CoE chief: We are engaged in a dialogue to develop confidence-building measures between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Panorama, Armenia

The Council of Europe (CoE) is currently engaged in a dialogue to develop confidence-building measures between Armenia and Azerbaijan, CoE Secretary-General Marija Pejčinović Burić said at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Friday.

“We are currently engaged in a dialogue to develop a set of confidence-building measures between Armenia and Azerbaijan, following the most recent conflict in and around Nagorno-Karabakh,” she said.

“And confidence-building measures are in place for Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria.

“Their success relies upon the authorities’ commitment. And they are aware that the Council of Europe fully and firmly supports the independence and territorial integrity of its member states within their internationally recognized borders,” Burić noted.

Speaking about the CoE, she said, after all, the organization was founded in the aftermath of two devastating world wars, on the promise of “never again”.

Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of shelling its positions in Kalbajar District

TASS, Russia
The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry deemed the incident "a planned pre-election provocation"

BAKU, June 10. /TASS/. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry accused the Armenian military of shelling its positions in Azerbaijan’s Kalbajar District, the ministry reported in a statement published on Thursday.

"The Armenian Defense Ministry made a statement on gunshots aimed at units of the Azerbaijani army in the Kalbajar area of the border. This fact has been confirmed. There are no casualties or injuries among the Azerbaijani troops as a result of the attack," the message says.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry deemed the incident "a planned pre-election provocation."

Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, 2020, with intense battles in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. On November 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on a complete ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to the document, the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides remain at their positions, and a number of districts, including the Kalbajar District, come under the control of Baku. Russian peacekeepers were deployed along the engagement line and the Lachin corridor in Nagorno-Karabakh.

‘This has to stop’: Armenian ombudsman concerned over pre-election atmosphere

Panorama, Armenia
June 9 2021

Armenia’s Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) Arman Tatoyan expressed deep concerns over the atmosphere during the election campaign, stating it further deepens the polarization in society and undermines the prospect of restoring solidarity in the country.

“This has to stop! All political forces must exclude insults and swear words, any rhetoric related to hatred and violence,” Tatoyan said in a statement early on Wednesday.

“Candidates for prime minister from all political forces running in the elections should take into account that every word they use extends to their supporters, and then they insult each other with the same words.

“Those running for prime minister should be especially attentive to the words used and take into account all their figurative meanings,” he said, deploring caretaker Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s latest warning of “civil and political vendettas and sweeping personnel changes” if reelected and his use of swear words.

“The real danger of such rhetoric is that it further deepens the existing tensions and poses a risk of being carried over into real life. It’s true that the acting prime minister of Armenia emphasized that it is not about physical revenge, but, obviously, it did not neutralize the dangerous impact of the mentioned,” Tatoyan said.

The monitoring of the Ombudsman’s Office revealed that in the social media platforms where materials with the headlines "civil revenge", "vendetta" and the like were spread, widespread insults, accusations and hate speech were recorded. These headlines confirm once again that the statements about non-physical revenge made no impact, the ombudsman said.

“The social media monitoring also revealed that the topic of a duel between a candidate for prime minister of the Armenia bloc and a prime ministerial candidate of the Civil Contract Party, the caretaker prime minister is also being discussed in the context of violence.

“In addition, during a meeting with the acting prime minister on June 8, one of the citizens claimed that he was sacked because, in his words, he refused to vote for the Armenia bloc’s PM candidate.

“This statement testifies to the violation of labor rights and a number of other rights, in connection with which the Human Rights Defender’s Office will send a notification to the Prosecutor's Office,” Tatoyan said. 

A body found in Artsakh, Armenia
June 5 2021

The rescuers of Artsakh found a body in the Jrakan (Jabrail) region as a result of search operations, the State Emergency Service of the Artsakh Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

A forensic examination will be ordered to determine his identity.

1,558 bodies have been found and evacuated from the territories under the control of Azerbaijan since the ceasefire, 27 of which, according to preliminary data, are civilians.

Rep. Manoogian Serves as Inaugural Speaker of Assembly Summer Speaker Series

Washington, D.C. – Armenian American politician and Michigan State Representative Mari Manoogian kicked off the Armenian Assembly of America Internship Program Summer Speaker Series on Thursday evening, June 3rd. The event, which was open to all community members, provided participants with insights into Rep. Manoogian's political career and experience as the youngest woman serving in the 101st Legislature, and as the first Armenian American woman to serve in the Michigan Legislature. She is currently serving her second term, representing the residents of the 40th House District.

Following welcoming remarks by Assembly Western Region Director Mihran Toumajan, who served as moderator, Rep. Manoogian elaborated on her start in politics, which is rooted in her birthplace of Birmingham, Michigan and in the Armenian American community. She noted the importance of providing opportunities to Armenian American college students and young professionals since she herself was inspired by the resiliency and vibrancy of her local Armenian community. Rep. Manoogian stated that she appreciated the work of the Assembly and the internships the organization provides that helps the next generation gain a better understanding of the political process in Washington, D.C.

"Building relationships out early has made our office incredibly successful in the work that we do," said Rep. Manoogian, who focuses on various kinds of legislation, including strengthening public schools, clean water, healthcare, incentives for first-time home buyers, and foundational infrastructure.

Rep. Manoogian, who currently serves as the Deputy Democratic Caucus Whip and Minority Vice Chair for the House Committee on Energy, in addition to serving on the House Commerce & Tourism Committee, commented on the significance of elected officials working together from different parties.

"During a time of division in our country, it's important to model good behavior and make as many bipartisan efforts as possible to make the lives of our constituents better," she said.

A question and answer session followed her remarks, where Toumajan commended Rep. Manoogian for spearheading House Resolution 0319 (2020) in the Legislature that she introduced on October 8, 2020, during the 44-day war in Artsakh. The resolution condemned Azerbaijan for its coordinated offensive against the Armenian people and also denounced Turkish interference in the conflict, while urging the United States Department of State to work with the co-chairs of the Minsk Group and the governments of Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Republic of Artsakh to achieve a long-lasting and peaceful resolution.

The swift and unanimous passing of the resolution was a "testament to relationships we built across the aisle," said Rep. Manoogian, who makes a concerted effort to discuss priority Armenian issues with fellow elected officials.

She also raised and passed a resolution regarding the reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide in the State of Michigan, which she said "has a long history of being on the right side of our issues." Rep. Manoogian is a third-generation Armenian American whose great-grandparents came to America in the 1920s to escape the Armenian Genocide.

In terms of how being an Armenian American impacts her professional life, Rep. Manoogian, who earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University, said her heritage is "inherently part of what I do." She works to educate new representatives about issues facing the Armenian people and relies on community relationships "to make sure we have our finger on the pulse of what is happening."

"The Assembly's Summer Speaker Series aims to host a unique and exciting slate of presenters that offers students guidance on career paths and opportunities," said Joseph Piatt, Assembly Programs Director. "Since college students are unable to travel to Washington D.C. and Yerevan, Armenia, this summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have transitioned our educational forum into a virtual format for our entire community."

Register to attend next week's speaker series on June 10, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., Eastern Time, where Lauren Garry-Boggio, an Assembly Internship Program Alumna who currently serves as an Attorney-Advisor at the Federal Communications Commission, will share her experience in the political field. Previously Garry-Boggio served as Attorney-Advisor at the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges, and as an intern for Representative Patrick Kennedy.

The Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program, which will take place virtually this summer, provides college students of Armenian descent an opportunity to gain exposure to the policy-making process in our nation’s capital for eight weeks each summer.

Since 1977, the Armenian Assembly of America has assisted over 1,200 participants in securing placements in prominent congressional offices, government agencies, media outlets, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations in Washington, D.C.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


NR# 2021-47

Armenia 2nd President: I see possibility of restoring borders of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast, Armenia

The territorial losses are such that we Armenians need to set real objectives for ourselves. Robert Kocharyan, the second President and leader of the “Armenia” bloc—which will run in the snap parliamentary elections on June 20—, stated this during a meeting with the residents and this bloc’s active members at three administrative districts of the capital Yerevan.

“As far as the former borders of Armenia are concerned, there simply couldn’t have been any conversation at all. As far as Nagorno-Karabakh is concerned, we need to be able to maintain at least what exists today and try to solve the issue of restoration of the borders of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast during future discussions on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. I can envision this, and I see an opportunity in the next few years. This will be extremely difficult because, first and foremost, we suffered major losses in the process of negotiations as well. First, we need to move the issue to the domain of the right to self-determination,” he said, adding that this will be possible, if Armenia restores the capacity of the armed forces very quickly because if it doesn’t, the negotiations will be eternal and ineffective.

Secretary of State Discusses Nagorno-Karabakh with Russian Minister Amid Rising Tensions

May 21 2021

05/21/2021 Artsakh (International Christian Concern) – This week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on his visit this week to northern Europe, during which they discussed their governments’ roles in overseeing mediation between Armenia and Azerbaijan. These talks come during a week when tensions between the two countries have risen after Azerbaijani troops encroached 3.5 kilometers into Armenian territory.

Russia brokered a ceasefire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan in December to end fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh) after Azerbaijani troops aided by Turkish-paid Syrian mercenaries attacked in September. Russian peacekeepers are now present in the region to ensure that fighting does not break out again.

Russia and the United States are both members of the OSCE Minsk Group, a collection of states formed in 1994 mandated to oversee mediations and ensure peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Many Armenian groups within the U.S. have been calling for American leaders to take a more active role in this group to ensure that Azerbaijan does not continue to commit aggressions with Turkey against Armenians.

Azerbaijan still holds an estimated 200 prisoners of war in captivity, many of them Armenian Christian civilians. Armenians are a predominately Christian community that has suffered multiple genocides because of their combined ethnic-faith identity. The events in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 were reminiscent of the 1915 genocide which almost eliminated them from their native lands.

With the recent movements of Azerbaijani troops into Armenian territory, Russian and American mediation may prove to be even more vital in the coming weeks.

Robert Kocharyan: No case of fabricated persecution against my teammates will be forgotten and forgiven

Panorama, Armenia

Armenia's ex-president Robert Kocharyan, the leader of "Armenia" political alliance issued a statement on Saturday. "Over the past several days I receive reports that law enforcement bodies exert pressure in separate places on my teammates. I can forgive any infringement or injustice against me for to close the page of the defeat and for the sake of national unity. However, I want to warn that no case of a fabricated persecution against my teammates will be forgotten and forgiven. I assure that any official involved in lawlessness will answer for their actions before the law soon."

To note, Kocharyan's statement came days after the head of his parliamentary election campaign Armen Gevorgyan  was charged with money laundering by Armenia's Special Investigative Service (SIS).

Azerbaijani press: MFA: Azerbaijan restoring internationally-recognized borders

By Vafa Ismayilova

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Leyla Abdullayeva has said that Azerbaijan is restoring its internationally recognized borders, the Foreign Ministry reported on May 20.

Abdullayeva made the remarks while commenting on an Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman's statement on the recent developments along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

Internationally-recognized borders' restoration

"Let me first underline that the key reason of the border issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan is Armenia’s illegal occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories till November 2020. Hence, it is Armenia that violated Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized borders. And now Azerbaijan is just restoring its internationally recognized borders," Abdullayea said.

She reiterated that Azerbaijan continues its work on the border protection system within the country's territorial integrity and this process is carried out on the basis of maps available to each of the sides that define the borderline between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"Several disagreements occurred between the sides on border issues earlier, and all of them were settled via negotiations among the sides to the trilateral statements," Abdullayeva said.

The spokesperson described as "quite strange" the lack of any appeal from the Indian Foreign Ministry in past 30 years calling for the withdrawal of Armenia's occupying forces from the Azerbaijani territories.

"And [it] is now speaking about pulling back forces. Apparently, this latest statement was made without a proper thorough examination of various dimensions of this issue," the spokesperson said.

Abdullayeva said that "Azerbaijan has always been calling for, and continues to call for, the full respect of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of states. We believe that mutual respect for and strict adherence to these principles is the only way to settle any dispute and build truly good neighborly relations".

She stressed that Azerbaijan as a current chair of the Non-Aligned Movement has made the promotion of the Bandung Principles one of the priorities of its chairmanship.

"These principles have contributed to the promotion of justice and equality in international relations and ensured respect for the norms and principles of international law. Any attempts that harm the unity within the NAM are deplorable," she said.

Xenophobia on rise in Armenia

Abdullayeva underlined rising intolerance and xenophobia in Armenia.

"Unfortunately, we observe a dramatic rise in intolerance and xenophobia in Armenia. What is particularly troubling is that this trend is aimed not only against Azerbaijan but now covers any nation or group that would dare to express an opinion even slightly differing from an Armenian line. In this country, the Nazi collaborators are idolized and international terrorists are glorified. An incomprehensible act of vandalism was recently taken against the monument to such a world-known proponent of peace and tolerance as Mahatma Gandhi," she said.

Abdullayeva said that such trends of extremism are dangerous and they must be addressed immediately. "Armenia must be encouraged to abandon toxic ideas of national supremacy and territorial expansion. Armenia must finally start abiding by international law and making its key principles a basis for the normalization of relations with neighboring states. Only then Armenia will start benefiting from the good neighborhood and regional cooperation," the spokesperson said.

She stressed that Azerbaijan continues to be strongly committed to peace, security, regional development and cooperation on the basis of respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders.

The hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia resumed after that latter started firing at Azerbaijani civilians and military positions starting September 27, 2020. The war ended on November 10 with the signing of a trilateral peace deal by the Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian leaders.

The peace agreement stipulated the return of Azerbaijan's Armenian-occupied Kalbajar, Aghdam and Lachin regions. Before the signing of the deal, the Azerbaijani Army had liberated around 300 villages, settlements, city centres and historic Shusha city. The signed agreement obliged Armenia to withdraw its troops from the Azerbaijani lands that it has occupied since the early 1990s.

Erdogan slams Biden for support to Israel, reminds him about Armenian Genocide recognition, Armenia

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed US President Joe Biden for support to Israel, reminding him about his recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

According to Erdogan, US military aid helps make possible “Israel’s aggression against the Palestinians who lack resources for self-defense”. “We saw Biden’s signature on the document on the major sale of arms to Israel,” Erdogan said, referring to the news about the US selling weapons to its closest ally in the Middle East.

“Mr. Biden, you support the Armenians with regard to the so-called Armenian genocide. Now you are going down in history with bloody hands by supporting Israel, which is attacking Gaza with disproportionate force,” he said, adding that Turkey won’t keep silent and will continue the fight for Al-Quds (Jerusalem-ed.).

The Turkish leader also slammed Austria for supporting Israel and declared that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s Cabinet is trying to “expiate the guilt of the Holocaust” “by forcing Muslims to pay for that”.