Ombudsman publishes new ad hoc report on Azerbaijan’s policy of hatred towards Armenians

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 4 2022

Armenia’s Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan has published a new ad hoc report on Azerbaijani policy of hatred and animosity against Armenians after the 44-day war.

This report is based on objective evidence, concrete facts that have collected through the daily work of the Ombudsman’s Office.

Below are the main points of the report as outlined by the Human Rights Defender:

1) After the war, the Azerbaijani authorities continued the state policy of propaganda of hatred and enmity.

2) It has 2 pillars: ethnic and religious.

3) It is not only about rhetoric, but a real policy implemented for years (education, culture, sports, etc.). Therefore, it is not right to speak only of rhetoric.

4) This policy is the real source of human rights violations by the Azerbaijani armed forces in Armenia before, during and after the war, including war crimes and various atrocities.

5) Hatred and propaganda of hostility are a source of political life for the Azerbaijani authorities, a way to divert their own people from internal problems: it has not decreased and will not decrease.

6) Religious hatred acquires new and extremely dangerous developments, accusing the Armenian people of Islamophobia without any ground. This brings with it new manifestations of the destruction of churches, the abolition of their Armenian identity, and the torture of Armenian captives. The report presents historical facts to show the real respect of the Armenian Church and our people for Islam.

7) Azerbaijan’s policy of hatred incites hostility between the two peoples worldwide, which is also dangerous for other countries where Armenians and Azeris live.

8) Azerbaijani calls for peace have no honest motives, they are false, they are a veil for the outside world.
Peace is the highest value for us, hostility is not acceptable, but there is no real peace at the expense of the rights of one party, peace does not mean hatred. Therefore, we must not forget about all this. We need real guarantees to protect our rights.

Armenia introduces new restrictions as COVID again rises
Jan 27 2022
Ani Mejlumyan Jan 27, 2022

As its COVID-19 numbers begin again to rise dramatically, Armenia is instituting further restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the disease.

On January 27, the country recorded over 2,500 cases over a 24-hour period, a sharp jump from around 300 new cases per day the week before. Daily counts of new cases in the double digits were not unheard of in December and much of January. 

Among the new infections: Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, whose office announced that he had the disease on January 26. Pashinyan, who has been vaccinated and got a booster shot, is reported to be asymptomatic and will be working remotely; he also tested positive for the disease in June 2020. 

The country documented its first case of the Omicron variant on January 8, and on January 22 rolled out a COVID pass system. Entrance to restaurants, bars, and other entertainment venues is limited to those who have a QR code indicating that they have been vaccinated or got a recent negative test result. 

Armenia is a relative latecomer to the system; neighboring Azerbaijan introduced a similar COVID passport last September, and Georgia in December

As elsewhere, early enforcement of the new rules has been spotty. Some venues diligently scan every code and verify visitors’ identity documents, but others just give the app a quick glance or don’t ask for it at all. 

Prominent digital security expert Samvel Martirosyan said that the system does not adequately protect user data, as it transmits the information including passport numbers to third-party apps used to scan the QR codes.

“The most incredible thing is that if my QR code is scanned in every cafe, they will be able to see my name, patronymic, surname, birth date and passport number. Well, who decided that we should know everything about each other? Who decided that my passport number is public information? And if that’s the case, add something else – home address, phone number, social security number,” Martirosyan wrote in a January 22 Facebook post

After such concerns were raised, the Ministry of Health initially brushed them off, pointing out that participation in the system was voluntary. But on January 26 the ministry announced that all data from the system other than the name and surname will be hidden, and that venues do not have to scan the code but only verify that the app has marked them as safe. 

Meanwhile, the country remains largely unvaccinated against COVID. Less than 28 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated, according to official data

Older Armenians are particularly unvaccinated; only 18 percent of those over 60 have gotten two shots. “Most vaccinated people are between 35 and 60 years old. 60-plus peoples’ vaccination numbers are low which is concerning,” Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan said at a January 27 cabinet meeting. Nevertheless, the vaccinations have helped reduce the number of infected people who need to be hospitalized, she said, as only 5 or 6 percent of those with the disease are now in hospital.

