People Are Resolute

A1 Plus | 22:51:24 | 16-04-2004 | Politics |


Despite the heavy rain, the meeting of joint Opposition took place. Many
people gathered at Matenadaran. “Mr Kocharyan, you are doomed”, “National
Unity” Party Chair Artashes Geghamyan said.

The statement by poetess Silva Kaputikyan condemning April 13 events was
read out at the meeting. “Kocharyan has nothing to do in the political life
of Armenia any longer”, she concluded.

Opposition representatives stated dialogue is out of the question as far as
violence continues and people are kept in detention. They reconfirmed their
resoluteness for power change. It was also announced that a nationwide
meeting would take place on April 21.

CENN Regional Daily Digest – 04/16/2004

Table of Contents:
1. Announcements
1.1. Youth Volunteer Day in Georgia: Capital Renovation of Heroes Square
Underground Complex
1.2. Call for Papers — REC Caucasus
1.3. Integrated Regional Development Center (IRDC) Announces Tender for
Hydro geological Works

2. Georgia
2.1 BTC Co. Gets $1.6 bln Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Project Loan Tranche
2.2 For Examination BTC Worker’s in Georgia
2.3 Georgia’s Forest Await Aid

3. Azerbaijan
3.1. SOCAR Announces Tender for Second May Oil Consignment
3.2. Shah Deniz Expenditure $341 mln in Q1

4. Armenia
4.1. Armenian President Received World Bank Armenian Office Head Rodger
4.2. Armenia Trade Deficit Grows 13.5% in Q1
4.3. Armenia to sell copper mine by End 2004


A group of NGO’s representing local youth organizations, including the
American Councils for International Education, Tbilisi YMCA, project
Harmony, New Generation for Georgia (NGG), and the Georgian Scouts
Movement will gather over 15,000 young people to work on remodeling the
underground complex at Heroes Square over a 14-day period from April

On Sunday, April 18, the initiators of this work will organize an
official presentation and opening of the underground.

The aim of this presentation is to promote the idea of volunteerism and
to present the clean, decorated, and newly remodeled subway complex.
After the presentation, different entertainment activities will be
carried out, such as Children’s Picture and Photo Exhibition, theatre
performances, various games, speeches, informational announcements,
Street musicians, etc.


For additional information please contact:

Keti Botchorishvili 877-461619
Berdia Natsvlishvili 893-333282
Tengo Gogotishvili 899-421209

Check the Advocacy.Ge for a press release and invitation in English and


REC Caucasus IV Annual International Conference
“Environmental security of South Caucasus Region”
Beginning of September, 2004
Tbilisi, Georgia

About Conference

IV International Conference of REC Caucasus tackles problems and
perspectives of Environmental Security of South Caucasus. Overall
objective of the Conference is to promote exchange of information and
experience within and beyond the region in the field of Environmental
Security among governments, parliaments, nongovernmental organizations,
scientists and international organizations in Armenia, Azerbaijan and

Conference aims to:

§ Be a forum of all stakeholders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia
working on Environmental Security
§ Promote exchange of information and experience within and beyond the
region in the field of Environmental Security among governments,
parliaments, nongovernmental organizations, scientists and international
organizations of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
§ Promote exchange of information and experience within and beyond the
§ Support awareness rising of target groups
§ Try to find common definition of Environmental Security for the South
Caucasus Region
§ Facilitate development of concept of Environmental Security for the
South Caucasus Region

Working languages: Russian and English.

Submission of papers

Papers are solicited in the following areas:

§ Legal background of environmental Security in South Caucasus
§ Natural disasters and environmental security
§ Environmental and economical consequences of natural disasters
§ Respond systems on natural and industrial disasters in the South
§ Environmental security of transboundary projects in the Region
§ Nuclear safety of the Region
§ Environmental security of water resources of the South Caucasus
§ Biosefaty of the Region:
§ Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture
§ GMOs in food products
§ National legislation and Cartakhena Protocol
§ Environmental safety and health
§ Education and public participation in Environmental security process
§ Information and awareness raising on environmental security

Reports may cover any of these themes, merging or separation of topics
is not restricted.

Reports should be developed specifically for the Conference, and should
not be presented earlier on any other conference or printed in any

Reports should be provided in electronic form to the address bellow in
English or Russian, Word template, in Times New Roman, font
size-12 and include following:

1. Title of the report
2. .Name of the author
3. Contents
4. Summary (450-500 words in Russian and English)
5. Report (4-5 pages, A4, margins: Top and Bottom 2.5 cm, left and right
6. List of publications used

Papers should be sent to

Deadline for submission is May 19, 2004

The best reports will be published in conference proceedings.

