Messe Oecumenique Pour Le 100eme Anniversaire Du Genocide Armenien C



Dimanche 25 janvier a 18 heures, une messe oecumenique commemorative
en rite armenien a l’occasion du 100ème anniversaire etait organisee a
l’Eglise Saint Jean de Valence (Drôme) en presence de Monseigneur Jean
(Hovhannès) Teyrouzian eveque de l’Eparchie de Sainte-Croix-de-Paris
des Armeniens Catholiques de France et Monseigneur Pierre-Yves Michel
eveque de Valence.

Participaient egalement a cette messe, le reverend père Antranig
Maldjian, le père Naamo Luis (Eglise catholique armenienne Sainte-Croix
de Valence), les pasteurs Elie Jalouff (Eglise Evangelique armenienne
de Valence) et Louder Nassanian (Eglise armenienne Maranatha). Un très
nombreux public avait repondu a l’invitation. Parmi les personnalites,
notons outre les presidents d’associations armeniennes, la presence de
Nicolas Daragon (Maire de Valence et de la Communaute d’agglomeration),
Annie Koulaksezian-Romy (Conseillère communautaire de Valence) et
Patrick Labaune (depute de la Drôme).

Jean-Marc Abattu, president de l’association cultuelle de l’Eglise
catholique armenienne Sainte-Croix de Valence a remercie le public
d’etre venu en si grand nombre a cette messe de commemoration. Dans le
public, beaucoup d’amis des Armeniens venus temoigner leur solidarite
au peuple armenien martyr.

Lors de son homelie, Mgr Jean (Hovhannès) Teyrouzian a evoque le
genocide des Armeniens > dit-il avant d’appeler a prier pour la paix de leurs âmes.

Il a egalement appele a la paix dans le monde. L’homelie de Pierre-Yves
Michel, l’Eveque de Valence a l’occasion de cette messe oecumenique de
commemoration dediee aux victimes du genocide armenien, a l’occasion
du 100ème anniversaire des evènements fut un moment fort de cette
messe oecumenique.

Mgr Pierre-Yves Michel dit :

qui n’a pas commence la
semaine dernière. Saint Irenee, ne a Smyrne en Asie mineure, forme a
Rome a la culture grecque, raconte qu’il a entendu Polycarpe enseigner
la foi en faisant etat de son lien avec Jean et ceux qui ont vu le
Seigneur. Des versions armeniennes des oeuvres d’Irenee nous disent
l’interet porte par l’Eglise d’Armenie pour la pensee de l’eveque de
Lyon. Au debut du XXème siècle, a ete decouvert dans une bibliothèque
d’Erevan des passages du livre d’Irenee Contre les heresies et la
totalite de son ouvrage >, qui n’etait
qu’un titre avant cette decouverte. De meme que Saint Irenee est un
trait d’union entre Lyon, l’Orient et l’Armenie, vous, nos frères et
soeurs d’Armenie des differentes generations, implantes ici, etes un
train d’union avec l’Eglise des premiers siècles et avec les peuples
de l’Orient. Votre temoignage de foi compte pour nous, y compris le
temoignage de votre foi meurtrie a cause du genocide d’il y a 100 ans,
lorsque près d’1 500 00 personnes ont ete massacrees entre 1915 et
1920 pour la seule raison qu’elles etaient armeniennes et chretiennes.

La manière dont l’attachement au Christ vainqueur du mal et de la mort
vous a aide a surmonter la douleur est un signe pour nous… et le
desir d’un jumelage avec un diocèse du Moyen-Orient où les Armeniens
sont nombreux grandit en nous. Merci de parler et de temoigner, merci
de nous montrer aussi comment vous tissez des liens entre armeniens
de confessions differentes, apostoliques, catholiques, evangeliques…

Comme ils sont beaux les pas des messagers de la bonne nouvelle !

Continuons de mettre un pas devant l’autre pour temoigner du Christ.

