Sortie du livre : The Martyred Armenian Writers 1915-1922

Sortie du livre : The Martyred Armenian Writers 1915-1922

Alors que les Arméniens du monde entier se préparent à commémorer le
centenaire du génocide arménien, l’écrivain et dramaturge Dr Herand
Markarian a accompli la tche ambitieuse de la commémoration des 13
écrivains arméniens les plus importants qui ont été martyrisés dans le
génocide, dans une nouvelle anthologie intitulée “Les écrivains
arméniens martyrs 1915-1922”.

L’anthologie de Markarian commence par une introduction à l’histoire
arménienne, avec un accent particulier sur les Arméniens de l’Empire
ottoman et l’évolution de la littérature arménienne ottomane.
Markarian donne alors aux lecteurs une histoire concise, mais
méthodique du génocide arménien par le biais de témoignages, et une
chronologie des événements pendant le génocide basée sur les mémoires
du Très Révérend Krikoris Balakian. Markarian consacre également une
page sur les différents sites des prisons où les écrivains arméniens
et les intellectuels de Constantinople ont été arrêtés à partir du 24
Avril et ensuite assassinés.

Les dernières heures de Daniel Varoujan, Rupen Sevag, et Indra (Dikran
Chrakian) sont détaillés par des extraits de Micheal Shamdanjian et
Ohan Bedigian, deux témoins oculaires du génocide.

Markarian fournit alors des biographies complètes des 13
écrivains-martyrs qui comprennent Rupen Zartarian, Kegham Parseghian,
Yerukhan (Yervant Srmakeshkanlian), Hrant (Melkon Gurjian), et Daniel
Varoujan et met en évidence leurs caractéristiques littéraires et les

Peut-être le point culminant dans l’anthologie de Markarian est sa
traduction magistrale des oeuvres des écrivains. Les extraits sont
soigneusement sélectionnés et sont de grande envergure dans le style
littéraire et les pièces de thétre, (comme Smpad Pyurad “l’aigle
d’Avarayr”) des poèmes (“La Danse” de Siamanto) et la fiction (de
Krikor Zohrab Le fardeau de la responsabilité) et des non-fictions
(Vies de Bantookht de Hrant).

Markarian a fait un travail exceptionnel en présentant presque toutes
les facettes de la littérature arménienne à l’époque. Les traductions
des versions arméniennes originales sont faites minutieusement, et
sont vitales pour le succès de ce livre.

À l’approche du 100 e anniversaire de la nuit, quand la plupart des
écrivains ont été arrêtés puis assassinés, le livre de Markarian
s’avère être un hommage aux martyrs de ce qu’on appelle parfois notre
Rouge dimanche.

dimanche 22 février 2015,
Stéphane (c)

Les commémorations du centième anniversaire de Gallipoli seraient an

Les commémorations du centième anniversaire de Gallipoli seraient annulées

Les Commémorations du centenaire de la campagne de Gallipoli de la
Première Guerre mondiale initiées par le gouvernement turc et avancées
au 24 avril cette année, alors qu’elles sont normalement célébrées le
25 avril, jour du débarquement allié, seraient annulées. C’est du
moins ce qu’indique le journal turc Sundays Zaman.

précise-Sundays Zaman.

Si cette information venait à être confirmée, il s’agirait d’un grave
revers de la diplomatie négationniste de la Turquie qui, avec ce
stratagème grossier, avait imaginé pouvoir faire de l’ombre aux
commémorations du centième anniversaire du génocide arménien qui se
dérouleront à la date traditionnelle du 24 avril à Erevan. Le
président Sarkissian avait dénoncé ce procédé et refusé l’invitation
pour le moins hypocrite et provocatrice d’Erdogan, dans une réponse
qu’il lui avait adressée le 15 janvier dernier. Les autorités turques
ont-elles préféré faire marche arrière plutôt que de prendre le risque
de voir leurs manoeuvres se retourner contre elles et les ridiculiser
davantage ? A suivre.

