UMCOR Hotline 14 Jun 2005: Liberia, Armenia, Zimbabwe(extract)

ReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland
June 15 2005

UMCOR Hotline 14 Jun 2005: Liberia, Armenia, Zimbabwe(extract)

Liberia: Coming Home

UMCOR, along with other humanitarian agencies, is helping 5,000
Liberians travel home after they were forced to flee during the
country’s civil war. Returning after war requires more than simply
going back to one’s home and life as it was before. Property and land
were most likely left in ruins. The community must be rebuilt and
fields must be tilled, planted and harvested before food is available
to eat. UMCOR is providing returnees with food aid, seeds, tools, and
training as well as transportation back to their hometowns. Your
gifts to UMCOR Advance #150300, Liberia Emergency, will help families
restore their lives.

Armenia: Celebrating Children

AREGAK, UMCOR Armenia’s micro-credit program for women, celebrates
International Children’s Day with the Kharbert orphanage every year
on June 1. Kharbert is a special place because only children with
physical and mental disabilities live there. Every year AREGAK staff
members come to celebrate with the children, bringing sweets, passing
out gifts of school and hygiene kits given by United Methodists, and
a concert for the children. These children who are often overlooked
enjoy this special celebration just for them.

You can be a part UMCOR’s important work in Armenia, including the
AREGAK program by giving to UMCOR Advance #250225, Armenia.

Zimbabwe: Bulletin Insert

The specter of famine prowls alongside the life-threatening drought
across much of southern Africa. A new UMCOR bulletin insert, “To Buy
Seed Is a Sign of Hope,” describes how United Methodists in Zimbabwe
are responding to this crisis. Visit

to find out information about UMCOR’s All Africa Drought and Famine
response and to download and print this latest bulletin insert to
share with others.

UMCOR provides emergency relief in many areas of the world. To find
out more about UMCOR’s ministries, please visit
You can donate to any project by placing
a contribution in the offering plate at a local United Methodist
church; by sending a check to UMCOR, PO Box 9068, New York, NY
10087-9068; or by calling 1-800-554-8583, where credit card donations
are accepted. UMCOR is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code of the United States and qualifies for the
maximum charitable contribution deduction by donors.

Fahnenmeer zur Rettung nationalerEhre Wie=?UNKNOWN?Q?t=FCrkische_Bl=

Der Tagesspiegel, Deautschland
Montag Juni 13, 2005

Fahnenmeer zur Rettung nationalerEhre Wie türkische Blätter über die
gegen ein ~DArmeniermärchen~S berichten

Am kommenden Sonntag soll der Kurfürstendamm in ein Meer aus
Halbmond-Fahnen getaucht werden, kündigten am Sonnabend alle
türkischen Zeitungen an. Zumindest die Türkische Gemeinde zu Berlin
(TGB) wünscht sich dies Bild bei einer Demonstration, die sich gegen
~Ddie Entwicklungen in Berlin und Deutschland~S (Hürriyet) beim Thema
~DArmeniermärchen~S (Türkiye) richtet. Der Protestzug soll sich um 12
Uhr am Adenauerplatz in Bewegung setzen und an der Gedächtniskirche

Genauer erklärte die Hürriyet in den Unterzeilen: ~DAm 19. Juni wird
aufgrund der Entwicklungen im Deutschen Parlament, den so genannten
Armeniergenozid anzuerkennen, und aufgrund des gerade erschienenen
Buches der Integrations- und Migrationsbehörde in Berlin, in dem über
den so genannten Armeniergenozid berichtet wird, eine Demonstration
stattfinden.~S Und tatsächlich will der Migrationsbeauftragte des
Senats, Günter Piening, demnächst das 49. Heft aus der Schriftenreihe
seiner Behörde über das Leben und die Geschichte der in Berlin
vertretenen Ethnien vorstellen. Der Titel: ~DArmenier in Berlin ~V
Berlin und Armenien~S. Was die Türken aufregt, sind die Seiten des
Heftes, die sich dem Völkermord an den Armeniern 1915 durch die
osmanische Armee widmen. Die Türkei bewertet die damaligen
Ereignisse, bei denen nach armenischen Angaben 1,5 Millionen Menschen
umkamen, bis heute nicht als Völkermord.

Doch ob die ursprünglich für den gestrigen Sonntag angekündigte
Demonstration wegen der Publikation des Ausländerbeauftragten
verschoben wurde, ging aus den türkischen Zeitungen nicht hervor.
Noch bevor das Werk der Armenienkennerin Tessa Hofmann der
Öffentlichkeit gezeigt werden konnte, zeigte die Hürriyet am
Donnerstag die Titelseite des Heftes mit der Überschrift: ~DDie große
Schande von Berlin~S. Daraufhin bat die Türkische Botschaft die
Migrationsbehörde um ein Exemplar. Am Sonnabend zeigten die Zeitungen
Vertreter der Türkischen Gemeinde mit Plakaten: ~DJetzt reicht es!
Nimm Deine Fahne in die Hand und komm! 19. Juni 2005. Die Türken ~V
eine Stimme und Herz!~S, war darauf zu lesen. Nach einem Bericht der
Türkiye wollen sich an dem Protestmarsch mindestens acht türkische
Trägervereine beteiligen. Suzan Gülfirat


Transport of Russian armaments to Armenia – Baku threatens Moscow

Pan Armenian News


08.06.2005 06:11

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ When commenting on the dislocation of the Russian military
bases from Georgia to Armenia Azeri FM Elmar Mamedyarov threatened Russia
with `retaliatory measures’ without going into detail however, IA Regnum
reports. To note, some Azeri media report that Azerbaijan is likely to sever
cooperation with Russia on the Gabali Radio location station lease. Earlier,
Azerbaijani Prime Minister Artur Rasizade hinted at possible `retaliatory
measures’. As Zerkalo newspaper writes these measures can appear as
denouncement of the agreement on Gabali Radio location station lease or
admission of US bases to the Azeri territory as `quick reaction forces’ or
`Caspian guards’. At that both variants can supplement each other. `Anyway
the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister has already made a formal statement on the
issue. It only remains to wait and judge how far Azerbaijan can go’, the
daily writes. At the same time well known political scientist Rasim
Musabekov told Nezavisimaya Gazeta Azeri newspaper that Gabali radiolocation
station will not close until the agreement between the two states is
expired. To note, the agreement provides for rather favorable conditions for
the Russian party. As for the further development, the station can be
liquidated. The possibility can be proved by Azerbaijan’s close cooperation
with Turkey, US and NATO without taking into consideration the presence of
the Russian military base. According to Musabekov, the amount of the Russian
armament in the Caucasus is conditioned by the Agreement on Armament in
Europe signed at the Istanbul summit of the heads of European states. `The
occurrence of the armament, let it be Georgia or Armenia does not matter for
the signatories. Russia will base it in Armenia due to the Georgian quote.
Thus formally, nothing changes for Russia and Azerbaijan. The matter is that
support to Armenia is offered openly now. With its military presence in
Armenia Russia is sheltering it from Turkey and stimulating its
non-constructive role in the region’, Rasim Musabekov said.

Armenian-Iranian Agreements Correspond with ROA constitution


YEREVAN, JUNE 7. ARMINFO. The provisions of the Armenian-Iranian
Agreement on the principles and bases of cooperation correspond to the
Constitution of Armenia. The Constitutional Court of Armenia made such
a decision today.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Gegham Gharibjanyan presenting
the interests of the Armenian President in the court hall stated that
the document was signed on September 8 2004 in Yerevan. On the
Armenian party the document was signed by President Robert Kocharyan.
The agreement is to provide mutual understanding in cooperation with
political, economic, cultural, trade and scientific-and-technical
spheres, the deputy foreign minister said.

Invalids in Armenia not protected


| 13:43:33 | 07-06-2005 | Social |


Today in Yerevan 50 invalids received new and modern wheelchairs. The action
was initiated by Latter Day Saints organization jointly with the US Fund of
Wheelchairs. To noted, within the frames of the action about 500 invalids
will receive wheelchairs.

US Ambassador John Evans, who was also present at the event noted that he is
well aware of the importance of a wheelchair for a person with special
needs, since he himself has problems with his leg in youth. He sat into one
of the wheelchairs demonstrating that one should not be ashamed of moving
this way.

First group invalid Arusyak Davidyan said that the wheelchair will
considerably ease the movement, as she was able to move only with the help
of her mother so far. `I have never received any aid before’, she said.

Head of Latter Day Saints Jerry Brown considers that invalids are not
protected in Armenia. `Special conditions should be created for invalids to
secure easy and worthy life for them’, he said. He also informed that June
17 wheelchairs will be presented to the resident of Gyumri.

IT Sphere in Armenia needs better coverage by Mass Media


YEREVAN, JUNE 6. ARMINFO. Two-day discussions on the problem of
coverage of the sphere of information technologies by Mass Media were
completed yesterday in the resort town of Tsakhkadzor. The event
organizer was Enterprises Incubator Foundations.

The meeting participants, in particular, mentioned as problems of
coverage of the activity of IT-sphere lack of well-prepared
journalists for the sphere’s coverage, unwillingness of the greatest
part of IT-companies to provide information to Mass Media and the low
public demand for “intellectual information.”

“Sometimes, journalists do not know what information they want from
me. If there are specific and professional questions, they will be
corresponding answers,” said Director of Arminco provider company
Andranik Aleksanyan. In response, Mass Media representatives proposed
establishing an institution of press secretaries at the unions linking
various directions of the IT-sector, which would popularize
IT-information and form public interest in the sphere, on the whole.

Director of Enterprises Incubator Foundation Bagrat Yesayan pointed
out the necessity of upgrading the public awareness of the situation
in the IT-sector from the point of view of introduction of native
IT-developments and solutions in various sectors of economy, state
government and everyday life of the citizens, hereby creating an image
and an artificial agiotage in public. The meeting participants pointed
out that it was due to such artificial agiotage in Mass Media that
Bill Gates launched production in an “empty place” in essence – in

Summing up the discussions, the participants expressed readiness to
exert efforts to form an institution of press secretaries, organize
seminars on the problem of distribution of information on the sector
and to more communicate with journalists to solve the above tasks.

It should be noted that according to official data, IT-sector of
economy in Armenia in 2004 grew 10% – to $50 mln, however, unofficial
data day that the volume is $150-$300 mln. The greatest part of the
production is exported.

US Christian leaders meet Palestinian Authority head

US Christian leaders meet Palestinian Authority head -05/06/05

Ekklesia, UK
June 5 2005

Senior US Christian leaders have met with the head of the Palestinian
Authority following his discussions last week with President George
W Bush. Their aim was to encourage further initiatives towards
bridge-building in the Middle East.

The National Council of Churches USA General Secretary, the Rev Dr
Bob Edgar, and the Chief Executive of the United Methodist Board of
Church and Society, James Winkler, were among those who engaged in
what they described as ‘constructive conversations’ with Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas shortly after his White House Rose Garden
press conference.

During the meeting, Dr Edgar described to Mr Abbas his deep
sadness on seeing the wall that separates Israeli and Palestinian
neighbourhoods – and also divides Palestinians from others in their
own community. “Walls separate, bridges heal,” he declared.

Following the encounter, Dr Edgar said that he was “excited about
the opportunity to meet with President Abbas. I also look forward
to the day when we will be able to meet with Prime Minister Sharon
[of Israel].

“It is extremely important that we continue to work and pray for peace
in the Holy Land,” continued the US ecumenical leader. In spite of
the conditions we remain hopeful that peace is possible.”

Other denominations and organizations represented included the Armenian
Orthodox, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Mennonites, Church of the Brethren,
Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and the development agency World Vision.

NCCUSA gathers together churches representing 50 million mainly
Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox Christians across the USA. A wider
network, Churches Together in the USA, is building further links with
Catholics, independent evangelicals and Pentecostals.

Support Picket Overrun by Intolerance Mongers and Photo-Op Seekers

June 4 2005

Support Picket Overrun by Intolerance Mongers and Photo-Op Seekers

Anastasiya Lebedev

At the picket in support of Alexandra Ivannikova, people held signs
saying that Alexandra did the right thing, that courts are corrupted,
and that people have a right to self-defense. At a support meeting,
that was to be expected. Also there were party banners, party armbands,
and nationalist speeches. Unfortunately, in contemporary Russia,
that was also to be expected.

On Thursday, June 2, a Moscow court convicted Ivannikova of voluntary
manslaughter (killing in the heat of passion) of Sergey Bagdasarian,
a gypsy cab driver who had tried to rape her in December 2003. She
was given a two-year suspended sentence and ordered to pay 206
thousand rubles (approx. $7360) to the family of the deceased.
Ivannikova’s lawyer’s efforts to have the woman’s actions re-classified
as self-defense failed. The court session was closed by plaintiffs’
(the family of the deceased) request. On June 3, a picket in the
center of Moscow was held to protest the sentence.

The picket, as most recent pickets and rallies, became a political
soiree of sorts. All the regulars of Russian street politics dropped
in to say a word, hold a sign, wave a flag, or get some attention
by pointing out how their particular movement or party would fight
for the prevention of such cases. Ultra-nationalist LDPR Youth,
nationalist Rodina youth, pro-regime Eurasian Youth Movement all flew
their standards, while their liberal counterparts from Yabloko youth
chose not to display party affiliation, but were there as a team and
a statement anyway.

Other movements who’d been following Ivannikova’s case included DPNI
(Movement Against Illegal Immigrants) and groups arguing for the
right to bear arms. DPNI, which likes to blame ethnic non-Russians
for all that goes wrong in the motherland, has been hot and heavy on
the case because Bagdasarian was an ethnic Armenian.

The majority of the picketers looked rather lost – they were quite good
at posing for press and amateur photographers abundant at the event,
but other than chanting discordantly and half-heartedly “Fair trial
for an honest person” and “Acquit Ivannikova,” they weren’t quite
sure what to do. When asked how they learned about Ivannikova’s case,
most responded that they had learned about it online. Ivannikova’s
lawyer, who blogged about the case throughout the trial, was the one
to initially attract attention to the case. Because the trial was
closed – no press or public admitted – his story is what Ivannikova’s
supporters go on. They believe that the court was either pressured
or paid off by Bagdasarian’s family. The picket livened up when
ultra-nationalists got up to speak.

Radical nationalists have been making ethnicity a central issue
in the case. Alexander Belov from DPNI barked on and on about the
right of all women to carry knives, about Russian women being raped,
and Russia being “our” country. Aleksey, another DPNI member in the
picketing crowd, first stated that the movement would have exactly
the same position had the young woman been threatened by an ethnic
Russian, then added: “The national aspect is important. You-know-how
come here and rape.”

Their speeches definitely appealed to the few seniors who had come
after hearing an announcement on Narodnoye, or People’s Radio, as
they had explained. An elderly couple who introduced themselves as
Pyotr and Adelaida said they’d come to the “protest the stranglehold
of the foreign-born. Yes, the stranglehold of the foreign-born. And to
support Ivannikova, but most importantly, to protest the stranglehold
of the foreign-born.”

Looking at the party reps wrapped in banners, Nikolay, a picketer
who’s in a youth political movement but who came privately, said,
“I believe that this is publicity that exploits someone’s misfortune.”
Natalya Kholmogorova, one of the picket’s organizers, disagreed: “This
is a necessary evil. Political activists will publicize themselves
by the means of this case, but if they manage to help Alexandra,
that’s good.” Andrei, another independent picketer who came to
express his stance on self-defense and punishment for rape (which he
believes should be death), said, shaking his head, as Belov ranted:
“I didn’t expect overt fascism.”

After Belov’s tirades, more moderate speakers stepped up, demanding
the acquittal of Ivannikova and even an award for her courageous
self-defense. However, the liberal party picketers left after the DPNI
address, unwilling to appear to be supporting the ultra-nationalist
position. A while later, the picket drifted apart as activists folded
up banners and took off armbands. What could have been made into a
poignant case for self-defense and women’s rights was little more than
a photo-op for Russia’s nationalists and a soap-box for intolerance.

In December 2003, after getting into Bagdasarian’s car for a ride
home, Ivannikova stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife which
she has carried with her since the age of 16, when she had been
first assaulted. She accidentally ruptured an artery, after which
Bagdasarian bled to death.

Dashnaks Plan Shift In Genocide Recognition Effort

Armenia Liberty – Radio Liberty, Czech Republic
June 3 2005

Dashnaks Plan Shift In Genocide Recognition Effort
By Ruzanna Stepanian

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) plans a major
shift in its decades-long campaign for international recognition
of the Armenian genocide that will aim to hold modern-day Turkey
accountable for the events of 1915-1918, it emerged on Friday.

Giro Manoyan, the spokesman for the pan-Armenian party’s governing
Bureau, said that genocide recognition alone would not restore historic
justice and that the international community should now “hold Turkey
accountable” for the extermination of some 1.5 million Armenians in
the Ottoman Empire.

“There is no longer a need to merely prove a historic fact,” Manoyan
told RFE/RL. He indicated that this will be at the heart of a planned
“adjustment” of the activities Dashnaktsutyun’s lobbying structures
in the United States, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

Representatives of those structures began on Friday a two-day meeting
to discuss the shift in the nationalist party’s emphases. The meeting
took place behind the closed doors.

The policy change is in tune with one of the main tenets of
Dashnaktsutyun which has never made secret of its desire to get Turkey
to not only admit to the genocide but also pay material compensation
to Armenia and descendants of genocide victims.