Continuons de faire des pas les uns vers les autres pour mieux
nous connaître, prier et servir ensemble. Continuons de faire des
pas ensemble vers les autres croyants, vers toute personne de bonne
volonte, tout chercheur de sens. Le Christ marche avec nous sur ces
chemins et se revèle source de vie. >>.

Après cette belle messe oecumenique où se sont exprimee la foi et
la solidarite, le public fut invite dans la salle annexe de l’eglise
Saint Jean de Valence pour un buffet.

Krikor Amirzayan a Valence (Drôme), texte et reportage-photo

Messe oecumenique pour le 100ème anniversaire du genocide armenien
celebree a l’eglise Saint Jean de Valence Mgr Jean Teyrouzian et
Mgr Pierre-Yves Michel celèbrent la messe oecumenique pour le 100ème
anniversaire du genocide armenien Au premier rang le Maire de Valence
Nicolas Daragon Le public venu très nombreux Jean-Marc Abattu remercie
le public venu en grand nombre Mgr Jean Keyrouzian Messe oecumenique
pour le 100ème anniversaire du genocide armenien celebree a l’eglise
Saint Jean de Valence Le public venu en grand nombre Messe oecumenique
pour le 100ème anniversaire du genocide armenien celebree a l’eglise
Saint Jean de Valence Les personnalites le père Antranig Maldjian
L’homelie de Mgr Pierre-Yves Michel, l’Eveque de Valence L’homelie
de Mgr Pierre-Yves Michel, l’Eveque de Valence L’Eveque de Valence
evoque la souffrance des Armeniens lors du genocide Le public et les
personnalites Messe oecumenique pour le 100ème anniversaire du genocide
armenien celebree a l’eglise Saint Jean de Valence Mgr Pierre-Yves
Michel, l’Eveque de Valence Mgr Jean Teyrouzian et Mgr Pierre-Yves
Michel, l’Eveque de Valence lors de la messe commemorative du genocide
armenienr Messe oecumenique pour le 100ème anniversaire du genocide
armenien celebree a l’eglise Saint Jean de Valence Messe oecumenique
pour le 100ème anniversaire du genocide armenien celebree a l’eglise
Saint Jean de Valence Messe oecumenique pour le 100ème anniversaire
du genocide armenien celebree a l’eglise Saint Jean de Valence

lundi 26 janvier 2015, Krikor Amirzayan (c)

Armenie : Un Meurtre Va-T-Il Apporter Un Changement Des Relations Av



Il y a un peu plus d’un an, la ville armenienne de Gumri où se trouve
la 102 ème base de l’armee de la Russie, a accueilli le president
russe Vladimir Poutine avec faste et en agitant des drapeaux.

Maintenant, les manifestants dans la ville pietinent les drapeaux

L’incapacite de l’Armenie d’ assurer la garde d’un conscrit russe
accuse d’avoir assassiner les six membres d’une famille le 12 janvier –
la plus jeune des victimes avaient seulement deux ans – a contribue
a ce changement d’humeur. Bien que le procureur general armenien
Gevorg Kostanian a declare que l’accuse Valery Permyakov, sera juge en
Armenie, l’autorite qui procède a l’instruction demeure incertaine :
le tribunal militaire russe de la base 102e, où Permyakov est detenu,
ou une cour armenienne .

L’absence d’une reponse claire a cette question met en peril les
liens historiques forts entre l’Armenie, principal allie de Moscou
dans le Caucase du Sud, et la Russie, estiment des analystes locaux.

Le 15 Janvier, quelques heures après l’enterrement de la famille
Avetisian, des affrontements avec la police ont eclate a l’exterieur
du consulat russe a Gyumri alors que des centaines de manifestants
ont tente de penetrer dans le bâtiment pour exiger que Permyakov soit
remis a la police armenienne et etre juge par un tribunal armenien .

Au moins 13 personnes auraient ete hospitalisees a la suite de la
bagarre, et autour d’une douzaine, y compris des journalistes et des
militants des droits humains, ont ete arretes.