The age differential is likely connected to new regulations requiring employers to demand proof of either vaccination or recent negative PCR tests from their workers. As of October, just before the rule went into effect, about 7 percent of Armenians were vaccinated. 

Anti-vaccination sentiment in Armenia remains high and many have responded to the new COVID pass system by simply deciding not to go out. 

“I’m not going anywhere since I don’t want to get vaccinated,” one young woman told the TV network 5th Channel during a vox pop about the new regulations. “During the highest peak of COVID, when everything in Europe was strict, Armenia did nothing. Now, when the economy is down and businesses have to work they are coming up with these restrictions.” 

Some restaurants also have chafed against the new restrictions. “In short, the healthcare benefit is zero but the negative effect on business is 100 percent,” Ashot Barseghyan, the head of the trade group Restaurant Association, told 5th Channel. 


Ani Mejlumyan is a reporter based in Yerevan.

Armenian deputy PM got 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine




YEREVAN, JANUARY 28, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan has got his 4th dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

He told reporters today that he tested negative for COVID-19 after communicating with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan who contracted the virus.

“I was infected with the virus, recovered, got vaccinated and later I got vaccinated again”, he said.

Asked whether he received his third dose, the deputy PM said he received the 4th dose.

Turkish press: Kars: The undiscovered winter gem in northeastern Turkey

Historical church at the city of Ani, Kars, Turkey. (Shutterstock Photo)

Passport, wallet, phone, mask… All set.

My journey to Kars started at 4 a.m. with an early morning flight from Istanbul to the Turkish capital Ankara. Aware that I was heading to Turkish “Siberia,” I packed the warmest clothes I had in my closet and left the house.

The flight from Istanbul to Ankara takes around an hour. Why Ankara, you ask? Well, that was the actual starting point of my trip. I was taking the touristic Eastern Express, an almost 1,400-kilometer (800-mile) train route from the capital to Kars, an ancient eastern city near Turkey’s rugged border with Armenia and Georgia.

I arrived in Ankara at around 8 a.m. As I was not sure how long it would take me to get to the train station, I took one of the earliest flights. Don’t repeat my mistakes, have your sleep. The railway station is around an hour's drive away from the airport. There are a few ways to get there, you can choose to take a taxi, use public transportation or opt for private Havaş buses.

After having some coffee with a friend, I finally arrived at the train station. The building was filled with local and foreign tourists excited about the unforgettable trip we were about to set out on.

The service was suspended less than a year after starting because of the coronavirus pandemic, but Turkey restarted its mainline trains routes on Dec. 15 last year. Trains depart from the capital every Wednesday and Friday, while they leave Kars on Fridays and Sundays.

My epic journey across Turkey’s snow-capped Euphrates plateaus started at 4 p.m. Wednesday. Tired from the morning flight, I fell asleep after having dinner excited to wake up in the morning to breathtaking winter views.

The view of the touristic Eastern Express. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

There are a few details you need to know about the train.

The Eastern Express became extremely popular after people started sharing photos of the scenery on social media. The huge interest in the experience prompted the Turkish State Railways (TCDD) to add a new train into service on the same line solely for tourism after it became so popular that people trying to reach eastern Turkey by train could no longer find tickets.

The view from the touristic Eastern Express. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Basically, both take the same route, but the touristic Eastern Express makes longer stops so that tourists have time to explore other Turkish cities on the way to Kars, which also means it lasts more than 30 hours, depending on weather conditions. The touristic train only has sleeper cars and a dining car. Oh, if you're feeling too lazy to walk to the restaurant, you can also order food to your cabin.

The touristic train costs TL 650 (around $48) per person, but if you want to the cabin to yourself you'll need to purchase both seats, which will cost TL 1,300 (around $100).

One thing I should mention upfront – the views are absolutely beautiful the whole way. The train makes its way around snow-covered peaks and wooded landscapes, crossing brimming rivers swelling as the snow melts in the spring sunshine, passing through long dark tunnels carved into mountains … Breathtaking. Try to put your phone aside and take in the experience, because, believe me, you will have the chance to take amazing pictures for your social media later.

