Russian Alrosa Diamond Company Posts 6% Rise In 1st Quarter Producti


YEREVAN, April 21. / ARKA /. Russian Alrosa, the world’s top producer
by output in carats, said production rose 6 percent year on year to
8.4 million carats in the first quarter that ended on March 31.

The increase was driven by expanded production at the company’s Mir
underground mine, the Botuobinskaya pipe and the Arkhangelskaya and
Karpinskogo-1 pipes at the Lomonosov deposit, Prime reports.

Alrosa said it sold 9 million carats during the quarter, which was 29
percent less than one year earlier. Sales included 7 million carats
of gem-quality diamonds at an average price of $161 per carat and 2
million carats of industrial diamonds with an average price of only
$8 per carat. The company expects that its first-quarter revenue
from rough sales will reach $1.1 billion, compared with $1.5 billion
reported in the first quarter of 2014.

Alrosa noted that rough diamond prices during the quarter dropped
by 3 percent, impacted by weaker diamond demand. Still, the company
expects market conditions to improve as key diamond jewelry markets
in the U.S., China and India pick up.

Alrosa reported also that it processed 5.5 million tons of ore during
the quarter, 2 percent more than the same period one year ago, while
the average grade achieved rose 3 percent to 1.52 carats per ton.

Production at the Aikhal division, which consists of the Jubilee pipe,
Aikhal underground mine and Komsomolskaya pipe, fell 13 percent
to 2.596 million carats. The Mirny division, which includes the
International and Mir underground mines and various alluvial deposits,
reported a production increase of 31 percent to 1.941 million carats.

The Udachny division, including the Udachnaya and Zarnitsa pipes and
the Udachanay underground mine, reported production grew 21 percent to
1.349 million carats, while the Nyurba division’s production declined 1
percent to 2.048 million carats. Production at the Lomonosov division
jumped 93 percent to 450,000 carats, while production at Almazy Anabara
and Nizhne-Lenskoye ceased during the period due to the seasonality
of gravel mining.-0-

Obama Not To Recognize Armenian Genocide


00:38, 22 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

White House briefs Armenian American leaders about the President’s
decision to exclude “Armenian Genocide” from his April 24th Centennial

US President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Deputy
National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes confirmed to Armenian American
leaders, during a White House meeting this afternoon, that the
President has chosen against recognizing the Armenian Genocide in his
April 24th statement marking the worldwide centennial of this crime.

“President Obama’s surrender to Turkey represents a national disgrace.

It is, very simply, a betrayal of truth, a betrayal of trust,” said
ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian.

“With the world’s attention drawn this April 24th to worldwide
Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorations, President Obama will,
tragically, use the moral standing of our nation not to defend the
truth, but rather to enforce of a foreign power’s gag-rule. He has
effectively outsourced America’s policy on the Armenian Genocide to
Recep Erdogan,” said Hachikian.

“As Americans of Armenian heritage – despite the repeated surrender
of President Obama to foreign pressure – we will, with our allies,
continue to work, with increased vigor and determination, to build
American support for a truthful and just resolution of the Armenian
Genocide,” he added.

Prior to his election to the oval office, President Obama was clear
and unequivocal in promising to properly characterize Ottoman Turkey’s
murder of over 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children between
1915 and 1923 as genocide. In a January 19, 2008, statement he wrote:
“The facts are undeniable. An official policy that calls on diplomats
to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy. As a senator,
I strongly support passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution
(H.Res.106 and S.Res.106), and as President I will recognize the
Armenian Genocide.”

The U.S. first recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1951 through a
filing which was included in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Report titled: “Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.” The specific reference to the
Armenian Genocide appears on page 25 of the ICJ Report: “The Genocide
Convention resulted from the inhuman and barbarous practices which
prevailed in certain countries prior to and during World War II,
when entire religious, racial and national minority groups were
threatened with and subjected to deliberate extermination. The
practice of genocide has occurred throughout human history. The Roman
persecution of the Christians, the Turkish massacres of Armenians,
the extermination of millions of Jews and Poles by the Nazis are
outstanding examples of the crime of genocide.”

President Ronald Reagan reaffirmed the Armenian Genocide in 1981. The
U.S. House of Representatives adopted legislation on the Armenian
Genocide in 1975, 1984 and 1996.

