Azerbaijan shifted NK conflict resolution responsibility on to Turke, Armenia
April 17 2010

Azerbaijan shifted Karabakh conflict resolution responsibility on to
Turkey: Expert

13:24 / 04/17/2010 Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the
U.S. offered an opportunity for accentuating anti-Armenian sentiments
in Turkey-Azerbaijan alliance anew, Deputy Director of strategic
research centre at the RA Defense Ministry Vahram Ter-Matevosyan told commenting on developments after Sargsyan-Erdogan meeting in

According to him, Washington statements by Erdogan and Davutoglu and
comments on their meetings were widely water-cooled by world press due
to major efforts. `Thus, a feasible information field proved to
operate, catching and quite queerly commenting on Turkish leaders’
changed approach. Numerous opinions were voiced over Erdogan’s visit
motives, but the fact that Erdogan-Aliyev tandem would not allow
Sargsyan to visit Washington alone and make exceptionally Armenian
stance heard was neglected. For Turkish Premier that visit was a
chance to emphasize anti-Armenian alliance formed by Turkey and
Azerbaijan. Another conclusion is forced upon ` these meetings imply
Erdogan’s growing sense of responsibility to his pledges to
Azerbaijan. The latter seems to shift Karabakh conflict resolution
full responsibility on to Turkey. He criticizes OSCE MG co-chairs
seeking to assist the revision of Minsk Group format playing to
Ankara’s hands,’ the expert reckons.

Another conclusion concerns a regularity, that each year on the
threshold of April 24 Ankara steps up efforts in preventing U.S.
President to say the word `genocide’.

`Years ago Turkish officials were silent on this matter, but within
last years their preventive actions and short-term results got more
emphatic,’ he said adding that the last and most critical observation
is that speaking the language of primary and secondary preconditions
is a new line of Ankara’s behavior. `If we try to recall and track the
number and logic of preconditions voiced by Erdogan and Davutoglu, it
leaves us with the impression that Turks are guided by &`the more
preconditions, the better’ principle. And this is done in contempt of
Armenian authorities’ repeated statements that Armenia is ready to
establish relations with Ankara without preconditions. Here is the
Turkey’s new policy,’ the expert deems.

`Hence, the passions in Washington ran so high that if till April 24
we would not evidence a drastic turn, meetings held there can be
viewed as one of the main reasons for minimizing complex
Armenia-Turkey process,’ Ter-Matevosyan concluded.


BAKU: Azerbaijani National NGOs Forum Presents New Project On Nagorn


April 15 2010

Azerbaijani National NGOs Forum will implement a new project in
Azerbaijan in order to bring the truth about the Nagorno-Karabakh to
the world community.

"This project will give new impetus to the systematic and successive
bringing of the truth about Karabakh to the world community’s
attention, as well as will fill in the existing vacuum in this issue,"
Azerbaijani National NGO Forum head Rauf Zeyni said at an event in
Trend press centre.

According to him, new opportunities for cooperation between national
NGOs and international organizations will be opened within the
implementation of the project.

Zeyni stressed that a Centre for Nagorno-Karabakh will be established
at the office of the National NGOs Forum. "The truth about Karabakh
will be periodically brought to the world community’s attention
through this centre," Zeyni said.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group – Russia, France, and the U.S. –
are currently holding the peace negotiations.

Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council’s four
resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the
occupied territories.

Foreign Ministers Will Work On Timetable Of Protocols: Stepan Safary


The briefing of Armenia’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan in
Washington shows that he discussed with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet
Davutoglu the three messages that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan had conveyed to Armenia, Heritage Party deputy Stepan Safaryan

In his opinion Davutoglu has discussed with Nalbandyan issues relating
to the Armenian Genocide, settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
and the ratification of Armenia-Turkey Protocols.

The Nalbandyan-Davutoglu meeting has prompted Safaryan to think that
the two foreign ministers will from now on work on the timetable
of the ratification of the Protocols. In his words Turkey does not
mention specific timetable for the ratification of the Protocols
and what it gains in this matter is that US President Barack Obama
will more time avoid pronouncing the word "genocide" in his April 24
commemoration address this year.

