Lukashenko Thanks Armenia For Support To Belarus At International Ar


23.05.2006 12:32 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko appreciated
the contribution of Armenian Ambassador to Belarus Suren Harutyunyan
in development of bilateral Belarus-Armenian relations, reports
the web-site of the Armenian Embassy in Belarus. During his meeting
with Suren Harutyunyan on the occasion of the latter completing his
diplomatic mission, the Belarus President noted, “You are not only
an Ambassador of a friendly country, you are our friend.

I never remember you being silent, to say nothing of speaking
negatively about our country. You rooted for Belarus.”

Lukashenko underscored that Suren Harutyunyan took the office seven
years ago, starting from nothing literally – in the diplomatic,
political and economic fields. In his words, “the way for development
of close bilateral contacts is already paved.” The Belarus President
hoped that Suren Harutyunyan’s successor will continue his line of
strengthening bilateral relations. Lukashenko thanked Armenia for
supporting Belarus at international arena, “We feel your help and
support in international organizations.

Armenia always helped us as a friendly state.”

In his turn the Armenian Ambassador remarked that the support of the
Belarus President, Government was a major one for pursuing the line
of strengthening mutually beneficial bilateral relations. “Having
worked in Belarus for 7 years, I always spoke in support of its
interests. There was no single case for me to hesitate regarding your
country and the President,” the diplomat said. Suren Harutyunyan
presented his latest book named “People, Years, Life” to President

Another Immoral Victory

20 May 06

The recent `great migration’ in the political sphere of Armenia,
witnessed by the entire society, became, in fact, the threshold of a
new political event. At the moment it is difficult to predict who and
how will step pastthis threshold, and what awaits them after they take
this step. This is politics, and what happened is, though important,
but merely part of it. The disaffiliation of the businessmen from the
Orinats Yerkir Party, and generally, apart from all, the appearance
and disappearance of businessmen in any political party has an
economic importance. The environment that causes rats to abandon the
ship shatters politics the way it threatens the country’s

In economy there is a notion of business reputation, which is almost a
belief in business; at least this is so in developed and developing

Business reputation is earned through behavior, working style, dignity
of a businessman. How can a businessman have a reputation at all if he
is constantly sent from one party to another? How will his efforts to
involve foreign investors with huge financial capacities to expand,
develop his business, in other words, to prosper, be met? What serious
businessman will agree to cooperate with a businessman who appears
inside this or that political force on an instruction of the
leadership, ready to secede from it on a another instruction at a
necessary moment, serving the political aims of the government?
Whereas in civilized countries the political leadership normally
serves the interests of businesses. Usually, businessmen `hire’
politicians, whofollow the ideology that favors their interests, who
serve the interests of these businessmen in the political sphere. Even
the Armenian children age 1-7 have perceived this durable pattern
practiced in civilized countries with a successful political system,
whereas most businessmen in Armenia would not perceive it. At best
they would set up their own political party, but again following an
instruction from the government. And this does not differ essentially
fromthe phenomenon of creeping into party tickets. In this case,
however, they aregoing to dismantle their own party, not that of

And if the one who has assumed to direct this business `migration’
thinks that the potential foreign partners of the businessmen of
Armenia overlook this phenomenon is bitterly mistaken. Perhaps this is
the reason why investments in Armenia are made by Russian businessmen,
involved in criminal stories in their countries, or companies with
anonymous owners in offshore. It does not make a difference to them
which businessman the government will attach to them, for they
directly deal with the leadership. Maybe this is the reasonwhy the
government deliberately discredits businessmen. For the foreign
investors to deal with the government rather than businessmen, knowing
that the government is the chief of the businessmen. At any rate, if
they do not get billions, they are sure to get millions.

What prospects can an economy have if its main players are discredited
on the will and knowledge of the political leadership of the country?
And also their own ignorance. At least, it is a chance if the
businessmen become engaged in this dangerous game without knowing,
without realizing the dangers of this situation for the country and
for themselves. Because getting used to entering and exiting they may
come into the habit of it. What is a businessman going to do if there
is nowhere else to enter or to exit, and if there is no instruction?
And generally what is a businessman supposed to do later if he is used
to work under someone else’s protection, receiving privilegesfor
service and obedience? What is a businessman going to do if one day
instead of a political party or another he is ordered to give up his
own company, house or country? Are the businessmen ready for this?
Whereas they should know better the `business rule’ of Armenia: one
day another person willshow up who will offer better service and they
may lose the competition.


