Cem Ozdemir who initiated adoption of Armenian Genocide resolution is Germany’s first minister with migration history

News.am, Armenia
Dec 9 2021

Germany’s new Minister of Agriculture Cem Ozdemir is the first minister of the Federal Republic of Germany with a history of migration, DW reports.

His parents were labor migrants who moved from Turkey in the early 1960s when Germany had a huge lack of workers and they met in Germany. Ozdemir was born in 1965 in Bad Urach.

At the age of 16, Ozdemir joined the Green Party, pursued a successful career, and in 1994, he became the first deputy of Turkish descent in the German Bundestag. Between 2008 and 2018, he served as one of the two co-chairs of the political party.

Ozdemir was the initiator and one of the most active supporters for adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution approved on June 2, 2016 by the Bundestag. After the adoption of the resolution, he received threats, and the number of death threats reached a point where the federal agency for criminal cases was compelled to take measures to ensure the politician’s safety.

First meeting of the ‘3+? format’ held in Moscow

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 10 2021

The first meeting of the so-called 3+3 regional consultative mechanism in the South Caucasus took place in Moscow on December 10, attended by deputy foreign ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, Turkey as well as Director General of Iran's Foreign Ministry.  

According to the statement by the Russian foreign ministry, the representatives of Georgia who had been invited to the meeting, didn't attend it. Despite the absence of Georgian side, the Russian ministry called the format '3+3'. It is noted that the representatives of participating countries expressed interest in Georgia's joining the platform and stated 'the door remains open.'

Armenia was represented at the meeting by Deputy Foreign Minister Vahe Gevorgyan. The expediency of Armenia's participation in the format has been continuously questioned by many political analysts and expert who insisted that the format serves mostly the interests of Azerbaijan and Turkey and will not consider Armenia's vital concerns. 

The 3+3 regional consultative mechanism was proposed by the presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan, comprising Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia plus Iran, Russia and Turkey. Georgia earlier rejected the idea and refused from participation, while official Yerevan stated that the proposed regional format can not replicate the existing ones and that issues of the Nagorno Karabakh settlement as well as demarcation and delimitation between Armenia and Azerbaijan cannot be discussed within the new format.

Asbarez: ‘Home Is Calling’ COAF Benefit to Raise Funds for Multimillion-Dollar SMART Center in Armavir

"Home is Calling" poster

LOS ANGELES—Children of Armenia Fund announced that its virtual/televised annual fundraiser on December 11 will focus on plans to build a second SMART Center in Armenia. The state-of-the-art education hub will be constructed in the Armavir region where COAF first launched its critical work 18 years ago. This will be the second consecutive year COAF will have its annual fundraiser online and televised. The organization’s signature in-person New York City Holiday Gala is once again being postponed due to the pandemic.

COAF’s “Home Is Calling” benefit will make the construction of a new $7 million-dollar SMART Center in the Armavir region a reality for thousands of people. The hub will be the second of its kind, following COAF’s flagship SMART Center in the Lori region where over 2,000 students are offered 18 multidisciplinary after-school programs. COAF has made significant progress already: the SMART Ecosystem in Lori has brought young people together at the SMART Center to study engineering, athletics, arts, music, languages, and entrepreneurship.

The cornerstone of COAF’s mission over the past 18 years has been to combat lasting inequity by bringing community-based holistic education, healthcare, social services, and economic development programs to children, youth, and families across villages in Armenia. The approach has empowered rural Armenians to revitalize their communities and to realize their own potential to thrive and contribute to the advancement of the world around them. This has been essential to the process of nation-building, providing equal opportunities to those who need them most.

COAF SMART Center in Lori region

COAF’s story began 18 years ago with a large-scale school renovation in the village of Karakert and continued with over 100 public infrastructure improvement projects across 60 rural communities throughout 5 regions in Armenia. This enormous effort included cutting-edge programs in education, healthcare, social services, and economic development. All of COAF’s administrative expenses have been underwritten by its founder/chairman Dr. Garo Armen, allowing for each and every dollar donated to be allocated to programs and projects.

