Pashinyan starts YES campaign from Agarak town in Syunik province




YEREVAN, MARCH 10, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan started today the campaign for YES in the upcoming referendum on Constitutional amendments.

The PM started the campaign from Agarak town of Syunik province.

Pashinyan tours the community and distributes YES campaign booklets to the community residents.

The PM is accompanied by his wife Anna Hakobyan, Minister of education, science, culture and sports Arayik Harutyunyan, Minister of territorial administration and infrastructures Suren Papikyan and the ruling My Step faction head Lilit Makunts.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia temporarily suspends visa-free regime with Iran in coronavirus precaution



 11:35, 2 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 2, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Government is heightening and extending the restrictions on communication with Iran in a precautionary measure against the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced after a session of the task force on preventing the disease.

“Taking into account the epidemiological situation in our region we have made a decision to prolong and heighten the restrictions in the direction of the Armenian-Iranian border communication. We will begin a process on temporarily restoring a visa regime with Iran, and the visa regime will come into force within five days. We are in constant contact with our Iranian colleagues, we are offering our support to the good people and government of Iran in overcoming this difficult situation. We will support the friendly people and government of Iran as much as we can,” the PM said.

By the previous regulations, Iran and Armenia had a visa-free regime.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

‘Azerbaijan is using fake photos that have nothing to do with what happened in Khojaly’: Anzhela Elibegova

Aravot, Armenia
Feb 25 2020

On the eve of the 28th anniversary of the events in Khojaly, Azeri affairs expert Anzhela Elibegova emphasized at the Zarkerak press club was one of the towns used to bombard Stepanakert. It was clear to Azerbaijan that the town needed to be neutralized, but they deliberately did not warn the citizens so that it could continue to play the role of the protector and continue firing upon Armenians. It is notable that, during this time, people who had nothing to do with Azerbaijan began to live in Khojaly, which is why the number of residents had greatly increased.

According to Elibegova, the Azeri side is using this as propaganda to try and prove that the Armenian side carried this out. They are trying to convince people that Armenia committed genocide, but the Armenian side is working on revealing the fallacies contained in Azeri propaganda films and websites. “Lots of people were saved when the city was turned over to the Armenians. Around 700 civil residents of Khojaly were able to safely move to Azerbaijan thanks to the Armenians. Due to the blockade in Stepanakert, there was a food shortage, and there was no way for these people to live there,” the expert said.

Elibegova also said that it was not only one group that was saved by the Armenians. “It’s interesting that the other part went to Aghdam via the evacuation corridor opened by the Armenians. Aghdam was under Azeri control. The civilians did not reach Aghdam because the Azeris made an announcement that caused them to panic. This is when the gunfire began, and that’s when those people were killed.”

Regarding the distortion of facts, Elibegova noted that the Azeri journalist photographed the dead bodies on the 28th and in the days following. It became clear from those photos that the people had been tortured and their bodies were defiled in order to blame the Armenians. “Azerbaijan has falsified lists of dead people many times by writing the same names multiple times or by including the names of people who have nothing to do with Azeris. They did this in the hope that Armenians would not check these lists. Azerbaijan is using fake photos that have nothing to do with what happened in Khojaly.”

Nona Ghazaryan

To find out more about what happened in Khojaly, check out this brochure. [ ]

