Serviceman Killed in Cease-Fire Breach From Azerbaijani Side


YEREVAN, MAY 29, NOYAN TAPAN. A cease-fire regime breach was fixed
from the Azerbaijani side at about 21:30 of May 27. As Colonel Seyran
Shahsuvarian, the RA Defence Minister’s Press Secretary informed Noyan
Tapan, in consequence of fire shot by the opponent in the direction of
fighting positions of the military basis placed in Noyemberian, Senior
Levon Hmayak Adamian, term serviceman born in 1985 and called to
military service from the Berd military registration and enlistment
office, got fire-arm injury at chest and died on the way when being
moved to the city hospital of Noyemberian.

Russian Foreign Minister to Discuss Regional Issues in Ankara


Russian Foreign Minister to Discuss Regional Issues in Ankara

29.05.2006 16:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The relations with Turkey are important for Russia’s
foreign policy, RF MFA formal representative Mikhail Kamynin said when
commenting of the upcoming visit of the Russian Foreign Minister to
Turkey. In his words, during the visit (May 31-June 1) Sergey Lavrov
is going to discuss a scope of issues referring to the Russian-Turkish
cooperation including the preparation for the visit of Turkish
President Ahmed Necet Sezer to Moscow. `Lavrov’s visit will offer the
possibility to check the whole range of bilateral relations and urgent
international and regional matters before the Turkish President’s
call,’ the Russian diplomat said.

The Russian FM is scheduled to visit with his Turkish counterpart,
President Sezer, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the
parliament leaders. Lavrov will also visit Istanbul-base headquarters
of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization to discuss the
activities of BlackSeaFore naval group and the possibility of Russia’s
joining the Black Sea Harmony operation.

Kamynin also informed that the Iraqi and Near East settlement, the
Iranian nuclear program, the situation in the Transcaucasus and
Central Asia as well as the Cypriot problem will be addressed,
reported RIA Novosti.

Clergy Conference of the Canadian Diocese held in Montreal

Clergy Conference of the Canadian Diocese of the Armenian Church held in
27.05.2006 12:22

The conference of the clergy of the Canadian Diocese of the Armenian
Church was held on Friday May 26, 2006 at the Diocesan Office of the
Armenian Church in Canada, and was presided by, His Eminence Bishop
Bagrat Galstanian, Primate.

The daylong meeting’s agenda items were mainly issues relating to the
mission of the Church and discussion of the activities of the past
year. The Primate offered the invocation. Bishop Galstanian
interpreted the message from the Gospel of St. John (Chapter 17.)
Pointing its relevance to our contemporary issues of today, he said,
`The formation of a community is the reflection of the Holy
Trinity. The Church is involved in that mission, by not only trying to
change the shape of the world, but also to change its essence. He
said, `The Church is for the world.’ Today, particularly on these
shores, it is our sacred duty to lead our children to a spiritual life
and to the orthodox faith.’

The Pontifical message of His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch
and Catholicos of All Armenians addressed to the Clergy conference was
read by Deacon Hagop Arslanian.

A Resident Burns Himself in Gyumri

11:52 26/05/06


Shirak region reports that on May 26, at 7.40 p.m.
Gyumri resident Rubik Sahakyan has used petrol to burn
himself. The victim has been transported to a local
hospital with 1st and 2nd grade burns. Doctors say R.
Sahakyan is in serious state.

This is the second similar incident during this month.
On May 13, at 7 a.m. similar case was reported from
Garegin Njdeh station of Yerevan subway. A 65 years
old cleaner Emma S. used fuel to burn herself.

Syunik “Dzork” Marz Orinats Yerkir Head leaves Party


KAPAN, MAY 25, NOYAN TAPAN. Lernik Petrosian, the head of the Syunik
“Dzork” marz structure of the “Orinats Yerkir” (Country of Law) party
left its rows recently. As we had informed earlier, L.Petrosian was
the former Chief of the Education, Culture and Sports Department of
the Syunik Regional Governor’s Office, and was discharged in April, as
according to his own insistence, he was obliged to become a member of
the Republican Party of Armenia. Though they informed from the OYK,
that L.Petrosian has been a party member since this February, but the
latter mentioned in the conversation with us that he wrote an
application and entered the OYK only on April 15. And on May 18 he
wrote an application and informed that he leaves the OYK. “The main
reason is that the OYK became the opposition. I have twice been a
member of RA President Robert Kocharian’s marz office and done a good
work. How may I dely my principles? I have no such a moral right. Bad
or good, he is our President whom I elected, that’s why I consider
needless my staying in the OYK,” Petrosian said to the Noyan Tapan
correspondent and added that if the OYK did not become opposition, he
would stay in that party.

Meeting with Andre Who Represented Armenia in Eurovision 2006

National Assembly of RA, Armenia
May 26 2006

Meeting with Andre Who Represented Armenia in Eurovision 2006

On May 25 Andre who took part in Eurovision-2006 Song Contest and the
creative group were hosted by the NA Standing Committee on Science,
Education, Culture and Youth. The representatives of NA staff, MPs
and journalists also participated at the meeting with Andre.

As Hranush Hakobyan, Chairwoman of the Standing Committee assessed
though Armenia first time ever participates in the Eurovision Song
Contest this year, but the creative group could compose a good song,
select the right singer and come out from that experience with honour
during this short period of time. `We won two victories. First, Andre
could reach the final, second, he took the tenth place in the final,
providing the right for Armenia to take part in the final of
Eurovision 2007, which will take place in Finland next year,’ noted
Mrs. Hakobyan. As the MP observed, the importance of this Contest is
that it once more showed the Armenians’ unity all over the world. She
gave Andre as a present a watch engraved with the name of the
National Assembly on the occasion of his victory.

According to Andre, the most important thing in Eurovision-2006 Song
Contest was to appear in an appropriate manner. He noted that
everyone became better familiarized with the small country called
Armenia after this Contest. He also told about his impressions of
Eurovision-2006 Song Contest and answered the questions of those

Ne jouons pas avec les memoires

Libération , France
25 mai 2006

Ne jouons pas avec les mémoires!;
GĂ©nocide armĂ©nien, colonisation… les modifications des lois
existantes sont inutiles.

MANCERON Gilles; Gilles Manceron historien, [#]vice-président de la
Ligue des droits de l’homme.5#]Dernier ouvrage paru : la
Colonisation, la loi et l’histoire, avec Claude Liauzu, Syllepse,

Le texte de Jean-Pierre Azéma publié dans Libération du 10 mai, au
nom de membres de l’association LibertĂ© pour l’histoire, apporte de
nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments au dĂ©bat sur les lois et l’histoire relancĂ© par la
proposition de pénaliser la négation du génocide arménien. Sur
plusieurs points, il paraĂ®t tĂ©moigner d’une Ă©volution par rapport Ă 
l’appel paru dans LibĂ©ration du 13 dĂ©cembre 2005, dont semblait
Ă©maner une demande d’abrogation globale des lois Gayssot, Taubira et
sur le gĂ©nocide armĂ©nien. LancĂ© en plein dĂ©bat sur l’article 4 de la
loi sur la colonisation du 23 février 2005, il mettait sur le même
plan des lois de nature très différente et apparaissait à la fois
comme prĂ©cipitĂ© et non dĂ©nuĂ© d’arrière-pensĂ©es.

Jean-Pierre Azéma nous dit que les signataires de cet appel menaient
aussi campagne contre l’article 4 de la “loi Mekachera” sur “l’oeuvre
positive” de la colonisation, qui a Ă©tĂ© “dĂ©classĂ©” depuis. A notre
connaissance, seuls deux des dix-neuf signataires, Pierre
Vidal-Naquet et Marc Ferro, lui avaient exprimé leur opposition. Mais
d’autres pouvaient lui ĂŞtre hostiles sans avoir eu l’occasion de le
dire, ce qui semble être le cas de Jean-Pierre Azéma. Dont acte, et
fĂ©licitons-nous Ă  l’idĂ©e que d’autres s’y opposaient aussi. Mais
certains signataires, tels René Rémond et Françoise Chandernagor, ont
dit et rĂ©pĂ©tĂ© qu’ils avaient refusĂ© de s’opposer Ă  cet article 4 sur
“l’oeuvre positive” de la colonisation car il ne suscitait pas
davantage leur rejet que les trois autres lois mĂ©morielles qu’Ă©taient
les lois Gayssot, Taubira et sur le génocide arménien.