Authors of selected reports shall be invited to participate in the
Conference. Organizers will cover accommodation and transportation
(train or the bus) costs. REC Caucasus shall cover expenses of one
author per report.

For more information please visit or contact

Mrs. Keti Esakia
Administrative Department

REC Caucasus

74, Chavchavadze Ave., office 901
0162 Tbilisi, Georgia

Tel/Fax: +99532 253649 / 253648

* * * * * * * *

III Annual Conference Youth Conference shall be organized

“Environmental Security – Youth Vision”
Beginning of September, 2004
Tbilisi, Georgia

REC Caucasus announces call for paper summaries for the first -fourth
year students of highest education institutions of the Caucasus, for its
III International Conference, dedicated to the environmental security.
Summaries are solicited in the following areas:

§ Legal background of environmental security in the South Caucasus
§ Natural disasters and environmental security
§ Environmental and economical consequences of natural disasters
§ Nuclear safety of the Region
§ Environmental security of water resources of the South Caucasus
§ Biosefaty of the Region
§ Environmental safety and health
§ Education and public participation in Environmental security process
§ Information and awareness raising on environmental security

Summaries may cover any of these themes, merging or separation of topics
is not restricted.

Summaries should be provided in electronic form to the address bellow in
English or Russian, Word template, in Times New Roman, font size-12 and
include following:

1. Title of the report
2. Name of the author
3. Contents
4. Summary (450-500 words in Russian and English)
5. Papers should be sent to

Deadline for submission is May 19, 2004

The best two students from each country shall be invited to participate
in the Conference. Organizers will cover accommodation and
transportation (train or the bus) costs.

For more information please visit or contact

Mrs. Keti Esakia
Administrative Department

REC Caucasus

74, Chavchavadze Ave., office 901
0162 Tbilisi, Georgia

Tel/Fax: +99532 253649 / 253648


Duty Station: Tbilisi

Integrated Regional Development Center (IRDC) announces tender for hydro
geological works.

Description of works:

Drilling and cleaning of the drinking water wells; installation of the
water pipes in Tirdznisi sakrebulo of Gori district.

** Number of wells: 2 (two)
** Approximate depth: 70 m.
** Pipe diameter: 216 mm.

Deadline for submission of proposals is April 26, 2004. For detailed
information and submission of proposals interested parties may apply at
the following address:

15a Tamarashvili str., 3rd floor, Tbilisi
Tel: 25 09 01
Contact person: David Labadze.


Source: Interfax, April 15, 2004

Operator for the building and use of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
BTC Co. has received from international financial organizations the
first tranche of a construction credit in the amount of $1.6 billion.

On April 14, 2004 President of the company BP-Azerbaijan David Woodward
said at the press conference in Baku that the funds were received in
late March, and that $1 billion of it was returned to the BTC
shareholders for financing the construction work until the credit monies
were received.

The remaining $600 million will be used on work done until September
2004, he said. The second tranche is expected that month in the amount
of $400-$600 million, the next in the first quarter of 2004 in an
amount that will round out the overall credit size of $2.6 billion.

The initial loan funds were supposed to have been received in mid- 2003,
the project participants using their own money to finance the building
work until that time. However, talks with financial institutions were
drawn out and the BTC shareholder-companies continued to put money into
the project, spending an additional $1 billion in the period from
mid-2003 to March of 2004.

Woodward noted that a little under $2 billion has already been spent,
60% of the work has been done and 766 kilometers of pipeline have been
laid over three countries-44% of its overall length.

First-quarter spending this year came to $424 million against the
planned $1.371 billion for the year. Woodward said that additional
people and equipment would be found to make up for lost time in Georgia
and Turkey. Additional work is being down in the two countries, and the
issue of whether the spending will go against subcontractors or BTC Co.,
he said, but in any case the project cost will not go up, as additional
unforeseen spending funds have been built in.

The first tanker is scheduled to be filled with Azerbaijani oil in late
June 2005. This based on the first oil from the Azeri deposit being
extracted in the beginning of that year, so changes are possible.

The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project will cost $3.6 billion. The future
pipeline will stretch 1,767 kilometers (443 km through Azerbaijan, 248
km through Georgia and 1,076 km through Turkey) and will have throughput
capacity of 50 million tonnes of oil per annum.

