Putin Did Not Discuss With Pashinyan His Potential Trip to Armenia at CIS Summit – Kremlin

Sputnik News Service
 Friday 1:26 PM UTC

Putin Did Not Discuss With Pashinyan His Potential Trip to Armenia at
CIS Summit - Kremlin

DUSHANBE, September 28 (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin
held brief talks with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on the
sidelines of the summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS), but the two parties did not discuss Putin's possible visit to
Yerevan, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"No, they talked on other issues, current ones," Peskov told
reporters, asked whether the Russian president discussed the dates of
his possible visit to Armenia with Pashinyan.

Putin also held a short discussion with Moldovan President Igor Dodon,
Peskov added.

Earlier in September, Putin met with Pashinyan in Moscow. After the
talks, the Armenian prime minister said that he had invited Putin to
visit Yerevan. According to Pashinyan, Putin is going to visit Armenia
in the near future. Peskov confirmed at the time Putin’s plans to
visit Yerevan but pointed out that the date had not been determined

Armenian MP of Turkey comments on President Erdoğan purchasing luxury plane

News.am, Armenia
Sept 25 2018
Armenian MP of Turkey comments on President Erdoğan purchasing luxury plane 
13:35, 25.09.2018
Istanbul Armenian MP and vice-chairman of the opposition pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP), Garo Paylan, has reflected on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan purchasing a presidential plane worth several hundred million dollars.
In this connection, Paylan posted on his Twitter account the recent incident with Mexican President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador, when he was grounded on a commercial plane for three hours.
Also, the MP recalled the Mexican president-elect’s respective words that he would be ashamed to have a luxury airplane in a country with so much poverty.
“[But] there are also those who are not ashamed,” Garo Paylan tweeted, insinuating Turkish President Erdoğan purchasing a luxurious plane.

Vive l’Arménie indépendante

L'Orient-Le Jour- Liban
19 sept. 2018
Vive l’Arménie indépendante
Durant le début des années 90 du siècle dernier, juste après les années glasnost et perestroïka, l’Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques ne pouvant plus tenir dans la course économique face aux pays de l’Ouest, a commencé à succomber devant la pression interne des pays de l’Union. Ainsi, l’URSS a commencé à se démembrer. Tout a commencé par les pays de l’Europe de l’Est, suivis par les autres.
En Arménie, la situation n’était pas aussi simple. Ayant une position stratégique remarquable, la Russie n’a pas voulu lâcher la mainmise. C’est grâce à son peuple ardent, courageux et vaillant et malgré un intense usage de la force par la Russie contre la population civile, que finalement le drapeau tricolore rouge, bleu et orange, le fameux « yerakouyn », a flotté sur le Parlement de Yerevan. Ainsi, le 21 septembre 1991, l’Arménie s’est déclarée indépendante après 70 ans sous le joug des Soviétiques, exauçant le rêve des millions de ses martyrs.
L’indépendance de l’Arménie était un fait divin pour les Arméniens éparpillés partout dans monde. Cette indépendance avait une valeur symbolique et morale colossale pour son peuple martyrisé plusieurs fois, surtout durant la domination de l’Empire ottoman avec le premier génocide des temps modernes qui a décimé une nation entière avec plus de deux millions de martyrs. L’enchantement, la béatitude et l’euphorie ont régné partout dans le monde chez les Arméniens de cette grande diaspora qui ont vu renaître leurs mère patrie de ses cendres. Un pays où le sang des aïeuls s’est mélangé avec la terre, où la sueur de ses ancêtres a irrigué leur terre pétrie. Cette Arménie berceau des civilisations, le pays de l’arche de Noé, le premier pays chrétien au monde.
Quatre millénaires et l’Arménie survit, contre vent et marées. Ses enfants résistent et persistent, dominés autrefois par les Seldjoukides, les Perses, les Romains, les Grecs, les Mongols, les Arabes, les Byzantins, les Ottomans et les Russes. Leur détermination de survivre nous rappelle un peu l’histoire d’Albert Camus où Sisyphe était condamné à rouler un énorme rocher en haut d’une montagne. Le rocher retombait à chaque fois et Sisyphe devait le ramener de nouveau au sommet. Les Arméniens ont plié maintes fois comme des roseaux mais n’ont jamais brisé. Où sont maintenant les Parthes, les Acadiens, les Sumériens, les Seldjoukides, les Hittites… mais les Arméniens sont toujours là.
L’Arménie d’aujourd’hui est juste une petite partie de l’Arménie acclamée par les Arméniens, une Arménie qui a été approuvée par les Nations unies durant le traité de Sèvres en 1920, parrainé par le président des États-Unis Woodrow Wilson mais qui n’a jamais été appliqué. Un pays qui serait défini par 160 mille kilomètres carrés avec un port sur la mer Noire.
Aujourd’hui, l’Arménie reflète l’état d’esprit de ses ressortissants. Un pays extrêmement riche en culture avec ses églises datant de centenaires, ses innombrables musées, ses centres de recherche en informatique et technologie de pointe et surtout une Arménie définie par la bonté de son peuple. Un pays petit de taille peut-être, mais extrêmement grand en ambition.
Après tous les malheurs tombés sur se petit pays pacifiste, l’Arménie doit vivre et prospérer en paix car elle le mérite.

Azerbaijan urges Armenian leadership not to repeat predecessors’ mistakes

Vestnik Kavkaza
Sept 20 2018
20 Sep in 19:00

Azerbaijan urges the Armenian leadership not to repeat the mistakes of their predecessors, Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov said at the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The deputy FM mentioned that the fundamental rights and freedoms of Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia and IDPs from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan have been violated for 30 years, seriously challenging the UN and its human rights mechanisms.

In this regard, Azerbaijan calls on the Human Rights Council, as well as its special mechanisms and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to make effective efforts to restore the violated rights of Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs as required by the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, he added.

"We, in turn, continue to work for improving life standards of refugees and IDPs. I would like to mention that, in general, over the past 25 years more than $8 billion have been allocated for the social protection of this vulnerable group of people. Some 150 houses, school buildings, a kindergarten, medical institutions and other social facilities have been built in Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil district, which was liberated from the Armenian occupation in April 2016," Khalafov said.

Armenia continues to ignore the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, Khalafov added.

"Unfortunately, latest statements of Armenia's new leadership, in fact, undermine the peace negotiation process and they are aimed at consolidating the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, thereby putting the region face to face with new threats. We reiterate that all responsibility for disruption of the negotiation process and escalation of tensions in the region lies entirely on the Armenian leadership," the deputy minister added.

"We urge the Armenian leadership not to repeat the mistakes of their predecessors and take a constructive stance on the issue of resolving the conflict on the basis of unconditional liberation of all the occupied Azerbaijani territories. We call on them to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of states," Khalafov said.

Pashinyan-Putin meeting kicks off at Kremlin


The meeting of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin has kicked off at the Kremlin.

It’s expected that during the negotiations the sides will discuss a number of partnership issues between the two strategic partner states.

Earlier, Putin’s aide Yuri Ushakov announced, “Many questions have accumulated from both our side and the Armenian side, therefore we expect an honest and serious conversation around all those issues which relate to both bilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation in terms of EEU and CSTO,”

This is the 3rd Pashinyan-Putin meeting. The first was in May in Sochi, during the session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the 2nd took place in June in Moscow during the opening of the FIFA World Cup.

Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijani Citizen Tanriverdiyeva Asks for Asylum in Armenia

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
September 3, 2018 Monday
Azerbaijani Citizen Tanriverdiyeva Asks for Asylum in Armenia
Baku / 03.09.18 / Turan: On August 26, a 50-year-old Gulnara Tanriverdiyeva, a citizen of Azerbaijan, resident of the Absheron village of Jorat, applied to the Armenian government with a request to grant her asylum.
Initially Tanriverdiyeva left for Iran by bus, and from there she arrived in Yerevan, where she made a statement about the infringement of her rights in Azerbaijan.
All this was reported by the Yerevan Internet news channel news.1tv.am, to which Tanriverdiyeva gave an interview in Yerevan.
Answering the correspondent's questions, she said in the Azerbaijani language that she complained to state authorities and officials in Azerbaijan, starting from the President, reporting a distressed and desperate situation. But no one answered her appeals, after which she decided to apply for asylum in Armenia.
"Let the whole country know what happened to me," she said.
The Azerbaijani media and state organizations do not report the flight of Tanriverdiyeva to Armenia. Earlier in the Azerbaijani media there was also no information about the difficult situation of Tanriverdiyeva.
The video interview with Tanriverdiyeva on Armenian TV can be viewed here.

Brussels: King shares holiday videos with the world from Armenia

The Brussels Times
Aug 25 2018

King shares holiday videos with the world from Armenia 
           Saturday, 10:09


The royal palace has released – according to tradition – a video of the King on holiday. In the video the king is seen kite-surfing in Armenia.
The choice of holiday destination is unusual for the royals, more often opting for traditional holiday destinations like France and Italy.

However according to a report in De Standaard, the family – King Philippe, Queen Mathilde and their four children – already spent some time on the French island Île d’Yeu before heading on to Armenia – an arrival which made headline news in the country.

According to protocol, the family arrived on two flights into the capital, Yerevan: the monarch and the heir to the throne – his daughter Elisabeth – may not travel on the same flight.

Armenia’s isolation is almost complete: its borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan are closed, leaving only a border with Russia, its former Soviet master. Only since last year has Brussels Airlines laid on one flight a week, rising to two in the summer months.

According to local reports, the royals have been impressed with the local cuisine and especially the country’s wine, spending five hours on a tasting tour of one of the largest producers Armas. The country’s speciality is the blending of wine made with local grapes unobtainable elsewhere, together with more common varieties imported from other countries.

King Philippe’s sporting tendencies often form part of the royal holiday picture package, and according to those who know, the latest video of him kite-surfing shows that, at the age of 58, his skills are only improving, compared to previous footage from an outing on the North Sea last year.

Alan Hope
The Brussels Times

Verelq: Բակո Սահակյանն ու Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը հանդիպում են անցկացրել Արցախի ՊՆ-ում

  • 26.08.2018

  • Հայաստան



Նախագահ Բակո Սահակյանը եւ ՀՀ վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանն օգոստոսի 26-ին Արցախի Հանրապետության պաշտպանության նախարարությունում քննարկել են պաշտպանության բանակի մարտունակության հետեւողական բարձրացման, Արցախի եւ Հայաստանի ռազմական փոխգործակցության եւ սահմաններում տիրող իրավիճակին վերաբերող հարցեր:

Հանդիպմանը մասնակցել են ՀՀ պաշտպանության նախարար Դավիթ Տոնոյանը, ՀՀ ԶՈՒ գլխավոր շտաբի պետ Արտակ Դավթյանը, ԱՀ պաշտպանության նախարար Լեւոն Մնացականյանը:

Armenia’s ex-president says charges against him are politically motivated

ARKA, Armenia
Aug 17 2018

YEREVAN, August 17, /ARKA/. Armenia’s former president Robert Kocharyan announced his return to active politics on Thursday saying in an interview with the Yerkir Media TV channel that the charges brought against him were politically motivated.

Kocharyan was released from pre-trial custody on August 13 after being accused of violating  Armenia constitutional order in March 2008, when in a post-election standoff eight civilians and two police officers were killed. The polls were declared to have been won by then prime minister Serzh Sargsyan. The decision angered the opposition, led by the first Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who set off 10 days of nonstop protests that led to the crackdown on March 1, in which 10 people were killed and more than 200 injured.

Kocharyan  was released from custody on August 13 after Armenia’s Court of Appeals ruled that he could not be prosecuted for the post-election violence.  The ruling was backed by Article 140 of the Armenian Constitution, which says that during the term of his or her powers and thereafter, the President of the Republic may not be prosecuted and subjected to liability for actions deriving from his or her status.

 The ruling of the Court of Appeals was denounced by the Special Investigative Service, which described it as illegal, saying that the Court of Appeals “overstepped the bounds of its authority.”  It said also that it will ask the Prosecutor General to  appeal the decision at  the Court of Cassation. 

In the interview Kocharyan said he could be arrested again, but argued that the case against him, if taken to the European Court of Human Rights, would  clear him of any wrongdoing.

Kocharyan also accused the government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of having no economic strategy, saying that its anti-corruption campaign can not replace economic management of the country
“I have seen no action or a document which would tell us what this government is going to do to develop  the economy,’ he said.

Kocharian also claimed that during his tenure in power, there was not a clearly structured corruption pyramid, otherwise it would not have been possible to demonstrate high rates of economic growth.
"Fuel was supplied by 16-17 companies. Supplies of gas and electricity generation are natural monopolies, and nothing can be done about it. In other sectors, monopolies never existed, and no one had monopoly rights," he said. -0-

Turkey’s Erdogan to make state visit to Germany in late September

Deutsche Welle, Germany
Aug 7 2018

There are a host of problems and issues for Germany and Turkey to discuss. Some in Germany have criticized giving the authoritarian Turkish leader military honors and a banquet.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will conduct an official state visit to Germany on September 28-29, the German presidency confirmed on Tuesday.

The Turkish president will meet with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, with military honors and an official state banquet on the agenda. It was unclear if Erdogan would meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel or other officials.

Read more: German politicians wary of pending Erdogan state visit

The two NATO members have witnessed relations plummet in recent years amid German concerns over the deterioration of human rights in Turkey and the country's authoritarian trajectory. However, Turkey remains an important strategic, military and economic partner for Germany and the European Union.

It will be Erdogan's first state visit to Germany since he became president in 2014 and moved to cement his control over Turkey through a controversial referendum last year granting him sweeping powers. It also comes months after Erdogan's enhanced powers and the dismantling of the parliamentary system went into effect following June elections.

German daily Bild first reported in late July that there were plans for Erdogan's first official visit in four years. The trip is not without controversy, with many German politicians criticizing the idea of rolling out the red carpet for the authoritarian Turkish leader.

Turkish-German relations soured after the German parliament passed a resolution in early 2016 recognizing the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire.

Ties then nosedived in the wake of the July 2016 failed coup attempt against Erdogan. The arrest of tens of thousands of people in a post-coup crackdown and deterioration in the rule of law have caused concern in European capitals

German nationals have been caught up in the arrests, including Die Welt correspondent Deniz Yücel and human rights activist Peter Steudtner.

Read more: Who is Deniz Yücel — and why is the German-Turkish journalist still on trial?

Escalating tensions between the two countries were somewhat eased after the release from prison of Steudtner in October last year followed by that of Yücel in February.   

Much to discuss

Turkey accuses Germany of harboring followers of the Gulen movement, which Ankara blames for the coup attempt. Ankara also accuses Berlin of allowing the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) to operate in Germany. 

Read more: Turkey's Gulen movement on the rise in Germany

Kurdish groups plan demonstrations in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate during Erdogan's visit to protest treatment of the Kurdish minority and Turkish military action against Syrian Kurds.  

The planned visit would also come at a critical time in the civil war in Syria as the Assad regime regains control over large swaths of territory.

Turkey has carved out zones of influence in the north of Syria and taken in more than 3.5 million refugees.

That makes Turkey a key to the European Union's efforts to prevent uncontrolled migration from reaching the bloc.

Separately, the visit would come at a time when Turkey's economy is under severe pressure, with double-digit inflation, record high bond yields, a widening current account deficit and a nearly 30 percent loss of value of the lira against the dollar since the start of the year.

Germany and Turkey are major trade and investment partners. Erdogan will therefore be looking for signs of an improved relationship with Germany to give a boost to fading international confidence in the beleaguered Turkish economy.

There are some 3 million German-Turks in Germany. It is unclear if Erdogan will hold an event to address his supporters, a move that would be criticized in Germany.