Armenian Prez seeks Putin’s help to bring servicemen held by Baku back home

Siasat Daily, India
Nov 30 2020

Yerevan: Armenian President Armen Sargsyan has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to assist the return of Armenian captives who are held in Azerbaijan since the escalation of the Karabakh conflict, Sargsyan’s office said on Monday.

The letter sent to Putin says, in particular, that the Armenian society and expatriate community are deeply concerned over the situation around servicemen and civilians taken captive by Azerbaijan,” Sargsyan’s office said in a statement.

According to the statement, “the Russian president’s mediation would largely contribute to the solution of the highly sensitive problem of returning servicemen and civilians held by Azerbaijan, and the bodies of those killed.

Issue of missing servicemen in Karabakh under spotlight of Russia’s top leadership – Embassy




 21:35, 1 December, 2020

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. The issue of servicemen who have been declared missing due to the recent war in Nagorno Karabakh is under the spotlight of Russia’s top leadership, the Russian Embassy in Armenia said in a statement.

“The Embassy is receiving numerous appeals over finding the missing servicemen and transferring those killed to their relatives. We fully share the pain and panic of families who faced that big human tragedy. The Russian peacekeeping contingent and inter-agency humanitarian response center are directly involved in solving that acute issue, acting in close coordination with the competent authorities of Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as the authorized international organizations. This issue is under the spotlight of the top leadership of Russia which gives a special importance to the comprehensive implementation of the provisions of the November 9, 2020, trilateral statement”, the statement says.

The Embassy reminded that Armenia’s defense ministry has established a special commission for collecting and developing information about those killed, missing in action, captured servicemen and other people aimed at helping those who have appeared in this tragic situation.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Bright Armenia faction head proposes creation of trilateral commission to deal with issues of POWs

Aysor, Armenia
Nov 28 2020

Bright Armenia faction head Edmon Marukyan said after his application sent to Russia’s president he discussed the issue with human rights activist Artak Zeynalyan.

“As a result of discussion a new proposal was born,” Marukyan wrote on Facebook.

“So, stemming from the created really critical situation we propose to create trilateral commission consisting of representatives of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan which will without impediments visit the prisoners of war kept in two parties, will prevent the possible bad attitude toward them, will specify their number, the real place they are being kept in and the conditions,” Marukyan wrote, adding that the commission should be created as soon as possible for the sake of defense of prisoners of war and their immediate return to their families.


Armenpress: Expert says Russia would not tolerate Turkey’s actions to populate NK territories with Syrians

Expert says Russia would not tolerate Turkey’s actions to populate NK territories with Syrians




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 26, ARMENPRESS. Turkey’s plans to populate the territories of Nagorno Karabakh, which have come under the Azerbaijani control, with Syrians will not be accepted by both Russia and Iran. Russia would not allow it or will take anti-terrorist measures later, Expert on Turkish studies Ruben Melkonyan told Armenpress, commenting on the foreign and local media reports according to which Turkey is transferring Syrians to the territories of Nagorno Karabakh currently controlled by Azerbaijan.

The expert said these reports, even they are not coming from real facts, have a very serious potential of becoming a reality.

According to him, the issue should be viewed from two important domains. “The first one is that Turkey’s open participation to the recent war [in Karabakh] made us suppose that after the war as well Turkey will continue to keep its active presence in this matter. And it’s natural that Turkey will try to take some steps in its policy priorities. Secondly, we need to take into account that the demography policy or the demographic engineering has a very important place in Turkey’s policy. It is based on a state tradition and has a history of centuries. In the occupied territories Turkey is immediately starting the policy of neutralizing the further threats and creating additional threats for the enemy countries”, the expert said.

Melkonyan reminded that before the Armenian Genocide Turkey has populated various territories of historic Armenia with different Muslim nations which later played a role in the implementation of the Armenian Genocide. He said Turkey, by occupying several territories in Syria, is populating them with people faithful to it. According to the expert, Turkey is trying the same also in the territories of Artsakh which have come under the Azerbaijani control. “My analysis is based on the principles of the Turkish demographic policy, and these principles allow to claim that populating the occupied territories of Artsakh with people faithful to Turkey is very realistic”, he said.