Search For The Black Boxes Of The Crashed A-320 Continues In The Bla

19.05.2006 14:05

Yesterday weather conditions allowed to lower the RT-1000 robot into
the Black Sea to search for the black boxes of the crashed the A-320

According to the data of the operative staff, they come across some
fragments, which resemble the black boxes of the crashed A-320. Some
fragments are suck into mud, which slows down the search works,”
the source informs.

Currently the pilot of the robot has been given the opportunity to
have a little rest. If weather allows, the underwater search will be
resumed, ITAR-TASS informs.

ANKARA: ‘French Parliament Seized By Armenian Lobbyists’

By Ali Ihsan Aydin

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
May 19 2006

A well-known French academic, Professor Pierre Nora, has strong
criticism for the bill advocating the imprisonment of those who deny
the Armenian Holocaust.

The respected historian told Zaman his opinions on the bill to be
discussed in the French National Parliament, and said, “The French
parliament is being held captive by Armenian pressure groups.” Nora
pointed out that the approval of the bill will end the discussions
on the Armenian genocide and added, “It is much easier to discuss
the Armenian problem in Istanbul than it is in Paris.”

Professor Nora, one of the French historians that composed a protest
letter against the proposed Armenian genocide law, said, “The bill is
a Socialist Party bid to win Armenian sympathy before the elections.”

Nora also criticized the genocide law passed in 2001 and recalled
the appearance of famous historian Bernard Lewis in court. He said
these kinds of scandalous events should not be repeated.

The French historian said “I’m afraid this bill will pass” as he
warned the Armenian problem will become impossible to discuss if
it becomes a law. Nora asserted this attempt will open the door
for other societies’ to demand similar laws, and “the past will be
imprisoned in law” as historians will be prevented from studying the
most controversial historical events.

Nora noted they founded the “Association of Freedom for History”
with a group of French academics after the French Parliament began to
discuss laws on historical issues. He expressed that they want bills
which determine what historians should teach and what should be studied
to be withdrawn. The French historian maintains this kind of law is
an attempt to form an official version of history and said: “France
has become accustomed to making such laws. But a law restricting the
freedom of historians does not suit a free country.

They can only happen in the totalitarian countries where politicians
talk about the official reality.”

Bill, a political investment

“It is easier to discuss the Armenian question in Turkey than it
is in Paris” said Nora, highlighting the conferences held for the
Armenian issue in Turkey and the Turkish government’s initiative to
create a commission of historians, which he considers significant
improvements. “The French Parliament is being taken hostage by
Armenian oppression groups,” said Nora, claiming that Armenian groups
in France are extremely powerful and well-organized, and consequently
influence politics. Nora expressed his disapproval of the “Genocide
Law” issued in 2001, and qualified the judicial process of renowned
historian Bernard Lewis for such a case as a “scandal”.

Recalling the “guarantee” given to them by members of the parliament
whom they met with after the law on communicating the good sides
of colonialism, and the call from President Jacques Chirac to the
Parliament to remain detached from historical subjects, Nora assessed
PS’ law proposal, which disregards all of the above, as “shocking.”

While historian claims that this was a political investment of
Socialists, he said, “The only aim of the bill is to win the sympathies
of Armenians for the upcoming elections.”

Historians also strive to stop Armenian Bill

French politics are so hard to decipher that even the French themselves
have a hard time making sense of it, said a historian in his reaction
against French politicians, “The situation is so nonsensical that
one can hardly ever take a serious look at it.”

Ratification of the proposed “genocide” bill will further complicate
the Turkish march towards membership with the European Union (EU),
said Nora, and pointed the finger at the incongruity of the PS’
effort, considering the party used to back the Turkish struggle for
an EU membership.

It is not up to French historians to speak out about the Armenian
genocide because they do not have an understanding of its specific
conditions, said Nora, as he declined to express his own ideas over
the Armenian issue, mentioning instead he is rather interested in
the French politician’s attitude towards the Armenian question.

Historians are also making an effort to stop the bill from being
enacted, said Nora, adding that the news media will hear further
statements from the historians in the near future.

As Nora stressed their ongoing efforts to keep in touch with
parliamentarians, he quoted the parliamentary group leader of the Union
for a Popular Movement (UMP) as saying in a telephone conversation
that there is no guarantee for anything yet, but there will be every
possible effort to stop it from happening. What is more striking is
the fact that 300 Armenians gathered just outside the UMP headquarters
during the parliamentary discussions over the Armenian genocide bill.

Nora is a member of the Academic Francaise, and is widely known as
a French historian and intellectual.

