12 people passed online testing via COVID-19 Armenia app, 4 test positive



 16:51, 8 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 8, ARMENPRESS. 1,500 people, who have passed testing via the Covid-19 Armenia online testing app, appeared in the red zone, 12 people have been tested, 4 have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, Bagrat Badalyan, advisor to Deputy Prime Minister, Commandant of the State of Emergency, Tigran Avinyan, said at a press conference.

“The Covid-19 Armenia app has already had nearly 40 downloads, within the frames of which people have carried out an online testing for 240,000 times. Nearly 1,500 persons have appeared in the red zone, 31 have been selected through an interview. 12 out of these 31 have already been tested, 8 tested negative and 4 positive. We are waiting for the results of the rest”, Badalyan said.

Not everyone needs to download the app as it is on voluntary basis.

Covid-19 Armenia app has been created by Armenian specialists. The most important part of the app is the medical testing of users. Based on the results of answers to some questions the app evaluates the person’s health condition and if necessary gives advice what steps should be taken. In addition, the epidemiologists of the Commandant’s Office contact the suspected users, conduct an interview during which they decide whether the person needs further medical care or not.

According to the latest data, the number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in Armenia has reached 881. 9 death cases have been registered so far. The total number of recovered people has reached 114. 4,571 people tested negative for coronavirus. Currently the active cases are 758.

On March 16 Armenia declared a 30-day state of emergency to battle the spread of COVID-19. The state of emergency is effective until April 14, 17:00.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

PM on a new weapon being produced in Armenia

News.am, Armenia
April 7 2020

23:49, 06.04.2020

I would like to hint a novelty that is actually a secret. This is what Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said while answering citizens’ questions today.

“A few days ago, I was shown a sample of a product of Armenia’s military industrial complex, the existence of which serves as evidence of the fact that the military industrial complex in Armenia is at a new level. The major feature of that product is not only the fact that it is state-of-the-art, but also the fact that it was compiled in Armenia. The existence of this product goes to show that Armenia has professionals who can create a military product from scratch. We agreed to make efforts to make sure the product is presented in the international market. Just three days ago, I saw something that was even a little hard to believe,” Pashinyan said, congratulated everyone on this occasion and added that it is a sample that has already been tested.

Armenia MFA comments on Turkish foreign ministry’s statement on Artsakh elections



 11:32, 31 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. Armenia’s foreign ministry commented on the statement of the Turkish foreign ministry regarding the elections that are being held in Artsakh.

Armenpress presents the Armenian MFA’s full statement:

“The statement of the Foreign Ministry of Turkey on the elections being held in Nagorno Karabakh is yet another _expression_ of Turkey's hostile policy towards the Armenian people.

In line with its traditional method of selective interpretation of international documents, on one hand Turkey invokes the relevant UN Security resolutions and on the other hand  ignores their call to refrain from any hostile actions in the context of Nagorno Karabakh conflict explicitly addressed to the states in the region. While it is Turkey that has been imposing land blockade on the Republic of Armenia for decades and supporting aggressive and atrocious actions unleashed against the people of Artsakh, including in April 2016.

The reference of Turkey’s Foreign Ministry to the OSCE principles and the Minsk Process is equally groundless. We recall that the OSCE/CSCE decision of March 24, 1992, which laid a foundation for the Minsk Process, refers to the elected representatives of Nagorno Karabakh as a participant in the process. Elections must be held to have elected representatives, and from this viewpoint, elections conducted in Artsakh don’t contradict, but derive from the logic and fundamental documents of peaceful process.

Turkey's attempts to act as an international guardian of human rights and its appeals to the international community are more than bankrupted in the light of its constant violations of the rights of peoples and territorial integrity of its neighbors and its aggressive policy which breaches the norms of international law and democracy”.

HRW: Armenia: Law Restricts Privacy Amid COVID-19 Fight

Human Rights Watch
April 3 2020

Any Limits Require Human Rights Protections



The Parliament of Armenia adopted the bill granting the authorities broad surveillance powers to track coronavirus cases.

© 2020 National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

In connection with Tsaghkazard, Holy Spear stored in Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin will be taken out

Arminfo, Armenia
April 3 2020

ArmInfo. The Holy Spear stored in Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin will be taken out on April 5 In connection with Tsakhkazard. Head of the press office of the Armenian  Apostolic Church, Vahram Ter-Melikyan, said this on his Facebook  page.