Embracing the spirit of homecoming that the holiday season embodies, the organization is returning home to Armavir and after almost two decades of experience in rural advancement to replicate the success of its SMART initiative in Lori. Armenia’s recent setbacks have demonstrated that there is much to be done in terms of buttressing the country and reassuring its children that the Diaspora remains committed to them. COAF’s steadfast commitment to rural Armenia’s development during these uncertain times is stronger than ever.

This year’s fundraiser will be hosted by recurring emcees Araksya Karapetyan of KTTV FOX 11’s Good Day L.A., world-renowned auctioneer Gabriel Butu, COAF Head of Development Haig Boyadjian, with special guest appearances by actress Andrea Martin, actor Ed Harris, Nobel Prize winner Ardem Patapoutian, and novelists Chris Bohjalian and Peter Balakian. Musical performances this year include the internationally acclaimed opera singer Gurgen Baveyan, the remarkable “Aida Avanesyan & Svetlana Hakobyan” piano duo, and many other talents from Armenia.

Supporters worldwide can register to watch the “Home is Calling” benefit on  December 11 at 5 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. EST by visiting the website, where you can also find more information on sponsorship opportunities. The fundraiser will also be televised live on USArmenia and ARTN.

The Children of Armenia Fund is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that employs community-led approaches aimed at improving the quality of life in rural Armenia, with a particular focus on children and youth. COAF’s target development areas are education, healthcare, social and economic development. COAF launched its programs in 2004, starting in one village and expanding to 64 villages in Armavir, Aragatsotn, Lori, Gegharkunik, Shirak, and Tavush regions, impacting more than 107,000 beneficiaries.

Since 2015, COAF has developed and started implementing the SMART Initiative. COAF SMART is designed to advance a generation across the rural world through education that will benefit individuals, societies, and the environment. As an exemplary model of development, COAF SMART will be replicated in other regions and communities throughout Armenia. The first COAF SMART Center was inaugurated on May 27, 2018, near the village of Debet, Lori Region.

World Court also tells Armenia not to racially discriminate against Azeris

National Post, Canada
Dec 7 2021

AMSTERDAM — World Court judges on Tuesday issued an urgent decision ordering Armenia to prevent racial discrimination against ethnic Azeris on its territory in a case brought by Azerbaijan.

The decision is the second on the same topic on the same day, as earlier the court, formally known as the International Court of Justice, issued an almost identical ruling in a case brough by Armenia against Azerbaijan. (Reporting by Toby Sterling; Editing by Angus MacSwan)

World Court orders Azerbaijan to prevent incitement of racial hatred against Armenians

Dec 7 2021
Tue, 7 December 2021

THE HAGUE (Reuters) – Judges at the International Court of Justice examining Armenian allegations that Azerbaijan breached a convention against racial discrimination on Tuesday ordered Azerbaijan to prevent incitement of racial hatred against Armenians and protect Armenian prisoners of war.

The court has yet to rule on a similar case from Azerbaijan's side, who filed a countersuit alleging violations of the same U.N. anti-discrimination treaty.

In October last year, Azeri troops drove ethnic Armenian forces out of swathes of territory they had controlled since the 1990s in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh region, before Russia brokered a ceasefire.

The court said on Tuesday that Azerbaijan under the U.N. anti-discrimination treaty must "take all necessary measures to prevent the incitement and promotion of racial hatred and discrimination including by its officials in public institutions targeted at persons of Armenian national or ethnic origin".

In addition presiding judge Joan Donoghue said Azerbaijan must protect from violence and harm "all persons captured in relation to the 2020 conflict who remain in detention" and must "prevent and punish acts of vandalism and desecration affecting Armenian cultural heritage".