On the Ankara-Kars route, the train stops for two hours and 20 minutes in the city of Erzincan, three hours in Iliç, a town and district of Erzincan province, and 3 hours in Erzurum.

When the train stopped in Iliç I could not believe my eyes. I walked out of the wagon and saw the Euphrates River, the longest river in Southwest Asia, sitting just meters in front of me surrounded by sparkling white snow. I stood there breathless for a moment and took in the view.

After walking back to the station, I learned that there are buses that take people for drives around the area. I had no idea where they were heading, but I knew I had to join.

Karanlık Canyon, literally "Dark Canyon." (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

The journey through the snow-capped mountains took around 40 minutes and our first stop was Karanlık Canyon, literally "Dark Canyon," a deep steep gorge located between the Iliç and Kemaliye districts of Erzincan province. In the summer the canyon offers outdoor recreational activities such as rock climbing and boat rides. There are no activities in the winter due to the weather conditions but trust me, the view alone is worth coming to see.

The next stop was Kemaliye (Eğin), a town and one of Erzincan province's nine districts, which sits nestled in between mountains. The town is known for its historic architecture, including many Ottoman-era houses, and its commanding view of the Euphrates River flowing south through a gorge above the Keban Dam.

Streets of Kemaliye, Erzincan Province, Turkey. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Although it is unclear when exactly the town was founded, it is estimated that its establishment dates back to the 10th-11th centuries. The town was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage Tentative List last year. According to UNESCO's website, Kemaliye has a cultural and natural landscape bearing testimony to 600 years of Ottoman-Anatolian urbanism and architectural texture. One of the essential elements lending the town its authentic atmosphere is Kemaliye's beautiful houses, which when covered with snow look even more picturesque.

Walking through the streets I noticed a tiny shop selling a local sweet called “lök.” A delicacy made out of dried mulberry and walnuts mixed together, it actually tasted much better than I expected.

After having lunch, we hit the road to get back to the train.

Because of the weather conditions, the train arrived in Kars later than scheduled. It was very early morning; the attendant woke me up with the great news that the train had reached its final destination. I packed my stuff and ran out of the wagon excited to explore a new city. It was still dark and there weren't many people out on the streets. I caught a cab and headed to my hotel. At first glance, Kars was nothing to write home about: two-three-story buildings, cute streets and the usual people rushing to work. I checked into my hotel at around 5:30 a.m. and decided to sleep for a few more hours until breakfast.

The Castle of Kars. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Speaking of hotels, here are some notes. Most of the hotels are located close to the city center and are surrounded by restaurants and cafes where you can try local food and stores where you can shop for souvenirs and locally made goodies. There are dozens of nice hotels in Kars, including the Cheltikov, Kars hotel, Şuara Butik Hotel and Kars Beylerbeyi Palace.

The hotel I chose to stay in was a little different from all the others. Set on the Kars River, the Katerina Sarayı (Catherine Palace) hotel in a historical stone building is 16 minutes by foot from the Castle of Kars and 7 kilometers (4.35 miles) from Kars Airport.

Catherine Palace was built by Dutch engineers in the Baltic architectural style on Russian Czar Nicholas II's orders during the Russian occupation of 1879.

The historical building was used as a mansion, hospital and military unit in the republic era after the Russian invasion. The building was completely evacuated after the 1980 revolution and neglected until 2015, during which time it was severely damaged, especially the interior.

In 2015 the building was restored by local businessperson Mustafa Erdoğdu and it now serves as a 33-room hotel. The most beautiful part of the hotel is its garden overlooking the Kars River. Draped in snow, the garden has a fireplace and a small bar where you can enjoy a cup of Turkish tea or hot wine while listening to live music in the evenings.

Let’s get back to business.

The Cathedral of Ani is the largest standing building in Ani. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

After having breakfast, the first destination I headed to was Ani to see the ruins of the medieval Armenian city. Located around 45 kilometers away from Kars city center, you can literally see Armenian soil since the ancient city is located right next to the border. In order to get here, you can either rent a car, take a tour or just take a taxi.

The journey to the ancient city felt like I was traveling on another planet, a breathtaking world of white with endless, sparkling landscapes. In one word, again, beautiful. Thanks to sunny weather and clean air, I was lucky enough to see the foggy silhouette of Mount Ağrı, also known as Mount Ararat, which is the highest peak in Turkey, and the Armenian Highlands with an elevation of 5,137 meters (16,854 feet).

