Chess Olympics: Armenian teams’ opponents in last round are known
Armenia – Aug 8 2022

In the last round of the World Chess Olympiad taking place in the Indian city of Chennai, the rival of the Armenian men's team will be the Spanish team.

In previous rounds, the Armenian team defeated Madagascar (4-0), Andorra (3-1), Egypt (2.5-1.5), Austria (3-1), England (2.5-1.5), second team India (2.5-1.5) and first team India (2.5-1.5), Azerbaijan (3-1), played a draw against team USA, and lost to Uzbekistan (1-3).

Armenia and Uzbekistan are tied for first place with 17 points each. 

Armenia's women's team will face Croatia in the last round. Both teams scored 14 points, sharing 11-21 places.

Decoder: Armenia in a bind as Ukraine war resets global order

Aug 9 2022

If Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the earthquake that has triggered geopolitical realignments around the world, the South Caucasus nation of Armenia may be suffering one of the aftershocks.

The country of nearly three million is again slipping into the international spotlight since the Ukraine war erupted in February. Its traditional alignment with Moscow appears to be cooling, and a long-running conflict with Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region is flaring, with three killed in a skirmish early this month.

Armenia is facing economic challenges, including record inflation and lingering post-COVID problems, compounded by political troubles.

Between April and June, there were protests over Armenia’s loss of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war to Azerbaijan and demands for the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan related to the terms of the peace. They echoed earlier demonstrations blaming him for Armenia’s defeat in the 44-day conflict.

It is easy to pay little attention or to even ignore regional conflicts, but they can hold the key to understanding larger political currents in the world. Often, small nations become proxies for competition among stronger powers.

In the post-Ukraine world, alignments are moving quickly. Events in Armenia can tell us a lot about how the West, Russia, Turkey and Iran will act in this new geopolitical landscape.

While bubbling hostilities over Nagorno-Karabakh are regional in nature, the stakes for U.S.-aligned European nations and Russia are global.

Europe needs more energy since it must replace its reliance on Russian natural gas, which Moscow has been more than willing to withhold for political leverage. In July, the European Union proposed a natural gas deal with Azerbaijan.

Russia, meanwhile, needs all the support it can get from other nations. Armenia, which is sometimes described as a hostage of Moscow, is wary that Azerbaijan may take advantage of the fact that all eyes are on Ukraine to press its conflict with neighboring Armenia again.

It will be instructive to see what Turkey — a NATO nation often seen as attempting to reassert its Ottoman Empire influence in the Muslim world — and Iran do.

Another nation to watch is Israel, which has been closely aligned with Azerbaijan since the Soviet Union collapsed. Israel shares military technology with Azerbaijan, in return for what amounts to about 40% of Israel’s oil supply. With its ties to Azerbaijan, Israel has a good perch from which to watch Iran, especially since part of the territory disputed in Nagorno-Karabakh borders Iran.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, a little more than a year had passed since the declaration of a Moscow-brokered ceasefire in the second war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. The 44-day conflict killed 6,000 and saw Azerbaijan, with state-of-the-art weaponry paid for by its oil wealth and the help of Turkey and Syrian mercenaries, defeat Armenian forces.

At issue is a long-running dispute in which the majority-ethnic Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh claimed territory inside Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized borders as its own, leading to the first Nagorno-Karabakh war from 1988-1994.

Despite nearly 30 years of diplomacy by Russia, France and the United States, which brokered that ceasefire under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, there has been no lasting solution.

The still-brewing hostilities — and Armenia’s difficult choices — are emblematic of its centuries-long history of being thrashed around by competing empires.

Armenia’s ancient cultural history as a kingdom and the first nation to adopt Christianity underpins fierce ethno-national pride and a strong diaspora. But its history is scarred by memories of a World War One genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire. In the modern era, the perpetrator is the antagonist on Armenia’s Western border, NATO member Turkey.

Bounded by Iran to the south, Georgia to the north and Azerbaijan to the east, Armenia’s geographic location has put it, by turns, at the mercy of the Persian, Russian and Ottoman empires.

Those same factors manifested themselves after the Soviet Union collapsed. A client state of Moscow then and for decades after, Armenia has remained part of Russia-led regional organizations and has been a reliable diplomatic ally at the United Nations. Russia is Armenia’s largest trading partner and officially guards its borders and airspace.