The emergency measures are part of tit-for-tat cases filed at the World Court in September where both Armenia and Azerbaijan claimed the other country has violated the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), to which both states are signatories.

(Reporting by Stephanie van den Berg; Editing by Alex Richardson, William Maclean)


Read also:





Armenia local elections: Bloc named after incumbent mayor wins in Sevan

News.am, Armenia
Dec 6 2021

The Sargis Muradyan Bloc, led by the incumbent mayor of Sevan, Armenia, Sargis Muradyan, has achieved a convincing win in Sunday’s Sevan Council of Elders elections.

According to the Central Electoral Commission data, after counting the votes cast in 22 out of 24 polling stations of this now-enlarged community, 77.95% voted for the aforesaid bloc, the opposition Armenian Revolutionary Federation-ARF Dashnaktsutyun Party is in second place, with 12.1% of the votes, and ex-PM Aram Sargsyan's Republic Party, which received 9.88% of the votes, came in last.

Voter turnout in Sevan was 40.7 percent.

It is noteworthy that Armenia’s ruling Civil Contract Party did not run in the local elections in Sevan.

Top 15 Attractions in Yerevan, Armenia

Dec 5 2021

By Vic Gerami


Yerevan, the capital of the Republic of Armenia, established in the 8th century B.C., is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world. Yerevan celebrated its 2,800th anniversary in 2018. Although it has a western European ambiance, lined with wide boulevards and sidewalk cafes, remnants of Soviet-era buildings still exist following Armenia’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Armenia grants citizens from a long list of countries, including the United States, visa-free entry. There are no fees or paperwork for visitors as long as they have a valid passport, and tourists can stay in the country for up to six months.

Expect exceptional hospitality. In Yerevan, hospitality is king, and residents abide by the adage ‘A guest has a place over the host’s head,’ meaning the guest is more important than the host.

Yerevan’s water is touted to be some of the tastiest and purest drinking water in the world. The city built 2,750 water fountains for its residents—and you can drink from them. Great food is a big part of Yerevan’s culture. It is hearty, delicious, diverse, and affordable. Traditional dishes include dolma (grape leaves stuffed with meat or rice), mante (baked meat dumplings served with yogurt), lavash (thin wood-fired bread), lahmajun (thin dough topped with spicy mincemeat), dolma, and stewed meat cooked in wine.

You can see Mount Ararat, the resting place of Noah’s Ark, from many parts of Yerevan, which has a rich music tradition-classical, jazz, and rap. The city is host to 50 museums. Even metro stations look like museums. Yerevan’s ten metro stations are decorated with walls covered in white marble, sculptures, and paintings. Built during the Soviet era, the Metro, 100 drams a ride (25 cents), also provides relief during hot summer months. Keep an eye out for the Sasuntsi Davit Metro stop, which has bronze reliefs of animals and symbols from Armenian epic poems around the ticket booth.

Brady is to Armenia what whiskey is to Ireland. During the 19th century, Armenia established a thriving brandy industry, partly to meet Russia’s demand for cognac. According to popular legend, Winston Churchill acquired a taste for Armenia’s famous brandy, Ararat. The wine scene in Yerevan is also growing as more wine bars open up along Martiros Saryan Street. Armenia is considered one of the first wine-producing countries. Archaeologists discovered the world’s oldest winery here, which dates back 6,000 years, and it’s become a big business over the last few years.

Armenia offers a great deal to different types of tourists. Some come for their ancient history, archeological sites, and monuments. In contrast, others are adventure travelers who choose to bike or hike through its nationwide trails, see the highlands, the waterfalls, and enjoy its ski resorts. Don’t miss the following ten attractions if you go to Yerevan.


Republic Square is the heart of Yerevan. It is to Armenia what Times Square, the Washington Monument, and the Capital Building Lawn are to American combined. This is where many demonstrations have taken place, including Armenia’s ‘Velvet Revolution’ in 2018. It is also a popular space for large-scale concerts, hosting the band ‘System of a Down’ several times.’