Aucune Avancee Reelle



Les dernières declarations du Premier ministre turc, qui a presente
le 20 avril ses “condoleances aux descendants des victimes” et dit en
“partager les souffrances”, sans toutefois reconnaître le genocide, ne
marquent aucune avancee par rapport a celles formulees l’annee dernière
par le president Erdogan, qui a multiplie depuis les provocations
negationnistes et les menaces contre les Armeniens. Rien dans les
propos a pretention compassionnelle de M. Davutoglu n’indique un
renoncement au negationnisme d’Etat, ni une volonte de s’inscrire
dans une logique de verite, de justice et de reparations. Face a la
pression internationale pour une reconnaissance du genocide, Ankara
tente de sauver les apparences et de donner le change. Mais l’Etat
turc continue d’esquiver ses responsabilites dans l’extermination des
Armeniens, la spoliation et le recel de leurs biens, l’assassinat de
leur civilisation, cent ans de deni de justice et de negationnisme
qui n’ont fait qu’attiser les brulures des victimes et entretenir le
nationalisme et le racisme anti-armenien en Turquie. Ca suffit.

Bureau national du CCAF

mardi 21 avril 2015, Ara (c)

Turkey’s Current Steps And Reactions At Latest Developments, To Say


14:41, 20 April, 2015

BRUSSELS, 20 APRIL, ARMENPRESS. The issue of the Armenian Genocide
has become a “litmus test” of democratization for Turkey, recognition
and respect of human rights and Turkey’s Europeanization way. The
Head of Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union,
Ambassador Tatoul Markarian stated this in an exclusive interview with
“Armenpress”, which runs as follows:

– Recently, the European Union adopted a resolution on the 100th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. As the Head of Mission of the
Republic of Armenia to the European Union, what is Your opinion about
the importance of the adoption of this resolution, taking into account
that a similar resolution was adopted in 1987?

– You are absolutely right. In 1987 the European Parliament adopted
a similar resolution. However, a number of factors make essential
the circumstance of adoption of the Resolution. I will mention only
a few of them.

It is a very long time in the international relations, especially in
the current stage, which is characterized by the rapid development
of the events and significant change of the realities and problems.

The former resolution was adopted in a different historical period
and even in other world’s conditions and cold war context. Enormous
changes have occurred, which are directly also related to the Armenian
Question, I note only one of them; the existence of the independent
Republic of Armenia.

During this time, the European Parliament and European Union have
undergone a considerable transformation, which currently represents
almost twice as much as member states than in 1987 and their role in
the system of the international relations has been enormously changed,

The 100th anniversary itself made more important the reaffirming
of the political message of the European Community on the Armenian
Question, which was addressed to Turkey. It was also an opportunity
to reassess and modernize the resolution of 1987, comply it with the
current events, developments, concepts and perceptions.

– Which is the difference of actual text of those two resolutions or
their political differences and emphases?

– The resolution of 1987 was among the first resolutions, which
recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide and it was a quite
serious document and an achievement. It was mostly a resolution on
the Armenian Question, the Armenian minority in Turkey and Turkish
state relations.

In those days, in all comments it is definitely evaluated, that
the new resolution is not satisfied merely by the identification of
historical truth or focus on the moral side and includes very clear
political messages addressed to Turkey. It is highly important that
despite the mentioned messages, the resolution is proposed jointly
by the political parties of European Parliament.

The European Parliament, which represents 28 member states and a
population of around 500 million, characterizes the actions perpetrated
against the Armenians in Ottoman Empire as a Genocide corresponding
to the provisions of the UN Convention, condemns the attempts of the
denial of crimes against the humanity, pays tribute to the memory of
one and a half million innocent victims, as well as by the European
spirit of solidarity and justice joins the commemoration of the
Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and urges the European Commission
and the European Council to follow its example.

It calls on Turkey to use the occasion of the 100th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide, face with its history, recognize the Armenian
Genocide and thereby pave the way for the real reconciliation of the
Armenian and Turkish people.

It is noteworthy that the growth of number of the state member of
EU and parliaments of other countries, which recognized the Armenian
Genocide, is fixed in the resolution. It is emphasized the importance
of preserving the memories of the past and highlighted, that it is not
possible to achieve reconciliation without the truth and remembrance.