Historical mosque at the city of Ani, Kars, Turkey. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Almost an hour later we arrived. Ani was once one of the largest cities in the world, ruling with might over the region, covering an area of 1 million square meters (10.8 million square feet). Once a hustling, bustling commercial center on a branch of the ancient Silk Road, sitting at the crossroads of other trade routes that flowed into the heart of Anatolia, Ani now lies off the beaten track – deserted and exotic in all its remoteness. Covered with snow it looked like a city from fairy tales as you could smell the history in its air. Every inch of the ancient city has its own story and Turkish archeologists are still working on unearthing more structures.

“The latest building we unearthed was the first Turkish bath (hamam) built in Anatolia region,” said the head of excavation works Muhammet Arslan. The excavations stop during the winter season when snow fulls covers the ancient city, but work picks back up as soon as the weather gets better.

City of Ani, Kars province, Turkey. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

All the structures in Ani were built using local volcanic basalt, which is easy to carve, served as a functional insulator and came in many vibrant colors such as rosy reds and jet blacks. Not all of the buildings are situated on the central route used by guides or explorers nor are they easily accessible, and the usual half-day trips give you nowhere near enough time to explore every single one scattered across the plateau. But that’s a whole another story to write.

Long story short, it is definitely worth seeing.

My next destination was Lake Çıldır. Located around 65 kilometers from Kars, the lake is situated 1,959 meters (6,427 feet) above sea level and usually starts to freeze at the beginning of winter as temperatures drop to minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) at night.

Spanning 123,000 square meters, what makes Lake Çıldır unique is that tourism activities and fishermen's livelihood start when the lake is frozen.

Lake Çıldır. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Every year, once the lake freezes, the villagers of Taşbaşı get their horses ready for a ride on the ice. The troika coachmen also offer tourists visiting the lake a chance to go on the ride of their lives.

Standing on a thick layer of ice knowing that you are walking on a frozen lake is an unforgettable feeling. The troika rides have two routes – a long and a short one. The long one is TL 50 (around $4) and the short one is TL 30. After going on a ride, you can also enjoy a cup of tea, again, while standing on a 60-centimeter (24-inch) thick layer of ice. There is no place in Turkey where Turkish tea is not served, I’m now absolutely sure of it.

People warming up with tea on Lake Çıldır. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Side note: You will have a chance to take great pictures to fill up your Instagram account here. If you are a nature freak like me, you should definitely pay the lake a visit.

Surrounded by historical and natural marvels, Kars has a lot to offer to its visitors within the city, too. The first thing you will notice is the Kars Castle, which was destroyed and rebuilt many times and now is one of the most popular touristic sights in the city. Also known as Iç Kale, the castle was first built during the rule of the Armenian Bagratid dynasty and then rebuilt in 1153 by Firuz Akay on Sultan Melik Izzeddin Saltuk II's orders. The outer walls surrounding the city were built in the 12th century. The castle, which was destroyed by Timur in 1386, was rebuilt again in 1579 by Lala Mustafa Pasha, who came to Kars on the orders of Ottoman Sultan Murat III. Ottoman sources show that the castle was rebuilt with the help of 100,000 soldiers and workers. In 1606, the castle was destroyed once again, this time by the Iranian Shah Abbas I. It was restored twice after the Iranian attack, once in 1616 and once in 1636, with each restoration adding new elements to the castle. The castle was then badly damaged during the Russian occupation following the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877-1878.

Located on the hill next to the Kars River, the castle is illuminated at night, adding to the city's magical atmosphere.

Kümbet Mosque also known as the Cathedral of Kars. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Right next to the castle you will see the Kümbet Mosque also known as the Cathedral of Kars, a former Armenian Apostolic church. Constructed in the mid-10th century by the Armenian Bagratid King Abas I, it was converted into a mosque in 1579. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was converted into a Russian Orthodox and later an Armenian cathedral. In 1993 it was converted into a mosque and named the Kümbet Mosque. It is now part of a larger Islamic complex that includes the Evliya Mosque, the biggest mosque in Kars.