Of the project price tag, $1 billion will come from the shareholders’
own pockets, $2.6 billion from credits. The European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and International Finance
Corporation (IFC) are lending $250, fifteen commercial banks $936
million, Japan Bank for International Cooperation $480 million, and four
company-participants-BP, Statoil, ConocoPhillips and Total-another $923

The commercial banks are extending loans under guarantees from the EBRD,
IFC and seven import-export and insurance agencies at an average rate of
Libor+3.5% for 10-12 years. Pay-back begins at the end of 2006 and will
run until 2015. Participants in the BTC project are: British Petroleum
(30.1%), SOCAR (25%), Unocal (8.9%), Statoil (8.71%), TPAO (6.53%), ENI
(5%), Itochu (3.4%), ConocoPhillips (2.5%), Inpex (2.5%), TotalFinaElf
(5%), and Amerada Hess (2.36%).


Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AzerTag,
April 15, 2004

Natiq Aliyev, the president SOCAR (The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan)
and David Woodward the president of BP Azerbaijan have paid joint visit
to Georgia.

The two oil chiefs have examined the construction work in the Georgian
sector of Baku- Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline.

Mr. Aliyev and Mr. Woodward have met with Georgian Prime Minister Zurab
Zhvania and the president of Georgian International Oil Corporation
Giorgi Chanturia in Tbilisi.

Mr. Woodward has told reporters he was satisfied with the BTC’s
construction pace. Woodward said, he was confident that the BTC pipeline
would be ready for exploitation in the first part of 2005.


Source: The Messenger, April 16, 2004

The Forest Development Project of the World Bank will begin drafting
national policy on the forestry sector this April. With the financial
help of the Food and Agriculture Organization and active public
participation, the analysts working on the project hope that as a result
the country will have an actual plan for utilizing forest resources and
fighting deforestation.

Mike Garforth, who works in Georgia on improving Georgian legislation on
forests, believes the government can find solutions to the problem of
illegal logging and deforestation, only “if there is political will.”

Given this political will, Mr. Garforth has a list of necessary steps
that must be taken. “People in the sector should get adequate salaries,
and also there should be investments to modernize business plans and
develop successful management and accounting policies,” he advises. The
elimination of corruption and development of the energy sector are other
conditions affecting forestry, he adds.

According to Giorgi Gachechiladze, the leader of Georgian Green Party,
Georgia’s best timber is all going for export leaving Georgian’s with a
lower quality to work with. “70 percent of trees in Georgia are old and
plus the variety of forest types is falling rapidly as a result of
illegal logging,” he, says. Mr. Gachechiladze explains the most affected
forests are near populated areas (cities, villages). According to
official statistics, forests occupy 45 percent of the territory of
Georgia. Of the 400 different flora species in Georgian forests, 61 are
native to Georgia and another 43 are found only in the Caucasus region.

Still, there is no verified data regarding the volume of forest products
cut and how much timber and other forest products are exported from
Georgia. For example, according to the Forestry Department, officially
400,000 cubic meters of timber are cut with permission each year, while
the Custom Department claims up to 2 million cubic meters was exported
in 2002. According to the World Bank data, “total timber harvest in
Georgia is composed of legal and illegal harvest and equals nearly, 1.2
million cubic meters.” Mr. Gachechiladze claims all official data should
be at least multiplied by 2 to arrived at the real numbers.

The Forestry Department usually points out that often illegal harvesting
is carried out by local populations who rely on the forest products for
fuel or other needs. But, according to the Georgian Environmental NGO
Network — CENN, there are no statistics showing how much timber is
being cut by locals for their private needs. Mr. Gachechiladze and his
party estimate that a Georgian family annually uses 6-10 cubic meters of
forest products. Environmentalist from Green Alternative and CEE
Bankwatch, Network Manana Kochladze, says that the poverty and energy
crisis forced people to turn to forest resources as a fuel. Although,
“the main reason of the deforestation is the illegal commercial
logging,” she adds. “It should also be underlined that while timber
export is free, the import is taxed by 34. 76 percent which creates
economic incentives for export,” reads a report compiled by Green
Alternative and CENN.

Mr. Gachechiladze thinks that legalization of the illegal logging cat be
a solution. “Let them pay at least some money for this into the budget,”
he says. Ms. Kochladze agrees, “This will increase our revenues.”

Environmental NGOs ask for reduction of import tax on timber products
and imposing a tax on timber export. In this case, they argue, the
Georgian budget will benefit from the exploitation of natural resources.

“We are not exporting timber just to Australia,” jokes Mr.
Gachechiladze, saying the list of export countries includes four
continents and identified China and India and Iran as well as European
countries as some of the largest importers of Georgian forestry
products. Meanwhile, during the Soviet period Georgia did not even use
its own domestic resources for industries that produced finished wood
products, rather it imported timber from Russia.