=?UNKNOWN?Q?=22Genocide_Armenien=22=3A_Un?= Debat Qui=?UNKNOWN?Q?Inq

Claude Fouquet

Les Echos
19 mai 2006

Un simple sursis mais un bol d’air salutaire pour les milieux
d’affaires. En decidant hier de reporter a l’automne l’examen de
la proposition de loi socialiste visant a penaliser la negation du
“genocide armenien” de 1915, l’Assemblee nationale n’a fait que gagner
du temps. Et laisse Ankara sur sa faim: “Notre attente est que le
renvoi de la proposition de loi devant l’Assemblee nationale francaise
lors de sa prochaine session soit abandonne”, a ainsi indique dans
un communique publie hier le ministère turc des Affaires etrangères.

Côte francais, c’est plutôt le soulagement. Car les milieux d’affaires,
tout en multipliant ces dernières semaines les contacts avec leurs
homologues turcs, prenaient très au serieux les menaces de retombees
economiques exprimees notamment par le Premier ministre Recep
Tayyip Erdogan. Ainsi, selon nos informations, c’est dans l’attente
de l’examen de la proposition de loi que la Turquie fait traîner
sa reponse concernant l’appel d’offres pour le projet de tunnel
ferroviaire – Marmarai – sous le Bosphore. “Un projet de quelque 815
millions d’euros pour lequel Alstom s’est avere etre le meilleur lors
de l’appel d’offres”, expliquait hier aux “Echos” un proche du dossier.

A Bercy, où on fulmine en evoquant une proposition de loi qui risque de
mettre a mal les relations economiques entre les deux pays, on attend
de voir dans quel climat se deroulera la visite, toujours a l’ordre
du jour, que Christine Lagarde, ministre du Commerce exterieur, doit
effectuer a la mi-juin. Il sera alors possible d’evaluer le risque
reel de voir se fermer la porte du 5e debouche commercial francais
hors Union europeenne (avec 4,7 milliards d’euros d’exportations).

Des appels turcs au boycott

Car, meme s’ils ont sans doute la main un peu lourde, les
services de Bercy ont fait leurs comptes: les contrats en cours
de negociation representent 14 milliards d’euros. Sur ce total, “4
milliards concernent le domaine militaire avec notamment la fourniture
d’helicoptères et 10 milliards sont des contrats civils”. Parmi eux, il
y a notamment deux projets concernant la traversee du Bosphore: outre
le projet Marmarai, celui d’un 3e pont sur le Bosphore qui interesse
Bouygues et Vinci, des opportunites de ventes d’Airbus et des espoirs
pour Areva suite a la volonte d’Ankara de relancer son nucleaire civil.

Sur le sol turc, l’inquietude des entreprises francaises est reelle.

Et ce d’autant plus que, comme le rappelle l’un d’eux, “l’image de
la France est degradee depuis le vote concernant l’adhesion de la
Turquie a l’Europe”. Alstom, Accor ou Danone auraient ainsi tire la
sonnette d’alarme auprès de leurs interlocuteurs turcs et francais
suite a differents appels turcs au boycott de produits francais.

L’un de ces appels, diffuse sur Internet, a meme suscite une certaine
inquietude a l’ambassade de France a Ankara. Donnant la liste des 37
marques francaises diffusees en Turquie, ce site met a la disposition
des internautes un modèle de lettre a adresser aux deputes francais
et les coordonnees mail de ces derniers. Preuve, selon un diplomate,
qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un travail d’amateur.

La proposition de loi

Completer la loi de 2001: le texte examine hier par les deputes vise a
completer par un volet penal la loi du 29 janvier 2001 par laquelle la
France reconnaît le “genocide armenien”.Amende: il fait de la negation
du genocide un delit punissable d’un an d’emprisonnement et de 45.000
euros d’amende.Division: la question divise le Parlement au-dela
du clivage gauche-droite, certains elus UMP y etant par exemple
favorables, tandis que Jean-Marc Ayrault, president du groupe PS a
l’Assemblee, est oppose a cette proposition socialiste…

–Boundary_(ID_6jSmMpZCqWs6FOrCZ7uW 4w)–

First Motorcade With Russian Materiel Arrived In Armenia


18.05.2006 13:42 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The first motorcade with materiel of the 62nd Russian
military base in Akhalkalaki crossed the border and arrived in Armenia,
reported Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Land Forces of the Russian
Defense Ministry, colonel Igor Konoshenkov. “This is the first out
of 13 motorcades with materiel, being withdrawn from Georgia to be
provided as additional equipment for 102nd Russian military base in
Gyumri, Aremnia. The motorcade is composed of 10 cars,” he stated. In
his words, there were no problems with advancement of the motorcade
in Batumi. “In the Georgian territory the motorcade was accompanied
with representatives of the criminal and military police of Georgia,
as well as Russian servicemen,” Konoshenkov explained. Another 11
motorcades of motor equipment and 20 echelons of heavy machinery are
to be withdrawn this year. As reported earlier, the Russian-Georgian
Agreement on the terms, order of temporary functioning and withdrawal
of Russian military bases and other military objects of the Group
of Russian Troops in Transcaucasia from Georgia was signed March 31,
2006, reports RIA Novosti.