He stressed that on April 5, the AAC will celebrate the solemn  entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem- Tsakhkazard.

The message, in particular, says: <In connection with the holiday  Tsaghkazard, the Holy Spear stored in the Mother See of Holy  Etchmiadzin will be taken out. The Catalikos of All Armenians Garegin  II will hold a procession during which four sides of the world will  be consecrated with the Holy Spear>.

Tsaghkazard this year will be celebrated in Armenia on April 5. This  holiday is dedicated to the solemn entrance of Jesus Christ into  Jerusalem before Easter. This holiday is celebrated on the last day  of Lent.

It should be noted that the Holy Spear or the Spear of Longinus is  stored in Etchmiadzin, which, according to legend, the Roman  legionary pierced the body of the crucified Christ.

Armenian parliamentary speaker on Gazprom Armenia submitting bid to raise natural gas tariff

News.am, Armenia
April 3 2020

19:39, 02.04.2020

If there was no coronavirus, we could have considered the natural gas tariff because it turns out that the sides had met the conditions. There was no problem regarding the tariff until April, but there might be talks over the tariff now. This is what Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan told reporters at Yerablur Military Pantheon today, touching upon the fact that Gazprom Armenia has submitted a bid to the Public Services Regulatory Commission to raise the natural gas tariff and that this particularly concerns revocation of the privilege for socially disadvantaged people.

“I believe the coronavirus pandemic should have made Gazprom Armenia review the periods for submitting the bid. I don’t believe now is the best time to submit the bid. I’m not well aware of the issue, but this is the way I see it. I’m certain that government officials are constantly negotiating with Gazprom Armenia to find the optimal solution,” he said.

Robert Kocharyan reportedly remains in hospital

Panorama, Armenia
April 2 2020

Armenia’s second President Robert Kocharyan is still in Erebouni Medical Center, Pastinfo reported, citing his son, Levon.

The ex-president continues to receive inpatient care upon doctors’ instructions and it is yet unclear how long he will remain in hospital, his son said.

Kocharyan was taken to Nairi Medical Center after experiencing sudden blood pressure fluctuations late on March 7. Afterwards, he was transferred to Erebouni Medical Center, where he was set to receive treatment for a few days.

According to a notice of the hospital, Kocharyan has been diagnosed with acute vestibulopathy, third degree pulmonary hypertension, arrhythmia, increased risk for coronary heart disease with frequent ventricular extrasystoles.

Coronavirus: Armenia’s response to COVID-19

April 1 2020
Coronavirus: Armenia's response to COVID-19

An overview of how Armenia is responding to the coronavirus emergency: from the experience of those in quarantine to the measures taken by the government

01/04/2020 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan


Armenia-Italy-Portugal-Greece-Armenia. This was Arpi Bekaryan’s itinerary for a trip with friends a few weeks ago. Coming back to Yerevan around two weeks later, Arpi did not even get the chance to go home – at the request of the Armenian government, she was immediately transferred to a building in the resort town of Tsakhkadzor, which has been repurposed for quarantine. 

“Early in the morning we landed at Zvartnots International Airport from Athens. Outside of the airplane window it looked like a sci-fi movie: two ambulances and several doctors in masks standing in front of the plane. We didn't even get inside the airport. Before opening the airplane doors, our names were called out and we were asked to disembark while all the other passengers waited until we had gone. Before coming back, we had already decided to self-isolate for 14 days after returning to Armenia and not even see our families”, Arpi says.

The government, however, took charge of the quarantine process – something which Arpi learned only at the airport. There she was greeted by the staff of Armenia’s Health and Labour Inspectorate, who checked her temperature, filled out a personal information form and, wishing her good health, saw her off to Tsakhkadzor.

“We were quickly accommodated in two ambulances: once again they filled out our personal data and took us to the quarantine area. They take care of us so well here that we even feel bad for that. They knock on the door every 15-20 minutes to ask what we need, what they can bring for us. We have everything here: coffee, tea, fruit, hairdryer, and slippers.

Arpi notes that at first the food issue was a little complicated as she is a vegetarian. Several times she had to send back food with meat, but then the issue was resolved.