The new document as you see, has a completely different character
and direction, reflects the current political realities and does not
repeat a number of points of the 1987 resolution.

– Mr. Ambassador, it was said that it would be better, if the protocols
weren’t mentioned. What would You say about this?

– It is no secret that the Turkish side, despite not ratifying
them, tried to use the fact of protocols’ existence to prevent the
adoption of resolutions, which recognize the Armenian Genocide. All
by means, it required additional efforts from our diplomats and our
community organizations for not allowing it. This document reflects
on the protocols, but clearly urges Turkey to recognize the Armenian
Genocide. The adoption of this resolution showed that even mentioning
the protocols in the same resolution will not free Turkey from the
imperative of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. And this is
not just the perception of the Armenian side, but also the perception
of the European Parliament.

– Mr. Ambassador, how do You imagine the further steps of Turkey?

– Turkey’s current steps and reactions at the latest developments,
to say the least, are not adequate. Turkey should either be able to
resolve these issues by the way of bilateral civilized dialogue with
Armenia and Armenians, or it will continue to encounter with our and
international community’s ongoing and consistent pressure. There is
no third option.

The issue of the Armenian Genocide has become a “litmus test” of
democratization for Turkey, recognition and respect of human rights
and Turkey’s Europeanization way. And such profound and comprehensive
reforms are initiated by the given country’s government, or society,
and/or the international community. In this case, the Turkish
authorities, unfortunately, are not in the leading role.

The Head of Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union,
Ambassador Tatoul Markarian stated this in an exclusive interview with
“Armenpress”, which runs as follows:

– Recently, the European Union adopted a resolution on the 100th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. As the Head of Mission of the
Republic of Armenia to the European Union, what is Your opinion about
the importance of the adoption of this resolution, taking into account
that a similar resolution was adopted in 1987?

– You are absolutely right. In 1987 the European Parliament adopted
a similar resolution. However, a number of factors make essential
the circumstance of adoption of the Resolution. I will mention only
a few of them.

It is a very long time in the international relations, especially in
the current stage, which is characterized by the rapid development
of the events and significant change of the realities and problems.

The former resolution was adopted in a different historical period
and even in other world’s conditions and cold war context. Enormous
changes have occurred, which are directly also related to the Armenian
Question, I note only one of them; the existence of the independent
Republic of Armenia.

During this time, the European Parliament and European Union have
undergone a considerable transformation, which currently represents
almost twice as much as member states than in 1987 and their role in
the system of the international relations has been enormously changed,

The 100th anniversary itself made more important the reaffirming
of the political message of the European Community on the Armenian
Question, which was addressed to Turkey. It was also an opportunity
to reassess and modernize the resolution of 1987, comply it with the
current events, developments, concepts and perceptions.

– Which is the difference of actual text of those two resolutions or
their political differences and emphases?

– The resolution of 1987 was among the first resolutions, which
recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide and it was a quite
serious document and an achievement. It was mostly a resolution on
the Armenian Question, the Armenian minority in Turkey and Turkish
state relations.

In those days, in all comments it is definitely evaluated, that
the new resolution is not satisfied merely by the identification of
historical truth or focus on the moral side and includes very clear
political messages addressed to Turkey. It is highly important that
despite the mentioned messages, the resolution is proposed jointly
by the political parties of European Parliament.

The European Parliament, which represents 28 member states and a
population of around 500 million, characterizes the actions perpetrated
against the Armenians in Ottoman Empire as a Genocide corresponding
to the provisions of the UN Convention, condemns the attempts of the
denial of crimes against the humanity, pays tribute to the memory of
one and a half million innocent victims, as well as by the European
spirit of solidarity and justice joins the commemoration of the
Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and urges the European Commission
and the European Council to follow its example.

It calls on Turkey to use the occasion of the 100th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide, face with its history, recognize the Armenian
Genocide and thereby pave the way for the real reconciliation of the
Armenian and Turkish people.

It is noteworthy that the growth of number of the state member of
EU and parliaments of other countries, which recognized the Armenian
Genocide, is fixed in the resolution. It is emphasized the importance
of preserving the memories of the past and highlighted, that it is not
possible to achieve reconciliation without the truth and remembrance.

