24 Feb 05

The Central Committee of the World Council of Churches called its
sitting in Geneva on Feb. 15-22. Archbishop Aghan Paliozian and Silva
Ghazelian represented the Holy See of Etchmiadzin. His Holiness Aram I
Catholicos of Cilicia presided the sitting.

Bishop Ilarion Alfeyev from Austria’s Russian Orthodox Church offered
in the course of the sitting to call for all WCC member-churches to
remember the victims of the Armenian Genocide in their prayers in
April of 24 and to organize further programs on this occasion. “The
road to justice and reconciliation as a necessary precondition
demands, from Christian standpoint, acceptance of the committed crimes
in order to heal the memories and bring forgiveness”, the Committee’s
statement reads.

The opening ceremony of the sitting was accompanied by archbishop
Aghan Paliozian’s prayer.

Volkermord ins Parlament

25 Februar 2005

Völkermord ins Parlament
Von Regina Mönch

23. Februar 2005 Die CDU/CSU-Fraktion hat beschlossen, in den Bundestag
einen Antrag zum Gedenken an die letzten, die furchtbarsten
Vertreibungen und die Massaker an der armenischen Bevölkerung des
Osmanischen Reiches einzubringen. Fände der Antrag eine Mehrheit, würde
dies eine grundsätzliche Wende bedeuten, denn die deutsche Politik
glaubte bisher, auf verwunschenen diplomatischen Pfaden wäre die Türkei
eines Tages davon abzubringen, sich ihrer Verantwortung für den Genozid
an den Armeniern unter jungtürkischer Regierung zu verweigern. Wer
schweigt, so der Irrglaube, kann wenig falsch machen.

Die Deportationen und Massaker, denen etwa anderthalb Millionen Armenier
zum Opfer fielen, begannen vor neunzig Jahren. Der Antrag, der die
historischen Hintergründe, die Fakten und die Rolle des Deutschen
Reiches in dieser Katastrophe ungewohnt ausführlich darlegt, vermeidet
den Begriff âžVölkermord❠und nennt sein wichtigstes Ziel gleich im
Titel: einen deutschen Beitrag zur Versöhnung zwischen Türken und
Armeniern, auch jenen, die mitten unter uns leben. Es handelt sich aber
nicht um eine Resolution mit Gesetzeskraft, wie sie vor vier Jahren vom
französischen Parlament verabschiedet wurde. Gegen diese Erklärung
hatten damals auch deutsche Politiker polemisiert, weil man die Türkei
nicht zwingen dürfe, von ihrer Leugnungspolitik abzurücken. Sie müsse
selbst zur Erkenntnis kommen, hieß es seinerzeit, und es sei auch nicht
die Aufgabe von Parlamenten, historische Ereignisse zu bewerten.

Türkei rigoros

Damit hatten sich jene durchgesetzt, die die Türkei nicht verärgern
wollten. Wie sich Armenier dabei fühlten, war ziemlich egal, weil
weltpolitisch ohne Bedeutung. Anderthalb Jahre vor der französischen
Initiative hatte ein Brief des damaligen amerikanischen Präsidenten Bill
Clinton an das Repräsentantenhaus in Washington fast in letzter Minute
dessen geplante Resolution zum Genozid an den Armeniern verhindert –
wegen âžbedeutender nationaler Interessenâ. Die Türkei hatte zuvor
gedroht, ihre Luftwaffenbasis Incirlik für die Vereinigten Staaten zu
schließen, und die ehemalige türkische Ministerpräsidentin Ciller
forderte sogar, türkische Armenier deportieren zu lassen, weil sie
Illegale seien.

Schon im April 2000 hatten sich sechstausend deutsche Armenier, die
Würdenträger der armenisch-apostolischen Kirche in Deutschland, aber
auch Vereine, darunter kurdische, an den Petitionsausschuß des Deutschen
Bundestages mit der Bitte gewandt, die Regierung der Türkei
aufzufordern, die historischen Tatsachen der Verbrechen von 1915
anzuerkennen. Ein Jahr später wurde der Vorgang ans Auswärtige Amt
überwiesen, verbunden mit der Bitte, âždie Angelegenheit im Rahmen der
diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland
anzusprechenâ. Seitdem herrscht offiziell wieder Schweigen. Das
Verhältnis zwischen der Türkei und der Republik Armenien ist zerrütteter
denn je. Die Schuld daran geben einige deutsche Diplomaten und Politiker
auch den Armeniern, die zu sehr auf ihre Vergangenheit fixiert seien –
so als sei Versöhnung ohne Wahrheit zu haben – und dabei ihre
politischen Ziele aus den Augen verlören. Eine abenteuerliche
Begründung, vergleicht man sie mit den hierzulande und überhaupt in
Europa ansonsten üblichen Standards für Menschenrechte und
Erinnerungskultur. Die Hoffnung, im Zuge der türkischen
Beitrtittsverhandlungen mit der EU werde sich etwas ändern, hat sich
bisher nicht bestätigt.

âžMaterielle Interessenâ

Wer das nicht glaubt, studiere die offizielle Website der türkischen
Außenpolitik. Ein Gesetz, welches in der Türkei all jene, auch
unabhängig arbeitende Historiker, mit Gefängnisstrafe bedrohte, wenn sie
den Genozid an den Armeniern einen Genozid nennen, ist zwar geändert
worden. Doch macht sich nun strafbar, wer mit âžausländischer
Unterstützungâ, zum Beispiel bei Veranstaltungen von Stiftungen, oder
aus âžmateriellen Interessen❠darüber redet. Ein weites Feld für diffuse

Im Antrag der Unionsfraktion wird ausdrücklich darauf verwiesen, daß es
auch darum geht, Historiker und Verleger in der Türkei zu bestärken,
sich mit diesem Teil der nationalen Vergangenheit auseinanderzusetzen,
und sie gegebenenfalls vor Strafverfolgung zu schützen. Das ist ein
anderer Ton als der lange hierzulande vorherrschende, der sich gern
hinter Empfindlichkeiten der großen türkischen Gemeinde in Deutschland
verschanzte und nationalistische Entgleisungen in bezug auf die
Armeniertragödie kleinzureden versuchte und dabei schon mal die
Meinungsfreiheit preisgab.

Türkei verletzt Versöhnungsidee der EU

Das Bestreben der Türkei zu leugnen, daß den Verfolgungen von 1915
Planmäßigkeit zugrunde gelegen habe und Massenmord im staatlichen
Auftrag gewesen sei, stehe im Widerspruch zur Versöhnungsidee der EU,
heißt es in dem Antrag. Der erwähnt auch, daß zu den Repressionsopfern
der jungtürkischen Nationalisten hohe türkische Beamte und osmanische
Parlamentarier gehörten, die die Vertreibungen und Massaker damals
ablehnten. Zwei Absätze schildern die Verstrickung des Deutschen Reiches
in diese Vorgänge und empfehlen die Archive des Auswärtigen Amtes und
das Hallenser Lepsius-Archivs zur Überprüfung der haltlosen Ausrede, die
nicht nur von der Türkei gern bemüht wird, zuerst einmal müßten sich die
Historiker einigen.

Die sind sich nämlich seit Jahren weitgehend einig, denn die Ereignisse
sind gut erforscht, wenn auch wenig bekannt. Und weil es sich im Falle
des Gedenkens an einen Völkermord nicht um Geschichtsdeutung und auch
nicht um einen Historikerstreit handelt, sondern um eine politische
Antwort auf die politische Leugnung historischer Tatsachen, kommt der
Antrag der Unionsfraktion zur rechten Zeit.

In Deutschland unter Militärzensur

Vor fast neunzig Jahren, im Oktober 1915, also mitten im Ersten
Weltkrieg, als Deutschland und die Türkei Verbündete waren, hatte der
Theologe Johannes Lepsius auf Einladung der Pressevereinigung im
Berliner Reichstagsgebäude eine mutige Rede zu den Deportationen und
Morden gehalten und die deutsche Regierung aufgefordert, sofort
einzugreifen. Unmittelbar danach wurde das Thema in Deutschland unter
Militärzensur gestellt, der auch Lepsius’ erste Genozid-Dokumentation
zum Opfer fiel, die die Politiker nicht mehr erreichte. Der Bundestag,
ließe er sich in diesem Jahr endlich auf ein offizielles Gedenken ein,
könnte damit auch eine Debatte aufnehmen, zu der es vor Jahrzehnten
wegen âžÃ¼bergeordneter nationaler Interessen❠nicht mehr kam.

Text: F.A.Z., 24.02.2005, Nr. 46 / Seite 43
Bildmaterial: picture-alliance / dpa/dpaweb

Azeri Students Visiting Armenia


23 Feb 05

The Union of Youth Clubs of Armenia has organized its second regional
program that will include representatives from Azerbaijan as
well. Azerbaijani Hamlet Ismailov from the Center of Social Diplomacy
and Tolerance stated last year in Armenia that bilateral visits are
necessary. Ismailov is participating in “Human Rights Study for
Minority Young Leaders” regional student program that launched today
in Lusakert.

Head of the Union of Youth Clubs, Atom Mkhitarian, thinks that the
fact that Ismailov and another Azeri, Leyla Masmaliyeva, participate
in the program speaks well for the previous program’s success. The
program that hosts 20 representatives from Georgia, Azerbaijan,
Russia, Nagorno Karabakh as well as Kurds, Yezids, Ossetians, Ajars,
Abkhazians was sponsored by European Council. The program is set to
disclose the role of national and religious minorities inthe processes
of regional integration, the minority rights in the global context of
human rights and the importance of young leaders’ activity in solving
piles of issues.

During 5 days of the program participants will meet the staff of the
Armenian ombudsmen, officials from the Department of National and
Religious Minority Issues and will elaborate mutual programs. Atom
Mkhitarian noted that this year the number of applicants from
Azerbaijan was 5-6 contrary to last yearâ=80=99s number, and they had
to choose among them. Mkhitarian considered it possible that students
from Artsakh and Azerbaijan will elaborate a mutual program.

By Tamar Minasian

BAKU: Speech of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Feb 17 2005

[February 16, 2005, 20:04:21]

“Dear Ilham Heydarovich,

Dear friends,

Today, certainly, is a significant day. We have prepared for it with
special feeling, with special goodwill for our Azerbaijan friends and
colleagues. Now, opening the Year of Azerbaijan in Russia, I am glad
to see in Moscow participants and visitors of this celebration. And,
certainly, I want to thank sincerely the President of Azerbaijan, all
people who took part in development of this action, its preparation,
for the big work, which has been done by this moment. It is
confident, what not smaller work and with huge positive result will
be done within the year.

The initiative to carry out so scale actions both in Russia, and in
Azerbaijan was born one year ago during visit of the President of
Azerbaijan Ilham Heydarovich to Moscow. It has been widely maintained
both by the public, and creative collectives. I think it could not be
differently. In fact, our peoples are interested in strengthening of
friendly relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. Peoples with the
common history, similar world visions, and close interlacing of human
destinies. At all national originality, our peoples were always
interesting and important for each other. Also it will be especially
valuable, on all turns of history, we have supported each other,
remaining trustworthy allies and kind friends.

I want to note especially, that for last years, for last decade, such
positive development of relations between Azerbaijan and Russia
became possible due to authority and wisdom of Heydar Aliyev. We in
Russia remember, we honor his merits and his memory. Peoples of
Russia and Azerbaijan faithfully regard our common heritage both in
peace, and in military. I shall not list names of everyone who has
brought in huge contribution to science, culture of the former Soviet
Union, in our common development. The brotherhood of our peoples has
passed training in struggle against fascism. The 60th anniversary of
the Victory comes nearer. And, it is natural, that we shall mark it
together. I am grateful to the President of Azerbaijan that he has
accepted the invitation and will be in Moscow on May 8-9 this year.
Taking the chance, I want to greet veterans of Azerbaijan. We honor
courage and heroism of 600 thousand Azerbaijanis, which
self-denyingly battled on fronts of Great Patriotic War and brought
our general victory. 42 from them became Heroes of Soviet Union, and
12 -knights of “Slava” Order. Today, the Russian-Azerbaijan
political, economic and cultural dialogue consistently and actively
develop. Citizens of both countries connect with its development the
solution of the vital problems. The question is mutually advantageous
cooperation, about questions of employment and migration, about use
of the common cultural-information space, including in sphere of
education, and also about preservation of rich national traditions.
Just the President has mentioned that for last year our commodity
circulation has grown for 50 percent. It is bright result of last
years. I would like to emphasize especially also, that our
partnership is a significant factor of regional stability. We are
equally interested in more active use of CIS opportunities. And for
solution of our common social and economic problems, and for joint
counteraction to threats of national safety, terrorism and extremism.
Russia aspires to promote also to a worthy outcome of the Karabakh
problem and provide reliable safety in this region.

In rapprochement of peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan, we give a
special role to humanitarian connections; we support preservation of
the common spiritual heritage of our peoples. And in this connection,
I want to note successful realization of the first stage of the
Program of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere designed for
2004-2006. Human contacts are inexhaustible strategic resource, which
underlies original interethnic and inter-confessional consent. And
the weightiest word here belongs to creative and scientific
intelligentsia, the religious public, and representatives of the most
different faiths, the Diasporas. Their authority and creative energy
are capable to enrich our dialogue considerably. It is convinced that
uniting all these programs the Year of Azerbaijan in Russia should
open road to new public and business initiatives, direct contacts
between people. We support the closest cooperation with Azerbaijan
and we feel same on the part of our partners.

Once again I want to wish our nations peace and welfare, and to the
Year of Azerbaijan in Russia I want to tell: “Welcome!”


After the official part, was held concert with participation of the
masters of art of Azerbaijan.

Chess: Sasikiran off to winning start at Aeroflot Internationaltourn

Rediff, India
Feb 17 2005

Sasikiran off to winning start

February 16, 2005 19:52 IST

Grandmaster Krishnan Sasikiran took off with a lucky victory over
veteran GM Vitaly Tseshkovsky of Russia in the opening round of the
Aeroflot International open chess tournament in Moscow.

The first round of the USD 175,000 event saw some surprises but it
turned out to be easy outings for top two seeds — Etinne Bacrot of
France and Vassily Ivanchuk of Ukraine — in the ‘A1’ section.

Both Bacrot and Ivanchuk won in identical fashion giving endgame
lessons to Russians Dmitry Jakovenko and Alexander Riazentsev

Third seed and former World champion Ruslan Ponomariov of Ukraine was
held to a draw by Solak Dragan of Serbia.

Amongst the Indians in ‘A1’, National champion GM Surya Shekhar
Ganguly was quite impressive in holding higher rated GM Teimour
Radjabov of Azerbaijan to a draw with black pieces.

GM Sandipan Chanda also did a similar act against GM Bu Xiangzhi of

It turned out to be a mixed first day for the other Indian hopefuls
and gaining the most was former Asian Junior girls champion Tania
Sachdev who scored over International Master Evgeny Kalegin of

Tania, who is looking for her final Women Grandmaster norm here, got
a pleasant surprise on arrival as she was elevated to the ‘A2’ from
earlier permitted ‘B’ group in the event.

Apart from Tania, IM norm holder Parimarjan Negi and country’s latest
Women Grandmaster Eesha Karvade were also added to the higher group
wherein normally only players above 2400 ELO rating are allowed to

Eesha and Negi suffered defeats in their Aeroflot debut going down to
Oleg Chebotarev of Russia and Josep Manuel Lopez Martinez of Spain

Also losing his opening encounter was GM norm aspirant S Kidambi who
could not hold his nerves against Ashot Nadanian of Armenia while GM
Tejas Bakre kicked off with a safe draw with Lev Pevzner of Russia.

In the ‘B’ group, lone Indian IM Dinesh Kumar Sharma drew his game
with Konstantin Kostin of Russia.

Sasikiran played a fine game as black against Tseshkovsky, but the
60-year old proved a tough nut to crack with white pieces against the
Caro Kann defence.

Gaining a balanced middle game without much effort, Sasikiran invited
complications but found Tseshkovsky at guard and the exchanges of
pieces led to a equal middle game. However, the Russian fell under
time pressure and eventually lost on time when only a few pieces
remained on board.

Ganguly showed his deep opening preparation and gave no leverage to
Radjabov who had beaten World’s top rated Garry Kasparov a couple of
years back during the Linares tournament.

Playing black, Ganguly faced the Ruy Lopez closed variation and
attained a level position without much ado.

Radjabov exchanged a couple of minor pieces early but got nothing
before splitting the point after 22 moves.

In other important games of the day, former champion Viktor Bologan
of Moldova did a class act in cruising past Alexander Ivanov while
Alexander Galkin held Armenian Levon Aronian to an easy draw.

Results: Dmitry Jakovenko (Rus) lost to Etienne Bacrot (Fra); Vassily
Ivanchuk (Ukr) beat Alexander Riazantsev (Rus); Solak Dragon (SCG)
drew with Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukr); Vladimir Akopian (Arm) beat Semen
Dvoirys (Rus); Alexander Galkin (Rus) drew with Levon Aronian (Arm);
Viktor Bologan (Mda) beat Alexander Ivanov (Usa); Konstantin Sakaev
(Rus) beat Alexander Lastin (Rus); Teimour Radjabov (Aze) drew with
Surya Shekhar Ganguly; Vitaly Tsheshkovsky (Rus) lost to Krishnan
Sasikiran; Bu Xiangzhi (Chn) drew with Sandipan Chanda

‘A2’: Pavel Maletin (Rus) drew with Sergej Dyachkov (Rus); Ekaterina
Kovalevskaya (Rus) drew with Ruslan Scherbakov (Rus); Natalia Zhukova
(Ukr) drew with Alexander Goloshchapov (Ukr); Lev Pevzner (Rus) drew
with Tejas Bakre; Ashot Nadanian (Arm) beat S Kidambi; Oleg
Chebotarev (Rus) beat Eesha Karvade; Tania Sachdev beat Evgenij
Kalegin (Rus); Josep Manuel Lopez Martinez (Esp) beat Parimarjan

‘B’: A Goryachev (Rus) lost to Harmen Jonkman (Ned); Anton Kuzin
(Rus) beat Dmitry Petukhov (Rus); Dinesh Kumar Sharma drew with
Konstantin Kostin (Rus).

ANKARA: World Bank Supports Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaij

Journal of Turkish Weekly
Feb 16 2005

World Bank Supports Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan

WASHINGTON- The World Bank today approved a US$11.5 million
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Economic Development Support

This project aims to improve living conditions, enhance economic
opportunities and prospects for social integration for IDPs.

Azerbaijan’s armed conflict with Armenia over the Upper Garabagh
region, which lasted from 1992 to 1994, left over 30,000 dead and
over 1 million people displaced. About 575, 000, or 15 percent of the
country’s population, became “internally displaced persons.” Many
IDPs live in conditions where infrastructure, housing and service
needs are substantial. Large numbers dwell in excessively poor
housing conditions in school dormitories and former hotels, or occupy
public buildings. Others live in informal settlements that often lack
the most basic services, such as water, electricity, schools and
health facilities. Economic opportunities are limited and
unemployment is high.

“The project will extend the Government’s efforts to improve the
living conditions of IDPs who, as communities, will identify what
investments are most needed,” said Ellen Hamilton, head of the World
Bank team designing the project.

The IDP Economic Development Support Project will consist of two main
components: micro-projects and micro-credits. The first component
will finance the preparation and implementation of up to
approximately 200 small-scale projects (average cost about US$50,000)
to rehabilitate, repair or reconstruct basic small infrastructure,
social infrastructure and temporary shelter facilities. Under the
second component, which is completely funded from the counterpart
funding resources, financing to Partner Lending Institutions will be
provided for the extension of micro-credits to IDPs.

By the time the project is completed, IDP communities will have
benefited from new improved basic small infrastructure (water supply
and sewage networks, electricity distribution networks, access roads
and drainage systems), social infrastructure (schools and community
centers), and temporary shelter facilities. IDPs will also have
benefited from access to micro-credit for income-generating

The IDP EDS Project has a maturity of 35 years, including a ten-year
grace period.

Azerbaijan joined the World Bank in 1992. Since then, commitments to
the country total approximately US$622 million for 25 operations.

Press Release via Baku Today

Armenian speaker, Bahraini officials discuss developing ties

Armenian speaker, Bahraini officials discuss developing ties

8 Feb 05

Yerevan, 8 February: Armenian Speaker Artur Bagdasaryan today met
parliamentarians of the upper and lower chambers of Bahrain’s
parliament. The chairman of the lower chamber of the Bahraini
parliament said that relations between Armenia and Bahrain could be
developing in the trade and economic spheres.

He said that in Bahrain there are specialists who studied in Armenian
institutions of higher education, and the kingdom is interested in
continuing cooperation in the scientific and education spheres.

The chairman of the upper house of the Bahraini parliament (?Abdul
Hamad al-Jufayni), also spoke out in favour of developing relations
with Armenia in all spheres. He said that the first visit of the
Armenian delegation will lay the foundations of the development of
bilateral relations.

The Armenian and Bahraini parliaments today signed an agreement which
will strengthen the legal field of friendly relations between the two
countries’ parliaments within the framework of the newly-established

Artur Bagdasaryan also met Bahraini Prime Minister Shaykh Khalifah
Bin-Salman Al Khalifah. The shaykh said that Armenia and Bahrain
have similar positions regarding the countries of the region. The
Bahraini prime minister voiced his readiness to defend Armenia’s
initiatives. Specifically, the League of Arab States will be informed
of Armenia’s desire to set up a centre of Arab culture in Yerevan.

Today’s meeting of the Armenian delegation ended with a reception
at the residence of King Shaykh Salman Hamad Bin-Isa Bin-Salman Al
Khalifah. Bagdasaryan conveyed Armenian President Robert Kocharyan’s
greetings to the king and invited him to visit Armenia, which was
accepted with gratitude.

The king stressed that with the aim of speeding up Armenian-Bahraini
relations and developing friendly ties between the parliamentarians
of the two countries, he is ready to send experts of the Bahraini
parliament to Armenia to participate in the second session of the
Armenian National Assembly. The king also expressed his wish to open
an Armenian trade centre in Bahrain.

[Passage omitted: information about Bahrain]

Armenian constitution not to ban dual citizenship


PanArmenian News
Feb 12 2004

12.02.2005 14:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ There will be no item in the new Constitution of
Armenia, banning dual citizenship, stated Head of the Armenian National
Assembly Commission on State and Legal Issues Rafik Petrosian. He
emphasized that the draft of constitutional reforms says a special
law will regulate dual citizenship questions. It should be noted
that the referendum on constitutional reforms in Armenia is planned
at the beginning of summer 2005.

US Ambassador To Azerbaijan: Armenian and Azerbaijani Leaders MustAc


YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9. ARMINFO. According to the USA, leaders of
Azerbaijan and Armenia must activate their efforts in settlement of
the conflict, says US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Rino Harnish at a
press conference, reports.

The Ambassador gave a positive assessment of the activity of OSCE
Misn Group and expressed opinion that the visit of OSCE mission to
the region testified to the efforts and interests of OSCE in the fair
and long-term resolution of the conflict. He came out for peaceful
resolution of the conflict in the nearest future, giving a positive
assessment of USA’s role and efforts in the given issue, which would
contribute to establishing peace and stability in the region. At the
same time, Ambassador Harnish noted that the resolution did not
depend only on the USA or any other country. He noted that the USA
displayed consistency in its policy with respect to Nagorny Karabakh,
denying the self- proclaimed NKR and supporting the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan.

Russian temp. charge d’affaires in Azerbaijan didn’t likeZhirinovsky


PanArmenian News
Feb 10 2005

10.02.2005 13:13

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Vladimir Zhirinovsky is not entitled to express the
official stand of Russia, stated Temporary Charge d’Affaires of
Russia in Azerbaijan Peter Burdykin when commenting on the statement
of Vladimir Zhirinovsky over the opportunity of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic accession to the CIS. As emphasized by Burdykin,
Zhirinovsky’s words merely represent the opinion of one of the
deputies of the State Duma of Russia. In Burdykin’s opinion,
Zhirinovsky regularly makes such statements “to attract attention to