Melkonyan is sure that some of these people will be terrorists with their families who can turn from a ‘peaceful civilian’ to an extreme terrorist at any moment, by participating in military or terrorist operations. “In other words, by populating that territories with that people, Turkey in fact is deploying a special division of the army in the face of terrorists and their families”, the expert on Turkish studies noted.

Asked why there is no wish to populate those territories with Azerbaijanis, Melkonyan said the question should be viewed in the context of expected public developments, complaints in Azerbaijan and we should understand whether Azerbaijan’s statement that the refugees want to move to Aghdam and other territories is true or is another myth.

Melkonyan also stated that Turkey’s such plans are not in the interests of Iran and Russia.

“Russia should not allow transfer of terrorists to that region which is closer to its borders. But if we look at the issue from political perspective, the presence of terrorists in this territory would allow Russia to take certain steps at any moment under the anti-terrorist war flag or other”, he said.

Ruben Melkonyan proposed to wait for developments and understand which priority will be more influential for Russia – the humanitarian one or the anti-terrorist one. The expert, however, believes that both Russia and Iran would not accept these steps and may take some actions either now or later. “Nevertheless, we need to understand that this issue is going to be one of the key points of the Russian-Turkish or Turkish-Iranian clash”, Ruben Melkonyan said.

Interview by Anna Grigoryan

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian forces leaving Kalbajar district — senior officer

TASS, Russia
Nov 24 2020
According to him, Azerbaijani forces are to enter the region at 06:00

KALBAJAR, November 24. /TASS/. Last Armenian military units are leaving the Kalbajar district in Nagorno Karabakh, which is to be handed over to Azerbaijan under the November 25 agreement, a motorized rifle brigade commander told TASS on Tuesday.

"We managed to hold our positions here [in the Kalbajar district] throughout the entire war, and yielded nothing to them. Now, the Azerbaijanis are 12 km away," the officer said. "We are now dismantling our outposts in the mountains and, after that, we will blow up the remaining buildings of our military base to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Azerbaijanis. Once it is done, we will leave for Armenia. At the moment, our military unit is among the last ones remaining here."

According to him, Azerbaijani forces are to enter the region at 06:00 (05:00 Moscow time) on November 25.

Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, with intense battles raging in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The area experienced flare-ups of violence in the summer of 2014, in April 2016 and this past July.

On November 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on a complete ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh starting from November 10. Under the document, the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides are to maintain the positions that they held and Russian peacekeepers are to be deployed to the region.

In line with the agreements, Azerbaijan is to assume control over the Agdam district until November 20, Kalbajar district – until November 15, and the Lachin district – until December 1. Later, Baku agreed to postpone the handover of the Kalbajar district until November 25.

PM Pashinyan visits military-industrial companies, instructs to develop capacities at faster pace




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 23, ARMENPRESS. Accompanied by Minister of High-Tech Industry Hakob Arshakyan, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan went on a working tour to Garni Ler Scientific-Production Association and the newly established Arsenal Military-Industrial Plant. During the tour, the Premier got acquainted with the plant’s production-professional potential, the range of its products and development opportunities, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister was shown ordnance, projectiles and warheads produced by the company. He was introduced to new test specimens featuring automatic, remote-controlled, large-caliber firearms systems equipped with night-day gun-sights. The plant will soon get new investments, expand its output capacity, generate new jobs and expand export opportunities.

The Premier highlighted the need for military industry’s continued development and instructed the management to develop the plant’s output capacity at a faster pace in terms of expanding the range of weaponry.

Nagorno-Karabakh: Thousands displaced by war return home

Deutsche Welle, Germany
Nov 22 2020

The leader of Nagorno-Karabakh says 25,000 displaced people have returned following the signing of a peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Around half of the 150,000 population fled during the six-week conflict.