La Russie pretend qu’elle a le droit de juger Permyakov depuis qu’il
avait deserte la base de Gyumri. Des representants du gouvernement
armenien ont ete autorises a entrer dans la base 102 de l’armee pour
confirmer sa presence dans une cellule d’isolement a signale RFE / RL.

Ils ont dit qu’ils allaient transmettre les preoccupations des
manifestants aux fonctionnaires russes.

Mais de nombreux Armeniens ne se laissent pas acheter. La famille
est sans doute la plus sacree des institutions sociales dans ce
petit pays d’un peu moins de trois millions de personnes. Ce statut
existe ailleurs dans la region, aussi, mais en Armenie, en raisons
des sequelles de la guerre, du genocide et de grandes migrations,
elle exerce une traction particulier.

Les menaces pour les familles peuvent venir de l’Azerbaïdjan ou la
Turquie, les ennemis traditionnels du pays, mais elles ne devraient pas
provenir de la Russie, le garde du corps de longue date de l’Armenie.

Pour Hrant Hambardzumian, 65 ans ingenieur le fait que le gouvernement
armenien ne percoit pas de taxe de la Russie pour sa base de Gyumri
et paya 20,5 millions de drams (environ 50000$) en Novembre pour les
depenses encourues fait de l’assassinat de la famille Avetisian une
insulte aussi bien qu’une tragedie.

> s’est moque
Hambardzumian, un resident de la capitale, Erevan.

> dans l’evaluation de la relation d’Erevan avec la Russie a
conseille Sergei Minassian, responsable du programme d’etudes
politiques a l’Institut du Caucase a Erevan. Alors que la Russie ne
paie pas Erevan pour l’utilisation de la base de Gyumri, elle vend
du gaz a l’Armenie ainsi que des armes et du materiel militaire a
des prix inferieurs au marche a note Minassian.

Ce n’est pas suffisant pour convaincre Ruben Mehrabian, analyste au
Centre armenien d’etudes nationales et internationales. Les relations
entre l’Armenie et la Russie sont maintenant si “deformees et laids”
a-t-il commente, qu’elles “doivent etre recalibrees.”

par Marianna Grigoryan

lundi 26 janvier 2015, Stephane (c)

Georgian Driver Sentenced To 17 Years For Involvement In Armenia’s L


Kristine Aghalaryan

13:00, January 26, 2015

Avtandil Martiashvili, a Georgian citizensentenced to 17 years on
smuggling charges in Armenia’s largest drug bust, has been on hunger
strike since according to his lawyer.

Martiashvili was found guilty on January 20, 2015 for driving a truck
that was found to contain 850 kilos of heroin when inspected seized
at the Meghri customs house on January 17, 2014.

The Georgian has always maintained his innocence.

His defense attorney, Teymouraz Maytiashvili, also told Hetq that
when he visited his client in prison, he was told that there are 18
inmates in his cell and only 12 cots. The inmates sleep in turns,
the attorney was told by Martiashvili.

Maytiashvili told Hetq that he has spoken with the Georgian consular
general to Armenia and that the official plans to visit Martiashvili
in jail.

Gor Ghlechyan, spokesperson for Armenia’s Department of Corrections,
has told Hetq that Martiashvili is currently in a cell by himself
and under a medical watch.

Angered Protesters Continue To Demand Meeting With Prime Minister


14:12 | January 26,2015 | Economy

Alexander Ghazaryan, head of the government department that deals
with the acceptance and discussion of citizen requests, approached
the traders protesting outside the government building for a second
time, again asking them to form a delegation of 10 members to enter
the building and meet Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. In reply,
the group began whistling. They continue to demand that the premier
come out of the building and talk to them.

Mr Ghazaryan stressed that the meeting will not take place in the

The group of police officers police is guarding the building. The
doors are locked from inside.

A group of salespeople have gathered outside the government building
today to demand a meeting with the prime minister. They are protesting
against the Law on Turnover Tax which requires that salespeople track
an inventory for each product. The new law comes into effect starting
February 1.

