Fake invasion news panics Georgia

Fake invasion news panics Georgia

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2010/03/14 10:22:46 GMT

Panic was sparked in Georgia after a TV station broadcast news that
Russian tanks had invaded the capital and the country’s president was

The Imedi network report, which brought back memories of the 2008 war
between Russia and Georgia, was false.

But mobile phone networks were overwhelmed with calls and many people
rushed onto the streets.

Imedi said the aim had been to show how events might unfold if the
president were killed. It later apologised.

The head of the holding company which owns Imedi TV, George Arveladze,
said he was sorry for the distress that the TV report had caused.


For a brief moment on Saturday evening many Georgians thought history
was repeating itself, the BBC’s Tom Esslemont in Tbilisi says.


1926 – mass anxiety after a BBC report of a murderous riot in London.
It was a spoof by a literary priest
1938 – thousands flee after a CBS Radio report on Martians landing in
New Jersey. It was a radio version of HG Wells War of the Worlds
1994 – panic in Taiyuan, China, after a TV report of a deadly creature
on the loose. It was a commercial for a new brand of liquor
It is only 18 months since Russian tanks came within 45km (28 miles)
of the Georgian capital, our correspondent adds.

In its news report, pro-government Imedi TV showed archive footage of
the war and imagined how opposition figures might seize power after an
assassination of the country’s President, Mikheil Saakashvili.

Although the broadcast was introduced as a simulation of possible
events, the warning was lost on many Georgians, our correspondent

One local news agency reported that emergency services had received an
unusually high volume of calls in the ensuing minutes.

And once calm returned, the report was seen by some as a poorly
disguised swipe at the Georgian opposition politicians who recently
travelled to Moscow to meet Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Mr Arveladze told Reuters that the aim was to show "the real threat"
of how events might unfold.

That did not stop dozens of journalists and angry Georgians who
gathered outside the Imedi TV studios to protest.

One opposition politician who was there labelled the report "disgusting".


La Maison Blanche, le genocide armenien et les protocoles armeno-tur

Le Monde, France
11 Mars 2010

La Maison Blanche, le génocide arménien et les protocoles arméno-turcs

par Jules Boyadjian
LEMONDE.FR | 11.03.10 | 10h47

Le 4 mars 2010, la commission des affaires étrangères de la Chambre
des représentants des Etats-Unis a adopté par 23 voix contre 22 la
résolution H.Res.252 portant reconnaissance du génocide arménien. Ce
vote traduit incontestablement une volonté légitime des congressistes
de condamner la politique négationniste conduite par Ankara et de
restaurer l’une des pages les plus sombres de l’histoire de
l’Humanité. Mais l’attitude du département d’Etat américain, incarnée
par la secrétaire d’Etat, Hillary Clinton, dévoile la réelle
signification des deux protocoles signés le 10 octobre 2009 par les
présidents Gül et Sarkissian censés entériner le rapprochement
arméno-turc. Les masques sont désormais tombés.

Tout au long de ce processus ayant aboutit au vote du 4 mars, le
département d’Etat, hautement impliqué dans la médiation arméno-turque
et la rédaction de ces fameux protocoles, a ostensiblement aligné sa
position concernant la résolution H.Res.252 sur l’évolution de ce
rapprochement. D’autant que la procédure patine faute d’avoir dissipé
le trouble sur la question éminemment importante du génocide arménien,
tout en ayant introduit dans ces protocoles une commission bilatérale
à vocation historique, dont le périmètre obscur laissait penser qu’il
s’agirait en définitive d’un énième stratagème pour enfouir la vérité
pourtant attestée par déjà tant de recherches universitaires et

La Cour constitutionnelle arménienne pensait lever les doutes en
rappelant, dans son examen des protocoles, un article de la
Déclaration d’indépendance arménienne faisant explicitement référence
au génocide arménien. Elle n’imaginait sans doute pas qu’elle
déclencherait l’ire du gouvernement turc, accusant l’Arménie de trahir
l’esprit des protocoles et annonçant qu’elle ne ratifierait pas ces
textes. Quant à la Maison Blanche, elle maintenait le trouble sur ce
qu’il fallait percevoir de ces protocoles, en faisant savoir par
l’intermédiaire de son ambassadeur en Turquie, James Jeffrey, qu’elle
soutenait la décision de la Cour constitutionnelle arménienne.
Beaucoup en furent décontenancés.