What does Ukraine have to do with all of this?

When Russia seized Crimea in 2014, Armenia backed Moscow publicly and did not cooperate with the EU’s diplomatic efforts. Now, Armenia’s silence over the current war in Ukraine speaks volumes. It abstained from a United Nations Security Council vote demanding Russia withdraw from Ukraine, and from a Human Rights Commission vote to begin an urgent debate on a Ukraine war crimes inquiry.

While Europe has raced to recalibrate its relationships following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Armenia’s peace talks have become another arena for the post-Ukraine geopolitical realignment. Although Russian peacekeepers are on the ground enforcing the ceasefire, France has taken a much more public and active role in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, to Moscow’s frustration.

For some Armenians frustrated with the status quo and Russia’s apparent indifference to the last Nagorno-Karabakh war, it is time to look for different alliances, especially with the strong possibility that the sanctions on Russia will hurt the Armenian economy.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s March phone call with Pashinyan included a barely veiled threat that if Armenia did not comply with sanctions against Russia, it would face Washington’s wrath: “The Secretary highlighted the U.S. commitment, alongside other partners, to continue to hold Moscow and its supporters, including the Lukashenka regime in Belarus, accountable for the Kremlin’s unprovoked and unjustified war against Ukraine.”

So, Armenia now faces:

  • the national security threat that would arise if Moscow pulled its troops out of Nagorno-Karabakh,
  • fallout from sanctions against Russia that will ripple through its economy,
  • potential punishment if it does not cooperate with U.S.-led sanctions,
  • high-stakes talks with Turkey to normalize relations,
  • and pressure from Russia and the West to pick a side.

“We only have two choices here. North or West,” a businessman friend of mine recently told me by phone from Armenia, referring to Russia and the U.S.-European alliance.

“We need the West. If the West wants us, we can do something about it,” he said, referring to calls in some Armenian political quarters for new elections. The West has been silent on the matter, but its default position toward elections is, by and large, to follow the laws of the country in question.

Whether or not there are elections, Armenia will have to walk a fine line as the geopolitical forces around it shift. That is often the story for nations, like Armenia, whose history and geography have been both uplifting and imprisoning.

  1. Is Armenia in Europe or Asia?
  2. What three empires have all had a hand in Armenia’s history?
  3. How does Armenia typify the challenge that smaller nations often face when more powerful ones are competing for influence?

Bryson Hull is vice president of strategic communications and advisory at the HBW Resources consulting firm. He spent 17 years in journalism, reporting on politics, business and wars in nearly 20 countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and North America. He has also taught journalism and public speaking at Loyola University-Chicago.

Turkish newspaper reports details from Rubinyan-Kilic contacts




YEREVAN, AUGUST 12, ARMENPRESS. The Turkish Hurriyet newspaper reports some information about the contacts of the Armenian and Turkish special representatives for normalization Ruben Rubinyan and Serdar Kilic.

Rubinyan and Kilic met 4 times (once in Moscow and 3 times in Vienna).

Hurriyet reported citing an anonymous source from the Turkish foreign ministry that Rubinyan and Kilic had more than 500 phone talks so far.

“Officials from the ministries of transport, trade and foreign affairs of the two countries will discuss the technical aspects of the steps taken within the scope of the normalization process, according to sources,” Hurriyet reported, stating that the next meeting will take place in September.

On August 11 however, the Armenian foreign ministry said there is no agreement on the next meeting so far.

No violations recorded in the area of responsibility of Russian peacekeeping troops. Russian MoD



 20:17, 9 August 2022

YEREVAN, AUGUST 9, ARMENPRESS. The Russian peacekeeping contingent continues to fulfill its tasks in Nagorno-Karabakh, ARMENPRESS reports, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informed.

Round-the-clock monitoring of the situation at twenty-seven observation posts and control of the maintenance of the cease-fire regime is carried out by the Russian peacekeepers.

It is noted that no violations were recorded in the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping troops.

"In order to ensure the safety of the peacekeepers of the Russian Federation and to prevent possible incidents, the continuous interaction with the General Staffs of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia is maintained," reads the message.