RenĂ© RĂ©mond n’a cessĂ© de dire qu’il avait refusĂ© de signer un texte
contre cet article car “c’eĂ»t Ă©tĂ© un choix politique” (l’Histoire, n°
306, p. 84, et Quand l’Etat se mĂŞle de l’histoire, Stock, p. 43). Et
Françoise Chandernagor a mĂŞme Ă©crit dans l’Histoire (n° 306, p. 79)
que l’objet de l’appel “LibertĂ© pour l’histoire” Ă©tait de contrer les
efforts de ceux qui voulaient faire abroger l’article 4 de la loi sur
la colonisation et qu’il a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© Ă  la hte car il fallait faire
vite. Mais, au-delà de ce qui semble apparaître comme des divergences
parmi les “dix-neuf”, saluons le fait que Jean-Pierre AzĂ©ma affirme :
“Nous participions aussi Ă  la campagne visant Ă  obtenir l’abrogation
de l’article 4 de la loi dite Mekachera.”

Jean-Pierre AzĂ©ma s’oppose au projet de loi cherchant Ă  pĂ©naliser la
négation du génocide arménien. Beaucoup de ceux qui défendent la loi
du 29 janvier 2001 par laquelle la France reconnaît le génocide
armĂ©nien (Ă  la diffĂ©rence de l’appel “LibertĂ© pour l’histoire”, qui
en demandait l’abrogation) le rejoignent sur ce point. C’est la
position que j’ai dĂ©fendue lors de la rencontre “AmnĂ©sie
internationale” organisĂ©e par la Jeunesse armĂ©nienne de France Ă 
Marseille, le 11 mars : défense résolue de la loi de reconnaissance
du génocide arménien, du 29 janvier 2001, mais opposition à une
nouvelle “loi Gayssot” sur ce point. Notamment car cette question
est, malheureusement, moins bien documentée historiquement (les
obstacles opposĂ©s par la Turquie Ă  l’accès aux archives y sont pour
beaucoup), d’oĂą la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’un large dĂ©bat. Et elle ne pose pas, Ă 
mon sens, les mêmes problèmes spécifiques relatifs au maintien de
l’ordre public que nous impose la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©agir Ă  cet avatar de
l’appel Ă  la haine antisĂ©mite bimillĂ©naire qu’est la nĂ©gation de la
Shoah. Au-delà du désaccord sur la loi de reconnaissance du 29
janvier 2001, à laquelle je reste très attaché, je rejoins
Jean-Pierre AzĂ©ma sur le refus d’une nouvelle loi pĂ©nalisant la
négation du génocide arménien.

On note que Jean-Pierre AzĂ©ma s’oppose au dĂ©classement de l’article
de la loi Taubira demandĂ© par les dĂ©putĂ©s UMP “en reprĂ©sailles au
dĂ©classement de l’article 4 de la loi Mekachera”. Pourtant ces
dĂ©putĂ©s UMP n’ont fait que proposer ce que demandait pour cette loi
“l’appel des dix-neuf” en dĂ©cembre. Mais quelle modification
demandent les signataires ? Jean-Pierre Azéma parle non pas
d'”abrogation” de ces lois ou de certains de leurs articles, mais du
“toilettage d’articles de quatre lois mĂ©morielles”. Pour qu’on ne
reste pas dans le vague, il faudrait nous dire quels “toilettages”
sont demandĂ©s… Pour la loi de janvier 2001, dont le texte intĂ©gral
est : “La France reconnaĂ®t publiquement le gĂ©nocide armĂ©nien de
1915”, on est particulièrement intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  connaĂ®tre ce “toilettage”.

On note aussi que Jean-Pierre AzĂ©ma Ă©crit que l’histoire n’appartient
pas aux historiens mais qu’elle est le bien de tous. La
représentation nationale ne se voit plus interdire, semble-t-il, le
principe de lois historiques et mémorielles, comme pouvait le laisser
entendre le texte du 13 décembre. Il invoque, une fois de plus, ce
qu’avait Ă©crit Madeleine RebĂ©rioux : “La loi ne saurait dire le vrai.
Le concept mĂŞme de vĂ©ritĂ© historique rĂ©cuse l’autoritĂ© Ă©tatique.
L’expĂ©rience de l’Union soviĂ©tique devrait suffire en ce domaine.” Le
rappel de ce principe est utile, mais il ne suffit pas Ă  fonder la
demande d’abrogation en 2006 de l’article de la loi Gayssot qui crĂ©e
un dĂ©lit de nĂ©gation des gĂ©nocides et crimes contre l’humanitĂ© commis
par les nazis. Dans le livre collectif la Colonisation, la loi et
l’histoire, que j’ai codirigĂ© avec Claude Liauzu, nous montrons que
les réserves de Madeleine Rebérioux à propos de la loi Gayssot et de
toute lĂ©gislation en matière d’histoire (exprimĂ©es dans des articles
de 1990 et de 1996 que nous reproduisons) ne permettent pas de
justifier, Ă  notre avis, ipso facto, les positions prises plus de dix
ans plus tard par l’appel “LibertĂ© pour l’histoire”. Madeleine nous a
quittés en février 2005, mais son successeur à la présidence de la
Ligue des droits de l’homme, Henri Leclerc, explique dans sa prĂ©face
qu’il partageait son point de vue lors de la discussion de la loi
Gayssot, et qu’il ne demande pas pour autant l’abrogation de sa
disposition créant un délit de négation de la Shoah.

Mais l’essentiel est que Jean-Pierre AzĂ©ma tend Ă  ne plus demander
l’abrogation des dispositions essentielles des lois Gayssot, Taubira
et sur le génocide arménien, mais semble plutôt vouloir dire stop à
tout ajout de lois sur l’histoire, qu’il s’agisse de celle qui
voudrait créer un délit de négation du génocide arménien, ou de celle
qui viserait au dĂ©classement de dispositions d’une loi existante,
comme la proposition UMP sur la loi Taubira.

Sur une telle position qui revient Ă  dire : “Stop aux nouvelles lois
sur l’histoire, qu’elles soient des ajouts ou des retraits”, un large
consensus semble possible. Car les lois Gayssot, Taubira et sur le
gĂ©nocide armĂ©nien prĂ©sentent sĂ»rement des dĂ©fauts et des risques – le
mĂ©rite de l’appel est de l’avoir soulignĂ© – mais chacune a aussi
répondu à des demandes légitimes et rempli des fonctions
essentielles. Le plus sage n’est-il pas Ă  la fois de refuser qu’on
leur en ajoute d’autres et qu’on cherche Ă  les abolir ou Ă  les
modifier ?

A-320 Flight Recorders To Be Opened In Paris,But To Be Decoded In Mo


25.05.2006 18:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The flight recorders of A-320, which crashed into
the Black Sea, will be delivered to Paris, where a report on their
state will be drawn up, Spokesperson of Central Administrative Board
of the Civil Aviation of Armenia Gayane Davtyan told RIA Novosti
Thursday. “The flight recorders will be decoded in Moscow. However,
they will be delivered to Paris first, where a report on their state
will be drawn up with participation of Armenian, Russian and French
experts. Then flight recorders will be opened and chips will be
extracted and sent to Moscow for decoding,” Davtyan said.

She stated that before the official report any statements that they
are damaged are premature. In her words, a delegation of the Central
Administrative Board of the Civil Aviation of Armenia has left for
Moscow, reports RIA Novosti.

Nagorno Karabakh A Semi-Presidential Country

24 May 06

The Attorney General of NKR, the head of the Task Force on the
Constitution of NKR Armen Zalinyan announced that the idea of a
semi-presidential country will be set down in the Constitution
of Nagorno Karabakh. “The conception of the NKR Constitution has
been published, and currently the first two chapters of the bill of
constitution, the provisions on constitutional order and the basic
human and citizen rights, freedoms and duties are discussed. The
central idea of the Constitution is contained in the following phrase:
the rule of right through the law.

The NKR Constitution will be a constitution of a sovereign, democratic,
legal, social state with a semi-presidential system of governance. It
will be consistent with the tendencies and requirements of development
of constitutional order. And certainly the realities and peculiarities
determined by the problem of strengthening the sovereignty of NKR
will be taken into consideration. In this context, necessary tools
have been set down.

The constitutional experience, the logic and philosophy of
constitutional reforms are important in this context. Certain
provisions in the changed constitution of Armenia will be used in
our constitution,” said Armen Zalinyan.

Ukrainian General Staff Chief Laid Flowers To Armenian GenocideVicti


24.05.2006 18:11 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces General
Staff, Colonel General Sergey Kirichenko laid flowers to the memorial
to the Armenian Genocide victims. Chief of the Armenian Armed Forces
General Staff, Deputy Defense Minister, Colonel General Mikael
Harutyunyan accompanied Ukrainian delegation.