Au même moment, l’administration américaine se distinguait par une
remarquable discrétion au sujet de la résolution H.Res.252, une
attitude qui put être considérée initialement comme un soutien à cette
reconnaissance. Elle fut en réalité l’expression d’une sanction au
refus par la Turquie de ratifier ces protocoles. La requête de Barack
Obama à son homologue Abdullah Gül d’annoncer la mise sur agenda de
ces protocoles au Parlement turc pour faire barrage au vote de la
commission de la résolution H.Res.252 en fut la parfaite illustration,
au même titre que l’annonce faite par Hillary Clinton, au lendemain du
vote, de sa ferme intention de faire échouer l’adoption en session
plénière de cette résolution au motif que les Etats-Unis
privilégiaient le processus enclenché par la signature des protocoles.
Dès lors le piège se referma, faisant apparaître au grand jour la
stratégie sous-jacente à ces protocoles d’isolement et de confinement
de la cause arménienne.

Quant au gouvernement turc, sa réaction épidermique à l’annonce d’un
vote en commission de cette résolution attesta une fois de plus de son
entêtement à entretenir une politique négationniste active. Mais aux
sempiternelles annonces de représailles économique, industrielle,
diplomatique et militaire, auxquelles la Maison Blanche reste très
attentive, fut ajouté un argument plus insidieux opposant à la volonté
américaine de reconnaître le génocide l’introduction prévue par ces
protocoles d’une commission d’historiens entre les deux pays. Mais
concevoir cette commission, laquelle devint le meilleur argument
opposé là où la reconnaissance du génocide arménien fut engagée, comme
une issue vers l’admission par la Turquie du passé génocidaire de
l’Empire ottoman relève de l’absurdité. Que les Etats-Unis s’y soient
laissés prendre suppose un jésuitisme forcené ou, pis, une
complaisance voire une compromission du département d’Etat envers la
politique négationniste d’Ankara. Pour autant, l’opposition de la
Maison Blanche à cette résolution n’est pas incohérente avec une
certaine conception des protocoles, qui s’imposera si effectivement
l’équipe du président américain réussit à contraindre Nancy Pelosi,
présidente du Congrès, pourtant fidèle alliée de la cause arménienne,
à ne pas présenter cette résolution en session plénière de la Chambre
des représentants.

Si cette réalité advenait, elle laisserait en suspens une
interrogation : comment concevoir une réconciliation fondée sur un
déni de crime de génocide ? Une hypothèse inconcevable suscitant une
inquiétude sur la perspective de réconciliation. Là encore, Washington
pourrait apporter une réponse efficace. En revenant sur ses intentions
à l’encontre de cette résolution, en laissant un vote se dérouler en
session plénière, alors l’administration américaine briserait l’étau
dans lequel elle a précipité la cause arménienne. Mieux, Barack Obama,
le président prix Nobel de la paix, celui s’étant fait le garant des
valeurs humanistes, pourrait lors des prochaines commémorations du
génocide arménien, le 24 avril, adresser un message fort à la Turquie,
en employant enfin le terme de génocide pour définir les événements de
1915. Dans le cas contraire, l’Arménie devrait en tirer toutes les
conséquences et se retirer de ce processus voué à l’échec. Et la
Maison Blanche perdrait une occasion unique de contribuer à un
authentique mouvement de réconciliation, le seul pouvant aboutir à une
réelle pacification et la perspective d’un avenir commun entre Turcs
et Arméniens, celui fondé sur la reconnaissance inconditionnelle et la
réparation légitime du génocide arménien.

Jules Boyadjian est rédacteur en chef du journal Haïastan (Arménie)

ns/article/2010/03/11/la-maison-blanche-le-genocid e-armenien-et-les-protocoles-armeno-turcs-par-jule s-boyadjian_1317543_3232.html


Sweden-Turkey Relations To Undergo Changes After Genocide Resolution


March 12 2010

After Swedish Parliament voted for resolution on Armenian genocide,
Swedish Ambassador to Turkey Christer Asp was summoned to the Turkish
Foreign Ministry on March 12, reads Swedish the Local English-language

"One will naturally express regret over the parliament’s decision
and present one’s own view on the issue," the source says Christer
Asp told TT news agency.

The newspaper also quotes Turkish Ambassador to Sweden Zergun
Koruturk recalled after the Genocide Resolution motion passed in
Riksdag. "I’m disappointed and somewhat surprised because I expected
the parliament to adopt the normal position that it is not the job of
parliamentarians to decide whether or not a genocide has taken place,"
she told to Swedish TT agency, adding this will have a drastic impact
on Sweden-Turkey relations.

ANKARA: Scheduled Turkish Visits To US In Doubt After Swedish Resolu

Jale Ozgenturk

March 12 2010

Acting after Sweden’s parliament voted to recognize the killings
of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire as "genocide," the Turkish
government is advising business circles to postpone visits to countries
that have accepted claims of genocide, including the United States. A
U.S. House committee passed a similar resolution on March 5.

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has advised the Turkish Union of Chambers
and Commodities Exchanges, or TOBB, Foreign Economic Relations Council,
or DEÄ°K, and the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association,
or TUSÄ°AD, to refrain from attending meetings in these countries.

Meetings important for Turkish businesses are scheduled for March and
April in the U.S. Umit Boyner, the TUSÄ°AD chairwoman and members of
the TUSÄ°AD board had previously announced they would visit the U.S.

between March 15 and 18.

According to sources, as Boyner was conducting meetings in Ankara
after the passing of the U.S. House committee resolution, the Foreign
Ministry conveyed its sensitivity indirectly.

Asked about the issue, Boyner said TUSÄ°AD has not received any request
from the Foreign Ministry yet. "But it is normal for them to have
such sensitivity," she said. "We are trying to prepare an effective
program that would enhance productivity in relations. Next week,
we have an appointment with France’s Europe minister Pierre Lellouche."

An important meeting for Turkey is the annual U.S.-Turkey relations
conference, organized for the 29th time this year by the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce. The conference, scheduled between April 11 and 14, would
be attended by TOBB and DEÄ°K members, under normal circumstances. The
conference brings together more than 600 participants from Turkey
and the U.S., facilitating business relations in various sectors.

This year, invitees include Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, U.S.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. National Security Adviser
Jim Jones, Deputy U.S. Chief of Staff James Cartwright and his Turkish
counterpart, Aslan Guner.

After March 5, Turkish interest in such meetings has waned. It
is expected that TOBB and DEÄ°K will take the Foreign Ministry’s
sensitivity into consideration.

Meanwhile, Foreign Ministry officials said the government’s official
line is in favor of not holding high-level visits at such a time,
recalling that Industry Minister Zafer Caglayan’s visit scheduled for
March 19 has been delayed. Noting that TUSÄ°AD asked the opinion of the
Foreign Ministry before a scheduled visit, a ministry official said,
on condition of anonymity: "But we told them the last decision rests
with them. We cannot say anything to independent organizations that
can be interpreted as an instruction. For example, Guler Sabancı
was also going to travel to the U.S. but we learned she cancelled
the trip upon her personal decision."

Hijab-Wearing Belgian Lawmaker Courts Controversy


France 24
Mar ch 11 2010

Hijab-wearing Mahinur Ozdemir, the youngest deputy to serve in the
Belgian parliament, attracts her fair share of attention for her
attire and views. The 27 year-old is of Turkish origin.

By Kattalin LANDABURU (text) At 27, Mahinur Ozdemir is by far the
youngest deputy to serve in the Belgian parliament in Brussels. As
the debate about the Muslim headscarf rages on in several European
nations, she has also become a lightening rod for controversy.

"I am an example of social integration, and yet I wear the headscarf,"
says the Belgian national of Turkish origin.

When she was sworn in on June 23, 2009, pledging to uphold Belgian
laws while clad in her hijab, murmurings of discontent could be
heard among her detractors. The news of her confirmation attracted
much media attention, particularly in Turkey. "At home, she would
be dismissed from parliament," noted one incredulous journalist,
who had travelled from Istanbul to cover the event.

But neither the attention on her veil nor the accusations of her having
rejected the Armenian genocide seem to perturb the young lawmaker. If
anything, she seems surprised at the interest in her.

"Underneath this scarf is a head full of ideas," she said in an
interview with RTBF, Belgium’s French-language public television
channel. "Even if it hides my hair, it should not hide my personality.

I am an active Belgian citizen and I want to move things forward;
I am at the service of all inhabitants of Brussels."

Hailing from a family of small shopkeepers, Ozdemir was born in
Scharbeek, one of the most culturally diverse areas of the Belgian
capital with no less than 150 nationalities represented and where
40 percent of the city’s Turks live. With support from her father,
an administrator for the community’s Turkish cultural association,
she studied political science. She gave up reading law after learning
that she could not plead cases in court while wearing the hijab. At
23, she was elected community counselor while a student at the Free
University of Brussels.

She believes the scarf is a part of her identity and says she has
worn the head covering since 14 "without obligation". Neither her
sister nor her aunts wear the scarf.

‘Not the Nazi era’

Ozdemir toed her party (Humanist Democratic Centre) line during
the debate over headscarves in public schools, saying "it should be
forbidden during primary school education."

But when asked about recent moves by the new Popular Party, which
has proposed banning the hijab within private firms, Ozdemir was
less reticent. In an interview with the satirical weekly Pan, she
was unequivocal: "They do not realise that this is not the Nazi era."

Her comments then sparked a row. The Popular Party asked for
clarification from Ozdemir’s Humanist Democratic Centre, saying
it would otherwise seek redress in the courts. The left-leaning
Reformist Movement also joined in the fray, calling Ozdemir’s comments
unacceptable."To equate the democratic value of secularism with Nazism
is unacceptable," said four of its liberal deputies in a joint letter.

The latest controversy is bad news for Ozdemir, who had promised to
lead "a calm discussion" on the matter.


Naira Zohrabyan: Armenian-Turkish Rapprochement Contributes To Inter


12.03.2010 12:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ We hail the decision of the Swedish Parliament
to recognize the Armenian Genocide, Naira Zohrabyan , MP from the
Prosperous Armenia parliamentary group told PanARMENIAN.Net.

According to MP, the recognition of the Genocide by the Swedish
Parliament on March 11 and adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution
by U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs on March 4 showed that
the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement does not impede the genocide
recognition process, just vice versa.

Address of the Swedish MP of Armenian origin Isabelle Dingiryan
significantly influenced the decision of the Swedish parliament, Naira
Zohrabyan said. The NA standing committees on European integration
has already invited Isabelle Dingiryan to visit Armenia on 27 March.

"During this visit we will discuss issues related to Armenia – Sweden
inter-parliamentary cooperation, establishment of the Armenian-Swedish
Friendship Group in the parliament of Sweden," she said.

The Swedish Parliament adopted the resolution by a vote of 131 to 130,
recognizing the Armenian, Assyrian, Syriac, Chaldean and Pontic Greek
genocides. The motion also calls on Swedish authorities to work with
the United Nations, European Union and Turkey to secure international
affirmation of this crime against humanity.

Gulian: NKR Hasn’t Received Updated Version Of Madrid Document


March 12 2010

"Nagorno-Karabakh hasn’t received the updated version of the Madrid
Document, related to the settlement to the Karabakh conflict," told
journalists Speaker of the NKR Parliament Ashot Gulian, following
the meeting with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Joao Soares.

According to Ashot Gulian, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs will visit
the region soon and will deliver the updated document.

When asked about an agreement, reached between Presidents of Armenia
and Azerbaijan in Russia’s Sochi, Speaker said doesn’t know any

"There hasn’t been delivered any written version of agreements. It
seems to me, you are talking about agreements, reached by word of mouth
on preamble’s wording, which repeats the position of three superpowers,
and includes the clarification of the framework of international law,"
he said.

Patriarch Of Moscow And All Russia Kirill I To Pay Official Visit To


Noyan Tapan
March 12, 2010

ETCHMIADZIN, MARCH 12, NOYAN TAPAN. At the invitation of the Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, the Patriarch
of Moscow and All Russia Kirill I will be on an official visit to
the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and Armenia on March 16-18.

The Information System of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin reports
that the ceremony of welcoming Patriarch Kirill I will start at the
Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin at 3.30 pm on March 16. On this
occasion the Right Hand of Surb Grigor Lusavorich (Saint Gregory the
Illuminator) will be brought into the Mother Cathedral for the two
patriarchs, the priests and the faithful to worship it.

A prayer will begin at the Surb Grigor Lusavorich Church in Yerevan
on March 17 at 6 pm, after which Karekin II and Kirill I will give
their blessing to the faithful.

Millennium Challenge Corporation Commits $8.08 Million To Rehabilita


12.03.2010 19:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On March 12, 2010 the Millennium Challenge Account –
Armenia (MCA-Armenia) signed a contract on rehabilitation of Ararat
valley drainage system. The contract was awarded to the consortium of
SADE (France), Blesk (Russia) and Artezia (Armenia) as a subcontractor,
with the total price of USD 8.08 million. The contract is in addition
to the first package of works (USD 7 million) aimed at rehabilitation
of the Ararat Valley drainage system, awarded in 2009 to the Armenian
company "Sahakyanshin".

The rehabilitation of the drainage system will reduce ground water
levels in 35 beneficiary communities of Ararat and Armavir marzes,
improving social conditions in communities and promoting development
of agriculture. Works include cleaning and deepening of collector,
secondary and tertiary drains, improvement of drainage system by
constructing 3 big culverts and numerous small structures, removal
of blockages in the drains and provision of substitute measures to
provide irrigation water, rehabilitation of a number of artesian wells,
limited amount of work on sub-surface drainage within 3 sub-regions
– south-eastern, central and northwestern parts of Ararat Valley,
while maintaining an optimally balanced ecosystem in the wetlands.

Ararat Valley is the biggest agricultural zone in Armenia and provides
around 30 per cent of the agricultural GDP of the country. Over the
last decades water-logging and mineralization decreased agricultural
productivity levels. The rehabilitation will help to increase crop
productivity in the drainage area, better regulate groundwater levels
and reduce water-logging within settlements.

MCC’s total investment into the agricultural and water sector in
Armenia, through the MCA-Armenia program, will amount to about USD180
million by September 2011.

Millennium Challenge Account-Armenia is a atate non-commercial
organization established by the government of Armenia.


Millennium Challenge Corporation commits $ 8.08 million to
rehabilitation of Ararat valley drainage system.

Deputy Chairman Of Republican Party Of Armenia: There Is No Real Thr


2010-03-10 17:00:00

"There is no real threat of resumption of war between Armenia and
Azerbaijan",- Head of the Republican Party of Armenian (RPA) faction,
Deputy Chairman of RPA Galoust Sahakyan said to ArmInfo correspondent.

Striving to cause some excitement, certain political forces always
resort to such methods and spread such rumors. "Armenia should always
be ready for a war. However, at present and in the near future
there can be no threat of war at all, the international community
also states this",- stressed Sahakyan and added that having serious
financial means, Azerbaijan is not ready for a war psychologically.

To note, representatives of various political forces, particularly,
oppositional ones, constantly speak of possible resumption of war
between Armenia and Azerbaijan.