Ms. Kochladze agrees with Mike Garforth that the government should
properly finance the sector. The Green Party claims the central budget
transferred only 6 tetri on each hectare of the state owned forests last
year. The analysts working for the Forest Development Project laugh that
forests did not receive even half of this tiny sum. “How can one
forester protect dozens of hectares of forests from people who want it
for fuel or for export? They are so poor that they do not even have
shoes to wear,” says Mr. Gachechiladze.

On December 3,2002 an agreement was reached between Government of
Georgia and IDA (World Bank group), on implementation of the Forestry
Development project. The project should be implemented from 2003 to

Five districts (Oni, Ambrolauri, Lentekhi, Tsageri and Mestia) have been
selected as target areas for the project.

The World Bank project will work not only on developing the national
policy but also on improvements in legislation governing sector. In
1997, the Georgian Parliament passed a law putting a moratorium on
timber export for seven years, but the former president Eduard
Shevardnadze vetoed the law. The next law did not envisage either a
moratorium on timber exports or any taxation for exported forest
products. In 2001 the Parliament introduced a one-year ban on timber
export, which it opted not to prolong a year later

The government also created two commissions to address the forestry
sector in 2002 however the public was not presented with the findings
and recommendations of these commissions. MS. Kochladze says the public
should be closely involved in discussing the problems in the sector and
decision-making. According to Mr. Garforth it will take 5-10 years for
Georgia to learn to maintain its forests well.


Source: Interfax, April 15, 2004

The State Oil Company of the Azerbaijani Republic (SOCAR) has announced
a tender for the second May consignment of Azerbaijani Urals oil
exported via the Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline..

This consignment will amount to 140,000 tones and should be shipped on
May 26-27, the source said.

The companies Total and Glencore bought the January consignments, Sonol
and Vitol Broking bought the February consignments , Vitol and Lukoil
bought the March consignments, Litasco bought the April consignment and
Arcadia – the first May consignment. SOCAR plans to export 2.5 million
tonnes of oil in 2004, the same as in 2003.


Source: Interfax, April 15, 2004

Spending on the development of the Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan in
the first quarter 2004 amounted to $341 million, David Woodward,
president of the project’s operator BP Azerbaijan, said at a press
conference in Baku on April 14, 2004.

He said that the company is continuing pre-drilling a third well and
will complete it in the third quarter this year. He also said that
construction of the upper module of the TPG-500 platform is continuing
in Singapore and has been 60% completed. Woodward said that in total the
company would spend $1.081 billion on the project in 2004.

In turn, BP Azerbaijan Vice President Rob Kelly said that 30% of the
work in Phase-1 has been completed. He said that the company plans to
start gas production on October 1,2006. He said that the third pre-
drilled well is a reserve and it will be used if there is a problem with
the other two.

Kelly said that construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline would
begin in the third quarter 2004. Pipe supplies are already underway, he

The contract for the Shah Deniz field was signed in June 1996.
Shareholders in the project include also SOCAR – 10%, British Petroleum
– 25.5%, Norway’s Statoil – 25.5%, NICO – 10%, Total -10% and TPAO – 9%.

Recoverable reserves at Shah Deniz amount to 625 billion cubic meters of
gas and 101 million tones of gas condensate.

Phase-1 of the development of the field involves production of 178 bcm
of gas and 34 million tones of condensate. During the period of maximum
production in Phase-1 the field will produce 8.4 bcm of gas per annum
and 2 million tones of condensate. Gas will be produced from the TPG-500
platform at 15 wells, with water depth of 105 meters.

In total, at further stages of development it is planned to produce
about 16 bcm of gas per annum.

Phase-1 also includes the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
pipeline. The future pipeline will stretch 1,767 kilometers (443 km
through Azerbaijan, 248 km through Georgia and 1,076 km through Turkey).
The cost of Phase-1 is $3.2 billion, of which $2.3 billion will be spent
on the development of the Shah Deniz field and $900 million – on the
Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline.


Source: Armenpress, April 15, 2004

On April 15, 2004 Armenian President Robert Kocharian received the
Resident Representative of World Bank Rodger Robinson. The two men
discussed World Bank projects in Armenia and prospects for their

They also spoke about including new fields in these projects,
particularly social and industrial infrastructures. Both sides expressed
their satisfaction with the current level of cooperation and noted that
WB has played a major role in the reform processes in Armenia.


Source: Interfax, April 14, 2004

Armenia’s trade deficit grew 13.5% year-on-year in the first quarter of
2004 to $140.7 million.

Foreign trade amounted to $445.9 million, up 14.5%, First Deputy Trade
and Economic Development Minister Ashot Shakhnazarian said at a press
conference Tuesday. Exports increased 9.6% to $152.6 million and imports
rose 9.1% to $293.3 million.