Tobacco importers talk consequences of Armenia’s “anti-tobacco” bill, Armenia
Feb 21 2020
21.02.2020 has contacted several tobacco importers for comments on passage of the “anti-tobacco” bill, which took place last week, and its possible ramifications.
Below you can read the responses we have received from JTI Armenia (Winston, Camel, Sobranie, LD, Monte Carlo trademarks) Director Ivan Bakharev, Imperial Tobacco (Davidoff, P&S, West trademarks) Market Manager Tigran Khachatryan, and British American Tobacco (Dunhill, Kent, Pall Mall, Rothmans, Lucky Strike trademarks) Director of Legal and External Affairs Caucasus & Moldova Zviad Skhvitaridze.
Tigran Khachatryan, Imperial Tobacco
In Armenia and other countries, tobacco industry wants to operate in a predictable and stable environment, but the recent changes in legislation will limit competitive capacities of tobacco companies. In particular, they will be no longer able to make any investment aimed at supporting small and medium-size points of sale.
We believe that the Government of Armenia has to assess the social and economic impact of the bill. Without a hint of a doubt, this bill will lead to decrease of tax revenue from tobacco industry, create obstacles and cause losses for retail sellers.
Global experience proves that ban on display consistently causes increase of illegal trade, which leads to drop in legal production in Armenia.
We urge the government to engage in a constructive, open dialogue with tobacco companies in order to have a transparent and regulated market. We expect a constructive solution which would comply with the EAEU treaty.
Ivan Bakharev, JTI Armenia
Unfortunately draft TCL voted by parliament of Armenia contradicts the EAEU treaty, bill itself is not clearly written and provides room for wide misinterpretation. We are afraid that the application of the law will lead to a sharp increase in the volume of illicit trade and will have serious negative economic impact on retail outlets in Armenia and will be damaging for the economy. And this is when tobacco companies are amongst top largest taxpayers in the country (two major domestic producers and two major importers are in top ten).
Another unfortunate development is lack of predictability and consistency of the process, for us as an international company operating in Armenia this is of utmost importance and when we see that very often decisions, statements and actions made by public officials are contradictory. This sends very negative message to the business society and investors.
One of the most controversial issues is the provision of uniform/plain packaging. The example of Australia, which was the first country to apply uniform packaging, shows that this measure is ineffective and harmful to all stakeholders except criminal groups. Uniform packaging will not reduce the volumes of smoking, but will cause great harm to the economy.
Uniform packaging puts pressure on prices and limits consumers’ ability to make informed decisions and make choices. In addition, the requirement for uniform packaging is contrary to the basic principles of paragraphs 51, 52 and 53 of the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty which are binding on the member states of the Union. We firmly believe that this is unnecessary measure that will significantly damage sector in Armenia and will have severe negative effects for the economy.
At the same time, the ban on the display of tobacco products will have a serious impact for retail universe in Armenia. According to the most modest estimates, the stores receive from the tobacco companies an average of 8-10 billion drams annually. With the new regulation retail will be deprived from this resource. Representatives of more than 3,500 shops have written to the National Assembly about this issue, but their opinion was not taken into account.
We call on the Government to engage in an open dialogue with the business operators and to regulate the market in light of the principles of better regulation by the OECD. In our opinion, the regulations should be proportionate rather than one-sided and should be managed based on inclusivity and transparency. We still do hope that decision will be revisited, and sound judgment will prevail, eventually leading to the situation were both state and business are benefiting from mutual cooperation.
Zviad Skhvitaridze, British American Tobacco
We are deeply concerned with the decision of the Parliament, all not weighted and ungrounded regulations were adopted without having Regulatory Impact Assessment on board. This was instigated by so called health care NGOs which will cause considerable problems for countries economy.
Georgia is a vivid example where due to unfeasible regulations state budget lost more than 200m USD only in one year. We do hope room for negotiations still exists to manage smooth implementation with proper transition periods.

75 percent do not believe that the Prime Minister is corrupt: Noteworthy study about the perception of corruption after the revolution

Aravot, Armenia
Feb 21 2020


The results of the Corruption Perception in Armenia 2019 study were released. The study took place on behalf of the Caucasus Research Resource Center and was supported by USAID and Transparency International within the framework of the Engaged Citizenry for Responsible Governance project.

The study was noteworthy in the sense that it shows whether or not there has been a change in the perception of corruption after the revolution. The study took place in October and November of 2019. 1,500 people participated.

54 percent of those surveyed were interested in politics and in state governance. People were more likely to discuss political events with their friends as opposed to participating in conferences or city council sessions. When asked what the most important issue in Armenia is, 25.9 percent mentioned unemployment, 14 percent mentioned poverty, and 12.6 percent mentioned low salaries. 5.7 percent of people believe that corruption is the main issue.

According to the survey, 65 percent of those who participated believe that corruption is a major issue for Armenia. 82 percent thought the same way in 2010. There were 1,528 participants. People living in Yerevan considered corruption to be a more serious issue than those living in rural communities.

38 percent of participants believed that corruption has a major impact on them, their circle, and their communities. Only 5 percent believed that corruption does not exist in Armenia. It is noteworthy that, in response to the question of whether they believed that corruption was widespread when the former authorities were in power, 84 percent responded yes, whereas 4 percent responded that there is more corruption now. 94 percent of participants believed that there was widespread corruption during the former regime.

49 percent believed that the most corrupt structures are judges and the courts, as well as the media. Then, respondents said that the Prosecutor General, political parties, and religious organizations are the most corrupt.

It is also noteworthy that 75 percent of participants do not believe that the Prime Minister is corrupt. 57 percent believe the same about the Prime Minister’s cabinet.