Arayik Harutyunyan, leader of the Armenian-backed government in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, said Sunday that as many as 25,000 people displaced by the six-week conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh have returned in the past few days.
The figure marks a sixth of the 150,000 inhabitants of the disputed region, half of which fled the fighting that broke out on September 27.
Harutyunyan met with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for the first time since the cessation of hostilities following a Russian-brokered peace deal.
Pashinyan said his government, which backs and provides aid to the disputed region, would ensure the restoration of normal life in Karabakh, which Armenia refers to as Artsakh.
Aid and compensation planned
"Our main task here is to restore normal life in Artsakh, provide social guarantees for the families of killed servicemen and citizens, find out the fate of the missing as soon as possible, provision of social guarantees for their families, disabled soldiers and citizens, as well as the implementation of social-psychological work in general," the Armenian president said.
Harutyunyan said that in the coming days, "several social programs would be implemented, in particular, financial assistance will be provided to each Artsakh citizen."
Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but has been controlled by ethnic Armenians for the past 30 years.
The latest conflict over the disputed region erupted in late September, leaving thousands of soldiers on both sides, and civilians dead.
The warring parties, at odds over the territory since before the end of the Soviet Union, finally agreed to end hostilities earlier this month under a Russian-brokered accord. As part of the agreement, Armenia agreed to return some 15 to 20% of territory captured by Azerbaijan in recent fighting, including the historical town of Shusha.
Three territories changing hands
A week ago, Azerbaijan started taking control of the first of three occupied territories surrounding Karabakh that are being ceded.
Azerbaijan's army said Friday it had entered the district of Agdham, one of three districts ceded by Armenia.
Armenia will continue to maintain control over most of Nagorno-Karabakh itself.
Following the peace plan, there were reports of ethnic Armenians setting their homes on fire as they fled the district of Kalbajar.
The ceasefire agreement was heavily criticized in Armenia. Thousands of people took to the streets of the Armenian capital of Yerevan, with some demonstrators managing to force their way into a government building, occupying rooms and smashing furniture in the prime minister's office.

Pashinyan denies “absurd” accusations of conspiracy over fall of Shushi




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 11, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has denied what he described as “absurd” accusations claiming that he wasn’t giving consent for Russian peacekeepers to be deployed to Karabakh until the fall of Shushi.

Opposition leader Gagik Tsarukyan (Prosperous Armenia Party) claimed in an interview that Russia was ready to deploy its peacekeepers to Karabakh as early as October 28, when the town of Shushi wasn’t yet captured by Azeri forces, but Pashinyan did not agree at that time. Tsarukyan vehemently lambasted the armistice conditions and claimed that Shushi fell because of a “conspiracy”.

“This is total absurd”, Pashinyan said in a Facebook video address on November 11.

He cited his interviews of October 22 and October 25 where he publicly said that he favors Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh. “By publicly speaking in favor of this, how could I be against it on October 28?”

Pashinyan then criticized the opposition leader for what he described as not fulfilling his pledge to lead a volunteer detachment to the frontlines.  Tsarukyan had formed a detachment of volunteer soldiers and said he would lead them to active duty. “But seemingly we didn’t see any detachment of volunteers led by Gagik Tsarukyan fighting near Shushi,” Pashinyan said. “How come they make a public statement but no practical step?”

“Perhaps these detachments were formed not for conducting operations in Shushi but in Armenia? This must be investigated and assessed under criminal law.”

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 05-11-20



 17:28, 5 November, 2020

YEREVAN, 5 NOVEMBER, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 5 November, USD exchange rate up by 0.37 drams to 493.87 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 6.21 drams to 582.32 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.12 drams to 6.35 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 4.18 drams to 644.30 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 106.71 drams to 30171.13 drams. Silver price down by 2.81 drams to 380.68 drams. Platinum price down by 21.34 drams to 13861.75 drams.

CivilNet: Karabakh Officials Claim 1,815 Hectares of Forest Have Been Set Ablaze by Azerbaijan


3 November, 2020 21:27

✓Azerbaijan shells village within territory of the Republic of Armenia.

✓Karabakh’s President addresses troops despite Azerbaijani claims of having been killed.

✓France outlaws Turkish ultrnationalistic and anti-Armenian Grey Wolves group.

✓Syria’s National Army confirms the death of one of its commanders in Artsakh.