Les Violences Entre Armeniens Et Azeris Continuent De S’intensifier



L’armee armenienne affirme compter deux victimes de plus et avoir tue
au moins trois soldats azerbaïdjanais vendredi dans ce qui semble
etre une nouvelle escalade des combats dans la zone du conflit du

La recrudescence des violations de la treve preoccupe James Warlick,
le negociateur en chef americain. Dans un Tweet, Warlick a exhorte
les presidents de l’Armenie et de l’Azerbaïdjan d'”arreter la violence
le long de la ligne de contact et de s’engager a des negociations.”

Le ministère de la Defense de l’Armenie a declare que les deux soldats,
le lieutenant Karen Galstian et Artak Sargsian, ont ete abattus, et
qu’un autre militaire, Hovannes Avanesian, a ete grièvement blesse
dans une attaque azerbaïdjanaise dans la province du nord Tavush. Il
a dit que les forces azerbaïdjanaises n’ont pas saisi d’avant-poste
et ont ete forcees de battre en retraite.

L’armee azerbaïdjanaise a nie toute action de ses raids commandos,
et a replique que les forces armeniennes deployees ont tente une
attaque transfrontalière.

Artsrun Hovannisian, le porte-parole du ministère de la Defense a
Erevan, a affirme que trois autres militaires azerbaïdjanais ont ete
tues plus tard vendredi.

Ces dernières violations du cessez-le-feu portent a 10 le nombre
total de soldats armeniens qui auraient ete tues a la frontière
azerbaïdjanaise ce mois-ci. En revanche, le ministère de la Defense
azerbaïdjanais a signale aucune victime lors de combat en janvier, ce
qui prouve pour les Armeniens que Bakou cache ses pertes pour eviter
une reaction nationale contre sa politique apparente de l’escalade.

Le site de nouvelles azerbaïdjanaises a rapporte vendredi
les funerailles d’un soldat azerbaïdjanais. Des photographies des
funerailles en presence de hauts responsables militaires montrent
que Nizami Babashov a recu les honneurs militaires.

“Les actions de l’Armenie seront maintenant plus impitoyables”, a
poste Hovannisian, porte-parole du Ministère armenien de la Defense
sur Facebook.

lundi 26 janvier 2015, Claire (c)

8000 Armenians sign petition to hand Russian soldier over to local a


Kavkazskiy Uzel , Russia
Jan 24 2015

A reported 8000 Armenians have signed a petition demanding that
Russian contract soldier Valery Permyakov, who has been accused of
murdering an Armenian family, be handed over to the Armenian police,
Kavkazskiy Uzel news website reported on 24 January.

Currently, Permyakov is reportedly in custody at the Russian military
base in Gyumri, Armenia.

An activist interviewed by the website, Narek Aivazyan, was quoted
as saying the original goal had been to collect 10000 signatures.

He noted, however, that a part of the demands had been met since
Armenian police are investigating the 12 January murder.

The website, however, quoted lawyer Lusine Saakyan as saying even were
“a million” signatures, the petition would not have any legal power.

The petition could help civil engagement around the issue grow into
a political fight, however, noted Manvel Sarkisyan, the director of
the Armenian Institute of National and Strategic Research.

Pontifical Encyclical By His Holiness Aram I Dedicated To The Centen


13:24, 26 Jan 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

2015 is not just another year. As the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide, it carries a special meaning, a special message and a special
purpose. Every Armenian and the entire nation should reflect on the
unique significance and special importance of the occasion.

The Armenian Genocide has left its permanent scar on the common memory
of the Armenian people. There is not a single Armenian on earth who
has not had the Genocide blended with his blood and cemented with his
life. There is no Armenian family on earth who has not been affected
by the Genocide and its repercussions.

For one hundred years, we have remembered with prayers and vigils our
one and a half million martyrs who were the victims of a carefully
planned and systematically executed genocide of the Ottoman-Turkish
government in Western Armenia and Cilicia.

For one hundred years, we have remembered with grieving hearts and
indignation the perpetrators’ destruction of our centuries-old
cultural and religious treasures, our monasteries and churches,
manuscripts and cross-stones and many more sacred artefacts.