Source sur le lien plus bas.

dimanche 22 février 2015,
Ara (c)

D´autres informations disponibles : Sundays Zaman

Commémoration à Valence (Drôme) du 71ème anniversaire de l’exécution

Commémoration à Valence (Drôme) du 71ème anniversaire de l’exécution
du groupe Missak Manouchian – Photos

La cérémonie commémorant le 71ème anniversaire de l’exécution du
groupe de résistants Missak Manouchian (les héros de l’Affiche Rouge)
le 21 février 1944 au mont Valérien, s’est déroulée samedi 21 février,
place Missak Manouchian à Valence (Drôme). Manifestation organisée par
les villes de Valence et Bourg-Lès-Valence avec une vingtaine
d’associations du monde résistant français, dont l’Association des
Français d’Origine Arménienne de Drôme-Ardèche (ACFOA). Malgré une
pluie battante, plus d’une cinquantaine de personnes et des
personnalités étaient venues assister à cet hommage au groupe de
résistants Missak Manouchian. Après

La Iglesia Recuerda A San Mesrob


Cronica- Argentina
17 de feb. de 2015

Doctor de los armenios que, siendo discípulo de san Narsete y escriba
en el palacio real, se hizo monje. Invento los signos del alfabeto
para que el pueblo fuese instruido en las sagradas Escrituras, tradujo
al armenio los dos testamentos y compuso himnos y canticos (c. 440).

Martes 17 de febrero

Evangelio Mc 8, 14-21

Evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo según san Marcos

Los discípulos se habían olvidado de llevar pan y no tenían mas que un
pan en la barca. Jesús les hacía esta recomendacion: “Esten atentos,
cuídense de la levadura de los fariseos y de la levadura de Herodes”.

Ellos discutían entre sí, porque no habían traído pan.

Jesús se dio cuenta y les dijo: “¿A que viene esa discusion porque
no tienen pan? ¿Todavía no comprenden ni entienden? Ustedes tienen
la mente enceguecida.

Tienen ojos y no ven, oídos y no oyen. ¿No recuerdan cuantas canastas
llenas de sobras recogieron, cuando repartí cinco panes entre cinco
mil personas?”. Ellos le respondieron: “Doce”.

“Y cuando repartí siete panes entre cuatro mil personas, ¿cuantas
canastas llenas de trozos recogieron?”. Ellos le respondieron:
“Siete”. Entonces Jesús les dijo: “¿Todavía no comprenden?”.

Palabra del Señor.

ANKARA: Ankara Delays Final Decision On Missile Defense System Until


Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Feb 20 2015

February 20, 2015, Friday/ 17:00:20/ SERVET YANATMA / ANKARA

Turkish decision-makers have agreed to postpone a final decision in
a missile defense system acquisition tender until after April 24,
the centennial of what Armenians call a genocide of their people,
apparently linking the awarding of the contract to the French and US
governments’ stances on the events.

NATO member Turkey chose the China Precision Machinery Import and
Export Corp (CPMIEC) as its preferred bidder in 2013, and Defense
Minister İsmet Yılmaz indicated on Thursday that Ankara was planning
to continue with the Chinese system, saying the assessment of bids
was completed.

The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), however, clarified
in a subsequent statement that a final decision had not been made yet,
saying Turkey was still in discussion with other bidders.

Eurosam, which is owned by Franco-Italian missile maker MBDA and
France’s Thales, is the second-best bidder in the tender. US-listed
Raytheon Co. is also competing in the tender, with its Patriot missile
defense system.

The Armenian genocide claims have long been a thorn in Turkey’s
relations with Western countries. Ankara categorically denies claims
that 1.5 million Armenians were massacred in eastern Anatolia as part
of a systematic genocide campaign during World War I, and says there
were deaths on both sides when Armenians revolted against the Ottoman
Empire for independence.

France recognizes the genocide allegations and an effort to criminalize
its denial failed only because it was revoked by the country’s
Constitutional Council.

US presidents traditionally release a statement on April 24 every
year to commemorate the deaths of Armenians. No US president has so
far referred to the deaths as “genocide,” to the disappointment of
the Armenian diaspora.

Officials attending an SSM meeting in January on the missile defense
tender agreed to wait a little longer before reaching a final decision,
Today’s Zaman has learned.

The delay in announcing a final decision on the missile defense tender
is seen as an effort to use it as leverage against any undesired
steps from the US or France regarding the Armenian genocide claims,
given the Armenians’ stepped-up efforts for wider recognition in the
run-up the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.

A Turkish Foreign Ministry official said that the final decision on
the missile defense system is “not being rushed,” saying the Turkish
authorities are conducting a thorough assessment in line with national
interests. Speaking to Today’s Zaman, the official declined to comment
on the suggestion that the decision is used as leverage in efforts
to counter Armenian lobbying ahead of April 24.