They call Yerevan the ‘Pink city’ for nothing. As you stand at the Center of Republic Square, you will notice that most buildings are built from volcanic bricks of varying shades of pink. I think the color reflects the fun and vibrant vibe of the city very well.

At night, the square’s spectacular water fountain show is a popular attraction. The water show is synchronized with epic music from classical masters, famous Armenian musicians, and contemporary artists.


The Cafesjian Center for the Arts, located in The Cascade Complex, is dedicated to bringing the best of contemporary art to Armenia and presenting the best of Armenian culture to the world. Inspired by the vision of its founder, Gerard L. Cafesjian, the Center offers a wide variety of exhibitions, including a selection of important work from the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of contemporary art.

Having celebrated its grand opening in November 2009, CCA exhibits unique works of modern and contemporary art and offers a diverse program of lectures, films, concerts, and numerous educational initiatives for adults and children. Over one million people have visited the Center annually since its opening.

The building that now houses the Cafesjian Center for the Arts is well known to the Armenian people, especially those living in its capital city of Yerevan. Known as “The Cascade,” the complex was initially conceived by Alexander Tamanyan (1878–1936).

Construction of Torosyan’s design of the Cascade was launched by the Soviets in the 1980s but abandoned after the Armenian earthquake of 1988 and the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The Cascade is a giant stairway showcasing different fountains and sculptures on each level. You need to see for yourself to know the accurate scale of the Cascade. It is massive. At the top, you will be able to get an unobstructed view of Yerevan and Mount Ararat.



Yerevan’s Tsitsernakaberd Memorial complex is dedicated to the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians who perished in the first Genocide of the 20th century at the hands of the Turkish government. Completed in 1967, the Genocide Monument has since become an integral part of Yerevan’s architecture and a pilgrimage site. Set on a hill and dominating the landscape, it is in perfect harmony with its surroundings. Its austere outlines convey the spirit of the nation that survived a ruthless campaign of extermination.

The Museum and Institute were opened in Tsitsernakaberd in 1995 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.



If you want to visit Yerevan’s answer to New York’s 5th Avenue, Los Angeles’ Rodeo Drive, and Paris’ Avenue Montaigne, then head over to Northern Avenue. Opened in 2007, the pedestrian-only street is located in downtown Yerevan and is home to luxury residential buildings, hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, and designer boutiques, including Armani, Burberry, and Ermenegildo Zegna.

In March 2019, a section of Northern Avenue was dedicated as Europe Square to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Council of Europe. The Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of Armenia, Alen Simonyan, stated, “Over the past 28 years following its independence Armenia, adhered to the pan-European values, continues building its cooperation in the European direction”.


Matenadaran, also known as the Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, has one of the largest and most valuable collections of manuscripts that include Armenia’s and other nations’ priceless documents.

The word ‘Matenadaran’ means ‘holder of manuscripts’ or ‘manuscript collector.’ Today, the Armenian public associates the word ‘Matenadaran’ with the nation’s spiritual and cultural richness and pride, embodied in the structure of the manuscript repository.

The Matenadaran has consolidated about 23,000 manuscripts, including almost all ancient and medieval Armenian cultural and sciences – history, geography, grammar, philosophy, law, medicine, mathematics, cosmology, chronology, divination literature, translated and national literature, miniature painting, music, and theater. The Matenadaran also holds manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, Greek, Ethiopian, Syrian, Latin, Tamil, and other languages. Many originals, lost in their mother languages and known only by their Armenian translations, have been saved from medieval translations.

The Matenadaran museum complex is in the institute’s old, original building. What was formerly a single exhibition hall now consists of fifteen halls in which thousands of temporary, changeable, and exclusive exhibits are on display. Manuscript, fragments of manuscripts, documents, old, printed books, precious bindings, individual miniatures, and more are shown from Matenadaran’s database of roughly 23,000 manuscripts.