Liu Honors Armenian Genocide Survivors


Western Queens Gazette, NY
May 18 2006

Arshalous Dadir received a City Council citation from Councilmember
John Liu. Dadir is a survivor of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

City Councilmember John Liu hosted a commemoration of the Armenian
Genocide at the New York Armenian Home, 13731 45th Ave., Flushing,
on May 9. Liu specifically chose the date because May 9, “Victory
and Peace Day”, celebrates the end of World War ll in Europe and has
special significance for many Armenians.

Between 1915 and 1923, two million Armenians living in Turkey were
driven from their historic homeland through forced deportation or were
massacred. Currently, eight million Armenians live in communities
throughout the world where they were dispersed or to which they
immigrated, but only three million live in Armenia.

Liu presented four Genocide survivors, Israel Arabian, Ornorik Eminian,
Arshalous Dadir and Kristine Naldjian, with City Council Citations
in recognition of their courage and strength in the face of adversity:

+ Israel Arabian was born in Harpert in 1905. He was orphaned early
in life and raised by an older sister. During the Armenian Genocide,
his sister was captured and enslaved. Arabian escaped capture because
his sister screamed to him in Armenian to run away. He hid in a forest
and moved only at night. Eventually, he met other Armenian runaways
who were able to board a ship traveling to Greece, where Arabian was
placed in an orphanage.

Standing (l. to r.): Chuck Apelian, Community Board 7 vice chairman;
Liu; Robert G. Kallem, chairman, New York Armenian Home board of
directors; Aghavni “Aggie” Ellian, New York Armenian Home executive
director; seated l. to r.): Arshalous Dadir, Israel Arabian, Kristine
Naldjian and Onorik Eminian, all recipients of city Council citations
as 1915 Armenian Genocide survivors.

+ Ornorik Eminian was born in 1912. Her parents, sister, and two
brothers were killed in the Armenian Genocide. She was picked up by
the Red Cross and put in an orphanage in Turkey. Turkish soldiers
later came to the orphanage and took away all the teachers. All the
children were later transferred to Greece, where Eminian remained
until she came to the United States in 1930.

+ Arshalous Dadir was born in Shapenkaresar, Turkey. Her father was
murdered in the Armenian Genocide. Her uncle, her father’s brother, a
doctor, was one of 300 martyrs killed on April 24, 1915 when Armenian
leaders, including members of the Turkish parliament, were arrested
and murdered. The resulting lack of leadership was to have a profound
political and emotional effect on the survivors. The loss is felt
even today.

+ Kristine Naldjian was born in 1907 in the village of Boursa,
Turkey. Her entire family was murdered, but before her mother was
killed, she told Naldjian to hide. Naldjian passed out and woke to
find herself surrounded by dead bodies. She was taken in by a Turkish
couple who renamed her Fatima and kept her as a slave for many years.

When she was a teenager, she went to the market one day and met some
friends from Boursa who helped her to escape.

“The lives of the four honorees are a testimony to the triumph of the
human spirit,” Liu declared. “All of them endured horrific loss of
family and country during what is often called ‘the first Holocaust of
the 20th century’. The four citizens we honor were able to rise above
the horrors of the Armenian [Genocide] and go on to lead admirable
and productive lives.”


Arthur Baghdasaryan Not To Become Sahakashvili

16:33 17/05/06

According to forecasts NA deputy Hmaiak Hovhannisyan, political
scientist, Arthur Baghdasaryan will not become Sahakashvili because
Robert Kocharyan is not Leonid Kuchma or Eduard Shevardnadze. To H.
Hovhannisyan, R. Kocharyan’s image reminds him of Yeltsin. Those
political forces that left the ruling power during Yeltsin’s governance
never won next elections. Thus far, Hovhannisyan predictions
were realistic so we may expect that Arthur Baghdasaryan cannot
have considerable success either in 2007 or in 2008. Hovhannisyan
predicted 6 months ago that Orinats Yerkir will withdraw from the
ruling coalition and Sergo Yeritsian, second person in the party,
will leave the party the first. As we see Hovhannisyan was not wrong.