Source: Interfax, April 15, 2004

Armenia plans to sell the Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine by the end
of this year, stated Ashot Shakhnazarian, a first deputy trade and
economic development minister.

A tender called in March has drawn interest from leading international
companies such as Rio Tinto, BHP and Glencore Interm, and Russia’s RusAl
and Norilsk Nickel.

Ashot Shakhnazarian said the deadline for submitting bids would be in
September. Although Armenia is offering up to 75% of the Zangezur
plant’s shares at the tender, the government will agree to sell all of
the stock to an investor that makes the right offer, he said.

The Zangezur combine is profitable, Shakhnazarian said. Last year, its
net profits topped $7 million.

The government expects to raise at least $130 million from the sale of
the shares and licenses to the Kadjaran field, which contains the FSUTs
biggest molybdenum reserves. Shakhnazarian said he did not consider the
price to betoo high in view of current metal prices.

The government will require the Zangezur plantTs new owner to triple or
even quintuple output to 30 million-40 million tones of ore per year and
to implement new, more environmentally friendly mining technology.

Zangezur obtained 6,300 tones of molybdenum concentrate and 11,000 tones
of copper in copper concentrate from 8.1 million tones of ore in 2003.

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47

BAKU: Azeri FM speaks of Karabakh before Prague meeting

Azeri foreign minister speaks of Karabakh before Prague meeting

Baku Today
13/04/2004 13:15

Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers are planning to meet on
April 26, 2004 in Prague. Azeri foreign minister Elmar Mammadyarov
said, the meeting will be of acquaintanceship character. Azeri stance
over Karabakh conflict is clear, said Mammadyarov , Azerbaijan will
not agree nether to independent state status of Karabakh or to
Karabakh being the part of Armenia. New proposals of the OSCE Minsk
group for the settlement of the conflict must base on these
principles, he said. Mammadyarov said, Minsk group’s position does
not satisfy Azerbaijan as the group says the two conflicting parties
have to reach agreement between them and then the group will accept
the concluded agreement.

The solution of the conflict is the priority area in the affairs of
the foreign ministry, he said, adding the speediest peaceful
settlement of the conflict might eliminate the security threats to the
South Caucasus and have huge impact on the economies of the nations in
the region.

Iranian, Armenian Top Diplomats Discuss Regional, Int’l Issues

Iranian, Armenian Top Diplomats Discuss Regional, Int’l Issues


TEHRAN (IRNA) — Iran and Armenia here Tuesday discussed expansion of
bilateral cooperation as well as regional and international issues,
including Karabakh.

Visiting Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, in a meeting with
his Iranian counterpart Kamal Kharrazi, called for expansion of
relations with Iran.

Oskanian pointed to the increasing trend of political, economic,
cultural and scientific cooperation between the two countries, and
voiced his country’s determination to boost mutual ties through
increased regular consultations.

He further highlighted the positive outcomes of the two countries’
joint gas projects, saying they are in line with the two countries’
interest and hoped such projects would be implemented seriously.

He termed developments in Karabakh and his country’s upcoming
negotiation with Azeri officials as “important,” and stressed the need
to maintain regional consultations, particularly with Iran, to
establish stability in the region.

Kharrazi, for his part, outlined the two countries’ potentials for
cooperation and said providing facilities to increase trade exchanges
would double the motivation of tradesmen, industrialists and state and
private companies for promotion of bilateral cooperation. Kharrazi,
referring to the Armenia-Azerbaijan talks, termed the talks “positive”
and proposed continuation of these talks at the ministerial level as
well as with other senior officials, adding that “the Islamic Republic
of Iran supports the strategy of dialogue to settle the Karabakh

“Iran’s cooperation with Armenia is in line with efforts to achieve
regional stability and is not against any country,” Kharrazi said.

The Iranian minister referred to the project to transfer gas via
Armenia and Ukraine to Europe as “important” and in line with efforts
to promote regional cooperation, adding that current talks regarding
the project have been fruitful and constructive in establishing
greater participation and collaboration in the region. SNSC secretary:
Tehran Keen on Developing Relations with Neighbors

Secretary of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Hassan Rowhani
said on Tuesday that Iran is keen on developing economic and political
relations with neighboring states.

In a meeting with Armenian foreign minister, Rowhani said that
longstanding cultural affinity between Iran and Armenia contributed to
common interests in the field of economy and boosting Tehran-Yerevan

He appreciated the current cooperation between Iranian and Armenian
energy ministries over the project of dam building and setting up
power plant over Aras River as symbol of economic cooperation.

