Asbarez: International Pro-Artsakh Summit Issues Declaration

The Friends of Artsakh forum was held in Stepanakert on Oct. 11

The participants of the Friends of Artsakh Forum “Cooperation for Justice and Peace” adopted a concluding Declaration. The forum took place in Stepanakert, Artsakh on October 11.

The forum is jointly organized by the Artsakh Foreign Ministry and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.

California State Senator Anthony Portantino, California State Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian and Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian, traveled to Artsakh to participate in the forum.

The full text of the Declaration is available below.

Friends of Artsakh Forum ‘Cooperation for Justice and Peace’

Guided by the principles and ideals of freedom, democracy and equal rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other core international human rights instruments;

Recognizing the right of peoples to self-determination as one of the most important achievements of humankind for ensuring global peace, stability and equality among nations, as well as being convinced that effective implementation of this right is of paramount importance for promoting the development of friendly relations between States based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality;

Reaffirming the obligation by States to refrain from any forcible action, which deprives peoples of their right to self-determination, freedom, and independence;

Noting that the lasting resolution of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict is possible exclusively by peaceful means, based on the recognition of the results of realization by the people of Artsakh of their right to self-determination;

Members of the California delegation

Reiterating the importance of increasing the effectiveness of the mediation efforts by co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group by restoring full participation of the Republic of Artsakh at all stages of the peace process;

Taking into account that in their struggle for independence the people of Artsakh were guided exclusively by the principles and norms of the international law, democratic values, and universal ideals, which continue to remain the basis for the process of state-building in the Republic of Artsakh;

Highly appreciating the consistent steps taken by the people and authorities of the Republic of Artsakh to strengthen and develop a free and democratic society based on the rule of law, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;

Considering unacceptable any form of isolation of Artsakh from international processes and deprivation of its people of the benefits of international co-operation;

Reaffirming that human rights are universal and inalienable regardless of the political, legal or international status of the country of residence;

Recognizing the key importance of bilateral and multilateral international co-operation for the development of peaceful and friendly relations between peoples, their mutual cultural enrichment, as well as the promotion of economic prosperity;

“Pro Artsakh Forum: Cooperation for Justice and Peace”

Noting the importance of creating and strengthening the institutional framework for practical co-operation, and exchange of expertise with Artsakh in areas such as education, sports, culture, and economy;

We support the people of Artsakh on their path to freedom and democracy, as well as their efforts towards recognition of the Republic’s independence;

We express readiness to further develop and deepen the dialogue with the Republic of Artsakh with the involvement of broad public and political circles;

We call on the international community to take all necessary measures to remove obstacles in the equal participation of Artsakh in international co-operation aimed at promoting democracy, as well as strengthening peace and stability in the region;

We proclaim the formation of the International Network of the Friends of Artsakh ProArtsakh with the aim of raising awareness about Artsakh in the international arena, protecting the legitimate interests of its people, and promoting the involvement of Artsakh in international processes.

October 11, 2019
Republic of Artsakh”

Further coverage will be provided by Asbarez in future additions.

Kim Kardashian West shares pictures from her baptism in Armenia

Yahoo! News
Oct 11 2019
By Keiran Southern, PA Los Angeles Correspondent

Kim Kardashian West has shared pictures from her baptism in Armenia.

The reality TV star, who has Armenian heritage, travelled to the country with her four children North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm.

Kardashian-West, 38, said she was baptised at the Etchmiadzin Cathedral in the city of  Vagharshapat and posted pictures from the ceremony to Instagram.

She wore a long-sleeved dress for the occasion and a headscarf draped over her hair.

North, six, wore an off-white outfit, also with a headscarf. Kardashian West captioned the pictures: “Thank you Armenia for such a memorable trip. So blessed to have been baptised along with my babies at Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia’s main cathedral which is sometimes referred to as the Vatican of the Armenian Apostolic Church.”

Kardashian-West, who is married to the rapper Kanye West, added: “This church was built in 303 AD.”

West did not appear to be at the ceremony.

While Kardashian-West said her children were also baptised, it is unclear whether North was involved in the ceremony having previously been baptised in Jerusalem.

Her sister, Kourtney, also made the trip with her children Mason, Penelope and Reign.

They both had dinner with the Armenian president during their stay in the country. Their late father, the lawyer Robert Kardashian, was of Armenian descent.