The Armenian government has taken care of the quarantine of hundreds of citizens like Arpi. One of them is Biayna Mahari, whose Italian holiday also ended with quarantine. She returned to Armenia on a special flight from Italy organised by the government on March 16th. The government also arranged for Armenian citizens in different parts of Italy to be transported to Rome on special buses, so that they would not face any potential health hazards on the way.

“It is very important to say a big thank you to the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Armenia in Italy. It is incredible to feel that your country is standing with you and when they constantly call you to understand how they can help, when they respond to emails within one hour and, most touching – send care packages in lovely bags with masks, gloves, and food. At the empty airport in Rome all the flights were cancelled and only in front of Yerevan's the number of the gate was proudly written. There is nobody in the whole airport, and still you are greeted at the entrance and everything is explained to you… and so many other little things that you can imagine someone sitting in their workplace and setting these nice little details everywhere along the way for you to feel better”, Biayna wrote on her Facebook page upon her return to Armenia.

All the passengers were quarantined. Armenia also repatriated citizens from a number of other countries by special flights and routes.

All those in isolation live in comfortable conditions, receive good quality food, and all their needs are met. After 14 days in quarantine they undergo coronavirus testing: if the results are negative, they are sent home, and if the result is positive, they are transferred to hospitals that have been rapidly restructured and are ready to treat patients.

There are currently 532 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Armenia, including 30 recoveries and 3 deaths.

A state of emergency was declared on March 16th and will last one month.

An office led by Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan has been set up to coordinate the management of the forces and resources enforcing the state of emergency.

It is currently forbidden to organise, hold, and participate in gatherings, strikes, and public events including concerts, exhibitions, and theatrical performances with the participation of 20 or more people; sports, cultural, or educational events which include but are not limited to celebrations and commemorations, birthdays, weddings, engagements, funerals, and other events as instructed by the Deputy Prime Minister.

From 10 to 12, only the elderly can visit grocery stores. Education is conducted via distance learning, including online classes. Most state employees are also teleworking. Interregional transport is off, and urban transportation vehicles are disinfected every day. Thousands of enterprises are closed, with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies, and banks. The government has assured that there is no food deficit.

Steps are also being taken to provide state aid to enterprises. On March 26th, the government allocated 150 billion drams (around 275 million Euros) in measures to mitigate the economic impact of coronavirus.

Salaries, pensions, and benefits will be paid on time. Thousands of families receive free food through various social assistance programmes by both the state and the private sector. Most operating banks and credit organisations have announced a credit freeze.

Turkish press: Ankara says Karabakh elections ‘violate international law’ – Turkey News

Turkey on March 30 called Armenia's attempt to hold elections in the occupied Upper Karabakh region "a flagrant violation of international law."

The "so-called" presidential and parliamentary elections set for March 31 in Upper Karabakh – also known as Nagorno-Karabakh, a region illegally occupied by Armenia – show Armenia's "efforts to unilaterally legitimize the current unlawful situation" there, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"This is a flagrant violation of international law as well as U.N. Security Council resolutions and OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] principles," the statement added.

The elections undermine efforts for a peaceful and permanent solution in the Upper Karabakh region, said the statement, urging the international community and the OSCE Minsk group to not recognize the illegal polls.

"Turkey does not recognize these illegitimate elections,” which would further violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, said the ministry, stressing Turkey's continued support for efforts to find a fair and permanent solution to the Upper Karabakh conflict.

Azerbaijan and Armenia, two former Soviet republics, fought a war over the disputed region of Upper Karabakh in 1988-1994. The two signed a cease-fire in 1994, but never reached a peace deal. Upper Karabakh remains unrecognized internationally as a separate state.

Turkey maintains that any resolution of the Upper Karabakh conflict should take into account Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

Upper Karabakh is an internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan which has been illegally occupied since 1991 by Armenian military

Four U.N. Security Council and two General Assembly resolutions, as well as decisions by many other international organizations, refer to this fact and demand the withdrawal of Armenia's occupation forces from Upper Karabakh and seven other occupied regions of Azerbaijan.

The OSCE Minsk Group – co-chaired by France, Russia and the U.S. – was formed to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, but has yet to get any results.