Referring to RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s speech at a meeting with
the Armenian-American community in Washington Safaryan said that
Sargsyan tried with that step to regain Diaspora’s trust, and that
the Armenian authorities will find themselves in a difficult situation
should Armenia reach the stage of ratification of the protocols.

Safaryan recalled Sargsyan’s statement before the Washington visit,
in which he said that the authorities have made their decision over
the Armenia-Turkey rapprochement, Safaryan mentioned two possible
variants: ratification of the protocols and withdrawing Armenia’s
signature from those documents.

"Both variants are possible," said Safaryan.

Turquie : Le Reveil Des Armeniens Caches


vendredi16 avril 2010

On les appelle " les convertis ". Turcs et musulmans dans la rue,
chretiens et armeniens dans leur coeur. Mais ces nombreux Armeniens
revèlent peu a peu leur identite reelle

De notre correspondante a Istanbul

Mon Dieu, merci de nous donner a manger et benissez ce repas, recite
solennellement en armenien Murat (1), le chef de famille. Au nom
duPère, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit, amen. " Les enfants, l’epouse,
la grand-mère, la tete couverte du voile blanc porte par les paysannes
kurdes, font le signe de croix et plongent leur cuillère dans la soupe
de yaourt aux pois chiches. La scène se deroule a la nuit tombee dans
l’appartement, une fois la porte d’entree soigneusement fermee pour
tenir a l’ecart les oreilles indiscrètes des voisins. La journee, Murat
tient une affaire de portes et fenetres en Plexiglas a Sultanciftligi,
un lointain quartier de la banlieue d’Istanbul. " A la boutique,
je fais le ramadan, explique-t-il. Ici, tout le monde est musulman
et conservateur. Etre chretien, ce n’est pas bon pour le commerce,
personne ne voudrait acheter a des " gavurs " [infidèles]. " Alors,
est-il chretien ? Musulman ? Les deux ? " Mon identite est dans mon
coeur, seul Dieu la connaît, sourit-il, emu. Dans mon coeur, il y a le
Christ. " Il y a surtout le genocide subi par les Armeniens pendant
la Première Guerre mondiale et la tragedie familiale, chuchotee de
generation en generation : sous la menace des soldats ottomans, son
grand-père, alors adolescent, a noye son petit frère dans l’Euphrate.

Prenom turc Officiellement, en Turquie, il ne subsiste qu’une petite
communaute armenienne de 65 000 membres, rescapes d’une epuration
ethnique qui fit plus d’un million de morts. Pour echapper aux
massacres planifies par le gouvernement des Jeunes-Turcs a partir de
1915, et avant par le sultan Abdulhamid II a la fin du XIXe siècle,
des dizaines de milliers d’Armeniens sont devenus musulmans. On les
appelle les donme, les convertis. Pendant des decennies, ils sont
restes dans la clandestinite, pour survivre a la politique d’un Etat
turc qui a voulu eradiquer toute trace de la presence armenienne
en Anatolie. Mais la vague de democratisation actuelle en Turquie
commence a faire sauter le tabou du genocide. Et les Armeniens caches,
preuve silencieuse de la page la plus sombre de l’histoire turque,
devoilent prudemment leur identite. Damla, etudiante en gestion,
a donne rendez-vous dans une pâtisserie a la mode d’Istanbul. Comme
tous les convertis, elle porte un prenom turc pour passer inapercue. "
J’ai toujours su que j’etais armenienne, mais quand j ‘etais petite,
mes parents me repetaient qu’il ne fallait surtout pas en parler
", se souvient la jeune femme. Musulmane, arrière-petite-fille
d’un eveque, elle perpetue a son tour une kyrielle de traditions
chretiennes. " A Noël, nous preparons un pain special dans lequel on
met un raisin. A Pâques, nous trempons des ficelles colorees dans l’eau
benite pour faire des bracelets et quand quelqu’un est malade, je mets
un cierge a l’eglise… " Les crypto-armeniens sont passes maîtres
dans l’art du syncretisme. Le mariage se fait a la mosquee mais entre
donme pour preserver l’identite. Inevitablement, a force d’efforts
pour se fondre dans l’islam, se soustraire a la pression sociale,
une partie des convertis a fini par etre entièrement assimilee. "
J’ai un parent imam, raconte Sadik Bakircioglu, un autre, islamiste,
a meme participe a un attentat rate en 1988. " Implacable et insidieux,
le temps a ete le meilleur allie du negationnisme.

Surveilles par l’Etat A rebours de l’ideologie officielle, des
chercheurs turcs ont entrepris de sortir les Armeniens caches des
oubliettes de l’histoire. " Au debut, les autorites acceptaient
les conversions qui dispensaient de la deportation, explique Selim
Deringil, professeur d’histoire a l’Universite du Bosphore, qui
travaille sur les archives consulaires et ottomanes. Ensuite, les
convertis n’y ont plus echappe car les conversions etaient considerees
comme non sincères. " Combien sont-ils a avoir change de religion
pour tenter de sauver leur vie ? " Au XIXe siècle, entre 20000 et 150
000… En 1915, on l’ignore. " Meme après le genocide, le phenomène
a perdure. Resultat : aujourd’hui, du sang armenien coule dans les
veines de la Turquie. Car aux convertis il faut ajouter les femmes
mariees de force a des musulmans, les enfants sauves ou enleves. Il
y en aurait eu entre 50 000 et 200 000. Dans sa bourgade de Sasson,
a l’est de la Turquie, Giyasettin Gelir a recueilli le temoignage
des derniers rescapes du genocide. " Tous m ‘ont dit qu’a l’epoque
ils croyaient que leur conversion serait passagère, le temps que les
choses se tassent. " Dans certaines regions d’Anatolie, l’hostilite
est toujours tapie, comme une menace sourde. A la sortie de son
village, love au creux d’une vallee reculee, Halil insiste pour
montrer l’etendue des anciens pâturages familiaux. Les chefs tribaux
ont fait main basse sur la riche propriete familiale en 1915. "
Voyez cette herbe grasse, nous possedions les meilleures terres,
il ne nous reste que deux terrains ", souffle-t-il, fixant l’horizon
de son regard tourmente. Les descendants des seigneurs locaux font
toujours la loi. " Cet ete, je voulais tirer de l’eau a notre ancienne
source pour les plants de tabac, ils m’ont traite de sale infidèle. "
" La verite, lâche sa femme, c’est que, meme musulmans, on reste des
Armeniens. " Halil songe a emigrer a Istanbul pour se refugier dans
l’anonymat de la metropole. " Le pire, c’est que je ne pourrais meme
pas vendre mes maigres terres. Ils lorgnent dessus, ils attendent
que je parte. " " Les restes de l’epee ", comme sont sinistrement
surnommes les survivants du genocide, sont surveilles de près par
l’Etat. A l’occasion d’une demarche administrative ou pendant leur
service militaire, les convertis s’apercoivent qu’ils sont fiches.

Ahmet, un jeune ingenieur, raconte que son frère n’a pas ete accepte
comme pilote " alors qu’il avait reussi tous les examens de l’academie
militaire ". Helas, un soir, un oncle qui avait trop bu a lâche :
" C’est parce que tu es armenien qu’ils n’ont pas voulu de toi. "
Eleve dans le culte de la nation turque, le garcon n’a pas supporte
la revelation. " Etre armenien est une insulte. Mon frère s’est mis a
croire qu’il avait ete elu par Mahomet et que son entourage cherchait
a le transformer en Armenien. " Il a sombre dans la schizophrenie. En
2007, Hrant Dink, un journaliste turc d’origine armenienne, a ete
abattu par un ultranationaliste de 17 ans. Pour ses funerailles, 100
000 Turcs sont descendus dans la rue en brandissant ces pancartes :
" Nous sommes tous des Armeniens ". Derrière ce cri de colère,
jusqu’alors inconcevable, la prise de conscience d’un heritage
collectif n’etait sans doute pas si loin… Depuis l’assassinat de
la principale voix armenienne de Turquie, documentaires, debats,
conferences appellent a la reconciliation, a la verite historique,
au devoir de memoire. Dans un pays en profonde mutation depuis
l’ouverture des negociations d’adhesion a l’Union europeenne,
confortee par l’ouverture du gouvernement islamo-conservateur au
pouvoir en direction des minorites, l’avant-garde intellectuelle
porte l’heritage de Hrant Dink et attaque l’histoire officielle. Les
coming-out de Turcs revelant une grand-mère armenienne se multiplient.

La parole se libère grâce a Fethiye Cetin, avocate stambouliote qui
a ete la première a reveler les secrets de famille. Son recit, "
le Livre de ma grand-mère ", s’est vendu a des milliers d’exemplaires.

Portee par cette empathie inesperee, la dernière generation de
convertis sort de l’anonymat, a Istanbul. Damla a fait son choix :
son mari sera un Armenien, un vrai, et ses enfants auront un prenom
chretien. Hakife, 27 ans, vient de se faire baptiser et fait la sourde
oreille aux mises en garde de sa grand-mère, voilee, qui ne lui predit
que " des ennuis avec cette histoire ". " Notre identite est bizarre.

Nos grands-parents etaient armeniens, nos parents ont ete musulmans
et nous redevenons comme nos grands-parents. " Elle n’ose toujours
pas faire les courses dans son quartier avec sa croix autour du cou. "
Mais au travail, j’ai dit a tous mes collègues que j’etais armenienne,
ils ont ete très comprehensifs, et desormais je voudrais que tout le
monde le sache ", s’enthousiasme cette restauratrice d’oeuvres d’art.

Si longtemps etouffee, l’" armenite " reclame son dû. Ahmet, ravage
par le destin tragique de son frère, veut lui aussi rattraper
l’histoire et s’est decide a aller questionner son oncle, dernier
depositaire du passe familial : " Je ne connais meme pas notre
nom. " Le realisateur Mehmet Binay est tombe par hasard sur Geben,
un village perdu dans les monts Taurus. " Les Turcs et les descendants
d’Armeniens y vivent côte a côte, pacifiquement, sans doute parce que
l’isolement du lieu l’a tenu a l’ecart de la propagande. Cette mixite
me donne de l’espoir pour la Turquie. " De cette rencontre est ne un
documentaire : " les Chuchotements de l’Anatolie ". Un jour d’octobre,
des membres de la communaute armenienne d’Istanbul assistaient a sa
projection. L’assistance a longtemps applaudi Mehmet Binay, emue
qu’un jeune Turc compatisse aux malheurs de son peuple. Dedie a "
ceux qui sont restes derrière ", son film montre le chemin a suivre
pour assumer le genocide.

(1) Les prenoms ont tous ete modifies, sauf ceux accompagnes du nom
de famille.

Laure Marchand


A lire

" Le Livre de ma grand-mère ", par Fethiye Cetin, L’Aube, 142 p.,
14 euros.

" Deux peuples proches, deux voisins lointains ", par Hrant Dink,
Actes Sud, 201 p., 19 euros.

" L’Appel au pardon ", par Cengiz Aktar, CNRS Editions, 77 p., 5 euros.

" Dialogue sur le tabou armenien ", par Ahmet Insel et Michel Marian,
Liana Levi, 169 p., 15 euros.

Turquie-Armenie : reconciliation en berne

Les Turcs ne ratent pas une occasion de promouvoir leur nouvelle
diplomatie, fondee sur la theorie du " zero problème " avec leurs
voisins. Mais ils ont bien du mal a la mettre en pratique avec
l’Armenie. En octobre dernier, Ankara et Erevan ont signe deux
protocoles visant a etablir des relations diplomatiques et a rouvrir
leur frontière commune. Six mois après ce rapprochement qualifie alors
d’historique, les textes n’ont toujours pas ete ratifies par les deux
Parlements. Car, depuis, le gouvernement turc a ajoute un prealable
et reclame des concessions armeniennes sur le Haut-Karabakh, une
province azerbaïdjanaise a majorite armenienne qui fut le theâtre d’une
guerre sanglante après la chute de l’URSS. La manoeuvre avait pour
but d’apaiser le courroux de Bakou, allie turcophone et fournisseur
de gaz. Ce faisant, le Parti de la Justice et du Developpement (AKP)
au pouvoir a reveille les sentiments nationalistes pro-azeris de ses
deputes : le risque est grand que ses propres troupes fassent capoter
la reconciliation en ne suivant pas les consignes de vote.

Le Premier ministre turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, est desormais coince
entre ses calculs politiques internes et la pression internationale.

Serge Sarkissian, le president armenien, a menace de revenir sur
l’accord si la partie adverse continuait de tergiverser. A quelques
semaines du 24 avril, date anniversaire du genocide armenien, cet
avertissement a fait l’effet d’un electrochoc. L’administration turque,
qui nie toujours le genocide, redoute que le president americain
n’emploie le " mot G ", comme l’ont surnomme les medias turcs, lors
du discours qu’il prononcera a l’occasion de la commemoration des
massacres de 1915. Le ministre turc des Affaires etrangères a donc
depeche jeudi dernier son numero deux a Erevan en urgence pour affirmer
la determination d’Ankara a faire ratifier les protocoles. Erdogan et
Sarkissian, eux, se sont rencontres a Washington en debut de semaine,
en marge du sommet sur les armes nucleaires.

A. Sargsyan: Azerbaijan Is In Hysteria


April 16 2010

Any concessions from the Armenian side in the Karabakh conflict
settlement issue are excluded, Aram Sargsyan, the leader of the
Democratic Party said today during the press conference.

"I excluded it, because, at this moment, neither Armenia nor the
authorities of Armenia are eager to "lose their heads" by making any
unilateral concessions," he said.

According to the speaker, by observing the Azerbaijani media, it
becomes obvious that there is hysteria in Baku.

"Today they are really in hysteria, because the occurred situation in
this process for them was rather unexpected. They didn’t get anything.

Only the threats of starting a war were left, which, I tell you
surely, have no bases except the possibilities of committing small
and unique adventures."

Armenian Church of Nashville to Commemorate 95th Anniversary

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

April 16, 2010

The Armenian Church of Nashville To Commemorate 95th Anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide With Lecture on Gorky

The Armenian Church of Nashville will commemorate the 95th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide at the Laskey Great Hall in the Scarritt-Bennett
Center on April 24 at 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Keynote speaker Dr. Kim Theriault, associate professor of Art History,
Theory, and Criticism at Dominican University in River Forest, Ill., will
discuss Arshile Gorky and his experience with the Armenian Genocide.

Her recently published book, Rethinking Arshile Gorky, offers new
interpretive insights into Gorky’s work, elaborating upon the themes of
displacement, trauma, and memory, as well as issues of identity,
originality, and mourning.

Sara Cohan, education director of the Genocide Education Project, will
provide a brief history of the Armenian Genocide prior to Dr. Theriault’s
lecture. The program will conclude with a memorial service led by the Rev.
Fr. Tateos Abdalian.

Arshile Gorky, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, was born Vostanig Adoian
in Van, Turkey (historic Armenia). After escaping the Genocide in 1915, he
traveled to Yerevan with his mother and siblings. Following his mother’s
death from starvation, Gorky settled in the United States.

Gorky attempted to hide the trauma he had experienced in his youth, but his
agony was ever present in his art. The series of paintings titled "The
Artist and His Mother" best reflect his struggle with his past.

For more information about the April 24 event, contact Sevada Badalian,
Parish Council chair of the Armenian Church of Nashville (615-975-6813,
[email protected]), or Sara Cohan (850-316-0358, [email protected]).


We Wish To See Armenia Rich: Ahmet Davutoglu

April 15 2010

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey is ready
to give ear to its Armenian friends on Turkish history and wishes to
see Armenia a rich country.