In addition to historical and natural beauties, Kars has a few museums that may interest you. The first one I headed to was the Caucasian Battlefields Military History Museum. A former large bastion that was designed by the Ottoman Empire to protect the eastern borders in Kars province, known as the "Bloody Bastion" since a battalion was martyred there during the Ottoman-Russian War, was turned into a war museum a few years ago offering historical flashbacks.

Amid the Ottoman-Russian War, on July 5, 1828, some 14,000 Russian soldiers comprising of five brigades under the command of Russian Gen. Ivan Paskevich launched a night raid on the bastion, which was located 200 meters from the center then, equipped with 70 cannonballs and 20,000 bullets. The ammunition used in the bastion and on the battlefields in that period is now on display at the museum.

The Russians, who took the fortress, lost 4,000 soldiers in the raid, while 500 Ottoman soldiers who fought hand to hand against the enemy power were martyred.

The museum has a room devoted to soldiers who lost their lives during the Battle of Sarıkamiş in 1914-1915. According to different sources around 60,000-90,000 soldiers froze to death while trying to pass through the mountain.

The installation commemorating Sarıkamış victims. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

To memorialize the soldiers and capture the tragic experience, the museum features an installation that uses mirrors to create the optical illusion of a tunnel that is lined with pairs of the soldiers' shoes, each bearing a light that resembles a candle.

War tools that were used in the bastion and battlefields in that period and photos of the soldiers are on display at the museum, as well.

The Caucasian Battlefields Military History Museum. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Another museum you won't want to miss is the Kars Museum, also known as the Archaeological Museum. Archaeological artifacts from Kars and its surrounding region, as well as objects uncovered through the excavations in Ani have been put on show here. Many findings from prehistoric times, the Bronze Age, the Urartu period, the Ottoman Empire to the present day are on display.

In a few weeks or so, Kars will also open a cheese museum where you will have the opportunity to try all kinds of cheese produced in the province and see how they get made. You can even try to make it on your own.

After you are done with the historical part of the city, don’t forget to take a walk around the streets to get a sense of the atmosphere. There are many restaurants in the city center that offer live music and dance performances along with tasty local food.

Kars Museum. (Asene Asanova for Daily Sabah)

Side note: Make sure to try the most popular local dish – goose meat with rice. For those who have never tried it, goose meat tastes a little like chicken but is not as soft. The dish is usually served along with a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and some pickles.

Another popular destination in Kars is the Sarıkamış ski resort. The resort has over 21 kilometers of slopes for skiing or snowboarding, attracting thousands of tourists every year.

There are five ski runs at Mount Cıbıltepe, the longest of which is 12 kilometers, and the area is laden with pine trees. There is limited accommodation at the resort but there are more options in the town of Sarıkamış. A favorite pastime at this particular destination is to take a ride on a horse-drawn sleigh.

With crystal snow on its tracks, Sarıkamış is an ideal skiing destination surrounded by yellow pine forests that block the wind. The prime time to ski in Sarıkamış starts in December and lasts until April, making it the place with the longest open availability in Turkey.

Russia contributes to peaceful settlement of crisis situations, including in Nagorno Karabakh – FM Lavrov




YEREVAN, JANUARY 26, ARMENPRESS. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Russia is actively contributing to the peaceful, diplomatic solution of crisis situations in various regions, including in Nagorno Karabakh, Syria and elsewhere.

“We are actively contributing to the peaceful, political and diplomatic settlement of crisis situations in different regions, be it Nagorno Karabakh, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the situation in Korean Peninsula and around the Iran nuclear deal”, Lavrov said in his remarks at the plenary session of the State Duma dedicated to the relevant issues of Russia’s foreign policy.

According to the minister, such efforts contribute to the overall improvement of the situation in the world, reaffirm the Russian side’s reputation as a reliable international partner.

Pashinyan congratulates Johnson on 30th anniversary of establishment of Armenia-UK diplomatic relations



 12:23, 20 January, 2022

YEREVAN, JANUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Boris Johnson on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The message reads as follows,

“Your Excellency,

I cordially congratulate on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

30 years ago, on January 20, our countries launched the process of strengthening the Armenian-British interstate partnership and the close contacts between the friendly peoples, based on historical interactions, common values, practical interests, mutual respect.

