform.

“Moreover, we need to further promote mobility of citizens of
Armenia and people-to-people contacts once a steady and satisfactory
implementation of the visa facilitation and readmission agreements is
confirmed. Negotiating a Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement with
Armenia is a policy objective outlined in the Eastern Partnership Road
Map. Armenia has expressed interest and readiness to negotiate the
agreement and the European Commission sent a fact finding mission to
assess the possibility of preparing a mandate for negotiations. We will
also need to strengthen our cooperation within the EaP’s multilateral
dimension in 2015, in particular the four multilateral platforms and
the flagship initiatives and contribute together to the success of
the 4th EaP Summit in Riga. And last but not least to continue the
EaP-related dialogue during the Euronest meeting in Yerevan at the
parliamentary level,” Hristea stated.

The envoy said “the EU is seriously concerned over the security
situation in the region, especially after the unprecedented
increase of tension and recent events at the line of contact in
Nagorno-Karabakh.” “The protracted Nagorno-Karabakh conflict does not
have a military solution and the status quo is unsustainable. Although
we are not part of the OSCE Minsk group negotiation mechanism,
the EU further supports efforts towards peace through the EUSR and
peacebuilding activities.”

“The EU also continues to supports the normalisation of
Armenian-Turkish relations and encourages both sides to remain
committed to the process of normalisation without preconditions,
despite the withdrawal of protocols signed back in 2009 from
parliaments of both countries. This year’s commemoration of atrocities
committed by the Ottoman Empire also is considered by us a test-case
for Armenia-Turkey relations,” he stated.

ANKARA: Will Turkey Go To War?


Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
Feb 24 2015


To answer this question, first we have to outline these facts:
A military operation was conducted to save our troops guarding the
Tomb of Suleyman Shah. Turkey took its sons overnight from where
they were under siege. By all measures, this is a very appropriate
political decision and a successful operation.

Syria’s mandatory objections and threats actually have no value.

What else would Turkey have done? Would it leave its troops on this
land under the siege of terror, where domestic clashes are ongoing
and where no state authority is left?

Of course not. Whatever it takes to be a state has been done. The
world has also found this operation to be justified.

As soon as the operation became known to the public, people were
asking, “Will Turkey be engaged in war?”

First of all, Syria is not in a position to even make a scenario for
a war. In other words, there will not be a war because of this.

However, there are more important and deeper issues than this, such
as the situation of Mosul and Kirkuk.

A U.S. Central Command official was speaking to reporters the other
day. He said, “An Iraqi and Kurdish military force of 20,000 to
25,000 troops is being prepared to recapture the city, probably in
April or May.”

These words trigger three important questions:

1) A war is in store in the months of April and May over Mosul and
Kirkuk, which are critically important for Turkey. What will Turkey’s
position be in this war?

2) For the Kurdish forces to conduct a joint operation with the
U.S., how will that affect the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and
the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria? How will the possible
reflections from that war affect the peace process in Turkey and,
most importantly, the laying down of arms of the PKK?

3) What does the U.S. official’s referring to Iraqi and Kurdish forces
separately mean? Are Kurdish forces other than the PYD, the Peshmerga
and even the PKK, in question?

Indeed, these questions are also being asked to Ankara.

Election calendar

If we carry these questions to a further date, we will come to the
general elections in June. In other words, while Turkey is approaching
a general election, it is entering a highly critical period which
can also shape its domestic politics in a very sensitive region,
such as in Mosul and Kirkuk right across its borders.

To state the question more clearly: “While the PYD and the Peshmerga
in the north of Iraq and Syria are being armed by the U.S., will the
PKK, which defines itself as a force in the region, be willing to
lay down arms easily?”

This question must have a share in the close contact between Ankara
and Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, because Ankara considers
any Kurdish forces other than Barzani’s to be illegal.

To be able to better analyze how critical the coming months are,
we should note that the peace process is a historic benchmark for
Turkish democracy. One leg of these talks is in Kandil. The indicator
of this is the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) delegations shuttling
between İmralı and Kandil. The laying down of arms of the PKK is the
most critical condition of the peace process, but these developments
across our borders are making this condition more difficult.

Well, this is the essential issue. Replies expected to come from
Kandil in the coming days will make this situation clearer.