The new document as you see, has a completely different character
and direction, reflects the current political realities and does not
repeat a number of points of the 1987 resolution.

– Mr. Ambassador, it was said that it would be better, if the protocols
weren’t mentioned. What would You say about this?

– It is no secret that the Turkish side, despite not ratifying
them, tried to use the fact of protocols’ existence to prevent the
adoption of resolutions, which recognize the Armenian Genocide. All
by means, it required additional efforts from our diplomats and our
community organizations for not allowing it. This document reflects
on the protocols, but clearly urges Turkey to recognize the Armenian
Genocide. The adoption of this resolution showed that even mentioning
the protocols in the same resolution will not free Turkey from the
imperative of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. And this is
not just the perception of the Armenian side, but also the perception
of the European Parliament.

– Mr. Ambassador, how do You imagine the further steps of Turkey?

– Turkey’s current steps and reactions at the latest developments,
to say the least, are not adequate. Turkey should either be able to
resolve these issues by the way of bilateral civilized dialogue with
Armenia and Armenians, or it will continue to encounter with our and
international community’s ongoing and consistent pressure. There is
no third option.

Turkey’s current steps and reactions at latest developments, to say
the least, are not adequate. Armenia’s Ambassador to EU

BRUSELLS, 20 APRIL, ARMENPRESS. The issue of the Armenian Genocide
has become a “litmus test” of democratization for Turkey, recognition
and respect of human rights and Turkey’s Europeanization way. The
Head of Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union,
Ambassador Tatoul Markarian stated this in an exclusive interview with
“Armenpress”, which runs as follows:

– Recently, the European Union adopted a resolution on the 100th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. As the Head of Mission of the
Republic of Armenia to the European Union, what is Your opinion about
the importance of the adoption of this resolution, taking into account
that a similar resolution was adopted in 1987?

– You are absolutely right. In 1987 the European Parliament adopted
a similar resolution. However, a number of factors make essential
the circumstance of adoption of the Resolution. I will mention only
a few of them.

It is a very long time in the international relations, especially in
the current stage, which is characterized by the rapid development
of the events and significant change of the realities and problems.

The former resolution was adopted in a different historical period
and even in other world’s conditions and cold war context. Enormous
changes have occurred, which are directly also related to the Armenian
Question, I note only one of them; the existence of the independent
Republic of Armenia.

During this time, the European Parliament and European Union have
undergone a considerable transformation, which currently represents
almost twice as much as member states than in 1987 and their role in
the system of the international relations has been enormously changed,

The 100th anniversary itself made more important the reaffirming
of the political message of the European Community on the Armenian
Question, which was addressed to Turkey. It was also an opportunity
to reassess and modernize the resolution of 1987, comply it with the
current events, developments, concepts and perceptions.

– Which is the difference of actual text of those two resolutions or
their political differences and emphases?

– The resolution of 1987 was among the first resolutions, which
recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide and it was a quite
serious document and an achievement. It was mostly a resolution on
the Armenian Question, the Armenian minority in Turkey and Turkish
state relations.

In those days, in all comments it is definitely evaluated, that
the new resolution is not satisfied merely by the identification of
historical truth or focus on the moral side and includes very clear
political messages addressed to Turkey. It is highly important that
despite the mentioned messages, the resolution is proposed jointly
by the political parties of European Parliament.

The European Parliament, which represents 28 member states and a
population of around 500 million, characterizes the actions perpetrated
against the Armenians in Ottoman Empire as a Genocide corresponding
to the provisions of the UN Convention, condemns the attempts of the
denial of crimes against the humanity, pays tribute to the memory of
one and a half million innocent victims, as well as by the European
spirit of solidarity and justice joins the commemoration of the
Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and urges the European Commission
and the European Council to follow its example.

It calls on Turkey to use the occasion of the 100th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide, face with its history, recognize the Armenian
Genocide and thereby pave the way for the real reconciliation of the
Armenian and Turkish people.

It is noteworthy that the growth of number of the state member of
EU and parliaments of other countries, which recognized the Armenian
Genocide, is fixed in the resolution. It is emphasized the importance
of preserving the memories of the past and highlighted, that it is not
possible to achieve reconciliation without the truth and remembrance.