For one hundred years, we have remembered with unrelenting spirit
the confiscation of thousands of our national, church and personal
properties by Turkey.

As a consequence of the 1915 Genocide and deportations, towns and
villages in both historic Western Armenia and Cilicia, which had been
inhabited by the Armenian people for centuries and which prospered
with their creative spirit, were emptied of Armenians. The intention
of the Ottoman authorities was to exterminate the Armenians and wipe
out Armenia from the world map. How well the words of the Psalmist
apply to the death and destruction caused by the Genocide: “O God,
the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have
they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps. The dead bodies of
thy servants have they given to be meant unto the fowls of heaven,
the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth. Their blood
have they shed like water round about Jerusalem; and there was none
to bury them” (Psalm 79: 1-3).

Uprooted from their ancestral lands, the children of this refugee and
orphaned nation have neither forgotten the memory of their martyrs
nor have they forsaken their legacy. They heard Christ’s message:
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill
the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul
and body in hell” (Math. 10:28). Motivated by this conviction and
reinvigorated with the anticipation of a new beginning, they engaged
in community-building. Thus, they restructured both their private
and communal lives; they erected schools and churches; they founded
new organizations across the Diaspora. Furthermore, they reminded
Turkey and the international community of the unpunished Genocide
and demanded justice.

Throughout the past hundred years, our church, committees of the
Armenian cause, our political organizations and, during the past two
decades, the government of the Republic of Armenia, have worked hard
for the recognition of the Genocide, mainly through inter-church,
inter-religious and political contacts and lobbying. A large number
of states, churches and organizations have formally recognized the
Armenian Genocide. Many Armenian and non-Armenian scholars, who have
published studies on the Genocide, have stressed the crucial importance
of recognizing the first genocide of the 20th Century.

Hence, despite tremendous difficulties, our nation has remained
faithful to the sacred legacy of our martyrs, recalling the Psalmist,
“If I forget thee , O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.

If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my
mouth; if prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy” (Psalm 137: 5-6).

Indeed, for one hundred years, our valiant generations remembered
their martyrs and sought to open the dispassionate hearts and minds
of humanity, challenging people of good will and those concerned
with justice and respect of human rights to recognize the Armenian
Genocide and the legitimate rights of their nation.

Beloved Armenians,

Our people must continue this sacred struggle with strong
determination and profound faith. The time has come for us to explore
new perspectives and grounds within the bounds of international law,
and to pursue our claims for reparation and recovery of our violated
human rights in a more structured and comprehensive way.

The Genocide Convention clearly states that the perpetrators of
genocide, be they individuals, organizations or states, should appear
before the International Court of Justice. International law also
indicates that the recognition of genocide implies reparation. Hence,
the recognition of the Armenian Genocide should not be considered the
ultimate aim of the Armenian Cause. Recognition and compensation are
closely inter-connected and, therefore, they should constitute the
basis and target of our claims. Although Turkey is using its political
and economic influence to frustrate this process, our people are
called upon to continue their journey with greater conviction and
deeper commitment.

The Armenians in Armenia, Karabagh and the Diaspora are preparing to
commemorate the Centenary of the Genocide with a profound sense of
responsibility and firm determination. This should not be an ordinary
commemoration, a repetition of the past; it should stand out as a
turning point by breaking new ground and opening new horizons. The
Centenary is a defining moment in our people’s rightful campaign for
the restoration of their legitimate rights. This coming 23rd April
2015 the two Catholicoi of the Armenian Church shall jointly preside,
in Holy Etchmiadzin, over the canonization of our Martyrs, which will
be a unique event within the sphere of the Centenary commemoration.

It is vitally important, as we look beyond the Centenary, to recognize
that the world is volatile and that geopolitical realities and
interests often compel us to reassess our tactics and approaches. We
must remain vigilant and united.

The Armenian Cause is the cause of the entire Armenian nation; it is
the cause of our martyrs; it is the cause of future generations.

Hence, every Armenian is called to contribute to the collective effort
to restore our violated human rights.

Hence, we call upon

* Our dioceses, to solemnly commemorate the memory of our martyrs by
organizing public events and activities,

* Our community organizations, to plan together and through their
contacts and networks, to advocate for our just cause.

* Our schools, to convey through lectures and seminars to Armenian
students the true spirit and message of the Centenary of the Armenian

* Our intellectuals, to carry out research and to publish works on
different aspects of the Armenian Genocide.

* Our entire nation, to play a proactive role in the promotion of
the Armenian Cause, which is indeed a cause of justice.

Let the memory of our one-and-a-half million martyrs live always
amongst us and let their legacy remain vivid in our personal and
communal lives.

Empowered by our Christian faith and strengthened with the memory
and message of our martyrs, let us forge the future of our youth.

May the blessing of the Father, the love of the Son, and the grace
of the Holy Spirit be with you all, Amen.


Russian Web Fakes Against Armenians


Tehmine Yenokyan, Reporter
Society – 26 January 2015, 13:02

About two months ago there were a series of arsons in Yerevan. The
cars of several citizens of Armenia were set on fire. On these days
the photos of these cars have been posted on the Russian media and
social networks with comments stating that these cars belong to
Russians and have been set on fire by Armenians.

Arman Yeremyan- U.S. Vice-Champion

Arman Yeremyan- U.S. Vice-Champion

13:19 | January 24,2015 | Sports

Armenian strongest taekwondo athlete Arman Yeremyan performed
successfully at U.S. Open Championship, which was held in Orlando

Our athlete entered the final round of 80 kg weight category
tournament. Here Arman Yeremyan faced with the experienced taekwondo
athlete Damon Sansum, who won 5 medals in seven different contests in

The tense fight ended with the victory of English athlete (4:3). Arman
Yeremyan took the second place and became U. S. Vice-Champion.

ISTANBUL: Arrested policemen begin blame game in Dink case

Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
Jan 23 2015

Arrested policemen begin blame game in Dink case


Officers arrested in the murder case of Armenian-Turkish journalist
Hrant Dink have joined the civilian suspects in blaming one-time
allies or colleagues for the killing, after the inspection was
recently widened.

Policeman Muhittin Zenit, one of the key suspects in the case who was
arrested last week, said his superiors used him as bait, forcing him
to talk on the phone with one of the organizers of the assassination.

Zenit said in his testimony that four of his superiors wanted him to
talk to Erhan Tuncel, one of the figures behind the convicted
triggerman Ogün Samast, on Jan. 19, 2007, the day Dink was killed,
according to a report on the Radikal news portal on Jan. 23.

Zenit said the superiors were Ali Fuat Yılmazer, then-Istanbul police
intelligence chief, and Engin Dinç and Faruk Sarı, the two Trabzon
police intel chiefs at the time, adding that Trabzon branch chief
Ercan Demir wanted him to call Tuncel.

`I see the people who I think was negligent in the murder used me as
bait,’ he told the judge on Jan. 22. `The real suspects have hidden

The triggerman also alleged last month that then-Trabzon police chief
Ramazan Akyürek and Yılmazer were behind the murder.

Samast assassinated Dink in broad daylight on a busy street outside
the office of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos in Istanbul’s
Ã…?iÃ…?li district. Samast is serving a sentence of 22 years and 10 months
in a high-security prison. Yusuf Hayal and Tuncel are accused of
encouraging Samast to kill Dink, in the Black Sea province of Trabzon.

Civil servants and institutions allegedly implicated in the murder
should be investigated, the Constitutional Court ruled on July 17,
2014. The ruling became a milestone in the case that has been
lingering since the killing in 2007.

On Jan. 23, however, a court rejected Dink’s family’s request for the
inspection to be deepened, ruling that such a move would cause the
issue to linger even longer.

A group, `Friends of Hrant,’ gathered in front of the courthouse as
the decision was being made. Aydın Engin, a journalist with the group,
said the government’s efforts to put the blame for the murder entirely
on the so-called `parallel structure,’ a symbolic phrase used by top
officials for the Gülenist movement, was unconvincing.
