ICRC representatives haven’t yet visited Rashid Beglaryan in Azeri custody

 14:49, 3 August 2023

YEREVAN, AUGUST 3, ARMENPRESS. Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) haven’t yet visited Rashid Beglaryan, the Nagorno-Karabakh resident arrested by Azerbaijan, ICRC Armenia communications manager Zara Amatuni told ARMENPRESS.

Amatuni added that they are following the case and are taking relevant steps through dialogue within the framework of the ICRC powers to ensure certain progress in this issue.

Speaking about Vagif Khachatryan, the other man from Nagorno-Karabakh who’s also under arrest in Azerbaijan, Amatuni said that the ICRC visited him on July 29, the day of his arrest.

 “Our delegates, including our doctor, visited Vagif Khachatryan in Baku in accordance with our procedures, to get information on his condition, check his state of health and review the detention conditions,” Amatuni added.

The Nagorno-Karabakh authorities had initially announced that Rashid Beglaryan, a resident of Nagorno-Karabakh, accidentally crossed into Azerbaijani-held territory while intoxicated and was subsequently arrested on August 1. However, the Nagorno-Karabakh prosecutor’s office later said that Beglaryan was actually kidnapped by Azerbaijani servicemembers while walking towards Armenia.

The other arrested Nagorno-Karabakh resident, 68-year-old Vagif Khachatryan, was kidnapped by Azerbaijani border guards during his ICRC-facilitated medical evacuation to Armenia through the blockaded Lachin Corridor on July 29. 

Khachatryan faces fabricated war crime charges in Azerbaijan.

On August 2, prominent Armenian attorney Siranush Sahakyan ruled out due process in Azerbaijan regarding Vagif Khachatryan. She said that the kidnapping of Vagif Khachatryan by Azerbaijan constitutes extraordinary rendition in terms of international law.

The Nagorno-Karabakh resident’s kidnapping has been condemned by the Armenian foreign ministry as a war crime.

Vagif Khachatryan’s daughter revealed earlier this week that the Azeri border guards threatened the ICRC staff with force at the illegal checkpoint in Lachin Corridor. She denied the charges against her father and asked for international support to achieve his release.

WHO and EU launch Health Literacy Corner to improve health education in Armenia

Aug 1 2023
1 August 2023 

News release


Reading time: 1 min (398 words)

WHO in Armenia has launched the first Health Literacy Corner in Yerevan, with financial support from the European Union (EU) and in coordination with the Yerevan Municipality. The Health Literacy Corner is located at the city’s No. 55 school and will serve as a resource centre, providing a wide range of WHO materials and tools to enhance children’s knowledge about health-related topics. More than 1300 students will benefit from the centre, and plans are underway to establish more health literacy centres in Yerevan, in line with the Healthy City initiative that promotes health awareness and education.

Commenting on the initiative, the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador, H.E. Mrs Andrea Wiktorin, said, “In cooperation with WHO, the EU is supporting multilevel health education in Armenia, providing a variety of capacity-building opportunities for young people. Empowering them to act on health matters and become agents of change is crucial for a positive impact both on people’s lives and on communities”.

From informative brochures to Immune Patrol, an interactive game-based learning platform, the resource centre is designed to foster understanding and encourage healthy lifestyles. It also serves as a training hub for educators, and WHO will continue to enhance their skills and expertise, particularly in the field of infection prevention behaviour. Additionally, the Health Literacy Corner has been equipped with laptops to ensure continuous and seamless education, both in person and via distance learning. This will enable educators to be better prepared and effectively disseminate accurate health information to parents and students.

Dr Marthe Everard, Special Representative of the WHO Regional Director to Armenia, said, “All students and educators should have access to quality health information. We hope that the health literacy corners will contribute to the country’s efforts, providing access to information on health and well-being, including immunization.”

The initiative is part of an EU-funded project titled “Vaccination saves lives: supporting the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and strengthening routine vaccination systems in the Eastern Partnership”. Within the framework of the project, WHO Armenia has been partnering with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports in building health literacy and awareness related to vaccine-preventable diseases among school principals, teachers and students in Armenia. Since 2021, WHO has provided training for over 2000 teachers across the country and piloted an online module on the immune system and immunization in several primary schools.


Azerbaijan’s illegal blockade of Lachin Corridor and Nagorno Karabakh complicates the negotiation process. FM Mirzoyan


YEREVAN, JULY 25, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan's illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor and Nagorno Karabakh complicates the negotiation process, ARMENPRESS reports, Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan stated on July 25 at the trilateral meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, which took place in Moscow.

Mirzoyan emphasized that the meetings and negotiations are quite intense. On some issues there are concrete results, on some issues perspectives are visible where the parties can reach a mutual agreement, but there are also problematic issues on which the positions of the two sides are very far from each other.

"We are constructive and conduct negotiations on all platforms and in all directions. Alas, the situation in the world, in particular, Azerbaijan's illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor and Nagorno-Karabakh complicates the negotiation process," the Armenian FM said.