"Turkey and Armenia are two neighboring countries and lived side by
side for ages. If there are unresolved issues we will settle them
internally," Davutoglu said, speaking in one of the U.S. think tanks.

Foreign Minister also noted that Turkey wishes to exercise "zero
problems with neighbors" policy in relations with Armenia, adding that
Ankara wants Armenia not to be poor, but a rich neighbor. "We want
our neighbors to live in peace and prosperity. That is the purport
of Armenia-Turkey Protocols," Turkish FM emphasized.

Davutoglu maintained that Turkey is ready to converge with Armenian
Diaspora spread worldwide as well.

Obama And Erdogan Discussed Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement

11:31 14.04.10

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Barak
Obama held a meeting yesterday in the framework of the World Nuclear
Security Summit in Washington.

Present in the meeting, that lasted 45 minutes, were also Turkish
Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and US Secretary of State, Hilary

According to Turkish CNNTurk Obama and Erdogan discussed a wide range
of issues, among them also Armenia-Turkey normalization process,
Iran’s nuclear issue, as well as developments in the Caucasus and
the Middle East.

Astarjian: Shame On You Hillary!

Dr. Henry Astarjian

Armenian Weekly
Mon, Apr 12 2010

Shame on you Hillary. Shame on you! If this is too harsh or impolite,
it is not unprecedented in politically correct situations. You used
it to highlight a lie or distortion of facts by the Obama camp during
the recent Democratic primaries. In doing so, you set an example
for us ordinary human beings who revolt against lies, distorted
facts, cover-ups, or obstructions of justice. That much to justify
my outburst, to which my late mother would have objected; she would
have told me, "Shame on you for being impolite and for daring people
in government."

But thank the almighty God we live in these United States, not
in Turkey where, until this moment, a comment like that would have
subjected one to the tenets of Article 301, justifying criminal trial
for "insulting Turkishness."

Shame on you Hillary for reneging on your promise to acknowledge the
Armenian Genocide as genocide and not some "tragic events of World
War I".

Shame on you for exploiting the memory of one and a half million
martyrs. You knew that signing the pledge to recognize the genocide
was essential in winning the Armenian vote, so you signed it.

Shame on you for cheating a million Armenian Americans, your fellow
citizens, with false promises you made during your campaign. When you
made that iron clad promise to recognize the genocide, you knew, or
you should have known, the situation with your NATO ally Turkey. You
knew or you should have known from your husband’s tenure that it is a
sensitive subject to deal with. You knew from your husband’s tenure
how he blocked a scheduled Congressional vote one minute before
Speaker Dennis Hastert was to put the issue to vote.

If you knew then what you know now, then you have a credibility
problem. If you did not know, then you were ignorant. You should have
known as a potential world leader, and you should not have made the
false promise.

I believe that you knew then, what you know now. I believe that in
your heart and mind, there was no doubt that your election stance was
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You know that
Ottoman Turkey, the precursor of present-day Turkey, systematically
executed a plan to ethnically cleanse Turkey of all Armenians, not
sparing the Assyrians and other Christian populations, either.

I believe that you know but rationalize based on advice you have
received from your State Department, that if you accept the truth you
believe in, it would offend Turkey. And Turkey would then react with
unforeseeable retaliation with untold consequences. Your decision to
fight vigorously to block the vote in Congress is motivated by fear,
not interests of the United States. If you feel that by siding with
Turkey on the genocide you will win them over, then think again;
you will be huddling a porcupine!

If you have not seen or read reports about it, I can send you excerpts
of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s speech, where he proudly announces
that present-day Turkey is the inheritor of Ottoman Turkey (except,
of course, when it pertains to the genocide). Turkey is not only a
Muslim country, but a fanatical Islamic country (Middle East Quarterly,
Winter 2009) that is making inroads in solidifying its position in
the Islamic world.

Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) just launched a complete TV station
in Arabic to spread the Caliphate Islamic doctrine. Turkey also just
struck a $5 billion energy deal with Iran, and Erdogan recently stated
Turkey’s refusal to participate in blocking Iran, should the United
States and its allies impose sanctions.