Well, would Turkey go into a war over Mosul and Kirkuk? No, I
don’t think so. But this war would keep on going at our door, at
our threshold. Well, when did we have a peaceful door, anyway? The
Iran-Iraq war, the Israel-Syria war, the Azerbaijan-Armenia war, the
blood of the brothers we have been shedding domestically for 30 years,
Kardak, the continental shelf and Cyprus, the civil war in Syria and
1.5 million refugees in our country…

Look at this history and geography… It is full of bloodshed…

We are already in a war, our neck is bleeding…


Au Lit Avec Notre Ennemi : La Russie Vend Des Armes A L’Azerbaidjan



Par David Boyajian

La Russie a vendu ces dernières annees quelques 4 milliards de
dollars d’armement moderne a l’Azerbaïdjan, et ces ventes devraient
probablement continuer.

On y trouve des missiles S-300 de defense anti-aerienne, des
helicoptères de combat Mi-35M, des tanks T-90, des missiles antitank
Kornet, de l’artillerie motorisee MSTA-S de 152 mm, et le très
destructeur Système Multiple Lanceur de Roquettes Smerch.

Depuis la defaite de l’Azerbaïdjan dans la guerre du Karabagh, ses
leaders ont declare leur intention de s’emparer de l’Artsakh par la
force. Il y a regulièrement des tirs azeris a travers la ligne de
cessez-le-feu et des tentatives de franchissement. Ils ont exprime des
revendications territoriales sur l’Armenie et vont jusqu’a pilonner
des villages armeniens. L’Armenie et la Russie sont alliees et ont
un traite mutuel de defense. Les troupes russes participent a la
surveillance de la frontière de l’Armenie avec la Turquie. L’Armenie
est le seul allie de la Russie dans le Caucase. Pourquoi cette
fourniture d’armes sophistiquees a un pays qui n’est pas seulement
ennemi de l’Armenie mais de plus hostile aux interets russes ?

Ventes a l’Ennemi

Les ventes d’armes genèrent des profits immediats pour la Russie
outre des revenus reguliers en pièces de rechange et futures versions
nouvelles. L’armee russe peut aussi avancer l’argument qu’elle saurait
mieux, en cas de conflit avec l’Azerbaïdjan, contrer des armes qui sont
les siennes en propre. Peut-etre la Russie insère-t-elle secrètement
des vulnerabilites materielles et logicielles dans les armes azeries
pour les neutraliser le cas echeant ?

La Russie soutient que si la Russie ne vendait pas des armes a
l’Azerbaïdjan, d’autres pays le feraient. Et cependant Bakou a achete
des armes ailleurs : pour 1,6 milliards de dollars, Israël lui a fourni
des drones Hermes et des missiles antitanks Spike ; d’autres marches
importants ont ete passes avec la Belarus, la Turquie et l’Ukraine.

Ayant rendu l’Azerbaïdjan en partie dependant de l’armement russe,
Moscou se considère comme une option pour les Azeris, eloignant leurs
velleites d’adhesion a l’Otan, et de fournir l’Occident en gaz et en
petrole. Les Azeris sont-ils credules a ce point ? Bakou ne fait que
gagner du temps dans l’attente, avec la Turquie et l’Otan, du moment
où elle pourra envoyer, dans le bas-ventre fragile de la Russie, un
vigoureux coup de pied. La Russie vend-elle des armes a l’Azerbaïdjan
parce qu’elle est contrariee par les bonnes relations que l’Armenie
entretient avec les USA, l’Union Europeenne et l’Otan ? Probablement
pas. Le Russie a toujours trouve des facons radicales d’exprimer sa
mauvaise humeur, comme une hausse des tarifs de gaz naturel.

Mais, dit la Russie, il ne faut pas que l’Armenie s’inquiète, parce
qu’elle vend des armes defensives a Erevan, d’après ce qu’elle dit au
meilleur prix, qui neutralisent les armes offensives que Bakou achète.

Bien que les Armeniens soient pour l’instant en position de force en
Artsakh, des armes defensives sont-elles adaptees a celles, offensives,
de l’Azerbaïdjan ? Et l’Armenie dont l’economie est 13 a 20 % seulement
de celle de l’Azerbaïdjan, peut-elle les financer ?

Erevan ne peut payer au comptant, mais elle peut payer en usines,
infrastructures et biens immobiliers, en matières premières ou par
la dette. Cela augmente la mainmise deja considerable de la Russie
sur l’Armenie. Et notons qu’elle profite de la vente aux deux parties.