Hripsime Jebejyan

Pashinyan proposes micro-revolutions to achieve real breakthrough in NK negotiation process




MUNICH, FEBRUARY 15, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan proposes the idea of micro-revolutions in the negotiation process for solving the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. He has already proposed three micro-revolutions at different times, but received no response from the Azerbaijani President.

“My principled approach is the following: it’s impossible to solve this conflict with one or two steps. I think we need to have micro-revolutions in order to transfer them into mini-revolutions after which we will have a breakthrough in the negotiation process. What was that micro-revolution? In September 2018 I announced that any solution in the NK conflict should be acceptable for the people of Armenia, the people of Karabakh and the people of Azerbaijan. Why this is a micro-revolution because I am the first leader of Armenia who says that any solution should be acceptable for the people of Azerbaijan as well. I am not only the only leader of Armenia, but also I am the only one from the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan who says that any solution should be acceptable for all sides. And now a year has passed since that Revolution. This is a very important micro-revolution”, Pashinyan said at a panel discussion on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict with the participation of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.

He said the next revolution is that during one of his recent press conferences he called on the Armenian and Azerbaijani users of social media not to use social networks for insulting or threatening one another. “I called on to use the social media, the new technologies to try to understand each other better. This is an approach as well. And I tried to address directly the people of Azerbaijan, and I would not oppose if President Aliyev talks to the Armenian people”, the Armenian PM said, but added that there is a very strange fact because Aliyev refuses to talk to the representatives of Nagorno Karabakh. “How it’s possible to solve this conflict without talking to the representatives of Nagorno Karabakh?”, the PM asked. He stated that Nagorno Karabakh has been recognized as party to the conflict and party of negotiation by the OSCE and this happened twice, on March 24, 1992 and in 1194 during the OSCE summit in Budapest.

Pashinyan said the Armenian side is devoted to the negotiation process, the peace process. “And I think that the negotiation should take place within the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship format. And we are working quite intensively and are ready to put real efforts, to make real difference to reach the solution of the conflict”, he said.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

30th anniversary of Baku pogroms commemorated in U.S. Capitol

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 14 2020
Politics 15:17 14/02/2020 World

To mark the 30th anniversary of the violent pogroms against Armenians in Baku, the Congressional Armenian Caucus held a commemorative event on Feb. 12 in the U.S. Capitol with the participation of Armenian advocacy groups, community leaders and supporters, Armenian Council of America reported.

Keynote speaker Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, an author, human rights activist and survivor of the Baku pogroms discussed the importance of remembering the tragic events which displaced thousands of Armenians in Baku 30 years ago, igniting a movement of xenophobia against Armenians which still exists today in Azerbaijan.

She drew a parallel between the atrocities committed against Armenians during the Genocide and compared it to the pogroms of Baku and Sumgayit as a way of history repeating itself and the victims being voiceless in a time of great injustice and terror.

Founding Co-Chair of the Congressional Armenian Caucus Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), along with Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), all of whom have visited Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh), spoke about the importance of commemorating and speaking out against the horrific acts of the Baku pogroms and reminding the world that Azerbaijan continues to carry out their campaign of hate, discrimination and intolerance. Advocating for more funding through USAID, they reiterated the importance of the de-mining efforts of the Halo Trust in Artsakh and pledged to continue to fight for more funding, as well as hold Azerbaijan responsible for human rights and rampant cease fire violations in the absence of OSCE monitors at the border.

“We are grateful to the Congressional Armenian Caucus and all supporters on the Hill for giving a proper importance to the issue of persecutions and massacres of Armenians in Sumgayit, Baku, Kirovabad and many other cities and villages across Azerbaijan,” said Congressional Armenian Co-Chair Gus Bilirakis (R-FL).

“I stand with people of Artsakh and their rejection of the repeated attempts by the Azerbaijani government to bring them back under oppressive rule. They fought for their freedom, their right for self-determinization, and the opportunity to be greater than second-class citizens. I’m glad to be here today as we recognize the 30th Anniversary of the Baku pogroms and stand in solidarity with the people of the Republic of Artsakh,” added Congressman Bilirakis.

Additional members of Congress who expressed their support for the Armenian community condemning the Baku pogroms were Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Rep. TJ Cox (D-CA), Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI), Rep. Jim Acosta (D-CA) and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL).

“By 1991, facing no international condemnation or sanctions, Azerbaijan’s authorities have escalated attacks on Armenians to the level of a full-scale military aggression against the Republic of Artsakh,” said Robert Avetisyan, Permanent Representative of Nagorno Karabakh.