In this week’s visit to Germany, Erdogan demanded the establishment
of a Turkish high school in Germany. In a YouTube video, Erdogan
is seen in a religious rally in Munich accompanied by his mentor,
Necmettin Erbakan, and Turkish President Abdullah Gul supporting
the Naqshbandi Sheikh Qubrusi, who after exciting the hot audience
with religious fervor and promising a struggle for Islamic victories
"everywhere," exclaimed "Who needs America"? Kemal Ataturk’s doctrine
of democratic secular Turkey is on its last breath. Kemalism is almost
dead, and is being replaced by fanatical Islam.

Erdogan’s government has arrested both the retired and active-duty top
brass of the military for plotting to overthrow his government. And
his anger against Israel is public now, and reflects a deeper feeling
of being humiliated by Israeli border authorities that made him wait
for 20 minutes. Had that happened in Turkey, they would have been
tried for "insulting Turkishness." Of course Erdogan’s opposition to
Israel is also to side with the Arabs.

So what is Washington afraid of? How did Turkey retaliate against
France, when France, 1 of 30 some countries, accepted the genocide?

Turkey withdrew its ambassador for a few weeks, and then returned him.

Is that a dear price to pay for holding a high moral ground?

President Obama, our 4/24 is your and our 9/11. You have sent our
loved ones thousands of miles away in harms way to seek justice
and punish the criminals of al-Qaeda; is our peaceful, disciplined,
political request from our own government to recognize the genocide
more stringent than that? Why not let a democratic process take its
course in Congress? Why block an up and down vote in Congress to
resolve this matter once and for all?

Mr. President, I am not Elie Wiesel. I do not have his noble mission,
nor do I intend to elicit sympathy. Like him and you, the intent is
to implement justice. Your and Hillary’s blocking of the genocide
recognition vote in Congress does not serve justice. I reject the
notion that in politics there are only interests, not justice. It is
easy when both meet, but it is difficult when they are separated. But
we have to do what is right.

I believed in you, Mr. President, and I still do. Even during the hotly
contested primaries when Dr. Rice debated Hillary’s representative
in Manchester’s Saint Anselm College, I autographed my book for you,
addressing you as "Mr. President." My request of you, Mr. President,
is to be true to your intellect, true to your conscience, true to your
promise, which you made during the campaign in a concrete statement,
and with true belief. I believe you have not changed your conviction
as you have reaffirmed it unofficially several times.

You may rationalize by saying, "What can I do? It is not in the United
States’ interest to alienate Turkey. Turkey is a NATO ally. We need
Turkey’s cooperation in implementing our policies in the region. We
can’t offend them. The genocide happened almost a century ago." Mr.

President, that is a stark deviation from the moral high ground you
believe in. Turkey is a weak, untrustworthy ally if it does not face
its criminal past.

In pursuit of your agenda, Mr. President, you argued that depriving
some 46 million people of basic healthcare "is not right." Letting
al-Qaeda commit its crimes and remain unpunished is not right.

Now I say, Mr. President, that blocking a vote in Congress to recognize
the Armenian Genocide is not right. Please let it come to the floor.

TBILISI: Armenian General On The War Threat In Karabakh


The Messenger
April 12 2010

At a press conference held on April 8 one of the Armenian heroes of
the Karabakh war, Major-General Arkady Ter-Tadevosian, stated that
negotiations over Karabakh are very difficult as it is very difficult
to reconcile the concepts of self-determination and territorial
integrity. Moreover the general situation is becoming more complicated
because of the difficulties in Armenian-Turkish relations.

The General predicts a further worsening of the relations between
Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Karabakh issue and further military
activity there. He would not give specific dates but he hinted
that this activity could take place in 2011-2013 and suggested that
Azerbaijan and Turkey would start a military adventure together.

The General mentioned however that Azerbaijan is not yet ready to
launch an attack on Karabakh is it would need an Army three times
the size of Armenia’s. Currently the Azeri Army has 130,000 soldiers,
said the General.