The new document as you see, has a completely different character
and direction, reflects the current political realities and does not
repeat a number of points of the 1987 resolution.

– Mr. Ambassador, it was said that it would be better, if the protocols
weren’t mentioned. What would You say about this?

– It is no secret that the Turkish side, despite not ratifying
them, tried to use the fact of protocols’ existence to prevent the
adoption of resolutions, which recognize the Armenian Genocide. All
by means, it required additional efforts from our diplomats and our
community organizations for not allowing it. This document reflects
on the protocols, but clearly urges Turkey to recognize the Armenian
Genocide. The adoption of this resolution showed that even mentioning
the protocols in the same resolution will not free Turkey from the
imperative of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. And this is
not just the perception of the Armenian side, but also the perception
of the European Parliament.

– Mr. Ambassador, how do You imagine the further steps of Turkey?

– Turkey’s current steps and reactions at the latest developments,
to say the least, are not adequate. Turkey should either be able to
resolve these issues by the way of bilateral civilized dialogue with
Armenia and Armenians, or it will continue to encounter with our and
international community’s ongoing and consistent pressure. There is
no third option.

The issue of the Armenian Genocide has become a “litmus test” of
democratization for Turkey, recognition and respect of human rights
and Turkey’s Europeanization way. And such profound and comprehensive
reforms are initiated by the given country’s government, or society,
and/or the international community. In this case, the Turkish
authorities, unfortunately, are not in the leading role.

And such profound and comprehensive reforms are initiated by the
given country’s government, or society, and/or the international
community. In this case, the Turkish authorities, unfortunately,
are not in the leading role.

Courrier International Consacre Son Editorial Et 4 Pages Au Genocide



L’hebdomadaire Courrier International consacre dans son numero 1276
(du 16 au 22 avril), quatre pages sur le genocide des Armeniens a
l’occasion du 100 ème anniversaire du genocide. L’un des articles titre
> et ecrit >

Ci-dessous l’editorial de Courrier International :

RFI/Geopolitique, Le Debat : Centenaire Du Genocide Armenien


Publie le : 20-04-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – L’emission Geopolitique,
le debat sur RFI revient sur le genocide armenien. 1915, l’Empire
Ottoman est plonge dans la grande guerre qui entraînera sa chute. Dans
ce contexte historique, plus d’un million d’Armeniens sont massacres
par les Turcs. C’est le premier genocide du siècle, dont l’evocation a
toujours ete refusee, occultee par les autorites turques. 2015 marque
le centenaire du genocide armenien, dont la commemoration sera celebree
le 24 avril 2015 a Erevan. La reconnaissance du genocide reste une
priorite pour les Armeniens aujourd’hui. Les invites de Marie-France
Chatin sont Claire Mouradian, historienne, directrice de recherches
au CNRS; Hamit Bozarslan, historien, politologue, directeur d’Etudes
a l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales et Gaïdz Minassian,
journaliste au Monde, politologue.


Geopolitique, le debat

Centenaire du genocide armenien

Par Marie-France Chatin

Diffusion : dimanche 19 avril 2015

Ecouter l’emission

1915, l’Empire Ottoman est plonge dans la grande guerre qui entraînera
sa chute. Dans ce contexte historique, plus d’un million d’Armeniens
sont massacres par les Turcs. C’est le premier genocide du siècle, dont
l’evocation a toujours ete refusee, occultee par les autorites turques.

2015 marque le centenaire du genocide armenien, dont la commemoration
sera celebree le 24 avril 2015 a Erevan. La reconnaissance du genocide
reste une priorite pour les Armeniens aujourd’hui.

Invites : – Claire Mouradian, historienne, directrice de recherches
au CNRS.

Responsable de l’equipe Caucase-Asie Centrale du Centre d’Etudes
des Mondes Russe, Caucasien et Centre-europeen.

Jailed Turkish-Armenian Journalist Sevan Nisanyan’s Sentence Raised


13:31, 20 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

Turkish-Armenian writer, intellectual and journalist Sevan Nisanyan,
currently serving a 6 year, 6 months sentence in Yenipazar Prison in
the western province of Aydin, has had his sentence increased 4 years,
7 months by the Supreme Court of Appeals, reports.