This jubilee is an important milestone to evaluate the relations between the two countries, to reassess the path passed together, to outline the new perspectives for cooperation.

The United Kingdom has been a strong partner on the path of state-building of the newly independent Republic of Armenia, and today it contributes to the democratic reforms taking place in our country, to the protection of human rights and the strengthening of the rule of law.

I am convinced that the rich experience gained during these years provides ample opportunities to discover and use the full potential of the Armenian-British cooperation, giving a new impetus to the bilateral relations, including the economic partnership, and raising them to a qualitatively new level. In this context, I consider symbolic the summarization of the forthcoming Armenia-UK Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, which will give a new quality to bilateral relations.

I am full of hope that with joint efforts we will be able to enrich the Armenian-British bilateral agenda with new initiatives and programs in the coming years for the benefit of our countries and friendly peoples.

Your Excellency, I once again congratulate all of us on the occasion of the 30-year anniversary, wishing our countries fruitful cooperation full of jubilees."

Links to news on the Resignation of the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian – Jan 24

The following are links to the news about the resignation of the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian.


Armenian president quits over lack of influence in 'difficult times'
Armenia's president resigns, complaining of constitutional shortcomings

Armenian president resigns, citing lack of powers
Armenian President Sarkissian Resigns
Armenian President Armen Sarkissian resigns, citing lack of tools to fix national crisis
Armenia's president resigns over position's lack of power
Why is Armenia's President Armen Sarkissian Resigning?
Armenian president resigns citing insufficient constitutional authorization
Armenian president quits, lacks influence
Armenian President Armen Sarkissian quits over lack of influence
Armenian president resigns, says office has no power
Armenia's president resigns after finding himself more figurehead than power broker
Armenia's president resigns, says office has no power
Armenia’s president resigns, says office has no power
Armenian President Armen Sarkissian resigns, citing lack of tools to fix national crisis
The president of Armenia resigns. He complains about the lack of influence on politics
Armenian President Armen Sarkissian resigned | Said he “doesn’t have the tools” for “tough times”
Armenia to look for new President as Armen Sarkisian steps down – Baltic News Network

Armenian President attends opening of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week during UAE visit




YEREVAN, JANUARY 17, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian attended the opening ceremony of the leading international forum Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week during his visit in the United Arab Emirates, the Presidential Office reports.

The opening of the forum was held in Dubai, at the Expo 2020 Dubai center.

The Zayed Sustainability Prize awarding ceremony was held on the sidelines of the opening of the forum. This prize is awarded to companies operating in healthcare, food, energy, education and water economy industries, who offer innovative and inspiring solutions to sustainable development.

The Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week forum is being held since 2008. Through its year round initiatives and events, ADSW brings members of the global community together to accelerate sustainable development.

Working with its public and private partners, ADSW hosts a series of events that welcome heads of state, policy makers, business leaders and technology pioneers, providing them with a global platform to share knowledge, showcase innovation and outline strategies for delivering climate action.

Prosecutor General of Armenia departs for Russia




YEREVAN, JANUARY 11, ARMENPRESS. Prosecutor General of Armenia Artur Davtyan and his delegation departed for Moscow on January 11 at the invitation of Prosecutor General of Russia Igor Krasnov, the Office of the Prosecutor General said.

Artur Davtyan will take part in the events marking the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia.

During the visit he is expected to hold a private meeting with his Russian counterpart, as well as take part in other events.

Georgia PM: I congratulate our Armenian compatriots, brotherly Armenian people on Christmas 
Armenia – Jan 5 2022

I congratulate our Armenian compatriots and the brotherly Armenian people on the occasion of the Christmas and Epiphany. Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili of Georgia noted this in a congratulatory message, reported the First Channel television of the country.

"This history, based on centuries-old brotherhood and mutual respect, is conditioned by the good-neighborly and friendly relations of our [two] peoples, which, I believe, will be preserved in the future as well. I wish you all peace, health, happiness, and success," also reads the Georgian PM’s aforesaid message.