He emphasized that there is now a serious humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the situation is close to a real humanitarian disaster. "The situation is getting more serious hour by hour. Neither food nor medicine enters Nagorno-Karabakh, the supply of gas and electricity is stopped, and if we do not manage to find a solution and Azerbaijan does not stop the blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh, the humanitarian disaster will have a negative impact on the overall negotiation process. However, I repeat that the Armenian side is constructive. We will continue the negotiations," the Armenian FM concluded.

Sergey Lavrov emphasized that Russia is interested in peace and stability in the South Caucasus.

"Our efforts are aimed at stabilizing the situation both on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, as well as solving humanitarian problems, unblocking economic and transport links, developing communication between people, civil societies, experts-political scientists," he said.

President Raisi: Iran hopes Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiations will strengthen peace in region


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi emphasized the necessity of solving regional issues by the countries of the region. He stated that Iran, by supporting the peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, hopes that these negotiations will establish and strengthen peace, security and stability in the region as much as possible.

He made the remarks in a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan in Tehran on Monday,

The president stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not accept any geopolitical changes and shifting the borders of the countries in the region, adding, “Iran supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all the countries in the region.”

He emphasized the importance of improving the level of relations between the two countries as much as possible and said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran does not see any obstacle to the development of relations with Armenia”.

Mirzoyan appreciated Iran’s positions regarding the developments in the Caucasus region, stating,, “Armenia will never become a platform for anti-Iranian actions and always emphasises on the development of regional security and peace”.

He considered relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran to be very important for his country and emphasised on increasing diplomatic relations between the two countries and strengthening and deepening the relations between Tehran and Yerevan.

Iranian FM: Tehran welcomes peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, 3+3 format


Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian says Iran welcomes peace talks between Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Amirabdolalhian added that the Caucasus should not turn into a battlefield for big powers.
He was speaking at a press briefing with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan in Tehran on Monday. Amirabdolalhian noted that if the Caucasus becomes a field for competition between big powers, peace in the region will be delayed.

“We believe that the age of war-based order is over and now is the time for peace-based order in the Caucasus region” the top Iranian diplomat added. Amirabdollahian said unfortunately, some foreign players are looking for alignments and for taking advantage of the situation in the region.

He stressed that Iran welcomes the so-called 3+3 dialogue format between regional countries and that Tehran will continue its efforts to hold a meeting where Armenia and Azerbaijan will attend.

The 3+3 format is comprised on Iran, Russia, Turkey, the Azerbaijan Republic, Armenia and Georgia focusing on unlocking economic and transport communications in the South Caucasus region.

Amirabdollahian further told journalists at the press briefing that he and the Armenian foreign minister discussed bilateral ties and ways of expanding them at their meeting.

The top Armenian diplomat said he extended an invitation to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to again visit Yerevan.

Tehran ready to host meeting in "3+3" format with the participation of Baku and Yerevan


YEREVAN, JULY 24, ARMENPRESS. Iran is focused on establishing peace in the Caucasus region, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Hossein Amirabdollahian said, expressing Tehran's readiness to hold a meeting in the "3+3" format with the participation of Armenian and Azerbaijani officials, ARMENPRESS reports, citing IRNA agency.

"The South Caucasus region is of great importance for Iran," Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said during a press conference with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

"Iran welcomes the convergence between the countries of the region and the progress in the peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan," Hossein Amirabdollahian said.

"Iran is focused on establishing peace in the Caucasus region," he said, adding that his recent meeting with Azerbaijani President Aliyev, his meeting with the Prime Minister of Armenia in recent months and today's meeting with the Foreign Minister of Armenia can be considered as Iran's endeavors of establishing stable peace and security in the region.

According to him, Tehran believes that peace and security among its neighbors correspond to the common interests of the countries of the region.

"The Caucasus region should not turn into a theater of power struggles and competition, as this would delay peace in the region," the Iranian FM said, adding that lasting peace requires friendly and fluent dialogue between governments and nations.

"We welcome the "3+3" format between the countries of the region, and Iran announces its readiness to hold that meeting, in which Armenia and Azerbaijan will also participate," he concluded.

Nagorno-Karabakh, negotiations stalled with Azerbaijan. Armenian Prime Minister: “Without a peace treaty we risk war”

TBILISI – “Until a peace treaty has been signed, and it has not been ratified by the parliaments of the two countries, war obviously remains very probable”. So the Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in an interview given on Friday to Agence France-Presswhile the negotiations between Baku and Yerevan, conducted on two parallel tables – Washington and Brussels on one side, Moscow on the other – are still unable to reach an agreement.


“Azerbaijan is creating a ghetto in Karabakh, what’s the international reaction?”

Armenia - 

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that “Azerbaijan is creating a ghetto in Nagorno Karabakh today”.

He said this in an interview with AFP, the transcript of which is posted on Prime Minister’s website.

“Any genocide you know wasn’t like that they woke up one day and started killing people, slaughtering people. Let’s go back to the Holocaust, the one that the world knows the best. Did Hitler come to power and the next morning pulled out the sword and started chasing the Jews in the streets? It lasted years, it was a process, which could have been well predicted. It was expressed in rhetoric, it was expressed in policy.

Now in Nagorno Karabakh they have created a ghetto, in the most literal meaning of the word. I say again, sometimes we do not deliver the terms understandably, we just give people headlines, “humanitarian crisis”. Some percentage of our audience well understands all the details of what’s going on, but the majority does not understand, that’s not their business, that’s not their activity.

But Azerbaijan is creating a ghetto in Nagorno Karabakh today. What’s the international community’s reaction? Russia asks us how we justify our good relationships with the West, is that what you expect of them to make a semi-statement that the Lachin Corridor should be opened? Yes, the Lachin Corridor has to be opened. The International Court of Justice rendered a decision back on February 22. That is a decision of the highest international court.

By the way, Russia really doesn’t well recognize the jurisdiction of that court, but the international community, with the exception of Russia, recognizes it as the highest court. And now Russia asks us “Is this what you expected of the West, when establishing such close relations with the EU and other partners, your expectation was that they would say, for example once a week that the Lachin Corridor should be opened?” In the same way as we justify our relations with the West, in the same way we justify our relations with Russia. Like according to the logic of some western circles our relationship with Russia is not justified, because Russia is not fulfilling all its obligations, and is not meeting all of our expectations, similarly, Russia tells us the same about the West”, said Pashinyan.

Armenia not to be used to bypass sanctions — top diplomat

Russia –
"We are cooperating very closely and very transparently not only with the relevant bodies in the European Union, but also with the United States and other countries," Ararat Mirzoyan said

YEREVAN, July 18. /TASS/. Armenia will not let itself be used to bypass sanctions and maintains close cooperation on this matter with the European Union, the United States, and all parties concerned, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said on Tuesday.

"Naturally, the war has impacted Armenia’s economy, both positively and negatively. But since you are talking about sanctions, I would like to once again publicly and loudly assure everyone who is interested in this topic that Armenia is not going to become a space where sanctions could be circumvented. We are cooperating very closely and very transparently not only with the relevant bodies in the European Union, but also with the United States and other countries," he told a news conference in Vienna.

Turkish Press: Moscow, Yerevan fail to fulfill obligations under Karabakh deal: Baku

Turkey –

Russia and Armenia have failed to fulfill their obligations under the trilateral deal signed after 44 days of heavy fighting between Baku and Yerevan in the Karabakh region in 2020, the Azerbaijani foreign ministry said on Saturday.

"Since the first day of the signing of the aforementioned trilateral statement, Armenia has not fulfilled many provisions of the statement, and Russia has not ensured the full implementation of the statement within its obligations," the ministry said in a statement.

Noting that Azerbaijan always "stayed true" to the trilateral deal, the statement said no measures were taken despite "repeated warnings by Baku on the use of the Lachin road for illegal activities."

"Over the past few months, hundreds of Armenian residents have been allowed to pass through this checkpoint in a well-regulated and transparent manner. Despite this, Armenia has not ceased its provocations against Azerbaijan and opened fire on the checkpoint on June 15, as well as attempted smuggling using vehicles of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in July," the statement added.

It added that attempts to politicize the establishment of the border checkpoint and statements made on the alleged humanitarian crisis in the region are "baseless."

"Notwithstanding the above-mentioned facts, the complete withdrawal of the remnants of the Armenian armed forces existing in the territory of Azerbaijan has not yet been ensured contrary to the 2020 Trilateral Statement, to which the Russian Federation is a party. On the contrary, Armenian armed forces are supported under the supervision of the Russian peacekeeping contingent," it further said.

It also said that an earlier Russian Foreign Ministry statement on the trilateral deal and the peace process between Baku and Yerevan caused "disappointment and misunderstanding," as well as contradicts Moscow's previous statements supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan.

A statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry earlier on Saturday urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to immediately draft a peace treaty "based on the previously reached agreements," expressing Moscow's belief that "reliable and clear guarantees of the rights and security of the Armenians of Karabakh should become an integral part of this agreement."

Relations between the former Soviet republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan have been tense since 1991 when the Armenian military illegally occupied Karabakh, a territory internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan and seven adjacent regions.

Clashes erupted on Sept. 27, 2020, with the Armenian Army attacking civilians and Azerbaijani forces, violating several humanitarian ceasefire agreements.

During the 44-day conflict, Azerbaijan liberated several cities and around 300 settlements and villages that had been occupied by Armenia for almost 30 years.

The fighting ended with a Russian-brokered agreement on Nov. 10, 2020, which was seen as a victory for Azerbaijan and a defeat for Armenia.

However, the ceasefire has been broken several times since then.
