Armenian captive in Azerbaijan addresses letter to Pashinyan: Azerbaijani media

Aysor, Armenia
Nov 27 2018
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Armenian captive in Azerbaijan convicted to 15 years imprisonment Arsen Baghdasaryan has addressed a letter to Armenia’s acting PM Nikol Pashinyan, Azerbaijani mass media reports.

According to the Azerbaijani media the letter is sent in the context of “all for all” exchange principle as if offered by the Azerbaijani side.

In the letter which Baghdasryan is reported to have passed to the Azerbaijani state commission dealing with the issues of captives and war prisoners, the Armenian captive asks to solve his issue within the framework of humanity.

In the letter dating back to November 6 Baghdasaryan asks to undertake serious steps for freeing and saving them irrespective of absence of diplomatic relations between the countries.

Baghdasaryan appeared in Azerbaijan in December 2014. In Azerbaijan he was presented as a saboteur and convicted to 15 years imprisonment.

“We” bloc campaigns in Aragatsotn province

“We” bloc campaigns in Aragatsotn province



16:07, 27 November, 2018

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 27, ARMENPRESS. Ahead of the December 9 general election, the “We” bloc continues campaigning in the Aragatsnotn province.

The bloc had a meeting with residents of the Tsakhkahovit community.

Khachatur Kokobelyan, president of the Free Democrats party that is part of the bloc, said that their hero is the citizen of Armenia. “Meaning, what we are saying directly concerns the life of the citizen,” he said, adding that they seek to improve the life of citizens.

Kokobelyan vowed that even in the event of having 10 seats in the next parliament they will do their best in order to reduce the gas and electricity tariffs, emphasizing that the possibilities for doing so exist.

He mentioned that thanks to the political will of the government corruption and quoting of economy has been eradicated, but he argues that the black market hasn’t been solved.

Kokobelyan said there are no insoluble problems in Armenia, they simply require will.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Sports: Armenian football team head coach: We have come here to win

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 16 2018
Sport 10:53 16/11/2018 Armenia

"We are preparing for the match, we hope that everything will be fine, we have come here to win, we’ll try to demonstrate our best qualities to reach the desired result,” head coach of the Armenian national football team, Armen Gyulbudaghyants said at a press conference in Gibraltar Thursday, according to the FFA official website.

Gibraltar-Armenia match is due today at 20h45 CET.
On October 10, Armenia-Gibraltar UEFA Nations League match ended with the score 0:1.

Pre-match training of the Armenian national team took place at "Victoria" stadium in Gibraltar.

Karabakh MFA and Haigazian University of Lebanon sign cooperation memorandum

Aysor, Armenia
Nov 14 2018
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On November 14, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh Republic) and the Haigazian University (city of Beirut, Lebanon).

The Memorandum was signed by Foreign Minister of Artsakh Masis Mayilian and President of the Haigazian University Paul Haytostian.

Within the framework of the Memorandum, the sides agreed, in particular, to take necessary measures to ensure the retraining of the MFA staff members at the Haigazian University of Lebanon for promoting the improvement of the professional skills of Artsakh diplomats.

Armenia holds talks with Russian energy ministry and Gazprom over decrease of gas tariff


Armenia is negotiating with Russia’s energy ministry and Gazprom over the decrease of gas tariff, acting minister of energy infrastructures and natural resources Garegin Baghramyan told reporters after today’s Cabinet meeting.

“At the moment the talks are being held over the formation of gas price on the border and the domestic structure. In order not to harm the negotiations process, I don’t want to say anything at this moment”, the acting minister said.

Asked whether the talks are directed for decreasing the gas tariff for the domestic consumer, the acting minister said the negotiations are being held for reducing the price. “We are trying to hold productive talks”, he said.

Asked whether they hold talks with Gazprom, Garegin Baghramyan said talks are being held both with Gazprom and the Russian energy ministry.

“The talks aim at decreasing the tariff. If we have positive results, we will have a decrease as well”, the acting minister noted.

Top marks for summit of osteoporosis societies in Armenia!

International Osteoporosis Foundation
Oct 30, 2018 Saturday
Top marks for summit of osteoporosis societies in Armenia!
The 2nd Summit for Eurasian and Eastern European societies, held on October 23, 2018, was an outstanding event and highly valued opportunity for networking, learning and sharing new ideas.

"It was unforgettable and inspiring!” stated IOF CEO Philippe Halbout when describing the 2nd International Summit in Armenia for Eurasian and Eastern European Countries. The Summit, held in Yerevan, Armenia and hosted by the Armenian Osteoporosis Association, brought together IOF member societies from 19 countries (see participant list below).

Held for the second time, the Summit has become a highly anticipated event thanks to the efforts of Dr John Bilezikian, Professor of Medicine and of Pharmacology at the College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, and Chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Director of the Metabolic Bone Diseases Program at Columbia University Medical Centre. 

The Summit is a networking and capacity-building event for IOF member societies and other patient and medical organizations in the Eastern European and Eurasian region. It was followed by the 12th Annual International Osteoporosis Symposium in Armenia, a conference (founded by Prof. Bilezikian), which attracts speakers from America and Europe and shares the latest clinical developments with health professionals in the region.

The Summit programme included ten-minute presentations by Olga Ershova, President of OSTEORUS, Russia; Gulzhan Gabdulina, President of the Kazakhstan Association of Medical Doctors on Osteoporosis; Olga Lovanchenko, President, Kyrgyz Ass. on Osteoporosis; and Angela Chicu, President of the Ass. of Prophylaxis of Osteoporosis from Moldova. A Roundtable for all patient societies was followed by an overview of the development of country-specific FRAX models, and 10-minute presentations on the utilization of FRAX by speakers from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. The development of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) worldwide was discussed in a one-hour session by speakers Olga Ershova (Russia), Edward Czerwinski (Poland) and John Bilizikian (USA). Concluding remarks were made by IOF President Philippe Halbout and Summit directors Olga Lesnyak, Varta Babalyan, and John Bilezikian.

Varta Babalyan, President of the Armenian Osteoporosis Association stated:

The Summit, the second to be initiated by John Bilezikian, is a very important event for Armenia. The focus of the summit was to unite the regional associations and it seems to have succeeded!”

Professor Bilezikian added:

The exchange of information in the field of osteoporosis is very important. Unlike the first summit, today more specialists have arrived in Armenia to introduce the activities, problems and achievements of their associations, and this is very important.”

Dr Olga Lesnyak, President of the Russian Osteoporosis Association, commented:

We find it very important to participate in this kind of event, as there is an opportunity to listen and compare. Moreover, we are neighbours, so we have the same problems, which is not accidental. Almost all countries of the former Soviet Union have a very similar healthcare system."

Dr Lesnyak expressed her appreciation of the work done by the Armenian Osteoporosis Association and added: “Armenia can serve as an example for many countries. The Armenian Osteoporosis Association carries out a lot of activities and the tremendous impact is obvious. I am sure that the participants will learn a lot from this experience.”

As honoured guest of the Summit, Dr Philippe Halbout, IOF Chief Executive Officer, emphasized IOF’s admiration and appreciation:

It is a great honour for us to participate at this Summit which is attended by leading specialists and 22 osteoporosis-related associations representing 19 countries.  The participants are here to raise awareness of the issues and problems in their countries – in which they play an invaluable role in helping to alleviate suffering and in promoting prevention and treatment for at-risk patients.  I am delighted to see the quantity and quality of the education and awareness campaigns, and the widespread use of IOF resources by the organizations in this region.”

Theatre: Yerevan hosting 13th Shakespeare Int. Theater Festival

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 2 2018
Culture 12:24 02/11/2018 Armenia

The 13th Yerevan International Shakespeare Theater Festival kicked off in the Armenian capital on 1 November 1 to run through 5 November.

This year, the festival is set to bring together over 90 participants and guests from 5 countries, including renowned artists, art managers, directors of international festivals from the United States, Macedonia, Italy, St. Petersburg and other countries.

On the sidelines of the festival, five plays will be performed at Yerevan theaters, while another one at State Drama Theater After Vardan Adjemian in Armenia’s second largest city of Gyumri.

The theater lovers will be treated with drama, music and multimedia performances during the Shakespeare festival, the Armenian Theater Workers' Union told

Among the most prominent performances of the festival are Antony and Cleopatra and Othello by Bitola National Theater, Richard III and Julius Caesar by Lit Moon Theater Company of the US and Much Ado About Nothing by Subbota Theater of St. Petersburg.

State Theater of Musical Comedy after Hakob Paronyan, Yerevan State Chamber Theater and Student Theater of Yerevan are the Armenian theaters performing at the Shakespeare festival.

The festival program also features master classes on new trends in the evolution of contemporary theater, the union said.

Admission for foreign performances are free, except for the Much Ado About Nothing play.

The Yerevan Shakespeare festival, founded in 2005, is a member of the European Shakespeare Festivals Network, created to promote the works of William Shakespeare and support innovative interpretations of his plays.  

168: The fact of Army’s involvement in 2008 March 1 events is more than justified, says SIS chief


Head of the Special Investigative Service Sasun Khachatryan commented on the issue of declaring wanted former head of the investigative group over March 1 case Vahagn Harutyunyan and his statement that he told the SIS about his location and there was no need to declare him wanted.

“Declaring someone wanted not only aims at revealing his location place, but also presenting him to the body conducting the investigation. The fact that his location place is known doesn’t mean that he cannot be declared wanted”, the SIS chief told reporters after today’s Cabinet session.

He said Vahagn Harutyunyan left Armenia in July 2018. Asked why he was not invited for questioning before that, the SIS chief said: “Questioning cannot be an end in itself, it should have efficiency, in other words, a person is invited for questioning if we have questions to ask or there is a need to question him over some circumstances. These circumstances were unknown in July”.

Asked whether the charge against Vahagn Harutyunyan justifies the involvement of the Army in the 2008 March 1 events, Sasun Khachatryan said that fact is more than justified, without a disclosure of this case.

Azerbaijani Press: "Of course, I will run for president", Ilgar Mammadov

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
"Of course, I will run for president", Ilgar Mammadov
-It is easy to be jailed in our country for the political opinion posted on the social network. You spent about six years in Azerbaijani prisons. It's too much. How can a decent, socially active person survives in the places of detention, how to preserve dignity and not to break.
– I think there are several ways to protect yourself in the emergency conditions of prison life. One way is to understand that the guards, prison system managers are far from sympathetic to the fact that you are there. Some of them directly sympathize with your political activities. There are many of them to make it relevant for your survival. It is necessary to respect those who are in places of detention by the will of fate. Not all convicted and suspected, even if they committed a crime, are bad people. Often the cause of a crime is social injustice in life. It happens that a person is forced to commit an offense, does not control himself, then regrets. If he had remained at liberty, he would have been much more valuable to society than others. But this is life. I often felt protected by guards and prisoners who sympathized with my social and political activities. People on a personal level sympathize with anyone who goes against the unjust system of power, the wrong social structure. This is a protest on a human level, relevant to the survival of political prisoners. Protection by the guards is mostly informational support, whispering important information to me, which is important and helps me navigate. But at the same time they were cruel to me.
– What can you do there not to worsen your position?
– There are a lot of bans, except for official prison orders. In prisons one cannot violate the customs of the prison community. In some cases, you limit yourself to match your status as a political figure. Such people are respected by prisoners and guards, even carrying out illegal repressive actions on my behalf. I cannot complain about the disrespect by prisoners and guards, even if they carried out illegal and repressive measures against me.
– Did you connected your family?
– Twice a week I was allowed to talk with my family for 15 minutes; it"s not allowed to call anywhere else by law. The telephone conversation was tapped, not even by one department. Twice a month I could meet with my family. I did not see how my daughter was growing up. She was 9 years old when I first went to prison, and now when I returned home she is 15.
Periodically, I was deprived of the right to talk on the telephone, as a reaction of the authorities to an international campaign in my support. In 2015, for a month and a half I was forbidden to call, sometimes restricted, allowing me to call once a week. In 2014, when I was in Sheki, I myself did not allow my family to come there, since Sheki is far from Baku. For a year I have not seen my child twice. Then they brought me to jail number two in Baku. By the repressive actions against me they wanted make me understand my worthlessness and helplessness, to humiliate me, to show complete power over me, wanted me give up, sign an appeal for pardon, repentance, confess guilt or something this kind of. I had to understand how they thought that no one in the world was capable of going against the government that was repressing my person. It was not always; it was from time to time.
At first I spent the day in the temporary detention center in Baku. Then about 10 months I spent in the Kurdakhani district detention center. Then, for two months, I was kept in the Ganja remand prison, from where I was taken to the Sheki court, on the way I was in the detention centers of Yevlakh and Mingachevir. Then I was transferred to Sheki prison for 10 months. Then, after the verdict came into force, in my biography, I was in the Shuvelyan isolator, and at the end they brought me to Bina, jail N2, for permanent detention. Eight institutions are enough to understand the places of detention in our country. I cannot compare these institutions, because sometimes there was a bad condition of content, but a good attitude of people, and vice versa. I will not give out, working there.
– Has society changed over the period when you were in imprisonment?
– I notice a change. For six years, there has been a deterioration in the standard of living, two devaluations of the manat, a decrease in incomes of the population. People have become much more attentive to the critical attitude towards power. If earlier society did not listen to what we said, now society is even more critical to power than political parties. This distinguishes an objectively emerging socio-political climate today compared to six years ago. The society is dissatisfied enough that the oppositional socio-political party can plan its activities with more confidence.
– What is your current status? What can you do and what is forbidden?
– The authorities even increased my punishment in terms of time. Initially, my conclusion was determined at seven years. Then, allegedly, in their opinion, the authorities accepted a compromise with the European structures, demanding the execution of the European Court"s decision on my release, and simply let me go conditionally. But at the same time increased my sentence term to seven and a half years. I had a year and a half before the end of my term, and now I live at home for two years, I can"t leave the country, change my place of residence without informing the authorities, every 10 days I have to register at the probation office and demonstrate by my behavior that I have taken the path of correction. These restrictions are noted in terms of my conditional release. It follows that until August 2026 I cannot be nominated in the parliamentary and presidential elections as a candidate.
– Why is this term appointed? Will the current government leave after 2026? Does your interview mean that you did not take the path of correction?
– They can keep in mind many things. It is the authorities who must correct, not us. I proved my innocence twice in the European Court. The government appealed twice, and with the help of lawyers, I twice won the appeal. I want to thank the lawyers Fuad Agayev, Javad Javadov, Khalid Bagirov, who was dismissed from the Bar Association because of my defense, and Shahla Humbatova. They, led by Fuad Agayev, helped me to win the European Court and to survive in prison.
– Is it possible to cancel a new sentence?
– We are now filing an appeal. This is a tragicomic situation, since my case will be considered in the Supreme Court fourth time. Three times the Supreme Court was used to create an expectation in European organizations, that is, to delay the process. For the fourth time, the authorities use this technique. The authorities do not want to admit their wrongfulness in the European Court, therefore they are pulling with the last decision. They are just embarrassed to admit their clumsiness, rude and proven falsification of my case.
The international press does not speak much about this, but for the first time, the Article 46.4 of the European Convention on Human Rights is involved in the European Court. The initiation of this Article means the initiation of proceedings against Azerbaijan, which violated my rights. Now I am not in the European Court, but the governments of 47 states have initiated the process against Azerbaijan. After the decision of the Grand Chamber of the European Court, theoretically, Azerbaijan could be deprived of membership in the Council of Europe.
– How do you see the place of Azerbaijan taking into account democratic reforms in Georgia and Armenia? How do we look from the outside, or should we be proud, because television speaks of successful democratization?
– There is nothing to be proud of. From the country of the nineties – the beginning of the two thousandth years, when we had a good socio-economic life, with powerful democratic traditions, more developed than in Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine, Azerbaijan has turned into a country that is in the tail of democratic progress. Now we have to solve several tasks simultaneously: democratization, return of the occupied territories and healthy integration into the world economic system, since Azerbaijan has actually become a raw materials appendage not only of Europe, but of all countries that need oil and gas; 90% of the country's GDP is produced in Baku.
– Saudi journalist was killed by the monarchical government, and the United States is silent, because America is a strategic partner of Saudi Arabia. Doesn"t the same thing happen in Azerbaijan where the opposition is subjected to repression, but democratic countries are more interested in our energy resources?
– I would not blame the world as a whole for neglecting the democratic processes in our country. The world consists of different people, countries and interests. Democracy in Azerbaijan first of all is our concern. When you argue, blaming the world, you lose the desire to talk about our own responsibility for the lack of democratic development in Azerbaijan. And going back to a Saudi journalist, I will say that it is too early to put an end. Sanctions against Saudi Arabia must be of such depth and scope that the Saudi Arabia could not use its trump card as blackmail against the world community – the price of oil. The development of such a punishment is now taking place in order to neutralize the appetites of people who plan to use the oil factor for their political goals.
– The analytical group of the "Karabakh" committee issued its conclusion, according to which allegedly there are rumors in the society about imminent democratization in Azerbaijan, as a response to events in Armenia. The analytical group writes that our government will even attract the opposition to rule the country.
– So far the power attracts us only to criminal liability, I can say that for sure. Such analytics does not convince us. The government feels very comfortable, having a fat reserve of $ 40 billion in the Oil Fund. I don"t even see any prerequisites for believing that power opens up the country for democratic forces. We have missed a lot of time in democratic development, and it is high time to start acting, but, alas …
– The emergence of Nikol Pashinyan in the Caucasian political arena put Azerbaijan in a new situation in the Karabakh process. Is the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan doing the right thing?
– The Foreign Ministry does not solve much; the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister is simply implementing the policy dictated by the general situation in the country. Pashinyan"s belligerent rhetoric expires from his personal feeling that the world views Armenia as an island of democracy, while Azerbaijan remains an oil dictatorship. And Yerevan can use it. I think that fair mediators could have discarded him from such attempts. But Azerbaijan itself should learn from what is happening in Armenia, taking into account our situation in the Karabakh settlement. We must destroy the ideas of the world about democracy in Armenia and the dictatorship in Azerbaijan. The only way is to stop us being an oil dictatorship.
– You are the chairman of the party REAL, not registered in the Ministry of Justice. What future do you plan for your party?
– For us, participation in election cycles is important. In November 2020, there will be parliamentary elections, this is our main landmark now. We have enough time to prepare and win the next parliamentary elections to be held in two years. Winning means gaining a majority, at least a relative, of deputy seats. This is a real goal taking into account the mood in society. There can be extraordinary parliamentary elections, then we have less time for good preparation. Our task in this case is to obtain the possibility of creating our faction in parliament. I don"t know when the presidential elections will be now, after all, I. Aliyev extended the five-year presidency to seven years, without waiting for the completion of his five-year period. But there may be unexpected choices, when this happens – it's hard to say. We must be ready for them. Of course, I will nominate my candidacy. We are asked: Republican Alternative is an alternative to what? We are a republican alternative to the power of one family, looking at which you see an analogy with absolute, non-constitutional monarchies of the 18th century. We need to demonstrate our alternative at all legal sites.

Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijani school "Karabakh" opens in Switzerland

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Oct 8 2018

By  Trend

An event related to the creation of the Coordination Council of Azerbaijanis and the beginning of the activities of the Azerbaijani school "Karabakh" has been held in Switzerland, the Azerbaijani Embassy to Switzerland said in a statement October 7.

At the first meeting of the Azerbaijani diaspora organizations operating in the city of Bern, an exchange of views on their activities, current issues and upcoming tasks has taken place.

Speaking at the event, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Khanim Ibrahimova, appreciated the current activities of the Azerbaijani diaspora, noted the need for organized activities of compatriots to achieve the challenges and gave recommendations to compatriots for their future activities.

The Chairman of the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora of Azerbaijan, Fuad Muradov, called on members of the diasporas operating in Switzerland to show solidarity. Muradov said that the definition of strategic directions in diaspora issues will make Azerbaijani diaspora organizations one of the strongest organizations in the world.

Muradov spoke about the development of a new roadmap for diaspora work. The chairman of the state committee said that the main goal is to unite all Azerbaijanis.

It was decided at the meeting to establish the Coordination Council of Swiss Azerbaijanis with the aim of even closer consolidation of compatriots living in Switzerland and coordination of the activities of diaspora organizations. The director of the Cultural Center of Azerbaijanis in Switzerland, Gasym Nasirov was elected coordinator of the Council

Then the video clip entitled as "Homeland is Close" describing the diaspora movement, was presented.

At the end of the event, the official opening ceremony of the Azerbaijani school "Karabakh" took place.

This school is a joint project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora and has been established with the organizational support of the Azerbaijani Embassy to Switzerland. The school will teach Azerbaijani language, history, national dances and piano playing classes. The Swiss citizens and other foreigners can also study at the school.