Get to know the art of creating the legendary ‘Ararat’ brandies by visiting the museum in Yerevan. During the tour, you will get acquainted with the history of brandy-making that made Armenia famous and see the main stages of production. The tour ends in a tasting room, where you can taste several iconic brandies.

The history of the oldest brand of Armenian brandy began more than 130 years ago, in 1887, when the first brandy production in Armenia was founded. And today, ‘Ararat,’ presented in 35 countries, is the first global brand of Armenian cognac.



Vernissage open-air exhibition market is one of the most enjoyable places to visit in Yerevan. Aside from souvenirs, you’ll find great Armenian folk art, unique jewelry, carpets, old paintings, and exclusive handmade masterpieces.

From the French word for ‘varnishing,’ Vernissage means preview or launch an art exhibition. Considering how many artists and craftsmen showcase their work here, it’s no surprise the market bears this name.

It was formed during the 1980s by Armenian artists who started to display their artworks in the square next to the Artists’ Union of Armenia (the current Charles Aznavour Square). Others have used the park next to Komitas State Conservatory to show their works. Later, the Vernissage was moved to Martiros Saryan garden in front of the Opera House. The exhibition market was gradually enlarged and finally moved to Aram and Buzand streets, starting with the Republic square metro station and ending with the statue of Vardan Mamikonyan. However, painters are still using the Saryan park to show their painting works.


Another wonder of Armenian architecture is the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet building, named after Alexander Spendiaryan. Located in the heart of Yerevan, this building is another masterpiece of Alexander Tamanyan that was awarded the Grand Prize at the World Exhibition in Paris. The building is considered the symbol of music culture expressed through the architectural grace and classic splendor.

The Theatre of Opera and Ballet was officially opened on January 20, 1933. The building is round in shape. It consists of two concert halls with 1,400 seats and Aleksandr Spendarian Opera and Ballet National Theatre with 1,200 seats.

There is a round square in front of the Theatre of Opera and Ballet named ‘Azatutyun,’ meaning freedom, with the statue of the great Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanian and composer Aleksandr Spendarian. The ‘Freedom square’ is a favorite with the locals.



Erebuni is one of the oldest existing fortresses, built in 782 B.C., and is the precursor to Yerevan. 2018 was thus the 2,800th anniversary of Erebuni-Yerevan.

Erebuni Fortress was founded by the king of Urartu, Argishti the First, who left written testimony upon building the castle. The fortress has not yet been fully explored and undoubtedly has secrets of the city’s history. Some major part of the 2800-year-old fortress did not endure to this day and was impossible to restore.

Erebuni museum displays the findings of excavations conducted on the remnants of the fortress. The permanent exhibitions of the museum showcase artifacts from the Urartu era, including but not limited to cuneiforms, weapons, belts, bracelets, and other pieces of jewelry made of gold and silver, statues, bronze ware, tableware, etc.

Diggings and archaeological excavations discovered areas where grain processing and wine practices had taken place. The jars and other pottery pieces had wine traces on them, affirming the high level of culture and traditions of the Urartian dynasty.


The Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral, also known as the Yerevan Cathedral, is the largest cathedral of the Armenian Apostolic Church. It is in the Kentron District (Central District) of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. It is one of the largest religious buildings in the South Caucasus, along with the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi (known as the Sameba Cathedral). Adjacent to the General Andranik metro station, it is visible from many areas of Yerevan.

The cathedral’s consecration took place on September 23, 2001, on the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of the proclamation of Christianity as the state religion of Armenia. The cathedral houses the relics of Saint Gregory the Illuminator and the Holy Remains of St. Gregory, brought from Naples, Italy. Shortly after the consecration of the cathedral, Pope John Paul II paid a visit to the cathedral.


The history museum of Armenia, regarded as Armenia’s national museum, was founded on September 9, 1919. It was called Ethnographic-Anthropological Museum-Library at first and opened its doors on August 20, 1921.