"Der Standard": Lobbyists Of Azerbaijan Put In Place In European Par


19:27 19/02/2015 >> SOCIETY

There’s nothing new in the fact that the authorities in Azerbaijan
have to spend millions of dollars on lobbyists to shape a favourable
image for their country and to prevent criticism against the regime.

Yet, the resources spent are not able to reach their goal, Azerbaijani
newspaper “Azadlig” writes, referring to the article published in
the prestigious German outlet “Der Standard”.

According to the article, Teresa Eder, in her article “How
authoritarian regimes influence on the EU countries” says that the
vice-president of the European Parliament, head of delegation of
the Greens group in the European Parliament Ulrike Lunacek gave a
negative response to the request of the lobbyists of the Azerbaijani

“Der Standard” also highlights that, as it is well-known, the European
Olympic Games are due in June in Baku, and that’s the very reason
why the Azerbaijani authorities planned a propagandistic event in the
European Parliament. However, the members of the European Parliament
didn’t let these plans come true.

According to the newspaper, the incident was registered in January
during the discussions of the report proposed by the “Corporate
Europe Observatory”. The report held details regarding the lobbying
organisations’ activities of such authoritarian regimes as Azerbaijan,
Ruanda, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Nigeria and others, in the territories
of the EU countries.

During the discussions of the report, Ivo Ilich Gabara, a British
PR-company strategist, pointed out the fact that if someone can afford
such astronomical sums for their advertising, then there’s no doubt
that the individual in question has many problems.

The author stresses that Ulrike Lunacek, in her turn, touched the
topic of “Eurovision” Song Contest in Azerbaijan in 2012 when the
official Baku invited the European Parliament Members, paying for
their journey and stay.

“At that time many people were expelled from their own homes in Baku
during the Contest,” she reminded.

According to the article, Lunacek also raised her concern regarding
the frequent visits the members of various Committees of European
Parliament pay to Azerbaijan, accepting the Azerbaijani authorities’
offers for their countries lobbying. She said she had herself more
that once received that kind of offers by Azerbaijan.

“I have time and again told them that I won’t allow them to press on
me. I am very well aware of the problems in Azerbaijan and hence,
I can openly speak up about the Azerbaijani political prisoners,”
she concluded.

Un Manifestant De Gyumri Accuse De Troubles Anti-Russe



Les services repressifs armeniens ont porte plainte contre un jeune
homme qui a ete brièvement arrete la semaine dernière pour son rôle
dans une manifestation violente près du consulat russe a Gyumri.

Mnatsakan Alexanian, un resident de 22 ans du village de Sarnaghbyur
a proximite de Gymri, a ete arrete le 4 Fevrier en relation avec
les affrontements du 15 janvier entre la police anti-emeute et les
manifestants en colère exigeant qu’un soldat russe accuse du meurtre
d’une famille armenienne soit remis aux autorites armeniennes. Il a
ete libere sans inculpation deux jours plus tard, quelques heures
avant que des dizaines de personnes se soient reuni a Gyumri pour
exiger sa liberation.

Le comite d’enquete d’Armenie a formellement accuse d’Alexanian
d’hooliganisme aggrave et ce dernier risque entre quatre et sept ans
de prison. L’avocat du suspect, Hayk Harutiunian, a rejete l’accusation
comme etant sans fondement.

“L’acte d’accusation donne l’impression que seul Mnatsakan etait
sur les lieux et que tout le monde etait calme et paisible a Gyumri
ce jour-la”, a declare Harutiunian au service armenien de RFE / RL
( “Rien n’est dit au sujet de pourquoi tout a commence
en premier lieu.”

Aucun des autres manifestants n’a ete poursuivi jusqu’ici.

Harutiunian a ajoute que son client a refuse de temoigner
formellement. Il a dit qu’il espère toujours que les enqueteurs
finiront par laisser tomber l’affaire.

Les militants civiques dans Gyumri se sont engages a organiser de
nouveaux rassemblements si les autorites russes refusent de remettre
Valery Permyakov, un soldat russe accuse du massacre du 12 Janvier
massacre, aux autorites armeniennes. Permyakov est actuellement
emprisonne dans une base militaire russe.

vendredi 20 fevrier 2015, Stephane (c)

Erevan Salue Les Pourparlers De Minsk Sur L’Ukraine



L’Armenie a salue les progrès realises lors des pourparlers marathon
a Minsk, en Bielorussie, avec la participation des dirigeants de la
Russie, l’Ukraine, l’Allemagne et de la France visant a trouver un
règlement a la crise ukrainienne.