He hoped that the agreement on setting up pipeline to carry Iranian
gas to Armenia will be signed soon.

Rowhani said that Armenian government is expected to help resolve
problems of Iranian nationals and organizations based in Armenia.

Referring to the developments in Caucasus and Karabakh, Rowhani said
that as much as the regional states succeeded to resolve the crisis,
their interests would be guaranteed and regional stability would be

Rowhani pointed to crises in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Caucasus
as the four dangerous places which should be dealt with politically to
help bring about economic development and social welfare for the
people living in those areas.

Armenian Foreign Minister Meets Deputy Foreign Minister of China


YEREVAN, APRIL 12. ARMINFO. Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan
met today Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the China Li Gu (name
as given). As ARMINFO reported earlier, Armenian President Robert
Kocharian is to visit China at the invitation of Chinese President Hu
Dzintao. The invitation has been handed over to the Armenian President
by Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Lee Gu. Vardan Oskanyan expressed
hope for the forthcoming visit of the Armenian President to CHina will
contribute to development of bilateral relations. The sides pointed
out a high level of the Armenian-Chinese relations, adding that
deepening of political relations may bring the economic, cultural and
business ties to higher level.

Deputy Foreign Minister of China was received by his Armenian
colleague Tatul Margaryan. The sides discussed the ways ot development
of the Armenian-Chinese relations, as well as the cooperation within
the framework of international organizations.

Georgia: Saakashvili Pressures Brussels For Closer Ties

Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
April 7 2004

Georgia: Saakashvili Pressures Brussels For Closer Ties
By Ahto Lobjakas

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili used his 6 April visit to EU
headquarters in Brussels to press for quicker integration with the
bloc. He said integration with the European Union is Georgia’s
foremost foreign policy goal, and suggested his country lags only a
few years behind current candidates. EU officials, however, made
clear that talk of membership is highly premature.

Brussels, 7 April 2004 (RFE/RL) — In political terms, Georgia’s new
president was making giant leaps on his maiden visit to EU
headquarters in Brussels.

Six months after the “Rose Revolution” that toppled longtime leader
Eduard Shevardnadze, Saakashvili leads a country that is heavily
dependent on emergency foreign aid.

It was only in January that the EU tentatively indicated that Georgia
and other Caucasus countries might be included in the bloc’s new
neighborhood program.

Yet Saakashvili took his hosts by surprise yesterday when he
suggested Georgia is very close to meeting EU membership criteria.

He told a news conference after meeting the president of the European
Commission, Romano Prodi, that the process may only take a few years.

“I believe that, besides getting the current assistance, we’re also
becoming members of the Wider Europe Initiative. That’s very
important. I believe that if present positive trends in Georgia
remain effective, [then] in the period somewhere between three to
four years we’ll be ready in terms of criteria for EU membership. Of
course, it will take time. Of course, it will take long procedures.
And I’m realistic about that. But I’m also convinced that Georgia
could be in good shape in three to four years if we solve those
problems and consolidate our statehood the way we are doing right
now,” Saakashvili said.

Specifically, Saakashvili said his country lags three or four years
behind Bulgaria. After the EU’s enlargement on 1 May, Bulgaria is the
front-runner in the next wave, set to join in early 2007.

Before meeting Prodi, Saakashvili said in a speech before the foreign
affairs committee of the European Parliament that Georgia is a
country with a “European identity and culture.” He listed reforms
aimed at bolstering the judiciary and law enforcement structures,
rooting out corruption, creating macroeconomic stability and
welcoming foreign investors. He also said Georgia would contribute to
the EU’s stability as a “frontline partner” in the fight against
terrorism and a vital contributor to the bloc’s energy security.

However, these arguments appeared to have made little impression on
Prodi. The commission president stuck to the tough EU line, according
to which the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement signed with
Georgia in 1995 still has a lot of unused potential. Prodi even
refused to indicate whether he would recommend Georgia for inclusion
in the bloc’s new neighborhood scheme.

“We start from the Partnership and Cooperation agreement that gives
us clearly plenty of room to increase our relations and we want to
move ahead in the implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation
agreement. But after the enlargement on 1 May, the commission in the
same month of May intends to make a recommendation on the
relationship of Georgia and Armenia and Azerbaijan to the European
Neighborhood Policy and the [EU] Council [of heads of state and
government] will consider this matter further, I hope, in June,”

Nonetheless, the inclusion of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan in the
neighborhood project appears to be a foregone conclusion. But EU
officials privately doubt whether the three countries will be able to
make use of the integration opportunities offered by the project.