The museum has collections in archaeology, numismatics, ethnography, modern history and restoration. It has a national collection of 400,000. 35% of the main collection is made up of archaeology related items, 8% of the collection is made up of Ethnography related items, Numismatics related items make up 45%, and 12% of the collection is made up of documents. The state financially supports the museum and owns both the collection and the building. The museum carries out conservation and restoration work and publishes works on Armenian architecture, archaeology, ethnography, and history. They also have published a series of reports on archaeological excavations since 1948.



Mother Armenia monument is one of the most popular in Yerevan. It was founded in 1967 as a victory memorial for World War II. The sculpture has a special symbolism – from its height, Mother Armenia seems to guard the peace of the city with a sword and shield.

Before the memorial construction, there was another monument, the symbol of socialism – the statue of Stalin. It was demolished and replaced by the sculpture symbolizing Armenia. Mother Armenia is a symbol of the power and unity of the Motherland.

A huge sculpture is one of the highest in Yerevan. The height of it is 22 meters, plus it has a pedestal of 51 meters high. The pedestal is a museum of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, exhibiting documents, photographs and everything related to the Great Patriotic War and the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

The monument is located in Victory Park near the Eternal flame, on an observation deck with a breathtaking view of the city.


The Park dates to the 18th century, known as Kozern Park named after the Kozern district, a northwestern suburb of old Yerevan. It was well known for its medieval cemetery and its chapel.

After the World War II, the park was redesigned in 1949 and renamed Pushkin Park by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the renowned Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Later in 1970, the park was named Barekamutyun (Friendship) as a tribute to the friendship of all Soviet Union member nations. In 1995, following the independence of Armenia, by the decision of the presidency of Yerevan City Council’s civil representatives, the park was renamed Lovers’ Park Yerevan, based on the fact that the park had been a favorite rendezvous for many couples, during the second half of the 20th century.


GUM Market is a vast indoor space where different vendors sell dried fruits, sujukh, basturma, aromatic herbs, fresh fruits-vegetables, fresh meat, fish and ingredients for Armenian khash.

The GUM Market Armenia takes its name from the Russian abbreviation for ‘Main Universal Store’, the title given to the main department stores in former Soviet Union cities.

The store is broken down into different departments. The dried and candied goods, the butcher shop and fishmongers, the fruits and veggies, the spices, the clothing, and the oddities. The front part of the GUM Market Armenia is devoted to dried and candied fruits, nuts, spices and our all-time favorite Armenian snack, sujukh. They also love calling this ‘Armenian Snickers’. It’s a treat made of walnuts that have been dipped in grape jelly. They make for excellent edible Armenian souvenirs to bring home.


The National Gallery is the largest art gallery in Armenia, and one of the most outstanding among the countries of the former union. The collection of the National Gallery now has a total of about 26,000 items of fine and applied arts; it is represented in 56 exhibition halls. The museum’s collection includes canvases of Armenian, European, Russian artists, as well as works of decorative and applied art.

The collection of Armenian art includes masterpieces by Ivan Aivazovsky, Martiros Saryan, Arshile Gorky, and Jean Jansem. The European collection includes works by Rubens, Rodin, van Goyen, Jacob Jordan and Rousseau.



I would typically give you a few options for hotels, but it would do you a disservice. I’ve been to Armenia before and stayed at fine establishments, but nothing can compare to the Grand Hotel Yerevan.

It is an elegant and modern hotel for travelers, sightseers, and those who are ready for an unforgettable experience. The charm of the 1928 neoclassical building that houses the hotel is timeless. The luxury hotel is in the center of Yerevan. Due to its prime location, Grand Hotel represents the embodiment of modern and ancient Armenian history and culture. Despite being an exceptional hotel and ideally located in the heart of town, their rates are very reasonable.