Sports: Armenian-Italian kickboxer Giorgio Petrosyan is ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix Champion

Conan Daily
Oct 13 2019

Giorgio Petrosyan, Chatri Sityodtong, Samy Sana (©ONE Championship)

Giorgio “The Doctor” Petrosyan, 33, of Gorizia, Italy has been crowned as the champion of the inaugural ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix. The Armenian-Italian kickboxer won the tournament at “ONE: Century 世紀” in Tokyo, Japan.

“ONE: Century 世紀” was the second ONE Championship event held in Japan and marked the martial arts organization’s 100th live event. The combat sports event had two parts with 11 bouts each.

Featuring mixed martial arts, Muay Thai and kickboxing matches, “ONE: Century 世紀” took place at the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo on . In the seventh bout of the second part, Petrosyan and Samy “AK47” Sana, 30, of France and Algeria battled it out in the ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix final.

Atsushi Onari served as the referee. After three three-minute rounds, the heavyweight contest was left in the hands of the judges.

In the end, Onari raised the hand of Petrosyan, who was declared the winner via unanimous decision. As the ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix champion, the Armenian-Italian kickboxer won US$1,000,000.

Including Italy and India, 18 countries were represented in the two parts of “ONE: Century 世紀.” The others were Algeria, Belarus, Brazil, China, France, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the United States.

Petrosyan was one of the two fighters who represented Italy. Sana solely represented Algeria and he was one of the two representatives of France.

ACNIS reView #30, 2019_Խմբագրական_Քառորդ դար ծառայության մեջ. ՌԱՀՀԿ-ը նշեց իր 25-ամյա հոբելյանը



Քառորդ դար ծառայության մեջ. ՌԱՀՀԿ-ը նշեց իր 25-ամյա հոբելյանը

Հոկտեմբերի 3-ին Ռազմավարական եւ ազգային հետազոտությունների հայկական կենտրոնը (ՌԱՀՀԿ)՝ միջազգային ու հանրային վերլուծությունների հայաստանյան երախայրիքը, հիմնադրման 25-րդ տարեդարձը նշեց իր գրասենյակում հրավիրված պաշտոնական ընդունելությամբ:

Դեսպաններ, համաշխարհային համբավի պատվավոր հյուրեր, տեղական եւ միջազգային վերլուծաբաններ, Կենտրոնի ներկա ու նախկին աշխատակիցներ, մամուլի եւ քաղաքացիական հասարակության ներկայացուցիչներ հավաքվել էին՝ իրենց սրտի խոսքն ասելու քառորդ դար հայոց ժողովրդավարությանն անբասիր ծառայություն մատուցած այս գիտահետազոտական օջախին՝ հանրակարգային քաղաքականության կայացումը խթանելու, գաղափարների ու հղացումների ազատ մրցակցությունն ապահովելու եւ փորձագետ-ուսումնասիրողների կադրային զինանոցը համալրելու համար:

Րաֆֆի Կ. Հովհաննիսյանը՝ մտքի դարբնոց դարձած այս «մայր անոթի» հիմնադիր-նավավարը եւ Հանրապետության արտաքին գործերի առաջին նախարարը, ողջունեց հավաքվածներին ու կենտրոնի բոլոր ժամանակների համախոհներին՝ այդ թվում հիշատակելով փայլուն մտավորական Տիգրան Հայրապետյանին, ով կանգնած էր ՌԱՀՀԿ-ի ակունքներում:

«ՌԱՀՀԿ-ն,- ասաց նա,- 25 տարի առաջ եւ այս բոլոր տարիների ընթացքում՝ առավել դժվար հանգամանքներում, մասունք առ մասունք ներմուծել է ազգային ու միջազգային փորձագիտական նշխարներ՝ ասպարեզ բերելով օրվա եւ դարի հրամայականին համահունչ ներքին ու արտաքին խորքային դիտարկումներ: ՌԱՀՀԿ-ն՝ որպես ռահվիրա եւ մեզանում առաջին անկախ «ուղեղային կենտրոն», հաստատապես գրանցել է մեր համասփյուռ ազգը գլոբալ աշխարհաքաղաքականության քարտեզին»:

Հիշարժան տարեթվի առիթով ՌԱՀՀԿ-ն թողարկել է հատուկ ուրվագիր՝ համառոտակի լուսաբանելով վայրիվերումներով հագեցած, բայց անխոտոր անցած իր քառորդդարյա ճանապարհի ամենակարեւոր ուղենիշներն ու կենսագրության մնայուն էջերը: Իսկ դրանք քաղաքական վերլուծությունների ու մեկնաբանությունների բազմաթեմատիկ հատորյակներն են, մենագրությունները, քաղաքագիտական ոլորտի ամենաարդիական խնդիրների շուրջ տեղային եւ միջազգային ֆորումները, սոցիոլոգիական հետազոտություններն ու դրանց արդյունքների հանրային շահագրգիռ քննարկումները, երիտասարդ փորձագետների ուսուցման դասընթացները եւ մի շարք այլ ուղղություններ:

Ռազմավարական եւ ազգային հետազոտությունների հայկական կենտրոնը Երեւանում գործող առաջատար վերլուծական հաստատություն է: Որպես շահույթ չհետապնդող հիմնարկություն՝ այն հանձնառու է իրականացնել բազմագիտակարգ, արհեստավարժ հետազոտություններ ու վերլուծություններ, ձգտում է բարձրացնել համազգային դիսկուրսի մակարդակը եւ ընդլայնել քաղաքացիական ներգրավվածությունը քաղաքականության կայացման գործընթացում՝ խթանելով առավել համապարփակ հանրային գիտելիքներ:

Հիմնադրված լինելով 1994թ. ՀՀ արտաքին գործերի առաջին նախարար Րաֆֆի Հովհաննիսյանի կողմից, ՌԱՀՀԿ-ն տարիների ընթացքում ձեռք է բերել ազգային եւ միջազգային քաղաքականության հարցերի լայն շրջանակը փորձագիտական վերլուծության ենթարկող առաջնային աղբյուրի նշանակալի համբավ: Ռազմավարականի բովով է անցել հայրենական քաղաքագետների, փորձագետ-վերլուծաբանների, ինչպես նաեւ հասարակական-քաղաքական եւ պետական գործիչների մի փայլուն համաստեղություն:


PM visits Ejmiatsin for city’s 2704th anniversary celebrations

PM visits Ejmiatsin for city’s 2704th anniversary celebrations



 12:17, 8 October, 2019

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 8, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is in Ejmiatsin (Vagharshapat) for the city’s 2704th anniversary celebrations.

Numerous guests include politicians, public figures and foreign diplomats.

The celebrations kicked off with an official session at the Komitas Culture Chamber, where renowned people were awarded the titles of Honorary Citizen and Friend of the City.

An exhibition of paintings by local artists is also featured.

An exhibition of sculptures made by students of the Ruben Nalbandyan Master School will take place during the events.

A festive march, sports and dance performances, a Kufta Festival, a concert and many other events will also take place.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

PM visits Ejmiatsin for city’s 2704th anniversary celebrations



 12:17, 8 October, 2019

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 8, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is in Ejmiatsin (Vagharshapat) for the city’s 2704th anniversary celebrations.

Numerous guests include politicians, public figures and foreign diplomats.

The celebrations kicked off with an official session at the Komitas Culture Chamber, where renowned people were awarded the titles of Honorary Citizen and Friend of the City.

An exhibition of paintings by local artists is also featured.

An exhibition of sculptures made by students of the Ruben Nalbandyan Master School will take place during the events.

A festive march, sports and dance performances, a Kufta Festival, a concert and many other events will also take place.

Edited and translated by Stepan Cochairman

Robert Kocharyan`s attorneys will submit a motion on Judge Anna Danibekyan`s recusal

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 5 2019

ArmInfo. The team of lawyers of the second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan will submit a motion for the recusal of Judge Anna Danibekyan.

As the former president's advocates said in a statement, the petition  will be presented at the upcoming October 7 regular court hearing in  the Kocharyan case. As the reason for this step, "the behavior of the  judge in relation to Robert Kocharyan" is voiced.  The second  president of Armenia is accused in the case of March 1, 2008. On May  18, the court of general jurisdiction of Yerevan decided to change  the measure of restraint against Robert Kocharyan from arrest to  release on bail. On June 25, the Criminal Court of Appeal decided to  reverse the decision of the trial court.  On September 25, the Court  of Cassation rejected the request of Kocharian's lawyers to annul the  decision of the Court of Appeal. 

Armenia on the way to ratification of the key Air Convention protocols with help from UNECE

Modern Diplomacy
Oct 1 2019
Armenia on the way to ratification of the key Air Convention protocols with help from UNECE
October 1, 2019
Four decades of experience under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) have demonstrated that ratification and implementation of the Convention and its protocols reduces health and environmental impacts in a more cost-effective way than unilateral action by one country alone. This also creates economic benefits as harmonized legislation and standards across borders can introduce a level playing field for industry across countries and prevent Parties from competing with each other at the expense of environment and health.
One of the priorities for the Convention in recent years has been to encourage the ratification and to strengthen the implementation of the Convention and its protocols, targeting Parties from Eastern, Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In this regard, UNECE organized a high-level level awareness-raising meeting in Armenia, which included a national round table to discuss domestic law on air pollution control, in Yerevan this week (25 September 2019).
The purpose of the event was to raise the political profile of the Convention and increase awareness of the benefits of accession to its Protocols; to further assist Armenia in aligning national legislation with the provisions of the Protocols and determining the next steps towards ratification; and to highlight the Convention’s links and complementarity with the relevant European Union legislation, which Armenia plans to transpose into domestic law pursuant to its Partnership Agreement with the European Union.
High-level participants from the Ministry of Environment and other Ministries as well as representatives from the private sector and civil society discussed the recommendations on the steps towards ratification of the key protocols of the Convention. Parties to the Convention also shared their experiences with ratification and representatives from the European Union presented on the links between the Convention and European Union legislation.

French courts annulled two more friendship agreements between administrative units of France and Artsakh

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 27 2019

ArmInfo. The court of the  French city of Lyon canceled the friendship agreements between the  French cities of Decines-Charpieu, Saint-Etienne and the Karabakh  Shushi and Martuni districts, signed on September 25, 2017 and  October 21, 2018.

According to the justification of the court, these agreements  contradict Article 73 of the French Constitution, which regulates the  code of territorial units of the country and other laws of France.   To note, the French courts have already canceled 9 such agreements  signed between the cities of France and the authorities of  Nagorno-Karabakh. The agreements were canceled due to the efforts of  Azerbaijan. 

Armenian PM and his delegation depart for US on working visit

Armenian PM and his delegation depart for US on working visit




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 21, ARMENPRESS. Armenia’s delegation led by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan departed for the United States on a working visit on September 21.

“We travel to Los Angeles from Gyumri”, the Armenian PM said on Facebook.

Earlier today Pashinyan participated in the Independence Day celebrations in the second largest city of Armenia, Gyumri.

Pashinyan’s working visit will kick off in Los Angeles, where on Sunday, September 22 the Prime Minister will attend a rally and deliver remarks at the Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles. Prime Minister Pashinyan will hold meetings with the authorities of California and Los Angeles, Armenian community organizations’ leaders and Armenian media representatives. A business forum is scheduled with participation of local business circles.

Later on, the Prime Minister will travel to San Jose’s Silicon Valley to meet with representatives of high-tech companies, including Armenian experts.

The Premier will then visit New York to attend and deliver a speech at the 74th General Assembly of the United Nations. A meeting with UN Secretary General António Guterres is planned. A number of bilateral meetings with his counterparts from different countries will be held.

Nikol Pashinyan will also meet with the Armenian community of New York. He will visit an exhibition dedicated to the Velvet Revolution and will call at Columbia University.

Several memoranda of cooperation are expected to be signed during the USA trip.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian restaurateur David Yeremyan to invest $750,000 in opening new restaurants in Yerevan

ARKA, Armenia
Sept 12 2019

YEREVAN, September 12. /ARKA/. A well-known Armenian restaurateur David Yeremyan will open new restaurants on the territory of Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex.

The government of Armenia decided today to provide The Yeremyan Father and Son LLC with f 246.6 square meters on the first floor and 529.4 square meters on the 9th floor of the complex for opening the restaurants for a period of 10 years.

The company will be paying 3 million drams as a rent fee each month, of which 20% will be given to the government budget and the remaining 80% to the state budget of Armenia. The company is to invest 356 million drams and create at least 40 jobs within 6 months.

David Yeremyan is the owner of Yeremyan Projects, which runs Tavern Yerevan restaurants, fast food restaurants Yerevan Shaurma, as well as Lavash, Sherep and Pandok Yerevan Getapin restaurants. The company's business initiatives are aimed at boosting culinary creativity and innovations in Armenia. The new restaurants will offer tourists and local residents delicious dishes of the unique cuisine. ($ 1 – 476.34 drams) –0–