Ardavazt’s Progeny

The Armenian Weekly
Sept 29 2017

We’re on the cusp of Armenian Culture Month, October. This is based on when the translation of the bible into Armenian is honored with a church holiday “Tarkmanchatz” (“Translators'”). While it seems pathetic that a church holiday has given rise to this, cultural manifestations are important and anything that instigates more should not be frowned upon.

A tetradrachm of Ardavazt II bearing his bust

I’m fond of the theatre and always try to go to Armenian plays, since time and other constraints prevent me from getting to other shows. I miss some, and often because I’m not aware of them. I wish I was on more lists which target Armenian theatre goers. It would be great to see more of what Armenian theatre has to offer some 21 centuries King Ardavazt II, Dikran the Great’s son, became known as the first Armenian playwright.

Currently, we have three theatrical performances going on or imminent in the Los Angeles area. The high Armenian population density enables the production of far more plays than in most of our other North American communities since it costs a respectable sum of money to put on a play. Still, there could be even more. And, with enough support, the troupes and plays emanating from LA could then travel to smaller communities who suffer from a dearth of this wonderful aspect of culture.

Vahe Berberian is once again on stage, alone, with the latest of his ever-popular one-man shows. This time, it is titled “Ooremn” (Therefore). I haven’t missed any of them and will be going three weeks from now. It is playing on Saturdays and Sundays at 8 p.m. through Oct. 29 (except Oct. 21) at the Glen Arden Club in Glendale.

Hamazkayin’s regional theatre unit is sponsoring a caste composed of newcomers to the stage who will be performing Jacques Hagopian’s “Armenian Newsuh Guh Gancheh” (The Crane Calls). Appealing to Armenians’ sensibilities regarding that bird, the plot unfolds in 1947 Australia. Two families, one Armenian—Ardzroonee, and the other not—Jackson, are neighbors. The Armenian daughter and the non-Armenian son fall in love. As the play progresses, we learn that the “non-Armenian” actually is. Not only that, but the father is a noted poet who in post-Genocide despair decided to dispense with his Armenianness. And thereby hangs a tale whose relevance to today’s identity issues is patently obvious. Don’t miss it. Performances are on Nov. 4, 5, 10, and 12 at the new AGBU Vache and Tamar Manoukian Performing Arts Center in Pasadena.

Vahik Pirhamzei is presenting “Pogha Petq – Money Needed!” Billed as “A thought-provoking tragedy-comedy that takes place in a church during its renovation an interesting connection between 4 individuals with completely different characters & beliefs”. It is playing only once, on Oct. 8, 7 p.m. at Stars on Brand Glendale, Calif. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to miss this one. It’s too bad there aren’t more performances. At least I found out about this play ahead of time. Usually, I learn of his plays after they have exited the stage.

On the horizon is Aram Kouyoumjian’s “49 States” which should hit the stage about a year from now. It delves into the California secession movement triggered by Donald Trump’s election. It promises to be both serious and funny, looking at the issue through the prism of two friends who are on opposite sides of the political fence. Indeed, how could it be anything else? Further in the future is Aram’s “Constantinople” which tackles a topic woefully unfamiliar to most Armenians. Inspired by Lerna Ekmekcioglu’s book, Recovering Armenia: The Limits of Belonging in Post-Genocide Turkey, the play will imagine what Armenian life in immediate post-Genocide Bolis must have been like. I’m really looking forward to this one. In the interest of full disclosure, I work with Aram on the fundraising end of his productions.

One unfortunate phenomenon is our community’s extreme preference for comedy. This drives our directors to produce plays from that genre, almost exclusively. That’s unhealthy and disables us from looking at important issues in our national and community life. Try one of our more serious plays some time. You might surprise yourself and like it!

Armenian MP is convinced that decision to visit Baku was definitely right


Armenian delegates must be ready to counter Azerbaijan at any platform and format, Mane Tandilyan – Yelk faction MP, member of the Armenian delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, told reporters on September 25.

She visited Baku together with chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on foreign affairs Armen Ashotyan to take part in the session of the Euronest PA from September 21 to 23.

“Azerbaijani media were actively working, and the Armenian delegation was in particular in the spotlight of everyone. Our delegation made a decision to take part in that session, and I think it was quite a right decision. I was more convinced on that when I saw how they were trying to turn that session into an anti-Armenian propaganda. I understood that we should not in general miss any chance and platform to present Armenia since the Azerbaijani side is actively working on the anti-Armenian propaganda. We should understand that they will use any international platform for gradually reaching success. This session also could turn into such platform if our responses and stance were not restraining factors”, the MP said.

She said the war situation continues, and it exists in each platform. “One must visit Baku to understand in what atmosphere he/she is and acts. They have received a proper response to questions out of agenda, and we managed to stop the actions which were gradually turning into anti-Armenian ones. We had also talks with our European partners, and they also stated that Azerbaijan tries to make each occasion an anti-Armenian one or strives to that”, Mane Tandilyan said, adding that she is ready to visit everywhere and present Armenia, especially in Baku.

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Art: Exhibition dedicated to Hovhannes Aivazovsky’s 200th birth anniversary to rediscover the world-famous painter

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 12 2017

The National Gallery of Armenia (NGA) is set to open an exhibition dedicated to the 200th birth anniversary of the world-famous seascape painter Hovhannes (Ivan) Aivazovsky on 15 September. The organizers of the exhibition assure the display will discover the famous artist in a new way.

The exhibition titled “Hovhannes Aivazovsky: Creation” features 52 paintings, 26 graphic works, 1 work of the decorative-applied art and 20 documentary materials, Arman Tsaturyan, Director of the National Gallery of Armenia told a news conference on Tuesday.

“We intend to exhibit those works by Aivazovsky which have not been on the permanent display previously. He is known as a seascape painter, however he has also created good graphic works, landscapes and sketches, which will be a big discovery for most of the visitors,” the director said.

The exhibition for the first time will display the prominent painting “Chaos: Creation of the World” from the collection of the Mekhitarist Congregation in Venice. The painting has been transported to capital city Yerevan with great difficulty, Mr. Tsaturyan said.

Naira Yeghiazaryan. Deputy Director of the Museum Management of the NGA, in her turn noted that Aivazovsky passed the painting to the pope of Rome as a gift in 1841. The pope later donated it to the Mekhitarist Congregation in 1901.

To note, the National Gallery of Armenia has the second largest collection of Aivazovsky’s paintings after Museum of Theodosius in the Crimea.

The exhibition will run until 15 July 2018.

Transparency International: Politicians and Businesses Paid to Launder Azerbaijan’s Image Using Slush Fund Must Be Sanctioned

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption organisation, is calling for politicians, banks and businesses that helped to launder the reputation of Azerbaijan across Europe to be investigated and, if appropriate, for the perpetrators to be sanctioned.

The anti-corruption organisation will launch national and international advocacy campaigns targeted at strengthening anti-money laundering practices, identifying individual wrong-doing and calling for international organisations, including the Council of Europe, to investigate allegations of inappropriate behaviour and take corrective action.

This follows an investigation carried out by journalists in six countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, United Kingdom and United States) into a shady financial network that appears to have funnelled money from a US$2.9 billion Azeri slush fund to pay decision-makers and prominent individuals across Europe.

“It is shocking to see that some politicians at respected bodies like the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe are up for sale and are willing to turn a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuses for cash. They must be sanctioned and we will put pressure on the authorities to take action. The story does not end here,” said José Ugaz, Chair of Transparency International.

The investigation names, Danske Bank, a prominent bank in Denmark and specifically its branch in Estonia as the centre of the financial network. It also identifies four shell companies set up in the UK with secret offshore owners that received money from the slush fund. In addition, individuals and businesses are reported to have received payments from these companies in Germany and the UK.

The reports describe how politicians and consultants who received the money were in a position to influence decisions about Azerbaijan’s human rights record at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The purpose of the payments appears to have been to limit the effects of damaging information regarding human rights and election fraud that would have brought the country into greater disrepute.

“These investigations show that even in countries where corruption risks are considered low like Denmark, which ranks at the top of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, the regulatory bodies are still behind in enforce anti-money laundering legislation,” added Ugaz.

Transparency International, as part of a partnership with the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project that broke the story, will pressure the appropriate authorities to ensure that any wrongdoing is both investigated and punished, and that regulatory loopholes are closed.

As first steps, Transparency International will:

Present evidence to the special corruption investigative group at PACE on 7 September and ask for a full, transparent investigation

Provide a dossier relating to the investigation with the US authorities since the International Bank of Azerbaijan is based in the United States.

The slush fund also supported the lavish lifestyles of the ruling family of Azerbaijan and a crony network of accomplices, including business leaders and politicians both in Germany and elsewhere. The investigations uncovered that the money was used to buy a football club, jewellery and major real estate in the Czech Republic.

Transparency International will also:

Call on the authorities in the Czech Republic, Denmark and Germany to investigate the role of shell companies with secret ownership and push for public registers of beneficial ownership

Call on the authorities in those countries to tighten and implement anti-money laundering procedures

Call for full investigations into those receiving “dirty money” at the international, regional and national levels

Ask citizens across Europe to write to their parliamentarians who attend the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to adopt stronger integrity standards in light of serious allegations of corruption and manipulation.

The Council of Europe is the leading forum in Europe tasked with monitoring human rights, democracy and the rule of law in its 47 member states.

Lt. General Hayk Kotanjian introduces new recommendations to Minsk Group, UN, for containing war in Karabakh

Armenpress News Agency (English)
September 2, 2017 Saturday
Lt. General Hayk Kotanjian introduces new recommendations to Minsk Group, UN, for containing war in Karabakh

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS. On 1 September at Yerevan “Marriot Hotel” “Tigran Mets” Hall, the Armenia George C. Marshall Center Alumni Outreach Event was held on the topic “Armenia’s Security Challenges”. The Event was chaired by H.E. Richard M. Mills Jr., the US Ambassador to Armenia, H.E. Bernhard Matthias Kiesler, the German Ambassador to Armenia, Mr. Artak Zakaryan, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, and Lieutenant General (R) Keith W. Dayton, Director of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.

Among the speakers were Marshall Center Graduates Lieutenant General, Professor Hayk Kotanjian, Doctor of Political Science, Head, National Defense Research University (NDRU), Colonel Gevorg Sarukhanyan, Deputy Head, NDRU, and Colonel (R) David Chilingaryan, Head, Academic-Publishing Center – Editor-in Chief, “Haikakan Banak” Defense-Academic Journal, NDRU.

Below is the text of Professor Hayk Kotanjian’s speech, the key notions of which he had delivered to the Russian party of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs at the Joint Session of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on 19 November, 2016.

By this speech Lieutenant General Kotanjian introduces the new recommendations elaborated via the additional research on the containment in the Karabakh Conflict zone conducted by the NDRU research-fellows.


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude towards the US Embassy in Yerevan for its support and efforts in organizing today’s event.

It’s my pleasure to have an opportunity to use my Alma Mater estimable Marshall Center academic-expert podium for the balanced promotion at this turn to the Western audience of the idea to raise a tremendous security possibility. The case is made for transferring our region’s conflict zones’ orbital outer sensing results to the UN Office of the Outer Space Affairs for the technical assessment of said results. I have presented earlier the idea of using orbital sensing as a deterrence tool in Karabakh Conflict to the Minsk Group Russian Co-Chair party at the Joint Session of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The current presentation is an outcome of the additional research conducted by our NDRU team, targeted at the Minsk Group peace-oriented process to the tangible way ahead. Now, I believe, this is a timely occasion to convey these instrumental messages to the Minsk Group American Co-Chair party.

Elaborating the ways to move forward towards the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, we cannot circumvent the issue of US – Russia relations being two UN Security Council permanent members and Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. Both American and Russian experts, generals and diplomats, involved in the professional evaluation of US–Russia relations in recent years, did mention the discrepancy of negotiating parties’ positions in the Minsk format on Ukraine, as well as in talks on Syria.

Meanwhile, the platform of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship on the Karabakh Conflict peaceful settlement stands out among the political-diplomatic platforms of long-lasting and unbroken international security consensus regarding the positions of the US, Russia and France. This unbroken consensus confirmed its exceptional value also in the Vienna Summit Talks of 16 May, 2016 and the 20 June, 2016 Summit in St. Petersburg.

Speaking on dynamics of US – Russia relations, it’s worthy to mention that at the dawn of the “US–Russia Reset” in 2010, I happened to be an academic consultant of the “US–Russia Strategic Dialogue” at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, which enabled me to professionally keep a close watch of the dynamics of US–Russia relations.

Discussing the ways forward in the Karabakh conflict settlement process, we should take into account that any resumption of hostilities entails a threat of opening a new chapter of genocidal tragedies across this region bridging the East and the West, where dismal genocide of Christians, Jews, Yazidis, and Muslims, not engaged in the terroristic jihad, has been perpetrated by the torturers of the Islamic State.

The urgency of the “Never Again” principle for the Armenian people once again was called forth during the Perestroika in the USSR – at the time of pogroms committed by Azerbaijan against its Armenians population [3]. On 23 November, 1991, the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan passed a law on the dissolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) without the Karabakh people’s consent and with violations of the basic international norms regarding the peoples’ right to self-determination. In response to those illegal actions, on 10 December, 1991, Nagorno-Karabakh initiated the process of its independence in compliance with the domestic legislation of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, two states were formed: the Republic of Azerbaijan on the territory of the Azerbaijan SSR, and the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh on the territory of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast. The establishment of both States has a similar legal basis, therefore, the legitimate establishment of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, on the basis of its peoples’ right to self-determination, should never be considered within the scope of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

Strictly meeting international standards and the USSR Law of 3 April, 1990, a Referendum of Independence was held in Nagorno-Karabakh attended by international observers. The Azerbaijani minority of the NKR was given an opportunity to take part in the referendum; however, on Baku’s instructions they declined that opportunity [4]. Subsequent events eliminated the imperative obligation of coordinating the referendum results with the USSR central bodies, since on 21 December, 1991 the Alma-Ata Declaration on the Dissolution of the Soviet Union was signed [5]. Hence, the referendum held on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh is legal; the establishment of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic was carried out in conformity with the principles and attributes required by International Law. In 1992, the Azerbaijani Republic launched a war against Nagorno-Karabakh, which was waged until 1994 when Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement with no time limitation, and in 1995 – a tripartite agreement on strengthening the ceasefire in the Nagorno-Karabakh. These agreements were recognized by the conflicting parties and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as permanent by nature and constituting the basis of a long-run truce in the conflict zone. The international community has repeatedly reaffirmed its vision of the settlement of the Karabakh Conflict, which has to be based on the three main and equal principles of the International Law: “the equal rights and self-determination of peoples, the non-use of force or threat of force, and territorial integrity”.

On 2 April, 2016, 22 years after the 1994 ceasefire agreement, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces launched a large-scale surprise attack along the Karabakh-Azerbaijani line of contact with the main goals to undermine the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs mission to peacefully resolve the conflict, occupy Nagorno-Karabakh, and commit genocide against its Armenian population. This behavior of Azerbaijan is largely due to the lack of investigation mechanisms that would register the dynamics of the resumption of hostilities around the line of contact. Azerbaijan has persistently rejected the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ proposals on monitoring the ceasefire by use of technical and human professional resources that would contain the resumption of hostilities.

The convergence of positions of Russia, the US and France in Vienna consultations on the results of the April 2016 Four-Day War in Karabakh led Armenia and Azerbaijan to agree on the need of establishing control over the preparations for war in the armed conflict zone in order to prevent the parties from resuming hostilities. Enacting the smart combination of technological innovations along with the methods of political-diplomatic influence on the preparation for combat operations will pave the way for developing a concept of containment through effective investigation mechanisms for ceasefire violations and more efficient implementation of monitoring over military forces’ accumulation and movement signaling war preparations.

In this sense, it is essential to proceed from the understanding that under the current trend towards the escalation of the arms imbalance between Artsakh Republic on the one side, and Azerbaijan – on the other, it is unacceptable to rely purely on the traditional military deterrence seeking to prevent the resumption of hostilities. In that event, we find it vital to academically comprehend innovative approaches to cooperating with the international community aimed at utilizing its high-tech tools for the sensing of military forces’ dangerous maneuvers signaling preparations for expanded military operations.

The point is the methodology we developed in the National Defense Research University of Armenia for engaging the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states in the initiative of sensing any dangerous dynamics of force in the Karabakh Conflict zone through the sighting aid from the supranational outer space via orbital facilities of remote sensing.

As you know, the International Space Law enables the international community to inspect from the near-Earth space the dynamics of the troops preparation for the resumption of hostilities in the conflict zones. Targeted at preventing a war, this kind of remote inspection can be used in conformity with international norms and regulations as an innovative power tool of political-diplomatic containment through consultations and negotiations.

According to the Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, “To promote and intensify international cooperation, especially with regard to the needs of developing countries, a State carrying out remote sensing of the Earth from space shall, upon request, enter into consultations with a State whose territory is sensed”,[l] and the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies states that “Outer Space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means”[2].

With the proviso that mediating peacemaker powers applied this innovative method of containing war resumption via orbital facilities of remote sensing could become an effective tool in the case of protracted smoldering conflicts, and be a strategically important factor for the regional security.

The meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents in Vienna in May 2016 yielded an agreement on the establishment of investigation mechanisms for ceasefire violations along the conflict’s line of contact, and the expansion of the capabilities of the team of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson in Office. This was a timely decision since one of the sides has been actively buying offensive weapons, thus upsetting the military balance. Simultaneously, the results of the 2016 meetings in Vienna and St. Petersburg could be considered not only as a consensus on monitoring the ceasefire regime from the national air spaces of the two conflicting parties, but as successful consultations with the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan on investigation mechanisms from the outer space targeted at revealing warlike preparations through the accumulation of offensive weapons and movement of troops. [6].

In this regard, The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) may play an important role. This office is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space, and serves as the secretariat for the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. [7]

The Committee was established in 1959 to govern the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all humanity. Currently Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as all three Minsk Group Co-Chair states, are members of the Committee, which creates a unique opportunity for using the Committee’s capabilities to support peace and stability in conflict zones.

To my mind, it would be useful if the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs received the data of conflict zones orbital sensing to further make a technical assessment and present results back to the concerned parties. The successful launch of this mechanism will create unique opportunities to use the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs for the purpose of the technical assessment of data received from conflict zones orbital sensing. I am hopeful that in this way this precedent can be transformed into a significant tool of promoting international peace and stability in Karabakh and beyond.

See Принципы, касающиеся дистанционного зондирования Земли из космического пространства (Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space), /ru/documents/decl conv/conventions/earth remote sensing.shtml.

See Договор о принципах деятельности государств по исследованию и использованию космического пространства, включая Луну и другие небесные тела (Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies), /ru/documents/decl conv/conventions/outer space governing.shtml.

See Закон СССР “О порядке решения вопросов, связанных с выходом союзной республики из СССР” No 1410-1 от 3 апреля 1990 г.” Ведомости Съезда народных депутатов СССР, Верховного Совета СССР”, 1990, No 15, Декларация о провозглашении Нагорно-Карабахской Республики; Jacques Derrida, Isaiah Berlin, Alain Finkielkraut, Richard Rorty, and Adrian Lyttelton. An Open Letter on Anti-Armenian Pogroms in the Soviet Union. Joint Initiative of the Helsinki Treaty Watchdog Committee of France and Intellectuals from the College International de Philosophic, Paris. September 27, 1990. The New York Review of Books, /articles/1990/09/27/an-open-letter-on-anti-armenian-pogroms- in-the-sov/; (USSR Law “On the procedure for regulation of issues related to the secession of a Union Republic from the USSR” No 1410-1 of3 April 1990, “Bulletin of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR, the Supreme Council of the USSR”, 1990, No 15, Declaration on the Proclamation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic),


SeeАлма-АтинскаяДекларация,Алма-Ата,21декабря1991г.(TheDeclarationofAlma-Ata,21December,1991), p?id=178.

See Joint Statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Secretary of State of the United States of America and State Secretary for Europe Affairs of France /mg/240316, Meeting with Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliev,

UnitedNationsOfficeforOuterSpaceAffairs, /oosa/en/aboutus/roles-responsibilities.html.

Calendar of Events – 08/24/2017

                        GROONG's Calendar of events
                        (All times local to events)

What:           Ararat Phoenix Rising-Reawakening of the Armenian Identity  
                Lecture Series by Mher Koubelian
When:           Aug 25 2017 7:30pm
Where:          Armenian Society of Los Angeles 
                117 S. Louise St., Glendale, CA 91205
Misc:           Throughout millennia, Armenia has been born and reborn, struck
                down only to rise again from ashes. This historic survival
                could be explained by divine providence and a unique national
                identity. This presentation seeks to awaken hearts and empower
                them to take their rightful place, by exploring first
                Armenian's God given calling through many key elements from
                mythology, history, linguistics, genetics, culture, etc.
Online Contact: [email protected]
Tel:            800-435-0097

What:           Ararat Phoenix Rising-Reawakening of the Armenian Identity  
                Lecture Series by Mher Koubelian
When:           Aug 27 2017 6:30pm
Where:          South Bay Armenian Community Center
                2222 Lomita Blvd., Lomita, CA 90717
Misc:           Throughout millennia, Armenia has been born and reborn, struck
                down only to rise again from ashes. This historic survival
                could be explained by divine providence and a unique national
                identity. This presentation seeks to awaken hearts and empower
                them to take their rightful place, by exploring first
                Armenian's God given calling through many key elements from
                mythology, history, linguistics, genetics, culture, etc.
Online Contact: [email protected]
Tel:            800-435-0097

What:           Ararat Phoenix Rising-Reawakening of the Armenian Identity  
                Lecture Series by Mher Koubelian
When:           Aug 31 2017 7:30
Where:          Tekeyan Cultural Center
                1901 Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001
Misc:           Throughout millennia, Armenia has been born and reborn, struck
                down only to rise again from ashes. This historic survival
                could be explained by divine providence and a unique national
                identity. This presentation seeks to awaken hearts and empower
                them to take their rightful place, by exploring first
                Armenian's God given calling through many key elements from
                mythology, history, linguistics, genetics, culture, etc.
Online Contact: [email protected]
Tel:            800-435-0097

What:           Ararat Phoenix Rising-Reawakening of the Armenian Identity  
                Lecture Series by Mher Koubelian
When:           Sep 1 2017 7:30pm
Where:          Organization of Istanbul Armenian
                19726 Sherman Way, Winnetka, CA 91306
Misc:           Throughout millennia, Armenia has been born and reborn, struck
                down only to rise again from ashes. This historic survival
                could be explained by divine providence and a unique national
                identity. This presentation seeks to awaken hearts and empower
                them to take their rightful place, by exploring first
                Armenian's God given calling through many key elements from
                mythology, history, linguistics, genetics, culture, etc.
Online Contact: [email protected]
Tel:            800-435-0097

What:           Film Premiere (English) "Voskan Yerevantsi - the Epic First
                Printing of the Armenian Bible by Hakob Papazyan and Nver 
When:           Sep 5 2017 7pm
Where:          The Soho Hotel, Screening Room 1,
                4 Richmond Mews, London W1D 3DH
Misc:           Organised by AGBU London.
Online Contact: [email protected]

What:           "The Rescue, Rehabilitation and Fate of Captive Armenian 
                Survivors in Syria: From WWI-Present"
                a lecture in Armenian is given by Professor Vahram Shemmassian
When:           Sep 17 2017 1pm
                Following Church Divine Liturgy which starts at 10:30am
Where:          Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley
                Western Prelacy's Hall, 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta,
Misc:           Professor Shemmassian will describe the attempts and
                organizations that engaged in the rescue and rehabilitation of
                Genocide survivors in Syria, especially children and women,
                who through forced marriages and religious conversions were
                absorbed into Muslim society across Turkey and the Arab Near
                East. The talk will conclude with comments on the issue of
                Islamized Armenians, currently a hot topic in private and
                public discourse.
                Dr. Vahram Shemmassian is Professor and Director of the
                Armenian Studies Program in the Department of Modern and
                Classical Languages and Literatures at the California State
                University, Northridge. He holds a Ph.D. in History from the
                University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
                The event is free to the public.
Online Contact: [email protected]
Tel:            818-244-9645


Armenian News's calendar of events is collected and updated mostly from
announcements posted on this list, and submissions to [email protected].

To submit, send to Armenian [email protected], and please note the following
important points:

a) Armenian News's administrators have final say on what may be included in
        Armenian News's calendar of events.
b) Posting time will is on Thursdays, 06:00 US Pacific time, to squeeze in
        a final reminder before weekend activities kick in.
c) Calendar items are short, functional, and edited to fit a template.
d) There is no guarantee or promise that an item will be published on time.
e) Calendar information is believed to be from reliable sources. However,
        no responsibility by the List's Administation or by USC is assumed
        for inaccuracies and there is no guarantee that the information is
f) No commercial events will be accepted.
        (Dinners, dances, forget it. This is not an ad-space.)
g) Armenian News is a non-commercial, non-partisan, pan-Armenian outlet.

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