“Nous nous felicitons des resultats du Sommet de Minsk detenus dans le
format” Normandie ” les 11-12 fevrier- l’adoption de la declaration
conjointe des Presidents de l’Ukraine, de la Russie, de la France et
de la chancelière allemande, de la signature du document par le Groupe
de contact sur les moyens de mise en oeuvre des accords de Minsk,
” a declare le ministère armenien des Affaires etrangères dans un

“Nous esperons que la realisation des accords conclus ouvrira la voie
a une resolution globale de la crise en Ukraine”, a-t-il ajoute.

vendredi 20 fevrier 2015, Stephane (c)

Jailed Azerbaijani Journalist Publishes Letter In Washington Post


10:48 * 19.02.15

The Washington Post has published a letter by Khadija Ismayilova,
the jailed Azerbaijani journalist known for her outspoken criticism
against the country’s ruling regime.

The publication says that she was arrested and given two months
pretrial detention in December for allegedly inciting a colleague to
attempt suicide.

Below is the letter:

Please forgive my long silence. I was put in solitary confinement after
my last letter was passed through these prison bars and published.

My cell was searched and all my notes, including lists of things I was
requesting from home, were taken. I have not received these back. I
guess there are many devoted readers of mine at the penitentiary. They
are taking turns reading my notes. That is why it is taking them such
a long time to return what they have taken from me.

I have not been allowed to see my family, either. The arbitrariness
of the penitentiary system allows me two phone calls each week that I
use to speak with my mother but, contrary to the law, denies her and
my lawyer regular visits. I have access to very little information. At
least I have books to keep me company. I am translating one of these —
“Children of the Jacaranda Tree” by Sahar Delijani — a novel about
history and memory that is woven around the interlocking stories of
three women imprisoned in Iran, and the people who support and are
supported by them.

Maybe I will write a sequel to tell the stories of my five cellmates,
and what their incarceration says about this country and its future.

Among us we have created a family, a tiny ecosystem that gives us
strength and helps us stay strong. My cellmates are also my new
audience, that most precious thing that every journalist must have,
even a journalist whom the government is trying to silence and pack
away. I am no longer on the air, but inside these walls I’m connected
to the struggles of Azeris in a more direct and personal way.

“Why am I here?” is a question that everyone in prison asks themselves,
no matter the crime. Corruption is the reason I am in my prison, but
the regime’s corruption, not mine. The only way to prove oppressive
regimes wrong is to continue exposing corruption, and I have promised
more investigations for 2015. Yes, there is a price to pay, but it
is worth it! My arrest proves one more time that we must build a new
reality where telling the truth will not require courage.

But what about the real crimes — the theft, the contempt for the law?

What pushes people to commit these crimes?

In a country where unpunished crimes are at a record high and deeply
rooted in all levels of government, there is a simple logic that
prompts people to commit crimes. “If it is good, why can’t I do it?;
if it is bad, why are they doing it?” And then the conclusion: “If
they can do it, I’ll do it, too.” This is the mentality bred by a
morally bankrupt regime that has turned my country’s justice system
into a corrupt machine.

But the heart of the matter goes deeper than this. It is about power
and greed, beginning with the president of the country down to the
petty officials who showcase the most dramatic examples of corruption
and impunity. This a country where money and power can cover up any
crime, and where truth and deception have traded places. As a result,
there are some 100 political prisoners behind bars in Azerbaijan.

Think about the significance: In a very small, yet strategic and
potentially volatile country bordering Russia and Iran, 100 of its
best and brightest, its most aware, active and internationally engaged
citizens have been removed from public life for the crime of seeking
decency and fair play.

We also constantly ask ourselves where are we going, and what will
we get in the end? In Kurdakhani prison, where I am now, the usual
answer is three-to-five or five-to-12 years in jail. But my answer
is that there is no end. The fight between good and evil goes on,
and the most important thing is that this fight should not end. If we
can continue to reject the thinking that is imposed on us and believe
that human dignity is not for sale, then we are the winners, and they,
our jailers both inside and outside prison, are the losers.

Prison is not frightening for those trying to right a twisted scale,
or for those who are subject to threats for doing the right thing. We
see clearly what we must fight for.