Nisanyan is currently serving time over a charge of “deliberately
causing harm to the protection of immovable cultural heritage” for his
building an addition to his home in the Aegean village of Sirince in
violation to the Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection Act (KTVKK).

However he is known for his outspoken criticism of the government,
and it is widely believed that his sentencing was simply an excuse
to silence the vocal critic.

Turkish-Armenian daily Agos reported that the additional 4 years,
7 months to his sentence was over three separate charges; 4 years,
2 months handed out over his violation of the KTVKK and 5 months
for the breaking of the seal on his property. The Supreme Court of
Appeals is also hearing an additional 5 year, 6 month prison sentence
for Nisanyan.

Appeals against the eleven separate cases filed against Nisanyan
over violations of the KTVKK and the Zoning Code had been brought to
the Supreme Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court Prosecutor has yet
to respond to the request that the cases be consolidated into one
single sentence, instead of sentencing Nisanyan for the same crimes
one by one.

Nisanyan would have been eligible for transfer to a minimum-security
open prison as of April 21st; however the additional sentencing means
he will remain in his current closed prison until 2016 at the earliest.

L’EGAM S’inquiete De L’eviction Du Conseiller Armenien Du PM Turc


Publie le : 20-04-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN vous invite
a lire le Communique de presse du Mouvement Antiraciste Europeen EGAM
publie le 16 avril 2015.


Communique de presse

Le Mouvement Antiraciste Europeen EGAM s’inquiète de l’eviction
du conseiller armenien du PM turc a la suite de ses declarations
reconnaissant le genocide armenien comme tel

by adminegam

Paris, le 16 avril 2015,

Etyen Mahcupyan etait depuis 2014 le premier Armenien de Turquie a
occuper un poste aussi eleve dans l’administrative gouvernemental

Malgre les denegations du pouvoir turc qui parle de brusque >, c’est d’une veritable eviction qu’il s’agit. La raison
veritable est evidente : il ne faisait pas sien le negationnisme
d’Etat de la Turquie.

C’est un signal conforme a la traditionnelle position negationniste de
l’Etat turque mais qui n’en reste pas moins inquietante a la veille des
commemorations du 100eanniversaire du genocide, notamment en Turquie.

L’Etat turc combine donc des mesures d’intimidation comme cette
eviction avec une strategie de contre-feux avec les commemorations
de Gallipoli.

Pour Benjamin Abtan, president du Mouvement antiraciste europeen EGAM

Canadian Media Coverage Of The Centennial Of The Armenian Genocide


[ Part 2.2: “Attached Text” ]

Below you will find the Canadian media coverage of the Centennial of
the Armenian Genocide and it`s commemoration in Toronto.

Horror’s 100th anniversary unites Armenian-Canadians at rally


Thousands attend Toronto rally marking 100 years since Armenian


Thousands march downtown to mark 100th anniversary of Armenian genocide


Two videos on the right side of the story. One of them is with
Atom Egoyan


Legacy of a genocide

Sunday Edition

CBC Radio – Broadcast nationally 37:31


To listen to the show, click on the “Listen” icon on the left side
under the picture

Atom Egoyan’s very big year


100-year shadow cast over Armenians’ lives


Armenian Genocide: The untold spy thriller


Armenian Genocide: 100th anniversary of a ‘great


Armenian Genocide: A timeline


ARF: Turkey Will Not Sever Ties With The Vatican


12:56, 20.04.2015
Region:World News, Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics

YEREVAN. – Turkey will not break off relations with the Vatican even
after the Holy Mass which the Pope offered.

The head of the Political Affairs Bureau and the Armenian Cause
Office of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Dashnaktsutyun
Party, Giro Manoyan, stated the aforementioned at a press conference
on Monday.

“I don’t think Turkey will break off economic and military relations
with any state. I believe everything will fall [back] into place in
two or three months,” Manoyan said, and added: “We have been witness
to this numerous times.”

The ARF official also noted that Turkey does everything solely for
its own interests.

As reported earlier, during the aforesaid mass, which was devoted to
the victims of the Armenian Genocide, and which was offered on April
12 at the St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Pope Francis had stated
that the Armenians had become the victims of the first genocide in the
20th century, and simply because of their ethnicity. And immediately
after this mass, Turkey had recalled its ambassador to the Vatican.

Armenia News –