Les Trahisons Russes

Bien sûr la Russie ne veut pas que l’Azerbaïdjan (ou la Turquie)
envahisse l’Armenie. Cela creerait un corridor pan- turc depuis la
Turquie jusqu’en Azerbaïdjan. Les USA et l’Otan l’emploieraient pour
dominer le Caucase, la Mer Caspienne et probablement l’Asie Centrale

Le cas de l’Artsakh est different. Il n’a aucun accord militaire avec
la Russie. Il est sûr que Moscou ne se soucierait pas d’une invasion de
l’Artsakh parce qu’en soi, cela ne creerait pas de corridor pan- turc.

La Russie pourrait meme vouloir une nouvelle guerre d’Artsakh qui
reduirait a neant les infrastructures energetiques de l’Azerbaïdjan
et detruirait gazoducs et oleoducs installes juste au nord de la
frontière de l’Artsakh. Ou selon ce que Bakou pourrait offrir a
Moscou en echange, la Russie pourrait meme aider l’Azerbaïdjan a
defaire l’Artsakh.

Après tout, la Russie Sovietique des lendemains de la Première Guerre
Mondiale, avait donne l’Artsakh et le Nakhitchevan a l’Azerbaïdjan,
cede des terres armeniennes a la Turquie, et fourni des armes aux
forces turques de Kemal Ataturk.

La Turquie s’etait par la suite dressee contre la Russie et avait
finalement rejoint l’Otan, tandis que les Azeris restaient hostiles
envers Moscou. Azeris et Turcs se sont joues des Russes.

Quelques Armeniens disent que les Bolcheviques juifs, contrairement aux
nationalistes orthodoxes russes, qui pense-t-on contrôlent aujourd’hui
la Russie, etaient responsables de ces desastres pour l’essentiel.

Quoiqu’il en soit, les ventes d’armes a l’Azerbaïdjan et les contrats
massifs de gaz naturel avec la Turquie rappellent aux Armeniens les
trahisons russes passees.

La Securite de l’Armenie et de l’Artsakh

On comprend que pour faire obstacle a d’autres trahisons russes,
et pour des raisons economiques, scientifiques, pedagogiques et
religieuses et culturelles, l’Armenie maintienne des relations amicales
avec les USA et l’Europe.

L’Armenie ne peut pas, cependant, compter sur les USA et l’Otan pour
sa securite militaire. L’Otan voit la Turquie pas seulement plus
pesante que l’Armenie, mais aussi comme le cheval a enfourcher pour
galoper dans le Caucase, dans la region caspienne et ailleurs.

L’Armenie, par consequent, s’allie avec la Russie. Sans l’Armenie,
bien sûr, la Russie perdra le Caucase et ben plus au profit de l’Otan.

Comme Moscou aspire un jour ou l’autre a diriger les pays eurasiens,
elle essaie, en vain, il n’y a pas de doutes, d’inflechir les tendances
prooccidentales de la Turquie et l’Azerbaïdjan. N’y parvenant pas,
la Russie espère que de telles relations rapporteront, a plus ou
moins court terme, certains gains economiques et politiques.

Dans son propre interet, la Russie devrait reetudier ses faux-pas
politiques envers les turcs.

L’Armenie et la Russie resteront probablement dans un cycle de mefiance
et de besoin mutuel et de suspicion quelques temps encore.

L’Armenie et l’Artsakh etant confrontes au futur, cependant, un regard
approfondi sur la strategie et les intentions russes est essentiel.

David Boyajian est un journaliste independant Armenien americain.

Beaucoup de ses articles sont archives a

Traduction Gilbert Beguian pour Armenews

mardi 24 fevrier 2015, Jean Eckian (c)

Turquie : Apologie Du Genocide Armenien Dans Plusieurs Villes


Publié le : 24-02-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – “Bon 100e anniversaire
du nettoyage des Arméniens de notre pays. Nous sommes fiers de
nos glorieux ancêtres” : voici le texte des banderoles affichées
le 22 février 2015 par le groupe ultranationaliste Genc Atsızlar
dans plusieurs villes de Turquie. A Istanbul, dans les quartiers de
Beyoglu et Kadikoy où vit encore une petite communauté arménienne,
on pouvait lire sur les banderoles, ” Longue vie aux Ogun Samast ”
[l’assassin du journaliste arménien de Turquie, Hrant Dink], ”
Maudits soient les Hrant Dink ”, ” Nous saluons l’Azerbaïdjan et
poursuivons la lutte ”.

Ce déferlement de haine raciste prend pour prétexte les
commémorations des événements de Khodjali qui ont eu lieu au
Haut-Karabagh le 26 février 1992, durant le conflit opposant les
Arméniens aux Turcs azéris. Les faits indiquent pourtant (tout
comme le président de l’Azerbaïdjan de l’époque) que c’est la
partie azerbaïdjanaise qui est coupable de l’assassinat de civils
a Khodjali, et a perpétré un crime monstrueux contre son propre
peuple dans le cadre d’intrigues politiques et de lutte de pouvoir.

L’Azerbaïdjan et la Turquie ne reculent devant aucun moyen pour
accuser la partie arménienne d’être responsable de cette tragédie,
afin de distiller la haine envers les Arméniens et faire passer a la
trappe les massacres anti-Arméniens d’Azerbaïdjan, de 1988 a 1992,
et le génocide de 1915 en Turquie. Comme cet article le montre,
la haine et le racisme sont fichés au cÃ…”ur d’une certaine jeunesse
ultranationaliste et pantouraniste. Des observateurs de la société
turque estiment que si de grandes avancées ont eu lieu ces dernières
années chez une minorité d’intellectuels turcs qui reconnaissent le
génocide arménien et en analysent lucidement tous les paramètres,
la grande majorité de la population devient, quant a elle, de plus
en plus nationaliste. Erdogan, adepte de discours racistes envers
les Juifs et les Arméniens, n’est bien évidemment pas étranger a
la polarisation de la société. Le Collectif VAN vous propose ici
la traduction d’extraits d’un article en turc publié sur le site du
journal arménien de Turquie, Agos, le 23 février 2015.

Légende : “Bon 100e anniversaire du nettoyage des Arméniens de
notre pays. Nous sommes fiers de nos glorieux ancêtres” : voici le
texte des banderoles affichées le 22 février 2015 par le groupe
ultranationaliste Genc Atsızlar dans plusieurs villes de Turquie. Le
symbole du loup est récurrent chez les fascistes turcs. Le nom Genc
Atsızlar signifie ” Les Jeunes Atsiz ” : Atsiz se réfère a Nihal
Atsiz, l’un des principaux idéologues du racisme turc, et promoteur
du pantouranisme.


Des banderoles racistes affichées en Turquie

23/02/2015 16:18

Par Gözde Kazaz

La commémoration de l’anniversaire du massacre de Khodjaly qui
avait eu lieu le 26 février 1992 a encore conduit a une rhétorique
raciste et discriminatoire a l’encontre des Arméniens. Des slogans en
faveur d’Ogun Samast [Nota CVAN : l’assassin de Hrant Dink] ont été
étalés a Istanbul et dans différentes villes, sur des banderoles
contenant des incitations a la haine contre les Arméniens, signées
par [le groupe ultranationaliste] Genc Atsızlar [Nota CVAN : Le nom
Genc Atsızlar signifie ” Les Jeunes Atsiz ” : Atsiz se réfère
a Nihal Atsiz, l’un des principaux idéologues du racisme turc,
et promoteur du pantouranisme.]

Hier (22 février) a eu lieu a Kadikoy et Beyoglu (Istanbul), la
manifestation en mémoire du massacre [Nota CVAN : 6000 personnes* ont
défilé a Kadikoy sous des drapeaux turcs et azerbaïdjanais, avec des
slogans fustigeant les Arméniens. De nombreux habitants arméniens
du quartier avaient jugé bon de quitter le quartier ce jour-la :
leurs voisins leur avaient exprimé leur colère suite a ” l’affaire
Starbucks ” : a Los Angeles, la communauté arméno-américaine a
obtenu de la société Starbucks que soient retirés les panneaux
publicitaires présents dans les boutiques de la marque, affichant
une grande photo de jeunes Arméniennes en costume traditionnel sur
fond de drapeau turc].

La manifestation organisée par le Parti nationaliste de Turquie (MTP),
le Mouvement Touraniste et les Foyers de Beyoglu, s’est terminée a
Kadikoy sans incident.

Le groupe commémorait le massacre de Khodjali, mais une partie des
slogans étaient criés en faveur d’Ogun Samast, l’un des auteurs de
l’assassinat de Hrant Dink.

Dans les villes de Mugla, Manisa et Ordu, les groupes Genc Atsızlar
ont accroché des banderoles contenant des incitations a la haine. Les
banderoles indiquaient : “Bon 100e anniversaire du nettoyage des
Arméniens de notre pays. Nous sommes fiers de nos glorieux ancêtres”.

Le fait qu’il y avait des banderoles suspendues en face de la Direction
provinciale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, a en particulier suscité
des critiques contre la ville de Mugla sur les réseaux sociaux. Un
fonctionnaire de la Direction provinciale a fait valoir auprès
d’Agos que le directeur ne les avait peut-être pas vues en raison
de leur distance avec le bâtiment principal. Il a dit que les ”
responsables des banderoles étaient certains citoyens ”.

Des groupes ont aussi déployé des banderoles racistes a Manisa et
Ordu comme le montre la vidéo ci-dessous, du groupe de la ville de
Manisa (les slogans scandés ne sont pas ceux qui apparaissent sur
la banderole du fond qui concerne bien les Arméniens).

Vidéo :

Autre vidéo, celle de la Plate-forme du Mouvement Touraniste a
Istanbul, accessible uniquement via Facebook :

©Traduction du turc Collectif VAN – 24 février 2015 –

*Voir les Photothèques I et II, consacrées aux manifestations
racistes anti-arméniennes du 22 février 2015 en Turquie.

Lire aussi :

Khojaly : les terribles mensonges azéris

Turquie : provocations a la haine raciale contre les Arméniens

Source/Lien : Agos

Artsakh And The United States Can Jointly Investigate Azerbaijani Su


February 24 2015

“Ms. Nuland’s visit to the regions was important especially from
the perspective that this was the first trip by this level American
official to Armenia after imposing sanctions against Russia by
the West, and presentation of the vision of the USA administration
pertaining to prospective of bipartite relations by her under the new
geopolitical situation was expected”, said former Foreign Minister of
Nagorno-Karabakh Arman Melikyan in the conversation with “Aravot”,
summing up the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and
Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland’s visit. Our interlocutor appraises
the fact that the American side had expressed its readiness to deepen
cooperation in a number of key spheres. At the same time, we gave
a greater attention to the views expressed by Ms. Nuland regarding
the possibility of extradition of the subversives to the Azerbaijani
side convicted for teenager’s murder and a number of other crimes in
Artsakh, as well as the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation process. “With
regard to the future of the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation process,
she had expressed her joy that Armenia has not suspended her
participation in it, and this high-level official’s statement seemed
strange to many people which was made right after Mr. Serzh Sargsyan
recalled the infamous Armenian-Turkish Protocols. I think that Ms.

Nuland is right that Armenia will be a part of this process as long
as it has not canceled the signature by its official representative
underneath the protocols. Pertaining to the subversives, Ms. Nuland’s
humanitarian approaches upset many people, it is hard to understand
the assassins, in fact, the offer to grant liberty and a hero of
Azerbaijan. I think that this issue should be considered in the
political context by putting the words about humanitarian aspirations
aside,” said Arman Melikyan, adding that the United States, as well
as the Republic of Armenia do not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an
independent state, and as long as the issue has not acquired its legal
solution, we view Artsakh as a territory of Azerbaijan, which is under
the Baku court’s jurisdiction domain. “Thus, the NKR court instances’
activities cannot be considered legal. The Artsakh court decisions
will be considered legitimate by the countries that will recognize
the NKR state independence. Here’s what the political and governmental
circles of Armenia should think about. On the other hand, it is worth
remembering, too, that if I’m not mistaken, the Russian foreign
minister was the first who raised the possibility of extradition
of subversives to Azerbaijan via mediation of Russia, this means
that the American official has simply restored the balance,” opines
our interlocutor adding that under this situation, the Armenian side
gains the opportunity to make some actions. “If Armenia along with the
Russian relevant authorities carries out joint investigation regarding
the brutal murder in Gyumri, then Artsakh can offer the American side
to carry out a joint investigation for this kind of crimes, as well
as prior to the final resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
to provide legal assistance to Azerbaijani citizens at the NKR courts
and to the people of Artsakh at the Azerbaijani court instances,
it is possible to find mutually acceptable forms for this kind of


Read more at:

94 Of 1,000 Armenians Missing In Karabakh War Were Taken Captive?


14:13, 23.02.2015

YEREVAN. – The number of missing Armenian freedom fighters during the
Karabakh War reaches 1,000, there are data about 94 of them possibly
being taken captives, and efforts are underway to have them returned.

The member of the working group of Armenia’s Commission on Prisoners
of War, Hostages and Missing Persons, Rima Arakelyan, told the
aforementioned to reporters. She added, however, that the similar
commission which functions in Azerbaijan displays no will towards
collaborating with the Armenian side.

“There are no precise data on these 94 [people]. We are still unable to
find common ground with Azerbaijan in any way,” Arakelyan specifically

In her words, the International Committee of Red Cross therefore
remains the only mediator for the return of these captives.

“The Red Cross has pledged to help; we hope that it helps. But they
are not bringing [the pledges] to complete fruition; they are doing
nothing,” Rima Arakelyan concluded.

German Writer To Publish Book About Germany’s Role In Armenian Genoc


February 24, 2015

Jurgen Gottschlich, a foreign correspondent for German newspaper Die
Tageszeitung in Istanbul, will soon publish the “Genocide complicity:
Germany’s role in the Armenian Genocide” book, reports citing
Nouvelles d’Armenie.

100 years after the atrocities committed against the Armenians
Gottschield accuses Germany of its involvement in the genocide.

According to him, German officers and diplomats were well aware
of Armenians’ massacres and deportations in Ottoman Turkey. The
journalist criticizes Germany for not even referring to its role in
the Armenian slaughter.

Gottschield visited and interviewed the survivors’ descendants,
as well as studied the German and Turkish archives.

As a result, the documentary historical book appeared that
multilaterally examines Germany’s participation in the Armenian
Genocide, as well as the controversy concerning this issue.

The Key To The Regulation Of The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Is In The


18:35, 24 February, 2015

YEREVAN, 24 FEBRUARY, ARMENPRESS. In 2009, the Republic of Armenia
initiated a process to establish relations with Turkey without
preconditions that could have contributed to the strengthening of
stability in the region. This is what Deputy Speaker of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov recalled during
the hour of announcements at the National Assembly. “The Republic
of Armenia had the moral right to set preconditions, but it didn’t
take that step since it was fully aware of the fact that setting
preconditions is not part of dialogue and democracy,” Sharmazanov
mentioned, as “Armenpress” reports.

He emphasized the fact that Turkey said one thing to the international
community, and another thing to the Republic of Armenia.

According to Sharmazanov, as we approach the Centennial of the
Armenian Genocide, instead of rejecting its policy, Turkey is linking
the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations to the regulation
of the Karabakh issue on the one hand, and is comparing the victim
and the criminal instead of confronting its past on the other hand,
and this is inadmissible.

According to Sharmazanov, Turkey does not have and cannot have anything
to do with the regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

“The key to the regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is in the
hands of the people of Artsakh, that is, in Stepanakert. The people
of Artsakh must determine their fate,” he emphasized.

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Check below for a list of schools, universities, and venues that we
will be visiting on our tour through California from February 17 – 28,
If you’d like to meet with us during our two week visit, then email us
at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

February 24:

The Rose & Pilibos Armenian School
California State University, Northridge
AGBU Arts & Culture Committee and Armenian Society of LA Event,

February 25:
Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School
AGBU Manoogian Demirdjian High School
University of California, Irvine

February 26:
Glendale Community College
Herbert Hoover High School

February 28:
Volunteer Armenia Expo, Montebello

Turkish FM: Parliamentary Elections In Karabakh Are Provocation


Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
Feb 24 2015

24 February 2015 – 3:30pm

Turkish Republic considers the ‘parliamentary elections’ to take place
on May 3 in Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region, which has been under
Armenian occupation for more than 20 years, are part of attempts to
unilaterally legitimize the unlawful situation in those territories,
the Turkish Foreign Ministry said today.

“Such initiatives would mean an apparent violation of international
law, UN Security Council resolutions and OSCE principles. At a time
when the OSCE negotiations, aimed at achieving a peaceful solution to
the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, and the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict
are continuing, these illegal ‘elections’ are not going to contribute
to settlement efforts in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region,” the
Turkish Foreign Ministry said, stressing that the country strictly
condemns this act, which is aimed at a new violation of Azerbaijan’s
sovereignty and territorial integrity, and does not recognize any
results of these kinds of illegal initiatives that have nothing to
do with international law.

The separatist Nagorno-Karabakh regime is planning to hold
‘parliamentary elections’ in the occupied Azerbaijani territories on
May 3.