Earlier this year, Dashnaktsutyun accused the United States of prodding
Turkey to recognize the genocide “without consequences.” Its leaders
also want Yerevan to keep the door open for future territorial and
financial claims to Ankara.

“We believe that Armenia is unable to make such demands today,”
Manoyan told RFE/RL in April. “But this doesn’t mean that it will be
unable to do so tomorrow.”

This stance contrasts with the official position of the Armenian
government in which Dashnaktsutyun is represented with three
ministers. “We are not talking about compensations, this is only
about a moral issue,” President Robert Kocharian said recently.

Manoyan claimed on Friday that in seeking Turkish reparations the
Armenians can count on the support of countries like France that
want Turkey to address the genocide issue before joining the European
Union. “Incidentally, these are the countries that have said ‘no’ to
the EU constitution,” he said. “According to commentators in those
countries, the ‘no’ vote was in large part due to the prospect of
Turkey’s EU membership.”

However, neither France nor other EU nations that recognized the
Armenian genocide have ever called for Turkish reparations. In a
landmark 1987 resolution, the European Parliament stressed that
“neither political nor legal or material claims against present-day
Turkey can be derived from the recognition of this historical event
as an act of genocide.”

Bank caught in Cyprus property battle

Bank caught in Cyprus property battle
By Kerin Hope

June 2 2005 03:00

HSBC, the global bank, has become one the casualties of an increasingly
bitter dispute over property that further threatens chances of a
settlement on the divided island of Cyprus.

The Greek Cypriot owner of HSBC’s premises on the Turkish Cypriot
north of the island has asked the bank to start paying a monthly rent
on its previously rent-free branch in Kyrenia.

The property was used by Demirbank, a Turkish bank, until 2003,
when it was acquired by HSBC.

“There wasn’t much point in a Greek Cypriot trying to get the Turks to
pay up. But it’s different now that Cyprus is in the EU and a British
bank is involved,” says a Nicosia-based lawyer familiar with the case.

In talks this week, Sir Kieran Prendergast, a United Nations envoy,
is exploring scope for resuming negotiations to reunify Cyprus within
the European Union.

But a spate of lawsuits filed by Greek Cypriots seeking to prevent
their property in the Turkish Cypriot-controlled north from being
developed as holiday villas or commercial premises threaten to
undermine the improved relations between the two communities that
had been seen as critical for securing a settlement.

The Greek Cypriots overwhelmingly rejected a UN peace plan at a
referendum last year – a move that prevented the Turkish Cypriots,
who had approved the plan in a separate vote, from joining the
European Union.

By triggering fears the island could be permanently partitioned,
the Greek Cypriot rejection also accelerated a building boom in the
north, where more than 75 per cent of land is owned by Greek Cypriots
who fled when Turkish troops invaded in 1974 after a coup aimed at
uniting Cyprus with Greece.

The government of the self-declared Turkish Cypriot Republic of
Northern Cyprus transferred land to Turkish Cypriots who lost property
in the south and to settlers from the Turkish mainland. New title
deeds were also issued.

“North Cyprus is one of the cheapest property markets in the
Mediterranean, and demand is increasing, especially with Turkey in
line for EU membership,” says a Turkish Cypriot lawyer. “If the
Greek Cypriots don’t want a settlement, why not develop the land
they abandoned.”

In a test case, a Greek Cypriot court in January ordered Linda and
David Orams, a British couple, to demolish their villa in the north
and pay compensation to the Greek Cypriot owner for illegally making
use of his property.

The decision cannot be enforced in the north, but now that Cyprus
is an EU member, the Greek Cypriot authorities can seek to have the
court decision enforced against the Orams’ property in the UK.

In retaliation, foreign homeowners in the north have set up a
UK-based lobbying organisation and retained a London firm of lawyers
to protect their interests. About 6,000 foreigners, mainly UK citizens,
are believed to own property in north Cyprus.

Ian Betts, a retired accountant and treasurer of Eupro, the lobby
group, said: “People here bought in good faith and believe they’re
being unfairly targeted by Greek Cypriots. We are raising funds for
a legal counter-attack.”

The UN peace plan provided for returning two-thirds of Greek Cypriot
properties in the north, through a territorial adjustment and
exchanges with Turkish Cypriot property in the south. Greek Cypriots
would have been allowed holiday homes in areas under Turkish Cypriot

“By rejecting the plan, the Greek Cypriots put their property
in the north at risk,” says Loukas Charalambous, a Greek Cypriot
commentator. “Taking legal action against foreigners and Turkish
Cypriots only cultivates hostility and a climate of confrontation.”