US congresswoman calls on the State Secretary to hold Aliyev’s regime accountable and prevent further massacres

US congresswoman calls on the State Secretary to hold Aliyev's regime accountable and prevent further massacres



 11:15, 6 August 2022

YEREVAN, AUGUST 6, ARMENPRESS. The US Department of State should use all its diplomatic tools to hold Azerbaijan's leadership accountable for the attacks against Artsakh, ARMENPRESS reports US Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky said.

"Azerbaijan should be held accountable for once again violating the ceasefire agreement with Armenia. I call on the Department of State to use all its diplomatic tools to hold Aliyev's regime accountable for the attacks against Artsakh and to prevent further massacres," Schakowsky wrote on her Twitter page.

Russia records over 18,000 daily COVID-19 cases



 13:19, 5 August 2022

YEREVAN, AUGUST 5, ARMENPRESS. Russia’s COVID-19 case tally rose by 18,555 over the past day to 18,672,422, TASS reports citing the anti-coronavirus crisis center.

The country records over 18,000 daily cases for the first time since April 1.

As many as 1,906 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 in Russia over the past day, down 0.5% from a day earlier. 

Russia’s COVID-19 recoveries rose by 9,817 over the past day, reaching 18,019,883, the anti-coronavirus crisis center told reporters on Friday.

Russia’s COVID-19 death toll rose by 47 over the past day, reaching 382,651, the anti-coronavirus crisis center told reporters on Friday.

Azerbaijani military captures several heights in Karabakh: Defense Ministry

Aug 3 2022

ANI Baku 
Baku [Azerbaijan], August 3 (ANI/Sputnik): The Azerbaijani military captured several heights in Nagorno-Karabakh on Wednesday, the Defence Ministry's press office told Sputnik.

According to the ministry, Armenian soldiers committed sabotage against the Azerbaijani military in violation of trilateral agreements between Baku, Yerevan and Moscow.

"As a result of the response operation carried out by the units of the Azerbaijan military, several heights in Karabakh were taken under control," the office said. (ANI/Sputnik)

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Pallone Blasts UN Leader for ‘Capitulating’ to Turkey

Rep. Frank Pallone

Representative Frank Pallone (D-NJ) blasted the United Nations General Assembly president Abdulla Shahid for “capitulating” to Turkey, when he removed a tweet after visiting Dzidzernagapert last week while visiting Armenia.

Shahid tweeted about his visit to the Armenian Gencocide Memorial Complex last week, but deleted the post reportedly after receiving a complaint from the Turkish foreign ministry.

“33 countries, including the United States, have formally recognized  the Armenian genocide. The UN should not be complicit in Turkey’s  rejection of history. [UN General Assembly President] Abdulla Shahid was wrong for deleting  his tweet and capitulating to pressure from Turkey,” Pallone wrote in a Twitter post on Tuesday.

Armenia bars entry of diaspora leader over an ‘attack’ on PM


Mourad Papazian. Image via the Public Radio of Armenia.

Armenian diaspora leader Mourad Papazian has been denied entry to Armenia for reportedly attacking Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s motorcade in Paris in June 2021.

Papazian, who is a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), has denied the accusations and claimed that he was neither present at the 2021 protest nor did he help its organisers.

On Thursday, he announced that he was going to ‘restore’ his ‘right to return Armenia’ because the country ‘is not the private property of Nikol Pashinyan or his administration’. 

Prominent Armenian lawyer Siranush Sahakyan and Artsvik Minasyan, a member of the ARF and Former Minister of Agriculture, will represent Papazian during his appeal.

Papazian said that they are now waiting for a response from the National Security  Service about their request to revise the ban.

Papazian is a well-known diaspora figure from France. He is the Chair of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organisations in France, as well as an ARF member.

Papazian learned about the ban in mid-July upon landing at Yerevan’s Zvartnost airport — his fifth visit since June 2021. 

Papazian said that Armenia was now the third country he was banned from entering, alongside Turkey and Azerbaijan.

A week after Papazian was denied entry into the country, a representative from the Prime Minister’s office told Armenpress that ‘various objects and items’ were thrown at the PM’s motorcade in Paris, and that the situation was only resolved after the French police intervened.

‘Information showing what happened has been published by many media outlets, and the footage is available online’, they said. ‘The other active participants of the attack were also denied entry to Armenia’.