Grand Hotel Yerevan is an elegant and refined hotel with a long and storied history. Its excellent location, within a short walking distance from Yerevan’s central Republic Square, makes it possible to fully enjoy the city and reach all the main attractions of the capital. The spacious and comfortable rooms, the inner yard bar, the rooftop pool with panoramic view, and the spa create a luxurious experience with relaxing accommodations.

Grand Hotel Yerevan is only a 15-minute drive (12 km) from the Zvartnots International Airport. It is within easy walking distance to the Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the National Gallery, the Republic Square, and Cascade, a monumental travertine stairway decorated with the sculptures of the most prominent contemporary artists. Northern Avenue, the famous pedestrian street replete with bars and elegant boutiques, is just nearby.

The “smorgasbord” breakfast in the Nairi by Grand Hotel Yerevan offers a wide range of sweet and salty dishes. Fine cocktails are accompanied by live music in the Winter Garden Bar, which is open 24/7. So, prepare yourself to enjoy their excellent service, high-quality food, and fresh design.

The hotel’s spa center offers you a wide range of beauty procedures and massages with carefully chosen Armenian products. In the open-air rooftop pool, fitness center, or sauna bath. The private open-air pool (seasonal), situated on the hotel’s roof, is a perfect place for relaxation. Here you can enjoy the sunny Yerevan while lounging in comfortable deckchairs, having a cocktail, and trying delectable hot and cold dishes from the bar. This magical place with a beautiful and picturesque view of Yerevan is ideally suited for romantic dinners, private events, and cocktail parties.

The hotel’s spa center offers you a wide range of beauty procedures and massages with carefully chosen Armenian products. In the open-air rooftop pool, fitness center, or sauna bath.

The luxurious rooms of Grand Hotel Yerevan, with their stylish furniture and attention to the smallest detail, provide you with all the services necessary to have an unforgettable trip. The staff is incredibly professional, friendly, and the service is top-notch. If you are planning a trip to Armenia, look no further than the Grand Hotel Yerevan.



Top 10 attractions in Yerevan barely scratches the surface of what this ancient city has to offer. There is a good reason why Armenia is major tourist destination for people interested in history, religion, archeology, adventure travel, a well as for foodies, wine connoisseurs, and music lovers.


OPEC Fund partners Ameriabank to address problems and help to improve the life of people in Armenia: T. Alnassar



 16:30, 2 December, 2021

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS. Tareq Alnassar, OPEC Fund Assistant Director-General, Private Sector and Trade Finance Operations, talks about OPEC Fund’s partnership with Ameriabank, projects implemented by the fund,private sector support and the SME development strategy of the Armenian government.

“Ameriabank is a pioneer bank. It’s a market leader. And of course this comes with the huge responsibility. So, they set the standard, they set the stage for other banks to come later on. I think last year they issued the green bond. This is a precedent, I think this is really a landmark for the country and for the financial sector”. – said Mr. Alnassar in an interview.

Watch the full interview here.

[see video]

ICJ to deliver its order on Armenia’s request to indicate provisional measures against Azerbaijan Dec. 7




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 30, ARMENPRESS. The International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, will deliver its order over Armenia’s request to apply provisional measures against Azerbaijan on December 7, the Court said in a news release.

“A public sitting will take place at 3 p.m. at the Peace Palace in The Hague, during which the President of the Court, Judge Joan E. Donoghue, will read out the Court’s Order. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, only Members of the Court and representatives of the States Parties to the case will be present in the Great Hall of Justice”, the statement says.

The International Court of Justice held public hearings over Armenia’s request to indicate provisional measures against Azerbaijan on October 14-15.

On September 16, 2021, Armenia instituted proceedings against the Republic of Azerbaijan before the International Court of Justice with regard to alleged violations of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).

Armenia also requested the Court to indicate certain provisional measures “as a matter of extreme urgency”, including the return of Armenian prisoners of war and civilian captives from Azerbaijan, as well as the closure of the so-called “Military Trophies Park” in Baku.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan