Armenpress: Spanish Aladina Foundation provides donation to City of Smile to help children suffering cancer

Spanish Aladina Foundation provides donation to City of Smile to help children suffering cancer



 09:00, 2 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 2, ARMENPRESS. Donations to Armenia’s City of Smile Foundation aimed at assisting children and young people up to the age 25 suffering cancer and blood diseases have sharply declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent war. However, at the end of the year the Spanish Aladina Foundation has provided help to the City of Smile, in particular covering the treatment costs of beneficiary children for about two months, Director of the City of Smile Foundation Ester Demirchyan told Armenpress.

“The coronavirus pandemic led to huge decline in donations. It was followed by the war which further deepened the crisis situation. We hadn’t ever had such a low figure of donations since the opening of the Foundation which we had during the wartime – in October, November and December. Of course, there were objective reasons for this situation, as we all were focused only on one direction – to try to help, to do the utmost to win the war, to help our soldiers and the displaced people”, she said.

She considered normal the fact that when an issue of national identity arises, the foundations are left on the second plan. But she noted that children suffering cancer cannot wait long as each day, each delay of drugs and examinations leads to heavy consequences. Demirchyan, however, stated that no one was rejected by the Foundation during that days.

After the war the flow of donations has relatively activated. “We have received a number of small grants by different organizations. However, the only one organization which was the most inspiring for us that days was the Aladina Foundation which provided a donation of 160,000 USD”, she said, adding that this is the biggest donation received by one organization.

Aladina is operating mainly in Spain, is working with 15 different hospitals of Spain. This is their second experience of international transfer, the first one was provided to Lebanon’s child cancer center.

“It’s very honoring that we managed to attract its attention. This cooperation was the best New Year gift for us as it gave us strength and energy to continue the mission of the Foundation”, she said.  

Demirchyan calls this cooperation as a very good beginning of the year, stating that they need to attract more organizations. The Foundation’s monthly costs for children, young people comprise nearly 70-80 thousand dollars. The Aladina Foundation provided money for two months. Mrs. Demirchyan said the whole staff of the City of Smile Foundation expresses its deepest gratitude to the Aladina Foundation and directorate.

The Aladina Foundation is operating in Spain for about 15 years assisting children suffering with cancer. The Foundation is organizing various events, renovating rooms, providing psychological support, etc. Demirchyan hopes that the cooperation with this Foundation will continue.

She reminded that the treatment of children suffering cancer is quite expensive, adding that many people should unite around this issue. She called on the public to regularly make donations for this purpose. Ester Demirchyan said the website of their Foundation allows to choose the option of making monthly donations and become the supporter of it.

“I understand that currently many people are facing many difficulties, however, I believe that each of us can provide some help at least once a month to these children who really need it”, she said, calling on both individuals and various organizations not to forget about these children and provid their help.

The annual expenditure of the City of Smile Foundation comprises nearly 1 million USD: its beneficiaries are children, young people from Armenia, Artsakh and Javakhk. So far, the Foundation has provided help to nearly 370 children and young people. In 2020 the Foundation had 95 new beneficiaries. Demirchyan stated that nearly 70% of children suffering cancer in Armenia are completely recovering.

Interview by Anna Grigoryan

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Pashinyan dismisses the head of State Tourism Committee

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 4 2021

Susanna Safaryan has been dismissed from the post of the Chairperson of the State Tourism Committee of Armenia. The dismissal came upon Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s decision.

In a Facebook post, Safaryan clarified that the dismissal was on the grounds of lack of professional capability and her work. 

The post also listed all the programs implemented by the Tourism Committee led by Safaryan in 2019-2021. 

Armenian military denies Azerbaijan’s allegations on cross-border shooting



 10:36, 2 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 2, ARMENPRESS. The Ministry of Defense of Armenia is denying the information spread by the Azerbaijani State Border Service which claimed that the Armenian military has opened gunfire in the direction of a village in Azerbaijan’s Ghazakh District.

“There is no such thing, it’s a total lie,” an Armenian Ministry of Defense spokesperson told ARMENPRESS.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Situation around Armenia and Artsakh discussed at Security Council session



 15:05, 2 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 2, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan chaired today the session of the Security Council, the PM’s Office told Armenpress.

A number of issues relating to the current situation around Armenia and Artsakh, the humanitarian problems and the security environment were discussed during the session.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

‘Berlin liturgy’ by Komitas to be performed in Yerevan

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 2 2021

A concert in memory of the Artistic Director and Conductor of Yerevan State Chamber Choir, Honored Art Worker of Armenia Harutyun Topikyan will take place on February 12 in Yerevan. The event will start at 19.00 at Komitas Chamber Music House to be conducted by Choirmaster Kristine Voskanyan. 

The programme features 'Berlin liturgy' and other spiritual works of Komitas Vardapet, 'Northern Lights' by Ola Gjeilo, as well as Voskanyan's arrangements of Bourrée,  Menuet, and  Badinerie  by Bach.

At least 1456 Armenian historical and cultural monuments remained under the control of Azerbaijan as a result of the war – Report

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 26 2021

The Staff of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh published on Tuesday a report on vandalism against the Armenian cultural heritage in the occupied territories of the Republic of Artsakh and the threat of destruction of Armenian monuments. 

According to the document, as a result of military aggression against Artsakh, at least 1456 overwhelmingly Armenian historical and cultural prominent immovable monuments, including 161 monasteries and churches, 591 khachkars (cross-stones), the ancient sites of Tigranakert, Azokh, Nor Karmiravan, Mirik, Keren, fortresses and castles, sanctuaries and other monuments remained under the control of Azerbaijan. 8 state museums also came under the control of Azerbaijan with 19 311 exhibits, as well as private museums of Armenian Carpet and Armenian dram of Shushi.

The report presents a number of cases of destruction and acts of vandalism against the  Armenian cultural heritage during the Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression and after the ceasefire, including deliberate targeting and vandalism against St. Holy Savior Ghazanchetsots Cathedral and St. Hovhannes Mkrtich (Kanach Zham) Church of Shushi. 

The report also refers to Azerbaijan’s policy of deliberately spreading disinformation on Armenian cultural heritage and “albanizing” the Armenian cultural monuments which is also a threat of extinction of the Armenian cultural heritage in the territory of Artsakh.

The analysis of the identified cases and the context of Armeniaphobia shows that the destruction and distortion of the Armenian cultural heritage are systematic and widespread. The actions and statements of the Azerbaijani state bodies and public figures show that this is a specific state policy based on the criminal policy of inciting hatred against the Armenian nation.   

Given the many precedents and the real threats of deliberate destruction of the Armenian cultural heritage in the territories under the control of Azerbaijan by the Azerbaijani authorities, the Staff of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh considers it urgent for the relevant international organizations and especially UNESCO to take effective and immediate steps to preserve the Armenian cultural heritage in the territory of Artsakh.

The English content of the report can be found  on the website of the Human Rights Ombudsman. 

Turkey’s Kolin taking on construction of Nagorno-Karabakh highway

Jan 27 2021

A Turkish construction firm known for its close ties to the government has taken on a project to build a highway in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, Dünya newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Kolin İnşaat is set to begin working with an Azeri company in the construction of the Ahmedbeyli-Fizuli-Shusha highway, according to the newspaper.

The four-lane highway divided into five parts will go through 20 settlements and is set to be completed in 2022.

Nagorno-Karabakh was the scene of a months-long conflict that broke out in September between Armenia and Turkish-backed Azerbaijan, which ended in a victory for the latter.

Azerbaijan, with extensive support from Turkey, took over several territories formerly under Armenian control, including the second largest settlement of Shusha, before the ceasefire was put in place in November.

Kolin has set up a construction site in Azerbaijan to begin in its work, Dünya said, noting that the country has become the latest land of opportunity for Turkish firms.

Two months ago, another Turkish firm with links to the government, Tekfen, took over the construction of the new Azeri Central Bank building.

Kolin is one of five Turkish conglomerates being awarded large tenders in recent years, which critics attribute to their close ties with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Armella Shakaryan appointed Ambassador of Armenia to Mexico




YEREVAN, JANUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. By the decree of the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian, Armella Shakaryan has been appointed Ambassador of Armenia to Mexico, ARMENPRESS was informed from the official website of the President.  

Armella Shakaryan headed the division responsible for affairs with Canada and the USA at the Department of American Countries of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia.

Armenia ruling bloc MP: My Step faction considering idea of granting parliament the right to self-dissolution, Armenia
Jan 26 2021        

The only thing I can tell you is that the idea of granting the National Assembly the right to self-dissolution is being considered. This is what deputy of the ruling My Step bloc of the National Assembly of Armenia Vahagn Hovakimyan told reporters in parliament today.

According to him, the ruling My Step bloc’s parliamentary faction hasn’t held a discussion on this yet, bu it might give a negative conclusion.

Asked if this is the ruling majority’s initiative, the deputy paused and gave an affirmative answer. In response to a specifying question why the idea has come up, the deputy said the issue was considered when amendments were being made to the Constitution.

When reporters noted that citizens might get the impression that the ruling bloc doesn’t know how to dissolve the parliament since it renounces Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation and is trying to find alternative paths to solve the issue, Hovakimyan said this is only reporters’ impression.

Asbarez: ANCA Welcomes Rep. Valadao as Armenian Caucus Co-Chair

January 26,  2020

ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian with Congressman David Valadao (R-CA) reviewing The HALO Trust’s life-saving demining work in Artsakh in 2017.

Fresno Republican is Longstanding Congressional Champion of Artsakh

WASHINGTON—The Armenian National Committee of America warmly welcomes David Valadao (D-CA) – a longstanding legislative champion of Artsakh and Armenian issues on Capitol Hill – as incoming Co-Chairman of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues.

“The ANCA welcomes Congressman Valadao’s leadership on the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, remarked ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian. “The fact the Congressman Valadao was named to the powerful House Committee on Appropriations earlier this month – which controls all federal spending – will make him an even more important ally for the U.S. humanitarian aid package we are seeking to secure for the heroic people of Artsakh,” the ANCA Chairman added.

In a statement issued earlier today, Rep. Valadao cited the importance of strengthening the U.S.-Armenia-Artsakh relationship.  “Armenia is a nation so many of my constituents know and love,” said Congressman Valadao. “During my time in Congress, I introduced several resolutions formally recognizing the Ottoman Empire’s deportation and extermination of over two million Armenian people and, after years of Armenian-American advocacy for this cause, the House and the Senate finally passed H.Res. 296, Affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide. However, my fight on behalf of my Armenian-American constituents must continue. Armenians living in Nagorno Karabakh recently faced attacks from Azerbaijani forces in violation of their decade-old ceasefire agreement. This kind of aggression is unacceptable and must end immediately. I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress on this issue and other issues of importance to the Armenian-American community as co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. We must continue to advocate for the Armenian people and encourage the new Administration to maintain and strengthen relationships between the United States, Armenia, and Artsakh.”

Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair David Valadao (R-CA) offering remarks at the annual April 24th Armenian Genocide commemorative flag-raising in Fresno, CA, organized by the ANCA Central California.

Congressional Armenian Caucus Founding Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) welcomed Rep. Valadao to the Caucus leadership.  In a statement released along with Rep. Valadao earlier today, Rep. Pallone noted, “The Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues has always operated in a bipartisan fashion, and I know our current co-chairs will continue this tradition. I’m confident we will work together to ensure the United States strengthens its relationship with Armenia and supports its young, democratically elected government that was shaken by last year’s devastating aggression by Azeri and Turkish forces in the region. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Caucus to ensure the incoming Secretaries of State and Defense are focused on reassessing our strategic relationships in the Caucasus region, upholding the principle of human rights, and holding bad actors like Turkish President Erdogan accountable.”

Congressman Valadao, who returned to Congress this year after a tightly contested election against incumbent TJ Cox, has a long history of championing issues of special concern to Armenians and our allies in Fresno and across California’s Central Valley. In 2017, he traveled to Artsakh, over objections from the State Department, and spearheaded passage of the Valadao Amendment appropriating life-saving humanitarian aid to de-mine Artsakh. Upon his return to the U.S. House, he was appointed to a post on the influential Appropriations Committee.

The ANCA has launched a national campaign to encourage U.S. Representatives to engage and support the work of the Armenian Caucus. Take action at to ask your legislator to join this bipartisan legislative working group. If they are already a member, your letter will share your thanks for their participation. Rep. Valadao joins Reps. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Jackie Speier (D-CA), and Adam Schiff (D-CA) in the leadership of the Armenian Caucus.

The ANCA spearheaded the bipartisan Congressional launch of the U.S. aid program to Artsakh in the FY98 foreign aid bill and has actively supported transformative projects providing maternal healthcare, clean drinking water, and mine clearance.

The 21st District of California represented by Congressman Valadao is centered in the San Joaquin Valley, home to tens of thousands of Armenian Americans, including many leaders in the region’s thriving agriculture sector.