Prodi yesterday said the EU has given Georgia 10 million euros ($12.2
million) in food aid in recent months, and will shortly add another
3.6 million to support reforms of the judiciary and law enforcement

Saakashvili yesterday said his country would honor “European
standards” of peaceful conduct in dealing with the separatist regions
of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He said both will be offered autonomy.
At the same time, Saakashvili appealed for the close involvement of
what he termed “major European structures” in both peace processes.

The Georgian president also extended generous praise to his Russian
counterpart Vladimir Putin, who he said had played a very
constructive role in the recent standoff between Tbilisi and the
autonomous republic of Adjaria.

“There are two things,” Saakashvili said. “We have high expectations
for our relations with Russia, [because] they’re accepting the new
rules of the game, and the new rules of the game are that military
presence is no longer acceptable — that they should abide by
international agreements and [that] they should not meddle in the
internal affairs of [their] immediate neighbors — and I think what
Putin demonstrated in Adjaria was [in the first instance] that he
clearly gave the message to the local government leader [who] was no
longer supported by his population, [who] had problems with central
government and [who] had only hopes that President Putin of Russia
would support him, that Russia was no longer willing to grant the
same kind of support as one would have expected in the past, so
that’s quite a change from previous Russian [positions].”

But, added Saakashvili, it is too early to say whether this pattern
of behavior will continue.

BAKU: Documents on strategic partnership b/w Azerbaijan & Russia

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
April 7 2004

[April 07, 2004, 12:40:26]

As stated, at the 6 April session of Milli Majlis, after the approval
of the agenda, the deputies have started discussion of some
interstate documents concerning maintenance of development of
strategic partnership and friendship between Azerbaijan and Russia.

Opening the session, Chairman of Milli Majlis Murtuz Alaskarov stated
that during official visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham
Aliyev to the Russian Federation between two states a number of the
documents having extremely great value have been signed. First, the
`Moscow Declaration of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Russian
Federation» has been submitted to the deputies. With the information,
on the said document speaking was the vice-chairperson of the
standing committee of Milli Majlis on the international relations and
inter-parliamentary links Gultekin Hajiyeva. Also was speaking on the
item, chairman of the standing committee on social policy Hadi
Rajabli, vice-chairman of Milli Majlis, chairman of the standing
committee on security and defense affairs Ziyafet Askerov, chairman
of the standing committee on questions of natural resources, power
and ecology Asya Manafova, who informed that the document has been
discussed and unanimously approved in the commissions.

During discussions, the deputies have noted that the «Moscow
Declaration of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Russian Federation»
opens new opportunities for the further expansion of relations
between our countries in political, economic, social and humanitarian
spheres. One of the extremely important features of the said document
consists that the Russian Federation declares the recognition of
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and also all countries of South
Caucasus, and confirms that supports resolution to all questions in
the region, including the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, on the basis of
norms of international law and resolutions of the United Nations. It
has been marked, that the said Declaration specifies development of
relations between our countries on ascending.

After discussions the Declaration has been put on voting and
unanimously adopted.

Then, the MPs have discussed questions on the statement on «Programs
of cooperation in humanitarian sphere between the Azerbaijan Republic
and the Russian Federation for 2004-2006» and «Agreements between the
government of the Azerbaijan Republic and the government of the
Russian Federation on mutual protection of the secret information».
Both documents, which have received high estimation, have been put on
voting and unanimously adopted.

At the mid-day session of parliament, discussed were the questions on
the statement of «Report between the government of the Azerbaijan
Republic and the government of the Russian Federation about
stage-by-stage liquidation of exceptions in the free trade regime»,
Agreement «On cooperation of member-states of the Commonwealth of
Independent States in struggle against crimes in the field of the
computer information», Agreement «On cooperation of member-states of
the Commonwealth of Independent States in struggle against
criminality» and the «Frame agreement on trading cooperation of the
Organization of Economic Cooperation». By granting the detailed
information on the said documents, it has been marked that they have
been in details considered in the commissions and approved. Documents
have been put on voting and adopted.

After discussion of the documents connected to Conventions, discussed
were the questions on internal laws. Considered were the laws «On
amendments and supplements to some acts of the Azerbaijan Republic»
and «On introduction of amendments to the Code of administrative
offences of the Azerbaijan Republic». The detailed information on
both questions has been given to deputies. It has been marked that
the given questions were discussed in the corresponding commissions,
offered changes and additions have been approved. After studying
opinions of deputies, both questions have been put on voting and

Boxing: Pacquiao flattens Armenian sparmate

ABS CBN News, Philippines
April 6 2004

Pacquiao flattens Armenian sparmate

TODAY Correspondent

Manny Pacquiao, on the road to his Las Vegas mega-buck fight on May
8, has left another sparring mate by the Los Angeles wayside as he
knocked down Armenian Art Simonyan in a six-round training session
over the weekend at the Wild Card Gym.