“Those atrocities and attacks have become another unfortunate evidence that lack of a timely condemnation of any demonstration of aggression and fascism can lead to even greater human tragedy and unpredictable developments. We are grateful to the US legislature, our compatriots in the Armenian American organizations like the Armenian National Committee of America, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian Council of America, and all organizations and structures who share our vision of a safe, strong and democratic Republic of Artsakh in a peaceful and prosperous South Caucasus,” added Avetisyan.

Armenian President meets with Chairman of Board of Israel Innovation Authority



 16:06, 29 January, 2020

YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian met with Chairman of the Board of Israel Innovation Authority Ami Appelbaum and his delegation during his working visit in Israel, the Presidential Office told Armenpress.

The Israel Innovation Authority is the support arm of the Israeli government, charged with fostering the development of industrial R&D within the State of Israel. 

The meeting participants discussed wide range of issues relating to the mutual cooperation opportunities in the field of new technologies. In particular, President Sarkissian introduced the presidential initiative ATOM (Advanced Tomorrow) dedicated to science and technology development in Armenia. The sides agreed that there are great opportunities for cooperation on the sidelines of this initiative.

Ami Appelbaum considered that meeting a wonderful opportunity to discuss on how two small countries can jointly work and turn small into a big advantage by learning from one another.

In his turn the Armenian President said small can be beautiful, powerful and successful. “We can cooperate especially in the fields of science and technologies. Historically our peoples had had success in these areas”, he said, expressing hope that the Israel Innovation Authority and ATOM can jointly create a value.

President Armen Sarkissian invited Ami Appelbaum to Armenia.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian President congratulates King Felipe VI of Spain on birthday




YEREVAN, JANUARY 30, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian sent a congratulatory letter to King Felipe VI of Spain on his birthday, the Presidential Office told Armenpress.

“Armenia and Spain continue consistently developing and strengthening the relations both at the bilateral and multilateral formats. I am confident that the mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples will serve as a firm base for further developing and strengthening the bilateral ties”, reads the President’s letter.

The Armenian President wished King Felipe VI good health, and peace and prosperity to the good people of Spain.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian President visits Technion technological institute in Israel



YEREVAN, JANUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian visited the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology on the sidelines of his working visit in Israel, the Presidential Office told Armenpress. The Technion is the oldest university of Israel, the only technological institute in the world to have a medical school.

The Armenian President met with the teaching staff and students of the Institute. President of the Technion Uri Sivan said it’s a great honor to host the Armenian President and a double honor to host him as a scientist-president.

President Sarkissian thanked for the reception and stated that he first time visited this Institute in early 90s of the 20th century when he was conducting research on astrophysics and gravity field. “Institutes like this one will become the base for the world development”, Armen Sarkissian said.

He said today most of the youth wants to create a startup, have a company of new technologies. “This world is a new startup, and each young man has an opportunity to create”, he said. “The world is becoming a place where innovation and idea are the most important. Even the large companies pay a great importance to innovation and startups. In the 21st century innovations and new ideas will be encouraged. This is a new world that is changing quite rapidly. We are at the crossroad of change. This change is impressing and will be more dramatic in the future”.

The Armenian President continued his remarks, adding that “today we live in a new world”. “Each of us is mutually connected like the elements. We are communicating with the pace of light and start showing the behavior of quantum subjects. Today we all are mutually connected, the global risks are becoming quantum risks”, he said, adding that this also relates to politics. “If 100 years ago the scientists discovered that nature is not classical, but quantum, now I am trying to convey the message that the human behavior today is a quantum behavior”, he said. “We need to change our logic on how we manage politics, foreign relations and how we look at the future. In the new world many things are unpredictable, and if we change our logic and philosophy, it would be possible to understand many things. The quantum world is attractive as it opens new prospects to operate a new logic”.

Speaking about the artificial intelligence and its impact on the world, the Armenian President said in the conditions of artificial intelligence development the most important person will be the man. “If we lose the simple human feelings, such as love, respect, honesty, moral values, we will create a hell on this planet. Thus, morality will remain one of the greatest human values”, he said.

Touching upon the cooperation with the Armenian universities, the President introduced one of the presidential initiatives ATOM (Advanced Tomorrow) on science and technology development. “It aims at gathering major international companies in the field of artificial intelligence and math modelling, as well as creating bridges with the famous universities. I would like to see this institute as well in the list of our partners”, President Sarkissian said.

He also met and talked to the Armenian students studying at the Technion.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan