Azeri truth about the Karabakh conflict

Azeri truth about the Karabakh conflict
08.09.2006 13:28

Azerbaijan intends to get the support of the Organization of the
Islamic Conference (OIC) in "presenting the truth about the Karabakh
conflict to the international community,"Ali Hasanov, head of the
Socio-Political Department of the Presidential Administration of
Azerbaijan, told "Trend" agency, commenting on his upcoming visit to
Saudi Arabia, where Information and Press Secretaries of OIC countries
will hold their 7th session.

Hasanov said they intend to have a clause on the issue be included
in the tex t of the statement and the resolution to be adopted in
the result of the session.

Next Oskanian-Mammadyarov Meeting To Be Held In London

07.09.2006 12:51

The next round of negotiations on the settlement of the Karabakh
conflict on the level of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan
will take place September 13 in London, Azeri Foreign Minister
Elmar Mammadyarov told the journalists on Wednesday, "Interfax"
agency reports.

"Most probably, the format of the talks will allow us to have separate
meetings with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs," Mammadyarov said.

Le Parlement Europeen Demande A Ankara De =?unknown?q?Reconna=EEtre_

Alexandrine Bouilhet

Le Figaro, France
06 septembre 2006

LE PARLEMENT europeen fait pression sur Ankara pour obtenir la
reconnaissance du genocide armenien dans le cadre des negociations de
la Turquie a l’Union europeenne. Lors d’un vote très serre, survenu
dans la nuit de lundi a mardi, a Strasbourg, la commission des Affaires
etrangères du Parlement europeen a adopte trois amendements appelant
"la Turquie a reconnaître le genocide armenien en tant que prealable
a l’adhesion". Cette formulation, la plus radicale jamais adoptee au
Parlement europeen, a ete denoncee dès hier par Ankara.

"Nous sommes consternes par les efforts visant a imposer des
preconditions qui sont loin d’etre objectives sur des questions qui
necessitent une discipline academique serieuse", indique le communique
du ministère turc des Affaires etrangères.

Pourparlers Ankara estime que c’est aux historiens, et non aux deputes,
de s’exprimer sur la question armenienne. Plusieurs Parlements
nationaux, notamment l’Assemblee nationale francaise et le Parlement
belge ont vote des resolutions demandant a la Turquie de reconnaître
le genocide armenien. Le Parlement europeen a egalement vote en ce
sens a deux reprises, en 2004 et 2005, sans toutefois faire de la
reconnaissance une condition a l’adhesion. Consultatif, le vote du
Parlement europeen nourrit la polemique autour de la candidature
turque, très mal en point depuis six mois. Pilote des pourparlers
d’adhesion, la Commission europeenne, qui doit rendre un rapport
strategique decisif le 24 octobre, estime que la question armenienne
ne peut pas devenir, en cours de negociations, une precondition
d’adhesion. "La reconnaissance du genocide armenien n’est pas un
prealable a l’adhesion turque" a repete lundi, a Bruxelles, Jose Manuel
Barroso, invite par les deputes liberaux belges. "Il faut du temps pour
ce genre d’exercice, qui doit etre effectue sur une base volontaire",
a-t-il ajoute, demandant a son auditoire : "Combien de temps l’Eglise
catholique a-t-elle mis pour reconnaître les crimes de l’Inquisition
?" Levee de boucliers Les deputes europeens ont adopte cet amendement
conteste, a l’occasion d’un vote sur le rapport du depute conservateur
neerlandais Camiel Eurlings, dont la tonalite est très critique sur
la Turquie. (Nos editions d’hier). Sur la seule question armenienne,
chère aux Francais, une vingtaine d’amendements ont ete deposes. Ce
vote n’est pas definitif. Le Parlement europeen sera appele a adopter
le rapport Eurlings, en seance plenière, fin septembre. Compte
tenu de la levee de boucliers en Turquie, il n’est pas certain que
l’amendement pro-armenien tienne jusque-la. "C’est typiquement le
genre d’amendement qui peut etre remis en cause en seance plenière",
indiquent les elus liberaux du Parlement, très favorables a la
candidature de la Turquie. Si elle fait l’unanimite en France, la
question armenienne divise encore l’Europe. Par solidarite avec la
Turquie, la Grande-Bretagne et l’Allemagne ont toujours evite de
faire pression sur Ankara pour la reconnaissance du genocide armenien.

–Boundary_(ID_D9aWmxIxrZNzEhcCLRseNQ)- –

Ankara Slams EU Repot On Turkey ‘Sluggishness’

Written by The Media Line Staff

The Media Line, NY
Sept 6 2006

Turkey is dismissing a damning report from the European Union, which
claims Ankara is dragging its feet on reforms, imperative to paving
Turkey’s way into the EU.

A recent report adopted on Monday by the EU General Assembly’s
foreign affairs committee criticized Turkey for its slow progress in
democratic reforms.

But Ankara said the report "lacked common sense" and "smacked of
political bias," Turkish Daily News reported.

The required reforms include the protection of minorities and freedom
of expression and religion.

The EU is also insisting Turkey recognizes Cyprus and has been
critical of Ankara’s refusal to recognize the killing of Armenians
during World War I as a genocide.

Dutch lawmaker Camiel Eurlings, who penned the report, said Turkey
must move forward with its efforts to incorporate reforms, or else
risk halting accession negotiations.

Last week the EU warned Turkey that its refusal to open ports and
harbors to transportation from Cyprus, an EU member, could cause a
crisis in the talks.

The committee report will be debated by the EU General Assembly later
this month.

Turkey is engaged in accession talks into the 25-member bloc. Talks
could take up to 15 years, and entry is not guaranteed.

Some governments are reluctant to see the mostly Muslim and relatively
poor Turkey enter the EU.

Non-Christian Religious Head Visits Armenia

18:25 06/09/06

Sheikh Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassun, a religious head of Syrian Arabic
Republic, is in Armenia by the invitation of Garegin B, Catholicos
of all Armenians.

"This person is not an ordinary religious head. He opens a way
in the Islamic world and tries to lay a bridge between Islam and
Christianity. He is often criticized by his co-brothers for his
open mind to Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and other religious,"
Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan said while introducing the guest.

During his four-day visit, Sheikh Ahmad has changed his impressions
about Armenians. "While reading books about Armenia, I had the
impression that Armenians are serious personalities. During these
days, I realized that this nation has a lot of energy. I hope that
globalization will not affect the national face of this nation,"
the religious head says.

Sheikh Ahmad has met with NA Speaker Tigran Torosyan and Armenian
Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanyan. The religious head came to realize
that Armenians are a peaceful nation and they do not hate Turkey
or Azerbaijan.

Sheikh Ahmad raised his surprise at the statement made by Pashazade,
the religious head of Caucasian Muslims about jihad. The statement
said in particular, that Pashazade is ready to announce jihad for
the liberation of Azerbaijani territories. Sheikh Ahmad explains that
the best jihad "helps people to enjoy the blessings of life and not
to be killed."

Turkish Government Rejects MEP Charges Over Reform


AKI, Italy
Aug 5 2006

Ankara, 5 Sept. (AKI) – Turkey’s foreign ministry on Tuesday strongly
rejected a newly released draft report by a European Parliament
committee which warned the government that its continuing refusal to
allow Greek Cypriot ships and planes to enter its ports and airspace
implement reforms could stall its membership negotiations with the
European Union. Foreign ministry spokesman, Namik Tan, quoted by
Turkey’s Chihan news agency said the report lacked "commonsense and
objectivity," and would not improve Turkey-EU ties.

The European parliament report – compiled by Conservative Dutch
legislator Camiel Eurlings and adopted by the European parliament’s
influential foreign affairs committee on Monday – harshly criticised
Turkey for its slow pace of reform on rights, freedom of expression,
the role of the security forces and relations with EU member-state,

"Turkey was deeply saddened by the stance of the European parliament
regarding the so-called Armenian genocide claims," Cihan quoted Tan
as saying. He was referring to a section of the report report that
levelled criticism at the Turkish government’s refusal to recognise
the killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during and after World War I.

The report recommended making such recognition a prerequisite for
Turkey’s membership of the EU. But Cihan quoted Turkish prime minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan as saying it would be a "impossible daydream" to
expect recognition by Turkey of the killing of Armenians as genocide.

Tan called for MEPs to amend the report, which charges that the pace
of the reforms have slowed since Turkey began accession negotiations
with the EU in October 2005 and implementation of the reforms still
remains patchy.

Eurlings’ report urges Turkey to "reinvigorate" the reform process,
underlining that significant further efforts are required, especially
in the areas of freedom of expression, women’s rights, religious
freedom, trade union rights, torture and ill-treatment of prisoners.

The report will be debated by the full 732-member parliament in
late September.

After protracted negotiations, Turkey began accession talks with the
EU last October. The talks do not lead automatically to membership,
which in any event is not expected before 2015.

Les Soldats Turcs De Retour Au Liban, Ancien Territoire Ottoman


Agence France Presse
5 septembre 2006 mardi 10:10 AM GMT

Le parlement turc devrait donner son feu-vert mardi a l’envoi d’une
force turque au Liban, ancien territoire ottoman que les dernières
troupes turques avaient quitte en 1918.

Pour Ankara, participer a la stabilisation du Liban serait une
manière de renouer avec l’histoire, 88 ans après, et operer un retour
d’influence dans une zone autrefois partie integrante de l’empire

Les Turcs ottomans d’Anatolie commencèrent leur ascension au XIVe
siècle, incluant en octobre 1516 la Syrie et le Liban a leur empire.

Des Etats independants aujourd’hui, ces terres etaient alors deux
provinces ottomanes.

A son apogee, l’empire contrôlait l’Europe balkanique jusqu’aux
portes de Vienne, les rives de la Mer noire, le Maghreb (hors Maroc),
l’Egypte, la peninsule arabe et la Mesopotamie.

L’empire a entame son declin au XIXè siècle, incapable de resister
aux appetits coloniaux des puissances europeennes jouant sur les
aspirations a l’independance des nations de l’Empire.

A cette periode, la France fut le premier pays a faire debarquer en
1860 quelque 6.000 soldats au Liban pour assurer l’ordre, après la
signature d’un protocole avec la Sublime Porte, suite a de graves
incidents ethniques sur le territoire.

La region devint ensuite graduellement autonome et la première guerre
mondiale eut raison de la suprematie ottomane.

La fin de la première guerre mondiale a acheve le depecage de celui
qu’on appelait "l’homme malade" de l’Europe, allie a l’Allemagne
et donc vaincu. La France et la Grande-Bretagne se sont partages
les pays arabes, avec des mandats sur la Syrie, le Liban, l’Irak,
la Palestine et la Transjordanie.

Les soldats turcs ont quitte le Liban et la Syrie a l’automne 1918.

L’envoi d’un contingent militaire turc au Liban ravive egalement
des souvenirs amers en ce qui concerne la question du "genocide"
armenien pour la Turquie.

La communaute armenienne du Liban represente 4% de la population,
en majorite descendante des survivants des massacres perpetres en
1915 par la Turquie ottomane.

La Republique de Turquie, cree en 1923 sur les cendres de l’empire,
nie la thèse d’un genocide.

Deportes vers la Syrie et le Liban, quelque 120.000 Armeniens vivent
aujourd’hui au Liban, selon ses responsables politiques et religieux.

Le parti Tachnak, le plus populaire parmi la communaute armenienne du
Liban, a refuse une participation turque a la force de l’Onu renforcee.

–Boundary_(ID_ihgmjJbdF6BHzlqlVuZEpQ) —

What Do They Hide From The Public?

Aram Zakaryan
05 Sept 06

Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan, the chair of the Council of the
Republican Party, commenting on the statements that "the Republican
Party and namely the council of the party admitted criminals" announced
September 1 that if a public official does not speak Armenian well it
does not mean he is a criminal, or if he does not look intelligent at
first sight it does not mean he is a criminal. First, it should be
noted that under the Armenian legislation, if an Armenian does not
speak Armenian, he breaks the law and the punishment is a fine. As
to intelligentsia, we can judge by the biographies of the members of
the council of the party separately and altogether. Serge Sargsyan’s
statements interested us, and we decided to scan their biographies
available on the official web site of the Republican Party.

For instance, the biography of Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan,
leader of the Republican Party, is rather detailed, and beside the
biographic facts it is mentioned that "guided by the ideas of G.

Njdeh in his political activities, Andranik Margaryan criticized the
Soviet totalitarian system, upheld the Armenian Cause and saw the
future of the Armenian people in a democratic independent state".

Meanwhile, there is nothing about the political or ideological
preferences of the chair of the council of the party Serge
Sargsyan, Tigran Torosyan, or Hovik Abrahamyan. But the author of
the biography of the prime minister’s son Taron Margaryan, 28 had
a lyrical digression. "In his public and political activities Taron
Margaryan took part in a number of youth, political, environmental,
educational, cultural conferences and seminars, including the ones
held in the framework of regional cooperation, organized by different
authoritative organizations."

It is emphasized in Hovik Abrahamyan’s biography that he became member
of the Republican Party on July 20, 1988. In the others’ biographies,
this information is limited to the year of membership.

This approach was necessary for the members, who have recently
entered the Republican Party. For in the biographies of a considerable
part of the present members of the council of the Republican Party,
namely Serge Sargsyan, Ruben Hairapetyan, Levon Sargsyan, Yervand
Zakharyan, Karen Karapetyan, Hovanes Shahinyan, Mher Sedrakyan,
Harutiun Pambukyan, Hamlet Harutiunyan, Gagik Beglaryan and others,
it must be noted that they set records. Only several days after
their membership did they become members of the ruling body of the
political party.

Gagik Beglaryan’s biography is worth attention. "In 1985-1987 he
served in the army, afterwards he worked in different spheres of
the economy. In 1993 he was elected member of the Supreme Council of
the Republic of Armenia." There are no details where and what Gagik
Beglaryan did all this time. Only this Republican knows what he is
hiding, because in civilized countries biographies written in this
manner won’t do. Another member of the council of the Republican
Party Gagik Khachatryan hides his biography between 1973-1983.

Republicans Artashes Gabrielyan and Ruben Sadoyan are more then
surprising. If Gagik Beglaryan or Gagik Khachatryan hide 6-10 years
of their life, Artashes Gabrielyan and Ruben Sadoyan do not have
biographies at all. At least, there is nothing but photos on the
official web site of the political party. It is possible that the
biographies of Artashes Gabrielyan and Ruben Sadoyan are not for the
public, but why, for what episodes of their life?

An episode from Vazgen Karakhanyan’s biography is notable.

"In 1965-68 he studied at Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (he left
studies for political reasons)." It is possible that he has always
been a Njdehian, because according to his biographyhe was awarded
the medal of Garegin Njdeh twice, in 2003 and 2005.

Meanwhile, it is not clear why the profession of an engineer was
incompatible with Njdehian ideology.

Martin Sargsyan’s biography is full of mystery. "He graduated
from two universities, he is a qualified teacher and economist,
financier." Which universities? Sometimes people may feel shy for
one mistake of callow youth or another mistake made out of the
lack of political experience, and avoid writing about it in their
biography. But it is at least a surprise when they do not write the
name of the university they have graduated from. By the way, most
Republicans, and not only the members of the council, appreciated
higher education only after appearing in politics and graduated
from non-state universities mainly. For instance, Surik Khachatryan
imagining himself to be the sheik of Syunik, has graduated from his
own Syunik University of Goris. Surik Khachatryan also has something
to hide from the public. The history of his life between 1988-1992
is not for everyone. Jonik Abrahamyan graduated from the University
of Economics and Law of Yerevan, another non-state university.

As it was said, there are lyrical digressions in the biographies
of the prime minister and his son, which are not appropriate
for a biography. These may be true. But if this was for all the
Republicans, they should write about the minister of environmental
protection Vardan Aivazyan that "he is known for his outrageous
desire to shoot seagulls", mention in the biography of the former
policeman Alik Sargsyan, "he is known for an exceptional talent of
threatening presidential candidates from the opposition", emphasize
in Hovik Abrahamyan’s biography that according to Diasporans, he is
known in some Diasporan communities with the nickname "muk" (mouse),
and Hamlet Harutiunyan’s motto is "Who is the horse? I am the rider".

"Narekatsi" Art Center Department Opens In Shoushi


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Sept 04 2006

cultural complex of the "Narekatsi" art union opened on August 31. The
"Yerkir" (country) Union of Public Organizations for Repatriation
and Resettlement assisted its creation. The "Narekatsi" art union,
which was founded in Yerevan by American Armenian Narek Haroutiunian,
has a goal to assist development of the Armenian modern art. Narek
Haroutiunian made the opening speech of the event. NKR Minister of
Culture Kamo Atayan participated in the ceremony. The Karabakh state
choir, Shoushi "Varanda" choir, "Meghedi" dance group, "Berdzor"
children’s ensemble, "Shoushi" national musical instrumental ensemble,
singers presented music performances, unique instrumental performances
were also presented.

The complex consists of a central building which has an exhibition
hall, classrooms, a music classroom, a library, guest rooms envisaged
for artists.

Conditions are created for invalids’ free movement. The Shoushi complex
of the "Narekatsi" art union will in future have a theater building,
center for exhibitions, children’s camp as well.

Euro 2008 Qualifying Group A


The Guardian – United Kingdom
Sep 04, 2006

P W D L F A Pts

Finland 1 1 0 0 3 1 3

Serbia 1 1 0 0 1 0 3

Belgium 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

Kazakhstan 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 0

Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 0

Azerbaijan 1 0 0 1 0 1

Poland 1 0 0 1 1 3

Poland (0) 1 Finland (0) 3

Gargula 89 Litmanen 54 76 (pen),

Att 17,000 Vayrynen 84

Serbia (0) 1 Azerbaijan (0)

Zigic 72 Att 12,500

Fixtures: Wednesday Azerbaijan v Kazakhstan; Finland v Portugal;
Poland v Serbia; Armenia v Belgium; Oct 7 Serbia v Belgium; Portugal
v Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan v Poland; Armenia v Finland. Oct 11 Belgium
v Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan v Finland; Serbia v Armenia; Poland v
Portugal. Nov 15 Finland v Armenia; Portugal v Kazakhstan; Belgium
v Poland. March 24 2007 Poland v Azerbaijan; Portugal v Belgium;
Kazakhstan v Serbia. March 28 Azerbaijan v Finland; Poland v Armenia;
Serbia v Portugal. June 2 Finland v Serbia; Kazakhstan v Armenia;
Azerbaijan v Poland; Belgium v Portugal. June 6 Finland v Belgium;
Kazakhstan v Azerbaijan; Armenia v Poland. Aug 22 Finland v Kazakhstan;
Armenia v Portugal; Belgium v Serbia. Sept 8 Azerbaijan v Armenia;
Serbia v Finland; Portugal v Poland. Sept 12 Armenia v Azerbaijan;
Finland v Poland; Kazakhstan v Belgium; Portugal v Serbia. Oct 13
Azerbaijan v Portugal; Belgium v Finland; Armenia v Serbia; Poland
v Kazakhstan. Oct 17 Kazakhstan v Portugal; Azerbaijan v Serbia;
Belgium v Armenia. Nov 17 Serbia v Kazakhstan; Finland v Azerbaijan;
Portugal v Armenia; Poland v Belgium. Nov 21 Azerbaijan v Belgium;
Serbia v Poland; Portugal v Finland; Armenia v Kazakhstan.