Predicting possible outcomes for the upcoming elections, the
deputy told a news conference today that Republicans will come up
as “a super party” which the president does not want. According to
Hovhannisyan’s forecasts, Serj Sargsyan will become the prime minister
after economically guided 2007 elections.

Russia Distorts History Of The Caucasus

17 May 06

An interesting incident was reported May 17 in Yerevan between
two Russian politicians. On this day, Russian Member of Parliament
Constantine Zatulin addressed the conference, organized by the chairman
of the Union of Armenians of Russia. Speaking about the history of
the Caucasian peoples, he enumerated the Armenians, Georgians and
the Azerbaijanis or “ancient Albanians,” as Zatulin referred to the
Azerbaijanis. Armenian political scientist Andranik Mihranyan living in
Russia, sitting not far from him, displayed a keen sense of national
identity and corrected his mistake. “Those are different nations,”
said Mihranyan.

“Maybe,” Zatulin replied to Mihranyan with an ambiguous smile. “Maybe,
although there can be different opinions on this,” announced Zatulin,
deepening the historical roots of the Azerbaijanis.

Diocese college ministry program teaches students to think of others

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

May 17, 2006


Instead of dreaming about shopping for that next new gadget or throwing a
killer party, dozens of young Armenians spent this spring giving back to the
larger community as participants in the first “Alternative Spring Break,”
organized by the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern).

Through the Diocese’s College Ministry Program, participants in the
“Alternative Spring Break” traveled to southern states to build homes with
Habitat for Humanity.

“I had an awesome time and would definitely do this trip again. There is no
better feeling than giving something back to other people who could use the
help,” said Arineh Nazarian, a senior at University of Massachusetts who
joined the “Alternative Spring Break” trip to Jacksonville, FL. “I also
think it brought our group together: most of us didn’t know each other
before the trip, but in a short time we became really close.”

Three groups of about a dozen Armenian students each took part in the
program, spending a week traveling to Charlotte, NC, Richmond, VA, or
Jacksonville, FL. The week-long trips were staggered from March 4 to 25,
2006, to allow for the variety of spring breaks on college calendars.

Working side-by-side with the future homeowners, it was not easy to forget
the reason they were sweating away hammering nails and sawing logs. Along
with seeing hope being built in the hearts of families they were helping,
the students got to educate them on who the Armenians were.

“How can I thank you enough for all you have done for my home and my
neighborhood this week? I have fallen in love with all of you,” wrote
homeowner Laurie Leker, who was helped by the participants in the
Jacksonville, FL, trip. “I hope that someday my daughter will grow into the
kind of young people you are, and that she will see that by giving to others
you actually get more for yourself.”

Along with construction work, the participants’ days included prayer, Bible
readings, meditation, and fellowship.

“We talked about trust: trust in God, trust in others, and trust in self.
And I know for me, and I’m sure for many others as well, I am constantly
doubting at least one of those three trusts,” said Karinne Hovnanian, a
student from George Washington University and a participant in the Richmond
trip. “It was really helpful to have experiences where you had to trust
others — having someone spot your ladder for you, for example– to learn
that others were dealing with similar things.”

The local parishes in each community “adopted” the participants, welcoming
them into their communities for the week.

“The St. James Church in Richmond was wonderful. The accommodations were
great and the ACYOA and church parishioners were more than welcoming,” said
Haig Seferian, a student from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute who took part
in the trip to Richmond, VA. “Fr. Hovsep welcomed us with open arms and
there are not enough good things one can say about him, his church and their

The cost to participants was kept low to allow all interested Armenians to
join. This is just one of the many ways the Diocese is making our unique
Armenian Christian heritage relevant to the lives of college students.

“We’re trying to connect to the students, through e-mail, campus visits, and
building support structures at local parishes,” said Jason Demerjian,
college ministry facilitator. “The Armenian Church has much to offer even to
today’s young students. It’s great to see so many getting involved in their
church community.”

For more information on the trips, including photos, visit the Diocese’s
college ministry website at

— 5/17/06

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable in the News and
Events section of the Eastern Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): Participants in the Diocesan College Ministry’s
“Alternative Spring Break” trip to Richmond, VA, work on a construction
project for Habitat for Humanity.

PHOTO CAPTION (2): Arineh Nazarian gets a hug from homeowner Laurie Leker
during the Diocese’s “Alternative Spring Break” trip in Jacksonville, FL.