According to , Pacquiao caught Simonyan with a
single punch — a left straight–in the first round.

But being aware of the shortage of sparring opponents, the report
said that Pacquiao `decided against going for the kill when he could
have easily scored a knockout any time he wanted.’

Sources said Simonyan, who sports a 13-0-1 win-loss-draw card, has
not been knocked down in his professional career.

Early last week, Pacquiao handed out damage to another Armenian,
Kahren Harutyunyan, who was reportedly at ringside together with a
growing number of Filipinos and Mexicans who watched the
Pacquiao-Simonyan exercise.

Harutyunyan suffered a bruised left rib and was required to undergo
two x-ray check-ups for broken bones.

Pacquiao even had to ask for extra cash from his business manager Rod
Nazario `to pay for the hospital bills of Harutyunyan.’

Simonyan actually survived the six-round battle. And after the final
round had ended, Simonyan kicked Pacquiao from behind, to which
Pacquiao `playfully responded with … a back kick which narrowly
missed [Simonyan’s] head.’

Lito Mondejar, Pacquiao’s chief cornerman and one of the owners of
Pacquiao’s mother gym in Manila, said that Pacquiao was `pleased with
his training and was very focused on his fight with [dual champion]
Juan Manuel Marquez [of Mexico].’

Wild Card Gym owner Freddie Roach gushed at his ward’s progress,
saying, `Manny is easy to deal with. He assimilates everything that
you teach him and he learns things very fast.’

Roach, voted Trainer of the Year in 2003 by Ring Magazine, had
earlier warned the General Santos southpaw not to look past Marquez,
the titleholder of the International Boxing Federation and the World
Boxing Association.

Pacquiao, who has made open his plans to fight sometime in July,
another Mexican, the legendary Erik Morales, forced Roach to caution

Morales is the current World Boxing Council super-featherweight

Pacquiao, who is through to his second week of training since leaving
for Los Angeles in March 20, has now finished 18 rounds of sparring
sessions, scheduled every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

He does gym work and calisthenics every Tuesday, Thursday and

After every sparring session, Pacquiao, Mondejar and Pacquiao’s
Filipino trainer Buboy Fernandez study Marquez’s fight tapes and has
actually observed several weaknesses in his opponent’s style.

`Makikita na lang niya sa laban ang inihahanda naming,’ said
Pacquiao. `Magaling sa counter-punching pero papasukin namin siya.’

Nazario, L&M gym part-owner Moy Lainez and the rest of Team Pacquiao
are scheduled to join their ward in Los Angeles after the Holy Week

BAKU: Azeri reporters protest in Igdir against opening of border

Azeri reporters protest in Turkey’s Igdir against opening of Armenian border

ANS TV, Baku
6 Apr 04

Presenter A group of Azerbaijani journalists are in Turkey now to
protest against the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border . A special
correspondent of ANS, Qanira Pasayeva, is on the line. Hello, Qanira.

Correspondent, over phone Hello, Leyla.

Presenter Qanira, how did Igdir’s population meet you?

Correspondent They met us much better than we had expected. They can
watch Azerbaijani TV channels, including ANS. They had learnt about
the campaign from other TV channels and newspapers. They met us at the
entrance to Igdir. Many correspondents from local TV channels and
newspapers were among them. They supported us in this action and were
wearing T-shirts with slogans on them – Turks must support Turks and
No to opening Armenian borders – and chanted these slogans together
with us.

We went to the Turkish-Armenian border some time ago and Azerbaijani
journalists staged there a protest action by blocking the road. They
also aired slogans urging an end to the European and US pressure on
Turkey, which demand that it open its borders with Armenia, and
expressed confidence that Turks would support Turks and that Turkey
would not open borders with Armenia.

The Igdir population, who gathered nearby, voiced the slogans together
with us. Even very old people were among them. They were wearing these
T-shirts and stood near the border together with us. People in Igdir
said that they did not want the borders to open although they might
get some income from trade with Armenia . Because they will not agree
to any trade relations with Armenia until Azerbaijanis are in trouble
and their lands are under occupation.

Presenter Qanira, where are you now? What other meetings are you going
to have?

Correspondent We are going to visit a memorial to Ataturk. We have
been informed that many people have already gathered there on this
occasion in support of our action. Even the municipal head of Igdir is
in the crowd there and he has said that he will wear a T-shirt like
ours and air our slogans.

Presenter Thank you, Qanira.